1il5iiii'ii'iiiiyii?t1 *1: . iml'nnuh'm'l irtt=th' L'il _ The Canadian In}: dud nu! law, this; Parltautoitary mm. at qrttl be inltnelutm nut Hr 'statse body vi public 0mm " trot. on “mummy and mining on th" Araskan sit'w 1hr day below. Wlir, the lulu-II States gal Alos'aa '.r, meridian was thrust track. Mrnidian, were made lui luau, nut man tor Tr' riciatas, I Sons time ago the ton" ul Nel- son. n.0, situated cast of th, Paci tie standard time line, aduptrd l'act- tht time, thus sccuiiug lor iiscli thi benetlt which tho Daylight Saving Bill is intrnded to give ("venom and without any disturbance to the peace at nod. Local tune is " mat- let ot cmu'tuliun and no mn- lmw Mes himsull "ltcilrcr H is nigh! will the sun or uni. ll nix acceleration by we hour will gH‘i' that amuunt ot additional daylight Int Imp-aim 'mrpots It "tliar: tlw lluuillllun unlccl coauuitte" reported brnvfit the physique, [animal hvalth and “Mia" of all classes at "I" minimum!) an" “duct industrial, cummmcial and 'dcmmstric umndil'uc m- atiifuia light. 7 on hour mutst be regulatcd I. slutt- of 1m": dituts to suit human convenience Taking his audium’r on an imagil'. My trip u-uml the world, he point ed out that local linw “jumpml†a intends of one hour as he proceed ed eastwards and halfway betwnn m. plat-rs “hen- it was alttrrd the Inn used “as hall an hour wumg " Calcutta at Tvrolay midnight " wa two o‘clock 1'tt Wvdncsday mmnm." at Firkin. Going a htile Lullm lt the 180th mmldiun on um- side i “3' sir o'clock Wedu'csday mourn an} on the oth" six o'cluck TUE: day waning. Mathematical accumr 8.111 tb" asAronotnr?r royal. must b teatperrul by rummnn wuss and H: “man-cs thrust tlw datv line gum Ayesta whru Alaska belonged In lh-r harm-w thvy dnl not have a "Cm: huh-r, our side of Homing $14.! Mtt,','idt,t."tttl' "t at made; there is need to renew the life forces. Weak mmyuricd brains, sick stomach, feeble blood, torpid liver, 'higgiel,t bowcls-W feel the uickcning cffiscts of Beecham s Pills. Their use makes a]? the difference. The Mic action of these pills upon the vital 1'rfy"" in imme- diate,thorough and lasting. Thcyarc Nature sown remedy There comes a time when your gri on thing: weakens. Abar mi Vcs an: unstrungnnc vital Execs iow, the stomach ld ireak and the blood impovcrished. You {sci old age creeping over you. Be carcfitl of yourself. Take BEEGHAM’S PILLS When You Feel Played Out For Run-down G DAYLIGIIT SAVING Bean, Aauwos an ttt witl bu RI drill, ltrr. ll. A. liln'xlo, s'ccrctary, and Mr. C. II. Fivihaliru', Treasurer; The Hicsiidtrnt In a brief address sta- trd that several applications by ras- lors for adntissittt to the Synod had born teviivrrd, and that ill: ttew cctv KngaUan% had been organized at Hamilton and Ilidgeway. It was ex- pected that a thumb would soon in eslahlrhcd in â€Haws, and a canvass had bun made in other cities and [1mm with cncumaging results. . pri nlll Fall wlrat--reprrts vary, on sand spit, thc crop is looking weltthough late, while on clay soil the ftelds are not only backward, but (ha and spotted owing to the esccs:,ivc moi,- tutu. 1'los Pl - mvadows Swing well (I: headway, Til lirtds " pr' ihan "I the “wt “and, most lor; oough " Imall Lirr storra--Thin hqu' ola svliou EXCESSIVE MOISTURE KEEPS BACK CROPS Fuut lrvt: C) ale ito II Mum 2tu"t W of _ uni-cu In uu . “out. UNI. may