, Millinery Display Bi , _ $7.59 Pit: You Out " fa suit, the tailor's linings and 1llll. " . ", . ot [Inch are equal to those ""1 higher grim. Mada in inte _ - I T- ‘21!!de a the populur light " i") _ colors. also luncy stripes _ q " on. checks, all sizes 36 to “IQ P, 'ilr't'ituuom, slngle and double , A, Mel fnirhed wth all the V M,putlc1luly fate mil fellows, worth " ta $19. M“. attit that will equal any- thllglo te [mud in Camus. mah, tron lbs bust News anlIamy mush. in. large variety of up lo GI†"tteen. and fatishcd with ters 'ery little style dntnil wanted by lash- ioublo dressers. The linings and trimming' m at the very first, qual- ltx, and " so sure this suit will Plane every mu who sees it. Sizes " " M. _'. .. It. MaWWaofMWu‘ " " “.4 I‘mhtndhl glad-km. Omahadlch- EE . k 1w: " 'iittSteiitttgt'2est'hr-'. se " n I W . ,uiriiGii 3:115 1'l,'="llf.'l'et'ic -4 . , an I." 'ig ‘ ttl has. 'J='tMrlatJftXdllrillll't vuMyoloolw- “I? H " buck Unusual-ablated wot-Ink..- watt " an - M" ‘ '“ damn. Till' on". .1:de N%ritteitqrtto to look than “I.†_ that youw Btrdthomthob-t "it ulna "or otNeed. Our Summer Suits are 40 pail: Men's Worsted 'trousira, all sires, Mautihlly tailored, regular price 33.50, Saturday . Men's turring Orercoau, in short 'rtrte,-tgen and (live covert cloth, also a few Itainpruot thetsterfield style, 50 inclas lung, in lancy co?- ert, good fitting garman, well lin- ed and trimmed, aims?“ tow“, rc- gular $10 to $12 lor " Men's Suits all wool tweeds tight and dark patterns, all sites, regular " to tto, Saturday $7 sts) Men's Extra wavy Working Shins. ‘cullm attached) yoke. double " itche, Huys' three pitce Suits, made from scams, black with white stripcs, siz- medium and mark pattrrns, import- ' " to ti, replar 75c for _ ad tut-eds. single breasted si:nes,l 65c “in - gut! Final-ban. tgoth A to for Slater Ind Em [on Shoes T " 0.9“ m to the mmlnion Bani. min. Cash and One like. . W. In" again open-d out Inna-r, Parlors on King Strut After an . Ingnuuuon ot-at “an. The mmlnon who run elm-go VIII 'li gr-ed to show you tho mama gunmen of $111 Fits You Out In . bind: and blue suit that any Robt. Brucknammmu Milli mm m [at Lit... “some! who" hitrtllli th,, Berlin. " Fits You Out In. ten. Now In the Urns to "eqtrq your but for s m, ' d p and one to Mtit rant Without mm mung mp i1'Jv'e,io',u'.ilai ht In at the luau :1:qu- ed 901911. M - - _ *"'tts YpuOnt OXFORD SHOES Same. to the mac: c: was: tweeds ant tarry I With a sun that has been dssigned inahrrge variety ot up lo to our special order. There In cot - and fatishcd with ""one point about the suit that we “VI. dnlnil wanted by tatsVtttink any man who really knows {6663- The linings and good adoring can take exception 'tgre trt the veg first, W?" to. “e have hid it made “pm all u so sure this suit will the [fury effects that are popclar " ml: who sees it. sirtthis season. _ Made 'ttt the mast PE- i home as well as coaservative models. . l Every size is here tor every rtgure, otFits YcuOut Lnd satisfaction is guorant:ed uiih d: and blue suit that any may suit. Specials for S aturdayShoppers Fs,, G. Steuernagei A. WESELOH & CO. KING STREET. WATERLOO. Beautiful Hats wAmyoo Warmer weather Ill gens tho noel of cooler and lighter footwear. f Four shoes feel heavy sud hot. coma in and select I pair ef our Oxford low cuts, and foot comfort will be your: the not of the summer. All the new otyloo. faahioruUN Ihlpel and populrr colon in Are hm for your choosing. Assortments no bet- tar here thug elsewhere‘ ind our prices are always fair and monsble. OXFORD FOR WOMEN- Dangoln Kid, per pair. 81.50. 