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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 13 May 1909, p. 8

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b. _, F CIA". ' Toronto, May 12.4mm. .49;ch scope to Md any Ontario wheat,' said a dealer te-day. There are no new leatures to the market, except that the prospects of Me weather may now tend to ease the market a lit- tle. Seeding operations are said to be well advanced, except in odd sec- tions. Liverpool and Chicago mark- eta showed strvngth, July in Chicago going trom 91.111. to $1.111. Corn is easier. h, ”I." -..e_. 7 __ m -t M an chap: an me E“. 13Bt. - batman-y ' pita; Elliii?i2ii medium qmtttr, Jim at from No 1n, CW export at“. were osoted' ”ocean-Mumm- up to " also being and: at me “an. - buer cattle were am It - to 85.40. and second quality It “.0 to 85. Good - gown were 'attire as high " 84.60 for“ and 84.15 to $4.50 tor the general m. Common cows ensler. The run was 106 loads, with 2058 M ot cattle, 221 sheep and mum. 300 hogs and 313 calves. Export--5Ureet tirm. Bntctser--steady demand lot choice bum: tattle, and prices steady to tum. Medium cattle we to 15c eas- cm can may». Tot-h. In m a. up” I. cl mu- " ',uyrm"e.tht. tn.” h _ 'u slow, nun who " a an I little, but 0| th. _ m V” NI all who uni _ ' W mpg“!- little, . “an", n has "y?ttt .. to buy g ttood cull ‘d Judie: on“. chimed my -cou|d m7.” them any cheaper than uat - A. AI L__J a-o-.- - tttsep-Steady. Hog-Market steady and tirtn. So- l.“ hogs are quoted at $725 (.01)., and $1.50 fed and watered. Calves- Market steady tor good butcher calves. "Bobs" not wanted. Milch Cows and spriagers- Good market for good quality milkers, and an! Ipringers, but common not wanted. Manitoba wheat-- No. 1 S1.281; No. l northern, t1.'.Y $1.24; these quotations an" opening of navigation. Barley-No. 3 extra, SN 11 3 56 to 57c. oats-No. p. raised, Ontario, Civ lo Hit outside, No. 2 mixed, luv, Ca- nadian Western oats, No. g 191-; Col- lingwood; No. 3, 18c. Rye-No. 2, Tic to 75c, outside. C'urn--No. 2, old yellow, 8ic to 82c, No. 3 yellow, 80(- to Mc; Ontario mixed, 75c to 76c, Toronto heights. peas-No. 2, Mr'lc to 97c. Wheat-- Ontario, No. 2 winter, white, quoted $1.30 to $1.32, noiui- .nal. Manitoba Flour-Quotations at To- ronto are: First patents, 36,20 to strong bakers', $5.50 to $5.60. $6.60; second patents, $5.70 to $ti.10; Ontario Fimrr-Nimrty per cent. winter when patents at $5.50. in buyers' sacks, on track, Toronto; 3510 $5.20 outside. MiWeed-Manitotra brani $23 to $21 per ton; shorts $21 to $25, track Ttr- ronto. Ontario bran, $23.50 to $24, shorts, $25, track, Toronto. Stocken and feeders-- Demand ood utock. Market steady, t,aatstso--Market firmer. ELMIRA MARKET" Elwin, Moy 13, 1909 much: Flour....... -?.Y? Pom per bag---. The publishers of UN Canadian Courier want a name lor a new agn- bultuml pNrer they arc about to bring out. They want a irartitrulariy good one, too, and are willing to spend a lot ot money to gctw the cleverth and most suitable name any- one cm think up. Bo they are holding a contest, with $500 in cash hung up as prized As the publication is to appeal vspcrially to Farmers, Stock Raisers, Fruit We" ad Horticttltetiatg, the con- mt 1:1me to those turtms11y on- m In them) occupations. ' 'e- m ptlhllcatlon is to