Lt' iQ Gila:- tiiad tu In. as Tghr at: tttmtrmtytrl ’" We! nudism-t an. fttttt. Ititthe'ttl'tt, Ilium Tubv not _ iaaFiiua.uteuru' “P to Wod- "iiiiii'" - 'TSIWuoK. New: Roms-PHI: Woman‘s lulu- Olh meeting. held Monday alteration, 1:: very well patronize, and sev- nu! uninteresting addresses were “hand all Int-yr.“ received. ". 'me"'" was fell mm.- Tho mull meeting at the North Wsurloo Fumen’ Institute will be Nd at my in the Town. Hall in the 17th next, when everybody drould come prepared to amass “all cooperative ideas in the diner- ont lines ot tarming.-Mr. and Mrs. C. P. OtHnlnn and Miss Tilda Kubc _ -- _ . ', n- l) News Notes-Mr. Sheppard, Public School Inspector, visited the schools in this vicinity a few days ago, and judging by the reports now in the hands of the school trustees, was much pleased with the schools in this rieissity.--Mrs. Mark and Mrs. Walker spent a day of this week at "Cedar Springs," the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McCallum, Shakespeare.- Mrs. “than: who has been ill ior some time at the home ot Mr. Hugh Col- lum, Huron Road, is somewhat im. proved in health during the past week. - Miss Lizzie Zurrhrigg, oi Michigan, is spending a week at the home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs Samuel H. aurrtrrigg-Mr. Ferdinand Roland has returned to work in the vicinity oi Zurrbrigg‘s corncrs.-Mr. R. J. Mitchell, with his Family and mother, have moved to Htratiord, where Mr. Mitchell has secured a remunerative position.-- Mr. Aaron Helmuth who has been very ill is now on a lair way to recovery trom tack, will" otriciate a severe attack of pncumonia.- Mr A. E. Kerr and Mr. Nelson Shaittr, our enterprising stock dealers, snip pad 3 large bunch of hogs on Mon, day last. if Items ol lnterest.-As much as the dry weather was so desirable a few weeks ago. so are the copious show- ers equally as much looked for at Present. Farmers now bare nearly I" their work of seeding and plant» in; completed, and are consequently desirous ot the rains to further ttlmulate the present remarkable growth in all kinds of vegetation. Serious Accident.-Mr. Sinclair Ad- olph was the victim of a rather ser- ious accident on Wednesday of last week. While assisting in the remov- lng ot a large stone a rail was being used when in some manner the stone suddenly lellpn the rail, the other end striking him a tvrriiic blow on the right jaw bone, rendering him unconscious for a short time. Medical aid was soon in attendance, but it was lound that the hone was not broken. A few teeth were knock- ed out. and several‘hroken. Fortu- nately the blow did not strike a more vital spot or lalal results would certainly have lollmred. Mr. Adolph has endured intense pain, but is making as favorable a recov- cry as can be expected. Mr. John Cumberland opened a kiln of tile on Friday last. That the demand tor tile is great may he known from the fact that over 30 teams came. lor tile, some coming M. 4.30 mm, evidently coming early to avoid a rush, as the tile was all [one before evening. Farmers are realizing the necessity of draining more and more every year. Especial- ly during the past two years has thr need of drains been particularly my “cable. and the investing oi money ood ' in the same has been giv- ing urge. returns. Personal-Mr. Wm, Holmes is at tending the annual convention of the Gun-clan Order of Foresters held it London. repre'srenUng Court Wanna No. ".-Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Adolpl MMted at lhe home of Mr. Loni: Adolph on Sunday last. --Mr. Luthel 3nd Miss Elsie Williams spent Sun day in Newton, in the home o their uncle and Mr. Wm. McKay. - I!" Funds "incornbe is spending lone time in Ingersoll, at the hum: ot her silk-r, Mrs. Samuel Zur brigtr--rtrv. Jas. Eltord has return ed home an" "tending the l.nndm conference. Mr. Fillnrd has bee: inâ€! on the Wallace t"trcttit, to I am yen. WILLISLIV [pm-milli- â€M, HAYSVILLE WALLACE. G2% aTWtratior Wm. Holmes is at; al convention of tho] yr Forester! held in ting Court Wallnco‘ l Mrs. S. L. Adolph 'GM? at Mr. Louial V last. --Mr. Luther; Sou-Ii m. Wallncolll'm‘ Th" RrootT1 was ably support- .L. Adolph pd by Mr. Alvin Shupo. The wed- Mr. Louis I‘mâ€! marrh was "My ncwptably play- -Mr. Luther pd by Miss Dora Wohule of Baden, spent Sun- l Alter the ('vrt‘mony the guests to the home ol numhor of about HO partook of a McKay. - sumptuous wedding dinner. Guests is spending 'were 1°me from Hanover, Ayton, st the home Hamilton, Jordan Station, New mol 7,ur- (Hamburg, Waterloo, Berlin and New has return- Dundee. The happy couple wrn- the the London recipients M any pretty and Tttttg- mn my. In" firm-nu. Mr. all In. Sloven- eirvun. tor vim-r have the but with" of c host ot Mali tor o In; and inâ€; wed. ded lift. _ spent Sun- home ol McKay. - is spending t the home y-' :"f _ 2:32: m..." - .2... . ttttutter."?,'; In.“ In: no.“ M whim mud. " Patetit Jr A. cm, M. A., In. returned Iron 3mm. when u amnion the tendon: d the Hamilton Con- tertatce.-Mm. E. lurhack has re- . _ . "'"."" up“ a invite to: *qtF.ts Ernie. Ohio. V “ k ' ," one: spa-ding th- all tools . . . '. “e tre "m an; Mrs. Thog. Greatest tittd m we Wtegtrit,-,NtB. Pa'.tllmu2. “may; on“ In. (or. “on of thstttrue0ttl hr in Toronto-11. “than I. ta,%tt possession oi the old Marne: ' Ytrte mm, frr1', which he porch-ad at Mr. ' . M.Ahe-.-adt" Lilian lull-r VT and Mia Alice Fox spent Saturday l in Btmttoed.-.Mr. Joseph Ran was MISS _ . LOU) Rtih I visitor to (in: :3 Ugh; Mr - _. "H and In. Chas. coop! In _ visiting iriendl in taprt.-- Mr. on; A.“ stroke ot nine loot Tet. :h H. Cole 'ot no» + spoiling the 'ttttNt to cannon t several o with their cumming. mum at thq Wonk a Pete! J. P. 2xg,"t was ‘iic ken Tour and Drama-ii acute-i took tlt oi Bright visited at r? Tho... Mit- Mien 'othtse ballot be: and e* icheli's on Thuisdar- Mr. . Victor great battle Oi ballot: was a a; Heppler ot mrittosd app-t Sunday end. For the first time a r d at Mr. utorirt BirgAs.-Nr. it. Reb- weeks 'iidttlidetct' who we: gg, clski, ot any Public school .stall. in eattsest> thet, cet. 0'" attended a meeting at N Waterloo who they Ee'?'-"", dim/ed than»; Co. Teachfrt1'eE1rctutire, in Berlin. inaction ot knowingthn 'ge,',, o on saturday}: Mrs-R. B. puaii- their campaign and enioyed the??? combo and daughters .-visited Mr. ant sensation oi being declared s 0' itobt. Puddicomh§ in Ayr on Thurs- torttms. . day.-The sunk v we; the home ol . Dr. Ford, or-ry/Apes-ms. on Monday "dar. long the subscriptions pour- inorning and left a 'roruison.- Mrs, ed in,,and in the closing hour “P'l Wm. Kerr and Ma. Thots. Afttchell. preached tin ~ruin: oceanic granola] spent a day in Stetrortiaist Week†Outside district candidates kept the} A Young Men's Liberal Club ' was. phone husy sending in lists ot subs organized in our town last week by seriptions received too late to mail. Dr. Meyer ot Prestort.-Mts. Ander'. The judges“ arrived at the Telegraph son with her daughter has arrived in oftice shortly before g o'elock. Peo- town and will make her home with pie discussed in undertones the pros- her son, Dr. Anderson.