News 1tems.--Mrs. J. Rickvli L Spending; low dayy with In i' daughu‘v " Guelptc--Me'ssrs. H. a; R. Lamar schlager, \isitrd friends m Berlin on Bumur.-Messrs Links and Kenyon accompanied by the Missrs ('imncns uni Melitta! ol Pinion spot)! Sum day in this neishttorhoud.- Res. H ‘H. Turner of Newmundec, prcar1ti'd in the U. It, Church (In Sundav aitel- houn while Rev. W. Yait's owupird the Mennonite pulpit in the evening - Mr, R. H, Cook, who has be n our local veterinary tor a numb†oi years, has lett [or the West where h' has sown» " a lucrative situation with tlw Uov- ailment. We wish him etery sucvrsx, but. A. Rich“. has " for Berlin yhcrc he secured employment a; a Cami." with Mr. W. T. Ktwchtcl "tr. and Mrs, Enoch Gingrich, rt Prelim, spent Sum-y at the honw of In. And Mrs. A. C. Itowmatr-- Doit W the Literary meeting which if new“ ol the inckemency of th" OHM on the lath inst. ins post. - to be held on the owning oi Cutaway the 22nd, int. All an- welcome. Bath ot Mr, Heidman.--The death damn-d on‘Mondoy at rhiltpnhurg o! It MI known ml respected mum" of U. 'til- In the prtr'on ot Mr (on I“ in, " "we ally-MM Me b! ". “airman Ind " darts, '00 _ 7 a', In" no... a. C',uu-rrtlret?y"- The noun Kiel - “My wet and back- .m.’ and in low Ind heavy clay hall. the lumen have he: greatly - In the progress ot their â€and wrtre.-4hs wy tune the seed " not been no" till quite late in tic month at lay. With may the con- 'ttttmq ue realty serious. - A Big Irt'trroyemeat.-- On Saturday, In! 15th: a "ttttttttet ol willing WI gathered around the church- yard to â€to " Improvement in the was» ol the grounds: in†Wtitul shade trees were anted and nnloe tense was erected along the trout. Mr. Hilhorn, ot 21min. deserves great credit lor‘his paw voting ml in connection i'vittr this good work, li one day in each yeah we net apart tor the twautiticistion ol the West Montrow cemetery, what a most attractive appearance the grounds would presots Just consid- er what an extended period ot time the dust at humanity in this locality brie! and evanescent are the days of 'will silently repose there, and how cautious being, tmr,tuuieti frequently in toil without fruition, in uln- balan- ced by losses, in the possessions ol "tith ind the dtsposstssione of death-- with the tinality ot “Vanitas Vanita- tem" written on it all and the tem- pornlity of things seen compared with the enduring icalitirs which are not seen. d iiauGaiiirs. an m- !ih'ltt,9h' an, to “outâ€. up - Victoria Day celebration,--. Victor- ia Day will be celebrated here with football and baseball matches, and several other interesting and import,- ant attractions, lot which handsome prizes will be awarded. A good day's sport is in store tor you. Come and lpend the day with us, which will be concluded with a grand concert in the evening. A plan ot tho hall may be seen at the (lrugsore. Personais.-Ns1entine 1iatsermehl and Louis Ottmana were visitors at Lisbon last Saturday and sunday.-- The Messrs. J. G. Reiner, Hy. Alte- man, Geo. Bellinger, Joseph and Christian Kennel and Mrs, Kennel. Sr., spent Wednesday cl last week in the Twin-City on business.-- The monthly Women's Institute meeting will be held next _Thursday afternoon. A good attendance is expected.-- Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Kcltcrborn wore visit- ing his brothers, Jake and John Kclterborn ln Milvcrton several days last weck.,-. Reeve Robertson spent last Friday in and around HawhesviF--Reirter Bros. and Co. are running their woollen mills oret' time in order to keep pace with orders placed with them. " WIIT MONTIOOI PHILIPSBURG WELLESLEY MANNHEIM I 0L0!) not .51 WM! ‘... The led» lull- to: Ell month at April. Fr. IV --Hiida Weber, Lewis Ibeht'r, Oscar Martin, Leander nauman. Jr. 1v.--Lueinda Martin Scum“! Gingribh, Nor. Wetrr, Nnomi Wrter, “onion Hemmer Milton S‘chidrltu in noie that Mrs. Joel Warner has meow-rod somewhat lrom her recent illness and is able to hr up and around again. Unrdon Hemmer Milton Schick-Iv. Sr. “bland: Mart n, Fanny 80M", Mouton Weber, Beniamin San. der, Omar Snyder. Nvsrs Notes-Rev, C. W. Backus Ivtt on Wednvsdny last tur "unting- ton, Ind., where he is attending the general conterence of the U. B. Chuti-Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mil- born at Fret-lion visited at the for- mer's home here on Sunday last. - Messrs. N. It. llugg and A. N. War- field, at the "People's Railway," were business visitors to Plattsvillc on Friday 1ast.--Mr. D. C. Ramsay ot Queen's University, Kingston, was a visutor to town recvnUy.-- Building operations on the new creamery are progressing wry favorably despite the Jrcrmi, wot weather-Mr. AIM. Amos ot Galt was a hnalnoss visitor to town on Thursday 1ast.-.We are glad Jr. It.-.) Mfttt'r,:Motrs" yang-m. m. --v 7 . Jr. IH.--,nmse Martin, Jenn Us Martin, John Dnyder, lid. Baum“, Br, _H.--Barttara Gingrich, Orphan WM. Haul. lame Wrber, Edwin lam“. ' F Jr. "puritanxm-mm- People Have a W at (lratttittrott Niqitteg and tiettittg Wkly Jarred by a so to I ,Shot that Flashes From the Bunch , ' at the Finish. " NI week lot â€out!“ to W Inch time â€an; “old" bunt-eta. Round: tret-ir bl It: I†voten " new .tsbaeriptimm, not 'ttl in; into corusiderBumt the 600 extra vows for each new weehir Ind 1000 our: vote- lor out - any who clubs no filled. Sgt!- Totes no not given tor parts of clubs. M the hint Ind 50 after New suburban- and put all the ginger " you! com- mand into tho work. "h summer ot pleasure inn world of beauty," are the won“ ot an the torlo lady who Ipentn â€not: abroad visiting some at the polntl which tho Telegraph's European tour wlnner wlll touch. Probably nowhere on earth Ia it possible to lay out an itinerary that would guarantee so enjoyable a vacation as has been planned in this exploration ot the old world. Forty days of pleasure. Tint is a longer period than the active part of the contest. Starting trom Bow ton, the lucky one wilt have an op- portunity to “look around" in the Hub oi the United States. Then comes the delighttul ocean voyage, at the best time ol the year-July. The landing is made at Glasgow, the great shipbuilding cehtre, then histor- ic Edinburgh will be vigited. Four days will be spent in London. and the same length ot time in Paris, mil city a world in use". As the re- MRS. A. I), HARDING, Clarendon., MISS l.l‘l.l' WKAVFUt, 1-H; King St MISS MAYBE ZINGER. King St MISS ISABEL ANDREWS, 82 Queen MISS' IRENE KRAFT, 37 Cedar N. GEORGE EMMERSON, 127 Tuerk ... MRS. JOHN SHUriTZ, 36 Albert St A. u._cocmmms King St. 