8t.75, " 32.50 Psunt Colt. pet pair, " Pt; 3, 3,60 Chocohte. per putt. LTS, Atio, 3. Tan Cull, per pair, 800, am 3, OXFOBDS FOR MEN-- Grand ofthe Twt $5 95 $I49 hunt Colts T,e.thif, l 4.50. Thu can. per p r. 4. 4.50 Ox-Bfoodmcr pair, l 4 60 lion’s and Woman! Oxfomc Making: Grout "It , L'o.rs" tau piece Norfolk Suits, made trom neat mind twccds, scar.- unable wcights and colorings, (on [box pleated track and from, Jselt 'at waist, sizes in to 28, regular '$3.50 to 84 for I Men’s Baibriggan Uarlerwear gand drawcrs, plain natural or shade, satin trimmings and “muons, sizes in rat trom 31 :regular 55e, tor _ hummus may! to wear. In; put or bufncst. "it is made in iii. black no blue would 1nd toasty Rwius, in both lingle and double Matted styles. The linings are far? mohair. laxhionable models. to s it man tt all was, sizes trom 36 to 44. $1150 Fits You Out With a suit your tailor would pro- bably charge you double lor. All thy style feature: tut have been intro- duced by the best American emu" tor this season are embodied in this ttttit. We feel conruitnt that than suits cannot be duplicated in Berlin strong body linings, sizes 28 to 33 regular $5 to $6, lor ht Ctte n ettedrtt. Indium-a. IW,', " Fits You Out to V131: $595 $195 shirts cream rettrl to " 6c9 on: "-me M.rrtel- "mm tyel Par-a," the home a! Mr. and In.» 5ur-Hrrtu,-ttte.tms. ot a', pretty hon-o wedding on Wed-My. I May Mth, when meir third loo, Amo- H., m mind in mutate Nil: Emm- l-‘trm. The “who was "tdred in a pretty white are". l was “readied by Miss Annie Bock, i while Mr. Herman Hank, Jr., noted l u groomunnn. The nuptial knot wu , tied by Rev. Mr. Boone, ot 8%.: Paul's Luthmn Church, Berlin, in the presence of a large number 04‘ invited guests. The bride was the, recipient. ot my beautiful "and use-l iul gins, which attest her populuity. I Mr. and Mrs. Hertle, who will reside l at River View Farm, have the beat; wishes at a host oi triettdts tor I. long and prosperous voyage on the sea oi lite. I Slowly Improving in Health.-- Mr. Solomon Becker, who has Men Ill tor the past few months, is not making as much progress towards re- coven' as his [fiends expected to soc when the warm weather came. He is tutticring from a complication of diseases, the latest ot which, is an attack of pleurisy. Dr. Ochts ot Preston is attending him. We. all join in wishing him a speedy recov- cry. Will Buy A Quarter Section oi Land.-Mr. Wesley Cornell, who lelt here recently to seek his fortune in the great North West Provinces, has since arriving there engaged with a farmer near Olds, Alberta. la a lclr ter to "tends here he states that he is very favorably impressed v.;th the western country, so much so that he intends investing in a quarter section of land tar himself. Our lit-st wishes tor his b'ucCe.'iti.-- Great inter- est is being taken by our citizens in the Chronicle-Telegraph contest which is rapidly drawing to a close. Personals.--). N. Lutz ol Royal City, spent Victoria Day.undcr the parental root 'ere.-- Mr. Hubbard Cornell has returned to Toronto after a lortnight‘s visit with his brother, Mr. E. Cornell of this place, and other relatives and [trends in this district-Mr. Hy. Lutz celebrated his 81st, birthday on Wednesday, May 12. C'ongratuiations.- Master Johnny Gimbel. who has been on the sick list, is now convalescent-Mrs. Ben Shanta and her sinter Miss Sylvia Snyder, attended the luncral ot their cousin Mrs. Doerr (nee Ida Nahr- gang) ot Berlin last Monday. Serv- ices were conducted in Trinity church alter which the remains were interred in the East End Mennonite ceme- tcry.