is, ::EiiiETCrCEiiiE E GLASS a SHOES A "smart Suit 52133;. s -xtrtte single and double‘ "alt.hAtt. “up! thsished with all m w. te' rarticuianr Me wit it. you: 'tttiprrr, worth " to no. , _/re, , Watt Fits You Out '. 'djs" o in“. the tailor's lining: and Tttd',',', ot which are equnl to those V mttttqtraiqtter mice, Made in Bae _ tweed: a the popular light flirt colors, “so fancy shims t15lt""" checks, " sins " to A _ your {hi A are Ate: I '.'t'g'S'; ttr.'" n " s. Ball I 'tilu; yo! in 'dt "ur-at, Jd ‘ - 'th' best display a Swing Exist: I I!“ that will equal any- ttlbs to be found in Canada, mule him We latest twecds aq1lancy . ,eorsteda, in g 1.130 misty ol up "to “to patterns and finished with "t'l- 'ery little nyle will wanted try lash- louble duly“. The linings and r.trttttrtoq in "ist the very f1rst qual- JV,' d. It in lure thirsuit will - enkdt nttitt who sees it. Sites hteta4 " Mel?! Buitts all wool light and dark patterns, all legals! u to $10, Sptgrdayl ' atrricrr' GUs Worsted Trouszr=, all sizes. trrtustitclly tailored, regular mica/32.50, Saturday Ken's Spring Overcoats, in short style, lawn and olive covert cloth, also a 'tsw Rainprool cpeskertieid style, " tttic,',', long. ih,Uhrry co'w. at. both' Ming garment", wo‘l Jin- ed and trimmed, sires34 to 44,, Te- gllla; $10 to $12 for . . . -- -. Boys' thee picce Suits, made from medium and dark patterns, import» ed I bleeds, single trreasted styles, " I. the style, quality and fit that “than. Em] nu shoe- for women have the style. quntitr all tit, mule in all leathers. pr cu III!- J, 8tkli0 to M50. Slum shot-Tor men have the ltyla qryuitr Id - audit Ilse made in :11 leathers, - me " " so. " 86.50 and so.- C MM speck-l shoes for men, for women,' *3â€; for girl- nnd children. hue the style, â€aims“ " thst .atutu.. . 2: I ' _.;a-.. ...___._LL,_Y __ - ., hofig Tots Out F- _ '/iii. '4iiliii,itiiaihr,a' _ “a, I) I the! and blue sun that any every emit}- L f at“ tho:- At rea.onatru'pritses is We is" up“: opcmd can“: valance Ring an.» m on ,. h I nation at noun! with. The laminar- who have chug. Jltt “d a show you an on“! Hartman: of Illl'illliiittty Display. - 3 "a. New In me time to new. you! Itat for Spring and on I“ mm on. m In“ your {autumn was man. “In his mg "noel - h all mouse» all-pol nod colon. r, - . an India of "no Twin-City I corals] Invitation to vUit our c.3lif'iiii')rc, G. Steuernagel iii $10 Pits You Out so Nil You Out ii “an“ Motion." t oh. Multan! WATIRLCO ant-hag " we!!! the Spacials for Saturday Shoppers ht. Brlcknell - aririraiit-. Sole A; wt, to thm Dominion Bull. 1 we cell In good "In. tor We KING STREET, WATERLOO. Beautiful tfats wool {wards strong-jinn! mil-gs. 'r, all size-trut/ttr $6,Hor . Grand r BLOB & CO. arse..', ysrei.t.atttytttef,] a “on due; we It'"? an my ass “lateral you)! will. in . nu you I tor' ot cloth M in want†Cho, It. in! all price. enema It1yuet $s-9'. tru/ $7 " - w... - w... -'"" .V and m CHM" sen "uit' a! Sum-u Sum‘Ju Bag-MI. . in: - be proud no In: toe tut or Duchess. It in nude in I» M “a blue worsted and noun] Willi. in both single "ttttt MM meow “qu. The lining: an 6trtt mohair, humble models, to gin, men of 44. With n wit your tail): would pro- batrty chase you double (or. All tht style 191mm that have been intpe duced by the best America: sitters Cor this season ate embodied in this suit, We (eel coMdettt that th.ese was cannot be duplicated in Bedia ibis. new in}: "in We must-ex- tree Tu wall 'stfsonritrvuive qu'cls Emery. Frat, “flora (gr..g\'cxy JiguEe _- '-. 