minim no we sum-:1 - alum mums: 939;: “in the ownership at the Ct'trst. and Waterloo street .atisay "irtr' to the Town at Berlin the “on or what the town oi “mi- yq staid receive in return lo: the tet: at its streets ha- bans a â€We at law life topic ot diseuuion ti at In" town; [ Sivan! meetings have been held be, l'"R members ot the Berlin Light ton-linden", who have the man-3 Wt ot the street railway, and Wmtotives of the Town ot Wat- "oo, with a View to arriving at ivhut I (ttro [tract railway should pay tor' My rights over Waterloo's main I Ii'iiiird “At the in: ol these meetings 1 hold on Friday evening the Mayor at Waterloo, on bellali of the represertta- i the. ot that town, demanded tive per cent. oi the gross receipts ot the ardlny in return tor the iranchise. Crt in argued Ahat Waterloo, being [the heavier contributor to the trai- "lc d the street railway, was there- _ lore entitled to liberal copatyiation. V On .the other hand the Berlin Com- . militant?" held that as the roadhud _ been nttming at a financial loss it Fem: be impossible to meet Wat- 'erloo's demand, with the result that the meeting closed Mthout any agree- ment being arrived at, and the rein-r- C Glee oi the whole qucstutrt to the ' Ontario Railway and Municipal Board lor decision is now likely. , l, ' , iv" ' “myâ€... ""7. ....,.e......, “m“, We _t'cl,t'r, it If, tin desire ui the tho lest ten )eurs her commercial Berlin Cotutnirwioncrs to deal tairly piouirrity had made her one ot Ind justly with Waterloo in the th" ntost noted cities in A918 Minor. (machine matter. in urging the "‘3‘“? om. of lwr streets was apcol claims of our sister town, however, I"! pe In" lt we o/ the Kun madc. .. the (end bodies stiuk and caused Mayor Weidenhammer appeared â€him-uni. kinds ot contagious dist-my Iare lost sight ot several important: es 'ihe sunimrs are gathered from tact-among them the reason tot the in» [our corners ori the city to until: ot the Oil that franchise by ith. dinirent institutions. “nil? I U S S. y the Town of Waterloo and that the , road was operated at a lone b1 , , Berlin last year. When Waterloo FA'ru'RY ADVERTISER. [tinted a lranehise to Mr. T. M. News the New Canadian News- Burt and his associates tor the old Irapk't' Direct Jr, horlcomr railway In 188li it did so - ' became it would prove a great eon- _ _ . vcnlence to its cum-us in facilitating! We have, "t iitrlmlid‘ they; "t . ' . , i _ ' , " I ' , A communication with Berlin. rteruil?.u"ytl"up, AI, l nu If , th . iMontrval and Ion-unto, a (up; at l Ill ot the franchise have been grant-l it"!!! bHiton of the Canadian News lld tor the same reason and the paper Directory. F _ "rowth ot both towns and their en- This is the sixth editiun ot [his 'urging business relations are yearly 'ierl'2, will: Wcllllt'h ft Id"', ma il , , . . " real nee in arm a, m reserve a ' the m way more indispenzs place on the desk ot every linemen Ible u a means or communication man, whcttwt he is an advertiser or _ between them. Thus the argument not. 'dvtstteed that the bulk oi the Maine! The Canadian Newspaner Director) originated in Waterloo, in really an 1 lists and desellm: H26 periodicals h argument in favor ot the neeessitv lea" und 'ttlem"?'!, ot thcs , . . 