know: President-Rev. J. A. names, out viee.Pre6-Dr. linen-plum, Berlin. Rsr..ser.tarr--0. With, Tomi "IO. Tuesday stteiiiomt ' convention cl up tsomea'ts Home II. Foreign Mite sionary Societies at the Luther Let gut, ot Central Canada, was held at which MIS. J. C. Castlemm. oi Montreal, presided. The nddrcss ot Vacuum was given trr-MSS-li. .1". Schust, ot Toronto, and â€palm read'hy Mrs. F. A. Kahler, Miss Quadrandcr, and Mm J. L, Show. ot Burlalu. M. night a laymcn‘s "my meeting was conducted by -- is I “LII, Town-n, Nay ar.--Grear move- ments have small beginnings, and it may' be, as was suggested try um ot the dchgates. that the small body of Lutherans, some fifty in number,who iuct'in College Hall yvstcrday, were making hisloty. At any rate, asthe tesult oi tireir tltlibetatiorvi, conduc- cd under me thairutanship ul RoV. It J. “other. the Evangelical Luther- Totvnt7t, May 25.-,The (YnLriu "twp teport giving conditions about the Huddle at May has just bun. is- sued. Summariwd, the undition ot the crop is as Icilotvs: - I. WV .ee" -- 'F' ' Tho “I w - y,,e'i2'Nti', m Menu Item! um the convention was brand“ to ocder. - _ -4-“_ _-n I'll loo .Icuy ulvt-II-o n.“ - Rev J. C. Kclnzman. D.D., ot Phil- adelphia, Superintendent ot the Home Missiuta 01 North America and an nddrcss ‘wu given by Rev. Geo. Dram, General Secrzlary ot the Luther Foreign Missions, also ol Philadelphia. A M "x ‘F" V _ " PT ‘ _ . w 's"i"iigttiiittif'd.' “a west as Mia "9 W m» w; Iâ€? N “a.“ u†Lauertak ltd' Vin-t WOW" “mm, dc"- 4 Cum. tring Ni in Cotuge lull, a? the comm ot Wm ""' a m'wlm - ' " -.. . Muk'wmonvl to mums urn: lush Villlll‘ of .llnr t may .lvr an: spin dollars '.rry m pork, but waking again Ill Fullvh'l under thu J. Huber Synod of what I anirvd b ‘Ig'l in d secrretirrr--Wtos Rose Old ttuusdo'ss, loor, new promising. sowing-F-rs on highor ainvd Mull hare made hit but thc hulk of [armcrs of “lot? than half way In (hr NCC', n1 wrck at May. tre-Aft (bums ul ordnrd m prod condition. Banning s and hcmy tains at limo a good yivld mav be Hiqh pr hut the mph th s-tn out prosrrtit r 7.13.5... up the n. which -ttAa' l but Hui + natun' up: are [w high (n51 " hrecdiit Hay alum-5 1n l n'ario arr scan‘cr ha m', pail of feed is Ill Water ly The out Marmot rerrntly mun- ed a Cox Duplex Press and not up 'r-trn-to-rest,..' II I!!!“ - '3!" ;L°9_‘..ml In conrlualun " rm the County Clerk crud Councils copies at the ot properties obtained may "ttice as a nude Iorn. to assist them ir tgtrtwtgsrttvnttr up to .ch All of whk'h mint-d. Township pt “Muloo Township oi Wilmot Township oi erlcsley Township ot Woolwich Townghup of N, lmmll Town ot Berlin --r-r_. Town ot Galt _ _. Town of Walorluo Town M Preston Town of Hesprrler Tiuttgrrs a! Nrw Ham?“ Village of Ayr Village of Elmira In the above list the real property has been increased by the percentage arrived at, and the business and lnv' come assessments are added. I 6. In the towns and villages we find greater difficulty in I'mding the actual value ol the municipalities on account ol the dlllerent conditions prevailing. In some places there in little demand (or real estate and in others a more or less lempurary boom us being experienced. In the smaller municipalities it was dimeult to get 50 translers ol property, and in the larger places we were not satisfied that it was proper