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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 May 1909, p. 2

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1ii.eii is. "1W1? new” 'Iniwn w II Tin very comm reception tenured _ w. W. L. lunatic King. M. P., on , on “all“ ur, return irons his! world-circling ' as b Stte.tti, - to tho trnti-opitun congreuK " Shanghai, shows the warm place [ he holds in the hurts oi his consti-ly )uantu in Waterloo, and their many} expression: at gratitude over his sole ‘ return must have been most cheering! [or him to hear. Mr. King proceeded l, at once to Ottawa, to take his seat to a member oi the House .ci Corn- monl tor North Waterloo, and will, no doubt very shortly to hoard iron; in connection with his report on the work of the anti-opium commission. l, “I will also be on hand [or the final readings oi the bill now beiore the House providing ior the creation oi a separate Portiulio oi Labor, having already been named try Sir Wilirid Laurier as the minister upon whom the mantle ot the new and responsible oillce will fall. . Mr. King's appointment to the M- fice of Minister oi Labor will mean a bye-election at an early date to con- firm him in the seat which he so brilliantly won last October. Rumors of opposition are already in the air, but it is not at all likely that the leaders oi the Conservative party in North Waterloo will sanction any move to put the riding to the expense ot another election in the iace oi the'recent wry emphatic verdict oi the people at the polls. Nothing has happened since last October to cause any change in the verdict then given, except it be that which would give to it still greater force and emphasis. It is quite possible, therefore, that the Conservatives ot North Waterloo will abide by the usual custom in bye-elections made ncccssary through the elevation of a member oi Far- liament to cabinet rank, hy coniirnr ing him in his seat by acclamatiort. me new“ or n. ma tyt over 100 collisions and derail- ments on Canadian railways invvsti- gated by the Dominion railway com- mission during the year covered by its recently-issued report, 72 per cent. were, in the opinion of the in- vestigators, due, to failure on the part ot the employees to do their tull duty to their employers, and fellow em- ployees and the public. These so-call- ed accidents resulted in the death of 629 persons, and injury 1,309 oth- ers. Responsibility lor accidents in the cases inquired into is placed by the report as follows Engineers 'VFP _.f..wl.rt m.re--___... ._..FrPP. ls Engineers, conductors and but. "T" Conductors "st'.""""" .re__r'P"'_ t___.'... Bran-men .rtt.,.tt.tt rr.tT' .trFr. 'ttrr-__. Conductors and bulk-3mm . .. TFFF ,. Engineers, firemen and briakcrnen Trackmen and yardmcn .rrrr-rr' _.,. All ot train crew' "._r..r..em-"""" F.-N Train dispatchers and operators.., Companies. _e-trrrt (rFV rr . _____ Accident causes FF .rr.r'e". ..........‘ Among the "accidental causes" were broken rails, spread track or some defect that might escape ordi- nnry vigilance. Negligence a the part ot the whole ot a train crew, " Will be seen trom the above table, In- been found in some instances, each member probably depending on the others to perform what was real- " his duty. The object of the cum- mlsslon is to impress upon railway ofticials and employers how essential to tttttctr is strict enforcement of I.'re- cautionary measures. yteiiiiiiiiiiitatg w...“ - b an 2:25-21... 1ett IWEiij RAILWAY ACCIDEN IS ?ti'9,',filiii'lCC"i5 t,ii?it;'iriti'i' - I.