11,15 are daily, Ulla weekly or semi f of the road, Mayor 1"ide"mmeriweeksy, 202 inonthly or semi-monthly Also appears to have overlooked the ‘ and lt puMishcd less trequently. The M" that Waterloo receives annually is a considerable lncl'esse over the , 3 sum npproximating $300.00 in tagets , lust edition. d from the present mmâ€, M the road. l in addition to this, the Director' We believe the Waterloo Town I Owncil will have the support oi' Wlnrioo citizens generally, in taking l I [Colombia stand on the irnnchlsc I question. That Waterloo is cnlitlcd‘ to a hit shan- of profits arising out _ oi the operation oi the line is hardly i open to question. That our neighbors Pttould desire to have the hrncrd ui‘ thin convenience ano take money out at the pocket oi the Berlin ratepay- 'em besides, which would hav) been the gun lut year wnon the road was {‘mnwd ata loss, it is, biowvicr, aurdty reasonable to unpposo. The 'ethritet Light Commissioners should ho but: time to put tho sin-ct railway Cr3utrTrhurmitertt, Ind rvadtrN-- in Fianna order," and Him with the, Introduction ol Niagara powerf. and [the consultant saving in nth-Non, , _ ' u would soon begin to manila-t u, In which Waterloo should r','trrt9irtr more. A "mum: SOCIETY .F. mutton! bu ototrurmi . Humane hock-11. Mr. n. M. Thummn. the “Hum": ofBcrr ot the Children', Aid Society in svcrvtary. “baud-dull†n,'g'ittt2f'.'f,2'l"f. "rigtr*tattr..itoff. I“ amu- no “immunoa- mhdymm‘ ' um than in yet "no dmplo to terUltt rrliet. tlrt Dr. 'I book on Rhuumuusm and n W teat, Thin book wilt make ohar luv Rheumatic [mm .l bitted " Dr, Shonp'q Lady-mum a mum. 'h'm‘ h- m h I... ’m any h _"-"-- *\Your Last Chance to Secure _,::,':,',),, Votes to Wm a Valuable PFIZB A“. . “a, mama x a 0% an MA to: [up no my; I.“ h an} a». In. ww- ya III "rr; simple my cl our â€built out“ “than. The Mth but. in m and by a! at! but. All the - ciuumlum‘ Mimi... um: ny. wlul nus-1y the WM lawn. trlui spread like light-kg. “Tow day' .. Wcll' ml was: Christians." On “at ot will to: you ot 399me will " the Arman-m closed their Mom is blue sad mum! "(up in their _ Stanly that. ttte well-armed Turk- ish mob were “all“ lhxou‘h all parts ol the city. W50 rm . Iotted helonluml to the ou" at the diluent Mohammad“ tribes so that ull‘thc Milena ol the province we “than! in the city ot Adana We. hungry wolf, to misty um thlm. with the blood at Innocent peopte. All tddes ot Adana were sur- rounded, uni the dig in “and with fire and sword. Mu! the Queen City of CHM; " won strip ed at her wealth! Juan-h; u. 'si.atiott at A "in“ new "not. -:e'rta'"te quit-:- a til-WW 't unha- " Ma. u mm." The barbarian mobs _beggn their 115qu destruction the third hour ot the day. At llrst'llicy plundered nil the bushes: part of the town. It the same time massacring as may all an Armenian u they're-ohm and. Then they began to maul: toward the Armenian Court ol the town. and all the Arm-aims were in the; midst oi hre and sword. Whoever '; tried lo escape would fall into the hand» oi the atob. The scene was a most horrible one. It would have been a thousand times more merciful for m; ii' we had been allot down on the spot. But the 1seartletis'mott wowed to think it would be too gum! lur ms to perish in that way. 'l‘3/I'I‘S' one ot the†Victims they "we bauking to piece, and thus the {Mme helm-Vern" were fulfilling their "r,avttal duldi‘s." l For llu wlmleul three daytiatvl th 'e nights fue and sword cumin- ucd, “Inch leduced Adana to a rule of ashes, Adana, the beautiful th 'd nights file and sword cumin- ucd, urwh teduccd Adana to tt ptle M ashrs, Adana, the beautiful city. built allLr the model of a l-Zuchval: city. F.spetia1ly during tho lust ten years her coninicgcial maturity had matte her one of tho mum. noted cities in Mia Minor. ‘E‘l'l‘; om. of hrr streets was upcol ot Mom]. The " of the sun math- titet'ead bodies slink and caused Montreal and Toronto This is the sixth edition ol [his valuable work, which fills a wry real need in Canada, and deserves a place on the, dusk ot every luminous man, whethet he is an advertiser or not, The Canadian Newspam‘r Directory! lists and desctlors rr'26 periodicals " Canada and Newfoundland. ot than 1315 are daily, 1015 weekly or semi weekly, 262 monthly or semi-monthly, and ll puMishcd Inns