-Miss Esther Shantz spent the 24th with her aunt, Mrs. Solomon Gehman; of Waterloo-Mr. and Mrs. Ed.Sha.ntz. of Waterloo, Sundayed at the home ot the latter's parents here. --Mists Alice Snyder, of 84 Church St. was the guest oi her sister Mrs. Will Wlegand. on Victoria Dar- Mr. Ashtons, ot Blair, moved into Mr. S. The late Isaac Shupe.-- Ti'se news ol the death of Mr. Isaac Shupe was received here lat. week, which sad event look place at his home in New market on Saturday, May 20th. Mr. Shupe was a native of this village,- residing here until well up in his manhood. While on his business trips through this country he invariably called on old friends hero, viz., Mr. JV Gimbol, Mr. Hy. Lutz and Mr. Sam Hilborn's. The deceased, who was in his Nth year, is survived by a widow and grown up lamily. The late Mrs. C. Clarke, ot Ayr, who is also well known here, was a daugh- ter of Mr. Show: by a lormer mar- riage. The luneml which was private was held on Tuesday, May 23rd, in- terment taking place in Newmarket cemetery. S: Dctwiler's house here, which has been vacant. lor some time.-Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Gimbel were the guests of Mr. Chas. Allemang, of Blooming- dale, on Sunday. Funeral ot late David Taylor-Mr. Abram oberhoitzer Was in Berlin but Monday to be present at the burial ot his brother-in-law, Mp Dar vid Taylor. of Corrie. whose remains were brought to Berlin and interred in the East End Mennonite cemetery. Seriously nf.-.n'he many lricnds M Mr. George Slipper will regret to learn that he is seriously ill and slight hopes are entertained an to his memory. He has lately sustained two strokes oi paralysis. since which he “CI in n trremrriot" condition, gt the home of Mr. Will Wirgand, Preo- ton road “can: of George Gporgt'.-- ANN an HIncss of some months, of ailments incidental to old agv, Mr. Henry (Home, of Centrcvnlv. passed peace- tully away to (.hr great beyond, on Thursday l-vening‘ May 27th been» ed who had been Mind for thr past few yearn, was born in Germany in 1823. coming to this country when It!“ I comparatively young mun. slam- which time he has raided CoS- timaoualr'irt this neitthtrorhood, WWI the nanni- 0! I in: you: when kid“ It Berlin. H. 1.1 by -- . Wm and VII Ilalitltllt w,hrt_btteeyte, a ts-tut-st-trm-tik-ue neon-quantum. Our Busy Neighbors FREEPORT. ! cream partiir.-The annual North and South Waterloo "rmemf institute ex- lcursion to the Ontario Agricultural College willberun on 'r-day,. Jule liiii.Teiuii Jade Kurd Henson. i spat a tew day-v or last. week in 1'.yeeht and Mrs. s. H. Rat: spent Victoria day in 'rnv'urateb- l Mr. out Kn. A. K. Jansen oi Berlin. :spcut Victoria Day in town.- Mr. mid Mrs. Rennie spent the holidays in Toronto.- Mr. and Mn. Louis See hch and their daughter Mrs. Duel- I tug. at Berlin, “site! at the home ol â€It. Casket Ziegler last week. Mr. Ian! Mrs. L, A. Jenner!“ and Mr. had Mrs. J, D. Merner left on Wed- nesday lora two-months' trip to switaethuid.-Ur. Jeanneutt has se- cured Mr. J. Fume to look alter his . repair work daring his absence.-- Dr. IJ. H. Ratz accompanied by his bro- I thcr, Mr. D. D. Hatz, manager oi the iirrader's Bank here, lett on Tuesday fora month's trip. They expect to sisit Unit cousin Dr. Fl. E. Fry, rot Runner's Ferry and Mr. " Fry, ot North Yakima, Washington take in 'th, lair at Seattle and come home through the Canadian’ Northwest. - A. Fl. Sthultz will took alter the dot-lor's practice during his atserrce.