be a Grde “hunted weekly, mnblcrlptinn ".00. It is intendvd to be as na- - in character " Is the Can-dim Under, and.» circulate throughout fie Dominio, Mr. J. n. s. John ”an, who lor um years was asso- Ghte editor at America's best stock {he Dominiun Mr. J. n. s. John m, who tor lrn years was asso- Ghte editor at America's best stock 1mm“, the Chicago "llrt-odcr's Llaz- que," will be the Miller, This Item: in be I pretty good guarantee that on 'e, weekly will be lull at origl- 'ipnl tll Inactive [Mum-u. and that Information it glue: on agricul- . “an! will be ttattvpritativp, i, when rtttered tor the hen- _ no 'r.euitttr attractive, and C bring in some clever mant- ' Mimi-n at m can!“ m F ‘0. - no. LIV! - $5000 h FOR NAME LIL...... 23.00 "per ton 26.00 ...--...... 22.00 No. "t northern .65 No. 3, for the Tot _ Gilt. May 13, Whoat............... Flour, per 100 lbs”... 310iBratt,porton----. 2i'.ii'lijia"-C.yLy.r.= 27.00.3horu, porton........ 24.00':Pe-------- 1.1528-day........-...... .95 Rye.-................ .55 Buckwheat.-......-.. .80 Bumr, per pound .... .tioetr.atrrrrdozyt--- ior .55 .80 9.00 .16 7.15 to .05 .15 12) .15 .70 w, uh I . As ( Fumig rll'ii You F ot1- l The time tok up? Ants, FHA-s, E Midzrn, Cum 1 'lestructivc in: A thes. gm on the inn Hill Hum: in 113- Fumigam tlu ian out, 'ht: APTI '4tNf'alt:.::r.: .9 'ttttttity:::::: "dirier, but"! tlr?"".'..",'.'.".'. 'l'r2v,'l.jiry.y. npoh'caif. L... . Baum 008b,.»- win-“nun" gap. (but... y.C, “(pot tog .... .... a.) pot In.......... limpet tttet.......... Shomwmn........ LiorBotm---.,-. Boot, from quasar-.0. Boer, hind quarto". ... Cttteketta.......-.... Duckl................ Batter per pound...... 'We pet dog. ........ Who-I Bundud) Barley.... .-.. IP'a (mum Mr £53193,wa ........ Potuoeo, per bag, ...... Pun ........L. NEW HAMBURG MARKM B. New Humbug, May 13, 1909 Wheat .......... .--. 1.15 1 Onta............ .... AB Butley...... --.. .... .55 Pou._.... -mt.-. .... .80 Corn............ .... .77 qur................ 3.00 E Butter, per lb ----.... .22 Eggs, pardozon ...... .16 Hay per ton..,........ 10.00 lc, Lard, per lb...... .... .14 “EDIE .......... .... Onta............ .... Butley...... --.. .... Pau...... -m._-. .... Com............ .... Flour................ Butter, per lb ........ Eggo,pordozon ---... Hay per ton.......... Lard, per lb...... ---. Hun................. Middlingo, per ton.... Bran................ 25.00 Potato" per bng...... .65 Low grades Flour...... 30 00 BERLIN MARKETS. Berlin, Mn: 13, 1909 Flour per 100 lbs. .... $3.00 Bran " ..... 1 25 Middlingl " ..... 1,30 Screenings " .... 1.30 Wheat per bush..-... . 1.15 Barley " ---.-.. .60 Oats " ....... .47 Pen.......... ......-... .85 Pontoon per bug...... .55 Hay per ton.......... 9.01, Wood per com........ 7.00 Butter per lb ......... .24 Eggs per dozen....... .15 St. Thomas has disposed ot $72,- 086.17 otcity debentures tog. 874,668, a premium of $2,781.33, the purchas- ers being Menu B. R. t Matthews & Co., Toronto. The debentures are all at " per cent. payable In 20 years, except some $6,000 it ' per cent. payable in " years. . wunm WI BTRATI'OBD nun”. I“ In, no no“ The time to kill Moths, Slap, Ants. PM", Beetles, Lice, Midgn, Caterpiiurrs and other destructive ittreCts-- is. before "my gr. rm the Trees and Vina. Kill the": in the frat-ml. Fumigalc the sci with ' and you kill all the much which live, or winter, - tttttlu, . .44 awn“... APTRRITE in a wonderful destrover Sri',,'.' TMT,',' in the sou-o, inure: RCMP. d mud (min Ind vent-hilt. FREE "2N.'helt m. 