--Mrs. Mona- poets oi this or that candidate, com- hau, of Brantford, is visiting her pared notes and waited generally tor daughter. Miss Agnes Monahau. She the count to begin. The Telegraph is the guest of her sister-in-iaw, Mrs. otBce was crowded to and beyond the Jos. Bttckel,--C. Company oi the 29th doors, and the‘sidewalk was blocked. Waterloo Regiment, Canadian Mili- The interest in the count increased tia, leit here on Tuesday morning every minute, and the fmal result for a ten day's military drill at was reached shortly aiter 1to'clock. Carling Heights, London. The Com, The applause which greeted the an» pany was in charge oi Lieut. For, nouneemertt oi the name oi the Win- Conrmanding 1)tfieer, Licuts. R. G. her ot the grand prize, was . most Plum, Jas. E. Hahn and Color heartr-voeitprous, in 'act-tnd, fully Semi. F.lmsliv.-Mrs. Watts of Olin: attested Miss Weaver's popularity. ton and Miss Hall oi Bowmanvillc t visited our town on f9atdrday,- Mr. Very tew people imagined that the (“mud Wilker attended the meeting store would nearly reach three-quar- _ or the Lutheran Synod in Preston tors of a million. Surely no contest- last week.--There was a re-union ant-except Miss Weaver-. could have ) of the Sterling family here on Mon- set the high vate at that Mure. day. Those present were Mr. Fred Mr. A. H. Cochrane Ives the next Sterling of Vancouver, B. U., Mr. highest competitor, with a score of Ham. Sterling. of Toronto, Mr. Wm Sterling, of Waterloo, and Mr. Geo. -e!eeeee.eee..e.eiee._?.1.e.ey. y Sterling oi Plattsvi0e.-- Mrs. Wm. Millar is visiting her sister Mrs. _ . Lox. Minor in Berlin this week. - I Miss May Kerr has returned home after spending two weeks with her b sister Mrs. Fred Walker in Stratford. Hpr little niece Miss Enid Walker _ l accompanied hvr.-Mr. Oscar chitz- . or oi linden spent Sunday at his W F home lusre.-Misss Rcibiing has come And we are here with hot won 1 hack to town after spending seycral and thin under clothes. Clothe , months in St. Catharines-The Old sultricst kind of weather. Clc l soumlam.‘ spud†w.ho gave a c9n- on the hottest day in June. . (when Saturday "h"'"".!) rendered a The iollowing list will give ' Sum“ oi Song P the Wm. Tell Hall tude of our hot weather stocks l on Sunday evening. .._.-- News Itcnec-Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stunner ot Waterloo visited at Dr. L. L. Stauiier's a lew days last week-Messrs. Wurlteld and McNeiLoi the “People's Railway†were birch “visitors to town on Wednesday last.-Mr. Gordon llallman wad a visitor to llaysville on Sunday last. -Mr. Wm. Rittingcr of Berlin wasa business visitor to town on Thursday ol last weck.--iluite a number from town and vicinity attended the Gall horse show last week.--Mr. and Mrs. P. Putin and family visited in Strat- ford on Sunday Iast.--Mr. A. C. Clemens has engaged the services ol Mr. Purnruss ol Berlin as bookkeeper for a short time.-Mr. J. C, Hall- man was a business visitor to New Hamburg on "yaritrtiay 1ast.-The pul- pit of the U. ll. church was occupied on Sunday morning last by Rev. S. S. lierner of Mannheim and on Sun- day evening by Mr. 1'). H. Thamer, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. ('. W. Backus, who was at Port Filgin.-Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Sehmitt of Linwood were visitors in town on Saturday and Sunday 1ast.--4luite a number trom here took in the ex- cursion to the (hAA'., Guelph, on Tuesday last-ltr. Rite was a busi- ness visitor to Toronto last week. - The annual meeting of the Women's Institute of this place was held in away hy her lath", wore gown n! white cilk nndr lmquot of bridal rospN.-- maid, Mus Minnie Maede dainty gown of pale blur and carried a bouquet ol tinns. The groom was at rd by Mr. Alvin Shuno. wen pre Hamilton Hamburg NEW DUNDEE. earried z Thr brides r, wore ' silk mull silk carna- was given a law-h Greatest and Most Stimuli“ Voting Contest Ever tkid "I “it Sac- " WW 'ir-ir', _ 'iiiriiiiiiit"Lgt'illllll .'