The members at the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Society and a low lriends were moat hospitahly entertained by in“ In. Alex. Howie at "Kilertuie" on Thmuday allernoon. Notwithstand- lu the heavy downpour or rain a Inge numter of ladies were presence. In the absence ol the President, the my: meeting ins conducted by _ a. Vice-President, Mn. Thos. O'.. Donnell, Inc: which an ham or two was spent in tying "Tags" tor the mull. Tea Wu served In. the close by Miss Howie and her who large number of ladies were present. the alternoon a most enjoyable one. A-ai-ttlust nth a party at Dunn you; people met with in Be. M w Haehrtel's More Wednesday M m by an axle on one d “I Vlad: breaking. Igloo.†we a comma. tte simian- in m. & My: number [rum have “tended “I. 0.“ Horse Show on sunny. Chief Flynn arrested a mm on Wed- nesday on n charge ot selling arti- cles without a license. He appeared before mutate Weir " Berlin. a. '"sdu" _ t,,,iuiioiur. Spock! reductions on children’s Mica! Saturday, at the J. S. Ml Shoe Coy. _ A lame number trom Berlin, EL min, and St. Jacobs attended the lecture given by Bishop S. C. Brey- 10"! in the Emmanuel Evangelical We! on Monday evening. The services in the Presbyterian church e Sunday were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Marshall at the Berlin King street Baptist church in the morning and by Rev. w. A. Bradley ot St. Andrew's Church, Berlin, in the evening. Both these gentlemen delivered very able and deeply spiri- tual sermons, which were highly appreciated by the congregation. no-m. ttet - Apat- No services were he in the Meth- odtst church on saiowing to the atrsemre ct the pastor. Rev. It. J. Elliott who was aftend, In; the Annual Conkrencc Men's tan Oxfords $3.50 and $4.00 " the J. S. Roos Shoe Coy. WANTED-ORDERS FOR PAINT- ing and Paperhanping promptly Cht outed. Best matcnals and mot}:- manship. Lowest prices. Am], N. Snider, 14 Albert St. N. wit. The Hirugh Cup, won by the Berlin Collegiate Institute football team, in on display in the show window at Weaver's Bookstore. "Salada" Tea remains in favor your one: you with enormously in- creasing sales, simply hecaus: it ts 'true to its high standard of quality. The W. M. S. band will hold their postponed band concert and races in the Waterloo park on Friday eveB- ing, June 11th. The Rev. Mr. Marshall of King St. Baptist church occupied the pulpit at the Waterloo Presbyterian church Sunday morning and the Rev. W. A. Bradley ot Fit. Andrew‘s church, Berlin, conducted the earning ser- vice. The threatening weather did not detain the public attending the weekly band concert in Waterloo Friday evening. The weather made several attempts to dampen the spirits of the attentive audience. but he too became enraptured by the magnirreent music rendered, and kindly held off. Ladies' tan and chocolate Oxfords, 81.25 to $3.50, at the J. S. Roos Shoe Coy, The Imautiful cantata, Gethsemane to Calvary, will be rendered by St. John's Lutheran Church choir under directorship of Chas. H. Frcehlich Sunday evening, June 13th. Silver collection at the door. Mr. Norman Hoist, who has been conducting I grower)- husiness, cornnr Mary and Union streets, Waterloo, tor the put three years, has sold both. the property and the hl'mnrss to Mr. w. J. Eggert ot Mitchell. Mr. mm who was forced to retire trnmhus- tum owing to the iltnrss or bit wtle , expects lo have tor th, North- west in about a month nut their ma" " Iriends here hope that the than“ at climate wlil restore Mrs. mist to her lormer health, We wish Mr. tv4t- gert every le‘tl‘ s Thr deal was ttegotinted by A, K. t‘reswman, mr Iocnl real estate agent. Word has bern rrroivod hcre of the death ot Mr, Jon. Lnu'ronrc who died in nurato on Sunday. the CSUBr at death bring pnmmonm The remain; wvro brought to Jos- ephnhurg and the Inna-ml took place from the home of his parents. Mr, Md Mrs. .lmph Lawrrnn- on Wed- neldny to the It. C, Church in Fit. Act“. tor service and httrittl. GROCERY BUSINESS SOLO E, I. DEVI", I. m. DIED IN BUFFALO my“: m - Pee. w - Tere "i M. an“; I- and 'aqere%" - 1: w and an ' W " nus-l 'telf 'rt 'hraetMrrtorth.Eqttntiaatioq co... "edtigertt lot I.†til yen. ham (1 been†ouiiiiifaoitr'wttV chm-4mm Elsi. no irtgtt-tt-totq"teeN" thu wannabe a! pm hm rq6r, "M 'tu'rt1" tsoett-d.U y, tt rt'fttfN'%'T,', Tf, too h in , run I wo y I tul" “on with emu.