f “yd Mrs. Isaac liby of New 1u'rrtmidy,reletsrnte4 their golden wcd- an; on M†IF. All their childrcn with the exception of one son, Mr. 3911mm Ehy, of llamilhn, wmc present lot the occasion. , 'iiii'itii)'ttif, Tomb. may it _ _ My who an. _ V _ M M at ttin - , I lb! m a T mule tgtas- " than“ tnbquu - _ tot chum can. at um " 'St');, sun qttMq) urin- clou- h . _w. W - in . " -lht ' - d I the , kind were mill - "a e ot at Anything less than Ill', go was. Some at the drove". “bath: hid, chimed when we" edict. “tenth! " w“ a good lair market, via pnoes sanctum howl; M the - us Just week Choice butcher mule were hta,ady to Brat around 3.135 to $5.50 to: W extra choice heiiers and steer; The ordinary gun ot lair to good man steady noun! “.18 t. ,3}. Common to inleriur mixed cattle‘ jteady to easier at 10c to 15c low- er than: week ago. #01;pr wuonmu Good leading cattle are scarce 3nd In It $4.80 to $5. Htav--The what is firmer and pro- huy ite Ligher Hum last week. The total run ot all stock includ- " was " loads, with 1.800 head of cattle, 330 sheep and lambs, 500 up and 608 cum. d Export-Marr" steady. , rmltctter-s'e"r demand for choice butcher cattle and price" steady to firm; medium cattle 100 Q 15c eas- tor. ELMIRA MARKETS Elmira, May 20, 1909 â€mint: I‘lour...... . 3.00 Stoclmn and teederr,-Demaad lor good stock; market steady. Lambts-hrtu%tt steady. Sheep steady Hogs-Market Urn; select hops are quoted at $7.50 Lab .md 8175 to 87.80 ted and watered. Calves-Market steady for good ’butcher calves'. "Bobs" not wanted Milch cows and swingers-mood What for good quality milkers and hour swingers. but common not wan- 'Toronto, May 18.--There is little new in the local brcadstuit's mar- ket, ax’toreig'ns are so light that lo- eat business is doing and the wheat quotations vary somewhat, owing to the ditterent circumstances govfl‘nlng each transaction that they are not otirely representative. There is more uniformity in the wane grain section. Business' generally is very dull. Local dealers' quotations: Um Ratio wheat, No. 2 red, white or nixed, $i.28 (1': $1.35; Manitoba wheat tor No. 1 Northein, SL285; No, 2 northern, $1.253; No. 3 northern tLMI, on track, lake ports. Corn. 'Ameriean, No. 2 yellow. Mie It 88e, No. 3 yellow, 82c (a 83V. Toronto heights; Canadian, We tt We, Toron- to Heights. Harley, No. 2, nominal, at tile (5 62c; No, 3 extra, tile (4 62c; No. 3, 59e Ct, 600. Buckwheat, No. 2, Me in use. Rye, No. 2, 71c I; Ne outside. Oats, No, 2 white, 51c 'qt 52c. on track, Toronto; No. 2 white, 480 twisp-, No. 3 white, 47c dt Mic outside; Canada western, No, 2, 50.ic tt 51k. Peas, No. 2, 950 ht Mic. Manitoba. Hunt quotations at Toronto are:: First patents $6.30; tie- cond patents, $550; strong bakers, $5.50; Ontario ilour, :00 per cent. win- ter nlieat patents, $350 It $5.75 in buyers' sacks, on track, Toronto; All-u ..--..-..-...... (fl-W Wddlisttm.-.p" ton 2600 "ttre..-...-......... aroo Wheat................ 1.00 $Ntt-Whesat........... .90 - (mung). ... . . .i)? ted buyers' sacks, on track Toronto $5.30 It $5.10 outside. "srihdiuii'i itoba bran, $23 Ce $24 per ton We will gully ugh!