; LGiiiii"iiiar, ' E. I. “VI". mt m- an. :11. who APothke L r, fun-p will" thunk-tub†Mr. J. B. we: is conhwd to his him through illness. J,'l', with were sold at Waterloo the WM Church Ladies' Aid will which was run to Toronto b - Ming. 't'su'p"r Laid heavy sham," .11 sizes. We 'd', 'dr " The J. S. Roos Sh'x 'o. Mr. Moody, ot Berlin, has burn ad- ded to the stall ot the local bramh d the Bank ot Commerce. ". Arthur Landing". ot Elmira, “I l†lolo "O God Be Mercitttl" Very electlvely as the evening ser- Vicc in the Methodist Chunk on Sun- day A pamphlet entitled “A thatcchisan ell Tuberculosis" and isscd Ly tht Jitsu-Consumption League and the Bonn! of Health, Is bung distiibut- " lufevcry home in the 1mm, Any- Alf/f,',) receiving a copy may " ll one from the Secretary, Ilr. w. L. Hilliard. 'this pamphlet is wrll Mr. Elliott Grassett, who has been mutant u the local branch oi Ute Bank J. Commute {or atout two was. ha been translated to Toron- to “a left [or that place Monday Moon. _ The â€but: Ma'e Quark-tu- has The Manchester Ma'e Quark-tu- has been cm try the w. M. Society to (We. concert in the Town Hall, on Friday, my Uth." The musical Society will ttr" present each member ot the band with a beautiful pin inscribed W.I.S. , Heavy Tum for sate-Black geld- ing. 4 years old and one bay geld- ing. Also want to buy agood driv- er. Apply to A. C. Thom, Fred- erick St. East., Berlin. Ib-U. A number of Waterloo young pm ple attended the opera "Beverly of Grnustnrk" at the Galt Opera House Friday gvcning. mn's‘nn Oxfords at The J Roos Shoe Co. At the weekly marixt Saturday morning butter sold at 21 and 2; cents per lb. and eggs at 16 cents per doactt. WANTED-ORDERS FOR PAINT- ing and Puperhanging promptfy exe- cutcd. Best materials and work- manship. Lowest prRes. Apply "ii."""',;',,",",;). 11 Albert St. N. w-lt. Thanycmbcrs ot the Local Branch of the 1.0.0.F. have erected a Me electric sign in front ot ttreir lodge rooms on King St. Born--." Waterloo, May fith, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lang, a son. (John Harry).- The annual meeting oi the Quarter- ly Board of the Methodist Church was held on Thursday evening. The reports presented were of a satisiae tory character and an increase in membership was reported. The regular meeting ot the Presby- terian Home Missionary Society took the form of a sewing meeting Tuesday evening, when twe good substantial quilts were made and added to the donation in course of preparation tot the. Vegreville, Alberta, Hbspita'. Sitter Shoes tor Men " at The J, S. Rows irorth the perusal of non-one Any person who (lrln's 25c tea and W tun-s 300 "Saudis" will see Hut it ls not only liner in tttmrs, but that as one pound makes many more â€I. It is economical to usc. ht I nimting of the Waterloo 'Board ol Health, hold on Friday cv- ting, I committee was appointed, 'composcd or Messrs, J. M. Muir, Dr. Hilliard and the Mayor, to mret thr Berlin Board of Health and d muss the advisability oi julnt action in the oration and maintenance of an is clution llozzpitJl, The llual'l also recommended the (NIH! in inaugur- ate I scnvenger systrm, tht' snme to Je nude solrsusiaimng. Mr. Astor Kress, of Watrrlr on Tuesday morning tor Nrw where he will roprrunl llw t Holttroo'i'si, Mil, "t'orrmlo M has only burn with thi" tirl the beginning of ilw you and 'eentir been pnrmolrd 10 his r tun. Formerly Mr Krrss v "Ionian fur Mr. A. Fl Hoe Mann. (in: TM and F,attilm Good shipped thrre carlottds M fun export osttle to l'lnglunrl nu th'l day. A numb" of ilw rattle twhich vote purchased [mm Mr Josiah 81m". made an mumm- gain in (weight M 375 llm since Itrst tau and Mr. Sign†“wt-nod $37Attt pm trad - tor the. unk- Hun what hr 'std [or them in the tail. a? $69,929: it I‘m- BORN th thi.' lirm sin†N' year and In“ n- rd " his new you» r Kress was head A. K. 1tovsah, th, rrr.tp" jaunt “H and Fian‘dm c unloads M fins l'inulnml on San-‘7 itgspita'. m, 34.50 and Shot Co. him Mr, Kr um Ht “M k, t ol tgt'at,tt1trftner't't, ' “(Junta-“twelv- Ire calm-tonnes» an no: ttotoMoasoeth.1trt.hietn " and] cum Ida. Thus it In an“... ret when.