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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 May 1909, p. 3

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_ l threaaaaii1.....-.,._...fithe g“ All . seed by the, lands» 'fr'"' {d . lunar-nae Company {‘1 - iii _ ot 816mm. ' FFS.." 5 if” mums secretary rt;,."; til. an]. mm“: The Imtllo rm g“. ulna-loo “.3 Bulk“: Increase u per can. "_" " T trQte " Township Woolwith, scum mar. 7- '.f 32,800.935; selling mu. $3,401,030, _ 'tttreef": Home”. _ increase, 25 per cert. Bun-m couched to: Best clu- Township North Donald". mun r' Coup-kl. _ vuue, 82,065,762; selling value, tt,- _______________ 418.000; immsc, 18 per cent. _ 0.1 you: Dim-let Ase!“ Wm. Ont. Phone 249. The Misses Fehmnbaeh und invite the, Lulu to nil and no Mat they In". The Misses hhmNh mun I"! In!!!“ - Natalee sa-ji-........ 250.com JN.qtt with the Dee?. Ins-moo emu" l; , c, A. noun-m; Gena-u hula-cm. Amt. 011M655 WILL BE Denver, Colo., May 1t.-Aterwetorth the Florida orange crop will be man keted direct, awarding to J. I'. Swinging. president of the Florida Trait a (rum: Cnusests' Assucia- “on. who was in Denver last night. "The mangr- crop of Florida this "at.” he said. "will exceed that of my other year since “My and we will produce ball as much as the ”the crop ot Cniiiornia. "Por yearn wr in" nubmitied to the “use: of thr hrokerrr, who prar- tic-ally regulated the market, mulling big proftU and hoping up the ptiu‘a of mung". From now on we will mtrkei. the Florida output direct and this will Induce the prin- ot onus" [any per ml. More this fight in our only. will be will»; " the rate M the: for an an“, intend or In mu m." l tuna. “Inn-noun C 00. ARTIST") giaGriiFii'air- are showing ' xclusive High-Class King St., East Berlin, Is being turned out daily by the Millinery CHEAP THIS YEAR wax-r“ I’ll-V [ oiFAt' , w ' x 'IIWIIoiN and“ humanly“: mum "a an. at: wallolthmumh and» mom will it a, in“, "rsarufitrn tare ' tttt ninth- on u "sad.. s". m him. 'Be Wm av 'tqhb. -!M!. M lam chill Nuns-Id I.“ new “In, (than 0.ot Sada "taottwatsFimlnerr'- pov- " to WI exmptlcn Iron um irm. ard It It. an W that - may to “In! M M DW- e- (no new» in a. “mun-o my» tog 'oeV ”W“; . " to the township ”numb M W In diiBex'ttr hi “thing u “a aim-Id um; "he as lamina , not liable to {Inch-h in value. " ter timid-3 the Euro! unworth- fb.- Iron Mr, - n {at Tow-syn Waterloo. an: value, 83.952305; soiling Value. “$17,000; increase " per cent. Township Wilma. actual "he. $3c $30.0“; ulna; vnlue, $4,088,000; u- - St no cent. T _ _ Towmhii Malta-Icy, mm mm 53,130,130; "tther-suture, “mum; increase 14 pet can. _ In to": and village! 'iireat d"- nculty in tittdittg natal value ol them an account ot the dllferent con» ditions prevailing in small planes and n) great ttttctuatictts in real estate, Suggested Report. A: the result ot the investigation the Committee suggests to the cum» til the following as the cqunllntion of asoestsmettts:-- In Above list the real property In: teat lncreuod by the percent-5e In the business and income a are added. a Tp Ttr. Tp. Tp. Tp. tries ___ ___ _.... 2,068,152 Town ot Berlin. 6,111,897 Town Galt .-r.. 4,633,590 Town Wuterloo 2,1L7.006 Town ‘Preston 1,202,679 Town Hespeler 901,060 “11.56 New . ”but; ... ' Village Ayr '"'.' Village Elmira Total _..8v_ $31,370,577 $31,300,000 The committee a'so taxommends that the county clerk send to the various councils copies of the lists or we or properties otruioed [roan therxcgisuy alike as a guide to the assessors.w SINGING EVAMiELIST CURED BY ZAM-BUK Mrs. Birdie Ellis Johnston. 