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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 May 1909, p. 4

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r , -e"'"'-"er"' Fc-tttttttt 1.1.! a Sunday "dd? ’ ‘I‘hnmnvlotm unmask ""%ra "BTW -" , . v.rsoua1s.-air.,outd Mrs. J. p. that and auatttor' Evelyn 591-00. Sunny in Ihkf, u. mywwllr. and “Us. H. c'igt,--Misa' Ages Clem - visited friend} in W- “on n! rhtuad.r.-lttev. c. Oral. pastor or Mohawk church, visited hi. we, Mr. J. emu, last week..-. In. WM! and daughter, ot Psletmo, may“ sisters, the Misses Rennie It mringtrauk Faun, over the 24th, --Mr. Wilbert. Clemens and (“end Mr. 0. Dale are spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I.. M. Lneyrnemc--Mr. bl. Muiliach, of Ellyria Ohio, is the guest' ot New Hamburg frtmrds-Mrs J. Rm spent several days or last week in Toronto.-- Miss V. Foster visited at. be! home in Gait. ovum the holidays-Rev. J, A. Chapman, M.A., left on Monday, May 24th, for Somerset, N. Y., where Mrs Chapman is visitiug her son, Rev. ,Muk chapmau.--Miss Monaghan" vis- ited her home in Brannon! last week-air. F. M. Clemens ts shipping "/ioUiFaGUrmirned Biwhui had the tnistortune to have his foot taken on at the station on Monday even- ing Items of intercst.-ttfit héauhiul weaUwr of the past week alitl-wlucll mill coniittuvs in moi-ling with my oral good lam" by (-vrtyunc. Farm- ers hare maxil- lllf hos! possible' of it and nurqurnlly have, Mill tew excrrpinms," all tihishrd .inlmg and are now lunlzng thou attvntion to the preparation oi the ground, inr roots, potatoes' and corn, Itt lit" latter a (unaidrmbly larger ticrtatw will be sum: .thar, _. 9tNtirNeyt" . .551th In th" lnlvmws ui llw season and also io ilw ('hlll rinp season bring crop. -httttt1t' Is amu- Innl“ mun- ing mottwr (will in hn-l gull) " IFreett. Though llu- [Mug-v on tlt,'. "min not" bat naval-(til " last year at ihis 'lllll', yr! them has hrrn In era-Hm! gum": dtrtirtr, ihcpast kw (lab; as tlu. wnlm wcaUwr " wry conducive to this all impuH- .m. work M nature. --the prosprris are way good tor an rxwllun nun erot, in "It: arecttmrH'ttitrtrrrr-iw (mural are hraulr Jadrn with buds: _29matl [mils aisopttMr,ian to be A" heavy crop in this "xiioa.--Tire ma gily ot iartttvrs wit-Mud “Moria y by earnestly and tunhlully la Jrodt- hotur, voly kw Wing at 'owied m L'stsiovsei, ulnar mung in- teresUng cvrmts took plat-r, among than brim; tlu. r, milv Malallmn in it! In: ttw us my attend by W. Hay. '58 Mr. Ralph Miller, who nude 1 rrma hth good rrrord, bring only about thrmt (mt behind 1hr Bin- nit The rare , we understand, tar new prulrslcd. ttrrbttt to nom- Ion] 'ur. thonidrring the anan of run gin-n to running by Mr wr tttrr, we betirve, had he had a [an _,etee,<ttr cup would law- but: in {in mm. n. We um an play will play. (‘msidrrlng the amount of practice gin" to running by Mr Inter. we twtieve, had he had a [an -ttee,ntttr cup would lave hem in in Wall n. We um an my will It 'tteted out to than who may run 1'Pt, u“ "rr-The WIND!!! ('heose 'ttter Co., 9J4 a M‘s make run lot I.“ In: pm. This '3! ”any”! m... NEW HAM-um and al alto ml Imus! a m~\I'r-!.n!