_',_,i,, Why Not Now Mr. Subscriber? ' ‘MI. Ont. Mny 20..iAs a re- ' Ili' oi the verdict. brought in last J by no Jury momma to en- q Into the circumstance surrourt- .1 " the finding of the body at an 1;" “known Inn in: Wabash car here. , My night Crown Attorney Rodd I, MI decided to go "ter the Cangdian :4’ Customs authorities at Niagara L in», Out... tar alleged lapse of duty 'i', In showing the cur to pass through ti" their [Janis without proper investiga- _ , tion. I European Tour and Diamond Contest GONG AFTER THE CUSTOMS AUTHORITIES iii. Rodd will take the matter up with Attorney General and also the Militia of customs. Mrs. J. Minett, of 192, Thurbcrs Avenue, Providence , Ithode Island, has hem cured by Zam-Huk ot a trad leg, which had defied all remedies iol lusty long years. She saysc-N0en a child of eight, I was bittln on theleg by a dog. A doctor cautcr- ind the place, but it never halal ','P 'soundly, and l have suiicred with kn uicerated lvg fur over sixty years, This occurred in England, mm many .English doctors tried in vain to heal ‘the sore. At one time I was an in- patient at the East Sufiolk Hospital bed aun-Buk is a combination of power and purity. Purely herbal, " is “IMHO! to all known remedies ior chronic Sore; and wounds, eeremi, snlt-rheum, ringworm, 1yruptions, var- icose. ulcers, cuts), "iurns, bruises, “in diseases. It also cures piles, All druggists and Stores sell at 50c u box post free lrom Lun-Bak Co,, ‘Toronto, for price. Three boxcslor "One day my youngest dapghter 'pital T brought home a box ol zam-1uik, am " hat t induced me to try it. With the first The gr application I seemed to fnd case, the, 30 and wither treatment with zammii'ihe "C did me so much good that I sent for tto tag a proper supply. I kept on with i?jed 1 the Zam-Buk treatment, and soontthlns f sow that the wound was getting to buy better. The discharge was reduced, Idectnti and the pain was eased. I persevered that ti with the zam-Buh, and, to cut at long story short, it enacted a cure.1 It is marvellous to think that, alter WANT auttering for sixty years. Zam-Buk l his been able to make my leg per-: John lectly sound ,, I for the 81.25 BAD LEO Foil 60 YEARS! - " ..,. _ - _ ,'__. r “MI. ,†unmum luck C . ae ‘Gl’,’ ".., sariiarii's"iViui_o? LE I". _ i _ "It was Ar" was "you“ Me, e 'tirgttat.,' 1'dN 'ttrue',': we: le" ' _ " br '5, . we 3 ' 86 r . . d m but“ mun _ - an... 8-! Ilium- "no mum ot trade um xe- Mgltgta - potted to law u- h “Meme ta. T _ _ - CM durittg April in eight. a ilk "" ‘ cream ut on u comma with M a. ' Mun huuumbcxuwuc “which. "rorud lot Ann, 1008. About " m. _ unm- and 1,943 employees was we} ' " _ ted by the»: W. ‘\\Illl" The loss ol “no to employccs through trade disputes during April _ 1.: approximately tl,"' working r.r.rararc=c=r.==t-----z-----=r===---== .dfyl COM with 10AM) working da E in March all 5,400 in A m no man we Ink. p Your renewal will secure more votes now than formerly. A NEW subscription is worth double the number of votes given for an old subscription. Select a candidate and give him or her the benefit of your subscription. It will certainly be appreciated The contest has aroused the interest of neatly everybody in Waterloo County and the candidates are receiving much help boat their. friends. Your suuedrtlort will help elm. of the Berlin Telegraph and the Waterloo Chronlcle-Telegraph. thor: It This Stage The Race Is Interesting. ' Elmira Signet-Elmira is bound to keep up to date. We are to have a "tag-day." A number of the Ladies of the Ladies Auxiliary Hospital dir, ectorate visited Elmira last Tues- day where they met a numhir M lo- _cal ladivs who are, interested in the good work. Together they Iorrnulated a plan to