'o-. MISS E EL mg), m_re.t.rrFw_ MISS BAB 1101501,] , King St District No. 4, Wilmot and North Dumfries Townships MISS MABEL THAMER, New Dundce TT FrrrF terr-__); _rrrtrrF._.l 't_rre"rr_' ' MISS CAROLINE KAISER, St. Agatha T Frr.w'r_ .trrt_.._FrF .st._r_"e'rlF. MISS HILDA CORRIE, New Hamburg ,, ___ Fr".' ....PF-.. '.. W. U, BRUECKNER, Baden U ,. _ (FFP 'err-r-q-rr, FF.e.rFFF_.. .ee...e_er_. ..r.._.e..F. MISS ELSIE REIHM, Strasburg ... ".trt' MISS ALICE EDFORD, Bloomingdale ION S. SN") , German Mills ...Frrree.qqr MRS. JACOB '.BEL', Freeport .Frrrm (VFCFP__ MISS LAURA SIIANTZ, Break» .e/.,.er,, MISS ALICE WALLACE, Preston tr.r..Ft JESSE WiTMER, Preston ..rFPFe....Fre._r.rFwF_ MISS MISS MISS The Grand Prize (choice ot a trip abroad or ae piano) will go to the candidate-- lady or gentleman-- with the largest vote in the entire contest. In the district where the gr and prize is won the candidate hav- ing the second highest vote will be awarded the diamond ring, and the one standing third, the gold watch. No candidate can win two prizes. NORMAN AMENT, Linwood "'f.'"" (Fr _rrrFFeqFPr I MISS VICTORIA CLEGHORN, Well esley F.rFr MISS mums FOSTER, Crosshill ..e..tFW..._ ' WILLIAM DAMMEiER, Haweeavttie....,, . MISS GBRTRUDE GUITTARD, Hawkesville Address all communications to C cutest Department, Daily Telegraph, Berlin, Ont. f New mundane-line tog "half DOES THIS APPEAL TO YOU? 23,000 Votes lor Weekly Club From Two Subsxibers. A, "ie" TO CANDIDATES. ,w tit h DARK HORSE ! s "t!llr'l'f.'rl0 mrrrii", CONTEST CLOSES JUNE 'i'TH, AT , Palb SCHOOL REPORT District No. 6, Woolwlcll Township ESTELLE GINGRICH, St. Jacobs Fr Fe ,rr ., tr..FTrl MAGGIE HAHN, Elmira r' __. H (rrr. Te' (rFFt._' (rt e.rr_tFr ANNIE SNIDER, Conestogo NEW DUNDEE HOW THE CANDIDATES STAND vows comma TO 10 A. M., WEDNESDAY, APP. " M District No. 5, Wellesley Township Water] District No. 3, Waterloo Township District No. I, Waterloo District No. I, Berlin We port witt be law. in Ft “new. and PM new. will - a. on. II and I /? ,rtteth a mu. as“: do!" SOMETHING ADUT ONE OF THE I cmss To an wan-m. Gordon Kinsvy, no", S. Manes Jr. Ir-l,. T 'llarh-l. P. Kre Gingrich, M. G ()Mrhnltzcr, F S, Martin. PI. tr-w. G 'Lunshlny L. l. Jr. L-N. Hnstrllcr, R, llcmmuich R. Matron-kc, C. Gingrich, R. Ohm ttolirer. It I W, It, Itewktt, Mu. Bo 't of IUrtt- “Mn. in: barn uppnintcd cumin" In Class "FONT“ Mania. OTPh‘b'nu-ic tor Wan-In Fund: tor the thlu. Tum-n "UNI, "In Web". Yukon!" ot Torrmto, "' " will “In! l'h'llt Lulu Shah, Vet) li,tdrt. od . a f h k T I “M. -_ 1'.h'iit,"sughathSLui; . Edi-hem, no“ " the "laden Athens." the picturesque old “vital ottgeottntsd,tso'tara' the most mutual sud interesting cities oi Europe. " is the sest et the isos- ous old university, ionsded in ms. The most striking iesture is the new tie, sn sneient lest ot the Scottish kings, which dominates thocity iron: I high. precipitous root. In it on shows the old Scottish regslis. and other objects oi interest. Holyrood mince, 1070, the former residence oi the Scottish kings, cont-ins the sputum“ used by new, Que- ot Scots. snd relics at that uniortunste sovereign. In the picturesque old town no my old gouses. some rev markabie for their great Wt. ten to twelve stories. in the'new town the principal thoroughisre. Princess street, is noted or one ot the ihseqt and most imposing streets in Europe. St. Giles' Church, twelith century, is the most interesting church. Am. as other places ot interest are Join. Knox's house, built in 1400, the old Tolbooth sod the Scott Motue meat. A magnificent View oi the city is obtained irom Arthur's Sent. 822 feet, an eminence within the city bounds. - "iiiritinerary ot the Edmpem tour allows two days at. Edinburgh-Tues- day and Wednesday, July 20 and 21. Schnul. Sr. lv.