Bo In Iron during this teetig we both" that than are you Milk “0' We! the Department ot La- bor, I “at. work tor Hon. Nuke-uh “to do, Ind.' capacity 'in him tor the doing ohit. m useful services" performed by the Department up to the present time by no means represent the work tint csn be done " time goes on. - are other workers than wage- enrners, and other dilemmas in need ot regulation besides those which cub minate in strikes. The whole sys- tem ot labor needs to be presided over, studied, end improved. We must guard splint industrial conditions that lend to poverty, vice, and crime, nail we should neglect no snlegunrd mint the development ot situations such as in some parts of the neigh- boring Republic frequently ripen into riot and threaten some day to pro- duce revolution. Looking about us in sn age like ours, with all kinds oi new ideas and agitations under way, it seems to us the meat kind ot Government policy to create B Min- iltry ot Labor, man it intelligently, and set it seriously at the task of studying conditions. my MM were but (lino-Mon boo my quarters to would the B-tart" ot LAN): u it an cru- tttttt d it were In“. n Mathis]! “0 work comm with it were um m‘ to - all the man and ,W at a Cabinet mum"! an 'tte Mono Star. To unite these two departments would be to cripple the usclulnela ot both. In Canada with its rapidly growing home and foreign trade . the department of Trade and Come. is capable ot wonderlul dovelopment. The department ot labor will grow in importuce with the expansion of the country's trade and in this connection the Importance ol proper coclnl And industrial conditions cannot easily be over-estimated. ' an. â€new: at Lube! anon-u m "I, in “nod-Int and “ulna-d m. Du mini-tor you!!! can] “mam." an - M 'ttrt Mamie. ' . Gaii TERM . 2eE'ii')iiiii'ttlth,t ti It Gmtifrisstr Reports Present“ at Annual Meeting ot Orphan- age Board. V - n nun-bd- "tttttthr, t'nt8B,v'c'1'lh' -" L00KIi0 AFTER 126 CHILDREN The 13th Annunl Meeting of the Ber- tin Orphanage Bond was held at tlu Home this week with the President, Mr. Peter Shupc, in the chair. The meeting was opened with Scrip- ture reading , song and prayer, site: which the Secretary read the minutes " the last annual meeting, which were passed as read. 2ih'iietidt'.t rum: Mil: Snider, the Mntron's report, shows that the contributions during .the you amounted to $354.50. Then were " children placed in foster hom- " md 60 admitted at the Orphan use. The highest number at one time was " and the towest numbe: Va " children Alter the Treasurer trad his re port u motion to wept his am duo the Nation's report was carries Mainly. The terms ot Mrs, J. B. Shantz and Hears. Shape, Sturbing, Crossmnn and A. S. Haiku,“ expires this ya: and they was e8igitsle tor reelection, " Mr. Hallmnn was desirious ot retiring trom the Board Mr. S. B. Schneider, who Ind resigned last tall. owing to ill-health, but bus . again “coveted. w nominated in pine m It. Hum, And menu." tour mem- hetl were reelected. mu LABOR manque Th. Usual Tote oi thanks was len- dad to the local physicians and ital, Mr. Thomas, the East End shoemaker, The County press, "to County Council Ind att can" who h" contribmed in any way lo- m the inductance ot the Home de. mm ol the intttatea. htter the business at the unnual muting -» w“ canted through Ute Ian-g was adiourtted and than-pg:- Noni the!) In! lot .lhe election of onions which round u totletqrtre- "geueest--Mr, Peter Shaw, re-elec ted for ttte “ll term, _ ht vit-Prem-ter. Ed. 'lf'ttt hi 1rtt-Prro.