“ you I. up" launch Pat, â€,0 “had, to rervhe m " ttet."'"?.,),'.)""?, to â€I“. W n r R19- - Cad an! nation t in V2 FLUID Ind keep V 2 Fluid right where you Pte your land on it MU u- "on... " .11 hum-o, Whether sa IF. 56.3.1. frail grower, mm“? man at 6_er--rm heed . w. tfre" greatest of a]! Insect- icides. Instant death to Scale, J)t'tin, Psrlla, Ind all Mites, Piyenry and Living Plant Push. For Summer Sonylng ll. mm a NINKWO _ moan. " A Pn all: h Arum. and drqtegn 'ttu',' or Mreet ho- LIV! - _ Business' generally is very Lucal dealers' quotations: Un- wheat, No. 2 rcd, white or $1.28 (1'; $1.35; Manitoba wheat Keep An Eye On The Trees GRAIN 3,10 .05 .15 12t . 16 .70 limes. _ _ - and implements uvl PM!“ (‘lass B-Irvin Schmidt. Aubert. ugh: late Felis Hoyas ttt Thalrr, F'arLh'r.urmsot, Clarence Both 7 in, Lilian Burton, Hermie Schmmt. .lrm- 'th-Ho-hold Are, Knthnlorn Ely-l, Roy Miller. Viola. Wm. B. Yang, "Warloc- sun-km, Altrrd Hon, John Ham- mr. ---.-------- Flu. A-Ltriu Weaver, Verna Moss. Hunk] Bowman, Irene Bunsen, Fidtut "Ind. Emu: munnou. Violet Berea, Bum sum. who Sum. BERLIN MARKETS. Berlin, May 20, 1909 Flour per 100 lbs. .... $3.00 Bran " ..... l 30 Mlddlings " ..... 1.30 Screening: " .... 1.30 Wheat per bub.--.... 1.25 Barley tt ....... .60 Oats " ....... .47 Poul.................... .85 Pota'mmportmr-..-. .65 any pot ton.-......' MMK, Wood per ooru.-...... 7.00 Butterperlb......... .23 Eggs pot doun.--.... .15 Jr. Thah-r Baas. BURL... ....'...... .60 .55 Ova (aundnnn .. .... A7 .60 Penn ............... .85 .88 Bat P" tOtt.......... troo 10.00 Baum ton.......... 25.00 2400 Shomporton........ 26.00 Live Bogu............ 7.10 7.30 Boot, trout quarter-“u .06 .6; Bad, hind gutter..." .76 .08 Ch!ckonl.......-..... .50 .00 Dneh................ 60 .60 Baker per pound...... .23 .25 Eggs por dos. ......... .15 .18 Apology!“ ......... 1.50 PM per his, ....... .65 Ftrttat sumac). Fir. IV-Charlie Kissncr, Lincoln Thalcr, Walter Batu, August Jansen. ()rion Dippel. St. Pt. ll-Sumu tor Brickncll, Ed“ F.rh, Albert Afte,dt lie llammar. NEW HAMBURG MABEE't8. New numbing, Mtry 20, 1909 Wheat .......... .... 1.25 1 0-m............ .... A8 Barley...... .... .... .55 Pou...... ...... .... .80 Corn............ .... .77 F:our.............._. 3,10 3 Butter, per lb ..-...._ .22 "l, Eggs, pol-dozen -----. .15 Hay per ton.......... 10.00 14 Lard, pot lb...... .... .14 Hum................. .14 Middllngs. per tom... " Bun................ 20.00 26 Poumupubag...... .66 Low grade Flour...... 30 00 311 Sr. IH-Ella Thater, Lucinda. Ort. man, Lifian Latsch, Clayton Moss Laurie Shana. Henry Baum. Lily May Studied. Lorne Bricknell, Melvin Snider, Ban- kin Bowman, Lavra Btergetr. Mr, Ir-marry Thaler, Herbie Moll, Geneva Mihm, Milton Moss, Hilda Silx-crma n, Harold Snider, Harry liurgeta, Vardon hatsch. Wheat.......... ...... 1.25 Flour, pol-1001M"... 3.40 Bun,porton..........22.00 o:u.................. .48 ghoru,perton.......;24.00 Jr, Iv-Edna Carey, Harwy Moss, Roy Karcher, Gordon Bricknoll, Roy Meiscl, Charlie Mihm. APRIL REPORT CENTREVJLLE SCHOOL. - STRATIORD KARKETB. HAW MAttWr8B t ..-....... .... 1.25 .-......... .... A8 1..