4' w." ,4,“- min With. tb suit'ttr,at has been dcsigm‘d to iitsil tkahi order. There it not one point nbgut the sun that we think any man who really knows good uilqing can1 lake exception" v, d irarwie upctg tll cti/?2ilt..1tel.t, that die mm: “mum Nine (in ttie [lust-ex- k qro.ra"two' wan-c .NorZolk svis, madc'lrom mat nitwr twreds, 19‘s.;- onable weights and 'coiosiags, 10:... box pleated back and trout, belt " waist, sizes 21 to 28, regular $3.50 to " for Men's Bnibriggan Underwear, shirts and. drawers, .plain natural ot cream an“. teatin. trimming and, pearl wagons, sizes in lot Iron: 81 t? " rtfgiilar Me., lor '. . Men's Extra Heavy Working Shh is, collar attached, yoke. dongle " itched seams, black with white stripes} sir- Cs It to 17, ’rogahr 75c [or I (5: manna-m may. . nm-Mva. l.' "13mm smalls mung-b- ml‘ . ' 3, " 5o Fits You Out A. L. Fischer " for sum-1nd Em Min. Cub And Ono! 'WJ. Fania, sins trom " 'no é. Berlin. " Fits You Out an» “My sizes '28 to; 33 $595 $2 " mm Shoe- News Notm.9t. Arthur Bums, at Pandas-Ir. and . 'htiate , Hamilton. lormer sandman". can“! aitd Illa Grace gh"t with; on slain. Mend: last ,ha.-Mi. I law was. "N hand we in; Bntte, of Walheston, has ten: cauc- Billiard adore leaving tar ttritttti . 'ed " clerk in Mr. A. Winner’s Mai. - Leela’ and Ada atore.,-Mr.' :Orrie Hollln‘et vuited re- M.rrsr, Berlin, Sealant at their latlvu in Brussels last 'rte'g.--Shs. lon- Mm.-). all". J. A. He- (Rev. ) Battalion and two ehtid- Alli-tar â€out lui Sula] at Guelph; ten. ot Wollealey.~ as visiting" the was» - spent Sunday lormor’s menu tee..-Mr. Geo. Plal it In“. "it - ot - NW". has moved into " latherâ€- home on Mr. AU. SayI-t-‘hc Ill-m Annie 'fAd,tce,'p Geo. Juaghasam and Mary Chalmers lrom Toronto. t ly overed ttom an attack at“ ty- are spending a tear - with their; phoid lever to be able to walk up aunt, In. Bemta.-llr. Ton BailoutI town.-Mr. a D. Ludwig has moved took a business trip to“ on into his new store on Main street. Moeir.-Mr. Arthur Wentrom -Misn Elizabeth limit. at Detroit, is Toronto. spent Sunday a httgmr.- visiting relatives in towtt.-hfiim Lil- “in In!“ Holmium trim Bield lie Start, at Show, is spending _ a it "atâ€! i - "a" with her in, days with her mothor hert.-.Mrtt. sister; Mm. Roberta bert-Mr. and Geo. Linder, visited friends in Berlin In. Wendel Shanta, tron Berlin, last week. -hrr, Km Mueller, a apestt an“! n the reaidmtm, ot Mr: Berlin, spent int Thursday with Ei- and Mo. Erb.--ur. Charlie Mord tmira Meade-Miss Carrie Honsberger W the holiday wittt hia ’1'" is spending . week with friends in tor†Mrs. Popular. at s'Nvint.oee--l Draytutt.--Mr. Collinsrn and two Mrs. McGea‘h. tram Toronto. itt daughters, spent the holidays in Tor- spending I few a." at her home onto.-Wrs. (Dr) Schuls- is sisitist here.-Mr. Ben â€d Mitstt Maggie Moy- her parents in ileveiamt.-gir. and"red with their sister near Mrs. Albert Steioman of Remus Heidelburg.-Mr. Burnard and Miss Mich, “a 1isiting lricnds in . town: Guarry and Miss Olive Burnard t?uue -Mr. J. McCoy, o. the Tr ade r’s Bank dayed with lrlends at ileuoibiid'rr,i stall, has been trtutsterred to the Wm. 1,2!r..'