'd,,M ,'li3"eqlk'.lie1'kr.'i'iii 8teattbrd, Mn 13, 1909 TIEE ',.ctr,',"e"iit,T,iiiJie, FIE " 1. 'lVrlu'o'l'ela J'lT. . Fumigate As You Plough APTERITE GALT MARK ETS mu)....-. 1-10 mum... .46 .....--... .85 n.......... 8.00 I}.......... 03......" ........... 7.00 Ibe. .... $3.00 ..... 125 ..... 1,30 I .... 1.30 ah..-.. 1.15 ,_,_... .60 ....... .47 ._._,,,_-... .85 bag--- -55 --.....-- 9.01. 11...”... 7.00 .......-. .24 gnu"... .15 6.15 1. 16 ar at .22 .16 10.00 . 14 .14 .06 m .22 . 16 .21 .16 .40 " 10 160 Ill " tl .70 .1230 tit Lie-{:43 0 Mr. " "trt 1.00 " . T.60 “111mm no 'fr . 5.00 Bettwr-, And II 3. 20 .24 ' 16 14.00 .14 . 14 25.00 25.00 .70 30.u0 AT 7.10 17 Leo 13.00 1.15 3.30 1.35 1.40 70 3.20 At iuirii- n in». . l w. ad [In Jo!- at. . .66 .16 .55 .70 .07 no .12 m .10 .10 .15 .03 5i 16 'i5itf"C'iitittt, we: . - ' . Imam 2h'ir'iltii "I. b It. In ",Atr., . “It aa2.ttil,-e, m (I. b Mr. m In. t. Chub, ir., . daughter. Bum-l- Witch Tow-hip. Me. Mr. at In. H. nun. . an. Leiter-At Bath, Apdt 'Mt, to. It. and In. 0w KM. I’ll. .. unam- " _ w.' .-~ "rs F . , , . TV "f’ 1%;"57 Bum-In wool-u Ton-H!- Age. . = a t r" ", y T' Jtli, "Ce -'w‘~‘ ' " ”15¢"; I . no In. H. no... nul- _tt.t$tttt'dt' "l , titt'iii'i",' - _ drc'l1 auxin, QQQ': w. M‘ . _ . 1.1.1.. Sr, taueiJ,'g'gul m’ t, mu m not '" null-In on: In!" "nArtt,er ttht “a up i,", "ar'K,,?,-j. mum mum Inch-una- a“... Macmill- M _hrbiA "R, igg. _l=tf,', ' V'f‘ tk.mtrueetrutrer, . m. -... "1. “4 ya... m an Pang in“ _ , " “I. m In an. _ 1astz--imunot, April nu. to Mr. ting “a high gnaw-uh Fm...“ “I! in m N..- _ um Mn. Cannot Lou, . WW- , _ w-ae an. up no can Loehr--ut New mums. April mm. Boy. Cult. , 2ecuttegio','t.'t'ti' tft". . a... but“. . Tot-chum Uisttp- n . oo., ' . m Ttr-d-tttam'. ““31 W tmid . d .J.Lu , snou- . . "Inky-1.0m sau','..,'..": MHZ? la” “b. to Th!“ - "in " Atttt IMO “a w. "on. 3.." IN at... F u.A.1w .now N rammingt Ltd, Mar an, to Mr. Footer for Men em” ot wan-m M . E manner. non- “a" a“; T w'e"e,d-"it [:11mApnl mi to rruteuureteytr?l,ttl “(in a. on" 'if,llitsre, buy- m m Miirir-at Baden, April 23rd, to Mr. . “a... rvv...-... _ . dMrs.JaeotrUMitier, '. W V _ ' Ah'l','rel',',,'/lic'd" Berlin, my dlrli, . A wall aim-rd m in th “in; (and: to. a - I gnu. Tb, w. and Mrs. Ackernecht. B son. under“. it uni oton of your dru- may be ml, correct. hue it “mm” ' "quire. I not tltting shoe-an Empre- Bho.--to mp1.“ tho 'dfrat. n........ We at. mote - " “wimp“. Shoe Prices from ".60 to " m. M New' Haul-um. mu M, to T and In. Jacob HAM. I Iudrer-Haat--At 31mm. April 28, George w. Euler, ot West - rose to Mary Hams, ot Weimburg. Sturupt-Miller--At Berlin, April M, Comm Stumpl. ot Elmira, to Jer- mimn Miller, ot Woolwich Tp. sStephens-Jnrdine-At (hit, April 28, John Stephen, son ot Mn. John Stephen, at the Stone Road, to Francis Jain”. hub“! ot Mr. and Mn. Jan. Judlne. steep-si-s-At Guelph, April M, Fred W. Steep, to Mary Singular, £1 Guelph. . Twaits-Osborne-ht Toronto, Apr. 27th, William Twnits at out to . Laura Osborne. ot Toronto. G'arlieY--Dryden-At Bolt, April 28, Thomas William Gnrlickm lo Stall: Jean, daughter at Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Dryden, both ot Gnlt. Masort--Henholkr--At Butralo, Fred Mason'to Susannah Henhollcr of WilliamsFrg. 