“ m'n on 'tttttgt iiGE ROW '+H+H+FeH.eq, w.IL. manna Kin number ot unique M reception tendered dun-h" THEATRE (e " with Grim 20 24 Toxuigmy tir-hor ta..; _. nun-hr? “an at Ji"g,tel2te his; " 41-; co: an nus-”3r- luv-Mun. . h honeyed, on th- my a q”- WI“ Ion. u “116: in“ m a. mm w the "ttt it in ”any mm “be an alreudy imam " gm pry»;- ttt and head, wtth out tnrormtttt and under hm ho Airiaiorrat NW- -." to look mu New and on Ontario. Ulla: him tab then will [not ably M In can: tor etch county or morphine! district. “It. am: or- dan iron the clean inn-dim wove them. Tho question a to the ‘m between the present rural police tom and the newtr-organued provincial Ital is one which will have to be #tertnitted but. Apart from tho result: tom. whose duties will he "not: at polka. than wane. olcouru, " a prel- eat, . (Inactive tome, the, member! ot which witr be hon " bipedal! ot crimknnl inveaupuon. It is, ot "Mime, probable that the new1y-ortpu1rced tome will cooper“: with the “can department, putlcul- arty in New Ontario, to: the enforce- ment of the liquor laws. There is considerable speculntion as to thq appointments, which will fol- low the proposed "organization. " is rumored that the position oi hem ot the torce will go to a member of the present stall. It may be that the Government will simply appoint ex- isting police officers in the rural dia- tricts to act as provincial omcuis. It is said that the reorganization, which has been under consideration tor pone time, has been hastened by the Kinrade case. l cured a horse ot the Mange with MINARD'S LINIMEN'1'. " CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. _ I cured a horse, badly torn by a pitch fork, with MINARD'S LlNl- MICN'I‘. Hr. Petcr's, CB. EDW. LINLIFF. 1 cured a horse Ola had swelling with MINARD'S LINIMENT. THOS. W. PAYNE. llathursl, N.B. SEEDING IS li' naipeg, Mam, May 12.-The C.P. R. crop bulletin was issued to day, showing that seeding is practically completed in the country tributary to the system in the prairie Prbvin- UPS, and almost all the wheat will be in the ground by to-morrow night. mr markalslo progirss has been made with the work during the past lew days. This is most satisfactory news to the husincss world, which has Bit-tn avail- able tor some time. The speed with which the work has been done seems almost astonishing, but the ground evidently was in good shape. WORLD'S COMMERCE MADE NEW RECORD Washington, May 13.--A new racord Euler: tor the international commerce of the. world was estatstithrtt In 1907, " “ONE cording to the statistics ot the De- partment of Commute and Labor.‘ This abstract" puts the total exports of the various countries and coloniés Gut. of the wnrid in that you at $14,000,- at firel 000.000 and the imrorts at t16,000,- to nab 000,000. Trn countries contribute more Gore I than twwlbirds of the total. On th: A. ll export side the United Kingdom head- St. MS jd the list with 82,073,000,000; the which l'nitvd States coming next with tl,- their n 835.000,000 and France tourih with came t ti,080,000,000. lost m Cn the import side the United King- ftrmed dom again hradtd the list with t3,- they it 143,000,000, Gummy coming second Nun“ with 82,082,000,000, Franco thirit them, with $1,201, 000,000 an] the United "89-45 Skin's tocrth with $1,191.000,000. ordere: PractitaCly two-Hinds of in; total Infants ot internal to Europe. In the-year under consideration Cun- ada look 58 per cm. ot her im- ports from the United Sink-s. No matter what we try among the new cereal foods, there's