“ thet m not is overcome. Th. count bu on: three week- to run, and, uncut one ttt m autumn tsrmntotnmater.d,itutrot one that mould In any '31 mm. ttotrimdn ot than who are not no Immune. No out-in my way db- IRS. A. E. HARDING, cure-dots ... K188 LULU WEAVER, 148 King trt I138 ISABEL ANDREWS, " Queen MISS MAUDE ZINGER, King St. MISS IRENE KRAFT, 31 Cedar N. MRS. JOHN SHUETZ, " Albert St GEORGE EMERSON, 127 Tuerk A. H. COCHRANE, King St. .._., MISS ETHEL BOLDUC Ftr_.-r'"""' MISS BABE HUEGLIN, King St h MISS ALICE BEDFORD, Bloomingdale NPT 'FWF. v.F... ...rrq'.rwre"' te.""). t ION S. SNIDER, Germ mm: .Fl_p. . .e.ee..._ t.N._VFPFrP. wrr.-q"F"' ov,....,,,,', MISS ELSIE REIHM, Strasburg .'.. _Tr-_.____ _rtrrr'-".' ..N._mr_lww_ ,H......U.i MRS. JACOB EBEL. Freeport F..r.. __...__F_ ._ rr _ttt.5F_r ..wwrwrme__. trr-ttF."' ', MISS LAURA SIIANTZ, Bteslau ... .rl _.. trev Trr ...___r ..____ Frr". ,, JESSE WITMER, Preston "err-rw...-'...,"...-. trr-e"" rr ...q.r.__F__ wrrww-w--"'_ MISS ALICE WALLACE, Preston 'F..._..N__r trert...Frr_ 'rw---""" t.WFF"__' .. 0istrlet No. 4, Wilmot and North Dnmtries Townships MISS MABEL THAMER, New Dundee _ MISS CAROLINE KAISER, St. Agatha MISS JULIA KNAPP, Petersburg 't.rre T _ MISS HILDA CORRIE, New Hamburg W. C. BRUECKNER, Baden .qFFrr.'-q'. Fe..". There was a good attendance at a meeting held in the Town Hall, Waterloo, In con- nection with the work at the Chil- 'drtn's Aid So:icty on Tuesday irven- Inc. NORMAN mam, Linwood .rr___-""'9'r_."' ., H _r_e..t-' . Ferr. MISS VICTORIA CLEGHORN, Wellesley rF 'rw, ._r__rrrF__ MISS MILLIE FOSTER, Crosshill Fr.rrr v.r-» ,.___r ,, _.. 'twr WILLIAM DAMMEIER, Hawkcsville .. _ .. __-. tttterr...' TrrrrrV MISS GERTRUDE GUXTTARD. Hawiretsville '_Frr t__-_-___ I District No. 6, Woolwlch Township HOW THE CHILDREN Dr. Hilliard, President ol th:. Wat. erluo Branch, ably occupied the chair, and alters few pointed re- marks be him the anathema mu, treated toa programme of both io' cal and instrumental music given by local talent, which was much unwed by all. The important part oi the owning commenced when Mr. J, J. Kelso, Provincial mtperinterutcnt tor Neglec- ted and dependent children, began tat show to the much interested audience, l the greater part of which were chil-l dun, the lime light views, which told) many a sad tale. The pictures show- ing the change in ehildrm placed in foster homes was inspiring, and were responded to by hand clapping in appreciation. The first picture show- ed the ehilern in their neglected state as Iound by the Society otticer, then followed one showing what en- vironment can do for the children al- ter being placed out in a Christian foster home. The change oi expres- sion, clothes and all, made one [eel glad to get a little more acquainted with the noble cute ot child sov- ing and lino to teel " their duty to help along this much neglected work. Since the Child's Protection Act was pulled in 1893 there hate been 62 bandits at this Society scattered throughout. the Prentice, and it is with gntelul hearts we note the pro- gress ot the local Society, for moici has grown more ranidly than that ot Waterloo County. The local agint, Rev. C. R. Miller, has recently se- "surmias very able assistant in the person oi Miss M. Lockhart, thus al- lowing, him to cover more ground and go more 1horoughly into the m-l Me cause of this Society whose mot-) to is, "it is wiser and loss exprn-) sive to saw- the children than to pun- ish criminals." In private conversation with Mr. Kelso, he spoke (i the Waterloo County Smitty as bring one .ot th. most progressive m the ProvirvC, and applnudr‘d the otticers ol ttw dim-rout Branch Sock-tits to: standing by the work to nobly, RS. h, E. HARDING HAS HIGH VOTE TO-DAY A vote of Nun's was irnderr Mr J, J. Ktrlro lot the wry intc and instructive addrrss, and In Mr. Oscar Rump}! fur his kim and limulily in donating thp In his lantern tor the mend“: ant the you"; pmplr who pro-Adm] muss, _ l'ununrl "(with ammrmi hvlolr Ma- ttistr.Ae Writ thargul with bring '.lmnk and disorderly, He was re mnndrd until Fnlurday. Another local puny whq was unm- ted by Cttiel Flynn Wednesday on I charge M noun. in .n unnoemly mun not on the "not wu up on the car pet and and u “I cons. It n- mmmkys v3.9 now THE CANDID.