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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 10 Jun 1909, p. 3

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, {4" wwmunog t IP, bi The Inmatllo Flro trut-beMbtrltal........ mam What; the Dtminion Gama“ ...... ...... .. 8117.140. All pMtctm gun-unwed by the London end We [mun-moo Company trittgAa-ta of 810.513.6238. m WI'I'IR. Secret-:7 T. a. Matt, lnlpoctcr The Misses Fahrenhaeh G. A BORE! DUtriet Agent Waterloo. Ont. Phone 249. and invite the ladle: to call and see what they have. The Misses Fahrenbach drs1br his Grace Auhbmhup Mr- }Zny, ot Toto-to, united ty Rev. PM!“ Award, mm (18¢. Pet- iiiLHftgtgtcipMCs11r.c,sq WLOEMVIQO. Home :09. WA touched tor tlrst (In- q Coup-alum -tr-.votre'td hath!!! set cer- taht Cough Remedy in the home, in Dr. tgttoop's-tt tent cncv. It II thoroughly rn'lke any other Cough preparation. Its taste will be Ctt- Hft'ly new to rotr--un'e" " is at- Rudy your farmilc Congh Remedy. No opium, chloroform, or nnv oihet stupilying ingrrdhnls ttrp "soil The don: L, Lowry, of Shawna. and mm, ms "'I'ottttor, at st. Augustine, wrrr on Saturday ratsrd to the dignity of the prtrsrthood at St I‘Mrr‘n (inho- dnlby Ms Gnu: Archbishop Mc- No opium, cttlot anilying ingrc lrndrr laws healing mounta Dr. Fhoop's wonderlul cur: is Iruly I most worltty detslerse, 1 H “in: any I M I In... ”’ Int-Inna campany ,ltii.ll':,t,i,i,it:1!'i',iii! T"'.)-'-'- I hall ii1iiiiiii: W tttttg, w. Wrterltro Hutu.) Buildir g ' Elna " Trr c. A. warm: Gonna! Insurance Agent. Lo?inoN.-Williant m: L. lmwrv. of St “We. - Waterloo ARTIST") mm JOB are showing Exclusive High-Cla Millinery luau" I. [natal-out & (a. RAISED To PiliF'.y'sT1 IOU" M,W,t MALE...“ "'i'iC2,1 mil. “All!!!" WHAT-D 1m King St., East Berlin, op's Crwgh Ram ' run.” 0 proierti I most tertaan and prescription Fold ham old by nud SSS trust.- r alt As is required try law an inquest was treid at the Court HouseWod- " Id.) with Coroner H. G. Lackner, M.D., presiding. The lollowing jut) was empanelled by High Constable '3iFri'iii_ittii.pd. tq - 'ttttttttlip/ttN; an ' 'ttttht Mi - mttt' 1 m W " in mutt at 6 ma " the' in he vi! um medial nun-Mo- and in would. m not. consistent 'aI-oe. “fl Tun any north; that u and up“ at v“. lie nu. hing, un- an to out any he“; Rood an. Inn incarceration, " muons enlisting only 0! milk and vanilla!- Hamil- ton'u relatives wen new ol his condition " 0mm Cook on Tyes- hy. but none ot than reached Ber- lin, up _to the mm ot hilt death. Mt tetctPPg1tiPr arirto-uragrautt, I- vmt brhl. 1%.!!!»th tdr n ttttttmutt wt of watae which be (Inn‘s at new.“ intervals. At 1.06 o'clock mm. Emilio-'31:“ the Gonna: tor another drink and utter he had “7de ~tht'ttcl’ be said to the Govemox. “I was this will be the last drink you will have to give me." This proved toba the last drink he tout and the last time he spoke n he pasts] mummy away " 1.30 o'clock. Rev. W. A, Bradley visited the deceased early in the evening. On Sept. 5th, 1895, Mrs. Finkk- stein, of Berlin, who was committed an the charge of lunacy. aud who had also attempted to commit sui- cide before her arrest, passwd away. She was 80 years ot age. "it you van . lonely ioh sit up with a dying man in a jail," said Governor Cook to the Telegraph "MN“: Governor was with the prisoner up to the hour ot his death. There have only been two deathsin the county jail during the last 25 years. On May 24th, 1888, . a am giving his name as James