--ttr. J. R. trick. ", 1Wr. M, C. ("mum Aeyr-"r. J. Airman Tu) W. c,Nrt, tuer.--ttr. s. Lena. n. - David Bean, ArFth%Ciiaaitk WW "Ciirdi, N V GaaTaG quay“ I? " " ragga-W"? â€I“! Mary SIM" trlrrriT© 5}qu met immodlatctr ot one!“ Taylor rec-Ice The loan of tea million dollar: to in: Grand Tron! Paritle Ruin“ Jompany will no doubt ensure the completion during the coming season ot the prairie section of the National transcontinental Railway, and will secure to the int developing yes? In Provinces lor this year's crop a new and competitive outlet towards he set _ In the firttt unit ot Inch measures is to be noted the nmdmeut ot the railway act, under which bthe joint action ot the national Governmcnt, Provihciul Incl municipal mummies. together with the railway comp-lieu, haul railway crossings no to be gn- dually removed, tutti n constant men- me to lite and property thereby alley- wally done away with. The act charging the Secretary ot tate with special responsibility in .'egard to the external mum of Care ada will facilitate the transaction ot ousiness in eoumiction with that most 'npomt branch of the public tMr- vitro.: let, u?" ".4“ l't, .dC; no! Him?! a: (band- oatz. '40 “Luz-l H Ht' I am plead to new» um you mention bu been med in some mum ot pest importance. In relieving you from further at- uduoe on this union. 1 man! you [or the “may and NW which you have Quanta-curse ot the in»; entrusted to you eat. I.“ tt mat be- mrce of unmo- tiol ti, yourselves tint you hve he» uble to perform your hborl in I compunivcly Md 1pm at “an. The resolution adopted by the House of Commons tor the organization cl a Canadian naval service, in co-op0ra- tion with and in close relation to the Imperial navy. is. proper minnow- ledgement of the dutiu now upper» mining to Uanada,tas a nation, and as n member of the British Empire. The financial conditions throughout the world seem to be more hopelul than they were tour month: ago when I opened this session, and whilst in Cumin we have undoubtedly tsuttered less than other countries during this period ot universal depression, it will still be the part ol prudence to exercise one and economy in all branches at the service. huh-HMIoum-Mhlhn a! elm-lambâ€! "an. untitt‘hmd‘hbhu ammdw'lm . “www.mmmhum‘ dupmllmtlul. III“ . w dingy-cu Muy hm)!- _ a win-nu tom - has Ito-est mu. Tbt MIMmmNudlnthe-puch human-I. The act to place the Department u. .abor, which has been in elliumce or some years, under the direct re ionsibility oi a Minister at the Crown exclusively entrusted with its man- igcment, is in accordance with the oft-expressed wishes of labor organ- nations, and is a turthox step' in a 1eld ot legislation wherein Canada [as already taken a not unimpor- tant part. Honor-No “Vol as State: Gentlemen ot “03¢â€de Provisions for Public Service. Gentlemen ot the House ot Cour mans: Ithank you for the provisions which you have made tor the pubic service. . Honorable gentlemen ot the Saute Math-mm ot the House of Commons: I sincerely hope and pay that Al- mighty God will continue to pour His blessings upon our country and let us now otter Him the fervent ex- pression ot our gramme tor the " ml favors which we have receiv'd. HAMILTON TO BE A lluullton, Ont, Play 20.