“ ES STAND VOTES (‘OUNTED TO 10 A. ht, WEDNESDAY, District " I, Berlin L mam-d l'iata In Mat. rom'p'umss Kaiser million Miss Tundra-Many “Blues†Voted. POLICE COURT District No. 3, Waterloo Township WERE RESCUE!) District No. 5, Wellesley Township Coctrt m. Woinrs lay an ca ml helm r Ma- tlmrgrtl with being District No. I, Wlterloo is irndered i wry intru'sl rm 8 At the annual Int-rung M the "tttrt- lek's' Aid Sock†of the Methodist car- Church hold on Wednesday evening “I [allowing omen: were e1eeied:-- Hon. wPteat6ettb--Mrs, myâ€. Monk. In. â€his: qrr Wieet: . “Milky“ - tght'ddggttttet - " thmhmm he: oett.att-utore" hm good Ind volt will: as club ' nintolu. Do not cube your eBorta to no†who and! and the Telegnph and chronicle-N-h. Then u: others ot your (“at who could My he mm to tub-crib. See what you can do with than lrhndl' at nuance, uni than watch your not: climb. to ths A special meeting ot the Waterloo] Town Council 'was hem on Thursday afternoon. There were present, thel Mayor in the chair, Reeve u. Sug- gitt, Deputy Reeve C. N. Huchn and councillors, Levi Graybill and W. G. Weichel. A deputation from the Board ot Trade comprising Messrs. Thos. Hil- liard, J. B. Hughes, J. ll. [loos and W. S. Naylor were present and ad- dressed the Council in regard to the removal of the Bell Telephone Ce. Central omce, from Waterloo. Alter considerable discussion the following resolution was passed by the Coun- cu:--. "‘ Moved by Mr. w. G. Wciuhcl, and seconded by Mr. Levi Graybill. and resolved that, Whereas this Council has learned with very great regret that " is the intention ot the Bell Telephone Company to remove the Waterloo Central omye to Berlin, And whereas the telephone service in Waterloo has, in the past, been very satisfactory and deservedly pop- utar, so much so that the town has more subscribers in proportion to the population than most other towns ot the size ol Waterloo. And whereas the Council fears that the removal of the Central once trom Waterloo would be a serious blow at the popularity ot the service and would very likely mean the loss ot a you. many ul the precent subscri- bers and the installation at an inde- dependent service in town, Therefore this Council protests against the proposal of the Bell Tele- phone Company to remove the Wat- erloo Central omce to Berlin, lor the purpose at installing the Central Energy system as the members are of the opinion thlt it would strike a serious blow at the existence, of Wat- erloo as a separate municipality, " the subscribers trom this town ap- peared on the same list with the Berlin subscribers, and Waterloo would be classed in the directory with the subscribers ot Berlin, and that a copy ut this resolution be lorwarded in) the Bell Telephone Company, to IT. W. L. Mackenzie King, MP. for ',North Waterloo, Ilr. ll. 0. Luckner, IMH'.P., and the Hon. W. J. Hanna, I l'rovim ial Secretary. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING GROCERY nusnnegs Mr, Altwrt J. Mickus, Watcrloo Cer. unly's popular amlionrrr, has pur- chasvd the grovrry business carried on by Mr, Michael mm: tor sun-ml years past. and will take possession on Thursday. Mr. Micktm h assurrd He will, however. continue nu busim‘si of amtinnorr, of which in has made Ami; suct'css. having dur. ing the winter conduricd Iitty sales ANNUAL MEETING CHANGES HANDS 35391! 