McDonald, who was iound in a drunken con- dition on a street in the North Ward, died without giving any information regarding his career. He was " years of age. q John Stumpi, David Dewitt, Allen Huber, / J. T. muey, l W. A. Zicgi?r, ROM. Smyth, Jonathan Jami, J. R. Eden, A. E. Shantz, J. Winterhalt, C. Blankstein. H. Jarger, Ed. Hollinger. Mr. J. R. Eden was chosen "gre- man. Gaoler Cook was the only wit, ncss called. In his evidence he sta- ted that deceased had been conravM in the jail since May goth. He had expressed a desire not to live long. The amount ol lood he‘had taken would sustain life. He was 77 years of age, the witness was ot the opur ion that death had ruuited trom general debility Ind old 'nge. Mr. Cook was with him when he died thout 1.30 Ban.. In the evening he had sent for Rev. Mr. Bradley who had prayer with the man about 3 o'clock. Everything was done for the man's comtort in his last hours. His' friends were "otft1ed early in the morning. We the jury ernpaaelled to enquire into the death ot Peter Hamilton who died in the County jail, Md that the said Peter Hamilton came to his death lrom natural causes and we atlath no blame wtusteret to any of the jail oiliciahr. Brantlord merchants have petition- ed tor a repeal of the civic list: by- law, on the ground that thenwaxure prevents the use ot electric signs, which would prove an adornment. to the street. Atter" hearing the evidence of Mr. Cook thejury retired and were unani- mow in the [allowing verdict:-- TO REPEAL SIGN BY-LAW Put up in two sires, the regular pack- use and the lame family sire, which i; more convenient tor thou who do not live in but The lane - com ta'tmarieeeothar-ehtrtator the taNe, It“ Oahu can In I ard..,....-, 4:24.}; t w _., " It is surprising to find how few parents know the great Mung“: [Mm qualities of good cum-cal Most of them think of it u . food for the lturdy and brarrnr man, and overlook its value an a food for children; Every now and then a mother will take to feeding her children on Quaker Out. and will be "tarnished " their improve- ment in strength and vigor. Of course. the telll her friends, and they prove lt for themselves. but every mother in the rountry should see that her children ere strong Ind vigorom. Plenty of Quaker Oats, edten often, will do it. The strength ot I child. Few Deaths in Jail The Verdict Inquest Held via It There died at her home on Charles St., Thuredar at nine o'elock, Mrs. Samuel Rudy after: lingering illness covering a period ot five "it"'S. Mrs. Rudy's maiden name was Lani and she we: horn in t1ermarty,coir:iNg to this country when a child with her parents who settled at Clizord, on. She has been married eighteen years and has been a resident of Berlin and Waterloo for upwards oi twenty years. Mrs. Rudy was ota quiet ditosition, greatly devotcd to her home and family. Her husband and one dy'ghter, Lillie, aged twelve, are left to mourn her loss. The syn» ‘athy ot their many friends go out to them in their great bereavement. The mineral _ It! held on Sunday anci- noon. Service at the house at 2 o'eloc's and tlitnce to Mount Hope Cemetery where interment tot place. the Electrical Age. A lew years ago (and not 'so many but that those ot us who are not yet-so very old may remember), we had the Steam Age. A time when the minds of inventors were particularly directed to the uses to which steam could be appli- ed. The result of these inventions will be evident to the end of time. During