.'ereste, Me It. Edward Behonihcr br rich d Mr. St w " And George Wegenast, trom btratr g a an e a of Newcastle takes his lace here, ford, called on Mr. and Mry. Menno --Mr. R Ridde'l ctEt 1d'/h',I s - t: Braendle on the Nth-Mrs. Frances the 24th in radial}. Jll,'ir) F33}? gliding; Ili/l, sehu"'a,d',g,lt: "or, of Toronto, spent the holidaysat y Ci'.,'-?:-'-?..'-"."-':."-"."-'-" . "his' home here.--Miss Mae and Mr. Will Wyatt, ol Stratford, spent, Slin- i HAWKEQVILLE day and "Monday at their home here. ,' Persomus.-Mr. Weber ot Berlin, --ltllss Viola Luchhairl spent Satur- was a business visitor in the village day in Berlin.-Mr. and Mrs. J. A. last Wednesday. -stir. Huehn, ot Harper, ot Waterloo, spent the holi, Heidelberg, was in the village on l days at Mr. Philip Uhsistman's - 'rttartsdtty.-- Mrs. Gilliland and chil- I Miss Gladys and Mr. Blake Davin; .drett, ot Jericho, are mums " her I of Waterloo, visitcduin town ow home here.--Mrc Greenwood, ot Lis- l 59dar--Miss Millie Lewarreu, ol towel, is visiting her parents.-- Mr. Toronto, sjent a tew days ot in. Bert Stork and family spent the thh week at the home of Mrs. b'u1her. at the home ot Mr. A. Anderson. - fur. Thomas Sherrington atrott Bun- Ira. Norman and lamily, ot Elmira, day at his home here-Mr. ,rtnnrcy?ettt a few days with maids ttere.- O'Neil of Berlin, visited It his homeML IN" Mm mstteNvPoster, ot here last wcek.-Mr. Sidney Otto, ofICrosshill, spent Sunday a Albert Waterloo, was home tor the ".tiiiii.ail,,'rre1,fil,T2ir,e,r,; Will Laekner will --Miss Maria Winger spent Sunday practice this summer with Dr. A. E. in Beriin.-.Mr." and Mrs. W. L. Bad- Rudell, dentist, ot Berlin.--Mr. and , tey spent bhmday apt Wrixday in. la- 1lig'ci'tte"l1t,' ht,e,i"u'1'e.fft gprsotl.--Rev. . .7 / -a a Is one _ r inn. J. P. , o5aedl,'t"lt,,',1gi, with“ Donatri, ot Beritu, st tht Distry meet'ng at‘Hespeler last Fri- 33th under the parental root.- yr... day --oir. w. G. Bartlett, ot Berlin, Ed wi,nty. ot Berlin, 'oeet.the. holi. called on Elmira lriends list Wednes- day at his home here.-Wiss Mable dnr.--Mr. and Mrs. Hyde, ot St. Ballard, cl. Berlin, spent the holiday inert-s, spent Sirnday and Monday at her home here.-Miss Ada Dielen- with Elmira lriends.--Misset, Erma baker, ot Waterloo, spent alew day: it“ Viola Dttt"e spent the 'rt'etirt"trre,t,ty'itTe,1 g't,rTi2,etrttl i alga Par, in TYee-e Ellis ot 'ttrl',',,",',',"','.',,,"',],}, allool than? JI i. . a'?Y. spent §atiirdny In ty"'. .cliiiii,iirie,,it.iiris, this week. Potatoes ant Miss Priscilla Wittich, of, Berlin, Tts- rooU hav his tt l ted '11th at her home here met the holi- 'li...'!.':".-.','..' 'f.'.U.'e.yf,'. pan . ay-Misses Mabel and Edith Dim- ham ol Berlin, ‘eollrd on Elmira '""'1'3"1" friends last weigh-Mk and Mrs. J. News 1tems.--Seediag is almost If Luckhardt spent the holidays in finished in this vieinity.--Mr. and l'oronto. -Mr. Morley called on El-‘Mrs. J. Cache", Miss Jessi mire lriends on Saturdtt-Miss ,s.ti1iyir,,tte. and Miss Jesse Foreman {caret Murmy, ol 'Guelph, tirittd bt Toronto, are visiting at the hmm Mitts Edna Erb last svrtur-. 'Mr,|ol Mr. Jno. L. Hammond. - Mrs W. J. lle3nolds, oi St. JIXO'JS and Goodridge of Edmonton ls sisnim his father, of Brampton, tailed on.“ Mr. John H. C'atnptre11's.-'-Mr. ant Elmira friends on Mcmiiay.'- Mr. Mrs. R. Foster spent Sunday ll . Sallie Han, ol Galt,, Mr. Herb Al- Hawkeiwilie.-Mr. and Mrs. FredBen lemons, Mr. Loni: Ruppei, der spent the Mth in Listowel.