procure money for the heme fit of the Berlin-Waterloo Hospital, by means of the now popular scheme, known as "Tag-Day." This (went has been set on the first day ot June. In chat the innovation means that an males. who aria sold 'enough to carry a'purse will hareto leave their homes on the latch] morning prepared to be accosted by like farst good-looking lady they meet, Pty. a request to purchase ty "How pital Tag." These tags will cost just " hat the purchaser is willing to give The greater the amount the happier the young lady and the better for Him Hospital. So long as one wears no tag, one is in danger ot teing asrwd lo buy one, So, the best lining for mm to do, on that day, is 'to buy a tag in the morning, pay a Ida-int price tor it and feel content that they have helped a good cause. The Labor Department in: m- od. teuiled statistical report ot in!“ operations in Canada for 1808, a shown by statistics pillar ed in all municipalities at 5,080 pi upwards. The total "in of un- ings mixed in the localities reporting was 851,223,398. Of this the city oi Toronto contributed $11,795,436, be- kg, " in 190'! and 1000.. the locality in which building was most active during the year. Vancouver, with $5,950,808. stood second; Winnipeg, ivith 85,513, Tito, stood third. and Montreal with $5,062, 320, stood fourth. In the previous yells Mon- treal stood second, Winnipeg third. nd Vancouver fourth, with tot-ls consid- erably higher, except in the use ot Vancouver. The remaining cities in which the value oi building during 1908 exceeded $500,000, were as tot- Nancy Edmonton, $0,549,847; Otta- wa, $1,704,075; Fort William, $1,509,- 835; Hamilton $1,331,182; Victoria, t1,230,740, Calgary, $1,004,520; Lon- don 3366330; Halifax $857,270; New Westminster "00,000: Three Rivers, $58t,900; Quebec, $546,248; Welland, "525,000; Regina $516,656; Moose Jaw, 3500.000. mm W Aqtete6. " 't'22tr'ilirlt'i Comparative returns relating to the value of buildings in 1908 and 1907 were obtained in the case ot forty- lout cities. In these cities the total value of buildings erected in 1907 was $56,- 305,793, and in 1908 849,452,238. ELMIRA WILL HELP HOSPITAL John M. Scully, or Berlin, assignee for the benefit of creditors ot Hon. Samuel Merner, deceased, is suing the Bank of Toronto, claiming lo have set aside and vacated the registra- tion ot an agreement of October 17, 1907, whereby the said Merner de- (lared that he owned a certain lot in Berlin and undertook not to further encumber or dispose of it Lnlil his liability to defendants had been reduc- ed by the Crown Furniture Company. Limited, to 315,000. 'N AGREEMENT VACATED HELP YOUR FAVORITE This is the best time to help a candidate win a prize i Wh' “more we" tgr,t'C1'ltF Hahn presiding. T Bum. j'd _ ' J. A. Santa #otj. fig- pm. ordhdia; mum-thug,- resented by ' 'tlt Weidahumcr. Ald. W. B. I T' ‘ We Slant“ and Deputy Rem Hm m Solici- tor learnt. Mayor Weieenhtunttter, u 1.11M spokumu. presented the claim ot Waterloo. He aid he was more con- vinced than ever that Waterloo was entitled to 3 fair compensation 'rr unm- obi-m lotw- the me. tin Light Com a! the to.» untan- at he Waterloo To" hunch wrung .. “out†E I“ Wutuloo to: In mum. In that te, In to“ "My, and†in as we“ number. that a. caution n. am " Ion. length n was In“ that “a W: up “mm-n to - cen Anything but an pct out “rayon reeeipta, up to 8803" III our: will have to be trt" by 1mm Intel’s] maul Excessive “I the thttfi _ r' Submitted to lt tff"' Mgr-Ian] u .1 it: (machine. He did not think that tive per cent. was In Win de mand. More than so not "tst. ot the passenger tame came from 17mm. Tonight on the car Irom Waterloo to Berlin there were " men. " ot whom were trom Wnterloo. _ ly on a