-- Messrs. Jury and Merner opened thrir store of general merchandise [grit Friday with quitea large stock on biurl.-- Miss Liven, of Heidelberg. spirit Si'nday at the home ct Mr. and Mrs. llradley. ' mum" Immune, JUNE 8, mo News 1tmrr..--Mr. ad In. AtMrt Wt: want "I. My: in Elam. o-nr.-'.", Hammad“: two" daughters titted triads in New Hunhurg last wn<.-:.irl, J. u.ts'cb- midt, ot Bertin, is visiting her hush- ter, In. Mex. Dertwetler.-Mr. Hairy Stump! in tttting up wanna“.- in the Meme†ot " block lot an ice Victoria Day Ceicurated,-- The Elm mira Musical Society's celebration on Victoria Day was tavorul with de- lightful weather. In the morningn baseball game was played between the local tram and St. Jerome's College team ot Berlin which resulted in a tie. In the afternoon tho same teams played again in which the-visiting team was victorious. The one-third mile race was won by Oscar Wtichcl. Lorne Rate and Fred Mitchell. In the threc-mile rate the McGraw Ina. thers' came in first and second and Milton Ziegler third, An open air "and conccft followed by a min drawing concluded the day's perform- ance. At the drawing, the stove was 'won by Theo. Mussel-man, the Kmart by W. Gooding and the table by Ethel Edler. Death of an om ltcsidenC- There passed awny last week an old rc- 'surnt ot Elmira in the rorson ot Christophe: Cross. Deceased had been ailing for the Inst twettty-tour' years and lately he has bun completely blind. He is survived by his wife. to' l" vows and two daughter;. Peath of John Oppertshauset- Word was received here lbst week of the death ot John opperuhauser, oi Stoney Plains, Alberta, “ho died suddenly at his home there. De. ceased was born in Elmira but Iv", here, with his parents, while still quite young and has since lived in Alberta. Passed Away in her 3trth Year. - There passed nw‘ay on Tucsday, May 35%, alter a low wreks' illness, Ida E., daughter at Mr. and Mrs. Philip Christmann. Deceased had been an epileptic Rinse childhood and had reached the ago ot " years, The luneral on Friday ancrnoon was largely attended by rclativcs and friends, Sr. IW-S. Bruhm m, W. Brubachcr, A Jr. 1v.-E. Woolner, Hahn, G. Brunet. The monthly school report tor Stay is as lollows. in order cl merit: Sr. m.-c, Hubert, N. Weber. Jr. tlr-o. Kinzie. O. Weber, A Woolncr. W. Shoemakeu, G. Weber, Sr. H.-ar. Rohr, L. Hahn, u. Hitler. Jr. IL-P,. Ruched. R. Hahn, (3 Main. and W. Main equal, G. Weber Part ll.-R. Devilt. Part Il.-.), Woolncr, n, Sngdcr A. Hotiarth. Ili, m: partner predeceased him some six mus Mo, and one child died In its intmcy. Their now survive to mourn his Ions one can. "any 0., and one daughter, Mrs, PM“ Dippel, both ol Crrttreritir. The tum-ml unin- was held on Sunday Ila-moon to I'entrer0Y Church, at which the Rev. Mr. Mic-hm, ot the 0am Buy- mt Church ot Berlin, M MIMI the «and um I devoted 2r,tt'c tr, may yum. conducted on!“ mn m at radium menu l, 'tfr- M: Tit - $4. H, Swan. Teacher NATOHEZ. ILMIRA. Bruhm her ibursrtr. . Woolmer, F, Wool I Duct by w. Veitch and James Mit theâ€. Pilot Brie. chturc by Mr. chbs of llrspeicr. Subject-irish Will and humor. ' String band. Song by Mr. C. Glennie, Elmira, The Old Old Chimney Corner. Benediction. l Mrs. Wm. Hamilton had the. mis- lonune to (all and sprain her wrist . véry badly on Salurday the 15ttt, IT.., him In: U want.) [ J Br. than I“ at will,†â€In. (In... - View la! "ttb 'ttmo, in 'tqytty4e.r We in - to "It!" “*1!