-. i of Linwood and Mr. Melvin Hil- number at our villagers took in th born, Guelph, spent the holidays at celebration in Wellesley on Monday i their respective homes here.- Otr. --A9ur mail driver now has his nu I a, A. Trade, ol Herr ler, s nt Vlc- carriage and wil be able to giv (u.tris Day in 'def/Cir,",!': Minnie better ammydation between Crosi Pringle, ol Stratlord, was the guest hill and Waterloo. - Tttw loathe attd Mottday,-Mr. and Mrs. hretsry match between Bomber; and Cros: 1‘01 Miss Lilian Wyatt last Sunday hill,. at Wellesley, on Monday, result Ruppel, celebrated their 25th "intrest- ed in lavor of Crosahlll. by a seol . my ot their wedding on Tuesday, of 2-0.-' The Sacrament will. t . lay lath. Over M) sue-1:3 were held in Boyd church next. Sunda: present, most ot them being relattv- and Rev. Mr. Kay, Jr., will preach es, trom Elmira, Gait, Buflalo and â€5:2??21 "Nice on Friday at Berlin, while absent lriends Iroat o . . ‘ Calilona'a, St. Louis, Fort Wa tte, New York, Philadelphia, Radiant. 'e..'..'""' . {1:11:43 and TI,',,"?,',?,',',?, T.',',,' ",',1irtttl,'-i Newt Ntrtetc--0rtmrrtr in this Vic “(cram with (ism-s re ','2'dd', nity, with few exceptions. will tinit bells an] boui ueta twp?» I ng seeding this week, which is libel ( tuli tr Alt q " , " tt ttttl three Weeks later than usual. - TI P " a suitable address try literary meeting held on Saturd- lReV. P. Graupnor, all sat down toa night was well attended. A gm ' 'well-ttMen table PM midi"! 3 sump- programme was rendered. The " he tumls wedding dinner which' was lnl- ioking omcers were elected ftsr t 1oteri, by the utuml toatts. The re- misuing year: Pres,, M. D. Hallma mainder at the eren'ng was spent in Soc. Trear, Miss: ID. SWINE; Critl pletMitttit social irtterrourms, "tttfeta:. Mr. R. Ixtuirtttwhlagerr- Rev. D, Many leautllul and valuable presents shutout Berlin, and his brother, Re ’"l Wt'rt' “rived with“ happy couplr Christian Shelli, oi Punt Creek, 0 " Last week a numbr of the members Iahoma, spent Saturday at the hm int the Ladies' Auxiliary llosrltd of Mr. S. H, "rarner.--Miss Melin "If dirrwtoratt, visited Elmira. and met and Miss Lydian Lautrnschlagpr, ' I 'Int', of the local ladies in r,'- Berlin, visited a in; I"; high: it War to failing mottT for the Herlm, -'.lhorhmd this wee _-- r. "p "I Waterloo Hospital, This they dei 'ii1,'7k"G and Mr. Daniel 86th! did to do by having “Tag Day" on accompanied hy the Mine! Ed June 5th The Tags will cost just Snyder and Alberta Kneehtel,"spr :hat (he purchaser is willing to gi P Sunday with hit-rid: ttJ?"",'),"; I he turn," the amount the better tot Miss Home Rein e t til I 1': the Hospital The young mm of where she will spent the sum “be town will be ash-d to sell th' monthr--Mi" Dora Hellman In an Hugs. ding a low Wee-kanin Bellma- e, LONDON.-mt the Home ot Com- man- My ,"t,'dittg 21tt “Myâ€! no N 92.521213 '4?A'e11S.l.i, , our. Busy Néighbo§s New)!“ GM by tum Co-tMeats in any “I Dim-m. l CA NA [HANS AT ALDERSHOT ELMIRA KT}! U Persoaals.-Mr. Weber ot Berlin, was I business visitor in _the village last Wednesday. -uMr. Huehn, of Heidelberg, was in the village on 'rttarmuy.-- Mrs. Gilliland and chil- dren, ol Jericho, are visiting " heri home here.--Mrts. Greenwood, of his-i towel, is visiting her parents.-- Mr. Bert Stork and lamily spent the 21th at the home oi Mr. A. Anderson. - lre. Marina and lamily, at Elmira, spent e few days with [trends ttere.