to in. erease them upon the percentage tound as there are so many things to take into consideration. Also as the tuwns and villages vary trom year to year " recommend that lot equalization purposes they be laken Ayr “ill take no action on County Roads this year. D. Spies, chairman ut the Gall; C. 1. Board, Gall, wrote drawing the attention of the Council to the High School Act, that where an agri- cultural department is maintained in a school the Board is entitled to an additional grant ot $500 trem the County Councn. Equalization Committee. After a numbu ot by-laws were given their tirst and second readings Chairman Lockhart, of the Equartra- tion Committee, presented the n'.- ratgtoitt or EQUALIZATION comma}! The report M: h um um mm“ wu My W W In discussed us our $142!»th ia not likely tho report will be 'ulilt Aptil the June session. " will So ',,11t'.t'de to Twin-Cltynu to how 05. â€Bâ€- mum new that the I†no“ tot Berlin be raised Iron 84,- 690,581 to '6A00,000 lor next you and Waterloo from â€Anti†to 33,- 310,000. - x "i I Joseph MeCartney, ot Gun, wrote that $2100 “nuld he spun, W. Brewster wrote stating that Hesprter would spend 81500. Preston has not decided what will be expended. in the good mags grant to and Gait. Road Ituprovements. Town Engine†Davis wrote stating that, Berlin desires to improve Mill b'trcet at an cxtimatcd cost at $3,- 033.37, and King street, Irom Cum- oron street. castorly to cost W,- 300.93. 1i. mm tr? tin Col-l! Guam up“ In tt Puma cl nah!“ an m od, bhualiststims, Comma a! pub and Roads Dru-I. um N am to be be CW†toqm. adult.- ms nu. do!“ " “0 Com an... um " with all m Inc-hen “are mt. War. den Kain-nob: 'resided. Dr. A. Ochs, ot Preston, wrote ask- in; theICounci! to provide him with a tent for a consumptive p'ttieat who is unable to purchase on him- self. He again urged the necessity tur united octlon on the part of dit- lerent counties in order to more el. tectively deal with this problem. Wm. Stark, Secy.-Treas. of the Chief Constables' Association, tor- wuded : notice of the annual meet- ing ot the Assodltio- to be held in Niagara Falls on July 28th and Myth, and asked that the ‘County be repre- sented. Communications. The annual upon or the Chi1dren's Aid Society of Waterloo cm was rad, giving a uynopall o! the work done by an County Bgrrnt, Rev. C. R. Miller, during the year. A. w. Campbell, Deputy Minister ol Public Works, wrote making .a'n ex- planation why‘a reduction was made New" Hamburg will expend 8500 on Waterloo and Huron streets. Elmira will expend $325 on county roads. Tp. Waterloo F.. Tp. Wilmm Tp. Wellesley rr Tp. Woolwich Tp. N. hummus Over (Ccntl nod on P333 7) Balm _. _ A Frr Galt . _ _. WMeriuo Preston Hospclcr ' Nrw llamhur t Apr t Elmira we rmmmncnd that rk cend to thr animus ot the lists at 5:109 blamed hum the Rog- n guide to the one} them in bringing their to Irtunl values. is rmpccllully Imb- R. J. LOCKIHRT lmmlucs Bridges this Sui“ (‘halrmnn Berlin l s. The Loud-tum I: txrtatNtt" the -t.ftrrr at hung the aquama- uon o! ans-mt to: Conny pm- poua hand on ml â€out†tsity, but tto, aetto. will be “in null-at “on in various aa-dt-tta " an Autumn Act will be made:- ed. In m mum may...“ income â€has“ ‘60!!th tet ineuly two and I halt million dol- 'cu"-.'.