r ;‘ 3h ' "i"iiiiiTiiiira an. YE , (â€NFC-4 m 1lw [all run In Bi, T.trk and ("Him h - ll bo m M il". "ork "our Tbs Misses Fehmnbaeh are showing Exclusive High-Class Millinery Ingram Camp-n, [WHAT-D In. _ . In! "In - Iaurloo SuhacrlhodOopit-l........ M0,0000 _ Dwain with tho Dtminion Omani ...... G.,.. .. 3117.140. “polici- gunntood by “as London ml Jeter, lunar-nee Company I!“ A-tdoe .Wumm. ahtr" Wt. Scent-:7 T. M. any Inspector c, A BORE! _ We! Agenl Waterloo, Ont, Phone 249. and Invite the ladle. to call and see what they In“. The Misses Fahrenbaeh The Imuntllo Flu .o-0000000o0000e 'ethtm PROGRESS memo MADE p I)“ [hostess is being made at tin (“grin thtgar I'o,'a plant, 'Ihr whol - ll Ming rrmoollrd and it I: : h‘entlnn ot Hm firm to hare th tttrtrrdtstr when y",'r,er max , f - Wm. xalumna-moo mum animus ' _ “I“ I l'. , Buy-I980. 90'. Bondâ€. â€my. much“ for itrst this A _ Coop-Mu. It. P. E. Dlngman has v.pwred hls Moll with the ttwen Sound Y. . C. A, u physical dirpctrrr and will Ind “I. Bummer at his home “I. Mr. "Ingmar: um anim- h', - with the St. (‘tthrlnol s..C.A. an autumn. ttttttuso m Inn-2mm HAS Remo N E u ': ht “Nun WIN solvrvt. rl â€I on Wednesday nt the In Mt. megttan MN. ot his my: tilrrs' tal to Ill! Emma in land Yum "ycs, c.- A. Boat-m: Mal Insurance Aunt. lune: tis Running! t Co. NIB-unsung! King St,, East Berlin, ls "mg 'turned out " By the i'iiiiiit -Telegrapb Job Booms C'.'t m " Mr d A hearty vote ot thanks wu tend- and to the retiring otBcer, Rev, F. E. 0trc'rurtder,"tltt, President. and Rev. Geo. D. Damm. the Secretary, lor'thu laithlulncul they hue shown during the year in the ducting: ot tho duties ot their respective omen, 'Ihuou. . cm: my tttttte hon Ad on: to" u: out a employ-nu “an; the mar Minty was. III the Public when. m .1: colu- 8.'rl,a'fdrivutt: “no" _ “new, and the mdoae.6 idtqeq t a Ruin I‘m-Mon an on†than to minim. “Melon A noel-I mu bo held at the open- lng ot the next {lumen and meetings will be held maximally in Water- loo. MtNementts will also be made to hold a joint muting next union with the Gall. Association. Wants Gavin-ration. The lollowlng letter Iron] Dr. J. K. He“. was read and was favorably commented upon'.-- The {hwy-3.3: “and tctrztt',itttt of thr, llnplixt (hlrlllil ol Cntario mrning. 011. Mttt, to Fruity, Oct and (31mm witt tr. MM ht "tet Jum- Ph' slut! (burnt, llamlltnn. Monday 29ih, t909, Rescind. (I) That NI Aquacu- tion In at m opule- that the tor- mauon orBors' cum itt 110W tt unilouna and in charge ot I com- tatt captain or other a to .5!ch them My drill: would be conducive to the physical and mom welfare of the boyhood at our town. ". The Association will hold its open- ing session on the ilth ot October when the PretsitienVclpct will deliver his inaugural address. May 3itst, 1909. Honorable Patttots,--'.eor A number oi years I have been advocating _a gymnasium and hnthI-ior'thc young men and women oi Berlin but have met nothing but discouragemmt com- paratively speaking. Revs. w. D. ice and Rev. J. w. J, Andrew moved the 1o11owirtg;--"'rhis assoclution hue received with, plau- ure Dr. Hetth, communication and express their sympathy with him in his desire to have a public gymna- ium and also public baths sud lunch: as is practical will co-operate with him, . t'ecr-Treats.