-... .... .... .55 ..... _..... .m.- .80 .......-... .... .77 ................ 3,10 r, per lb ..-...-- .22 pol-dozen ...... .15 )or ton.......... 10.00 per lb...... .... .14 r-t__.------..--- .14 Inch-Jillâ€: Pl Ill-- Harold Wmlmn, 'John SCHOOL REPORT samba, “by 20, 1909 GALT MARKETS Gilt. May 20, 1909 H- Irvin Mona, Verna I'larence, Weber, Marjory ..... 130 " ..... 1.30 " .... 1.30 bum.--.... 1.25 ll ..-.... .60 " ....... .47 .........-..... .85 "11.3....†.65 m..........’ 10.00 :oru.--..... 7.00 lb ......... .23 dud)...... 1.26 .... ...... .60 m1...... .47 .......... .86 n.......... 0.00 m.......... 260 on........ ........... 7.10 Sgnmcl Humphrey, Tir Edward wiser' Lana Edts A tteidt, WH, AT no .15 PM“: ll 99 I am Mrs. can yg l Ilall--At llerlln 24ml and Mrs. W. I .50 Schmidt-At no: 26.00i and Mrs. o. ( ,90' ter. .60 Lemanski. At B .70 Mr. and Mrs. .65 srn. .20 3 Eckoswiller-At .16: April 23rd to .65 Eckrnswilter, a A _.7_il . Hart-At Berlin .70 " 60 .70 14.00 3.40 .70 33., 0 3.24 .16 14.00 .14 .14 2600 26.00 3.40 IN .55 3: I DEATH. m Heldman--At Phllipsburg, May Nth, 1.00} Conrad Holdman. aged 74 years. .10 Sinclair-At Berlin, May 12th, infant .10 daughter at Mr. and Mrs, Jame; .15 Sinclair, aged two months, 003 Johannes-At Merlin, May 11h, Wil. tih iam Harold, son or Mr. and Mrs, William Johannes, aged 5 monthr a ' and 17 days, Proctor-At Gall llm'rital, May 8th, Louise Ann Proctor, relic! of the LE lale thry Proctor, aged 66 yrs. lathnen-Near llawkesville, May 12th Fmiil Krederlck Lehman, used 38 tcoln years and 19 days. men. Bechtel-Near llospoh'r. May llth. Mrs. Jesse Bechtel. If???" Zinkann-At Southampton. May nth, “(my N. Zinkann. aged 72 years. Ort-' Walker-At :I'avistock, May 51h, Mrs. loss t W. S. Wal'cer in hrr 73rd ythU. ' Krueger-At "erlin, May 13ih, Mrs, Johnl llt'Mave Kruogrr, sand 80 years kart, Lovandowski-At "min, May 14th, Ban- Paul Lrvandowski, in H: Roth ymr. 'Goodwin-At (llonalltn, May 9th, (on, Jantra Goodwin, ogM " yearsand mm. 7 "mums, 1.40 1.35 1 26 I .60 .60 l AT 46 mt .50 .16 a' mPIImkENTs, ETC-M-er-Har- s00 ris hoe drill 15 spouts, Oxford cram #30 separator in good running order. Ar); TERMS OF REAL ESTATE. .18 90 "trrhitt i.iil.NhliiSi. $tjl In ,..ttiMra"t' *0 _ i all: with - out II M; Lot No. 0, main- It, Frye. it Well-shy. - «and.» the described REAL ETA?! " LIVE STOCK bego.giq to Own. WW: 0- . I LIVE STOCK-colt this; a "an ‘old, lone! mm 15 yarn old, co'. idue to calve in Jun, cow trash, sow, idue to tarroR by limb ot we, York- shire boar l yen old, 8 you; pip 6 weeks old, . In “maimuuuxmj REAL MATE-TN lu- - nht-ot wuss-noneth- o. the un- in 300‘ back has In! all", . good but m, Smpleml M u would I“. good - 2,v,tug'tgg12g |oun.'l'iae no an m 50041th Mui- tiestion, I use- ot 1.1ny good hull, Minute at lad is In puma, u Inv- aHuliug spring crank nan though "Im- which makes an [an an adapted In: chiming ad - mixed tuning. There ue About " news newly Bow. In mu, Inc?! In in a good common a- my num- ber ue wire lanai. _-- 7 This will be . good chance tor I nun to -- I good home W the town Bard any I when trom nil- road. Weber-At Berlin, May 