-Hunlllol threatens to be. doglul lawn. Since the new regulnl/iou passed by the City Council prohibiting urinal: m- "In; at large‘ dog owners ham teen killing all their Potts at We rate ot twetAr-il" a day. and the clty’a crcmwry ll working overtime. A report rem-1m from on." Mr day Show: that two dogs killed here on suspicion really sullen-rd from tttle in. The ma were sent to tttrsDo- minim: Analyst lot: report, and he cttMrttted the auspicious ot ttteiet- erittartrnr. n ia helium! these dogs bit othir mum-la. an! the city will Al owe begin trtrhctir calming the new law. . Amendment: to Runny Act, Loan to Grand Trunk Paeitie Will Facilitate Business - from (to Throne 'W"r" “in r..- Fugue-.7 _ DOGLESS TOWN oi low ior the mieernhie pittance l poid to than. he to the other right: alumna-Ito“ dip! ot lnbour no clone, the View. at the civilized world, up to who" M.. ty or sixty your: we, were very crude. But none sixty years ego the odvenoe ot civilizetion unlined1 gluten revolution to take piece in‘ the relotionl between we‘e-enxnenw and the -rer. At lat about} hes becn ndvnnecd to the dignity ot a class in itself, end quite on im- portant in the economy ot nociety on 'any other clue. Labour has been the muse ot proluie legislntlon in all ei- vilized nations irom that day to the present, and Canada has not been behind other nations: indeed we may claim to be “new! ii not more edvnnoed in this respect then ‘mnn; others ot the civilized notions. Some years Mo pursuing the iden which 1 bone jun indicated, the Parliament ot Con-d: thought it ndvisnble to or- ganize e Department ot Lehour. It won in the one“ oi an experiment, and when the proposal wns submitted to the House, some did not nuppoee ‘thnt it would beeondurive to much ‘reel good. But, whoever nt that Mime entertained thin idea hes since ‘revieed his judgment. The experi- mtut ill! prover: eminently succeesiul, and were the some intention to be introduced to-dny I doubt it it would meet with my opposition. It is sui- ilcent tor ur to beer in mind what has been done by the Department of Labour since its organization to en- bie us to “no that its oration he: been more than iuatified try the re who, muse it" has been successiu: got only in the emulating the condi- tion oi labour itseli but in making the relation! between the wonder..- ere and the wage-payers more untie- tactory than. they ever were beiore. in our judgment the experiment of nine your! Mo should now be car- ried out to its iull fruition by thees- toblinhment ole Dwertment oi Ltt. bout preaidod over by n rerponsiblv minister ot the Crown. 1 should toy that this has been naked tor by the labour organisations of the country. in 1906 the Trades and Labour Cos you ot Con-d: which .tttert. " Fre- toria B. c., that year ndoptrd the iollowing reeolution: _ under-tug by - the minions we": yup-cum all T!- an. tt,rttrnottmdiarrstad thr acumen- and gel-anti»: - ms had sauce)! my standing b the community. The only right the kw acknowledged to the Moth: men wasrtutthtrrtottldein town iiirtsGTki"iii%.uriu. elm clout attte- '"t,,'etl'tfl " mun-gamma oi san- mm. For my on put. I - tte only am “denim 1' that a we we: too Ions. M such an“ thohhh- (mined yea! an. MW nominal: immumdmt» may " thr an! atom diqaitr and kmporhm o! blur -ttttem and “hour new. The qrerd ‘lshm'bnther .commu tum-ll ttaarrtairriitieatimtmuHr" this add-“on ll concerned. ." "PM! m’HpI-I- "irii.Gari"iiihfmiiirttitet ',i,iat'i"lltM'at4",y,tfS'll tt_reu_st1?tt8n.ECt...L' . Httaaids 1-,!â€me "Ci'iTresottriioirrtitp9_e ttiiikbruMrF_tt" - iiJaiaA.aasr--t.'r i'ieruita.esiu-u'ti0" dttted “gym-I‘MIIW mammal. Tmmesrtoi. go. iiai/ “on i..eiiiutromt-ot, That (his conga: is pleased to ex- press its apron! ot the nuke: or OBJECT LESSON TO GUELPII BUSINESS MEN Guelph Meretrrr.