“The Twentieth Century Belongs to Cum,†isa phrase often used now, all we take great and pardonable m in our country's progress. In- th. in mining, in railroad â€traction and in commerce, wai- -m‘urldes haw been and arche- hg made. There is an on ot pro- bra uni prosperity in store lor the prone!» generation of Canadians that has not been equalled by any coun- try in the world. To profit by it and nth the best possible use ot it, it is essential that every Canadian should malice and perform his Fer- IomI duty. But individual op- portunity outni's Individual responsi- bility, and It is lo this point we wish to draw special attention, tttttttttrica-TEL-htm Miet10NriTOs We propose to print a units of Bermonettes, which will appear io- guUrly in this space, for the purpose ot directing the eontiidvratiott of our readers toa few points of our so- cial and business lik wherein this 'individual responsibility has hem ov- crlooked or forgoilytr, and to show that what benefits lln- cmunnmily will :redouud to Ilu. limicl'it of the in- ,leidual and vice versa. Loyalty to our country carnal lo its logical run- 'clusion will wipe! us to be also lay- al to our town and our utiphlnns Loyalty to our country will hrlp 'make Canada ct greater an,1 a iwittr nation, and so buxom t'viry' town m Canada. LoyaMy lo our low" uoll help lo makv it J balm place In live in, and lwttefit every individual in ill: community. In this series “c may hare cmaainu to criticize with†scvcrcly, the ac- tions of some of our towtisyorple, but we wish it to tw understood that It is meant in the kindlimt spirit. Many people do things hum sheer tlioughb Itsshess which aw really unprofitable 'to 1hetusvircs and harmful lo 1ho community, and Wt' believe i1 “ill be necessary to call tht/tr allrnlmri In the Facts for [In-m to acknowlvd;w 1hr- justice of our criticisms. It “I†In- a pleasure lo pay just hihntt- to many min-rs “in; have gliwn such tmatters srl'inus ilouglit and “ho Showa'publn' spirit and getiuirteness 'in all their doings Ilia! is worthy ol the town; They also show a 'marked amount oi tommun srnw, in that they realize lhc saving of muncv and time “huh 10$th front their local patriotism, Our spcrial rpfer- once is to the fully at some lulks who hare deivloped a habit of do- jng their buying and selling away from this town as coniraitul with (Bargain Days Are Here Eur0pean Tour and Diamond Contest Get a few "tNubs', while you have the chance. '?ittifi?liitt tt -- 22lt; tltrc â€.000 a! - 1Ltu'il,',flN1'llft"ft Special Ballot Offer is Now in Force The Very Best Offer of The Entire Contest Each Candidate sending or bringihg 5 NEW Yearly Subscriptions to the Daily Telegraph or 10 NEW Yearly Subscriptions to the Weekly Chroniclei0graph will be given a ‘ Special Ballot for 5000 Extra Votes for the First Club, special ballot of 6000 for the Second Club, each additional Club, making the second worth more than the first, the of The Daily Telegraph and Weekly ©hroniote-Toletrraph. mum-v trvir rpfer- lulks MI“ um I“ MINING can "tlitti ki ttttNt,'? " “WWW†fa“!- I! to “I . an M1...“ Atot" Wic- II esta-lime'"' ttt or special rate. over an lia- ‘qrh. lance-nu a mum. Th quite-Alt Me In! into the 1:th uni more an Con-II- - won‘t the genes d It. West cert ot Illa-“01d. who contend.