-.ng h-rldn -Nutuu' is unu- mm" adm- illl'r (will in hI'l gull) " rhough (h1- lulmgl' nu thi. not' iat naval-(til " last WALLACE. is; raw“ . te." "iiriuirirtPf Prom Ntl " it? I” ' 'Stl/lt an out“ (1"m‘l. Vii. tit 'Stt1tr.t 1'thtfgt " s . . ?iiri'il'ii 'l,i,?,,iktii'ii"i'lii,f' . ' In»... U"d,S') ktriiiiti' ttr Shoe Business Sold out.-Mr. Fred Daub has sold his propcrly and shot bunnies: toNt. Noah Gardner, .ot .Ball'n. Mr? Gardner wok prtttatrsur* on Tuesday, May 25%: We with you every sum-e58, Noah-Mr. Dunn is moving to llarrislon where he intends to so into manufacturing of boats and shoe-Xt. hum-rs ol the Lu- theran Sunday-9.1000} an“ the W att Station! on Ihmtbr. hm. and Mrs.,Jdin L. Mayer, ot Huron County Michigan, are visiting hit-mix and rcil‘alives here -Mr Louis Bennett, who was engaged,“ coiling! timber last wall, at the‘huinc of Mr. David R. Roth, had the mi'Jortcne‘ to break I bone in his loot Caused by a piece ot timber rolling over his loot. Dr, tl istor, ol Wellesley, at- tundul the 'mWry.-Messrs. _ Chris. and Daniel - Scbwartaeutruber. oi Huron County, Michigan, are visiting at their homo. k Their mother, Mrs. Jacob Schwarrceritrutrer is very low at prtettt.--Mr. nigh-Mrs. I. Miller, of Brantford, visitedt ' Iatter's mother, Mrs. A. Daub, last Sunday. - Miss Elsie ‘lliclim and her lather. of Slrasburg, wot' tisilots in Badenun Tuesday. Ncws Notcs-A.game ot lootball was played on Monday evening be- tween the local team and Burns. - Nearly all the (Miners in this vici- nity have finished seeding By the weather has liven ftneTor some time. AMISS Kate Fleming, of this place, spent 'S'uuday"with her sister, Mrs. Human Mvwar, at Wvllesley. - Mr. Jolt" B. Channels. of Fergus, sprint the holiday withhvIaiives here. - Miss .Irssic ('halmcrs ot Listowel spent the holidays at her home here. Personals-ms. Wood, of (Irlllm, who had an opcration prrlormrd at the Galt Hospital several weeks ago, returned to her home last week. While here she was the guest of Mrs. While here she was the guest of Mrs. Fred Haust-Niss Beatrice and Miss Mamie Tait, of Mario, are visiting at-their home hero- Mr. Gtorge' Slipper is very low at prcscnir- Mrs. Sayuucl llilburn, in (mummy with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Sander, of Galt, are spending the holiday with their aunt, Mrs. Brundie, of Hamil- ton.--Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mast, of Losly, are gucsts ot Mr. Frank Mast. -Mr. August'Kcobkra of Purl. Ellyn, is visiting Mr. Henry Ludwig. -e Mrs. McCoy and Mrs, Arthur Coons. oi Toronto, are gllcsls at Mr. AV bert Cuons and Mrs. Thus. 1Iilborp, for a few days.-Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Hilborn and family are spending the 2ith with the lorrm-r's brother at Armstrong's Miuti.-. Mrs. Lonsbury is visiting at her home iii St. Cath- arines our the holiday. _ how we are {Hugh-smug in ('anhmo, we have had a wry wt" spring whirl. has somewhat ra-lanlul [he seeding uprralinns', but considoable seeding .has already been done, anda Iargt numln-r "t [armors have tinishM, .?.1:t.!,t11.5,iius-e!r.atm" m “nun“. the Lun‘uu‘ ticlds vspr'riar ly an- in splendid ruminnn, last wtvli 2mm Inning tttrn tuvosurtd wrcli .