always a feeling that when we are through ex- perimenting we will go back to good c.d Quaker Oats. In another column will be found some of the reasons for eating Quaker Oats; everyone who has eaten this ' regularly will recognize the truth of the statements made in the» advertisements. "ftiLLIA-The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board mm a nation here to-day 5nd mum-d an agreement rntorpd into tor bringing the suburb ot Mount Slaw-n into the town. This wilt increww the tnwn's popula- tion by over 500 and raise the total population to about 6,000. to uni My 0'- nu {£3de roll-h 'die'tt,' can: IWdh-drondn ENLA RGING ORILLIA ALMOST COMPLETED two-minis of tttie total onal trade is accredited ff l HONEST ACT OF ”mm-l» I a' 1't.tittfet2r. “by”. my dim-mound 'iui-asttiijtfrwi"y, to on Mayan-Guy. u all. mid a. u a.“ “a d “I have“ ttt.tirioi-eartt.tyr waldo. an a. crou- had 1001. anon-twain“, an: up ait-tottteaswtitru._tet.f nod. am all!“ Donal" m. amount! that an cue VII clad. This [In th. jury _tttr...imtmeio. that the Own “than!" u " rived n. noun -tanoiatq, and lo outwuudm “a ampu- u an mam an «and. . in. an; up: that n trutt,mediet had been inn I. in which the nm 0! o person..- manned nnd n number ot the juror! “no in {not at rotunda; it, but in viow at who! haettaheniruc-o.atsottott? in with: Crown " on not} thought "vraa+ to bring it in. " wnnollo agreedto who ride: to the duct that owing to the WM) ot the evidence xiventhe Crown pro- med further with the inundation. In view oi this it w enacted that 'iperlury proceedings would be insti- tutod or some other nation ' It is noted that Foam Span and “me ot the intern wrote n combined note to the Attorttep41enemt intona- inghim d the In!!! they M ' and their view: with word to the verdict. numb. my sf.---- , a, Coroner Anderson aid that, while the jury had been dischnrged. " could be called together by the [memo sad ita recommendation would have weight. A . kfur manning with . number ot school trustee, Mr. t L. Klnndc has decided to mum his duties " ter the summer holidays. Mrs. Kinda. In“ Florence kin. rade and Mr. ergnt. her fiancee, left Sherbrooke yesterdny for either Bos- ton or Portland. It Is believed the party in on route to Europe. CANADIAN WOMEN Clinton, on, Mu 18.-The people ol this town are walnut and umusr ed at the action ot United States iae migration or Customs Quicials In re tusing to allow 1 woman, who ha been sisiting her old home here, am iGSidenee"ot wine year: with he husband in New York Yate, to n tum to "her husband. Mrs. W. Hamm, the daughter 0 Joseph Cooper, ot this town, man-i ed her husband two yum ago, and went with him to live io Rose, N. Y. In the {all ot 1907 sh: cam: home to visit her parents, and re mained some months, returning to her husband with no interterettyt. This spring she again came to ciintoa,ary was here two months, but on return- ing on May 7th she was stopped at the suspension bridge, and refused admittance to the United Staten. Argument nor explanation availed she, with her small baby, had to TC ’tuin to Clinton, where she now is The case has been ta'en up witi the mummies in Wmhingtcn. A book on Rheumatism anda tria treatment of Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Rerncdy-liquid or Ttstriets--is hemr sent tree to nulerers by Dr. Shoop, ot Racine, Wis. You (hit are well, get this book tor some discouraged, dis- heartened tuitierer. Do a simple at of humanity! Point out this way to quick nnd 02an Mid! Sunni-c some Meter. tr Brst getting trom tTJuiidmit in the lest. -He will apprechte your aid. Bold by I“ Gait, May 13.