- F'?illl. . ,nrrour,Nar H,‘ _ .W“"’h - “at; The In I. m- 'tal . _ tummy!» cr,?, brihe..utryrtb_rPet RiltNBl Wi'uuet,baqe, all - â€an hishr‘m'h' a†v' , "rF thou “to W" er Jail-ands“ tg, LLva cattle we“ ‘00! MM may [or local butcher pet- ' .am vuy law tot new "iW.2s mid“ h- danced My l? ttre. [In two or tttrest in. not-s up _to_ and some asal. 'it? total run ot .11 stock included "I WI. '10 1,280 thead ot dill» " may and but... no atgd 312 calves. r,'lltg'a's'c'etriit, steady. l. My demand tor choice this! “We and prices study to 3‘ m7 cuttle rte-fly. WI wt! ieederr--Dettrand for N stock; market steady. . Limb-Hutu easier, Show when A â€Hark“ firm and higher. going thu' week up to record prices at 88, ted and watered, and $7.65 tt 37.10, Co.b. Culeeq--Mnrket steady tor good butcher eaires. "Bobs" not wapted. “m cows and swingers - Good tof good quality milken and our swingers, but common not wan- Lambs and sheep are casler and mat. are that prices will come down. finished cattle firm at " ti, $6.30. Choice butcher cattle were steady to firm around $5.25 to $5.50 tot picked extra thoice hoiiers and Insets. The ordinary run of fair lo good bytcher steady mound $i.75to 85. Common io interior mixed but- cher cattle steady. Good feeding cattle arc wurceatui firm at $4.80 to $5. Feeders are wanted, and are firm ground " and Bot too many offer- his. ted Export-Extra choice 1eavr finished cattle firm at $6 to $6 Torsmto.--TIte astonishing advances In the Liverpool and American mar Kets while our exchanges Wet't. clov"l for the holiday wCre "orctcil an the opening this morning by inglm quo- tations. Busmcss was still lil the advance, however, that quotations were more or less nominal. ()niurn wheat, No. 2 rod, white or mixed S1,- 30 qt 81.35; Manitoba wheat, lor tio. l northern. $1.31; No. 2 "milk-in $11.13;; No. 3 northern 51.39; m track, lake ports. Coin. Amerivatr, No. 2 yellow, 82ic (; 83c; No. 3 yvl- low 820 at 82le, Toronlu “rights, Canadian, 76e (32, 77c Toronto frtighis Barley 'No. 2, nominal at t;le (an 1i2c, No. 3 extra, tilt: (I IEZC; No. 3, Mc Q1600 Buckwheat, No. g, tile (4 bTw, Jtre, No. 2 7tc (I 15c'ottr.sirte. Uais, No, 2, white, 58c I1, 51c on track, Toronto;" No. 2 while, 521: (r 53c. No. 3 while, 51 tr) 520 outside; ("an Ida western, No. 2, Mic; No. I ex- 'tra lezd, 55c; No. 3, 511.0. Peas, No. 2. "Sc " 91;. Manitoba l'mn No. 2, 95c it 96. Manitoba l'mn quotation" at Toronto um First In tents $15.20; second pahnls $5.1“; strong bakers $5.50; Ontario flour, 2m per cent. winter wheat patents, at $5.70 tt $5.75 in buycrx' sacks nu track. Toronto; $5.10 (I 55.5" out- side. Minieed--Manitotra bran 3.†Q 324 per ton, shorts tM pm tun, on traclr,jrrooitr, Ontario bran, $25 per ton, shorts, $26 per ton, on track Toronto. Wt-ttstandard)-.-. 126 IN Barter.... .... .-_... .60 .55 Ova award] .. .... A7 .50 Pn- ............... .85 .88 any»: tOtt.......... 8.00 wfll'/ Bmnper ton.......... 25.00 '24.00l Short-par ton........ M.00 I,derrBtttm.----. 7.10 7.30 Beef from qultul'l.... .00 m Digital“ quarter" . .. m A), 0 on:............- .60 no Duh.......-....... 60 .60 Batter per poand...... .23 .26 Egg-per dos. ......... .16 .16 â€91..wa ........' 1.50 Pontoon, pot bug, ..