-9r. Hagey. A. Ssharman G, Lonsbury. Jr. IW-L, Hemmerirh, l. Kinsey L. Ubrlholtztr. C. Tait, v... Cornell U. Mutton. Sr. IU-M. Shaun, l Gingrith, J Scharnran, M. Form-II. W. Toman. Gintbvl, A. Peek, G. ('oonl. Jr. HI-K. bhmlz, M. "Morn. A Sr. H.--B. (iioglioh. Celtic Klnsey Nunu, Cot no" Corn Mutt-s SCHOOL REPORT No -l,. Tatum, I Snider. _ Krease, T. Ito'crr_a'e M. Good, M. Kinsey, Otreaholtrer, " I. Hohtrjn‘un M I, Toman. I', , od, M Tatum Waterloo Shani Mck ay, Tuch "r Tatum Pin a - Gr 0 V C Warm umâ€. Illll 54947 51374 25390 22380 4816 3011 2996 51023 _ 13896 3387 51786 32124 30115 mu 20015 11429 11396 40132 34548 3510 1637 27812 17674 7768 17615 17388 16029 4284 3427 Cor W " The leader in the Contest remains the same on Tuesday 'Mrs. llnl‘d- ing increaucd lur Bttutd'tng a couple thousand, thereby whining the. high vote. Miss Ethel Bolduc moved I lcng step toward Mr. Cochrane, who easily holds the high vote in Water- loo. Mizs Elsie Richm passes the hall nullity mark and is very near the Miss Shunt: and lon Enid" progress (notably. Miss Thain: again when the "ua- es". The plunger to-day, however, is Miss Kaiser, who, alter depositing 10,000 in ballot box, is but 600 Volts below Miso Thames. " is Mic-god " the yum; girl Hut whih, 24hr “as walking to uhool about 3.30 Monday morning she was own-alien by a buy driving, and when he cam no lo her jumprd out ot thy rig and committed the Iii-ed. The mm- ni â€on " Tron-luv chur- '.vd with "ring obtained goods ru- der ialst- pretmu‘s trom a Mr. Her. gnu. was adjourn"! nint- die to await the rtnuli. oi n civil artion now ponding which hll hearing on the ram SERIOUS CHARGE John Boegel, in, M Wellesley ship. a boy not yet lourtecn ot_agecwas Indore Magistrate Detective Huber who affected the arrest had quite a chase. He q io- wired word in the morning from Heidelberg that a crime had been committed in Woolwich township, near that village, and a description at thr young lad alleged to hate committed the crime, and according- ly drove out to the scene. got what rim: ha could, landed his man and hrolght him to Berlin Mattie, night. " is allvzml In the Hun! Rll'l that CANDIDATES Heavy Voting Slade Latt Week but Contestants Clinging to Old Poaitiona. ot age, was belore Magistrate Weir TM†charged under the Crim- inal Code Sec. 30 that he did Ul- inwiuily have carnal knowledge with a young girl under the use ot inur- teen, to wit the eleven-year-old dau- ghter ot Abram Beuhler. When the charge had been read to the young prisoner he practically admitted his guilt by saying he was under the in- "uence of liquor and nnything he had vid'ne was through this cause The Crown was not ready to go on and the prisoner was remanded until Tue-day. May 25th. ,\I‘P()INTI- D EXAMINER TtHiuy's leas:ertc-. I" iGicarruu, I. on the man in. ot m; (LT B. lacuna Tomb sod 8min. nun mite. vat of Guelph an! tour all. out. of Boa-III. "i%'n'iyge,rgtttt'gt,"t',tt, in. a orTmetm_s y "oo out an: who. Band for o'l,StttTdt,'glr, Ar spook! 'gauu all 'eutia grttt _ m It Brain: on day oil-lo. _ - . Thursday, may 27!“, I 808 uthio-u--t-tits-ru_diirhi. m m o'clock . a. “In. all; an... FM C, T has: " head high ciao Holstein Friedman, 35 head Itâ€, If.