-, he included. TM: ban. Munro: the tutu and Villages as the taming amour b exempt Rom business asset-uncut. In the town- ships the assessor! apparently nag- 11ect to â€an: tor income. the different townships thus obtained to be what a conscientious -ttrtd cup- able assessor would make sthem, and that the eltort should be to bring tho useum‘ up to this point in PM!) InwnsMp. a. As the result of our investin- Huns we suggest to your Council the following as the eetttaliratimt ot u. ws4ments:- ' at their actual assessments (less ex- emptions) except that we ham ur- ied this somewhat on account ot the aBsessments in some oi the municipa- lities being much below the actual value, as lor instance in Waterloo and Preston. mentioned. We trelieve-the totals; tor 5. In the Township municipalities we" found no ditrtcu1ty in arriving at the actual selling value, as farm land is not liable to antidote in Value. Alter examining the lists ot proper- ties obtained Irons the Registry Of- tice we fmd as toNtvti; 7. To equine the townships with the towns and villasâ€; we hive te- duced the township: 'tk per cent. from the actual selling values nbovc pertaatot'trw.a- I T _ _ 'f, 'dtlttttr2T,t - " It": to 'Fsr' » 'y, _ a. You; wanna harm m Mew. It at (he Mm‘ " to elm-ho the mt tom at Mto various away-mm It In. t'4tttetty '0' the yum-e o1 awn-I.- h. when»: the valtt.uo.n rude by the ale-ton but a just relation one to Mother. 3. The Mae-smut Act now pro- Tides that real property shell be assessed at its actuul value. To get " the actual value your committee instructed the County Clerk to pro- cure tron: the Registry once I list oi 50 recorded ales in each munici- pality and the clerk ot each municip- lity was asked to Bil in opposite each property the figures your the Asaessmcnt Rom returned in 1908. in this “fly it was possible to loan a lairly correct idea at the relation between the actual values of prop- erty and assessed Values. and in cw cry municipality the'assrssed value would require to be increased, vary- ing trom tHe to lorty per cent. However, your committee consider that it would be impossible tor any assessor to bring up the valuation ot his municipality to the standard oi selling prices as loud in the Regis- try "dice. in some cases the used- sor might assess at actual value, in other cases he would under-estimate. and in'sonie cases he would assess above the actual selling Value. The owners in this last class would ot course appeal to the Court or Revi- sion and have their assessment re. duced. The oiled ot this would he that the assessment as a whole would be from 5 to 10 per cent. be, low the actual selling Value, al- though the assessor performed his duties thoroughly and in accordance with his oath. 4. Clause G of Sec. 58ta ot the Municipal Act gives power to coun- cils to grant cxvmption lrom taxa- tion, and it has been held that prop- erty so exempted should not be taken into account tn the equaliza- tion of Assessment for County put- Poses. f T $3,952,305 3,929,881 3,790,730 2,300,905 2,068,703 At tual Assessment 3,953,385 2,939,MI 3,790,730 2,800,985 2,008,763 ".1113!" 4,63i3,590 3,117.00“ l,'2ttg,ri7,9 901 .mill 498.269 300.780 Actual Asst u,am,577 'uriAu0iariitfii, "did on“. for 3-! v5.06. you -Hb-A6qttrt6re. ".tgat.tttq"t-eqm- 362 1908 "till 369 760 790 . St-lling Value increase $5,317,000 324 per cent 4,028,000 an per cent. 4.313.000 " per cent. 3,191,000 35 per can. 2,416,000 17 fer cent. Equalimtlon 31,825,000 3,725,004: 55,985,000 3,230,000 2,235,000 8,000,000 3,475,000 2,310,000 1,305,009 870,000 402,000 303.000 512.000 tat £100,000 HOW llamlltcn, May M.