the past law years electri- city has been in the ascendency, and electrical inventions have literally turned the world upside down. an, “iv wr a _ .... the ri'ri'l!i'sil$tfiltf?,t ad by . has" I/thd,':, in an d}? mg "S2lll, ”new MM - Us '$rm9lertt "u m;- IM ot Libel to the Clumk Willdd bulb. M . I choc" and: use! were the: given lt would be useless to attempt to enumerate the new things given lo us during the last generation, but among the most common and uselul ot the new inventions and older ones, which have been perfected so as to make them praetirntrle, are the telephone, the electric light, end the motor by which electricity is made to run machinery ot all kinds, mm to the waiting mono! {he not-ion, - Ugh in. hm; space). when“ It. Km no! to a. join ot Earth and mammal Hm upo- Ih‘molntmut a link- ter ot Labor. which woman“ ho aid should not only be mummy to the warn-tuna: but to ttte uploy- an a we“, both ol when no "trt uurd of tair treatment it Mr. King’s hands. T II n qltartwteriatiraltr my but brief speech, Mr. King expressed his heartfelt than tor the warm wet come accorded him. In referring to the creation (”The portfolio ot labor, w. King In” (All. in [wring the nppointment to a Wilt- terloo mm, Sir Wilfrid had not only shown his appreciation ot the splen- did work of the electors ot the rid- ing but dso gave recogniticn to the importance ot North Waterloo " an ‘nJustrinl centre. Touching on the coming bye-election Mr. King said that he did not know us yet txhether it was the Intention of his Conservative Iriends to contest it but it it were decided. to do so. the issue would he the “annulment ot a scputte rottlolio ot labor and whether North Wltcrloo should con- tinue to have as its representative the Minister ot Labor. The party then repaired to the Wal- per House wheres meeting ot the Relorm Executive was held. land You touch n button and a ttood of light Blu the houses and parks emi- natlng trom little bulbs at all the colors ot the rainbow. Another and the most melodious music tttht the air: reproductions not only ot in- strumental musk: but ulso ot the very voice and words ot absent ones, and cl those 'ho have gone to their long homes. " A new but“! on the earth having been told of all these thian altar looking about tar n short t‘ne could say with the Queens ot Sheb- "The hall has not been told me." Not the lust ol'the invention: prominent before the world terday is the elertric railway, with ll: bani: ot steel on which its ears shoot hack and forth driven by an unseen pow- er, carrying their toad of living freight, the rich, the poor, the happy and the sad, swilily and salely to their destination Not only so, but also distributing to all parts at the land the necessities and the luxuries of Illa DEATH 01“ MRS. SAMUEL RUDY i"iTiGfrir G" great strength of imagination to make us feel that we are to-day living in n veritable tairy You speak in an ordinary voice to a friend I thousand miles away. You board I. car and without any appar- eat motive power, are carried along at the rate of . mile a minute. Exfe'ry "trlic spun/Ml rum-n should 1M. tom in best cloth to pan " . Int-sma- -t. tp, it This has been aptly designate} ts “THE ELECTRICAL AGE.” Two yearsln the Provincial Fenl- tentiary at Kingston was the sen. once meted out to Levi Bowman who Was lound guilty on his own contes- sion ot having stolen a case ot gloves trom the Waterloo glove lactory on May 27th last. The prisoner came up before