Snturduy night " out of " passenger- on A car were trom Wat- erloo. He was willing to €111ch the question on a reasonable huts, but he expected tair treatment trmn the Commission tor Wsurloo. " An investment did not pay he would not want to have anything to do with it. Board NET INCREASE The annual meeting ot the Gall dis- triet ot the Methodht Church" was held in the Hespelcr Methodist church on Thursday and Friday at which all the circuits were represented. The Chairman, Rev. R. J. Elliott, at Waterloo, presided at all the ses- sions. On Thursday the ministerial ses- sions were held at which the annual examination ot personal character and doctrinal views took place. Rev. J. W. German ot Berlin and Rev. Mr. Clement, ot Shemcld, were continued as supernnnuated ministers. In the evening .a public meeting was held at which addresses were deliver- ed by Rev. S. E. Marshall, ot Ber- lin, on Temperance and Moral Re- Iorrp.amt Rev, JO; ttttlit', e 9', Gait, on the Lauren's Missionary Movement. _ On Friday the general sessions were held at which the laymen were rep- resented and the ftntutcial reports ior the year were presented. Mr. J. A. Sccllen unlined that the large percentage ot mm trom Wat- The missionary contributions show- ed a substantul increase is did also the other connexion] tunds of the church. The membership of the showed a net increase of 96, circuits reported a decrease and eight an increase ot 130 The reports of the Sunday Schools and Young Peopleys organizations were very gratifying. Rev. s. E. Marshall was elected to the stationing Committee and ree. J. C. Antlm. Galt, as tslternate. Rev. R. J. Elliott of Waterloo, and E. P. Clement, K.C., were elec- ted to the Educational Committee. The next an'nual District meeting will be held in Trinity Church, Ber- lin, next May. ST. MARY'S.-'rhe by-law for the Township of Blanchard to give a Inns ot $20,000 to ttve St. Mary's and Western Ontario Railway wrs vo- ch on to-day and carried by a In.) jority at 76: BONUS BY-LAW C ARRIED if I gal lh MEMBERSHIP the district of 96, three crease of 40, I Guelph Merettrr.--During the put _ three months thumb oi the Peni- tentiary " Klnuton show tint two criminals sentenced trom Guelph hue been dischuged, alter serving their terms. Wm. Dramatock wu acute» Ad from Guelph three yen: ago on I charge of horse stealing while D. J. 'lrving, a Hamilton burglar lenienccd horn this city nerved twelve yarn, They were both relented during the , month ot April. . also grP2t' to the .er lb “$1.3†. 'it'iii'tii'ii'. in to"! T [not hull of if Jug. unity can. Iron 0- m’m at “up. mm on. a. m In" tho-mt“ “you m- IIA 'f; lo: M. tor ss.aityi'iqt,'e'iti?' ISit Orrin _riidtustmrai"ttrto" pererM. ammonium». m " plant could do“ to - and“ toe Brtmy.aux ‘ ltyor Woibnhuhut "elied at it did not not“: to mm who- ther the to“ - " not. tt the to“ it†3“ 'eermusyy my Mr. Wdclml contended that It. “newt amt world both ways. <Thon were readout- ot Ber. lih working In Interloo. Tto road VII -atirtg on Waterloo “this. consequently the to" v“ calmed to coup-nation. - Mr. Lippert nu than was one In- ture tint-had loan ontiroly over- w. Than were 1 large number ot no. Employed in Hull- who are mum 'tkt"terttto. " the RM were In» tuning to W.urttto the would have to more to Down. - m cut- . Mee - m with it. arturg,t' ot Intake would be pinned to no " “a, ttere. Mr. Liprert and the Commission had no power to and anything. They no " present paying in was $300.00 to the town. Mr. McBride aid it the gentlemen could not um we only count to an would be to hand the question over, to the Munlclp-l ' Railway Board. " they award nothing to Waterloo than the people at that town would have to be qtstisBed. The meeting then adjourned. $250,000 BLAZE mutual, Qua, May 22.