“ when ml at“. no high a . Mayor Wotan-m: stated that but: tor "living " the “nu-nun the comm appointed by m'tm you. could 13mm“ In. Snider, . with I view to urn-hing " . mul The member- ol the Count“ mm on" tor the partisans ot the mm; they were in map-thy with the len- plant, and that Mr. Snider mum ttments expressed by the mayor Ind that. the Amount $18,t".t0, placed it wu decided that the Mayor, on the plat seven] years, " "1... Reeve and Deputy Reeve meet Pt ation, be used, in outdititm to im- County Council 3nd upped “an" momma mu made, which he in. the increased amt. [loves is A tair vacation ot the pint. The Council decided to procure the service. ol Engineer Philip, ot the Berlin Light Conan-don, to value the Electrie Light plant. The members present were Mayor R'eidenhammer in the chair, Reeve Geo. Suggitt, Deputy Reeve C. N. Huehn and Councillors Levi Gray- bill, Thos. Ovens, A. E. Sanderson, and Thou. 0'ponneil, and Town Clerk Ford S. Kumpt. . Reeve Suggitt asked that permis- don be granted the Kuntz Estate to place two posts in [rant ol the Hue- ther hotel, dor the purpose ol erect- ing a verandah. Atter some discus- sion a motion was passed granting the request, and that the work be done under the supervision of the Chairman ot the Board of Works. The Town Clerk grated that he had received no one: for purchase ot old tire appliances, which was adver- tised tor sale. Mr. Suggitt brought up the matter of continuing Foundry street trom William to Norman street, and re- commended that the land be purchas- ed trom Messrs. Justus Hotiman and Louis Feick and the road opened. A motion was passed that the Council meet at Norman street Tucs- day morning at 8.30 1ctk, to con- ier with Mr. Hellman r grain; the opening up of a street from William to Norman street. The Clerk was instructed to -atigtt tise in the Contract Record and the. local papers [or the construction of a cement curbing on King street. Councillor Sanderson stated that it was necessary to make improvements in the tiremea's mom in the Town Hall, and asked that the Council take some action. The clerk was authorized to pur- chase 20 signs at " cents each for the entorcing of the anti-spitting by- law. By-law No. M4, providing lor the cost of sprinkling water on' certain streets in the town ot Waterloo was given its fmal reading and passed. Bishop Breyfogel,‘D.D.', at Reading, Pa., conducted the Anniversary Ber- vices on Sunday, June 6th, in the Evangelical church in his usual able and happy manner, preaching two able sermons morning and evening, and addressing a large gathering of young people from the Twin City in the alternoon. The afternoon meet- ing was under the auspices ol the adult Bible Class. All these services were well attended and the offerings large. Over sixteen hundred dollars were raised tor the building lurid of the church. The Emmanuel Church can consider itselr lortunate in wit ing out almost entirely its debt up- on the beautiful church edifice. The Ladies' Aid and the Young People's Societies, as well as the Sunday school, have done nobly in this re spect. It shows clearly what a unit- ed etiort can do on the part ol a congregation. Given in Emmanuel Evangelical Church on Suridar.- - Delivered Lecture Monday Evening. DISCOURSE BY BISHOP BREYFOGEL The lecture on Monday evening was largely patronized. The description of the three sacred Rivers, the Nile, the Ganges and the Jordan and the religions of Ahese countries, oi the Egyptians, of the Hindoos, and the Jews, was given and compared in an eloquent and masterly manner. The uniqueness oi the Christian re- ligion was placed beiore the large au- dience in an attractive man. The Bishop spoke tor nearly an hour, and on account of being obliged to leave tor other points had to close his lee- iure when everybody was most deer ly interested in the subject. On motion of Rev. Mr. hue, and also ably seconded by Dr. Hilliard, a vote of thanks was tendered the lecturer of the evening. The Ladies' Aid M Emmanuel Church " to be congratulated on the success in all the arrangements tor the lccturc, and tor other vcry suc- cvsstul undertakings during the your in missionary work m general. Never berore did the church choir under the leadership of Mr. J. Brno pomon, render mm and more in, wiring singing than at this nnniver The town mum-ii mvi Tut-May mam- Ing and Ink-“lawn! Mr. Junticc Holhttan um I view to purchasing none property, The Coudl pm de. cued co no. - d It. WILL PURCHASE LOTS Ln: ttt the Ptfttl tir. l the. 3mm; ot Guelph, formerly ot