--"it the bum- men um maul-stun" ot Guelph would take the same Interest In the all" ol the city " do the tmsiner,) men ot Berlin, there would tie Idli- lennt tah to be told industrially _ this city at the end cl . you.“ Sufi ll the oplnlcl of Franklin Simpson ot the Bond ol Trade, who lut amt represented the Guelph Board " an annual banquet ot the Berlin Board ot Trade. At this bat- qttrtMr. Famtr'em an tvo M31111 m ot buntin- nd mum paler. ed, pad unryvhen wu the prevail- Ilg mum-t "Duty Berlin," "fterh the Belt Ind Busiest," In tart there and to to the opinion tint Berlin w. a. patent a! only [lace on the In! ot Cum. " VIII 'mtti- Iult that and mum stump-on " Iii. 1:50de at I to" wine 'uvuhim ll walnut-rd but I: an. uh mun-It that 0-0.!“- - Go welltocm. harm an ant an. 'ltlttfta'; It; dtttgeq.0 br - i.tgitA/Leirte- magnum-It!!! Our tenders will be {New in the Irgumenu for eating Quaker Om which m appearing In on: column than time to time. The W consumption of Quaker Oats, housing In it does year after year. is evident that the public Inn (and it an ideal 'ttttd for health, strength and my. [one oi Whig um mi emu. it. Dominion to the ttthae. At th. - at the an holy held o. blowing you at Winning this rennin“. wee "qted. Thu thin wen - it: - proddin- d the valuable service- reodered to the '0!th ot Cur ad: hy the nonunion Dopamine-i. oi [about line. the estaNiAtrtert ,ot the W: in 1.00. The ech- - - we the continuous uovth and who in ttte dryers- ment'e work during the seven you: oi its "iatettat is on evidence oi the increasing importance of this breach oi the administration. m recognizing the able manner in which the press“ Innis»: ot Labour and his pruieoeuon have diechu‘pd tho dutiee oi their oilicc u mint.. tet ot ihe department. tho congres- heiiues that the tape ot the de- pnrunent'e work end in tstBeietscr old nuiulneu would be greatly in- creued were 1 Minister ot Labour Ntpointed who would give undivided 'attention to the work oi the - mat. In the interest ot uncoun- try no "ole, no in: than ot its working classes this congress would recommend that the Oomittiost v~ amount odd to the present. 'l'lMl2 In "" " tk, congress ot the an cody - 'JI HAM-x, . resolu- tion to the same sum was canted. and at the Nations! Trude! nd La- bour Congrats ot Cam, held in 1907, this resolution was passed: "TiGTrG'dadiii/it.tptruro Ind who! P,,Ne'tdgtrntlt .r.1etr" can prune-Ind â€cm of Labour, when has qrtttbq and any use» on an Wu and this who! the!“ "I." mnzmdumuwtblbd tgtdistareuto.emtlMmttetmrth. That the government he urged to so palate the Dawtmt ot Labour trom the Post one: mpnrtener.t. This has Income necealary in the opinion at; this congress owing to the great increase ot blames: in the Derart- ment or Labour, and, lather, a Min- ister ot Labour ' acting nlely in that capacity would be in a better position to give greater attention to the dcmanda ot the workmen. At the congress held in ms at Quebec . BimiUr molution m ador ted. In the opinion of the govern- ment this In I legitimate demand which an be paid heed to, and that ls why we inhroduce this legislation. The “out! In erttitied to know what will be the cost tet the country of thin proposal. The may cost that can be involved try the creation ot this new department will be W,800 per mum; 81,000 the may or the Minister nd 3300 I. part purulent we, “human-g chug ol "iriii'aFtGraka ot that on “Janine: ot Labour who shall!» assigned control’ at the De partmmt at [about u. manta and distinct brunch ol the adminis tration. v. tttttttglare" pin-HE! 3'“ c Lug! 