01168 (hrislina Street, Sarnia, Out, gives the [allowing testimony at what auu-Buk has done or hem“ and hex husband'-- "Some time ago my husband was} touring through Michigan on their. "Herald oi Hope," us a singing eun- gelist. The mtnisttr in the wind a Ion, who In some unnucr contract- ed a serious skin disease, and my husband, unaware ot it, eaught this trom him. He won all broken out in sores which sue great pain, all he tried flrst one remedy md than an- other but none at “an did hill any 'i-mw one had tuned. we fully MM to try Zen-M, and see it this bum would mowed in healing the sores and stopping the itching and‘ irritation. 1 tun pleased to say that n low "Ptttratiotu' ot Zuni-Bah made l mulled isstprovmstertt, and perseverance lot. short time with Zena-But allotted n complete cure. "About the some time sore- duo broke out all over my back, and spread rapidly, until my back semi- ed one his sore! This was very pain- tui, and as zmnllk had proved So beBefteial tor my husband. I deter- mined to give it another trial. Mt nurse rubbed my but well with iZun-Buk. We continued with this treatment, 3nd in. rcmnrkubly short time. coming the Madonna's: at Ite case, my buck was quite ole-red l ol the awful sorts. “On still another occasion I bod need to use ZIm-Buk. While cooking something on the stove, I hoppmed to burn my any: new buily. lup- plied an-Buk, and bound up the Bnger. In the morning the pen hm waxed and ihe burn healrd nicely." For skin diseases, eczema, ringworm blood-poisoning, Ind a'l kinds of uuyhuu, Zuwlluk is absolutely without cqnl. " Also cures cum. burns, bruises, uprains. seratches,rtr mm: nil" an" rlwum nrniria “MI do All brunt!“ and Stores Bt41 gt 50c, p box of post-tree trom Zmr ttut Co., Torono tor price. ECLIPSES THIS YEAR In the yen not there will be [our rrrlipto, two ot the llll And two ot the moon. A totN erthpse ol ltr. mm. will com on .111: 8, partly viatth an; A and cm at the m J- "o - m I: - will! F Wellesley.. 3,700,730 Woolwich T . 3,800,985 North Dum- Wife also Reaps Benefit 1303. 1309. Act. Au. Egan. Wutotloo.. 33,052,335 34,323,000 Wilmot ..." 2,920,034 3,735,000 Wellesley.. 3,700,730 3,033,000 Woolwich ,.2,800,985 3,230,000 498,269 300,760 563,790 2.325.000 0,000,000 4,475,000 3,310,000 1,305,000 403,000 300,000 542,000 870.000 atrt I. I. o. tun-adu- “at ' out an tho-mun . an and p - I!“ my}: that con- pkhd III thet Hat. W. J. “as. Geo. Afr-1m. In?” I. 1.. I. In. If" at no. 8t. 0. lad- ur.~l.P.P., In! its. timed to I. span to a. but at on cm H. 'tttttrt-d in he con-l“. wu 'trt+d a to than but Ill to to and qt not» and n Ind has. an to a. loud N: “(9. lulu. ttaw. tsutrurattd 090. - were a: noun a! hunch tian that no liquon ot - kind he and n tho than! and the - mt was submit.“ try Mum. H. J. Sinus-40. $e.tteBtmtttatixrurr ited mum at beer be and. Ana the uneven m onto-led any new: in s good-um!“ we: eeef, iGiiNiCrlt" to thu. new; and Winston-vowel 1mm, IN] the notion prevailed Soctoury but: mad I Nope-tum revolved from n tttetat maul-storing am In one ot the Inn own ot this province. which is looking (or larger gunners. The tirm 1511:.- to secure I unable building tor the purpose in Berlin, trtstat $15,000 worth at Minty and employ be lwoen to and as men during the am you. provldlng the town grants . loan ot $10,000 tor tea you", W nble in ten anon-l instalments with interest. The Industml Committee has asked the tirm to modify the pro- position by having the town guaran- tee the bonds tor 310,000 and it is likely the suggestion will be accept,- President Smyth. Mum. Scellen and Donu- and others spoke In the highest terms regarding the firm and stated that in order to supply the lactorles of this town with the mn- ulsctured article my man would hare to be employed by the end ot the second year. . mu"... '-" The Board passed a resolution tav- oring the proposition and pledging its support when it is submitted to the ratepayers. The other proposmoa_ls tot the erection at another large lumiturc (artery and the promoters ue ask- ing the town to guarantee the bonds at the firm tor 8153100 for ten years. President Smyth explained that the Municipal Act provides that More ‘assixtancc can be given to a new Minn. the consent M the proprietors at other (atone: engaged hr the same line at business must he secur- ed. He had circulated a petition, but there Vere two furniture manu- lacturcrs who refused to sign on the ground that the labor market in that _ -- .. -- |:_u-a ....a .5... an”..