-Rev. M. bl, Sander- Ion. I ask you tor the betteilt ot the hundred; and thousands at young men and the rising generation to do something tor their wcltarc in this respect, _ Tine prowlsionl omeerq ot the Cont. puny are'. Prondent-Gro. A. Clare, MP. (3) Thu we herewith malarial!“ the Mayor ot Berlin to call . public pecan: at u only an BO " to give the dam: ot Dunn " oppor- tunity to coetaider the an“: and tt they think it wise to we Inch mu u my be necessary to enact n or- Quintin: Inch " In proposed. The thtBttcin1 report tor the _ you showed a ttetrt banner. _ Election of Gluten. The election ot once" tor the ctr. suing you relulbed u toilowr-- Preaident--Nv. a, D. Damn. Vice President-Rev. W. D. Lee. son NEW INDUSTRY FOR PRESTON What promises to be one ot the Ingest and most pro)iUtrle Industrlos In this county is now being launched. It will be know: u the Kennedy Mantra! Co., Limited, wlth bend. qugfton gt Prar1on, I The company prbposu mettutactttring high wheeled hard rubber tired motor vehicles, (lid the pneumatic um um! motor can M.-Trus.-A. M, Edwudn. Mnnagpr--Hugh Kennedy. , 0irectorsc-T. P. Shully, A. N..- lnnds. 000. A. Clare, Hugh Kennedy. A. M, Edwards. iti!ttitl?, mr h'idiutiiii'iiia" iii 1h... Born- d'T, tnr.-at do tet 'iiiiiti!' iiiii'lr'ii'ief 'l'l'll'l"lrl on wuthtan-mt loopy“ It!“ to tho my“ at Bulk. Tt.urtirrr will be located in Pros- ton, when the bodies will be built try tho Preston For Ind Coach Com- mny. A i (8) That the mdrbee Instruct- ed to toward a copy of ttmi. resolutions to the Mayan. . _ Programme Clom,--The otticertr and Rev. M. L. Wing and Rev. E, D. Daniels. . _ , . h _ .4ttrtkatiktt.jd. (flea-3} [that P. am... ID.“- HI. lit? In: . I. â€in. a} J. W.A Andrey: ragga-t. 'ra,'uu,'tl; â€a... . 7 " l',rllfG'l' - _ ‘1 t; First vimyq'tea.-A, Newlandl. Second S'ice-eres.-W. D. Staple: "imam? WWW Wmâ€? Mm“, 1tgteeth,t.tttttiu'tgPdtpt'd.",tte."v2t'2'c tee-e-ks-thar-tmetre-e-tMt-tmeets. Does not Color the Hair Will Co-Operate all AYER'S HAIR VIGOR AYm m YIGOR u - Inf“ too-now ll 1j8i? Ria- Le, I " g“ Y') r', M F "h 5 'il?t?iifiil!fi Pp, f . rd kw _ l to tt MM to.†'toe' 00.. " pic-shit. â€0-" up a m it. _ un- 'lt,'duNrl'gr.figt"tt.' unquwm the Mud and '3.“ ol 1etHtrtftree, unapo- Itil""'" ot Cot-ell on In Th. mm resolution as unb- oualy -od at a would new [,1Slvtg'gt'tf t on Tull†evo- uv t quanta-d " tttte [In mm In W. IT, ‘monbou present were unanimously In ',tsvor of "Nu Inn-1111:1141: and in n by or two In?! Hahn Ind {Charm Amundsen ill circuit“ . Betore WIIII' sentence Hi: Honor In": any young mu 3 Mutt which be In ttot “holy noon to torget, Me um he had ton-Mend the very tttle Input Inuk- by Mr, Clement who tak. ed that thH‘oun. urn-Inc It. prero- gative 3nd allow min: to so on - prndvd yank-nee, but he was not Its ing to suspend svntrncr " hr Id not Wat thin wa- n triviat Innâ€. " nu one ot the most serious or (ence- that could be committed as " In the County Criminal Court on Saturday belore his honur Judge Chisholm, Joh- Boegel, Jr., appeared tor tank-ace; huln'; pleaded guilty on Friday on the charge ot having com- muted an Indecent “null. on Luck;- da But-blue: on May 1ntt Inâ€. â€um-- "you the' 'rorertr own:- on King unset mung a. Coun- cil to me the actuary new to have the work commenced this lot- Iou. . Alter mute; the meet!" to 'order Mayor Hehn reported that as meeting at the and“ committee at the Tttwtt Could! and the unit Con- mlulon wen held tres tin ulter- noon At which the “rec rellIeye were ot the oskruhing we. disc!» fed and mutant; nodular: we 'tmed.'