'ul 2,t2te"gl our“!!! .5! " 'ci t'tet'Va'.' ystei:i,'t,ti,t) mom-gm suma- Mil-cogn- DADWOI’JW “a.†“nun-unwin- jeeig'giat,1"ta'MtLrlt alum-Wot MM.'“ “and wiupoduo-m tua,t-i-oettt'.ottePtr {and Lasartoa-trarettlio "iirueesout-ere'1', ol thrill.†of his mercury. I Iuppcnc an under such circumstanc- es the Haul: will hm no ttesitMitrrs In endorsing the will!“ ot mi: loglsktion and I wardens mow the second tending of the Bill. ii'lFieiiuGt a. mi a as - prniti'"eattttlattL"fr? . 'et FOUR CHILDREN WERE BUDNED TO DEATH Toronto, by "sa. Fonr children were burned to oath in I Ire mt annoyed the cupboard house of Er.. na: otdtuH, e Imu- mker on the Vaughan road the" one In“. north of the city to-llgM. Oldfield wn working overtime In the city. Tontight â€out lulu o'clock. Kn. Gdf1ett Ind the oldest boy. Enact. aged nine, vent nap-tun to put Charla. Ind T, Albert, t, Wil- lie, 8, and Natale, a you old, to Jun u they had tho youngster! “and in I lump In oneolthcroom downturn upload. an mm» In- "atttty the lower part ot the noun In In Mates, cutting on my hope cl maps try (he "atre. milled "in tromttr, mu m "an" In. DtdBeld, who am In part of ‘beth‘y 9rrrtstairs retort the really to the room h which “no little one! were cut oi. “I than lollowlng quickly upon the explosion. Bra Myer-On anon she manage! to not at Ernest. and with Mm mule but way ittto " adjoining room, wince the two was“ to jump Iron the window to an ground. Who-ion; a um ch.- “human-My†alumna. _ She "mined sum bins. but in.“ "and n, la- "rut" In- na. u. I and mm: .1. m... . "sA'i,'i'tjs pr"! . ‘J uudon, May It.-t,aat year 7,000, 000 childrcn. at home and in the MI- buitl, calm“ Elam Day, May M. That you it in hand th- number will rise to between 8,000,000 an 9,- 000,000. In the United Kingdom done the mambo! will exceed 3.509.- "t. M. met. at.w.,--oa. - an m m nub h to I“ at a It. a“ agaNdti to an at the “aâ€... M (II than. this Pulls-tint! lath. km; the. i. Ottawa. A. mt when, to.- cm, VII hunted by Dr. J. 6. AM. od “kahu- “We: all Sign“ in an Takeaw- Cm- ule." I. “will; a. has war ot man. an din-n Ms maul mid am, will. to mom! of up Barium: mi “new: tor th- ttSN at mstdoqr yuan“. the discus but: he stamped out than! “it mm. the can we atudqd to a! m IIII at and: mutation making it We lot maholthtnto be provided to mm in cues. Ha stroll;- ty and the Mambo-o! hometreu- meat ot the dust system. by, m mum the "that: were “as!!! 'trat to help them-ems and aitaryaedsto help others. That, he thought, " the quickest tad sumac n1 ot stamp ll; out the dim. and he Induced my bellow-l results obtained by that system In Helm-cal. 3,000,000 mu A subcommittee at the Education Committee ot the London Cottntr Come“ has now Guided upon the Iona the Empire Day celebrities: and! take in which “do: the Could?! control. In the morning the out“... will sin; patriotic only and “I†to datum upon tho “amount at we a! and the dune- ot good citi- whip. Appreciate your tid. Bold by all The convention will close ttr-mor row. A mine“ sea-Ion will bl held tn the morning ml in thr WHOM: the than.†wlll visit the would: utilitarian, where they will he entertained by the members of the Ladlel' Auxiliary of the Hun“ tell Health Association. _ A book on Minimum “an trig: “when at Dr. Show was R-tr-ti- or Talon-n being taut tree to “new try Dr. snoop, of Racine. Win. You that are you, get this book tor some discouraged, div [unwed â€Hem. Do a dumb act at humanity'. Point out this Vly to quick and certain raid! Surprise sumo tuner“. by ttrat setting from me the booklet nnd the. test. new“! Tho crowning - ot as nor- in; win come Oat the chum {am up in mm and salute the Union Jack. In the summon tha 1,000.