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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 May 1909, p. 5

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Fe, in: {LE ' kWh-q; ran “a Heavy Team tor tute-.Btaee St iae,_oMnttdmtetrar_trle- irtg. Also want to buy agmd driv- er. Apply to A. U. Thoman, Fred- erick st. Eat, Benin. 19-tt. radian-pa irertMiaq up: Mir-5!!“ - oLvteiorti' am. V ttr,,a k, slum _ttnd lamily u» 'i1tCttrty, m. Louis on W‘Jncsdny and win an ,qrthetr mm on “I “an. 'aGrdoartr the wars. Excursion I. Tomato on May 2m. new" ttm from Waterloo $1.75. I; a {it I ”lulu: ." For Itt, at .5; mg All mm:- W tSiet.iiiiitih1tdcf an»: jg 0| _ "van “mine-III! em Poo: ' “a is poor ectpornr--ufe "Saul" - you wiil appreciate the excellent qualities ot high-grade tea. _ Tho emu Inspection ot the Wat. crloo Public School Cadets will be colldncttd by For Shannon ot Los Titan-y friends of Mr. J. B, sm- der, will he pleased to learn that he has recovered trom his recent illness which matfined him to the house {or seven! weeks. _ May Mth passed off, very quietly In Waterloo. A large number took advantage ot the cheap rates and ate tended the 0.J.C. races at Toronto, while others visited friends in Gall, Elmira and other places. WANTED-ORDERS FOR must ing and l’aperhanging promptly exe- cutcd. Best materials and w k- mangmpg_ Lowest prices. IG'; ~Nz‘smaer. ii%irii4gi'. N. w-lt. The marriage took plate at the home at Mr. and Mrs. Hater, m. a; street on Wtdnesday alternoon, when their datorhter.EmtrtBwas mar- ried to Mr. Hollinger, ol Brldgeporft. The real estate tarm stock.and implerucnteot Geotge Jaichty,,.ft mil- cs south cast or Linvgo'qd. will be sold by pub“: auction"on Monday, May 3ist, Mr. E, J. Shana, Auctioneer, will wield the hammer. Mr. Contact Hellman. painter. met. with an accident Thursday morning. He was painting the cornice of his house, when in some way he missed his Ioct ng and fell to the ground, suntaining a hro‘icn shoulder blade and two ribs. Rev. James A. Miller, pastor ot St. Paul's Lutheran Church, has been called~to Hamilton, but will probe My see Mammy to remain in ttte pre- sent. (Me. The congrcgat on is mad and growing, with prospects ot . new place of worship. The Senior Women‘s Hospital Auxi- nay, under the guidance ol the in- 'P-trits President, Art': George, Lang, will have entire charge td "Tag” Dar in both Berlin and Way “It! yoar. an! the proceeds will tN,',,'l'h to the molammnce ot the ii. a w. “capital VII attekd tor sale by public Burr.) I t the “was lull on Saturday . y "tst was only partly sold, " ”M did not conic up to the Mb“. Eighteen non-s contain- tu {Incl m. were sold to the _ .0! 83,000. and the Huettrer _ y was Bold to Mr. John Lite It for 31155. The balance of the Mud property will be sold by - all. it the mute; saw!” my The milieu“ oi King street south, luvs much cum tor complaint at no neghet of the town authorities to in” the street sprinkling prop etly done, tor which a petition was and aver I month ago. Not only Wu the work sadly neglected last yen. being only'lnll done. hilt m. won .0 in the sprinkling cart - "H __ wu the work sadly neglect/ed last yea. but»; oan hair done. tid MI nu so [It the sprinkling cart b only gone over the aired a law - though the dust is Whirligig in dads. " is to be hspcd that fhr? ”! town official will "sit up and hhvnotlcr," And and after tti? party when has the contract for the work. Kr. w. M. o. Lorltmrd, of tttin town. The demand who raided mar King- ‘Oll. mttukd blood pairing In MI [out “out . mm h "tr He mm (and to the hospital in KimtMon, ht Gavin the but at medic-l skill, the pol-0a we“ Hamish hi: system, man; in MI Mat? Tut-any alter- The death mun"! on Tuesday nt- ("morn of Mr [.mhrad. law" at It. W. . o. l.orhmrd, ot thin town. The -e.tsot sho raided nun King- ion- aim we of 77 m"- lu I!” a“. a: - 't!urd flogufl_ e?"te _ol Prr5,l'eryly DEATH OF MR. LOCHEAP ti' . mm. it “I; dichloon ot Wednesday. Jt,rgtlt ,i2T. [iiiiiiii'ihkiihii, . ", mall-u a an“ to you; no no mu At 3 special meeting at the Town Council held on Wednesday evening the _ report ot Eu imrr Ym of "ttser" sun at M 1i',1'.Tzdft'd'l. (Submission, who‘ inspe'ctell a: pl.