Magistrate Weir on My for sentence. l. Gingriss v. Sugar. Guthrie & Guthrie for pun; Clement &Cte- min lor dett, 2. Lichty v. llartung. J. C. Haight tor putt; W. M. Cram tor deft. _ 3. The Computing Scale Co., v. Mc- Chttehtxnt.Sttts'ttn a Wpirsttrr pm; A. B. McBride for deft. 4. Clark Demill Co., v. Prick. M. A. Ee-cord tor mm; W. N. Sinclair for den. 5. Holle v. Snyder. W. M. Reade for NHL; Clement a Clement tor deft. B. Holland v. Frank v. Hall Estate 3rd parties. E. Sidney Smith tor pltti.; Scellen and Weir for doth; Cle- meat & Clement for deft. VCrown Attorney Bowlby prosecuted. He moved that the sentence ot the court he passed upon the prigqner. C. The learner Mtg., Co. Ltd. V. J. M. Scully, Assignee tor the benefit ot creditors trt Samuel Mamet. Millar & Sims tor plat; Clement a C'tetoott tor den. 10. Chas. B. Dunkc, v. J. M. Scul- Iy, Assignec. Millar a Sims lor NHL; Clement & Clement tor deft. Wthrenr Gired if he had ahything to say why the sentence ot the Court should not be passed upon said,A”Il I had been in my tight senses that night I would not have done it. I was under the innucnce ot liquor and all I can do now is to ask tor the mercy ot the court, _ He then received the sentence as above. Dr. Wulterl has a canine which stray- ed across the street and was tound running at large. He pleaded not guilty, but was taxed $1.00. 4.Undiew Oliver v. The Trusts & (inmates Co. Ltd., Chement a Cie man tot my; 0.12.911 a Bade for (Mt. F s.'irdiar, Assigns.“ the' Crown Furniture Co., Ltd. v. Menzies, C. R. Hunting tor pith; J. H. Hancock top deft. 8. Abs. Marne: F. J. M. Sonny, _ Assignee. Millar & Sims [or new; Clement & Clement tor deft. LEVI B0Rl0l1 Mr. Steinmetz, David street, said he did not know of his dog's way-wardness but there wus evidence of it having run It [use and he contributed $1.00 to the (hris. Asmuasen, the contractor. is a busy mtn these thy! and uses his bicycle considerably “a mode ot conveyanm Ctt Mir 21trt Inst it Appeal! that inicuvingn humus he had been working on, he mounted ris hike ttt the sidewalk and rode the length of three Inn: on the walk uhon he passed onto the street ' A woman saw him dothts and he was taxed 81,00 Ind cost: $3.00. b. The Merchants' Bank at Cal, v. Floyd Bochmer. Clement & Clement tor plt!t; D. S. Bowl)” tor, den; Mr. Shulz oi the North Ward was next. His dog was lound running around and proved to be». cross dog with his neighbors' chlldu‘n. His Crst intention was to fight the case and the Magistrate was about to ud- iomn the up: until Saturduy when Shulz changed tits mind, pleaded guil- ty and paid the dollar. s." 'timiort, ot Frederick Hans v. Henna Hus, Clement a Chant tor plus; Sooner: a Weir tor, an. - town collars P, It" . (ail-u oi "in m ts,'t1% In hid in thr Cd: Home a which Hin Hua: Judge which q6ll M3. The“ will met an tae W. Th)“ - u 'ttltoqrBi- 1. The Dom-Kan Expnn 'Co.. n. The To“ ot out. Why a poison for M; Mia In: delta. _ _ 7 i. Wade and Animal ol Emu ot Samuel Mum vs. Bi-on new. (lam-t & Clown In!