-The Can- ada Load Works, of the Jas. Robert- sm Co,, Limited, William "street, made: spectacular blare this mom- mg 1sicen" the extmsivo want. was completely destroyed, the loss being a quartet' of a million dollars. ‘ The hre is supposed to have origin- ated in the packing room in the cen- tre at the plant, and spread to all sides before being disarvered. As a result a large portion oi the property was in ttames When the human, 0- rired. 1. L Mr. Justice Teetzel has made an order directing the sale ' as naked. ot certain prqperty in the village at EF. mira, belonging to the estate ot DI.- vid S. Snyder of the Township of Woolwich, county of Waterloo. for one lot of which an otter of $300 was made by lelin-m Bros ot Etmira. The whole proiterty is expected to hing about $1,400. The purchase money is to be paid into court, sub- jun to the trusts or the with The matter is referred to the Local Rey-r (an at Berlin to carry out the sale. Costs will be ant of the estate. RELEASED FROM "PEN . " Fortunately there W‘s no wind and the tiremets were able to Prevail the fire trom spreading. The company as caderstood to be well insured. MAY SELL SNYDER PROPERTY iii'iiiss,k, nun:- , e _ltrarte"r 19“" be in the IN MONTREAL CENT. L"... L .119 â€any. IQ m.â€Â£â‚¬ â€in. It. in tton' d _(m all! - and in up via .4 9m. Age, may: an on. b‘Wt- A. .- " ' .~ wi M will†th om C.P.tt. - anion out o! Ihetin nd “I! In nail-Ad up mm d tq, _ " tr ' V mama. Exclaim " W h Dana“ baton Bom, Satu- du and his tho with; d _"- turning any time up to am 11.40 pm. trail tho knowing lend" eventual!“ nib; nutty that: whole days to, "all Mood: and to tau ih the many aide trip- out ot [e tron by boat and trolley. m u‘“ std) an: ttpf/ell', u truit -yreirtitter.', An addition! attrarticat wills he the tuebun mulla- hum; 091).: trait Tigers and Baku. tht two American League tam which we intuit; tor tigBt plm' in tha La- - "hr-cm†- youâ€. muta- b silt a a. mu has you: a “an.†a! m} In W mph 'at! mm. .m - _ T _ [ m: alumna-u. but “up: out Mr W'“' ttt on. Mt Ian - min on a. not“ 'ctuefre, Jtsty um. , _ Arum“ have this no Jule with the Galt Marmot io einti6mtr with the Tuleguph in com“:- with the Gut. [ham and Hawk! end ot the cnmrise. ._ Few woman ml: the no of on; without "t,2't much 'rufieriat. an Anxiety. Bet on: the you: ot tor- ty-tive and titty wan becomes helm. and mum weaknesses arise with rheumatic attacks, pins in the hook sud sides, frequent Ivsadacheo, n‘rvous ailments and depression ot spirits. I The secret ol good heat:h between forty-Me dud my depends upon he blood supply. " it is kept rich, red And pure, good health will be there- Sult, and woman vnll pass this cri- tical stage in solely. Dr. Wiuhnu’ Pink Pills help women ot mature years as no other medlc'n: can, (or they make the rich, red Hood that means good health. turd brings relic! trom whoring. Mrs. U. Donovan, Newcastle, N.B., lays: "About two years ago I was greatly run down gm very asisraattisr, I diCopt, LBWâ€. what was wrong with up. Ifttyf lurdly' able toUrag myself about, had severe headaches and no -ute. I Mt so wretchtd that I hardly cured whether I lived or not. I had oIten read ot whom Dr. Williams’ Pine Pills had done for others and I docidad to try them, and 1. narrow trttthClly say I round them all therare recom- mended to be. truer thrir use a health gradually came back; 1utgitt eat better, sleep better and tell stronger in every way, and tetore long I WM enjoying " good health as an I hnd done." FORTIFIED " FIFTY Dr. .Williun‘s Pink Pills Bring Heath and Strength to Wo- men at a Critical Time. Dr. William' Pink Pills cure by 59- in; to the toot oi the unable In the blood. They actually make new blood, That in why they we act: unu- blel u Humanism, mums, um- gum n/ Haney tumbles. Manchu, Mae-the: and bunches, and m idl- mcntl ut growing girls and - of mature yum. Sold by ati medicine denier- or by mall It " cents a box or six hoaxes tor $2.50 from the Dr. Willhms‘ Maurine Co., Brocvulle, Ont. Lever Browns. Tmmfwll and you tree I cahe ol that! human Flu-Io! toilet new. “you mention thin paper. oyrfFtttetoaetetieir3t-rtettotrkeic men- roud tetra:- Cuboro ad Calm; toro; good Uni, comm . 