“ ot the Waterloo Electric Light Com- pany several weeks 90, "N" “Davey. qoethed that mum. In -. The'report was iivonbio to the owner at the present electric plant. The pmt poles, lamps and most of the machinery were described as good and suitable tor use in the transmission oi Niagara power. At.. fer being read the report m retor- red back to the special committee, with instructions to interview Mr. Wm. Snider amd secure a price at which he would be willing to dispose oi the present plant sud report back to Council alter winch the ttgurer' would be submitted to a practical man tor approval. win! at an in: hit- Maud: “It'll“ In In Mn and“ I. my. He was aimt win utroit .tité'tt-i.qotter.,w'tutttae.. huanVk-tulkbq " who!!! mm musuaww Word has born Involved trom Mr. A. T. Smith, Superintendent oi the Bell Telephone Company, that he will visit Waterloo on Monday, May & Mst,.. to go over the situation with the Town Council and Board of Trade in connotation with the objection; ulscd hy these may: to the.proposrd in- stallation ofa joint central energy system tor the Twin-City. Empjre Day was really celebrated 'Friday at the Central School To- beg/n the day the school ttag was raised at 9 am. in lho presence of the assemum pupils, anl greeted with three Ad': sing duds. Most of Pm Phat Can be Used by Waterloo. _ MEETING HAS Jqew". tam-1m. "um-W I ' .4“; -, Cf V "rkowaeuetrutr.artt'r*e'rsrt M The matter ot purchasing a gram] pit for ths town was brought up and alter some discusenott, was/referred to the Board ot War! ' EMPIRE Bht AT In'jtlne alterioon a talk on Canada and thy, Empire was given by each umber to his pupils and at 3 pm. the pupils were formed up an the lawn cud the pntzdotic exercises con- tinned. ‘JXViaininmeeting ot thi, Board of Trade and the Town Council is being arranged tor the evening ot the 3m. Mr. Diwey an an irttrsesting trd. 'dtess on,“0ur Flag? and by means of bpeclmeus oi the various units oi the combined jack, clearly explaincd' the various steps in the e olution oi the present Union Jack. -irnuel Mr. Pluylotd's direction the children sang vuious patriotic “up in thte styler 9d u nanny pneu- The Ctrdet Company, one hundred strong, gave an exhibition of section and company dull Ind aiterwnrda [armed a hollow square about the In; whlch was given a salute ot - gun while the company stood at the salute. you no which was was "tser- nin part. ot the my the em was inspiring. he Bulb ttt , The National Autumn followed by three burly cheers tor the Empire, than tor Cumin and three for the Public School Board, which 1nd car- lier hf ttp thy "new“! . 'Cahadiu: min and . Union Jack to etch room brought ton close the molt Instruc- (in and enthusiastically celebrated Empire day that the Central Schfol Fas we: experienced. WATER AND LIGHT The regular monthly meeting ot the Waterloo Water anti Light Commis- sion was held Satttrday aha-moon. Thorn were prcsrnm Mus“. Inner. The [allowing t"rcoustU were pass- ed - iu'oaer, sVuacticr, ‘in: Mayor , hammrr. Bell Telephone . Ed. Shanlz ' TVT T _ McCall Bros. & I'0. Hamilton Engine at I'm-Hug R Mrlhugnll & Co. ..‘ . "Inch-I a Son . Empkre Mtg. Co. VA .. J. Robertson I'0. T “plan". Bron. rt J, lord-on Buss Com. , may“, lhrty EXPERT REWRTS w-tn Amount- Light Account -chititsstoy MEET CENTRAL SCHOOL BEEN ARRANGED {m (min a“ Wrtiten .15 2.45 2.90 A” 21.87 39.66 " to 34 l.