'sievenpiiter-Sasur-At Berlin. April 20th, Melvin Eievenpiper, to Minna Sass, both of Berlin. Beito-HtttnoU-At Berlin, April 27, Louis Beitz, ot Germany, to Mar- tha Harnock, of Berlin. Scharlach-Ruhr--In Berlin, May 5th, by Rev. C. Reese, Lorenz Schu- Iach to Mina Roehr, 'both ol Berlin. 4a'ole-Srtyder-At Berlin, May 4th, l Alfred Snyder, to Annie Gale. _Huehn--0rerm-In Linwood, April 28, _ (Forge H. Huohn to Mrs. G. Gram,- L hath of Bamberg. to BIRTH. Walper--At Calgary, April Nth, Mrs. L- A- Walper, aged 38 Qata'lorm- crly ot Berlin. Tc.:" Grimm, April, Ree. {amen rr. caimngr?t Burttside,,April 18th, Eli- zabeth Capling, (nee Freylogcl) aged 86 years and 21 days. Schmidt-At Philipsburg. April 16ttt, Luring. daughter ot Jacob Schmidt aged 23 - years, 6 months and 7 days. Robinson-At Berlin, April 22nd,:50n ot Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Robinson. aged 2 years, 2 months and 5 dar,s. Shepherd-At Berlin, April 30th, Mrs, 'Joseph H. Shepherd, aged 48 yuan. BaumanWln Woolwich Township, Apr- 23rd, Wendel H. Bauman. aged 81 years, 7 months and 28 dutys. Parker-At Guelph, April, Mrs. Eliza Parker. Hamilton-ht Fordwich, Huron Coca- ty, Arthur Hamilton, lmmcrly tti Berlin. Risk-in Wilmol, April ash,, Geo Herbertson Risk, aged 18 yoga. Becker-At Kossulh, April, Mrs, AV hn Becker. Beamer-At Gait Hospital, Mrs. Ed. It, Burner, aged 26 years. Lacy-At Guelph, Aplll, 23rd, Coro. line Lacy, widow ot the late J. T. Lacy, in her Mth year. Cornell-ht Berlin, April 27th, W. F. Cornell, in his Mth year. Cressman--At Natchez, April 2tth, Mrs. S. Cresstnan, aged " years. Burnett-ht Gall, April Mth, Mn, A. Burnett, in her 93rd your. Reid--At Berlin, April 27th, Simon llvirl. aged 57 yoars. at walls-At Gall, April Mth, Fred. U. We0is. 4 Bryant-At Phiudclphia, Arrit, J. E. Bryant, II.A.. lormerly otthut. Hoihnatt--Ncnr Hawk0ssiile, April M, Sol} ot D.'u. llvl'lman, as"! 4 mos. and " days. Young-At Bulin, May m, Mrs. Mary Young, agrd " years, 11 months and 9 dttys, Hutrert--ht Gall, May, Harry Hume”. Wildtoug--At llmpelvr, May 5rh, Mrs. Nathaniel Wildlong. m I'm an: wear. Batti---rtt Clcvdanu’. Ohio. April 20m, Herman Wahl, and T?, year", (0 m- rriy of Wilmot. WLqnter-At P.erim, May ith, Rvr. Daniel Wlsmor, used 88 yaw 9 months and 5 days. Brrttnt-At Preston, May tus, Mrs. Wm, Bryant, nee Minnir l?opp, aged " yon and 2 months, atasrtht--At Peel, April 29, Susannah, daughter ot Mr, and Mrs, thn r, Mum". - 4 yarn, 5 months an! 17 dun. Wilmer-Nat Walltnstvin, Mny 3rd Bur,- Ann Satan, beloved wife o' Wm. R. nulm. nerd " yearn. it , mmttttn and " darts. . "ml-4! the HEW-Who Ros. - _ J l ' ,'” _ T [rm iiar.u _ mm~.w 29, Susannah, Mrs, thn F. 5 month, tttt AV The United sums consular “(my opened in Clinton nineteen tears ago Ed, has been closed. An snort will he made to hare it re-opened. Tutti-tto-dt) Shoo in in. orbital-dunk In: annual-add» WitaaB'n Sign In: - '09-. ”hasn't heath-smut” plot aut.. beratn'nt MangSDO. thoNalIhooum. - THE R. J. NEAL GO. PLATTSVILLE - - . 