36725 21518 18505 33558 7010 3187 31598 27655 27268 22489 18578 11100 4854 27315 21329 2:012 2010 17327 15226 10837 _ 4225 3127 20058 16861 7182 _ 1820 4026 "" 3845 _ OF _ s:,,.,.,:),,),,,,,";'; Wall Papers 11387 We no going out of Carpets. $2000 worth ot Carpets to be dared out in tn: next ten days, It’s just homeleaniaf time and you wil need, new Car- pets. Run and All Papers. Tapestry and Brussels Rugs Equity!†8 x 8 yudnuo'ulu " - GrM.tir. _ - - 3 gull gul- 8 I,†yard-Jan!†813.50 - 560mm. . - _ -v I ginkgo†8 x 4 yudln regal†815.00 Do Not MI“ This Opportunity /lif,1ets, i," min. d,, I I w on y x I u ' ' foe Ja. y _ --- - (chum. - - _ -e l gauging. has sin. mull: “for UNIFIED. '7 - - t qqu_§tu¢3 x A yuan. regular .5 for thr -- brr"tiOL _ - 4 oyir9stryy a x31 yuan. mun: $13.50 81850. - - 1 only Brunei: 3 x 4 yudn. Haula- M for “8.50. - 2 Brunch " Joey §_i_nchel x :12 feat BIG SALE - GirTiiiFeii tar 619.50. ‘ ityJrAmeyeu I x l yuan. mull! 825 On ntl Brunch. Tapestry. wool and Union‘Cu-peu. The cal-pea much so. sad we Are cutting the price. down to nuke them move. 1mm earn-u. low Patton. Regular 850 a yard for 62he. Regular 906 I yard fog The. Regulu- 650 It yard for 48c. Brussals Carpet. New Pieces A large assortment of New Flcor Oil Canadian and Search manufacture. All _: this sale. WATERLOO misuse. OR. WEBB IS YiCrllil 0F BLOJD POISONING As the result ol a pin prick receiv- ed while performing an operation tor appendicitis at the Berlin and Wat- erloo Hospital on Thursday evening last, Dr. J. H. Webb ot Waterloo now lies in a dangerous condition at the Toronto General Hospital. Dr. Webb retired as usual on Thurs- day evening but during the night in- lection set in in his index finger. which gradually spread over the ve I» _-id., n. teetion set in in his index finger. I which gradually spread over the} hand and up the arm in spite oC carelul treatment. Later on Friday symptoms at poisoning began to ap- pear in the thumb of the other hand and the doctor then decided to go to Toronto to put himseli under the care of a specialist at the Toronto General Hospital. The inflammation has travelled up mith arms and the doctors in attendance are doing their utmost to check its progress. The condition oi Dr. J. H. Webb was reported as slightly improved on It anords us pleasure lo extendl our hearliest congratulat'"ns to Messrs. Milton II. Cook, ILL, and Eugene Pequegnat of the Actuarial staii ot The Mutual Life d Canada on thtir success in passing the Ex- aminations oi the Actuarial Society of America, held 1 lew weeks ago in the omccs of the above company. Mr. Cook took both the Primary and la- termediary examinations, and is now (milled to the degree of Ath. These examinations are extremely dit- rcult, and both genilcman deserve the , tle? praise tor having mastered the work in " comparatively short time, Mr. Cook having commenced l his reading only a year ago, and Mr, Pequegnat in October last. _ P. BERGMAN Clearance Prices A special mreiing or Sewn Commission was I day. There were present Hilliard tin the chair, , Cleason Shanta and A mer, Tenders for ll ery “TIC trreirs H. "ermul- wcdnésday Thr annual mrrting M the Wornen's Mirodortary Stxioiy d the Methodist Church was hrld on Wrdnosday mo- ning and others, were elected for the ensuing year In toilowtr.- Proatdmb-Mrtt. R. J. Elliott. Vice Pree.