‘Ullll‘ ha ring oo; " rm y int hes; wish tiome oi our ('Ulllll sow llwm- Holds they cmlainly arr [ An' “It! I Telegraph m lows:--' Minus T ttw larnwls Imu- a!" going right in " Lumnv and (Run, thittttn silos are stu" " tw- mg cru‘trd Hrs summer. Our (Incest: factory is now "Hull swing and pros" peris " makmg ihisa ftrsl class dainmg disttict m‘vn looked better. tCuiholic III Hus? Jays', Hung «an pmuul pnrttotiat' Inn-Ir "will"! lady “hm ("insists of fisr. In Hle dam, wlten Mums! "trr- Hung «an pmlml " warm, ”new in In parnmlar mum-st atimhtrtt lo tnt' "0|an lady tthost' "uusiral oturation ("insists nl 1hr VHF-n, alth I." ot' Hum luvs? Madam; “mu: Mir?! Ln ovtmrf1osiing Willi Ilu- mushy tyrMr'rn.trs cl youthful [nu Salsa)”: young mm of mums arr looking for cooks and [Iowan-pen, and not "'h,'"l'l',, donnas Ind plum _ players. t ha- hem discovered that 1hr'niuaidl t'rrir- digits with Ihrlr [untied .rtitrtlc ren- mnum mir, poor when. The wo- mtn who ran bake and now and k'n-p I homo clean and hump-uh- are once ho, in general demand. Mrs. A. mm" M, (mm. no the an..-“ ththgaqag1 Jft. with FARMERS HAVE FINISHED ‘SEI'DINU. 1HrMr Just LIMERICK TVaal a! thc Chronicle u Canboro wtites as iol- HRLS FUN 1ilvr.'r,' POOLE, w Imrs io IN '_\ull know pn-gu-sung in Carthoro; a wry wet spring whirl. at n-Lqul 1hr seeding but cont,idoable seeding Ius in "argih: I mr Watvrloo hi'uds 'MN ays' Hwy an. for r a great sight. It ltw larnwrs hcre ll Ilave you awn the alkrmtivt' gnu prize-the piano?~\§'ell, if is on ex- hibition at the Telegraph ulna. We have had our say as to bow much it is worth, and now invite those in- terested to all not pass judgment. The district prizes may also be seen in the display windows ot Pull Pequegnat, Boehmer Bro... Arnold Jansen and A. J. Gabe]. .. o-'-" ---. "promises" of aid when they make a showing that their Mend: will teel iustitied in coming to their support. A good many people “promise" just. to let the candidate down my at! when they any finally asked to make good resort to the miserable expedi- ent of attempting-to discourage the "orstctstant. That is just simply a lit- tlc putcropping of se1ftsttRestt. ll they discourage the candidate they agurie they are saving the price at a year's subscription. It ian't I nice thing to think but plenty of mun are willing to think it. To those contestants who are meet- ing with such vxpvrieucvs the con- lostman would suggest that the good old business college typcwritrr Trractice line be invoked: "Now in the time tor all good men to conn- to the aid oi the party." And Berlin, Ont Ind , llagl‘y llagl‘y, of WaHrlmu. “‘Ku hummus" "Mi"? h, [mm .m Tuesday but - Mr, mud Mus. Adam Linton, of "lair, wvrv lel'urs to ugh on yuudo/ lirsi,-Mrs, A, (use! fiturn"d. home trom Huntington, Ind ' on Saturday I‘M/.114“! Elie M” Ilnnnun: at Mr- hnnald Inditutv, (mun. mum! at Mr. J. C. Ituhnan's on Monday last. -()ur 'oi:" lootblll orgregotiors Jour- noyrd ty Ronni“:- qrt Thursday PP- rniqx of; last wank and played a trieitdty - with ttte lam "I thi, mm whee. The sum rmullnl in a Ur, the aéoté was t--t.-A. Inc-N- 4ng ot tbe with“ ot the Creamery Conl-Q vim on I” m great many _cauyiida.?* hue MISS LULU WEAVER, no King, I, T I MISS MAUDE ZINGER, King St, tr _ MRS. A. E. HARDING, Clarendon . rr MISS ISABEL ANDREWS, as Queen MISS IRENE KRAFT, 37 Cedar I (re T 0E0. EMMERSON, 137 Tuerk __.,. MRS. JOHN SHUETZ,36 Albert... _ . MISS ELSIE REIHM, Strasburg, c, Tre ION S. SNIDER, German Mills... qrTrr_ . MRS. JACOB EBBL, Freeport-..., _ FV- , MISS ALICE BEDFORD, Bloomingdale MISS LAURA SIXANT-Z, Breslau T " MISS ALICE WALLACE, Preston JESSE WITMER, Preston .