“ 00 " " Action of A. W. Reid hum Late J. DKtreN Estate Dil- mhud With Cm- Mr. Justice 111de hll die mlued with cook. the action brought by Allred W. Reid, ot Toronto, to recover $1,500 deposit paid by him according to the terms ot an agree- ment to plum the dry goods busi- ness 0! Jacob A. Diobel ot Windsor, the ground at which the piaintitt sought to have the agreement racin- ded, Muskrat the Manda“, necord- ing to p ttttttht allegation. had con- cealed from him the [not thet 1 con- siderable part ot his business was of an illegal nature, consisting ot the sale to customers ot.gooO to be smuggled into the United States. On the morning ot January " last, the day on which the action was to he tried It the Non-jury Asslzes here hefore Chiol Justice Falconhridge, Diebel met a tragic death try killing trom a window at the King Edward Hotel. The case was tried on Mon- day last, May 17, by Mr. Justice MacMahon. “g -tate. (I h ,mkl Ho- ;': an m: new; “I xiv-m...“ his A "l as”. in dismissing the action nis Lord- ship says he finds "that the deiend- ant was not privy to any ot the goods purchased in his store being smuggled into the United States." The agreement in question was dated July 8, 1908, whereby detendant was to sell him his dry goods business at 100 cents on the dollar on the pur- chase price. including the stock-in- trade and good-will. The. futures were valuedat $500. The reason Jar wanting the agreement rescinded was that defendant believed that plaintill was carrying on an illegal business, which he did not care to be connected with. Mr. Reid had agreed to pay $1,500 as a deposit, and to pay the balance of the pur- Chasc money immediately on the price being ascertained by stocktaking. The stock, ilxtures, etc., were to be delivered to ptaitsutt on or before July 31. The delendant was to de- liver, on payment, a lease of the premises at 20 Ouelette avenue‘ tor live years, at $150 a month tor three years, and $176.87 a. month tor the remaining two. And defendant agreed, with the assent of his lessor, to execute a sub-lease tor premises, almost oppo- site, at No. 13, lor three years. A clause in the will provided that it the purchaser did not pay the pur- chase money at the time specuied the deposit was to be lorleited to vendor as her liquidated damages for New at the terms ot the agreement. e deiendant covenanted not to engage in a general dry goods business, or any branches thereof, in Windsor, lor three years "or! August ist, 1908. On July 17 or ‘18 plaiatitr asked deb, iendantJo cancel the agreement, to: accept 3500 and return 81,000 ot the deposit, but delendant refused. On July 21 Mr. Reid wrote repeating his otter, and again, in a letter on July 22, he spoke ol the alleged il- legal nature ot the business, with which he did not care to have any- thing to do. There was some diner- ence as to the permission to assign or sublet Ko. " Oulctte avenue, and the lease was reexecuted on July 9, with a clause giving this tmrtstitr- sion. The illegal business set up in the .claim as entitling plaintil! to a cancellation ol the ”agreement "trtq the [act that ,during Joet. " ot gin» years some residentevbl Moitvhad smuggled goods purchased at delud- -nnt's store "We the United States. One ot the clerks said Mr, Diebel had instructed his employees not to be parties in any way to any smuggling devices, and the Judge finds that the deiendant was not privy to such smuggling. . V T _ T “Waive. "is Mother in aLto I“! . The plain”. In his evidence" " the trial and an with-sacs called on his brill". told of a dark room in the More, which, they said, Mr. [Mabel called his "smugglers' den." into wth, H, mm diam}, goods Won (than try customer. to be concealed about ttwir persons brlnro returning acrowsthe river, On this he basvl his buise that ilhism' busiruss Wu: done. '30 has“ hi. itthir. To” “if!