--Mrs. C. W. Snider. Mia-gm. 990. lm}_ , 8t.10 qutlity for86c s ynd tt 25 quality tor We s yud. " 'OFFICERS ELECTED CONGRATULATIONS Foundry St. SLIS It†F.rlt 8L -ttn5 prr [m Viciotia til - "rrgmart-- l Foundry St. . UFFELMAE irr 'XWARDED CONTRACT Ufreiritiutn's the ronsiruriion wt! as follows: tt 10 pt Fl SI Mr I' of the Waterloo as held an Tues- bunt Dr. W. l.. , and Messrs, A. “Ndrnham- tl ti T foot 2 WT font. lh‘rgnum war loot For â€and Ionian! undo- the wool-aspen no ntatfaeg: no wry any pattern. not. the prion redundant Whit In! “not We have . n-umber of odd lengths of wool and Tum tarpon wblch will be odNeqd it very low pricel. " w cont- dhoount on M. - Tin I it! price. on our In“ p. n will be?!" you to decide tally IS' guickly purchuo here. aperat 5c, tte, 70. tttt, 90 to86e a roll. Tapestry and Chenille Curtains Atitu, variety of new curtain- in 's,rr,1tei'd', and rich colorinfv. All cold at a Ueount during this 0 dari n e. Eze,', line of windcw and white can; u muslin: at 8: and 10c n "rd. Regular 85c value for we nyu-d. Reguhr " 10 value for 881: n yud Raga!" 75c vdm for 68e a. yud. Regular we value toe Ma oiard. Wool Carpets 25c mmmN r Oil cloths 3nd Lino‘oums of All sold at a discount during Our Special Soap WANTS 5 Hill CENT. 0F GROSS RECEIPTS Bohlender’s A deputation Irom the Berlin Light Commission, composed of Mayor Hahn, and Messrs. A. u. Brcithaupt, Aug. Lang, J. Kaufman, Geo. Lip- pert and J. A. Scellon met thr- Town Council on Monday evening, when} the question at the Street Railway Franchise was discussed. The opinion of the members of the Waterloo Council was that the town should rcccivv five per cent. oi the total gross receipts up to t30,000. The membrrs ol the Berlin Light Commission stated that they were willing to grant the town some con- cussion, but at the present tinn- were Inot in a position to grant, the town 5 per cent. ol the gross rc- icelpts. Alter some further discussion a committee oi the Town Council I . AL" Mayor and Messrs. I and Wt-ichol, to mect Commission on Frid i1 Alexander House Grocery hing, whvrc he undrrwm operation for appvnd which lw nrvrr rallied, 1 Friday morning. A wil survive In mourn his lo Tho lunrrnl took plarr rrsidencr on Monday In Louis It. C, rhurrh 1hr-nrv to Mount Hope BURGLAR GOT mug iutvrmrnt 2,3 And 4 lbs. for 25 cents. Athrr humbly was I HIM Flynn on Wodmwdw visited the house ot Mr Albert sheet pining through the front door , not locked And srantred hum n - which won WI. The napalm cl " ttet an: pa; 19ttom no premiums, troap for your money, 8 for 25 cents. choice Prunes Carpet Ends Wall Papers DEATH or MR. HUMMEL appointed 3 years old mu, composed ot the Messrs. Suggitt, Huchn , to mect the Berlin Ugh! on Friday, May let. ONTARIO. manned about an Moll was tett In the In: at ttte house were tn MIG In! Met ay Inning to St fr WITH $28 1-an wt 1h svrvico, 'ry lot his late " l t mm- H Tho Dr. Reid Cunhlon' Shoo cum 'ulirnitrnenta of the hot. . . waif: Bl The CUSHION is entirely unlike - __ " ’ my "iamtryoles" and in built Into “a Moon.- put Dr. Reed's Â¥ Cushion Shoé4 to Hickman-t. initioaAoonen or tseorntorttrblts gum lull-h choc. Treat Your Feet Made in all leathers and every pair stamped DR. REED CUSHION SHOE. None genuine without sume_ mtg/z! you not Pst ad y-ttt Jug out dooy {aniline tkat you can We in clooU aka? Mid ma dam: you an"; m door Kuhnda’w ouktide too ji,i'a",,i"i',i',': WM to enjoy téexwmme’t Aeeya. mm toads and toads 1.! mini. out (1,005] efuiis GM hock?» of JU out dock efuisa and yoojUbs andréettew, Jo Mat you am am enjoy orerreoejloet of Wmel/Jide seitkoat seahitsf gout ieulooe Jae- Min/he. come and Jed W mam†kiouU of (allude fnknéldig. we kaoe Joe you. prices. We have the latest appliances in undertaking and art!- thoroughly equipped to give the best of satisfaction, All work guaranteed. No extra charge for calls out of town. Matter ti Son The Easiest Shoe on Earth. warran- N. A. ZICK Shoe Repairing neatly done and at moderate Sole Agents for Waterloo, Ont. become. pm of the lhoe. TI. lunb’l wool cuahion I. push“ and cnon-ttortdttetor of - but or cold. All "and on in? In; boon “mm The "" no kept at. s lunar-l tampon lure Add the cushion canton-nu and an. evexy curve of the loot. giving to the wearer the shoe ,co-lon everybody Nata. You can't be happy whllo your team who. the: why no wear a shoe that Makes Rough Ways Easy noes in undertaking and are. w" torrveiohe No? br i Vo A'. F again/Fa" Y