- ...-. V..- W, trade in Berlin was limited and the factories were unable to mute . the desired help. The matter was discussed In some time and the Board busily decided to appoint a committee, composed ol cuts. 0. Rumpel. L. J. Excit- Inupt. J. Kautman and H. L. Jan- un to wait on the turWure men and enlist ttreirwoperatiart in secur- ing this new industry. lin. Mr. DeBus asked Mr. J. a. Wing, real estate agent. whether there wu any truth In the report that the“: were shout. 300 "can hams In Ber- Mr. Wing replied that (be report wu costly unwanted. There were not, In MI opinion, more “an 100 vacant [mules In the town. "a: -iaru-auiourued at 9.25 o'cioek. . The use preterted againsl. A. Rut, ptopriolor ot the station Hotel, by (hid O'Neill clawing him with lee?- lng . would bar, um selling liquor during Prohibited hour- last Sum" motninx. were been! " “as Police can In!!!) My by Poll“ lac- lama Weir. Mr. H. J. Sim Col ducted the prosecution and Mr. A B, Melinda looked and the ddettd. aunt's interests. (hie! O'Neitl was the chic! Mines: and muted the incident: in comme- Hon 'sittt the ma of nae police I.“ Sundoy. u the result. ot whim In pitted an cntnnce to I room down “an mhich con1ain~d I supply ot li- quor, shv-Iu‘s and . counter. His midmco was mrroboralcd by P. ('31 Wallet. Stewart and Urns at. who assisted m the mu. Thr ark-dint and hit; non. Robert MI. late etilrrwe and claimed that the room VII men an» tum» ......., All that Ftw liquor food by the po lice hnd been “km down into the cellar on Saturday erenitttr They swore Utat no liquor had been lold on Btttiny in thin room. After round had bridly argued the use the Hummus lound the " n-ml guilty of let-ping . would bar and imposed I Me at $50 n! can“ at one month in NI“ hurl labor. The “mutt.“ " not Co'" it; the .tldr- "qhigqt ttt PM" W A Jul an an ml In. KEEPING h SECOND BAR Appointed a Commute {It Ltntad fl-tttta Two Provo-luau. Exaggerated Report ail asmmwmuswu 11m _ is in In. ttttdesert-UI-tt (gt-trag'ft.g,u,ut,t, iiA,n'e.'gtftg"',t'."f,g Much: .. t the I“! 'r,tf'L'uh'iAtttdlrd, k uwummnuu inMtttrun.e.tt.ttteretoast-tir. The - VII may annual- itiirittu, In: and“ ou-utr; W . E. P. Mt. tuc., n all u '0» Dual. a» tu- Bout at Til-wt a! m Belli- ni Water ho “to! I". - lb ma nub-“o- ” an 8mm: ol on name! than Dam w VIE. ruin-II; a chau- {a u. " mad “man - “a b. w. “we. to the Bond undo: It V rl‘M'l will. and “in h ”or Jul: you: mum- ot the win “hid: which! our 6erertad trirtd I that-uh; ths banana! work 'ot ll! summon, And the Beard would an dbl!) commend to others the mat.“ let by Dr. Wright and can“ we limit in the “WNW! ot tttet' lvutldly "airs thm dnctvlu chm- shouk: be renumbered. The Lady Suwlnteudcnt's report ter April m...1,u. by: Int not patients, no tor my "nuts; " mph $400.45; Admitted IF, (new; ed M, in an April 30th, M. . An impothnl. future ot on proceed in: In: the present-Hon ot the It “suction: of the my Supenulcnd cut, Mia Bailey and the land [use Miss (Merton. The adulation: mt. the result of misunderstanding: um ceruin members at the medical stun resignition .nd action on Miss Grier son's retrlgmsticn was deterred. A signed statement trom the major ity ot the members at the medical am! expresping that apprecint'on o the good work axoppiistted by, th Lady Superintendent and recommend, ing we Board to use Its corporMed iMisrn:e tor the purpoac bl mum; if possiuc, Miss Sammy's decision. The members present were Messrs. J. B. Hughes, in the chair, S. B. 