“ an (rate. Minue- um town “a 'Torottto should tw ploponlnnu-Iy “In “me as “use m lulu- tetwcn ,iiGiu,t.t.oiiref' no“ inedbo, Gii TIT-Tug VIII“ tt bin-U .H ' L"e,'ft, d ' I2“ an t22iiltr.f- m I Toronto wd OakVille. Alter u - Minion we matte! wank- u up by the city ot Twain», all MI. was made to secure than- tabitshing , special mites within a spammed r " " was contended that the Board, having jurisdiction over rates, should " them on the roads centering in Urge cities, tar- ing regard tor residents within a reasoniblc distance employed daily ‘in various urban 000mm. The railway companies contended tint the act saver them full discietiou in the matter, and that it.had alrcoiy been decided that dilcrrnt rates to places tsiatNarly situated did not constitute an injurious discrimination. The attitude of the Board seemed to be in “for ot cnitormity and their was. teeling that the rates should not be materially dinemn'. to points at an equal distwcc trom a city unless some valid cgusu could be shown by the railway'companies. There was no decision given on the point however, as the question ot jurisdiction had been nised. That will be decided by the Supreme Court and it it is held that the Bond has no jurisdiction the agitation tor un- ilurniity will be carried to Parlia- mvnt. It seetrs reasonable to ask that for the convcnitnce of those employed in ctues and living in ad- jacent villages modcralc miss shall be established, and these shall be uniform within certain di:lnncts over, all lines. ' , the “indmn oi possible husim-s and n ~ighbon rn‘lvau-r io show "aHort 1m Inc faith that is In us. If “use scr- muneltps put a NW of our misguid- cd citizens in the way of saving mum-y for themsNves and at the same iiute han-Iiling our merchants, WP sltsll ivrl amply repaid lor 0'." the tvisdom oi (how ssho do all possible business with tlwir [rimds and n-ighboxsi We helium the tor- ln('l' to be unwise and 1mprofttablp, whih. the lath-r iis wu.re {Ill pro- fsialtie, and in this series we shall rn-lramr in show mason iot the faith that is in us. It “use scr- WP sh JI ivrl aml trouttl-Copyright Best opportunity of the Contest. Secure NEW Subscriptions In the Club Offer In the l 90 9 "isouil' aloh- 10W This ofror closes Saturday, May 22nd, at 9 p. m, Contest closes June 7th at 9 p. m. CANDIDATES x‘bilsduiaa IN WINDSOR f. onus mm on consume: Tu..." iia'eiiGrio' as... (in. a. custody at tho slice and in doll; no med 5 " can! ‘uvolvcr right and lett. ' . Mum. It! T.- Wbti. W searched in {5' police Matioq to- night, "my _Mtrt9, - 91-3“... all Georg}: Quaaby, 1mm of - building, lies in a dangerous condi- tion with a bullet wound in " shoulder. . kink] £115th 1se.1mte" . 71;»?de iriiuam mm In . bullet. hole in his arm. ', _ AV The wild nun with“: gun jail. _ _ -. "gag-T. 17min . Fathom d the index - ot his rUttt [and shot Martin, who has told so many! stories that the police are pulled as , Not Known Here. to his identity, tirat a“ that he came from Colorado, then trom Mit- wankee and may from Berlin, Ortt. “1:33;; rg' 2tc,t'Ut This address the police believe in nation in an clott to empe and the right one. u he said that hens- who is said to helm to Berlin ed to be a musician in the Welling- is not known here. ' ton Ritiett This ennui; Marlin attempted to sell a wheel to David Healthy. I junk dealer. The dealer became tru.- picious and Botifted the police. Sergeant Reid went to the scene, and although Martin gave a son"..‘ what vivid account of the wheel, Reid said that he had better come to the potted station. Martin accompanied the otricer quietly tor the several blocks to the station. Had he wanted to shoot he would have had low ot opportu- nity on the way to headquarters. -ii'ocrinsidc. Ge, statiou’hc looked around the building. Oicpr Lister started to search him and did not ask him to hold up his arms. When the otrwer had his hands ia, the back pockets ot the prisoner, Martin drew a IO-ia) revolver of the old style and let it blaze at Lister. He then turned and shot deliberate- ly at Quinbi', who was reading a paper in the chief's oiiiee. He then taeed Reid, who was tak- I - U. Ill " Dom Ei M i new» agar. Inf mm. m hole in “I. 7 - - -iiUiUTiF, port“- ol - M d. kind†Qua-by. bttlut In - That his tttree vie“. my If! Mum. Thought to be Iâ€. Ittt Wounds m “with, the tt 1pm. -iiiiiiUiiiikiii Quanby. Seriously. The Arrest 7000 for the Third, etc. An extra 1000 will be added for third north more than the second, etc. is in J‘-" - - -- ., . - ' The polka believe that “a M was itoka h cum 5 May he Human Ktatt. Detroit, In T.