trrwsertuy.'rhts is a considerable incroue over thi lust edition. In additiun In this, the Directory [applios a cumpcehosive Uaretuer giving the population, the chief itr dummies, the railway, telegraph on! banking tacilitirm and other interns» ing tcatures oi every newspaprr city town and village in Hamlin This work contains over 430 pages. It is uplundidly bound land is Cer- tainty a credit alike In the pub- listh and to Canadian newspaper: Pay a subscription and give the votes to our favoritc| The work done durin the next few days will count more candidate. They will be _appreciated and may ig the meantithan all your previous cigar“. Subscriptions are always se- of winning a prize. The vote: cost you not ing. You read cured more easily at the end of a contest than earlier in the the" chroitldiTelegmph anyway, and ou get full value forlgame All your friends and neighbors will be gladto help your money when you aubocihe-lor the 'df'dSlAell'G'llf. you tr you let them know that you need their help. The Contest for the Many Valuable Prizes to be Elven by the Telegraph and Chronicle-Telegraph ends next Monday Even ng.June 7th at 9 o’clock Help a Candidate 'airiii'iriiiitikg cry fer I'd! 4:50 pages. and is Cer- the pub- newspapers the near, all ye Anal-tu- livin‘ one My ride of thin country; but your tel- low cotuttrrttten'ts cry and ce the .heir horrible condition: that we are In in , oi this unhappy land. Make but: to l ntl atrolch forth your helm land ' to the wipe way our (unpaid can: with V ttill','," pocket-books. whlch we are in and. the utmost new of, all help us for mm the “to of bum-Hy. Nuns; a! mum In: at “an y ‘00 may mur- r-". Harm-m1 ' . A . m ,. - f. --6.---.. " _ v _ ,0 _ a‘ man; this on m' it r',",',,-';':',",':.?,':-.",,'.':,,:,., mutton-m9.“ a!!!“ 7" d hem-alumna “mun-lull M $tribaeattaratt'-tsen. ' . “no but“ an. - IAN" numb-um se#ty6eri.ty nuc- madam loll: not. “a It. rits'.'"'.'. an!» f the mm M rm at "eereredtt tune, a: nun-1M ' wit. the mm .6er cl Inflow bait-(Ion. um " In - any ed run. Br um the. u. mfg â€mum ut: n u "rteet't a. Fun} at, - a. '00tt nuts “and, the Ian-dd in. b 0.000,... mm to“. M IIIVIH'II'I, nod d the. - I†mum without by we Al can- t", In “and Whit J. the ehttiei'ot. whack. ml M m dying gt. at an ot ' or Oddly. Tttere s: to “poor tttgf “at" m In low; we no a! “It " - m: We has been and, att out m peorinee at cm -13; W“! in the diluent. emu:- town. were eon-um In on not: inhuman manner. I... with dull wru- torn npun to In It “a chill val Ida or {autumn " " I little Idea ot what else the 'ol- lowers d Muhammad an: doing wlth tbe wouu-n and girls cl “In "jam .Armerslatuc" The and number at Armenians In Cinch: in amulet! " 130,000, Ind ot than nearly 45,000 no plundered and mud. . Turn not "my rinse has. o ye chimed world! You cannot help but witness the shameful evettta which are taking place below your very ervar. This it not merely a qua ion of; bluodshdl. " M an odlrcgu “an" womanhood, which camuf fail to (club the heart. ot humanity, no matter whether Chrmlun or non- (hristlan. Hear, o God! Hear anl be not 'ttttlitter-rat tu our cu"! r.Oou, ttrt righteous and .we are before Thee. I am' plundotod mus" and in want. I had a hard time to fmd Itrrr chit: fo ma†this lier. Pteatte do not Humor until you get my next let- ter, . tht this occasion I wish to grate. lully acknowledge the 8400 comm bulion trom Berlin tor the ready re- sponse ot such cries. The Cnnadinn "ummitlce tor Armettitut “(lid Fund is will urging the citizen“ ot this happy [and through the columns ot the Toronto (Hum. in the "tune of humanity, to do their part. I hope the many ream-In of the ttlrove lrt- tet' will mud their aid lo the Tor- unio Giant†- _ generally. A. McKim, Limited, are particular- ly well