. - .", ~77 .dr, "Y'"' a lion oi thitario..o0mdttl Announcements of lmaets.u.ttamttttttt' tif"'" y '- , - , q t ' - 'd a1ltl, - w q iiir Vote Means an Enormous Gain in Circulation. ' " _ L 'al _ _ of??? Le .“ MISS .LULU WEAVER, WINNER or EUROPEAN TOUR Tttttttopt: 'aMgSflk g ,Aithn stroke ot nine an “all: nurly 700,060. In. A. th Hm the 'ttttNt to man well; has n splendid vote at out “0.- ;oiunq ot “I Wnph'n Entomoo'. old in an ordinary ooitaittt& Tour and DiaistiWBo-t took poo- Tote would hue been Mid-u to elation "ot htse hellot I). ad the carry on high hone“. But “in was great bottle at ballot: wu a niacin oedistar, my,“ woe most end. For the that time it several encumber!†mu Zinger - Week- 'iidttdldetct' who well And next in the city with n quarter oi in eattsest> “of†count. show: a Milieu. who they were-we allowed the en.- _ ieiociion of knowing the in“. ot Much CM". must be given to the their campaign and enjoyed the Near. otuuildates in andoo Township tor out "nation oi being declared via the excellent vote recorded. When it toriUs. is taken into txmsidmattoq the tttoat - ALI_ L.._l‘_-.- I: lug-um“: Inh- Among long the subscriptions pour- ed in,,and u the cgcsm hour - p'roached tin ms): cocaine greater. Outside dish-let candidates kept the phone busy sending in um ot sub- scriptions reécived too late to mail. Very few people imagined that the same would nearly reach threequar- Lets of a million. Surely no contest.- ant-except Miss Weaver-. could have set the high vote at that figure. Mr. A. H. Cochrane was the next highest competitor, with a score of The Hot Days. hte Here] And we are here with hot wen ddr clothes. Thin outside clothes and thin under clothes. Clothes that will keep you cool in the sultricst kind of weather. Clothes with a style that will not wilt on the hottest day in June. Thornton & Douglas The following list will give you some slight idea of the magni- tude of our hot weather stocks. SHIRTS We are showing a good assortment of soft front shirts in new snappy patterns, all sizes att75c. At 81.00. Our stock is manicu- larly strong in white, white pleat. plain blue, green, and a large assortment of patterns in dark and 'tght grounds. As the bulk ot our selling is done in this priced shirt our stock is large and tresh. At 81.25. We are showing a line of pleat and plain shirts in all the leading shades, and some neat patterns in new color com- binations. ith . At $1.50; $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.75. We are showing very clev- er designs in pleats and plain shirts, made coat stf'lo and regular, all new goods. The regular large T. a D, assortment of wash Neckwear, all colors that are in demand this season, brignt snuppy pattern with a good assortment oi the quieter patterns, 25c. A line ot plain color Batwing Tics in a good quality, silks, 25c. Our 50c line of Silk Neckwdar is now at its best. We are show- inga good range cl stripes and lancy patterns, and all shades in silks, and the present popular satin in plain colors. At 3Uc sizes Gl to UNDHRWHAIt ((‘un.) At 75c. Two lines of fim llalhriggnn or Lisle Threat Underwear, one natural, om blue, richly finished with silk sires 31 to t2. FLUTIHNG At 750. A line of fate black Seal Belts, ll inches wide, gold iinishcd buckle with your initial in gold on belt. The new thing for this season. At 50c. tural, blue At 50c. sleeves and “.00. Fine imported natu al wool shins and drawers, l light summer wright. all m finished and non-irritating. Also a line ntthrral wool $1.00. Fine Men‘s titw light colored three piece tweed quits in nil the Thor “timing ol Summer goods (or men and boy: wlll nurprln you. You would srnrm "pert to Md lurh mmnnccnt displays and such great variAiea In a My twice our