-...' .65 (Tulunlo Star.) A newsdealer in thslc) extra daily papers contain att the Kinrtute muulvr a my Copy. He mdcml a! her containing a report Jnrd's His-sh nxry Convert not sell unc. From the: A nowsdealer in thslcy ordered extra daily papers containing a mp ot the Kinrtute mmdvr and sold cry copy. He mdcml an equal m her containing a report at tlw L man‘s His-sh ngry Convention and not sell une, From ttuse Faris Clinton New Em draws tum_lusi, mt'hvmble to the moral and 51 “ml condition nl Cheslt'y, but judge Nut-"s language but, Rudd 'to It laktuwihylv on u Itle; We! Js like mm N .s Th) tyr mwupapcra publish n t -' I aim-t sripes, and that the " tgd ginger ree' reports ot (“V min répuégql'axtuonn or many. 1.. '"' old .' Jai; z ='. nan I very trssioit,bbtr' en???“ ic) “on: “ways have bun Ind alway‘x will be mnro interesting than HM [Habit arid far mum intrerrsi:rtI than reports ot Emmy, in which cold VF 1ate,s.f9tr' place od the im- gr'.','),",,'."':,"),',') lashing 'rio, and C. "lmatrd mum" of the wonk- hm; Emllcut watch†MW made “in will†of the Larmot'it b only. ovum-ml, but they won “I. about puns, ghoul mumm- ' about institutions, They muM no! u "ect) to take the Mime bold man the ittmqtetotimt " A not, gamma-mm â€a†, WI. -r “I v- - "f" ~77 no resumed Myths u $8.20 of! STRATI'OBD MARKETS. Shalom, My 27, 1909 WHAT pry )PLB-JLEAD SWIM) mu BRAIN well spit In) did th, II|\ 1n " 38 LTveEogI............ snoop-kins "r--.. .... Tnllow...... ..-.t... 'Drlod Apple. ........ (B-......-...-- isnonlam mt-rr........ 'BtttNttt......-.. .-t.-. lPot-tou per M3,â€... _LMIRAHABKETH Emu-127.1009 Maaitottarlmtr.- 3.00 Bran ....-.-.-wr.."'. 24.00 glddliua....por ton £92 NEW HAMBURG IABKE'IB. Now Hunbnfg, In, 27, 1909 Wheat .......... .... 1.25 l Outs............ .... .48 81:101...." .... .... .55 Peu...... w--.-..... .80 Corn............ .-.. .77 Flour................ 310 3 Butter, porlb ........ .22 f, Egghperdortrtt -.-... .16 Hnypor ton..-..... 10.00 14 Lird, per lb...... .... .14 Ham................. .14 Mlddllngl. per mm... 2t Brnn........_....... 2000 .26 Potatouporbng...... .66 Low and» Flour...... so 00 32 BERLIN MARKETS. ' Baum In} 27,1909 Flour per 100 ltm. .... $3.00 Bran " .t... 1 30 Middlingl " ..... 1.30 Screenings " .... l 30 When: par buth....... . 1.25 Barley " ....... ,60 on. " ..-.... A7 Pau.................... .85 Pontoon per bug...... .65 Hay per won..-....... 10m. Wood peroom........ 7.00 Bntwrperlb......... .23 Eggs per dozen....... .15 Wheat.......... ...... Flour, per 100 lb..... . Bumper ton..........2 0Bi...-..-..- 8horu,por ton........2 Pou..-............... Burley........-....... Rrtr--.-----. Buckwhott............ Buttor,perr pound w.... Egg-,1»: dozen......4 Chickens, ouch --.t.._. Poutoon,porblg...... [hyper tom-.." ....1 8n.w.......... "--... ‘Boof.................. “anew"... .... .... Pork.........l......... Eldon..,..,...... .... anbland pens ....,. ctgtirttnt.A.'........ Wool.................. Woolwuhod....~...... Niow,tatt t'auorirntvured muse thrj liver, the irotthles u biographer NEW YoRK.-MItoking arsrnic for baking powder and using " in bi.. cqu, Mrs. (Tynthln Parry, " your! He: ot Tottmtrioe, sum Ilium. palm-ad hers." and he! hub-n4 yen- mdny. Mn Put in! but nut to "Im- i'iiiii ailtillll '2 change hound under a Salvalim Nell "um... um" must humar TOUR ARNHNH' FOR BAKING POWDER. 1am MA3ttLBN than. In! Ir, ......... ...." 1.25 ....-... .... .48 -....-t. .... .77 ............. 310 mrlb ----..