-An itt'ercsCttg bit of fire insuran:e history hn just come to light in the otticiat records or the Gore District Company at this town; A. ll. Lollt & Company, dry goods, St. Mary's, had: less by tire, iorl, which the adjusters allowed 36250. At their next ntock-tallng, the ttrm be- came convinced they really had not lost more than $3750. lining con- ftrrned this by a second atoch-Ukirtg, they immediately returned the fire tn- surance companies $2500, o'erpuld by them, the share of the Gore being 32%.”. The exanatory lettur Ins ordered inscribed in the company'- mlnutcs in lull and a resolution, mor- ed by R. S. Strong, seconded by W. ll': McNaught, M.L,A.. wu passed. ‘orpreuing the uprrciul'on ot the high-minded um Immoral»: course [pursued by the Messrs. Lon, APRIL REPORTS OF Ottawa, It.rg stalisllcs who: mint ot cmps month ot April thntt mm! ttttr lions throughout the northwest Pro- vinces. Wintrr what It the md at April tun unilorm in all parts olOn- mm In! mmpurod with a standard (mp it nah n 70.5 per out Hay tttd clover avenge " pl‘l cot. Pod- der tor not' in been .mple, " I: Motel " the condim- ot [Arm Ill. mull. Harm are " yet rrstt, ot Motard, will cowl M; one harn- ed cum M; “he at, a: m u.- " put an. ( iiiiiiiird mom u. sl sus 191134135; my; ST. MARYS’ FIRM 12.-T1te CIIIJIE and issura to my n at.» and live stuck tor the Vegitalitn is later yen. uni 5.9““ tan ONTARIO CROPS a“ 1» Conan!“ origin!” - 320.0003“ It; city ”0.000. Later is C'.tt7eetttgqnt and $5.00.. Ill the trouble In Mett to was t"e au- n». “than: (AMI. g "th to the We. tor than ia not” (in . not t% nk “mm a. some“ Inn W to put “In mm; it“! " tt your stomach, Hart or Kidneys no weak, try " least . law - only at Dr, Sheep‘- Reetoretlve. In tlee or ten days only. the result will surprise you. A tew out: will can: the colt. And here is why help come- so quickly. Dr. - doesn't drug the stomach, not "inmate th Heart or Kidneys. Dr. shoop's Re-1 storatlve goes directly tii" the wet l end (ailing nerves. Each can has it: own controlling nerve. When these nerve. Ml. the depending or- ptnl must ot necessity mm. Thby pub, yet vital truth, clearly hell- ‘why Dr. Shimp'l Restorative in so manually amalul. In Btttte0" ‘s leading drugglsts ererye.h:re to give it universal prelertnre. A teat will surely tell. Sold by ell deal an. Washington, Mny 13.-TUt the xiy own- campaign against tutoreulosis has tailed to check the great white plague was the startling charge made today by Nathan Strum, the New York p.hilsnthrotot, .t the Mth nu ma] meeting of the National Associ- ation tor the study uni prevention o.' tuberculosis here (0-day. Mr. Stratus backed up his "scrum by olidal statistics trom the New York beaith department, shouting an increase ot 88arer out. in two years in cams ot tuberculcsis in the city that Dr: Koch desclibed as leading the while world in the tint again'.t tht disease. The reason tor this iailurc to make headway Dr. Stung deciucd was the ncgiert of the misrhiei irony“ by the tuberculosis dairy cow. Citing tts results ol se'otiiie investigation and his own experience in saving lives, ttc summed up by ugh; that the arols ition or tuberculosis will begin when it becomes . crime to sell milk in less it comes from tuberculn tested cows or has been properly puteuxiz- lNFANT KILLED BY Ottawa, Hay 13.