-.- , . T loved by Mr. Lang, seconded by Mayor Hem. that we recommend the paving at King utt'oet tram Water to Scott streets be- pro- ceeded with end that two tuck- be hid lrom Albert to Water street: to mmmdete the street railway; and In order to do this the street railway will require 819.000. Carried. Mayor Hahn pointed out that the question ior the Council to decide was whether a double track uhould be laid on King street trom Albert to Water Itrccis. ii a single track was laid the 'cost would only be in' the neighborhood ot 87,000. The cost ot double-tracking the utrct-t iroru Al- bert to Scott street would be ttsoo providing no pavement is laid. The Light Commission in strongly in invor at putting down tt double track on King street. Under the present provision oi the Municipal Act the street railway in only rcspouliblc tor the cost oi putting down a cotwretk bed and the rail- and the property- ownou my the colt ot the pug-amt: John Huey-I, jr., (hanged with lttco. ing committrd indecent “nun. upon olevert-year-old Lucinda Enabler on May 17th in Wuulwich Towrtship whife on her way to schuol tutpcar- all before Judge (hinhulm Fridoy morning' and was clash-d to be tried be- tore His Honor. Md. Kuler irstormed the Council‘ that he had beett opposed to puttingl down a double track on King 'street, r but “It: hearing the views of the Light Commission he thought that a double track would be in the but’ mum“ ot the town. I PLEADS GUILTY TO The indictment being read and ttto usual qucmon hating been when]. the prisoner tutawereds-'H plead gull- ty to indecent-tts-lt." ‘ Crown Attorney Bowlby tin. mov- ed tot the Betttettce of Ihe Court on the amused, E. P. L'iernutt,_K.C. “pouring tor the prisoner made A ‘strong plea tor his Ellen! and argued tint the boy mun have hem tttdet the 'ttttttence oi some drug, possibly liquor a " wu known that he had Dome liquor Indore going out and "I not in his right mind us the ottence had both committal in brow! daylight, and with In oldlr ponm would more likely have hem commit- ted under cover ot darknnsn. it was I th Hons ctinu, but he naked His Iron, Od in oxen-lac " prorogniiw and suspend sentence. He also [oi-tori out. that (he “the: wu willing to my all the to!“ ol the prosecution. His Honor laid he would not pass emu-nu: on Friday but would rc- unnd the prisoner until Suiunluy It 'e2esen o'clock to [he him limo to vomit!“ the cue. Double Tracking SERIOUSZOFFENCE came very near being rape, which is one at the worst on the calcudar, The very thought ot it Wedgw- one and Warren In the Cohmu- nity. He was sorry tor the tror's intents. who are hlthy Edward. A {not my hed sympathy for a prin- oucr and probably rightly Bo, but what “out nympIthy tor the poor vieUm. llo hurl no sympathy tor the prisoner, curttcteriring him nah“ yum man. He m. M not be true to his once and the , Ammunlty ii he more to allow lawless character! to lo III-punish“. It "I! an unprovok- rd and wanton crime he had com- tttlu1ul. The boy, ills Honor said, was not a " whit-H. tor the indul- ttial lthool but hr would Iona-nus him to