“ m ttge-tttitz,"?,;,' Tamworth Swine of best British blood. -.All w III II I J) . - u to to may. will be .m- on tum-hug op- proud mujsyyitp may» "f pr mm per um. iioc u n'v. KBLLY, tr N, Y. ' J. saga. Balm. ’m non. amount. 1' . ,, -___ Pun-brad Nahum Outâ€. and Tamworth Swim A. II. Cochrane Miss Elsie Riehm Miss Mabel Thamcr Norman Ament Miss Estelle Gingrich It Sprlnxhrook Pam. Broom: . Thursday, May 21th, 1909 Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Mm Miss Min Mu FIRSTS. Lulu Weaver Maude Zinger HIGH VOTE haw] AndeI Irene Knit Ethel Bolduc Alice Redford Caroline Kaiser Victoria Clcghom Maggie Hahn A. E. Harding. SECONDS STATIONARY AGAINST BOY according- got, what man and I m In, Kahuna“ town- years SECONDLY-Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, an! , awarding to the registered Plan oi the Survey made tor Mom: Erh by James Pollack, P.L.S. in 1876, con tinitig try" “measurement 15 acres and 40-100 hundredth: ot an acre more or less. luder and by virtue of the power contained in a certain Mortgage mode by Edward Dermal to Jacob Ullel- mann hearing date the 14th day o: November, 1906, and registered in the Registry omee for the County of " terloo tn the 1511: day ot Notew- ber, 1006, a No. 5710, there will be otiered tor sale by public auction by Henry B. Ducting, Ametictreer, on the Market Square in the Town ot Waterloo on Saturdny, May 22nd, 1909 at the hour ot 2 o'clock 1.11. the tu'lowing properties sauna lying and held: in the Town of Waterloo, being composed or.- F1RSTLY-part ot Lot Number six at the German Company Tract containing 17 acres, more or lots, 'more particularly described by meteor and bounds in the said momma. 's'iXTHLY--Another part ot and Lot Number Six ot the German Cttttt- pnny Tract whining 5 1cm, ' mod- and 31 perchel. more or lean more (particularly‘ described by new: and bowls in said Mortâ€. . Fo"rrrLY--Lot Number Four ttt Iubdhisim ot part ot Lot Number Six of the Germ“ Company Tract ol the Township of Waterloo nude tot the Trustee: ot the late John Diner. Deceased, connining 2 mm nnd 46-100 hundredth: ot an sue. more a: less, more particularly described by metcs and bound: in the said Mort gage." Thirdly-Lot Number Nine on the West side ot Goren infect according to Jacob c. & Elias Snldcr's Survey at part of the said Tenn ot Water- loo as shown on the registered Plan ot the said Tonn. FOUit'rHLY-Lota Numbers 4, 5, 6, and 7 uxordlng to Plan ot Urorgt Moore's Survey as shown on the re- gisterrd Plan ot the said Town ot Waterloo. A. B. McitRi0Fl, Vendol's Sulicilor H. IS. DUERINU, Auchonror. 18-,U. o" alum properties " the Town ot Wnterloo. For tutther terms' m.- apply to the "ilirhard always â€pun-d moody uni dejected when the moon v'u lull, an] we were otten trtghtrmd by the Mat-gene" ot M. actions. Doctors Mao unwind Il- l». momma Mttt 'll'Natltti' “In. “In $t.qqqg'rte bowls in said Mortgage. SEVENT'HLY--Th'ree mm ot Lot Number Five ot the German Com- nany Tract, containing 18 new; And 61-100 hundredthl ot an new. more or less more puticulnrly doucxlbed by metes und haunt: In aid Mort- gage. TERMS. 10 per cent of the purchase money to be paid on the day of ale to 'the Frndor ot his Solkltor and the balm?!