“ children who at†the Council who“ will he gin . holiday. At um a. Lord lam In to preside otttte' . you: uttering o: the children. OM Mini- In" both dummy mm "im" other yum, gt Preston, Lumen. [.m- ton, all Hove. In Gin-gov 5.000 by wont: will "from: I routemnret through the strata, and them win he I â€Moth colggert In Bt. Att. his a! W, " M5“ m l o _ m - jrt,t'tttttti1'Stltttlt't -,tAq.ymth “a. w tiiiiidiFt. aunt-mite dt Itch-hula! In... any t'hrtt.a5.t'd',','f, It: t '.ere. tqi - it. mum. "in?†memgtw ads. He calm that it in tho duty at t-tittrtoeorerith this QM all an the prom. a.“ ' w'utm'uuu- “on Hull-Minuet to nonhuman-u. cumuuymmmm "'7' W†h the careful luxury“ In dd-lubr PW ous LUiiaiilirtaeutr-oytlt __ druid. :,.'?'ppgtS,'l',te'att "Iuattaidr'+tmettksgtttat have: desmtrresr-ite1etebtsM food.†She 'otirt and tot-d - tttingdellfthritre_ , Good mm emssidee dunn- oessandrtritrtirstooi;that'snrttr tyuuroutauaesrehoieeaen-tt annals. tnmahingthmurthtstk' grain in and and ruined. 'tttt ttteototsrtomthanhftrreoe- ekaning before it is eeree4 In"! retet, " you took I handful of out and mbbed Ind polished Ind dyed at! lea-rue grain, k wootdn't "on: be nearly " dun u Quaker Oats N0 human land ever when I slack grain of Dub! thts {no the I.“ to your kitchen. The beat “do! on food: you could in. tr. In - has every Inning M bemhd= Younis-tr-tNu-ttqt" "eosiae-s,t-iarat_ tut-,taittttr+e$irth-xrttr muse-Wuhan. TI! News“: You tteedtt't be afraid. SALUTE THE HAG Leo-ooo-et Itr.1 Ah- (i/di [Miss A. E, lean ,égéiï¬m tittndtsrtton'ts Bakery tyi_',igrtrttttt,_i,l'l-l_ " eat, look the 1tetiici'iiiiit - . prove themastitittitio. torrati'round. Ashthe local S-W. agent for facts an6figurea about . :_|l|-I Wm PtrpfU painted for analogue- u Tcroisto Oonmlmy of - and Tttronfo ur_tt.. - . _ - 65616:: Gigi-.6 “not warm gain†Building. Ila. Shut Buni- c-u. argt-rAtramtrdtrrtukr-ttt!r, A SteRwttrWiu.uuittt PAINTS AND WEN/ME: Far aim. and Bom, and Miss E. l. Bean, 7 Pe" q'e"ffl"r: se.tueerra7faiii'iiiiiiiiiilllE, 11Plrll'=r.'ii'r; th"l.7'r,7;"'ifsilqirrrC, "a1" ,3. 1'gt'hgt f'h"S'l BRAND Tgels “a. M think 'ii?il, whim, “my delight!!! you an one with "fiiii'itttttl't " its ". "Mm" - and also! . W. -ndhowitwill in: you was: tg,'tirg,'tr h oaFtiiiyefrttttt1iy,ttt mm... “W“ -9e"rCr'"'"'fPT"""'-'"'Cr" -e"-" w . not. Machine-it. Adana†it. I-nflhuhbfl-hlhrlod‘flï¬â€™ï¬‚w --- v~' A - a ‘.... 3 H â€.mou. alo'iriTi7ira7'tsPor1tr"er,5"" ,idibtiieMe_ W. m JJ, W7L“..m$flx . t Ill T moat " an ,. in“: beet â€a: 4 £1â€, Gianna-Hm " .' an m'mi"tlrarriNtl moo-mm mm: You! - "t Maw was.†Probation, and Info Inn-taunt “with“ in the Ella!!!“ POLICY OF THE te and find out Before you {West in paint or varnish, inves- Me and find out my mm" ttttttm' LQWMM It!!! Bond on» wank». d-C.‘ Thu Leading In! Harte! I. the "which of mm“ In nun-w mm with no new and but " - nll the we! tent.. IDA!†OI DMD†I. m.“ V“ “3.3. '0... mm. In; In the “no of m '0 In" M, Pork, "al, LIED, “it.†and Bun sud Bun "tore" "i,1"Q on. and, in†need. In 0 lino of Wind. In- - " " _ path“: 2tltltd'.', Llnr I." inland!†on In um and um Mm “any *attmeqd In Mum-units. than. t.%"grd3eti."""" nun-Cuminâ€. m tot tut Annual - lgh tuning Pour. u- man to: fancy- _ 011nm t - WEE-w DOMINION LIFE alter"'". Grair" dkeiUd ""P' eiiti. witls..1steqt1: a. MEI-lac». ,tttéNorred t2t w; tt m / Mull s'