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, a daughter. Ilall-ht Berlin, May 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hall, a Son. Schmidt-At Berlin, May Mth, toMr. and Mrs. o. G. Schmidt, a daugh- ter. Lemanskic At Berlin, April 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lemanski, I son. e Eiegler--At Berlin, May 13th, to ‘Mt. and Mrs. w. A. Ziegler, a son. Schlitt-ht St. Jacobs, May 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Sdllin, ason'. Maitin-At Wcolwich, May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. “when Martin a 'Meyer--.tt St. Clcmcnts May 2nd ti. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Meyers, a daughter. (stillborn) Wideman-in Pal township, May 7th to Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wideman, a son. Pirie-At Rudell, Sash, April 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell, nee Ruth Pirie, a son. _ Martin-In Peel township, May 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. John K. Martin, a daughter. Fischer-At Berlin, May 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fischer, a son Rank-At Berlin, May llth, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Rank, a son. (Still- bum.) Cade=At Baden, May 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Cane, of Dunchurch, a srn. Eekoswiller-At New Hamburg, April 23rd to Mr. and Mrs. H, Eckcnswiller, a son. "art-At Berlin; May lst. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hart, a son. 3ucklirv-ht Berlin, May 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Manila a an. Ten per cent or more on day ot sale balance to be arranged by Oct. 1 1409 under agreement. T ERMS " CHATTELS. Pigs, and sums ot $20 and under cash; over that mount 4 months‘ credit on approved joint notes or 5 per cent on (or cash on credit amounts. GEO. LICHTY, Proprietor. E. J. SHANTZ, Aucticneer iiirt 't1iilii?ititqrit9 -iriarormation regarding the Real Estate apply to the undersigned, I MONDAY, MAY 3gat, 1†Miss 2sth.-itral cslal AL'HRRT MICK! Auctlon Sales Take Notice mum LU My nun BIRTHS Am farm stock "N Morn is of Mrs (mo mmamm...a"“ A' .'.. ' . , out. hflmmqugw iiriiGiiqGiiir-siuoosatre_ 2. 'l') . Imam“. itrttdlf, tetthtu'P 5" I"'"" -ee,m.u.--rqo'. m tumuuthuy.‘ w We to: nothing but the but name. in corn. we]. who» and “do. fat. Romania: It pan to plant tho but. Notice is hereby given 21153831â€? Section 38, Chapter 129, R.S.O., 1897 that all creditors and others having] any claims or demands whatsoever' against the estate of the said H. F. Pearson, deceased, who died on e." 'ahout the twelfth day at April at', the said Town at Berlin, are re-l quired to send by post prepaid, oi" delivery to Agnes B. Pearscn, Berlin, the executrix oi the last will and testament of the said H. F. Pearson, the estate ot the said deceased with lull particulars thereof and the nature of the security, it any, held by them and that alter the said tenth day of June. 1909, the said esezutrix will proceed to distribute the asstts oi the said depend among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims at which she shall then have had notice. Mr Weber the head