'Bricku,’ Geo. A. Brutu' A. J. Roos, Geo. Diebel, L. Grnyhill. E. P. Cle- ment, KA?., F. w. tiheppard, Alex. Merner, L. D. Merrick, R. D. Latg, Dr. Minchin.and Secretary A. A. Ehy. The luncral ol tne late Emil Leh- ncn occurred last Saturday. There were services at his late home near llawkuville at noon. and also at the tie_tt Jammy “Atoll. some: Kin; and Water streets, " 3m Til) wore largely attended. The Rev. E D. Daniel: ofticiatcd, preaching m the subject ot the transflgttration. ll referring to Mr. Lennon be said: lle was needed on earth, Society needed him. Our modern clvilizatlov needs just such upright men, need: the. greatly. His neighbors and tel low citizens needed him, they need. ed his inftuence and honest, quiet way. Hie family needed him. Speak. Ing alter the manner of men, it is a sad thing when I will is here“ ot a good hnlhnnd; and a little daughtei ot I kind lather. His relations new ed him; hits hrothcrs and smor- our hardly ware him. Aniline church needed him. in his death she he; met with I lose in mnny ways. But the spiritual world needed him more. His work wu done here. We did not know tint " was 'done, and hi did not; but Inch was the tact. And hence the Lord called him where hr was needed more. He can do more ‘there than he could here. He can It more tor his neighbors and trier-do, more tor the church, more lot his re lotions, more for his wile and child, that he could here. Hence he has been promoted, he ha been culled to come up higher. Let " nil acquiesce. let us I.“ my. Thy will he done. "The Lord are. the Lord has taken nwny; hiused he the nine ot the Lord." Our strong natural Keeling will urine It such time, Ind it is right that they should. Do not chide yourselves tor tint. Do not seek to kill your nature] medians. Do not think to arrive " . state in which you will not weep or sorrow at such rantings. Do not work such harm to the nature God has given you. Our strong nuturnl nllecuonn nre g.'rttt) thni the inmily may "in, which in the unit Ind basil ut cirilimhion. But while your natural [eelin are “rang, the Lord will give you strength to subdue them. Though the new"! man in ntrong the rpniiual nun my obtain the victory met him and make him nerve luau-ad oi rule. This in the state which We mould ism-k to reach in all our trials and (ttr'reavermPus'--o"t exiinviinn luvi sub- mission to our heawnly Failur‘l twill; (or like, an a lather piiieth hie hi: children no the Lord pltieih than ,that tear him." alum or FILTER?“ Why Take Alcohol? Areymtthtn,paie, ttrert,iacityouruwatvhtorpml strength? Then your mmtm, your blood thtrt,joternerieait. 'mtrteeda “autumn. toiieedA_rer'sAepyqtp,theottitsysaoartlhaettttTtt (rectum Wittetiit.eryritottqrirrtttMyttdt.tefe, ttqta-erttyogrttFitrttqtCt_ttettt., Ankh ' {at _ , V . up b. J.'tt,titft; can!» iortbo-ttqrxt yum talters. lb dab Bail. Alquml. Hall, In you ‘led " th- Batu Bun h. - ttt a te2i'tM'S'tt uni Greer, v. w ll Jteq. In". Dun vat emf h 312.2“ “mums. 'dt tlt'.', . at It?! kw on M " We 0M COMFORT FOR tl common disensés are canard by an Anaemia (or bloodless) condition, ttct insistent p-alfor means that the blood '5 not furnishing the organs with he required amount ot nourishment, there would he swakcned inurcst in the tonic treatment with Dr. Win- iams’ Pink Pills. Thin Mood means sinned 'nerves, weaned digestion, functional disorders, headaches. Ire- quently neuralgia, sciatica and rich partial paralysis. Dr. Willirms‘ Pink Pills mild up the blood, repair waste and prevent and check disease. They " the system with rio, red [Jodi which mean good haul: and ite. F " every woman and yotng