'thtt common borse; upon: (our men ott watered; with at: ' .. F - truth; in In, ot the hm is very ed. Prim moo; " r",", .:§Q5:w:r:\': the. Price 81300. For. cynicism] A I†with. 7 _ â€m; out be bought tor $400 down. "riit nah: qteetd$f . hm; Very nice 100 are tum close to can be bought " thtt-d , a Ml lot Casttieid station; .bom tea acr- [rriee ot 8St0t. _ R, I -- 2'; huh. drilled well; hirly wett mm; _ m hm hm; ik12' buildings cannot. P1122 83000. _' “aâ€!!! We hone; _ MB. . . On my good 200 were hm; shout " we: ot huh; very dd- hnd; cannot banding»; a {nu bu- uin at $5500. ’ Amiga: tine 100 were turn; ttie lay ot this km in Mtg-1m gpqd swamp, very gsrod Ind. Prim Another 200 acre hm close to Cmbcro; . vary niec‘ hull with a nice bush. Rum telephone lor- 1iee. Price $0,000. A 181 (um. with than M acts ot good huh. The It] ot thin bun In exception!†tttta; 'tso mm service In the near luture. Price 85300. A very nico lam: ot About 150 acres with 3 good brick house; a good smut] bush, drilled well, common barn; dope to Carrboro. Price 84200. . One at ‘the finest 100 acre buns in CAN BO R0. Farms for Sale LOOK, LOOK, what Pam omsritig you for Chas. H. Kirk DUNNVILLE - 3 " BRhNrrtttD.., ttttt M b . For [all Information an)†to 'ur-tne-ttlr-str,.-:":', Ana-mom 'IMO Inch. " led- mm»: 1-2 www.3mdwm d Patton“. Cantu {Whom 3 a“ 'Wéira at 1huutvttle,rrttMt-tr-4tf an sa m who. of any "whom. 'ttithtttmtrat'tsqMtttretttgattat" of m matttte-ltedrmdt,Mett Wane, Tmâ€, no lull-II a. no. analogy-uh. rm. mun-aim land the m Ihlelglmn glory 'bo-rarest., - . _' _ _ of tho '. Bums DAILY TELEGRAPH AND WATERLOO WEEKLY cHRoNN3LE.TELE1MtAN. A. Uzi moat pom!" pm In (Ii-(rid. No. l NO SUNDAY CARS YET Farm For Sale TimmHOumMudzomdmo-d mun un- bur. th8"ty+yrpyrthtaMi.tpirat-eet bx. In!“ Ind mummauumng M " m, Dull- ml has, 1 " awry. on“ " tgtth know 14x18nd12118, _ II g " ' collar Mound“- 18:24. And hard an than. In with 16 faotpootl and 18m, mu. "no. , mm. m or": 14:16,!!! tn My "pair. flung-“Iago“ do†oteiirsut-or%t-iejAUiyi F , - ', a tt e 'l2,rgl'lta1rd','l'd2 2'l'rS'lttttd', dud-I'd Tum- 3rerrReassomttrie.9ttetrttrl ' -t2'22'-l . m: was European Tour and Diamond Contest VOTING ©oUPON--weeitly Edition Flu vole. tpr Lulu-blown No. 8 In Haldlmand County mm] mm CAREFULLY AROUND not†VOID AFTER I6 DAYS FROM DATE $5.000 I but! “I tNr. m. The oompmy sun mm. It has the Irqnl right, EM owing to “In; objection from m Lord'u Day A con-"mt nun-u, an um am - .- ums,†1m nun-m. At List of QIT'DIIJI' m. [mu- r, _ I with C mu. 14:18. "an, 12:16, not: j‘ oe.am4lb-. Mv M- . 'mera" Mpg-Jam "u' 335 me “can; “in _ . "g) . Mutual Rune hot-9;)" g. '= ; very gloat toACnnbom} _ well ddapted lor t' Price 87000. M , This M3 is cg“ mereltg', with I rut-1W m." - ._.lll “amputation nutmeg; . $3): Dtmttville mum lieu-ted , “for: mutant distance hot: it. . f"!!! Cashew." one! the t 'Teitin the Province. Cuban "2ttt1,t school, than chum. W More, chopping mill, sawmill, and than minty with a reputation humor to none‘ in Western Datum. We have 3 lug. umber ot .o9,ar, hm: In: ale Iron so acts to!“ new in Iii", mil "tying tmts in)! to chy 109m _ mkt, .' for??? [Nnmo of Candidate] I AT 2htt, I“ ON TA RIO ONTARIO - E2i, - r, LW!