-'rr'r'r (V District No. 6, Woolwich low-ship MISS MAGGIE HAHN, Elmira Frr? H _. ..rr' F __., .. MISS ESTELLE GINGRICH, St. Jacobs rr 'at H MISS ANNIE SNIIH'IR, Conesto go ., l., _ (e ' _ Address all communications to C ontest Department, ' H. ciwiirtANE, King St. ... [rl H ,. rrrr _ (F MISS ETHEL 501,900 _relF-V"_' qv) ,rr _ _ T .wr MISS BABE IIUEGLIN,Klng St,,,.,., ..r rrtr-Nr__r_ .. District No. 3, Waterloo Township PRIZES ON DISPLAY F' "iiii"reriii.U' Wiimot and North Dumlries Townships x. of "adctc-- llmx C, rrlmlwd hotuc bout il, m. Salmday htst,--Mr y, of Wairrloo. “Isa PROMISES NEW DUNDEE HOW THE CANDID.“ ES STAND District No. I, Berlin District No. I, Waterloo "ratiiGjiiGiateot, Dilly Telegraph, that's the may There u no than when m cu assist mama tn this route“ In much as RIGHT NOW. The cash club our tor both old and new :5th!ij new in later. will allow tati WI to help their [Home mutate. J’l'lme .. ' ;,,._,___ “pa.- may run. mu"-.- ___--- v will be no other induct-mt during the contest. gt is opportunity time tor those Mend: who have "rroae ised." Put them to the test. And still the fireworks continues. Every day the live ones are more In evidence. Some people who have been laboring under the delusion as to the size of the ttnat Tote in‘ this contest have been again revising their tigures and getting new idenl u to what sort ot an aitair they are up again)“. -ev ' '.. ”ML- L- In... The vote will surely be large. lluw large is the audition uni de- pends entirely upon the mndldam and their lriends. Don't spend too much time figuring it out. Get all you can Noti& that INT“ slightly Telegraph by _ renewal and 1 months. No: Railway held at Baden on Tuesday Honing last,-. The young maple ot nut town celebrated Victoria, ' Day in a wry appmpnatc manna by hold- inga pimic in llilburn'x "ts, with the usunl programme ot gums. et'., After lunch was served the merry [knickers dispersed, having spun an tnjoyabie time. . Mons!" Picnic-Our local sidewalk committee met on Tuesday cvcnlng and arranged matters tor a monster ticniir 'to hr held on June 23rd. ,t'rrsoriahr- Mr. and Mrs. A. link bactwr ghd lamily, of At. Jacobs, "sited $unday at the home at me tattrr's sister, Miss Lizzie 'Aitmtet-- Mr, and Mrs. A, Ham; and family ”sits-d iith relatives here on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. “our. Berlin, spent Sunday: last Nth bin brother, Mr. lid J'lkill,‘1'hl‘ Minsvs Luella wall Sunday last with his brotlter,' Mr. l-Id "rico-TW Misses Lurlta Weiss aid Dora "agen, ot 15mmW apt-M 30vaan days at uu- [mum's ( home-Rev, H, Schwinn accompan1- rd wi!h ttevvcral of the Sunday school Mathew, attended the annual Luth- tran" Sunday school convention at Stratlnntnn Momur-Mr. and Mrs. I'. Plantt, Waterloo, rspent Victoria Day willfhrr pan-nu. Born: To Mr. and Mrs, Kd llurlung, a Ron. Cote gratrulat,itymc-Mr. Reinhardt linu- man, Walk-lulu; gave our town I lrlrndly all on t%rtduy.--Mr. Albert /Dietret, Tovlntock, amt Sunduy tat- der the parental rorrt.