“ an: . in Mount w 50 “I: u. well u an hafnium. A "and - in In was nor PRIVY ' TO smuaauua "NV/cry q In! Mr. Robert Mrkaq, counsel for Ibr- puinuir, urged that though ttw agreement stated that thr 81.500 Wax in Ute rvent of plain“! tailing to 'pny thr purrhm mom-y at the “mo sptsioed, u, he lorfritod to the \rn» dor ll liquidated damages. it should be 'reated as a penglly, but his Lordship quotas Mayne on humans as my!" that "it has horn repul- Ml)’ held ttttst where, upon 1 mm- trut cl solo u mm a! money but been mud hy the punt-u: Vi"! o "tp+ttrm an " to M to lot- ”Q“ HUI ”m E There are still Mics [or M. " IWATERLOO Wow .thttt outdCupeu. Mitch ot Carpets to he clemd out in the out m a”. It’- just balsam time and you wil needncw Car. pets, Buy and “it" Pupeu. Do Not Mk. This Opportunity On All Brunch. Two-try. wool And Union Own. The mp“; [nut 30. and we Are cutting the prion. down to nuke them mo". Tm cunts, low We a iiArLttiir a x}; "dugout $18.50 iiif,'tit,td LU" '7 _ 7'“, WW I My.“ x nah. "e"'""', tiid 2iit"" mm 1 'k%l'd a; ' Id. C21',' mm m- «a "l'htl?'. has the. mgaur0attoe m'gt,1u, x 4 yuan. regal-I a tor "'J'f,'UUi ”mafia on x to: '166& ' '" 2 Brunch " feet 3 [when x " {on ref-1hr 325 foe 010.50. lgnqu’QhSXJyudl, "3mm A large assortmaht of New Floor Oil cloths and . Lino!eums . of Canadian and Scotch manufacture. All ~sold at a ditsooart during this sale, ' l a . UFFE LMAN N ttttsh an Based: Bus i 8iar s yuan-Iain 'tf.'dtr 7 Brussels Carpet. New Pisces Cahdidafcs in Each List Putting up a Great Fight. htprttr,.hgttlll Wall Papérs TOTAL VOTE With a heavy plunge Miss Lulu Weaver secures ird place again. The going is getting swine: each day and no candidate, for over a week past, has been able to hold the post- tion ot honor more than a single dar.- Miss Zinger came trom 30,000 since Friday and held thi, high vote yes- terday, and while she increased her score to-day she failed to maintain her position. Miss Annie Snider almost equals Miss Gingerich‘s score, while Miss Hahn forges further in the lead. With standings or 32,000, 27,000 and 35,000 it would take a very small more to change tht litre-up. The num- ber of candidates in this district is barely sumciettt to "tabe down" the prizes, but tht fighting qualities are At. Watch District No. 6. Ever'? day the uncertainty increases at to who will win out in the var- ious districts. The spirit ot rivalry is at fever, heat, but the best of teel- ing prevails, in fact, the contestants are working tor themselves and nbt "knocking" on the others. The high vote and district leaders to-day: ln tlichs't ot,-srutxiea.tru1 students in this recent unlit-won; at the Law Society at Cascade Hall, Toronto, which has just hm mule pubtic, the Telegraph is pleased to Bee the name of Mr. F. W. Wigwam, of Blimp- tom lonmcrly of Waterloo, who puss ed his tinttt examinations in law with honors, Mr. Wrgrmsst is io m congrntylalcd upon» his succus The members ot the Board ol Works . ot the Town Council, mel Thursday _ morning an! mum-[ml vurioua “not: in mm: with a tim' to niaking im- ,"ruumrnts, " was [bridal l0 grant ilw prliliun "In r.-nnlwr in Far Ward and [Ham a ludunl at m1- uum-r of Moore Ave loss damagv or "Ont". During the negotiations, which oc- cupird the whole of Monday, "hurl "tttslid that the deposit should h regarded as liquidated damages in the event oi the non-payment ol the lnuchuo money. tl " gunned 'in at; being tttated thar/way In the lgmmmt. Quoting Mayne Main, his lmrrlshlp holdtrUutt "if the parties have said mm In the can at n breach tte M- ed um I: to he paid, than they wilt be km 'to their attempt uglgu (t mid. in! w ,Ietl u! ,trrqtzc,tir. minim Clearance Prices 0.10 qua!