-Privaie Holt, th? soldier in the Royal Canadian re- giment, who mot and killed Sup. Lloyd at Rotseiey barracks. London. about a year ago and was tried lot murder and adjudged insane, was brought to this city some ttme no and incarcerated in the asylum. Me has not been a model patient since his arrival hero, and has made two attempts to escape. A few nights ago he tore his bed sheets to rite borcs and tried to tte np,his guard in an endeavor to We his escape. 3He had almost sucoecd‘cd in ova-pow. wring the guard when assistant: watt' undercd try a couple ot warden. Wham happcntd "o be pausing the tettsrttetC the struggle was going on and Moir was pinioncd and the guard set tree. Some weeks ago he tried to get our in about the am manner, but simc tttcn had new quiet. At the trial ol non it. was sworn that he was suffering trom epilepsy and that he became lnsane " time! and did not know what he wan do. ing. He was sentenced to spend the remainder ll his lilo mu. tho walls at the local asylum. Hi: bad spell: are fortulahly ot rare occurrence. but the guards have been warned to keep close watch a tdm. mu. Frank iianJord, managn- otthe Sulphide Mme. Th: puitttitt chimed tint a marriage contact was made. but that little courting "I8 done. us iiansiord wanted the wedding io occur soon. She claimed the defend- ant backtd out oi the bargain owing to thtitrathttce oi his doubts: It 'ittertrco'ce, who append nu mun- agr. Thin brought on the suit. As tha defrmdcttt did not upon mt any counsel lor him, Juan?! trriturn awarded In. Lumn emu damagcs. MANY ACCIDENTS (all, May M.-Fire "ttttordinary rrcor4 tot ed here to-day. br?", her arm. Jam Drydcn, u carpenter, tell Iran I rout, so Out. “I van titmt h- wm In. â€In†in! M-.tttts-egqittRqt.$, w.Aac,,. Belleville, May 2t.-Atthstgh on'y lasting cue hour, Justice Britton in the non-u†mum here disposal ot an irtter"Mt'tieo.tt of promise use. Plain“! will In. Sophi- Lawrence. at Sulphlda 'tttMe, h "ttttUtd Township. She In so years ot nge,. 1 widow with two c1tildrrn. Defendant WIS Thom: Mumford, who claims he is " yours at age, but looks younger. He is n tetired pulicrman ttmri " tbrooke, Que. but wornâ€? Iiiing with his George "Human. tir-rt m a trrieht ("In from Harrisburg, was itt- jund try n hunting cylinder an lt" train was moving out, But llrimlch'n gasoline [urn h blew up, wrecking Men: and vents and scorching ownwr. Moir ill man -iit great “will ind physique, and II had to handle nt times. Mrs. t' hi I or broke "Mute: U-Innlty ma ht “colon. tur m (on â€up “on. " will. at“... man (I. this": gutter, mimetic W ot tt!tdtttteitoerttee Muir}. "Ah I tspat; wlwd " but; - Squat “Iâ€; tt that In the mum a“ [nut hm' not only in the minute gain, in auoirtNreaurptttitiiteitsasrt- ship. holding 01mm Mitotic pod- an on the pound "atom and to womlhmty ol the annual Mum to hind “40' M tr any slim: and“ ' mmm‘m “My ot tu- dltiat, 04 " that fund on the Word otthrd Alone " the apron nnd ukulele“ tub at am "I practice, the amm- hve our has: ready to word to att mum- ot the sacred ttcrirtums 01:36“ pot-thin measure at Mon atom: with loyalty to the rundown] of in Chxistlan mm." AGED MAN MUST PAY FOR LOVE-MAKING A't'lt/..tlt" 8tarij5et-, 'lltlttMlt,t,'tiU, 'di, '"w f'Mt.,'df."',',', "‘ 'ttttt Prat-WNW‘ . 