“ pittt.; Wm. Reads (or dell. 9. Abs Meme: v. J. M. Scully, Assignee. Miller a Sims tor Ntlro' ('lemult & Clement tor deft. ' 213*...57' Bum-u a ‘91 um ','it'dh"dJ'dt,T'i't'Allt', tgt. I II ‘ p Jana “to. 1'e,tet ill glean. - at the.._ but! mum. sum in hut. W l a £3": if? i M “mun-uro- in 'a'S"tl trial; m "tttrt. _ a "tt--e't'0sl' .359: uni no" umwnp-vy Do you know a remedy for coughs and coldsem seventy {can old? Therelsone---Arr's Cherry P . Once nthefamliy,it stays. It1sitotadoctor,doesnottaite theptaceofadoctor. ltuadoctti.aM. “In ,t2A:,t,mi'tgM1t,at,Ahh"hl',',',t't Ask fawn doctor his ttttttIIA allow his“ 'oaleottolttttttVc_tmtth, 'ttttCrea-ima-ani" For Coughs-Take This County Court. Jusy List H.C.J. Nttrrutarr w. GETS TWO YEARS Zion Evangelical church under the leadership ot Mr. J. A. Hallman. The chorus of about 60 voices song in excellent. harmony and the sclectiuns Were groan unusual. The sows try Miss Kirby, cnnlralto, and Mn, Killer, soprano. both of Totem-m wcre hmwiifuliy rendered and m"- rem-ind. The piano selenium: by Mrs. J. I. F. Antm's we": nllo great- ly ctu'oyd. , On Sunday afternoon while the Mennerchor ol St. Peter's Lutheran Church was practicing, one of its members, Mr. C. C. Delion excused himself in order to secure a drink of water in the basement and short- ly alter was tound lying on the V Mor in.an unconscious state. llc OUR was removed to his home and the a ttunity physician was called. Mr. Del- TI Ion tum-rod an apoplctic stroke and F is also sunning from other compli- o cations. He was very ill during the night, but to-day he is considerably l brighter, Sir WiHrid and Lady Laurier leave Ottawa at the and at June tor Arth- txtrarrkerville, where they will spend the summer. $22.25 were contributed in Berlin and Waterloo in Aid of the Algoma 1nd Northwest Evangelical and Colpor~ tage Mission which is gratefully wk: howledged by Geo. Ruskin, Mission- ary. Waterloo txrntritrute.d ot the same $5.50, that ot Berlin teing 317.25. $27,000 béing paid in 0v- er t80,000 was collected nunng the last six weeks, many of the rate- payers paying the tun amount of their taxes for the year. Mr. W. E. Butler has arrived in Berlin and taken charge at the local branch ot the Merchants' Bank today. Miss Anna McDonell ot Greenfield thtt., is a guest for a few days ot Mr and Mrs. J . Rookv, Schneider Ave. There was: large audience in at- tendlnct‘ It the joint choir concert given in the St. Andrew's Pushy- telian (hutch en Friday evening by the 11min oi St. Andrew's and the Ou- thssls are upeehlly due to the Mm: & Berlin nilvay. the Berlin and Bridgeport mthmy, sud the Berlin a Waterloo railway, tor the privilege ot bonding the can. Likewise to the High School, St. Jerome College, Public um Suns“ school trustees tor their qbrmiisum to collect from tile pupils and to the teachers who so willingly undertook the talk at looking site: the same. "a feet deeply grqtetut to our newspapers, who were more than gen- erous in their warts to help us, and to whom we teel a great part of our success is due. Friday was the closing day tor the payment ot the first instalment of taxes at the Dominion Bank. Not- withstanding the tact that the taxes "were made payable a month earlier than usual 3 record wan made, over “Miss not ”an.“ to Ber- as *itd Waterloo. a Elmira, St. Jun-obs, Columns. Bra-ha, Bloom- ingdale and new all joined but” in the mod m. It is impossible to'thaak each in- dividual or my one class, when all did their beat to aid us. We can only usure our people that we are more than grateful with the magtsifr- cent results. _ The grand total is 81791.34. Total expense less than $10.00. The details pm as rollpws:-- Berlin-.-,.. _.,,.,',.....-,.... 81402.80 Waterloo "t'mm..""'"". ..e..N._. 'trtF_ 204.00 Elmira, Conestoga and Flora- Mrs. (Dr.) Coleridge, ot Ingersoll, was a visitor in Berlin tor a tew days this week. no Mat, om" and Incub- an d the Lula’ Auxmuy “to “W I comm. to mm mm iLltl'u'tl'l'l'l to 'e., - who no generously.