- Mr. and. Mrs. amnion", of Crosshill, spent. Sunday at Albert Proudloye'-Mr. Will Lackner will practice this summer with Dr. A. E. Rude", dentist, ot Berlin.--Mr. and inâ€. John Black, of Berlin, spent the Ieflttt the latter's home hare.- Mr. ‘Mark Donald, ot Berlin. spent the Sith under the parental root.- Mr. Ed Winn, oi Berlin, spent the holi- day at his home here.--Miss _ Mable Ballard, at Berlin, spent the holiday at her hope ttere.-Miss Ada Dierete baker, of Waterloo, spent a few days under the parental root.-The weather G present is very lavorable tor the lumen: and nearly all of them will 1ij.iii,iiriiei.iirir, this week. Potatoes and lroots have also been planted. News 1tems.--Seediag Is almostl finished in this vieinity.--Mr. and Mrs. J. Creche", Miss Jessie' Leighton Ind Miss Jesse Foresntuul bt Toronto, are visiting at the home ot Mr. Jno. L. Hammond. - Miss Goodridge of Edmonton ls visiting at Mr. John H. C'atnptre11's.-'-Mr. and Mrs. R. Foster spent Sunday in Hawkeiwilie.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ben- der spent the Mth in Listowel.-. A number ot our villagers took in the celebration in Wellesley on Monday. --A9ur mail driver now has his new carriage and will be able to give better accommodation between Cross- hill and Watbriop. - The football much betwem number; and Cross- hill, at Wellesley, on Mondiy, result- ed in lavor of Croashill. by a score of F-o.-- The Sacrament will. be held in Boyd church neit Sundny, and Rev. Mr. Kay, Jr., will preach a preparatory service on Fridly at , o'clock p. m. _ News Notea.--Fttrtpe" in this vici- nity, iith few exceptions, will finish seeding this week, which is about three Weeks him than usual. - The literary meeting held on Saturduy night was well attended. A good programme was rendered. The lol- ioking oncerg were elected {in the ensuing year: Pres,, M. D. Hullman; Sec. Treas., Misa H. Sterne; Critic, Mr, R. Ttaut-chi-- Rev. D. B. Sherkd Berlin, and his brother, Rev. Christian Sheri, of Pont Creek, Ok- Lahoma, spent Saturday at the home Shetkmi Berlin, and his brother, Ree.' Christian Sheik, oi Punt Creek, Ok- lahoma, spent Saturday at the home of Mr. H. M, Herrter.-Miss Melinda and Miss Lydian l.auirnschlagér, ot Berlin, visited a low days in the nei- ghborhood ibis week- Mr. Ephraim knrthtrt and Mr. Daniel V Sent-inch, accompanied by the Miss" Edna Snyder and Alherta Knechtel, "spent Sundny with friends at Pttrturviite.-- Miss “(all Rein tett, tut Berlin. where Ilu- will spent the Bummer monthr--Mitm Don Hellman In spen- ding I " we“: in Berlin.- Born; On May 13rd, to Mr. Ind Mo. Errn Becker, a' son. Capitulation. The “and meeting of the Gurlph Fat 3m Club ha been culled [or Scum!†week, In 20th. In the tttr pull. Pllt toe the Mio- d .LOOIINGDALI musk-6 _19, - C Arreiy.--v_itrtyi. thr a,t2. tr a: an: dd . . In. J. B, All.“ a; In u lull. who? pin. 2t Peru'" ' m. . rm m trt Jim. at In. "In, new". a“ It. a! Iha. Lupe“. Mil, - tho bolldays n N homo M Mr. M In. "o. L. qhug.-aer, I.“ In. Fetch, a Aytol, up.†1 law days a tttd hurt ot "Lad In, P. E. Wulhtw- H u . “out - andâ€. Jutn chln, 'ti"ii'liiii' mu " the $01.â€. ."-atr. ud In. F. 3. trfthte I! Ion mttred ' Vb to!“ Day with triads ll than. leani- II staring with her ‘3ka In. halt. " New Inning. tor I ten Glyn-Ir. Roy-clan, Brunpton. - . not with his son " “Sunny Maurc"-ai" Roos, Berlin, ill . - ot my Hol1ier on Victors h Day. y Nun Noue.