the Central Prlaon where they have good discipline and he would be able to learn a trade, and an work in the hundmaid ot morality " urn hoped he will profit by it, The "DUCT, he all, would he a terror lo evil dam and I In“ to Ute community and the min; mt- allun. “John Bot-gel. the youagor. you will he mallard at the Cut“! Prinon at Toronto tor on. mr, and to naive a vhlpn a'llt at a who“; th- at At.t-trC-tt"ottttosqrt, C-1ttrriar.eiu.il"trki'r" ,rtttrgt%nito'otaadsieqntg mt mmvumwmmuw 'ttt'oeatt?tauet-Jtuisti.' In,“ Hm _ in Th; FiitCi'.au Mapa"' in. union“ . . r, w. Bunion. WV rum d SUIT,,'; A 05mins. Mtoe 18 Tratw was httoducad by AMI. Better In! munch. Run Me Kly I.“ he would be any to - at.†to mm the by-lur it were no any «up: at an by-hw Dem; cunt-I. The arguments no- mad " the tut meeting ‘0! the Corn-ll wen strongly In [not ot I notable-tuck In! ' In: Invert-at that; “I he“ would be presetttad " the nteplyen. Maror Hahn gaid that the by-hw [has the people " otTorhttritr to decide whether they want a double track or not beiore 'tututtg down a new! pavement. . Aid. Euler said he found thlt alter the advantages ut a double truck were cxplnined the property-owners on the street with whom he had convened, were tatorabie to the proposition. It was nu to the Council to do an that is possible to get King struet paved this Brawn. Appointed a Committee. Aids. McKai and Euler introduced a resolution appomtlng s committee, computed oi the mover, Aida, Annu- wn, Euler. Dunkr, Borttitold and tht, Mayor to visit cities where pave manta have Been laid, inspect them and report back to the Council. The Council spent w minutes dis- cussing the committee. Aids. Wilkin- bon and Schilling proposed an omnid- nient authorizing the Mayor to ap- point a committee to inspect VI!- ious put-menu in use the lay-low was carried. It wu- pointed out that thin would cause delay of over a. month and the amendment was with- drawn. It was [molly decided that Aids. McKay, Asmusu-n, Euler and the Mayor should he the. committee. l no alum a may? a J'- mm at. at ' t,ro't1tL'iN2ttrtr, .. _ “we. thb " u- - 0' munch“ " “I. that on If. no“ lawn “in. and In“ “no, DW! _to Oh e-ttttrua. ot . â€I’m. tll'.'"" on Batu-'- ul- tbe-tgb. Aid. Dunks love it " hit opinion that the property-owner- on King “not were opposed to a double- teaek, Ind also that they did not approve of the Council North; the Initiative plan. Aid. Sheppard thought the conunlt- ttwat too large. The stout-ch, the bowels. or cut- ting teeth is rcsponlibic for most bt the ills and tailoring that giiiicts boyhood. Baby‘s Own Time“ will keep your ‘Lhild well bNIUIIC it is the best medicine in the world tor time troubles, and at the sumo lime it is the ugliest. The mother has (bu guarantee all uovetttment analyst that this medicine contnim no opiate or poisonous "toothittg" null. Ws. Jot Bernard, St. Emile, Que., nyl: â€Ruby’s Own Tablets are really I marvellous mrdicinc. My baby m" thin. peevitsh and nickly until i be- un giving him thin medicine. Since then he tttttr thrived and grown tqtirts. didiy." Aold by medicine dealers or by nail at 26 cent: I box tor The Dr. Willimu‘ Medicine Co.. Brok we, Out. BABY’S OWN TABLETS CURE ALL MINOR TROUBLES 1h: clever capture of J K! Swim. the-burglar, made u 1".tte over a want ago by