-. .22 rdozon ...... .15 mu.......... 10.01 r 1b...... -... .1. ............. .14 GALT MARKETS Gilt. May 27, 1909 adapt "on. [00 lbl. .... $3.00 .t... 130 " ..... 1.30 u .... 1 so haiku--.“ . 1.25 " _.-.__- ,60 " ..-.... .47 or bug...... .65 >n.......... 10.N, aom........ 7.00 lb ......... .23 lozon..-.... .15 0-0" ..--.--. viv pub-5...... .65, mm.--" ....12.§ r_.t... .--... 4. . .............. .i -... .... .... .08 .(i....... .... .(TI f tmlte .... . . ‘ 1...; ......'.. %‘ .............. no tted....-......' .15 d human hull "and for "ports oi k the mammals “in their methods to th ." 12 121 12 .24 .15 AO 1600 .70 33.r 0 .70 12 00 7.50 14 00 .14 .14 M 00 2600 3 40 24.00 310 .70 14.00 3 30 1.35 1.40 LM 3.23 .16 " " . 16 12. " .70 .60 I; .16 .70 .16 £10 r12 no .15 .03 " ,10 90 It is estimated that 15,000 people gathered " the Woodbine race truck on Saturday “term to witness the e\euio oi the opening day of the o- tario Jockey Club‘s spring meet. " ,m n wonderful crowd. Hanover, the programme, including the historic contest tor the King's Flute, was " tingly tavored by Me weather. paced by the presence ot the vico-teqall party, Judges. members oi Pulit- ment and the Bar, lociety lenders and people prominent in all walks of lifr The opening day brought with it "w fsitieth contei- the silver jututee-ot the King's Plate, the oid- est continuously contested race on the North American continent. To add to this nuspicious historic occa- sion, Shimonele. a product oi the tumours Valley Farm stable at Homil- ton, the winner of the much-coveted stake, established n new record oi 2.10 3-5. - How Shlmonese Won the Plate. trt the eight starters that corttest- ed the King's Plate on the occasion oi its rsttieth running three were from the stables of President Seagrnm, who has won this historic event so many times as to constitute a re- cord for one owner. He elected to be represented by the iour-year-old Dog oi War and the tttree-year-old Cour- tier and Tollendnl. Musgrave, the contract rider ot the stable, had the mount on Uourtier, who was presum- ed to be the staNe's best. No de- claration was made, but, as usual, Mr. Seagram sent than, all to ride out and let the race show which has the best of the lot. It developed thus that Courtier was not as good as Tollendal, who outrun and outstayed his stable Companions, and, in tact, everything else in the raw except the winner, the Valley Farm's Shim- onese, Mr. Dymeut‘s Fort Garry, Mr. Cook's Desert Star, Mr. Beck's Generous Moor, and Mr. Mnclean's Sauce u' Gold completed the ile1d. Shimmese was going hand- ily in third plate, while all the oth- ers behind her were in trouble, and the pair out in trout were beginning to show the elk-ctr ttt their terrible duel. Then a great cheer went up as Gilbert relaxed his restraint long enough tur the Hendrie Mare to race up to the leaders. ()n the outside, giving both plenty ot room, she passed them with the greatest ease. and swung into the rail in front. 1ie2iiritt mg a. " un- unu- nun " She led into the straight run home, and came down the last quar- ter in a. gallop. Her cars were prick- ed as it the race were but play, and when she came back to unsaddle in the Judges' paddock she showed no distress. Once the superiority of Shimonese was demonstrated there - .e"'-T-B. WW __ -77- undo-uhbm af o.t.etr,thoth-nr"f".. " "iG7ii'it"ieaueur.r8+ may won-4 B who "Inâ€. “aim“ in - sum vu.. I“ maid-HOMO.