of the firm has been in the wcollon nines 1867 and ought to know punching about "nods. -- IN THE MATTER OF THE, ES- TATE, OF H. F. PEARSON, LATE OF THE TOWN OF BER- LIN, IN 'IHE COUNTY OF WA- TERLOO, DENTIST. DECEAS- PLATTSVI LLE Ghicopee Woollen Mills Store. _ At this State or Factory for which we will pay the highest price in trade; each u 'nroerd,drlanmsh Blankets, Yams of ts'l kinda. Alec fine worsted cloth in bleak, blue and worsted tweed: which will he made in suite to order on short notice. Give In a. call. , Solicitors tot the mid Executlix. Dated at Berlin this 6th day of May, 1909. 19-2t. ED EXECUTORS' Notice to Creditors J. Ilouonauor TM In†In Men's flne dongoln kid shoes, blacker cut, dull top, solid insole, very neat " - - - 89.50 Menu fine velour a" shoes. blacker style, good. yonr welt soles in two of the very newest shapes, ,sttstrruh " - 83.50 Women'e fine dongoh kid shoes, blucher and bal stylesmll shapes and wiitha I jut. to " your foot att.ts , Ind . - - 82.25 Complete rung. of Menu Bud bors' heavy solid leather shoes, the kind that are bound to luud'tho but! we“. Our priests are in your tavor. A FEW LEADERS "at, Natty FOOTWEAR _,'gt,trg'atf.M'fgt 15000 lbs. 1llhtol Wanted. SCELLEN & WEIR, “mu-'25»:- THE R. J. NEAL Go. SEEDS! I.:. .9!†m. In. 1mm other building. " mump- ply nt was pumped by windmill. nevertaillng spring creek macho! one corner ot mm. Orchid, garden And a lot of Maple, Spruce, etc. ham been planted. About 10 1cm ot woodland, over mo acres in grass, bend. the huh, Ind .11 in a tir4 clul condition ot utility. That splendid 300 acre tarm being lots M, " in the and concession. Division Guelph Tp. The Hiding! are good, stone house, heated with mince. hard und no". water in kinsh- an, bank barn 80:80 with root home an! stable: under. lily bun 50:00 with hone luble, sheep house and shed beneath, hog and hen house, driv- ing and implement barns septum a; mile: from Machete, 0.T.R., " miles trom Welmburg Lou".., " tulle! trom New Germany and nhool I; , mile from the house. For term: and punctual apply on the vanilla or to James and Wllllun , dill-w, Guelph, Good brick homo. story and a halt, withi lolt; had te, loft. m. For part on u- 'Mr BAGEDORN, 17-lmo Com-tom). Unto. WANTE6-itubber Shoemaker: and Learners. Apply to the Klulmln Rubber Co., Berlin, Out. tFU. This in one ot the very tttst 1am: in the county at Wellington and is I sure tarm tor grain, gran and mots. " is situated ' miles trom Guelph, Lumber! lumber! I. the ttttp/ntl luv. you. out of l the Plum-Ill Ina-Ina- aiid [amber bun-inn. and will More all out tho l'gth"'t of 'Ihr, It?, Jd, MW" " " (re. u All than vie m In the lumbar tudoorfu-nm who no in need ot lumbar will [Ind it to their Interest to all and got my price- before buying eluwhm. " can. Krontzlgor of Couo rtl Revision and Appeal . Tp. Waterloo The ('orrt M Itevisirm ar an thr Aan Roux Township at Watctloo will It the Township Hall on Mar 2m, commtmin; at Fm, 7 Person having hummus at said Court will please We notice um (can: themselves atxordi, tty. llr2moq. Hill FOR SALE a» i “I? (a 's: 'ti,'i')tf in NOTICE Wanted For Sale on. A. TILT. “minim and Appeal . ONTARIO. Waterloo Wine! B he belt , at " May o'elock “at. J the held an. In 1-9. mu buy! IU um. um ban Ml m. magma-i “will?