'tyeoteittttoe-etupoettt. 'ttotatett-mttotboriiatrtur uy: ', The trouble had It! beginning with the utterance: of Dr. Jncknon no! “to reply at Dr. Cama- nome mun back. no) the - m‘m 23h! teen the “but at my entran- smunco. Tho.etittttotthqt_ ter scum tonight In and“ a a distincy victory tor the - emf Ion. _ MAN ATTEIPTS T0 The Quaker Oats Company l: " vertising Quaker Oat. griddle cake; They say that these cakes are the most popular duh served in their New York cereal restaurant. Children CF pecially should delight in Quaker Data griddle cakes; the kind that in: can't cameo much oh " "gummy-u. ll down a c MAKE HIS ESCAPE I cellar stall! and I. Liam]; 'i's'G Honor 0mm. Touch Como":- Ioly cl Huh. T" TEACHERS or IN 24 HOURS PIANO ORGAN AND -.. "pm...“ ._.. THEORY aroidrnts, an um. limpet:- th Sanderson's Bakery [In It. In!!!“ TGGG 'C‘Burvnwry ot Innate 3nd Tawny» thinning.“ A -. . Tribal» University. - tVodiot-- 0mm Street Waterloo 'g'dift"""I' linilding. King Stucco. I B. Fancy Bins; Bread Boo, ad Fancy 0km Miss A. lt. Bean ' Miss E. Liuan, myothawaysufe "dtitequa9'truatWW.hdrrda. " T r s'lll't'Tlo'rJg"J'd1"lil2'll'a'trfd"a'J"d'ltilUi' b 'N.,' ttr_t+reaieroytronthtfttfitrrGveetttensoeee . Ni lasting longer. Ask your dealer he 7 I Fourhoagin s'atottsr-uap4tmtaéthertt iiWi .iik'iiiiiMi? thirdput f,,' fct dumb “you c, 'p'flttlli't 'f,llll v' f.bal'i 'r'll'h'aTalitlb.l'lf,a","iltl'i,,lli'l',",, orisatrstthit't- _ g Ei'u. SurwirsWMasu' Patntis the highest quality and - , p I ton intmade. We control theme» Mini! _ " IShLH 'lfu1'l)', manufactured, mks and My!†1imeeds "iii " MWMMEMVWI Pupil. pLopu-ed ly exsgninalion at WM StmtwmAlhuuAtet,t _ PAINTS AND 1fARNitttttt It in a uhltdalic-Ey which " - . yin if?“ tau. 1t#theooohitstr datum '! g . " m wgnmmhwz. , â€*1."- a.-. -c ' Used in the ham. nigh "duet. hm" F A otAe1itieeettPteir9heted.thitiAt,: I' "CROWN my» sva'w a ' tll, . an“. “iâ€??? 1tet,tttrttettdP, It. . g - a"; Il", “cum in!) any?" mod- for 15 punk rarity in t.nhusrryp. n h panned ma . T V "tqt Ch. wry Anert imam-m. 7 I Bat1t.easoritnerhooerandrsets-r, _ -- _ .. _ _ Th "Gtrouti'aGltiGaF.GU any: lad" 1rirHe$qt “cums bla"il'lhlvTt'T". r v-uuuunuununsmu-uuu , The marlin-u Stu-cl m. MIIItttgd . ESTABLISHED 1868. 'f mm; “wanna... - uommrowmam‘ To Your Chi 1ittil("'i'iii' 'P"r" Brighten; Up Tut iiiitriuio ttinttr [momenta n! ma um um- am “but '6MM08.t2. [MEMO MUTUAL In. null-llerlum Wtr. It". “com-f. Mn N M. It Eric-am t. Sourllur. "rum c. A. FORUM: DtMrirt "rttl Vanda» Dunno. Indium, “an“ "tttttt J. anâ€. M A. P. [10" and one. wan-1... 993* rum...“ “to Manhunt "cannula“ In an . In tho "no of moon. '0 In" Book Pork, Veal, Lamb, - Ouml than an! Show (on on eating); - “591mm,“ In “is. Pt o! bathe-aim an- - no a wt-, i'ai5ii'i'itiiii,i'i',tib)'i't'2 " am In I m and“ -t.eed Orda- -Mtr datN-d I has the "punt!“ of on In nnmmu Mum-gm: chow.» and but of new I" no Fer MW.- - _ l The Leading him Inâ€? BOARD " mum" In â€it“: W Dr. (.3. Wu». III-- Iâ€. h In“ I... I. " VII-nu. I... " a... nth-mm “can..." _ 'l.’ M .., an: It“. tor In! (nautical! tttgh Earning Pour. but "at": tet" fclity- anathema. gowmou . LIFE “MINT "uor OF TH E Orr" In t rhea: " ET?! Lit), ill}