quatitied to edit and publish 'his, the standard hook at retercnce In Canadian publications. They are he pioneers in the Advertising Agen- y field in the Dominion, the Mc- ‘Ltim Apny having been founded in Montreal in January, 1880, i,','i'i':'i,'yf year» ago by Mr. Anson McKim, “he is stilth the head at the busintm.: During all this time they have been the acknowledged leaders in this line in Canada, and the Agency' business 1.8 been developed trum a very small 'segirtning-tho periorming eniy the lunctions ot the mMtilo-aurn-to a wry Inge producing enterprise which rum! into the millions. . It goes without "ring thtn that the McKim Agency in in closer touch with the publirhers of the Dominion than any other tlrm and are therefore able to get the most reliable inform- melon. The price ot the 1909 Directory is Mr. John A, Crawford, of London, nun hon appointed to the ttttice of hie! oi police of Sarah and utters 11in new duties an June 31. Mr, Crasiord ttr "Jack" as he is (mor- ahly known in London. wut‘a noted Iathlrtic and tooth." player. $2.00 NEW price ot the 1909 Dlrestory ls SARNIA CHIEF G. D. il/ AGOPIAN an. r. - . " - - ad. let " 'ttttIre, 1““! we, a: any. q leer. that a . “' if plan's at: u . to†- n. m- I- and. the I“?! . be an. at an â€M80 0'"" ‘ly in. “I a! uni-071““ he utm- cl upon when on " m We but am!" Ttttt â€Mu-nous an annual! term dertioqq cl Wuh- II‘ “or! "mate in but ' on a Inn to at mtmalm‘I art. Bestttittrt vouc- h." - ttte a†pictures, dreaeed ttt.N pranc- al- - In! uh. Eve- . sqeractat but“. at the with; “a "ee in; but“ would not»: one to b". preehu' th h-teu. mt ol work mum .u the menu mum: " thl production at tte hook . Th - "tniie+-thU ia the point when out hm In "itrttk led-that all the question vilch nit luully MIMI-Ibo nu tor u am, Lithographic and 'rhotoertqhttusrort itt hid prkd; model- ot and: band- soum info-race and MM build an scarce and duty mil lot their services, writer: at durum“ do not work cheaply. The quality otpw per that will "overly uh the tn:- pmmon a. Me ttatt-tore is decid- edly expansive. and the guesswork ind mutual“ we not inconsidera- ble Items. We presume we are jus- titled In coming to the conclusion OVER TAXED 15!,ei,h h DISTRESS SIGNAL. , The Trouble Can Only be Cured by Enriching the Blood Supply. Mini 'your Emails iiiistUn )3 ex? haunted the trouble makes itscltesi- dcttt in many ways. lou feet ai- ways lutlgucd and unm tor work. Severe headaches distract you; your hack ls weak; you sleep badly; your appetite la uncertain; you are net- vous and lrrltnble and alter any ex- ercise you tremble an; persplre cl.- eeuxlvely. " the trouble f? mt checked your case goeslrom bad to worne until you teel that your con- dition in hopeless and that inunnlty is threatened. t, Your nerves are Calling tor help. i They are marred becamae they do- i maryl Hum the blood more nourish- t meat than it :ean supply. New rich 1 blood is the secret ot nerve stwnghh I and Du Williams' Pink Pills tor Pale People cure nervous disordcrs txe t cause they feed the weak, exhausted I nerves with riih, red blood. The l use of Nts. Emma Hall, ot llnmil- i 'ton. (Int, furnishes-proof that Dr. 1 Williams' Pink Pills will cure cvm the 1 most stubborn cam-u ot nerve ex- 1 haustion. Mrs. Hall was left a wl- 1 dow an] wan towed to work in a mill to maintain lit-melt and her two 1 little children. She bravely laced the I Wattle of lite, though she badiver ' ‘had to eoniorm to such conditions “More. Notwithstanding the aplen-i did spirit the dispurrd the work , played havoc with a deliCtgteeottstf- tution, and some your: ago Mn. Hall noticed signs in horse" ota nervous collapse. She consulted a dottor and told her she "wocld be all right ina low days." But reliti 'did not come and it was finally