“ moo was ,éess, Licensed “Macaw: {Wili‘fmggï¬iï¬fÃ©ï¬‚ï¬ of the public. I. B. Mom Mia.“ mmmm " Audion-u": “comforWIurboOounw I solicit tho-Ala of 1m- uulothon who In" nuclei to ho "rMtrrAtrretttt .Mr.u-et1eththt>tutt", Pure bud mm. tor-h. Applyto " mencumvm-d no: Hon-whim.qu- In†“at In. hm. all I. not! up». midis.“ and “at. pr t1.qpatderrtittietaat" On a." or My.“ ngL_A_ te, _ -. Mounted Motionur Metr,rt,rd'y, “I. to "htgtho Int. tomdott_teqrzitattd all I m In" In! Itff a! let,', "1-25 tPIP, 'JttA11 heel “V -- â€WE. -___ - TrTii ___v,- fl†fl, ttAi'iilrutiEFir'f,.ef'h' and dgte. up“; hug..- up w--. and main; e,iii,feh- _ --e rid -dTG4TairiitkGd-ii"au â€than. Allis-7: to. who! Mimi-=53» t%a"raraa= " you grant you In. My cor.- duiod, "that We a . DAVID RUDY, TM“ Ott& _ atVtt. _ _-s-.-.,..-..-"...-.-,..:.., fl ï¬Jâ€"mï¬aï¬ï¬iï¬'grâ€" 'let, It mm 'ttttttttn- iii'iii?iiiiiiiiiiiii'd 'i).).)???). . ',i,tetieirhtigfil,lirii's', - ï¬guaamwagfiiï¬ Ryan in: and. m- m- 1- mn n . drroted, "In a: 'arltg'Jrfr ir59li'trl 'ler11ttft'th1llir, mm) RUDY, TIM on " 'iitl,Ciii'ri Tfl 'lle"lata Sts'. In atr-tt. T . n I. van. “bl M. (it Have Your Horses Shad by an Expert I 5mm to on†lune and laur- lcring hon-u or money refunded. All Mn of general buck-lulu: work. re ring. woodwork and paint. lng don. tglr.'t."r Price. moderate. A “it! no iedte . - 7 Inn known by the lending boul- men n . panics! hone thou. Shot in. be†no a to [he â€(on and andâ€) the M. [MAI-furl: and own-aching 'i'itf,')?i','ir"ihr' I Aloe all "to Adam amend the William-ml may My Eggs For Sale 10-“. onn m. hon-chem clock of. Thmwmdhndlntho Ynhl! of in. lltLt no Webs: w., Berlin. I 'tylt-ttyrs.4 mile 202‘de- li.tt 11 Mini" mum... Delivery i?tb1'i'iiitBii?liFiiiii':iv.e; etod. Auctlon Sale For Sale or Rent 2tt QUEINRT. 8.. BERLIN Ton-Mg yt Idle-by 5'" I. buy- in Torr.» cl Bic-HQ. Farm for Sale ROBERT MICHELL, IIGIIAII. SIMS. It.†lasso mint F. E. SHANTZ‘ t co. an an vounyq, m "r, Ital-loo- D. S. KUNKEL WNW“ n. _ a cantor uh mum trte __ ont. I tJlelre4i'lt.tyit,t,t'ii5,1!dt. Tina." on Iâ€, 0". mum on no - and In“... D.- 'plltta'h'A1il,'r,gtlt8 tAtlf8Ni1t tta' 'itittlif'tt'i.?p,tiifti't's.hatlrl' 'iigiiiiiiiit " " !.E':.'f Ewmwupdd. Loud mu Tf,'" land†No.“ alumna: In, It muWth“ all um “Cum": Ind W'MII work tn a. nun Ilium-II. Plum “a “W! Innqundbo. Mutt-Inhom- nhbodot plum and mm vat. BRIEFING H098 WANTED _ ll BABE! LOUIS HOLLIS. 112993: manner. Done-m on i'i'sjj7shi1tG'tt%?ttii'i'?ii F m tl9,,e,',e,,r:ift,Sl; V 6TiFiiisFG --- Ii Ireiar 15.; but " In? JlrghTd,Wl'llh'd'd'ul.' L33 no. “I“. Apply to T HENRY mom " 114m. Sunburn, BO. : Fr, NIL“; Wk! $800 'l.'lNgg'tptdtda? '""f' $l275 1mm-glhmnlt. ", $H75 Inu.1n--.~u-Lnu- e" $r5oo Alum. 11mm. At 'lhtrr'll1L"h0t, , N'p. if noun-u w. [an I†Franny for Sale Real Estate 1'ij' Property for Sale MINE! " Illllllll. A. ll. 0mm“ ', Farm For 8an , V IIIIEI “Ill-IT!!- 0 M “II. b b 'gwwtdt I humo- "- m: an Mon Jun mire]. "ree, 'hqrgtymtrt" sin-£333. an In», when a m It. U Mm " [M3