aim. Come in and make yourself comfortable. " - Also browns and ttnr, in [inc seal. Excellent bucklcfand tix- ings to match belt. - At 50c. A line cl black, tan, brown and green belts, all um; different widths, the narrow leading in style. A strong range of clever patterns in fancy Cotton Sox, in nil the new colors and color combination at 25c. Our regular special value, black Cashmere Sox in all sizes, the So): for which we are noted Mc. A good assortment ot lancy Cashmere and Cotton Sox in all colors, 50c. T European Tour 4 ll. Me double thread, balbriggan (Egyptian yards) in na- and white, satin trimmings, sizes 34 to M. A line'me sh, shirts and drawers, quarter knrT length drawr. rs, shirt made cont style. of light wright All sin-s. imported natur- ((‘on.) lines of fine Lisle Thread P natural, one line of /iies NECKWEAR fmt? double thread bal. shirts and drawers, UNDERWEAR CLOTHING MANUFACTU in vll SOCKS BELTS Much mum must be given to the otuuildates in Warteeioo Township tor the excellent vote recorded. When it is taken into eon-imam tho most. ot thin huincu ii lacuna†Inb- scriptionl and few the cert1Beatea were tor more than 1000 vow, it in any to no that it required clue attention and constant work to-reuh :the goal. Nils Eula Riehm and Mr. Ile. S. Snider [on near the 800,000 ‘mrk, with but 20,000 between them. /We, wish .to congratulate both the" Icandidntes, as Neil on all others, tor lthe good work done. Mrs. Jacob Ebel and Miss Alice Bodlord tailed to secure a Regular prize, but their work merited recog- nition, and it is with pleasure that, the Telegraph includes their names in the roll ot honor, with prizes '" ot the same kind and va|ue as tho regular district second prizes- gold watches. Miss Caroline Reuse: hid the high- est vote of any candidate (Hulda of the Twin City, surpassing any other by almost 40,000. This represents an enormous amount ot bustling. Miss Mabel Thamet has a very pleasing vote. The one thing unusual in this district, is that there are no losers, but two candidates tmishing the race. In Wellesley Mr. Norman Ament Mum's Wash Vests. A very ark-(*1. stock in all sin: and slouls at $1.50, $1.75, $100, up to $350. up-to-date styles at tlo, $12, $15, t18, 820 and $22.50. Men‘s unlined two-piece suits at $8, $10, 812, $15. Men‘s odd summer Trousers in light weights and colon, It 12 SO, 8-100 and $,t.50. Automobile Dusters, direct lrom Nrw York,lootm,roomy, double branded. All ulna $2.50. in all Hm!- and [in Hull. loom In an clone. 'oo,- t-bo tom“. however. win-1n; on by this I tate min. iei-teHahts,with, amt-d “but 139.000- WM (I ti. W Mu in would: £9va! “I'M. m the next â€glam vow in "r. loorded tor mu Estella Claw. THE COlNT. The judges were: Mr. E. D. Lang, ot Lang Bron. & Co., anatomy, B_triitt., --- -- -ii'rriG.aeicane, ot Wm Metallic a Co., Berlin. on. __ -. "irriCisruninett, of P, Hymnal Co Berlin. - _ -airrs. B. Bricker, genera merch- turt,Wtrter16o. - --, A tir. Loul: Dietrich, am, so. Au tha. . Whit. Sam E. Shutz, Reeve ot Witt. erloo My. . _ __ _ The tertitieateg for vote. he“ try the consonants, were taken from the packages, Ind tscrutinized " ttttlot- get so u to leave no room for quee- tion in their fhtdittg sad that every one irttereated should be assured ot the absolute fairness ot the tual count. The eertiticateg were read Ay Mr. E. D. Lung, and rnpldly com- puted on the adding machine. The first lists to be counted Were of the smaller totals and the interest rose as each successive count showed ire creasihg numbers of votes tor the candidates. The last lists to be de- termined wermose ot Miss Weaver, Mr. Cochrane and‘Mrs. Harding, And the Mal count was swslted with breathless interest. Then congrtstuln- tions were acknowledged. STRAW HATS Men's unlined lustre and ttus- ttell Cord ('oatn in black, grey hair lined stripes, $1100, $1.60, $2.00 and 82.50. the not Mk Don-ma upon downs of fancy Hat hunds in Pvery imaginable combination ol calms. Mr, 35c and "r. An immense showing in all P new shit-s, split and sen- t braids and Panama. trom I: to 35.00. (Continued on I no 8) â€If?