-.T'tte Damn no u lice chin: 'iihiiiFii of the m - who do! the s at Windsor to- ' night in Herman Kraft M that be but been employed by the Great a Northern Bridge Construction Com- - may " Superior, Wis. ummnruuluht a in iirrioateituee.a"._eP_, emit-walnutm this! man-mm. F gen-mumm- not. - nau- Inn-d MM my» taeatatsmet-ttrtfr. _ lua- took to " heal: I»: . block, My Idlovcd by m. who w.- job-d by Policeman City. II. amatst w in . lune: vile. vim In waa' - - ll veil no" and ll I mn- Ire-In, - 51. whik 14m" is he and)“ 014131. an on “I! tome, huh; joked " some Wrtr reg." we: He P "2tt", M Me. . There are Martins here, Jun no Henry Martin. Certainly thertt is no bud musician)! that um reside“ here, nor did any one od that name em phy in any maxim] organization so tar as is known. "cm a Police O'Nei11 stated that he knows ot no one ot the game.†VA Telegraph reorescly.ive called at 155 King turret and 'loln1 that there isa Kralt family [Hing there. The head ot the ttauur hold is Henry Knit, who is ill. ma his wife stated that they have only one son, about 18 yous ot age, who is at home. It was ascertained that. the son is an amateur photographs. Mrs. Irran Brmry denies nnv Lnbw- ledge ula Herman Kraft. -1iiGGrtre" isomc mistake," he said. A message! was received in Berlin Saturday that ttse prisoner has gin-n his name as Herman Emit, 'aml his address", 155 King street, Ber- lin. ytresmttteHaqNt' Gin- truNagrto " B. Knit ' us. smug Tuu,mna.Mr.ttue' IulRtM,ol Bseiimartdtire-trtt,f Town Bub-.1 Duu' Md. b - Ingvlumhh'dlhtnh went . than use no. Word in just been and". an In In t cared the mm: a 1 connection will,“ 12ugen . t"... mm- In an alum-gm ot Inland. All... ato god may. I " Inuy Berth an. '3 It†Le plau- od to but ot his m. titgdC.'ttt?, 22.22 2.2:: eh. In p. You: ifs. ai.-'" m" in: ii Toku- to: "Stattttt2, mal- and an " W. tenth-l. a! by. but“? uc no“. l not! :tectt$brt trunks." Son by “in - or by an n Itâ€: to: - The Dr. muu' â€an Co., Brceystige, cu, SUCCESSFUL IN Till m1 LEARN Wtusted- Baum “a ot " m ",Ladutoieaeadree.adrrtanu. cutting. '- tuck everything from Nnineat thaw-ht to no“ mm toilette, including Costa, sum. wum, Inâ€, m, (â€dun-'1 I!“ you should [an dress w! No local-pm you en will - to you ot Inch every any, lilo-Ion; value, as . practice! how- ledp ot dress and“. We hue no! taught over 8,000 la this way vim: the M eeven year: and “we" have and sun will one: myone "' whom we cannot. teach our new. A low day: um ue given lree ot chap uni it student that It not ell we ulvertlee It to he they have privi- 1egstoBtotr,aatttemtano phyla “Vance. Chase tor lull coum In only $10 to he paid when wane is compieted, Include: one ot the most pertet lilting systems In use which we give tree. Bewue ot imitations as we ere the only oompuy in Can- ed: holding e txrrtitieatet to teach. Dtmd, our“ rod at in. write at ammo! turtlenhhor or, mechanic. merchant. or million- We will teach " Berlin trom Jan. 4ttt. All width; to lean he an to no u lot paucnluru " the Hunt Hotel on Sammy Jan. 2nd, Mum 10 nnd 6 o'clock. A THE KISSES ELLISON. Instructon In Drm Cutting, Box "P,' Strulord. DBESSIAKING I. One very good 200 acre turn; “out 40 urea of bush; very rich land; common law; I stat bar- gain at 85200. A , 0mm.