-ter. and In. John L. Meyer, od liens“, and lormerly ot this place. on visiting would: and relative. In this viehtNt.-Mr. Rudy Gingrich wu a gust " the home ot Mr. J. N. Conch on thuuur.-Ttte Me weather It present is very (“arable to the lumen, who will Mish seed-" ing this ’weeki Those who hare tht- ished are Preparing their land tor unsold: and potuoesv-aer. John N. ‘Oesch has two large sweet cherry tm in lull bloom. and the prospects tor a good crop ot cherries this year are exceBent.--Mr. Jacob Gingrich, Mr. J. N. Oesch, and Miss Mary Salm were visitors It the home ot Mr. Joseph Schoea on Sunday. News Notea.--'nte Beaver Ioottuut team will play its first gum Satur- day night against the Roseville boys. An interesljng game is expected. - The pattttnaators to the west, north and east of here have had the road graded. Social and Pertmnal.-Wr. and Mrs. Brown were very pleuantly surprised by a tew at their neighbors last Thursday night.-We are sorry to report that Mr. D. Shuntz is again on the sick list..9r. L. W. Tremain spent the holidays in Preston.--. The Misses Melissa and Susanna Weber and Messrs. Abram and Burton Weber spent the holiday under the parental root. The home ot Mr. A. Wilhelm was the scene 0! a lamily-gathering in honor of his son, Mr. Leo, on Sun- day.-Pitaing was the order at the day on May Mth. Harriston, May 23.-Rev. P. J. Ah kins. Methodist minister of this place.‘ was lound last night about 11 o’clock hanging Iron). a beam in a woodshmi at the rear ot bis house. He had hem heard to go out by members ot his family, and whtn he did not re- turn they became alarmed uni went out in search. it was found .that he 'hisd.hanged himsell by means of a silk trandkerthier. He had ad'dressed a concourse oi school children in the town hall in the afternoon on Victoria Day obser- vance, and seemed in Very good spir- its. For the past three years, how- ever, he had mourned deeply the death ol his wile, and, being cl a nervous temperalmnt, the bereavement preycd on his mind. It is supposed that he committed the rash deed in a fit of thenlal sternum). CONDEMNS SECRET SOCIETIES Montical, May 24.-In the counted B pastoral visit to Longueuil to-day, Archbishop Bruchesi, ol Montreal, de nounced in strong terms' secret so- clones. such IS FIR Masons, Knights ot l’ythias and oddiel1ows, all oi, which he claimed were noaile to tht, teachings ot the Remain Catholic Church. _ His grace called attention to a re- cent use in court which revulcd the existence oi a Masonic lodge with an increasing number ot French-Cue ndian Whirl"! pointed out the natural cause cnccs of these socie- ties, which obliged their me’mbets to die without receiving the last sacral moms ot the church. MACLEOD, ALTA.-The country is being deluged with rain, 1nd the Old Mm River is rising very last, hav- ing risen over tive lcet, in the last 24 hours. A ttood is predicted, and unless the rain stops Mach-0d may be out all tor a lime, as it is thought that I repetition of last summer's trouble wilt take place. It is in Liilime since Archbishop Bruchesi has come into open Connie! with secret societies. SERIOUS EXPLOSION. The sun shining through, [he win- dow ot the Innlwurc More ot Mr. {mime A, Wells, Toronto Sand“ . tertut0n, gt 2 o'clock, ignited some ttreworn In the window, and In the mulls!