“ tr tuo.tartootter_ql.P. remained the battle between 'lonen- dal and F0}: Garry tor second place. There was ttle tight lelt in Fort Garry. All he had was given in the earlier stages, and Tollendal soon overcame him. The Seaman: colt watt lengths behind Shilnoncse at the finish, but he was lengths in front ot Fort Garry. Dent-rt Star wns fourth, Contact Mth, Dog ol War sixth, Sauce o' Gold seventh and Generous Moor Int. - Won by sumoxm. 4 "at. by 1urtt--Lrddtto, '" you“; and by Col; Hon. Job B. “attend (help M. H-drtr, “and by Job- le. - “" a. n guard Gum... - 'I V"'"' ----"" B-d... Jon. E. Supt-'- Tolluldnl, ' yon". I“ M; trained by Berry Lttthrtugd - ridden by Phil. comm. _ Third - John 137-99! Port Gun. 3 run. Mm W3 tuned by “I“. Ind riddm by Lee Kenny. Timo-Sn0.b6, the Wt on neon! tor the Plug Men's fine dongols kid thou, blueher cut. dull top, solid insole, very at}; Men's fine velour c.†shoes. blueber atylo, good. yeu' welt soles in two of the very newest shapes, very stylish M. - 83,50 A FEW LEADERS at. Women's (in. dongoln k -d shoes. Mueller and kl stylus" ohms and with- just to fit your foot gt 17.5 tnd " . we" 82.25 Neat, Natty Complete rings t of Men's tad boys' heavy solid leather 'shoes, the kind “attire build to stand the hurl our. FOOTWEAR J, Housman The Shoo In A 3PM" "II - 'tee. Our pricesn),h your hm. _ ' . at Up-to-data mun on my» "B. 82.50 ,uaia.ae--atriuaaa-,atgtl on... th-duQWWCI "iiiiiGduaiiiFi-tuao"-r' "eattetmtlrt)lltrt "er=1e2httthtgt -.+_PW.Br-"I"l-"""""'"'-"'-"-'" tho “mold-h“ an “an. "1'tti,ttQ if? ngï¬kmm'†- WE'T_vawâ€"vâ€"wâ€"w__ï¬,,,, - but - 1'rGraG'tiriiFtri(u'ituyurFteEt1r"".' MWï¬l-oou‘lm-homm wmmmmwmuuu also. I)!» as. ---- odiLei.ri-tepteeeH.o"a""""ru_ iaueai.au,mduu-r-uae". iii.aFuusu-e-teetfoT "i"iiraGairtse,uitoaao-ei-tios"tomtt"" immuninmuwwuut. - _ Vomuoovmh Insertion-tom. Tn- luat in kaweax and Beets. all .hadaq uad style-r We hep nothing but m but mum. In corn. maul. - beet and um - Ben-mint It pays to plant. the but. glare will be sold by Public Auc- gtion on thetarm ot the "mietsigtr:d, 2 miles south and cast cl Llnwood, Lot No. 9, concession ll. Town-hip of Weileslw, eastern concession. I“ the described REAL ESTATE and LIVE STOCK belonging to George Lichty, on Bhicopee Woollen Mills Store. REAL ESTATE-The farm COO- sists ot 101} acres more or less. On the farm is a'good brick huuse with cellar, a good bank barn, implement shed an orchard and a good garden. The soil is cl a'good clay loam. There are 85 acres under good state ot cul. Nation, 8 acres at lalrly good bush, balance ot land its in pasture, a nev- cr-laillng spring creek runs through larm which makes ttsei [um well adapted for dairylng and general "nixed farming. There are about " acres newly sown in you, tenets ore m a good condlvlon and goodly num- ber are wile tencea. This will be a good chance tor a man to purchase a good home near the town and only , miles trom rall- road. a THE R. J. NEAL CO. PLATTSVILLE - - . 