--Metmrts. John l Hutu: d and John Swill. Bee PM 'llWht'hi nay hug m. 4:1.va nun. um. THE FINAL VOTE SCALE OF VOT ES HEIDELBEHG . the scale of votes has , changed. The Daily mail is worth 400 for 1000 lor new tor. an other change. ML 74259; 728liq 68598 22725 6328 4193 3004 57226 43439 35573 32487 21358 .15475 11643 63060 14557 23469 19330 18828 6521 4313 33598 37640 25910 5583t 51262 3924 2137 3528 "ts. non Springer 0! Tom» a spending . tew days in to". I m! " the home ot Mr. A. AtiHe ion Mr. Brant Lipton". Ind MIDI Elizabeth Lipnrdt ot Guelph went Sand" with relatives in town. and Au. acne Cums. of Toronto. in a you ot Min France: Lot-Ilium: Willow Avenue. Mr. Homer Zlck ot Dundas. wu I vigijor ln'town Monday. Mr. A. a. Hutu-I in Mr. M. Minus were visltcn in Toronto Tua- day. Mrs. Donnelly In! [an tor clipb- ant, where she will spat the lon- mer at her cottage on Lake Huron. Mr. E. H. Ziek, ot London, spent the holiday at hi: home here. Mr. Denim Mills of Hamilton was a guest of his brother, Mr. Roy Mills, over the holiday. Mrs. Baker gmt Miss Bake! ol'To- mum were guest: at the home ot Mr, and In. E. N. Butch on Sun- day, and Monday. Miss Olive Graybill"and Miss Kitely spent Victoria Day iit Tottenham. Mr. Frank Wegenast and tawny oi Brampton spent, Victoria Day in town, the guests til his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wegcnast. William St. Mn. B. E. Btsctttfrl 39d Mu. Wm. Watson spent Sunday vim: frien'ds in boon. Miss You tScott returned to Tor- onto this morning alter spending a few days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fm. , Vegan“ Md latniiy and Mr. Norman Holstein. visittd Waterloo triemis Sunday and Monday, ' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Uphardt visitors in Hamilton over the my! Mr. H. Longhurst was a visitor in Detroit over the holiday. Mr. Adolph Kaault, ot Jroootpck, returned today alter spending Sun- day and Monday at the home ot his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Knautr. Mis; thmm ot Mildmay. is spend- ing several days mu: hi lldl in town. Mrs. J Mob Umelnytrtm kn Friday Mt a 1isit to Minds in Toronto. Maga- ta Falls tnd Bumuo. Miss Lovina Bruegeman of Hanover and Miss Marian Hrucgcman, ot To.. ronto spent the holiday in town. Mr. Juoh (mud. Jr, rchtned on chnVsc’ny from a several Wu: tr' vi;- it with [finds in North Carolina. 'Mr. W. M. o. Lothead atitnled the “metal ot ttis tather near Kingston Thursday. Mis. Merklinger left Strturdar on a visit lo her son In Hanover. I Miss Emma Kaatz [at Saturday for Rodney when she at. untied the Corwctttiot1 loo Y.P.A. of the Evangelical Church. Mrs. M. Urstadt is Visiting (that: in Hanover ‘orer Sund'ayr . Miss Margaret McDougall spent Sunday and Monday with Tub- !ock friends. In. c. W. Schiedt'l, Master Ed- ward Schledel. Mtg. Caroline Hottrmut lett Friday on a vistt to author; in Windsor and Detroit. I Miss G?lrintrer, of Toronto, " gpmdi the holiday with Miss " bet 3:301. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Desitt and family ,vlsited Elmira friend- on Monday; . Mrs. Alex. Lietch, Mr. and Mrs. (loo. Glrirrer, and the Missal "yuan (Heine! and Alma “plan“. were guests It the home ot Mrs. hue “out,“ Gait on Victoria Day. uni John Ziegler “a Win Roach spent. Sunday In Tnistock. Mr. Eldon McDougnIl spent the holiday with Mend! In Tavistock. Mr, Milton Hnydrr id Elmira on Monday Mr. Junk-u B. ('mwlonl, of Ottawa Ls a visitor in town io-oy. Mr. tofllu Miss Mary Ann Sank-r spent l itor- its Day with lrlmdn in Fymirtr--yhtas K, Lawns "named her duties on Tuesday allot spending uvnaldny. wuu "er pun-nu n 1amdp't.r- Mr. Chant-n Smim, 'ot Berlin, gave us a call on Mon-my. . 