P. C. Busl'twioi, " to be recognized by the Police (mum-n sloneru. who hue decided In add two yum to the mamblu‘s sland- lag with the departmtnl, tshih menu: a considerable Inner-e In pay. Smith Wu tRattettced ttrtteven years In Kingston. .nd was caught. menu: a considerable Inner-e In pay. Smith Wu tRattettced ttrtteven years In Kingston. .nd was caught. Tod-hind“ by Borthwick, “he madis I plucky tight In order to enact his cap- tum. 515544 They buy Quaker Outs and cottsirkr h the leader of all oatmeal: to be had Inywhen, H you are convenient to the More you'll probably buy the re.- uht the "chase. For those who live h the country the large lire family puck-[c in more summary. Ttte lap yacht. contain. I like: at “no: chin lot the We. Follow by my!» cl the lunch; at I J.egt'i-it-hiijiiciirii, Mn. L. B. Zulu: In; tanned [tum Baden, whats the was winning het muggy-ILA. Seip. _ umfumiu Kim has Iron . three new mu onto. Mr. Alvin Schlegcl o! the Bank ot Toronto stun. it holidaying m Itoclp- ester, N. Y. Ian. and in. my} ar-aa 'lli'lu'NWa"ltelggr. It. atr6Mgn. J. “at hm 'e'?N'et.teluetA.' In. 'turvuiiasGiiG u- 'ettMtp9.tvusttotMmtt." . It. Kiri Emigrwwwf ', b has on n a“ to hot an». Isa. 4, 0y“: In; Ju. alias; In mam Immwcmm a an ex- †VI.“ to Incu- In “with, Mr. and In. W. 'te_rtM, 'd,tlt','gtte'Jfd'irt In. In:- uy. quit his“, «A It. and In. A. M. Inlay, 19: Bttyia. .treet.-atrattoed Inca. mi: L'ord, oi BthieS-T'ff'un e" ot, In. FLU. Wily. Kr, w. W. E. Butler, who in [can â€I!!!“ ot the Murillo: branch o' “as Madurai Bail: And lormerly or thiit town, [In been translated to the Bulk: branch at the bank. He will mum: bl. new position on Mon- day and will be cordially welcomed by lulu many Irieidg In the Thin- cur. Mr. 3nd Mu. Louis Strohm. and little "ttttttter, of Lockport; N.Y. are Hailing relatives in Harlin tor t tew days. Ar. and Mrs. Wesley Herriott, ot Toronto, went Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Edward Martin, King west. one instills, the Utter being Mrs. W. G. CIeghan, ot this town. The funeral is being held this ant-moon 'and Mr. and Mrs. Cleghorn uc In attendance. Ila Amy Vodka In: tes I rittit In St. Jacobs. Miss P. Reichert, ot Toronto, its the guest of Mr. and Mn. B. S. Mussel- man, 51 Church street. Mr. Joe Lam!) “New York, tonn- erly or St. Jerome's College, was visiting old Mend: in Berlin on Sun- day. _ "It. Roy we}, ot ostdGGirert the holidays with his Ilsa-r. I'll; F'sc. 'ri" f,†are“. Mr. ind Mrs. Harry Midun,ul(h'| c330 (re visiting relatives tsud triettdis in town. . ,i......,... a...“ lvl\\lul ulnu. . Mitts Ella Brick-ell is spending a tew days in Toronto. Pcin anywhere stopped in 20 min- um sure with one ot Dr. Shoop's Pink Pun Tablet». The formula is on the M cent box. Ask your Doctor or Dwain attout, this torne uh! Stop: womanly pains. head- ache. puns anywhere. Write m. Sheep. Racine; ths., for not trial to more value. CONSECRATE D A large concourse or people attend- ed the dedication ol the new Luth- eran cemetery, Weber street, Berlin. on Sunday alternoon. The weather was bewtllul and. the programme was put throng.) without l hitch. The new cemetery consists ol eight not“. and through the CitorU ot Pu- tor Oberlnndor this cemetery may be used tor member: of all Luthernn churches in town, The work of lnylnx out the new, cemetery