ti:1 would realize the danger ol allouiag Mood to become thin and poor, would undmstani that the majority Without Rich Red Blood You Cannot be Heatthr- How to Obtain this Blcuing I was "reduced in tietgtt until, I wished only " punk. 1 got nuth- ing to help me un'il I began ttreuse st Dr. Wiitiatns' Firt's Pills. They “an helping me that the first cou- tte of weeks, and in a few weeks Miss Marie Name. St. Angelo, Ne, says:-"' am deeply grateful tog vhal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have lone for me. My blood had almost mix! to wnlcr. I was pale. had no uppctite, sutiered from pains in the tick and side, and hada tooling ul ‘onstant depression. The smallest ex- ‘rtion would leave me breathless, and not: I was again patently well. The :olor returned to my cheeks, the aims Ielt me, land I gained is weight mtil now I wu'gh 130 pounds. I feel BO happy tor what Dr. Will- iuns' Pink Pills have done for me that I hope some other ailing. misci- ible girl will profit by my experience and obtain new health. These Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or you can get them by mail at " ants a box or six boxes lor 32.50 trom the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, on. CARNEGIE LIBRARY GIFTS Following isa partial list ot placcs‘ in Ontario that have accepted dona- tians trom Mr. Carnegie for the build- ing ot public libraries, and have com- plied with the requirements asked tor by the donor. Dresden, $8,000; Mil- vulol 85.000; Perth $10,000; “than £13,000; Bruebridge ti0,000; Graven- hurst $7,000; Oshawa 813,000; Wuha- burg 811.500; Kincardine $5.0M; Kcmptville 83,000; Hanover $10,000; Orangeville, 312,500; Palmerston SW.- 000; Listowel 310,000; Wingham tlt),- 000; illuriston $10,000; Ondcrich $10,000; St. Cull-rims 335.000; Tor- onto $275,000; Berlin SM.000;BnM- lord $35,900; Broclville. 811,000 Chatham 819,000; Collingwood tit,- suritur,mrtr, m. 'llmmas $37, Wtuuord, 815.000; Immoo 'Mo one; Windsor 327,000. 500; CornIull $7000; out $33,000; (lurllh $23,000; Lindsay, $13,500; ot. uw. 3100.000; Paris 810,000. 81min. $26,000; Smith‘s Falls sumo; Sr MOTHERS “cumin iniGeiiiri'Gr an...“ iiituU' laud-o mam-um, an» laud-r. I Halibut-hm. Made up of Baden Boiled Oil and Rebuttal Lead. no better combination in the won-13' ., ' Ground spec“! for cunt-dc. tor ak. . - Another lot at 12 ban for mc. Sunlight. mp. 6 born for Me. Berlin laundry mp. 8 bl!" for 25e.. Eclipse - 8 but for Me. Silver duct. my. me. , pkge. for loo. Silver duel. reg. Sc. 3 for be. Gillan In my. 10e for Se. ‘ Wu hue n big stock of furniture on hand whi eh in beirg toie a very low price- for cub. We want to all the pod. and you - save money by buying from u; , . "y ,L, ,L,A__,A nk, __-_A --__I.A- __J - " 1-5- '..- .- We ii. duo Godin the most complete and up‘to-dnu lino of Bdry Curing. Ind 'a'lL"1, "sr alien-0d in Berlin, coma] lim- ttd which no boil: sold It faoto prion . We ,',/l,",'l,E,1','1 the to; n all at] All as Mad. x"t0Br3tae-,-fyteeut summon tht. In. ot Mn... Day photo THE MOLS tyN"tt" NATURAL (HS, "trough m mam by Hr: Leglnnlq - ot Dumber. It its promo“ ttp The mum (m Io., " I. "tar- may a an rate ot " mm o d. has “tend 'uttorneer'r.t "oo - In. toe (wiring and no gummy a “mat but. A' _ 'ttetttq my winter mam 3»me . mi ”a. tllh'k"li Phteee. fared 'ttg-ttus Malt-UH“ the Simpson new: Fu'rnlturo Stor- KING ST, BERLIN. A aux-nut. BANKINGIIUHNIIIAW 8 IVI I " "" 1t1yhtttrl1tlitLt,,r,, if minim; a" Capital ~Pald Up. Rest Fund . Hardin" Btover,'ri-,phtmttigtg and Pipe man. Store neu- Post an... PM. 142, Berlin. Potter's Pure Paint SIMPSON 'EI BOTTOM PRICES G. E. POTTER paw-unann- l SMASH GO PRICES Retail Furniture Store 1sedttRttgNttttr" Interpol-cud a. gown:- emu}. "e. lento h m tte

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