7 o At this More or Factory for which we will pey the highest price in trede; such as Tweed, Fleunele, Bunkete, Yarns of ell kinda. Also fins worsted cloth in bleek, blue end worsted twee-in which will be made in suite to order on short notice. Give an tb cell. sale to commence at 2 p,m., saarp Mr Weber the head of the firm has been in the woollen laminae gimme 1867 end ought to know someth'ng about tweed; LIVE STOCK-co" rising 2 years old, sorrel mare 15 years old, cow, due to onlve in June, tow trash, sow, due to UrroR by time ot sale, York- shire boar 1 your old, a yum; ply l, weeka old, - ihxpimaNTs, ETC-Massey-Har- ris hoe drill " spouls, Oxford cream swnralor (In good running order. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE. Tm per crnt or more on day ot sale, balanke to be arranged by Oct, l, Moo under agreement. T ERMS OF CHATTbLS. Pigs, and sums of 830 and under ash; mu that Imount 4 tstctttlttr' credit an approval joint notes or b per cent on {or cub oh "edit Pigs, at mph; 0 credit on per cent amounts. Real Estate Farm Stock, Implements GEO. UNITY, moprieior. E. J. SIIANTZ, Audience: For information regarding the new Estate npply to the undett'igrrr'd. May 2i;tlr--lteal estate,, lurm stock Ind implomrn's and household names ot Hm late Vela â€out n! t anchovy. .hn' 5th-Ho Wm. It, Young new?" mm: 1'"l'gt " MONDAY, MAY 3tst," t909 IWA; o: ohonlc- will: Eiiaruaujic u nin "nun-a Am! Auction 8an .-OF- Auctlon Sales .entt'.rf.etlt"gt 1-Hâ€. _ gMtttegtt'l'llr"tllt.'% 'git"'"" W‘ - and“. w I- - gun-1- " For Sale 15000 lbs. Wool Wanted. iii; il hold pt Waterlm Me, In of Mrs SEEDS! bmhM'IMh-DIW [qâ€m. That splendid 200 tore lama being lots li, " in the Md concesion, Division Guelph Tp. The mining are good, stone home, heated with inmates, hard and Bott water in kiwh- en, bank bun 80:80 with root noun nnl liable! under. Hay barn 50x60 with horse stable. sheep house and shed beneath. hog And hen house, drie- in; and implement ham new“; (tom other building. An union imp- ply ot water pumped by windmill, nc\crlailing spring creek touches one corner of lann. Orchard, garden und B lot ot Maple, Spruce, etc. have been planted. About 10 acres at woodland, over 100 acres in grass, besides the bush, Ind nil in z tint- class condition ot tertility. Thin is one of the very Uesl [arms In the county of Wellington and is a' lute tarm tor grain, grass turd mots. It is situated 6 mile! trom Guelph, " miles trom Mostruro, G.T.R., 3; miles trom Weisenburg (1.113., 2; mile. from New Germany and school In t mile from the house. For tdrttm wd particulars apply on the pranks! or to June- and William ' "diaw, Guelph, WANTED-Rubber Shoemaker: and Learners. Apply to the 1(3an Rubber, Co., Berlin, Ont. "-tt. GiG7G ""1" Gaiiiuu' raruCirf Eau, iii "r'l,",T2'llhl '"tt't, m LVAN m m. “W593. aw. dittltgotitpt%"pt,t'atNTl'Pt'lt'4 Lumber! lumber! l, the macaw. In" you. out ot the Pltnlnfl bullies. tad Lumber bunlneu .nd will morale" all out. Ibo balance of my stock of building In» terfel I.' My "dtteses? prion. . All than who no In the lumber trade or (men who no In need of lumber will and It to their Intel-oat to all not! [at my price- before buying elsewhere. ' on». Knutzlgor oi Court of Revision and Ami Tp. Waterloo Thr l'ourt of IlN'miun and. Appeal on the Asmsmmt Rolls of the Township of Waterloo will be held at the Township "III on Suurdty, Mny Mth, commuting at l o'rlocll. pm, Person hnving business It Court will plane are none! govern them-elm “mainly. "amor, Hill FOR SALE Take Notice NOTICE Wanted Mo. A. TILT ONTARIO. Waterloo “It - um um 100 mu. --~ mm My: 110 was. said um nut-unlim- “will,†“CUE-nu!