will be gone on with at once and will require a large outlay, Mr. Louis Ziegler has returned trom u week's Visit with trtends in Detroit, Mich. gum“ and Toledo, Ohio. The ceremony opened at 9.30 in the old cemetery. which adjoin the new. and Was dedicated " yum ago. No one but a member ot St. Peter's Lutheran Church could be batted there. _ The Scotctrmen "r. "Look at our nation " proof. The nurdiest nllion on earth." Still we have one good point to nuke. We make better out- mul than the Scotch. experiments which "on that Cindi; "I: at too much fat and [rene'and not though cereals. Lon: no the Scotch learned thin. The manly dd Scolchmm man be amused "the recent "ducoveriefthat oatmeal is the beat food in the world. In. A, A, Vodka in "pending . 'P, by! In so. Jacobs. "untitu: men have ken mold". NEW CEMETERY returned rctu nod In Tor Wamlm. U. Rumpol, Bdw. Smylh. (I Shah, Bridgeport, W. A, (HMO. Fred. Rohlcdcr. .1 A. Scrum and Secretary C. Kraut, Benin, Alter ttw push; M ANOUI’I‘! and other routine hummus a resolution was rum-d that all tetwhers he re- engaged a! an itwreitse m suburban under: new (mum-1, which Is per- petunl and binding'in Hull ttted cm only tannin-Q: by who! party giving two month: notice, more July m um! Jan-my m respec- uvdy "I end! year. No .2th “a uh- with tbe eomman In. h. Hm. d 0-“ "tho ttttt ‘lh ttint-et..--, “I“ "r Ue': C5'U T, '""'tTrttrttcriurmsttitii=ii, ii'iiiijjf,'i,', A anal-u. iuiuromrkiiiiiiirii-iiiagihb.fii B.C.l. TEACHERS ittrriMihtitio The t'ottrgiste tttcl last night, hunt in the tht hem Ming pl'l‘PE'n'. UN "ttteo-g- smaller: thin “no of bunk)... my phond W. Night phone 658. Made up awaken Boiled oiCnnd Robes-tun; Lead. no better combination in the world' ' t. . Ground special for our trade, . q We lave . big stock of furniture on hand whi eh in being [old very low prices for cash. We want to sell the goods and you an save Romy by buying from! us. A _ - __ - We do also showin the most complete an! upto-dgh line ot Baby Carri.†and 095m. over offered in Berlin, neural line. of which are being sold " into prim We mutant-emu the Ita we sell and all no mutated. THE MOLtytyMg" We mnnuf'ncturo the good/we sell and nil are gnu-inked. The Simpson Beta" Furnlturo Store KING ST', BERLIN. 11Ltl1lLtlA1u1t" DEPIITIIlt-L Ei3tNETPEBCXrir'tB Hardware Stoves,Tinw Plumbing and Pin. with. Mom um Post :13», Phone 142, Bulb. Capital Paid " Rut Fund - Potter's Pure Paint "nttBmoehe. um 'm’ G. "u_mGqa"i"i"ii", BOTTOM PRICES G. E. POTTER into: mum? Bun“! an. Mr. A, L. Bren- thair nnd all mem- Tttr, A Warn", Fymirtc. Ramps], Haw. Smylh, Retail Furniture Store adm- lam - In sickness, it a certain hidden ncrvu goes wrong. then the organ that Ihln nerve controls will also surely tut. lt may be: Slomuh nervv, or " may lure 31m: strength and sung“ lo tht) hi» or Kidney-l It via Dr. Show) that am pointed to thil vital truth. Dr. shop‘s Rratoratfrq wan mini-dc to door the Stomach not to 1cmp0nrlly stimulate the ttre Hurt or Kidnap. 11m old- !»th method " “I wrong‘ Dr. Shoop’n Karim-live gm t‘irouly to than Idling inside ncrvm. The re- malt“ am: ot this procript- ion dtettottstrates the wisdom oi mum; the actual rllllo at "mm mm; organ. And " la In“ my to prove. A simple fire or In days" [at wlll surely MI. Try It once. ml at! Sold by att doing.