a daily occurl‘tnco for her to taint " her work. Thee hinting spell: quickly developed into pronounced hy- Iterin nod chronic Irritahility. ‘and Mn. Hall says that death would Uve! hum a reliei. She consulted several: doctors but got no help and she, loll that she was almost bordering] on insanity. In this condition uni Wtttf advised to try Dr. Williaml' Pinto. Pills. Grasping at even the possum-i ity of help Ila: melded to do so. Atter taking three boxes she actual- llr iound Home improvement. and trom that time on this improvement Iwas study 3nd increasing daily tin~ Last Days Count Most tir_tisir.ejrt'irj'9','.'H.ll, 1Gi'iVi"rGiiir'iriT7G ‘ wwomnwumn the result! rres. _ _‘ __ = FaidGtiaa '7, qhdii. T-l' I b (In city a: nttreo0egitHfrht, (Hines; 'T,ttit,'i CH ï¬r“. t clad m,†'dLlll'd Inâ€. 'gfl'itll'art my. 'du' math: WI an pt , a, - In CM It N',leuri', nut". - let-I to It u out a "worm. to than: at " m doll‘ bttqtttga. is interim but.“ lam we who in the boot bsthnttberetVrug.ots lot at article. In one lot, u Wm Jute tor the tick. " otter words ptople uc induced to my my thing; they“ 'rotxrantinoedertoSetorrr, or two can do Inn. u not the, mm; ot thhbook {cum-3 my Mu oeSl0teeitto, gun-om... ittteitigersce, and a still greatee mduo- tion cu our local pride at public spirit? We “my.†“the on not" not to M tho LII-13‘ in ture book too mlouiy.‘ our voy- merchants no quite enable ot AV ling all on: mamas-tn. nad do Io It um]: prices.-Copyxlght,_lnt. In; to" ‘muqn.u Niut,tt',"fr.. can he“ â€'80th utmw'mm. . humm- iothumd If, humu- 'sit “in; “stool ATTEMPTS TO BREAK Kinyton, 0nt., May 29,--Dr. Jana: Third, a Professor ol Queen's Medieat, College, in nu address ol “Hygiene ot the Mind," referred to exercise and the ambltion at thousands to “hunk the record." In their reckless elort, be said, they are turning the tirat hoard! In early *grsve. " Such was our present Marathon craze. He eon- demned high pressure and the use ot §stlmulsntm These lead to the deter- lontlon ol the mental stun: of the button. This "rush," this "tswirl," sre the keys that unlock the gates to nervous ‘ruln that swing wide open the ssylum doors. He startled MI hearers by declaring that one in every three hundred or our Canadian population in to be found in our uylum, an! thousands more are tottering at the gate. He abused that uenous prostration - mitrdirected nervous energy. he called it was due to bad methods ot educa- tion, improper home training during childhood and the Bo.cattett strenuous life in after years. _ _ . . His remedy began at the cradle with the actunt study ot the child. Mothers did not now consider it relmtuhle to curator children. They preferred al- icrnoon bridge at so much a corner, to wuching and developing "the won- derlul unfolding of mind in her child." He called tor better educational methods, not physical, but mental. “Train the luturc mothers of the country," he said, “in the simple ele- menu at menial hygiene, and the na- tion will be enormously the gainer. Public education. not Immature legit- lation â€the beat way to light may wrong or Any widespread disuse." til alter a low months she Mt the cure was complete. She "rtc-- "Dr. Willigml' Pink Pills lane done what doctors and to do uni “Int l ray-all thought was impossttrleo They have freed me, trom the terri- Me trouble I annexed and my on Joy in iite hag been renewed." When Mrs. Hall be!