as >mdngyo|é '9' PEI Alle, .33 qJtsiii%Li but. u. man u but tor arriving " ttt “mm-at A“ you. _ The when ot the Council new they were in â€unity with an un- tlmenu amused by the mayor end it we: decided that the Mayor, Reeve end Deputy Reeve meet the County Council and appeal "tu'ssst the Int-reeled mt. Another important matter the May- or brought up was the purchasing at the electric light plant. He stated that the committee appointed by the Council had interviewed Mr. Snider' with a view to arriving " a lair Mum. Mr. tytrtatuntrtttt - on- gineer, valued the plant at $18,168.10 several years ago and Mr. Snider suggested that that ttgure be used adding improvements made to plant since then, and also allowing tor de- predation. Mr. Weidenhammer stated that al- lowing 10 per cent. per year tor depreciation would place the value at the plant at about $11,683, and suggested that the Council meet Mr. Snider at an early date. Mr. Grayblll said an engineer should be engaged to assist the Council to value the plant. A mo- tion was passed, moved by Messrs. Grayhill and Suggitt to the died that the services ot Engineer Philip of Bar? be procured. C The question of raising $3,000 tor the new gravel pit purchased was dis- cussed, and the mayor and councillor Grayhill expressed the opinion that it would be advisable to raise the same by selling part ot the old gra- vel pit, and a lot on the corner of Merino street and Park Ave. and the balance by the issue ot debentures. A motion moved by Councilloz'a Grayhill and O'Donnell was passed instructing the clerk to advertise for tenders for the sale of pits and the lot on the corner at Park Are. and Menu street, and sixteen leet along Young St. east, also that part ot the property recently purchased from Mr. Derrpul and not required as a 1 gravel pit. Mrs. Colquhoun left Tuesday morning tor Alberta, X.W.T., and aiter a short visit with friends in Calgary will spend the summer months with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Hostetler oi Wellesley were the guests oi Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Muir, Mary street. Miss A. F. Snyder is spending a tew days in Toronto. Mr. Douglas Colquhoun ct Galt was a visitor in town over Sunday. Mrs, Ran, Stratford, returned to her home Saturday alter spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dick- man, Willi m St. Mr. Haight and his two daugh- ters w c visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haight, John street. Mrs. Aaron Kraft and her two daughters, Miss Hannah and Mrs. L. Shetk, returned home from a three weeks visit in Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Jeanie Chapman who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. w. Snider, during the past week has re- turned to Ctevciand to resume her duties as nurse in the Canfield White Hospital. - Mr. Oscar Betsey left for Thursday morning on a months visit with friends. Mrs. Philip Bish has lclt burg, where she will make _ home. 'Misl Pearl Rphlman left on Thurs- day tor Hamilton. Mrs. J. G. Meyer ls spending sov- eral weeks at the home of Mr. Joseph E. Meyer at St. Clements. Mrs. Jas. uonlhron of "tmtra11 has retarned an“ a visit with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Yunsblul, Young street. ' . Mr. Lander (track, at the Dominion Bank, Toronto, is spending his holi- days with his parents on Granu- Ht. Mr. and Mrs, James I'Ilslcy and family who resided In the west for Ken-ml roars haw returned to Wai- Moo where they will mike thrir tuture home. Plre annoyed the futon of lion". J. Y. Slum: & Co., human autumn- urs". a Bump! Wetland†gaining. $6;in “an mound to out “00, “but“... hr Social and Personal Io at! The Electric Light Plant Will Advertise tor Tenders Ann-“i100 High BIG FIRE IN BERLIN , Bish has lclt tor Pitts- she will make her future Germany several b WATERLoo,.0NTARIo. t f cuwmuwwwuummv gJ-UEEEEMANNi. 11 only men'g single breasted worsted suits in green mixture with duk stripe. up-bo-dnte In style, celebrated Progreu Brand make, sizes 35 to 40, regular 815 00 for 811.05. l 29pm men's dark " worsted punts sizes fr m 32 to 42, bountifuly; made, regulu' 83.50 for £59. I 9 A Special Buy in clothing In Your Interest Men! Do you want a good suit of clothes cheap? We have them on sale Sale StrturdtV--ts special buy, a special sale. In all our exper- ience nothing better ever offered for the money and that's saying a good deal. Quality considered, the prices are simply ridiculous. Come on Saturday. Read the description. 