“ a...“ “gain 'htghtt,f, 1t'ttgtit tiittltrd.tetd ','gtMr'tt'lt, ttatt m on ? W, pr cg?-i-, . ,. Tussore' Silk manor; Suiting: .ioetir,erimhiorMeatr" Shantung Natural. pink, sky, navy, old me, Witt-tit and median st 750. We have en immense range of linen â€Ring- in ull'the leading toiort, plnin end fancy {mi ' check em! fancy uneven a a; Linen Suitings 850 astd 4thr. Indian Head Very beat 110%,th from dee- ing. This is A very popular mu- teritst beam its just the weight for summer dramas, skirts and out. at 150, 20.: and Me. Ouratookof out†mound mu tantalum. n mum and I: commit. with alumnus of 'tatttt, tumor um , ‘Dm. Goods for Mid won. L wool and silk goods, 1ighorArht utrrierr, in all the, delicate shades ot may, fun, bltvus green tad man, are here ie,.trtuydi1var'ytr and st Papa)†prices. _ A _ _ - BILKS2-In silks an" we no .Lo'wingi mg. choieo of colored Shmtung Silks, Poulard silks, {may and plain Dress Silka, " from 500, 65c, 750 to 8L00 per yard. I Black Sllks at special Bargains & It, Itriokerathu,iii_,_'"cii, Here in when we beat a.“ competition, 36 inch Black Ttdrsta irtlktsfy.drty.e, 't.tit.stt, “MO? oat:- worth resale: 81 for Tlie., - A 7 M in. Black Chitra has. tri, ms. 't'ytiuiti, words 31,35 for 81.00. M in. Blwk Ttrffetts, very huvy, gwmtood quality, worth 81.75 tor 81.25. ' _ New Musllns In Summer Drug Goods and Muslim we show the largest choice in Waterloo County. Beautiful lanolin: and cotton when goods It Ilk, 180, 200 to Me I w Linen and cotton suiting: for lodiou’ wwh suits in plain Ind - fancy colon, sped-I st 15c, 100, 260 and Mes '.e - . ’5 , "3/4"- A pretty house wedding took place at 2,2hf Wednesday at the beauti- tut ho col Mr. um Mm. H, Shep- pard, Bloomingdale, when their daughter, Mm Beulah St. Clair Sheppard became the trite ot John Ihyitiwstiimthito, The Winsome bride wu tUrsine, by Mia Joann: McAllister ot Guelph, Ind Mr. Addison Armbunt of Berlin "dated the groom. The bride looked handsome in her costume ot embroidered net over " while her brldcamald was premily attired In a costume ot cream tllk mohair over pink Bile. Leaning on the arm of her lather the bride en- tered the parlor to the sweet “rains of Mendelasohn'a wedding march, and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. M. T. Walker, pastor of the Congregational church. W. linger, cl the Hugen Sim-t Conn Co., ot Berlin. ufio9te Why leur- Min Addie Weaver prrsidcd at the piano, 'tccornpenied on the violin by Mia Barbara Palmer oi Toronto. After the crummy Min Edith Dre arr an; I solo. The happy couple loll on the 510 "tin tor points rttst, and upon their return will take up their resid- ence in Berlin. Among the multitude d handsome Ind nuiul presents nn win-d "new were noted:-.) bonutilul library able and rocket 3nd in ot linen. the an ot Mr. John Lug. lulu. III I â€and out an! tre ttMot.t, ,r'teiPtt - June 8, 1909 Dress Goods and Silks Suiting NUPTIAIG BERLIN, ONT. any. of drip... duh 'sid' 11d: sailings. ambit for units, each tad an" " "" INttt 20s Galated Fin. Harvard inâ€. "ty- do- I’nblo for girul, amen; biome- " 7 l; W " " 1-26.15!) to 209. Also . big showing! ot "rhito mush Mil! euitsbls for lun- mer was: It 100 to 60e. White Fabrics itrom rvlntim in Penn-Hallo. - I now Mum trom her pinata. The Triumph “tends to the. their beat tum-s and continuum. “Stimuli-hunkan Suiting Ml