“ taking Dr. William' Pink Pills ' tho weighed only one ham dred pounds while? mug: hat unwed health her weight bu hemmed to one hundred nnd mm pout. Dr. Williams' Pink Pill: cm Min?! trom my dealer in medlclnu grunt! he Inn! try mail at 50 cents a tor or six bonus tor 82.50 try The Dr, 'Willlaml‘ Medicine Co., Broc'isilie, oat RECORDS custom. urn-emu. m uni-m amnaumcmn'um road between Canto-ad CM. my“ .un.,conm was; common tun-2; no“ (on; m " watered; VI“: extra weâ€; tr'1tt--tt- tmstv,_Ns mo: the km in my a. Pm. moo. T _AA (is- nu. Price moo. you “Hula A m me has. _ was; sq he bong!» for 8400 down. A will mahsAthiAd _ 7 _ ugh; Very may no me htrttt close to Cullen station; shout tea may huh. drum well; fairly nu but; buildings common: P11433900. .. 7/1th Me' 100 me km; the lay at M: lulu in who“; him good building, very good land. Price One very good 300 was farm; about 40 acres ot hush; very 'dch lull; common haw-II; I great bar- gais at m ei-------- --- ~~â€"»â€"- -e Farms for Sale Another 100. me him close to Cmboro; . very nice Inn with . nice bush. Rural telephcm lu- Tier. Price $6,000. A 157 mm irith about ts-. aural ot good bush. The-lay at this tarm is exceptionally rain; also telephone service in the nu: luture. Price $5300. A very nice lam ot about 150 was with n good Aries house; I good um," bush, drilled well, common barn; close to Canhoro. Price $4200. CANBORO. LOOK, LOOK, what lam offering you for . Chas. H. Kirk DUNNVILLE " - 01 For lull information apply to Onc‘ol the aettt 100 acre-(um: in " you would hare a sate ye', (tr tun com. Remedy In the hunk, try Dr. Nttoop'tr-at last one. lt 3| them] Tip, a] :3." Cough T g ', N M At M'etlthc?,QS1ig'h1u't, o------------------- - Farm For Sale A all.» {an conduit. ot new the Tmntahtpot lion!- tmt,trAtp1ttL1atrmyttmiofrrtg",1t, 'rfottttmh3 all.“ 1'eA04ttoe,Camthttttottre_itie, I Ila mmeI of Dunnvmo, which Ion " on. of an Bu - _ u I†toxin 05mm 1h.t,lt"'p2',g,t.'f'At, h Delmar. ol tho ll nu man, when, m, sun! no line running pm the mm. PM Mo.“ around the but 'W'El‘m tt 9!!" "tqee"ttex " _ " _ . Tim. no 130 munch-ma nod 20 mloluoond growth an» bu. 8Miistruittrtioti,1attdi1,-dtrrt' and tlh'lr1'lg',ll"f.e, 'Mhll'lldq,hld duL an . Dull- 'ltl'dh'ttd 1-: mummg‘aflmm 'li!,),-','?; x n x __ , _ calla Moder 18:24. And had 'Mitt - Burris} win: 16 {March Ihld 18350 “IN. 14:13, “up, 12:16 com a“ 14:10, In Mr malt. he" - m o and". 46 um o6paMrue, 5-mo{VMt,4unooluo.m10 m a! mum! con-bung ot “who. pout, plans, III 37:90, “when“. BERLIN DAILY TELEGRAPH AND WATEBDOO WEEKLY CHRONICLE-TELEGRAPH A. the Inuit pormur perm In district No, l. . ' . . " VOID Am 15 DAYS FROM DATE. Tenn. Very Reasonable. Apily to . _;‘_:_"__| El" um European Tour and Diamond Contest VOTING ©om'ON--weeir1ar Edition Fm vow for In Haldlmand County No. 9 L. meer-ee-e-e-ri-fe- _--____ 0,. _Thin W41. uumnud'xia ',00. mo tum 01060 to 1 run! tolcvhone 'gter2t he I very nice km with "Importation facuiMes, iii fat; Rural telephcne nt- annwme market situated u I.“ $6,000. venicnt distance from the “my OI a width about ts-. acre! Cuban, ll on. ot lb “(FM in l. “why at this lam um Proeh=e. Canton pout-5n rally "tr, duo telephone school, three chuck“, general skin. the near nature. Price chopping mm, lawman], Batd,cheese factory with I reputation interior to , farm at about 150 mm in Western Ontario. . good brick house; I Anyone interested in any at on: nah, drilled well, common’ Momltions win, on notifying " by 0 Canboro. Price $4200. postal or letter, te met at Ctstttie1d a Guest 100 Bcre [arm in nation. nonunion apply to PLEASE TRU' CAREFULLY AROUND â€RIDER. $5.000 Hot of ofthe will an!†my: my am; on be but!!! " tho "tei"" low price ot moo. 3,; , m we mm; muffin-k and; mutual Inna house; {to M: an clots to Custom; his†b we" all-M 'lox airy ar"""' to, Price 37000. “I ' We have n my number ot other farms lot "u Iron " are: to“. are: in the; ion varying Iron In! 'ittmity'ing “smith†Mr th| Th' icttdet In": 0'. Mrmhw, Ivn' [ruling munch shttth, glm in Ar. - Cough Mandy w uni-.9414 my; [Nana of Otndldnu] sricaassatiieiiittr â€can. J " the ON TA RIO JUNE 3rd ttMk ONTARIO