“ for86e a. yurd. 8t 26 $'llllll for tme s rod. PASSED WITH HONORS Ra‘ular Meta yard for 62 c. Regular we a yud for 1i'lJ. Bosnia 66e n you-d for 48c. 111011 VOTE Miss Lulu Weawr A. " Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss All" DISTRICT LEADERS Maude Zinger . Cochrane. Elsie Reihm. Mabel Thamcr. Victoria Cloghom Maggie Hahn. NOW 812,000 “511mm, which oc- of Monday, Dtrttrt deposit should h be Tapestry and _ Chenille Curtains Th. . lat price- on our wall ppm will be“:" you to decid- wily ad It1,,"h',r, purchase here. - " 5c, (has. Mr, 9c to 35c I roll. Anne variety of new curt-ins in gooddeligno mad rich colouinfn. All .on " . incouut during thin 0 dapf ar, s,tr.U"ti, and and. a. ll“! Dumps! tt1tgt2ag'llgi, ','llgg""" -b.hert mil warmer o.ftPtf_1t1't1"e1t, Treat Your Feet 25trr,e line of window and white our“ n [110th " BC Ind Mk, 3 yard. Fine Old Cheese Allgoiden “ion for Fiona" Irma. r,. hadow shade. and manure of alt I. I Our Special Soap Notice is hereby given that. a Conn wilt be held, pursyant to the Ontario Voters' List Rh try His Honor the Judge of the County ttttt Covneil Chamber in the Town‘ Court of the County of Waterloo at Hall, Waterloo, on the "third day oi June, 1908 at 10 o'clock a.m.. tc hear and determine the several com- plaints of cums and omissions in the Voters" List at the Municipali- ty at the Town of Waterloo tor the your 1900. .. Bohlender’s It-tnr) "In. (arm-yard. Bank: "to "In. for m u ’01 Regain?!» "Inc (was: AM Regular Mht vdne for Me, - t = SEINN Be; CND. "nrawa2aorittfhlr/""" All persons having business at thr (‘oprt are rcquestmi to ghond at tM’mid time Mylar. . Dated at Waterloo (his 18tlt day May 1909. . MEETING OF SCHOOL BOARD The regular meeting of the Water loo School Bond was. held Tucsdm evenitt There wow present Mr. C, f Noecker in the chair, and Mrssls. C W. Schimlol, l A, Harper, J. I' Mueller, null A. K, NH". The, following arcounts were pass Trarhrrn' salary Ctrretakrr's salary _ Globe, printing Mail k limping printing Triumph. printing A Laundry . . (faring: F, l Tvlrplmm‘ " _ Found Brom T _ _ M, Dryitl 61. Co. "tf. J, [kw-rum [ Th" intqrm4or'N "‘qu was read and proved to be vow uuwuhle. tttBa- m u " show“ Mn conditio- nan-mun.” My“ Wool carpets 25c Alexander House Grtcery 2, 3 and 4 lbs. for 26 no premiums, soap foe your money, 8 tot 25 cents. Choice Prunes UNDERTAKINt9 (‘lmk of the Town of Wuwrloo W: FORD s. KUMPF, NOTICE 3 yem old \nu ONTARIO. cents. $69 u " 00 3 7 Mr Mt "Ii l0 In at ! PHONE 388 M Men you au/prov-tut" Momma/yr on? i9a,3pttt “Wok of Ge day) do pe WM to sit damn and my to heat my Wot otd diam and setteed? Masai/t cameo Mom/7% nice Wow {Landau and it uyroot and '"df (o lose/o dean guided WWOW itvvtsittvve is good Me ee" Wound. may il not & wait {at you to Jug Mist "suil2krse gamma ohitle you (gem get it 550mm cheaply? Jrritiyhoupiv-oui'iiusrypalityo1iss 1,_._i,(,i,,i' 300:“! i _ 'o' 7 itr Agltik _ ej9, Jim. "vorgr "Mum “my "rrri, Vinita-d Irma» In Livtowrl will; til: 'ttMe, .43.“); -.. ‘11. cuss-. Mm (hnmdv "antic spent a I” day- with hm pan-Mu In "unis um. Mr w, J. Hun-rt. of Mitchell, was 1 viniior in town yeMrrday. to the'grrnmt iovrtntton9nown or ucomtortlblo and uylhh shoe. Made in all lumber: and every pair stamped DR. REED CUSHION SHOE. None genuine without trsme. Dr. Reed’s Cushion Shoe N. B. Shoe Repairing neatly done and at moderate prices. V . J. Letter ti Son " The Easiest; Shoe on Earth. N. A. ZICK Tho Vending Funenl ”rector! and Embahnon Sole Agents for Wat erloo, Ont. You can‘t ho hum) r un- Four feet who. then why up wou- s thou tutl ’ Mgkes Rough N N Ways Easy mum yrslrlday. Mrs. M. Mum" spending a [cw n In Lhshowrt Mr. Fred ihsrr, ot I") th, was I "' eitsitor " thr home M Mr. oe,,'-.'d, - dtrrtq thr mm, s. A, WEN HOUSE 270 ith tr " Mel

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