12 only men's gnu-k grey stripe, single-breasted worsted suits, size. 32 to le, well made, well trimmed,up-touato in ntyle,choap at 87.50, we offer it at $5.95 37 only men's single breasted mite, sizes M to " in brown ltl'i o '01 alsgnpl. 'rytttr.iyl, beautifully tailored, strictly upto-date, regular UTI. offir it at $8.95 Bargain No. 1 at $5.95 Bargain No. 3 at $11.95 9 only men'. mic breasted worsted suits. dark grey stripe, very Progress Brand tr a, sim- 36 to 40, regular 82) for 814.95. Bargain No. 5 at $2.59 Bargain No. 2 at $8.95 PLAT rs1n LLE Bargain No. 4 at $14.95 A large number trom here attended the funeral ot the late Anna Hillcr at Elmira on June 2nd. The deceas- vd was 88 yuan; and 6 months old. --ltev. Mr. l'lilvrt conducted sorvicrs in the Lutheran church (Missouri Sy- nod) at Linwood last. Sunday. - Among our visitors during the past week worn Messrs. Christian Z. Wea- 1rer and Elias Wenger. These gvn- tietttett rrsidr in Elkhnrt Uo., Ind., M in n a tm Ingi wry tet m are III Mn tit (In Th Warm Weather " , FULL ABBORTMENT This season's production. surpasses all, previous summer efforts. Dainty Designs pr " The R. d. Neal Go. pitio pl Don't miss this clothing offer on Saturday. " “h FLORADALE. mi with the kind rt with.- Seeding one an it tr tul harvest later on. - of H19 plants, tt1o.nsom- rows and budding ot the the humm rye. t nor the power control. n it is also with the apl- l man. Notwithstanding s ol the world's happen- ', I comprrhtnd am . NE.- "tf 'ttt A. THE R. J. NEAL GO. tutthe hmvc "w ‘ Whit. hwu’ Colored. Halli“, white up“ muslin, Justus: Ihr lninu, whitopsquos, Indian HMO. Linens, Dimothey‘, sum, [lulu Linen, Mum, ,riiiuundusoired duck-l, print, gingham. eté. " l Alla th full line of today, gloves, corsets, Whitman, blouses, waists, etc. I . The Perin Uo. has flag tieldtt in good nblc managrmont ot ml. All now depends wither and conditions later an L the f also volition rations 'o. has Bakes for Notice is heretty given that diMri- hution ot the Assets 01 the estate nl Fllizatteth Snydt-r, tate of the Town- ship of Waterloo, widow, deceased, will be madr on Wednrsday, the thirtrruUt any of June, 1909, and re gum will he had only to Inch clalms at which punlculan shall have been plum to Henry Barr, 'unrttrint, Ont, Ema-m. before "w man“; If you "clocking for Tali“. not gunnuly, my a pound 0 our boiled Tu a pound of Behfaider'a anus! with your next order, Fro-h daily. Another shipm’ut of those urge pint-a this week Bohlender’s Bun June Fuhion' tGesst of the keep a full line of patterns on sale. a Feature Home Pattern Co. We Dated " Berlin, June " _, _ yr. I. CHI, Prices ranging from/lc to 750 I Ity, Alexander House umccry . _-----------------.----.) 1 he Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Notice to Creditors PHONE 388 . - HOUSE attt Alexander House Grocer! Do not {bigot 'And get tb M to 4Kirs brown ytripg ttyeh Everybody ONTARIO a. 1899 - -aznmy ‘xg‘r-urgssy custumes and 'strong, . staunch for ’ general .and sage; wear. . t, y, a; ." 8 Don't fail I _ blood, tan and . , P all the g Ne t This is som, ti is sure to appe T I ionable dresse ‘ the rage. ', sr I Prices range from beat ttsb. and mm hot-duh..... q you aha engaged) don’t at not [ma/my {aniline stop you3 Kama.“ we can jusisk Mat [mm toe P" do 9/164ng mat it Wont take 'wuok money to {it (If; Wsse boom W kamMg eat?' at oak dloye and M ad give you a Mice on itssukitsfs toe a mite/e koute. J. letter ti Son The death ocrurred in Elwin on Monday in "to pen-0n of Mr. Rotwrt Ruben. Fretr, son at In and Mn. Curl Frau. after an "In" at only a haw days. The (new tank pine on m 'tte C 1h 00 El" oxford season is now on and t hav'q" thy latest and best, of t e best niakeis There are ttyles of .' very sort, light. J'a'i'ft"ril.'a'i,7 custumes and ladies’ and “E Men’s thtfordii, $1.25 to $5.00 V " _ per pair. ,'ii N. A. ZICK DEATH OF ROBERT FRETZ m: HOME or soon axons; can a)utvoic-sn9aeur.? This is something decidedly new ad is sure to appeal to the taste of the fash- ionable dresser, since green clothes ‘are Waterloo, Ont. E1 't fail to see our range inOx? tan and patent leathers and am New Green Tho sad dram took place tl day of Ada Wan", wile ot, Edward Btshlettder, of Peel ship. The demand auccumhd “he! pt "Penman. and you!!! Ettqffelt, DIED OF', MONDAY IN PEEK TOWNSHIP. place on M 'bleu 'wusk weal Ho ot, Mr. Peel Tome mbd to ll! until tas.