“ Deal-uh: bu w W - he.“ “has. “I "rttod her Maud. Ila Ell who. Bunduy Int..- A numb: c! - ot It. Frat Schmt a! " Jacobs, "In it. I um on t%ttdsr.--36r. J. Yul-{via went. several day: iii ll son. In R. J, Prdha, M10 his home in CM on my Mth.-Mr. Her- M war all driving in " 'ffl' will»: “to! - Sunday eva- hc when his ham beau hum-ea and and: t duh (or liberty, throw- ln; It. Schultz Into the ditch. but he 1011mm escaped salons injury. -mr.9gra Frlckey "s,e-aa_ar' - engaged in ti'.tirtq " other tor three million Wk " Bechtel'l brick and “I. may“. t"tertoo.--Ww On Bell. Saddler, ot Heidelberg, was a guest. ot Mr. 000. schagtr..-ger. Het- mau Hum, ot Helm uni bib lumber Oscar, visited friends in Erbi- "Tilie.-Hr. William Brown spent Sun- day under the parent-l root.-- Wed- ding belle will be rinsing here in the near luture. Pttstottttlg.-- Mm Loxl l-Irb I; wading a week wilh triends n Wa- iterloo, while Mr. Levi Em In taking it trip to Formou tor about 10 Vinyl.- Mr. uni In. Inna Brun- dhe mm at '.tntire..- Mr. at ‘1‘".me and It. Once Snake "tbshtIkh.irtc.q 'ttrtqhAlt Victoria Dar-A week ago we celebrated Victoria Day in n was.» what quiet Vily, owing to the major- ity at tht lumen in our locality be- ing very busy at their seeding. A few sports however were indulged in during the afternoon. In the evming 'a splendid tea was served by the La- dies or 1tralmer's Church in St. An 'drcw's Half followed by a [teamm- as iollows:- ' God Save the King. Prayer. M Chairman‘s Address-Rev. A. M. Iioruiltoa. Anthem by choir. String Band. Sdection by Mr. Cameron Glonie Elmira, The Resurrection Morn. News Notes.-- Mrs. Rayner, who hay been in the Berlin and Waterloo Hos- pital for the last six weeks, is, wc, are sorry to say, improving very slowly.--Mr. William Hcarn, oi Tor- onto, Was in this neighborhood 1331 week looking after cattle tor ship) pintr--Charles Goetz shipped 2 loads' of very tine cattle from Breslau last week.--Miss Edna Mitt-hell. Miss Lau- ra Petrie and Mr. George Holmwood visited at Mr. James Mitchell's last 1veek.--Mr. Isaac Blythe spent last Saturday in Brampton. The Rev. 'S. M. Roadhouse, of Elmira left on Tuesday to attend the Annual Con- lereme of the Methodist church which is being held in.Brantford this year. 'Mr. J. G. Hurst will occupy the pul- pit in the Methodist Church next Sab- bath.-- Mr. Hurst's services are very acceptable as a local preacher. Rally Dar- The Senior and Jun. ior Young People's Alliance of the Evangel'xc‘al Church will cvlebrnto there an Us! rally tiny on Sunday, June 6th, 1909. The pastor, Rev, Kaatz will dcliver an address amiable or the occasion at 10.30 am. At 7 o'clock in the evening a programme Will be rendered by thehnembers ot the Alliance. A hearty welcome is handed to all. A Sptcndid s9tcCess.-'rhe ersteruin- mot in the Lutheran Church on Wed- nesday evening under the auspices ot 1h: Young People's Society and choir, proved to he a decided sutuss. The sthions were all exceptionally well rendered and the entertainment was certainly a credit to the young people and to the church in general. -The Stork called at the home ot Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Wall the other day and prom ed them with a bright lit- tle baby Igr! to brighten the home. Congratulations. A Linen Shower,-. Mr and Mrs, B. Bmgerriat-ritMtt_ "mifnbcr of young people ot this community and the town of Berlin on Saturday evrn- in, Nay 29th to . Finer, shower, at their hrndsome new