“ (archaic themat- thcdkuhtbotwersc H. (in: road batm- Couture and Colloid bio; good but, M% _ tr,, " Judi common born; about loot ‘um of! wound; with E."t.i) iEiiyF? but; the hy oi th‘hnn In very ed, Price 84"";1 'rl - .. '.' tine. Price $130.. For: quick are A no her-ohm, = q.W'hd,Mte; can be bought ior “00 down. will m: M _ It thi hm; Very nice 100 acre tum close to can he bought gt a. .. l "ir, y Mme, Castile" ‘sution; thus". ten acre. nice or m. - . 2:‘:-. N; bush, armed well; fairly we" (we as we mm; 51.1 any. buildings common. Pale $3000. mum m house: . ‘31 . t Another me 100 one tum; tb my choc to yaofitmiiit I ; a by at this {arm is splendid; taitl well adapted - do) , 'llmi . good tunings, very good land, Prit Price 87000. . _ ,2 _ moo. We have I but humble: "at other. One very good 300 acre lam; brute: saietromir0actitotMt “out 40 acres of bush; very ricn - in tfar; soil vtrrying from and nod; momma my; a great bar- to day Iona. 'g "l Another 200 mu (um close to Cuban); a Very nice turn with I nice bush. 1turaCteMthorto ttttf vice. Price $8,009. A m (can with about as men? ot good bush. The by ot this um I is exceptionally Pats; also telephon r: service in the near (Mute. Prim', tsMto. A, very nico (arm of about 15t none in Went-In Ott acres with a good brick house; 3 Anyone interested good small bush, drilled well, commot 'ropositions will, on barn; close to Canboro. Price $4200. postal or letter, be One ot the I'm-st 100 acre (arms. in station. CAN BORO. F arms for Sale LOOK, LOOK, what [am offering you' for _ Chas. H. Kirk DUNNVILLE - ' O} _ t . _ -----_b-_t--o.qtqs--.o.-io.-.t.- The mt ot the Bum-on tnvetrtigis- tion at out was tttt.80, nude up u 'otHwr.- tmae" tees, name; EQAiWDL Mam-1'1: COST or INVESTIGATION For lull information apply to DnKENNEDYGt mm tiurtcr,tg aratugt. 'dM'rn'tthf.",ert htflgtMtpll"d 6.0.0. huubdm H‘c‘dbmm A "tttata fun: rttt'tL"2'f mm, In the Tomb“) of Inl- to-ttttttttl-St-ms "t"tti-sttamts,3 ml]. of mom... Cunningham, 0mm, , all. from m M of msrutetth, "manna-mu tho but - [with of any â€minimum. Twlnt-hnlodydsubdlsbclngoom o! the main an“ mu, vim Wm, Tm. no Nam-d (a lmmmmmopuny. [In M.“- mind thq halo Ihklljinl n 933:, m‘mnnpo‘.‘ _ A _ _ T't-1S0tt-i-dagtd20-hmsmtd growth um- hc. 1Mtr_yrp_Rr_eet1rt_rt4ui.eat,xrat-dtrr. sprint ad f,','h"g2',tl"Nt',",?thtfMiutfithggp'dtgf; Dwell- 1jtytyfretec11Aterhoeytt'ede% “911395.": BERLIN [JAIL Y TELEGRAPH AND WATERl/OO WEEKLY HERON"?! ,thmamw A P“ Farm For Sale Inuimmxx-zanmnmmm I“. will kitetttett unaudmm P1t'pu,'ftf'lt â€It, lo "out. an“ 5iiic,iii.i' an " It," . 'lgh v got “BE . x M',',', can “514116, 'gh1ht'ttJdt Manama ir4uii"Gir'iiir. .fptrt_trstltero"trerrtterm.Krrra" yr at! or_ would AI an moot. popuhr prmn In dish-lot MRI-nun. pm'pluu. undid... nun-pm. LI rm vom European Tour and Diamond Contest Tenn- Vcty Reasonable. Apply to Cor. 'tidt.rt Avg. ardo-t,ot'cJ"tt"Gii and. VOTING COUPON-weekly Edition Five Tou' tor No. 8 In Haldlmahd County JOHN BILL PLEASE TRIM CAREFULLY AROUND BORDER. VOID AFTER ll, DAYS FROM DATE, 3w $5.000 LICt of of the This district is' tall m with ' rural tekphonc elm, ' nu: transportation acumen _ was Dunnville market “hand bt' I can- enicnt distance from the in.“ ot Canboro. is one ot the rag, my in the Province. Cmboxo Otmtt'las idiool. three churchn, snail store. chopping mill, saw-mill, mi (been factory with a reptttation interior to mac in Western Ontario. ' A (Main; or dry mash u. to quickly loathed with Dr. Shaw's Cough Remedy. No opium, no - rolonn. nothing “at: or bank. 80M " on -. _ . [Name of Oundldau) I AY new. man. s T » 'si1a"t fie-v In _ (an; In _ ly Tor, , Ct.. but. m: n. 'lri'iilMlttret. ONTARIO ONTARIO in any of on!" notifying us by me! at Cant)