-Denth u the re- sult ot the bite of n at wee the led late ot little Eugene Jumbo“, the Hays-old sonol Mr, and In. Eu- gene Junbeeu, ot 134 Beuerer street this morning, after huh; been lev- erely bitten on the hand by e large grey rat. The intent developed blood poisoning. no baby had slept in m certiau‘ in the nine room a m parents tor "were! nights, end on Friday nighr [at this wu also the cue. In.‘ Jambuu retired " utl o'clock, her hush-ad being “may nieep. At , o'clock the wee " kened by the sound " the baby's cry,ud (iron-ed her bulb-ad. On jumping out oi bed he saw a large grey mi.-lup irmnIthe cradle to the Mor, and as- cape in spite oi hie attempts to kill it. The baby was (and with ita it“ hand covereWwitt blood iron: seven bites on the inside of the palm. Medical mint-ace was summoned. and an tuttimttie applied,, but blood- polaoulng noon net in and the lulu! grew rlpidly worse, until death en- sued. VERDICT NOT AttorBtt1etrsrat Foy necked th following letter from B. It. Spu- foreman ot the Kinrade jury: “I lit by the press that you In to tie up the Kfnm'e cue early tir.. week with the member: cl the cabinet. Thi, mutter should be glv'rn the most touching ”unity in the in- terests ot society. It. In no down- Atmr.,.tt a...» ___ A,»...... . u... ........... the ovldnm- ot the prialul witnrss in shim, but I trel " one ot the juror: that our Verdi" in not nur- ly than; enough, I do not bnow what the medical report will he, but I (ml that if “no. III! III a Ttr,rr- oul girl, Ind ll othersiae, (o-xbly no. theretore a: I have told the tragedy would be lollowcd up, I bore l have not trawl in at!" this [hefty ttt writing you, but (“I t tool It not a with. matter." CAUSES TUBERCULOSIS STRONG ENOUGH BITE OF RAT W. aAd V” '"E'I.W in. any: 'JIU' . tlil.';' am: you no $'G'l'd's"l, dirtt Iol‘hnpd In. phon- b 0 HI law» .1." MI. ”I Both print. an. III germ-alt mu. m mum to up and!“ on. no 'lttt like Wm Too Bay. In mnemo- mth maul - Ute. Mr. w. P. lulu; thought an I :ourt should he eluted lot ttC, - put s at divorce.- Pulhmt w overworked and out” to he "11ve of the work at gratin; dtvodtMr. . Evil Not Yet.OI-eot Into. Mt. Monk did not think the evil oi diroreo had become great mush in caedPtosmtsim theermtttmot I medal tribunal to: that pupa-e. Mr. Carveiremmtrroda the nun-Ll tion of Mt. Modal. He had ote served cue-tin which divorce had been gmatert try the Senate Committee on evidence that would Dinghy In" hem {lwghtd at in . coin. All sorts ol ‘heuny evidence was taken. Mr. Munster took the view that they should do enrythin“ to max divorce more dilhcult. They ghoul!) mute it clear to you; people Um when they muticd they should am married and to forgive each other's taunt Mr. Miller demented the tendency to use the services ot Am cricon detectives to get up evidrnce tor atom can. Toronto, Mly M.-it is regorted semi-officially that Sir James Whit- Ber has practically dcterminx! upon the personnel ot the Proundal Com mission to investigate the whye milk questicn in Ontario. The commits!» will consist ot tour members, the Chairmpn being Dr. o. R. Pyne o Toronto, an expert anulyst and bro the: at Hoes. Dr. Put. The o'.het WILL INVESTIGATE J, R, 0:!de ot Lads, ex-Pied. dun ot the Dairrtnrtt't: Aacociauotr, Mr. Finlay G. Mum-rm“ of Wat Skin. and Mr. W. F. Nickle, of Kingston, In”: it; mlik pro‘ lem has named important proportions. The Secretuy ot the commisslcn has not yet been nppolnted, but it Is expcdt ed that he will be named at the next meeting of the Cabinet. three mirth" ot tiiutartarGai, will servo without remuncniicp at I .. n . - - - The daemon to Ntpoint the commit lion was "tend by the Legislature on the rcnolutlcn ct Mr. W. K. lo- Naught, North 