21th Palm-q of! 1tuteuy-N'irrtorin Dny was spent bairity In our burg! The union" bl our plums "by"! . good any. hon in as»... u w evening I [Ind and” at "do“: 151: gh'lthsd'tt'.? ”"1.- ”mu’l> b. i: . John Brurerman wet“. to To- Wednesday mu Mug. was a visitor ttetr gum were ttati- Tussore and $hmitfiiid Silk W0 hvoju "etivaeartdpt-dttosttkt F ' M 'drgfr'tt'gf, tat."," ...... ., " 'l'iti'i',i;ltlllltr:'iii Tussore Silk icottoii,,rii.iiitttttii [alibi hid production. m- pl only, " inch- wida at "c, Shantung NM pink, thy. an, old to”, WM and Mind u tlie. We have an in“ rouge of linen uniting. in tlltho loading colon, plain and {any wig; checks and fancy 'MVO'. " , Linen Suitings 350mm Indian Head ing. This in a. very popuUe, ma- brill bounce its jun. the weight toe summer drains, skim Ind coats It Me, 206 and 25c. . S. B. Briduyr'auht. ,2 Hotas.--At Dow. May am, to lit. and Mrs. C. Bobbi. . sou (still- both) Meyer-M Berlin, May 2nd, to -Mr. um Mrs. Jam B. Meyer, 3 dattgtt- ter. (stillborn! ' Krivy-AG Berlin, May 1611:, to Mr. and Mrs. John Frivy, tt sro. Jaines-At Bulin, May 25th, to Mr. an! M13. Harry James, a sun. s'chuta-At Mondale, May 9th, to Mr. and Mrs, Cham. Svhutz, . son. Urdu-r-“ "rrlitt. Mav lth, In Mr, "rckrr-tt "rrlitt, May lhth, to Mr, and Mrs. w, Bruin. a dunghlor. t'orrick--ht 1trrlttr, May Huh, In Mr. nrtd Mrs C h" Carrick. axon Hui-rt At Benthrrg. May tir., " Mr. anh Mrs PM" Moser,. awn JAMEvs-htBerlin, May Mth, won to Mr. and Mrs, Harry-Jumps, " Krug shoot. . son. sitt-hurn-At Balm, May 19m. Ivy Rev. F. H (“ml-ml". Fredrrick, Paul SHI io Clot (‘ulrhamw turn, “It” .1 llcrlln. _ ,r=gLm--iturlay--At Balm. lay _ “NI, by Rev. B, W. Bhutan, B.A. All. Eu Furl Ml chhoa, ot y W. " shut 'o'uf'l'l'll"ll',', of ram-to. . . '. Yeltetfouh,trrstt but}: dras- India and GhIm's It . for Summer IAIIIM‘I DIED Suiting 3i&.,"gtttf, any. of strips. duh I“. phi- waiting; “its“. " "itr, and! bad d!“ .618”, 150.0 ”a. Galatod Fine Hun-rd 'r-tmir-abr I‘nblo for gill? no“! it“. Home and morning"~‘neqmrot " 1-26, 150 to ’00. _ "seiiil'iiiiiiu' 1.1“... . Al .0 n big5shorrintrs ot whit. I! ah mandala mittb'g foe lum- mer was: It 100 to 50e. ' White Fabriuw Chtistnet-M Berlin. May "th, Harold Gouge, son ot D, Christin-r aged ' minus. and 15 dar. _ Kabul...“ Toronto. May, Ewen, m'tt oi Michael Knuhtel, [oxmerly am ot In“! EntxhteV tome"! ot I'Zlmin. Ttbrits-At out. May toth, Mrs. Alex. Taylor, in her 63rd ymr. sShupc-At New Market, May 23rd, Isaac Slym- in hrs Ttth you. Talon-In (Ionic. Ont, May 2lst, David 'S, 'Nylvr, ny'd " 3cm, 1 month and 9 days 1.ocltead--.ht Kmphu 1hripitai, "I! "My Jam” A. Locllmd, of Cra- IuwiJv. card 78 years. Rhite-At Halt, May 2Cih, .hhn R. “lute, m his ti4th “at. _ Nrstus--0" Tiu'-lo,, 1toad,Mttr 1%, James! F, Meyers 'icoti--At Fordwich, May, Add! Scull, agrd 'it q‘ears. lmmcrly ot (lull. tmuotr--Al Iuii. May goth, Matt. " Conuand, mm ot thp late Jets. Doughty, and M yum. _tarvitr--ht Iurt'evlut lulu, May I an. Sydnry Geraldine Janimvill ot R. C. llmlgsou, Hm, I‘.W.D., Buy-l. GtmrtineAt Preston, Muy Mitt tr. 0mm, (1 Comic. In In. an you In?” (In om, "mum". uit. May goth, Matt. rclirt ot "If late Jtttt. Suiting , wih “20..

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