“ explositn "no window " We (mm ot the More were ttown ow, ad the building set on are. An “arm was turned In, but Won th, male - and“ to our: 8700 _ " " 'ttati') It bad .32..- umn “my: MINISTER'S SUICIDE JOSIPHBIURG OT. JAG“. WILLIAMSBURG FL000b' IN M'LEOD. m Unusual Display of I,“ not. . WI' all Ill-I on. Cotton How, [at that, the. ' to Mt, wort? Me per-pair Friday and Sunday ' W 1 " Dog. Ladies“ and- mues' Tan cotton Han. use: a. to a tht or“! pd: tor .r.....t.....$.... " Dog. Lunar out: an Ribbed Cotton "on. sun I to " ...... " Dog. _ Ttyt Het, In muted. sunny ..F.__... ‘..... " lot Ladies' Ge black Com Hose with polka III. this a. 8;, 9, 'i,A-irV-rr-.-, “is simple“ . m was we trat ' e - will t'Mt='t,'l'Ulflt - d those who mule use at no W0; attd ttot,'%reBFttsrqrtttl" 'fu'tkt",'dlM'1eM'l's MM regret aqua-u. Imam: tho priced ouch 1ttLt'e,1tt back Hose, mule ot good y’m. WW "in tire the-il", SALE nun†AND sauna Y. ' C, 100 1103.. ladies' m In“ m“ u. T, u, I, atta'dtjiiitlt. Cotton How, tut. buck, luc- LAD] ' M ' to W, worth Mo per- pair 'ttlee, 'ar1td,'l,e.' V may and sunny; 3 prâ€! Md y alcoves All W . ml t " Box. Ladies“ m 'mites' Tan lull a. m ........ ......,,' Cotton Hose, ulna " to " 'lt-.udttts'qto-': IN, or I pair tor s,.........,.,...." had COG-I - puma“ T " Box. Lunar out: he Ribbed " ml-W' Bi-Sid _ ' Cotton “on, than I to " .....m y ' by: wholly, lull by 25 Doz. liner Tu M no um, new ..r... ...... -"'"f" tibbed, sunny .e..__.__ _..:......" no not. Mei Sum-I van. " dot Ladies' fitte black Cotton - long “can. hm tedt Inâ€. Hose with path it“. nines a, hie-chad, Inch] pr.......... ..........J 8h, 9, 'l, 10, gnaw .H........~..25c so dos. “and Blanch Batman 10 Dos. -. has m. Hose, l Veus wt mum, au- 2.} she: " to lo, special ._._ o.......),' rm 5, not“! “In ..."ij Children's lancy Cotton Hose, Children‘s Sum Cotton Veil. color sky and pink, nun 5. a, I Bil nun ...t........ r...............,...." At SM Y1 H BROS . t TERMS STRICTLY CASH. ONE PRICE. CHEAPACASE "O2B-- 37 'ul" I" EbOKSTORE Waterloo, - Ont. Books, Stationery, omee Supplies, Fancy Goods, Wall Paper, School Supplies, English ,‘rand German Bibles, Testaments, Hymn Books, Its.' English and German Catho- lie Prayer Books, Rosaries, Cruci- fixes. Weieheli Weekly Store ltr The Sherwin Williams Paints need no introduction to the mid of Waterlco County. S. W. P. is a household topic. 8 W P Bath enumeljn Mk tins. _ SWP SWP SWP SWP SWP SWP SWP S W P Aluminum paints in 250 (in. S W P Crack and Seam Filler, in 250 tins S W P Wagon mints, pinto 40c, quarts 700. S W P Stove pipe enamel in 10e and 200 tine S W P Barn Paint, 1.2 gallon Me, pun $1.25. 8 W P Porch floor paints quarta Mhr, 1-2 gum 31.00 S W P Buggy paint, 1-2 pinto 26e,pinto “a, quart: 15a. fl W P, new. floor 1»qu 466, " gunn- Mtt, one... 8 W P oiodu homo paints, - Mk, l pl. :1,g.uon £1.90 8 W P Fumily paint', 3" colon. l pints IM, pints 2Sc,(qll 450 SWP Fl In! I . .l-I . 2 _ S W P (No.3, Thr. or mun do. pints " pull I M. Welchol /kfhttp PHONE 215 DOERSAM’S A Complete Stock of Butterick Patterns dvuya on.Und. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF We are headquarters for the Edison Phonognplu Special Notice BRIGHTEN UP NEWS Bicycle enamel in 25r. (in. Furniture cums] in 25¢ tins. WHO. tor DOERSAM'S" WHOLE NU In“. and tmiliqp, [£11an; [than 1mm. l-t pints Me, pin“ “a. strtafit""s's, 21 use um". ant." WA' "' lib ONT 4.