†Win-Him. Why-luau. â€mm-august. "800bxryai00eerea. “400mm†Hula. Iain/out no Ludw- llooou (of Wm County I when the “In of tumor: and can: who 'ttput,'.' spartan" in t'tl'egg and e on 'IT, haunt balm. all Ibo knowlodg 'l'll)C'l will that] Input!†a" of the public. II. I. Duorlng -- _ Hum "r, um. “No.5“. Lloonsod Auctioneer If on want our “In to‘lri the lut. Lotion donu- all or write tf St'm'g'd 'i.e-,MtrsatMmt._tsaltmtt, pi ',l,l'ii.uki2,'i,'t't/ at 12rl,,t,'f. B. I. ,%u"ltg.l?vagWhautffrrPl'lrvt "a: a . nu um. m - - - l “:g [and M an In nod running b1'R. pin-mm :01";qu old-m. was. Win In It “can. 1!“! m. t â€and luck Hon-01ml: mnnmmnu- for alou- mw tteqtttgtt hm. III I- Tr, m. m‘unuJood nod-oh our.†Madman-J.â€- “Ida": Myst-Mu: mrtu.4 112“... than“: LC2i1Se WW ont. On May 10th. boulehold can“ of In. Hand. no Weber w., Box-“n. ROBERT BRICKNELL. for ode. - Lipplyifoi If you "a: you do mt con- ducted, mung Wuhan. to Ir DAVID BODY, Tut-toe! on. 38-tt,' It. RUDY Auctlonur I yuan-aha to cum lam. and inter, f'rfas Y.rrrym 011m, rthyNef. ___ Have Your Harses Shad by " Expert All klndn of genérnl men-mu: wore, rewiring. woodwork and paint. lug done Tromstly. Priest mpdbrate. A can no ieite . 1%lg: Eagles. Bits. Delivery rip. Vilma. rhea. an very clout- puuo. â€Joker's CAG Gusod. 1M1. li.tf Inn known by the lending hono- mon u I praeueil born - She. in. bone to a to give comfort and develop the test. In“! and Wm“? tteg, m' .1 we t 0 an: I†t Wllllmol and "an M; . High elm Shoolnglg Eggs For Sale For, bed, “like Wymdotw Auction Sale For Sale or Rent in“... Unmann- County cl yam-not. rum-e , Tonal“, . Bt-tatv an QUEEN-HT. 5.. BERLIN, Farm for Sale menu. 3:340, F. E. SHANTZ & CO. AUG an VOXDBAU‘ "1 ‘0 ke ll? D. B. KUNKEL Bram Ont. Auctionoit. '712F. TPau on nun. our. 1.. as 'yegri$i' I: â€000 WI '" m “100 bar' I“ m: use. up 164 an. â€no be" m let: â€no. buys no“ 811000 um 11. up. “uni-ii" ga. “000).â€th many-mm. mum 'ttte",',".',,'.'.'.",'.".' 'thit tin Pd tmtttvattyi-t-rsoettqttgr gtttft 'itIdfii, m†2"2rA",Mtlt "ityli'. a _ 1. Ha Igua- la all“ but m" iTraCauai Fiore um hm " mmmhmwdo all kind- 0(an ad 'ttta%rugtR wo‘k In on out" amd "."re. Ema! “#9999!!! Eiiitia,i,i, REF-0k - EJ653313? had a plinth: And muo- were. LOU Mr ROLL]. "A!†" â€wince. Constanta. on. SHIPPING H068 WANTED Ill BAD“ mam-cm manta. hood cm" mend My Hat shaman: Mar ' ',t"X'g,t."h") Mmofludln the 11115.6 ie William-burg. t all. unthoIBuun. On promin- good tmme (hul- h 1iou..6roo-udttamett-t. ’ do. 'NO. Apply to HENRY 3mm ll-M. Sta-abuts. P.0. n. nil-mud - do an.“ In 2t'/ht',',',,'t,'Ttat I Ml. a. Bulb “on: than u.“- m ='m 'etit6-,tMr-rtdrr. - Ev timid ball of VI. ttt tr.' idlhlnlxd leg - q an; My. mate -- .. 'gW',e'tgi'itW.?'t't'4 WN'? '.i5i'iif.ri.Tigi2Eihi, a - u but “WM-too (at I . Outh- lm in I and brick - Fhi,', (ammo. In. but was! qrtttt M ind I.†cum I.“ run-Ir - In luv-0nd a In" 'didn,""", ht mum â€Kahuna“: _ K K. In“. _ . In! Jal'd','gose Nt mm... tw. all "drug: It a I. L . . "a tnt Pi , I ' i,'li.si'iifiltiil,t.tiii2a'trh'itiioh'r'k1 - a... Hon-onto be. M lacunae. 'tttl'"" Mun-d mm;- toe A. I. 0mm“. , I 8 no». tax $800 l'JoW2'll'N"s'lhit'fll " $t509 Property for Sale Real Estate NOTICE To IUILDEIS , Property for Sale him For 8an I...“ NIH-WED. A one may. Note." it It G,mod Intel. non-Ir In“ mn- t x ' t MnMWtBL tttw M Mo! "" MW‘ I-ro-ttoi.:'.,";'-. III-W Won-1 grout. - on... on.