0 - Notice is My given nursumtto Sectian M, Chapter 128, R.S.0., 1897 that all creditors and others having any cla‘izis or demands whatsoever against e estate ot the said H. P. Pearson, deceased, who died on or Iabout the twelith day "I April at the said Town of Berlin, are rp- quired to send by post prepaid, or delivery to Agnes B. Pawn, Berlin, the uecutrix ot the last will and testament at the said H. F. Pearson, the estate ot the said deceascd with full particulars thereof and the nature of the az-curity. it any, held by them and that itter the said tenth any of June, 1909, the said esecutrix will proceed to distribute the assets ol the said deceased among the persona entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims at which she shall IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-‘ TATE OF H. F. PEARSON, LATE OF THE TOWN OF BER- LIN, m THE COUNTY OF WA- TERLOO, DENTIST, DECEAS- than hat had notice SCELLEN & “EUR. solicitors tor the mid Erecuttir. Dated at Berlin this 6th day ot Way, 1909. tir-gt.' Literary-The meeting ot the Beaver| Literary was largely attended and was quite a success. The debate “Respl-j wed "That man has accomplished more altcr forty than below" was very well handled by the respective speakers. _The Judge decided in (no! of the negative. Personal-Messrs. N. and D. Kalb- tieisch and their sister, Nts. A. Wil- son‘ol Paris, spent a few days with "heir uncle, Mr. J. rat'",':-,.,,')?,',' H. Warner returned last week” roma short stay in Borrtn.-Mr. E. Melit- zer visited in this vicinity oF Sun- day. . EXECUTORS' Notice to Creditors ED Women]! “no dongoux kid shoes, blacker and bal style..." Ihopu and widths just to (it your foot .tt.76 ind . - 02.25 Complete range of Men's and boys' heavy solid leather shoe, the kind the m bound to “And the hard war. J. Hunnauor Thu “I” In Oar prim are favor. WILLIAMSBURG for the Ladlos' Footwear 1.0mm. in your That splendid 200 more hm Min" iota ll, is in the 1nd moo-bl. Division Guelph To. The Helm-p are good, stone home, heated with imam, herd end-on. water in Fe-, en, bank bun some with root horn!“ ant table! under. Hey bun 60:00 with horse stable. sheep home end shod henenth, ho; end he house, Mir-4 in; end Implement. hem separate from other building. An omit lup-‘ ply ot water pumped by windmill.I nerertaillng spring ereeh touches one. comer oi tarm. Orchard, garden end- A lot oi Maple, Spruce. etc. hue been planted.- About 10 new! ot woodland, over 100 new: in grass. besides the bush, and all in e Bmte the: condition ot _ tertiiitr. This is one at the very trauma, in the county of Wellington end is Bl sure lam tor groin, you and twin. t " is situated ' mile! from Guelph, " miles from Mostroro, 0.1.3., " miles tram Weimhurg Uuur., " miles trom New Germany Ind Ich00i in t mile iron: the house. For terms and particulars apply on the premises or to June: and William ' "idlnw, Guelph, UANThah.rRtt1rtrer sum: agtd Learners. Apply to the Kaufman Rubber Co., Berlin, Ont. 1b-tt. Burned Plymouth Rocky. won lol- ecud pen: extra hyin1 sex-sin. Ono doll-r panning. 3 an up for 32G). go cem- per setting at that-rm. Ont or " onée. B. RUDY Auctlonur If you want your lab pupal, nu. ducted, "in or Tolephono no DAVID RUDY, 1‘3th Ont. pm! Pi"-".' w--." --_.