home, in hom r " mm niece, Miss Mullah Shvphcld, who was the n‘cipiml of many hand- Bome presents ot lltuut. Alter thr cmmng was spent in various tottstn of amusnnrm, ice cram and who were served, Mr, Bum-mun ihett made a Irv. remarks, ot thr sterling qutrl- ti:a and the loss this community “as "out lo sushin by (In removal oi Miss Ehclimd ilom ftyr most. mv lowed by “mm F. Snyder and D happy plinth; singing ,"Ood be Meet Axum". WINTERBOURNE. BLOOMINGDALE. "luau. ST. “cons. Mn, Jnckmnn McKay" Hamil. Th Wu disprord by with you till w. mm of m. WM and him any... de C " an» 3d " 1gr,d',,tttt'tirdn't 'irFi':.iS1i'itiF,li, " ever on bite, " mm of crypt. that 'ti't.1hgtit $96 or ',WI.""a'd - _ unto the nut-Jay“) Bros. ‘ ‘37 ts no sad-shuns Bun-oh Amt. n- with ‘ _ , v ‘ J si'i'r,'iii5 'LN, undo would. n :':'i.iiiit a 'tiiiim. iGSR hm'l'ici,cazrsaisaciref. g... . th m... . ' iliQ!N' maul-r mic. 01.85. and. and i"ttt,%h'Mgf,i.2 Eii2) upocklptico................8L16 Wald-Int - - ‘ monmotlu Imported 4 (rune pet "I border, 'fs,thu'.P. Bl’uull orpgfl. gm: lam-darn much "pt' â€and. and " aUr Flee . , III tntd.ao.. ,, 2fll'hT.",'l'.'.lf.t.'.rlt1r."e'e.11'st "tut ii,i.l'iii.?ieitFtt'i't' Tiï¬w4tnmawh’5‘: 'it,iiii"i7i?tifiiit.raTi at m. " . . to "a. M 'ttrr.., rule and laid, art-ill Tg,' ' .. .. tlt,', “all n’alo. "gull!- price "t' 100 yudl but (run. Brunch an price. we.“ 'M6c.........ed.. Hambu- thll "his only!“ two My. Conceal-bu ,0- VI: mobs-t Mr". . w,- No cal-pen wit! be elm-god " an shove pica. Terms cub only j TERMS STRICTLY CASH. ONI PM“. CHEAP_CASE 8TOM-. 27 KING " BOOKSTORE _;' Waterloo, - Ont . ai; Books, Stationery,0ffias Supplies, Fancy Goods, Wall Paper, School Supplies, English and German Bibles, Testaments, Hymn Books, Ets. English and German Catho- lie Prayer Books, Rosaries, Cruci- fixes German OILStoveu. 1 burner, SI and $1.25. A - -- M -.- "an,“ on 8mm. 2burtter, $1.50 ma 01.75. Don't. Worry about the heat. We an mute life comlomble for you thi. mmmor if you will Allow Utt tolell you s Refrigerant. 'troo up to 8354!). Blee'2ft, Mn my“... “in high 2 ft. l0 In. wider I 6 ft. 10 In. high. 3 (a wids x o n. o in. high. a ft. wide x 7 ft. high. 4 "riyt. P515? tl., ttds, use and t2, GG;piitu Qiihrhirdim. Weichels’ Weekly Store News HOT WEATHER SPECIALTIES Dmm‘a Lorn Rake. Ab. [nun Inver- MJD to "6. Rubber Hot. 0 and! In. lawn Sprayer. we to "" Tree Spay-n 81 and tl:" Mr, Shout-I â€um! t. 'settit I): Ouch. Moll- .“ MM. mum can and I to. Carpet Departme ©OERSAllWS _-,",,.', - if)? Lt2d A Complete Stock of Buturick Patterns alwnya on bud. Week: s eds! Sale of Wu, W , /" '. "srtu't',uu"d. _ i', WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDB oir Luna 80mm» lofrlgonton We are headquarters for the Edison ‘Phonognpha Saran noon SMYTH BROS. F on Steve. Special Notice our PRIGES TN OUR DOERSAM’S WHOLE JNtt Ill-'40". null-t It“: nude and In“. WW..." feared,',".". an!" who tlisp Me, 2 “if“! “H.3- c.,"., Olympia, Elm-hm not! Detroit Yupor. 34.50.",Mlnd 89. 2 “(I I buttock. The Wonder New In I 1"â€. wquer. ___ - “A _ _ M "art v" a. aq'mm 66.60. Flinn. (ll-nu union. A good Doreen will hoop them out. Slhthr to loan and Mon I at“ Um In I to 05:. WW?- OI up to 'lt Shorwln-WHIIuna-Pdnh - “I colon. Rainer Floor Potts, In M. W- goo! Floor. no ths-oi, Wynn Pl [no Enamel. I Div. [1tu 0mm 'vtutttettit .. Cruel "not. better In My. 'kgrtur'hie, “In. Burn I. A good rd color. Var-ht Mus. m a I out. mil-um gun-r9 Ee. - loo 0mm "out" 27 KING 313331" In" t Window aam,,cd cmllno “on.