- ot the purchase mcnry to be paid within " days thrrrait r. On the puree! thirdly above describ- ed there te a house and barn. Dated at Waterloo May, A.0., I909. Windsor, (ML, May "r---" Kn“. ot "ml B, mother at Mr young mm hold In Sandwich tail, rhurgtd with shooting up thy Windsor po-- lice Nation taro weeks ago. Brir. MOTHER SAYS MOON Mortgage Sale A. (J. BALLKAN. Prom. AFFFFTFD HIM and con‘lit'ons of ttndersipuNl. this Filth day ol Mace-oh}- Tohomvhhlnnl-My; 2t,rgttt1tt't-.ethteiNirttlt2tt "tnttmimlatit-rit'eed"rdit. ., Jap'".."'" qmtltrttttr--dtotttt0mmrt , 'lgierg,tata,testttt2ttt of â€Ig- Ta"etirdg'tlt' H ,. "m mit “like†'-r gh- - who. may?» “shun-u . â€at- said.†“against . “but, -tieietyturyttttrtiauwil1girsttt-i" I,tst" - "t_taetttory-c-ofettrtmesmsdd _ ' Yoda 0W7 an of all." “6a " d admhyilg toga†' b. _" 'gtt our-announ- one! use i ' . t3oontsNrArmmiisintheNinG I - - anything out than â€on. V I If; .. "tttee, Hulda, about!“ "tttr-Y-B: that!" b, 2,tgt,ttte,',tt',ttu' Department i'"'"tl4tiP"'"'"' See us for your Spring oostumo' at Bott, TBe and 81.00 t)riare' m ’Allovon m a... Mirna-In The - uo James R. White, null and produce merchant. aged M, I citizen of Unit tor " yum; June Weir, whet of the kn Andrew Int- 1hewuou, used an, has lived In tUlt " youâ€; Alex. Mchern, aged 61, 21 years. resident, lound dead in ber, and James E. Meyer, or Waterloo road, n. well-lnoun trerder ot b'atr- oughbred cattle and poultry, success- ful tel the "eat [amen in Ctrnoda Ind the Sigma. The latter wasa cm- Versity trraduatt' and taught in tho ligh s hool for yours [More ramming to full" life No we: aud 42. from WIN'I'IOO on Wodnrsday M last WN'k one load ot export mm:- whkh were [rd by Messrs, D, M, Shm'mwl- er Ind Join ('. Shaun, Avrragr' wright was nearly â€50 lbs nth ani were pr; 11012an by good Indy-s to be the but load shipped from wu- rrlno 1h: svaxnn '1th null- were stall-ltd tor shunt " months had noltrd choir own‘u o"pr tio per head tur was“. The nine (Iron-rs shipped a few dun previous 32 head "ml were " by Mr Simon Bru- W, ot Beth. “at! “and m Q, "(9).. out. "- do. - THEIR AGES AGGREGATE 248 am, May it.-Four mun an HP nounced May, each being that ot A well-known resident. ,-’ S. B. BRICKER & CO. FINE EXPORT CATTLE 'i'::ilifiiiiji,iitig,.g,t a € Arkto-arirtimttaitmtotr%tat" An endle- mtmont. of this 8m ilk in at Boo BERLIN, ONT. mar! Tag Day, inmuguratrd by the tto-' mon‘s Hospital Aid Soclely. of Gntt witnessed: well organized And we)! I ditrctcd campaign which closed at " ,o'clnrk Salurday night. The (M (ash proids wow a little over 8000. I nddvd to which must be contribuuou ‘in bind of “25. such u pit-Hug. ltnlln‘tmn bores, ing mntehat, etc. 'Thr rxprmo account In Mio- ".'rtt, tho "rrr4ortOtrur - rrnhO‘M'l' A NEWS SERVICE. A new union will be haunted on Saturdly next try the am, Pt- ton a: Berlin Street Railway. M the intention ot this up-to-dom to odd I new: service .slmilor to tint on railroad "ulna so that M: patrons can purchnse the daily pop- on and choice innit- and sweet! Ind be u Metropolitan " " riding on Broadway. The new service no doubt will be much appreciated. nit, The collections rerun-mt I average In "‘an u head at the pop- ultttion of Galt, Mr, ttrrie Homuth, who wt! in the employ of "w (LP. & IL, St. Ry., tor the past down you“, In" - rd his connection with the “In 3nd lrares tomorrow tor Elmâ€. He nus one ol the n"! can!“ on the Illa. and will Mr. Jat-' “Ila-um. H: mate, woo 'stat jam-ml m TAG DAY AT (SALT, 1,k AVE FOR EDMONTON win uni. "