____“. -rr- aa$;-:.W«â€"M=amw}a‘+ l ' mum ' m- 8'.'T t- 'rtr,il2SllitlSlttklthl?4r, illittliiii'llitlitiit ',te/if,titkfihti11lifi o... mummy ”Rm-m .. tlr. yertitiiii.t_ieiiiariiAsr.iik Have Your Horses Shad by an Expert I gunman to cum lame and Inter "(In Pw or. now Trefer __ 'a& All” kind. of genial ummm. wort, rewiring. woodwork Ind paint. ler. roast]; Prices modal-on. A a no fem . jug-Itch. Bunion. Biker, Dellv'ery 11:;;\:-'w:§3: '57:." 77777}. , duo? pace. Elena'- 'dii"'sai, ' Lumber! lumber! I. the under-Iraqi. have [one out of the Pinning-Ill Ina-Ino- ud Lumber bunlnn- and will undo" all om Ibo bounce of In! stock of bundling nu- tar)?) n! [no V ROI-oil! rtlet . "if iiaiGlhit 81.71:“; lumbar “aluminum who am In and at tad-mam b'l'd “a: '.'tl'tit my on ”he. lo-lmo Hill FOR SALE 8. II. HEBSENAIIEII leen Away "a For latching 28 QUEEN”. B., BERLIN, 4 Cour {Hog-00.}! B, Wanted For Sale A. c. ragga. It! ONTARIO 73min, but mum. - . mm". Imam-I Doom-d Auction.» End-g um out All MM. Home“! WWW” I all“ thank! of tuna-I Moth!- vb ttht m to 2g'tNAgt'th s,'irtliir,ifi' .wmnd the knurled: g advmmbou the no" out» ”Hie. II. I. Dumas ( 7 than "r, um Licensed Auctionur lf our-at. our al- to hi “I. tdiT'.'l'd2'2hrlut't.'l',L"l'f um all“ In“ all It. has Prawn. mum-ligand”- Vila '..ust-emareh-nh'rtt “win " - wmmhn Ions-"x.“ All -d.aetru1tt-erdre_st-r Wren. Manual-III. Amt. gttN,1tt, I! an; and! mum-an] . - """- wan MAI-slun- youth-um! Sttaat" Bget3tt 'csta-, t.tu'tttal tf2'i'tt1'AtAS1i'tfATJ. 'lirtliliith'liiturh1 a: ti/gg 'liff,tll,iit.ttgth?1v2'artal"a l ii'iitiii,,1iii'i? w“ " mu. Amt. . i _ hft2 taittul'1dtg ; hula-“swath. anal-l Ida Boa-v1 III-outwit. he ~0- 'dtrf.),'hur4 3.99719 new»! -. - MI'II- m ‘I Ite' t%N'l'Wlr4',1t"iai' at 37h"; On my Ph hon-thou - " in. Bond. It Web“ W.. Bulk. ROBERT Batman. Lam. Pm but! While W “my!” (or-uh Apptrto ,’A "":" TTU a: :23: in; ___ v MM " " _ mm. a; TPA",',', any ',phllr;etpt. want, , .. - In.» 0mg It 1ahi"TaT,"'tGr' I = hon-n. Mr. has a? 0: 'lri gt,'tt.ttg'Jti M - It. I - w.“ "samur- Lam Buttr.titt ' on" JPN., , A. “new a! “In um. II no “an" In ""erf a!!! " c::: and Jeu' Tf". 1C'tp.'te attf"ayg, 1'l'/r.,'tN3"dI ith J, Mhtt. than. [unknown by the loading long. mnupmtlc-lbom than. Shoo lulu-o no u to [in comfort and adv-lop tho feel. luv-Hedi: on! mining strictly wanted. I do. all Ibo Adam. and up “Inland Mr: M F 1t.tf Property for, “I; Eggs For Sale Auction Sale "'00! MID To.“ "II For Sale or Rent -ua Farm for Sale mun sumo. F. E. SEAN?! g, CO. we an ”:1th WHO TKO} D. B. REINKEL ma. may. 2Y1 l t F89I1tllt,5t,t, we mm f g_m¢.%5 'iiiiil'iiiii'ii; no“ um an F , ml. W. m tatt" me. any. at“. “I" in" "I”. an» My! ill no. um. my I,” not sum was M - ik'rr'ahCaFr." moo hm ”. - WWI-wwdbdonn an. an t 'lihu','hf'ik2,'l1 51mg I " 't'i'i'i'i'trilj.'iihtrihFi, ”mm-mm. I put-unnndmuon 'rerty, - lMPPI1Itl HMS mum I] BAD- - - mum an Prtt" a. “an“. Coma Ont. Kuhn-at“ . Load .9990 Hum y “twat 'Ill', 17th "iiitiiiEiPire - HIM" - m i" “‘0- Aer, tt, __---- Thu. an. of but! In the VIII-g. " Williams“. t an. mtb eta-Ila. .. 0mm!!! In iiygurteuf.rr 3035; $8oo t,',ttg,gt,'t,t she., - 51:75 $1500 JWm-n 15.91.: 12:“?! none-M In; [an [noun-u 8I800 Property for Cal. 11-4“. - Real Estate Mmtttt To IUIIDII‘ Property for Sale a. I. 0mm Farm For Sale III". IIUIITII. mama...- wrh "M- *0 A In m. Emu t 1mmlml-III1I. I:Io‘-.1roo-'. mun-IO. Mor-Ji-a.'" nail}? amen: Btu-burn, no. Ei‘éfl

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