1otonto. The "up at the work will be comptthmxivc we Witt cover the whole France. " h "ttieipatett that the commu- nion will imaging“ it. work heron the and at the present month. OTTAWA-$011.. C. Margin, I tamer, living In! man. In: huh, muted use omsrtittg, while naming in the election charm-g aha! for I neighbor. He slipped tram a sui, mi in mm; mm on the sharp and ot 3 crowur standing up- right in the ground. He died a few hours .zmwuu. . Quaker Om Griddle Cato Try than May! The family that hasn't eaten Quaker Oats griddle aka In: I delightful eur- miae coming so it. Besides the deK ion- llavor. there in the pleasure of knowing you can en all you not. and the more you eat the better for you. The best of all foods for anyone wanting more "r-tgth nod vigor. Hundroda of Wand: of pacing of Quaint Oats an manned in Gen many annually and almou all of " la eaten in the form of Quaker Oats griddle cakes. In the cereal restaurant of the Quaker Oats Company, located in one of the large chin, there griddle cakes are very popular. 1 cup- Quin-r on. (uncooked): I“ cup ttttur; I t-ttoontul all; I In- noonful Bod-dt-tte. In two table vpnnnfull not 'IIQI; I (ea-poonrul baking nova-r "all In 'tour); " mp- mt mutt or butlomul; a on. beaten "will: a talc-goon“! cant; I or I an Itul- malted but!" (seeming to "than. u lull). mu lock on!" on. our gttMtt In hill. II tho admin. m- ttt Ill', low. so“ out" not at: . " - a.“ mm MAeeft.ee Here', the beat nape t6r mm them: FELL ON A CROWBAR. OUR MILK SUPPLY to creation ot up, that purpose. r? in the mes- . tgst . He Ind ob _ f ”3'. ivoree had been , M “x; . - Committeeon V " , . m". V .V My have hem (B!) " _ g I 'sr"" All sorta ol _ . Jtth f"' T linen. T LU" . , , "v F A the View that , - Q . M" ._-. 3,», " hiner' tr, nu. R, thr ThhMmuhtthtl-canhfiudubfiown vanish making, during get",': haatneaths 'rt' tthrroorrroietktttihen irrirurdeakehset+e, 'tatrti,eoioei,enaeneb,ee. .da In "rode, Sumwm- WILLIAMS _ PAIN TS All!) FARMS/15 Sanderson’s Bakery ' ”It: It. IMO ancy Bum. Bread 1to'U, “a Fncy Cuba. Miss A. ll. Bean Miss E. l. Man, "Ti/ri/ru, l’niyvnlt) "iiiii'iGlieiiit7, ‘Shnt mutrrhso I_nd_Trlogvuph Building. Kin. Mural Balm Pup“. "wand tot cumin-[lion a: m a! lub- rucnu or PIANO ORGAN AND THEORY VIM t “MAL. irb"iTr"G7ré'itrrrTEdEe22 tV BrightenUp ot'N', r Uuu-U' -,-"'-"""-"s'u" mum-wanna jeattrrCrerto, 'mee Btg!rABLMMmD ttttN on. LL. ', non-uni. 'oaoamr aw ",ueNr."e.t, it'k'.,ittitihesad_ "ara, 'W. ,1 ‘ _ d abandon: ‘- ME t ..,~ newsman " - tBW.? issrrtrrrtit"est Rib" bd dcliciom up; I 'aa. i {our aim. 'it.. {933% an. it.tet on “Crown mu - ' yard to tttttdt ht 'ht% tui." oa- an WHEN MUTUAL I I)“ INDIA“! mum MIMI“ IN t808 to“! “not: am Main “80.80047. Won-and “to Minimum "grungy in the J Wont. “an mum . B. A. A P. . . t lull. t q T 0 am Meat' one. Waterloo. out. cram». Out-no. The Leadilg Int In!“ bu tho mention of mm. In mum man a. chain“ Ann M of - nll the you rounf. k It". for tut Maul nun BttagggtorDnuKX0MB. III Ind-I..- Wm 90.3.3!“ minus.” an“... an“... " huh “mum. 3|.me minimum. Cured Bani: und'num (our m curing one. mum-alum a“. “.1 .3" 1?iiii'S.iiiii, an a Pod an!“ LDC - mu I” on. In I an and to -Haeed om my“: all“ In att - I. m Bttittt tuning Ptmer. urn mm. teil Policy- "G “a: lino of noon, .. In" Boot. Polk. VOILJAIIID! any: In- OPP" m t W gt-nn, I“? In. “It, YUM». mu m In“... B. EWL What. an"... C. A. ”Hill: 01mm DIEM» DOMINION LIFE thinned? ”no! OF THE It!t)i,i,1,'?, an. dim: it "Clo-I Mull

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