“ to. on "rag Day" to ”his!!! grmbtest am. . “which the whole ttt Meth who participated 1.. The generosity at F. I. Weaver & Co. in donating the tags is also to- membered. _ - $1791.34 Too much praise cannot be given to the outside places for their noble work. The above "ures speak for themselves and the thanks of the Auxiliary speak louder still. 1 (tttf, Angular e ”H- *k I.“ MN m with - a Tu-Du “in t a. alum.“ vs: " w in new... Intake and up To the workers 1nd particularly the non-members who wiliiatgty gave their time, we extend our hearty thnUa for their aid. dale ""'""'g St. Jacobs H Bridgeport l.. Brcslau .8..r___ Bloomingdale _ _ _ Be" _ a tttttble',?'",,,'.?' c.‘ 2'1... Kan. has uni-Md at tottorrttig" tor the pad-=- - . ' Berlin News Items our Mt” 143.50 22.30 16.99 .95 .80 Rev. A, R. Swinger who returned to (‘nistorviiio thin morning. Mr. Spring-1": circuit in in a Myron- rgmuu condition. a “be M “.000 and: an btett - up plan on The cngagomcnt is announced ot Miss Beatrice Capell, daughter at John Caprll, Idiom. in Mr. F. R. Howarth, Toronto, the wedding to take plan- the latter part oi June. The engagement is annmlnrt-d ot Missy kate nihson, thirst dauthtcr ot thelatc 1tev. Hugh "ruse, IFM., and Mrs. Rose, would" Dr. ('hules ll. Hair. Cobalt. The nutriagc will “he Sir Wilfrid Laurier will come to Toronto to Attend the wedding of Miss Melvin Jones to Rev. Crawford Ilmwn, to take place on Wednesday, June 16. Mrs. E. D. Gordon and little son, of Gait, are spending a few days at the home ot Mrs. li. Eby, 115 Ben- lon strut. TrWDBRYArKtNo--t5pminl “button this line of bath... Day pt (to 37. Night phone on. '""':i2"iiiat':i'ig,e,l',et , , " 1742 Lam-aunt Kmogsuant T t", PP! 7 SAVINGS ml on 11tilE " "attBraoet- In“. "mAlr'ithtibe it Wai" IST,, mum. Ont. lunch, Jagtett luv-Iii. ittti Made up of Baden Boiled Oil'and Roberts” Lead, no better combination in the world, .' s,',:':'--;"': Ground special for our trade. ., 'hosBmatu-intwo,-a-, Rue" irisridr tatrtim In ae tggyhth,iY -.-.I..'r,".y. I'.".'.'.'.'..' dd Ouré Bateen covered Mattress in tho t In town for tho money. The Slmpcon Retail Furnlturo Store KING ST, BERLIN. Fe have the largest chock and variety to "loot from in tho county. Royal on Sidebou'do. $10.50 And up. Elven-ion Tables, txssolidms...... .....'...r.. '.'..et'...l food Song Ding-g. - pack». per hslf dozen ... ... ... THE MOLSONS . Potter's Pure Paint' FURNITURE Hardware Btover,'ri-,phuntring And Pipe Fitting Store nou- Post office, Phone 142, Berlin. Capital an " Rest Fund . cm:St:reco:ss::irt:tczmtc g would" Dr. ('hlrles ll L The manage will (an we 18th, "G. E. POTTER moon-pound - It may be. Stomach nerve. or " my hue siwn strength and Support to the Heart or Kidneys. It m Dr. Show) Ihat ftrst pointed to thitt vital truth. Dr. Show! “(Sleuths was not made to dose the Sto’mul nor'to temporarily stimulnte “to the Heat or Kidneys. nu old- luhiom-d method is nll wrung. Dr. Shoop's Intuitive sou directly .to time idling inside normz. The to mull-bk- success cl this prrseripb in demotttrtraten the wisdom ot Hating (ho um: - ot than [tiling o am. And " Is in“ easy to pk. A simple ttre or tett daysr' test will surely tell. Try it rrtee, and no! Sold by Mt denim. In sickness, it . certain hidden nun goes wrong, then the organ that this nerve controls will also surely Mit. $2.00 up. an.

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