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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 13 May 1909, p. 4

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g: Mount-mum. Wham“ _ much-nunmutmh 'a.'epattMtStt 'ttru/tttt “and“ p "mtt.nt..-atra. J. P. Ernst and “ht Evelyn - Sunday in - " the home of Mr. nd In. “all: Agnes Rennie ol '.etngha" Fun, "and on at - Iron Ottawa, where the spent a - in “undue: at the annual actuation ot the W.l".M.S., which eaves-d in Bank St. Presbyterian M at that eitr.--Mra. M. Mark, III. s. Case] and Miss Edith Cap Isl, spent several days ot last week with Toronto triertds.--Mitrs Niehel visited In. H. L. Jana-n in Berlin on Satarday.--Dr. J. Brodrecht who Met here about a month ago ior Washington Territory, has been as- signed a position an the sun ot the Battle General Hospital.-. Mr. and In. W. Umbach visited iriends ttr Berlin on Saturday.- Rev. Mr. Wear- ing," at McMaster, Toronto, preached his unwell sermon to the Baptist congregation on Sunday morning. - Mrs. Geo. Morley and little son spent Sunday with friends Mre.-Mr. Jno. Manner was a visitor to Guelph on Saturday-Miss A. Laird has re- turned tram Berlin where she spent loan time with Mrs. J. IaLtrd.-Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ernst spent Wednes- day in Toronto.-- Mr. and Mrs. D. Rudy of Tavistock visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods on Sunday.-. Mr. Jos. Zimmerman of Wilmot sold his tine team of black carriage horses to Messrs. Greenwood and Vivian ot Strnttord, lor the sum of four hun- dred and seventy dollars.--Miss Nora Schlegel was the guest of Berlin friends on Sunday.-Mr. and Mrs. H. Ernst spent Saturday with friends in Toronto.--Mr. Chas. Wvickcr, of the Royal Dental College, Toronto, has returned to town.-- Mr. Cos, of Toronto, was a business visitor here last Friday-Mr. and Mrs. v. Maglioraui visited friends in Berlin on .Haturday.--ur. All. Vancc is run- lined to his room in the Commercial Hotel because of a serious attack of pnemnonia.-- Dr. Cooper, D.D.GBL, of Seniorth, xisitcd the Masonic Lodge here last neck. lie was the guest of Mr. S. G. Holley during his stay in town.--Miss Ida )lr'Ney, book-keeper in Stuart Bros. mill, is spending a two weeks vacation at Ber home in Mitchell.-- Mr. John Becker, of Ellyria. Ohio, is visiting his lather at the King Edward lio- tel.-Mr. Emerson Luekhurdt. oi [ter- lin, spent Sunday at his home here. Misses Mona and Theo. Preiifcr sang in the Baptist church, I'lattsrille, on Sunday es'eninr-Miss Baird of Plat- tsville was the guest at her friend, Miss Charlotte Point), on Saturday; Mrs. Saltwadge of Stratlord is visit- ing her daughter Mrs. Alex. 1Iahn.-- Mrs. .lno. .Jutzi, oi lthiea, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Eby.--hrr. and Mrs. Sutherland and Miss Margaret spent Sunday with friends in lngersoll.-Mr. ll. Sittler of Berlin was a visitor here on Monday.-nr. Steele of Tavistocy paid a visit to our town last Fri- day. A Runaway-Last Sunday aitcr, noon two of Mr. Jos. Sirinman's sons took a drive on a visit to their brother at Mr. Eli Good's farm. Not fmding him at home they tied their horse to a tree on the roadside and strolled up the sand hills, and on returning found their horse gone. The horse had brokrm the ue-strap and made his way to- ward Baden where he “as taught. The death occurred on Tuesday. May 11th, or William Jacob, infant son ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller, and g weeks and 1 days. Tr-v he- reaved family have the lu-arllell Kym» pithy of their friends. The luneral will be held on Thursday afternoon, May 13ut.--Mr. and Mrs. l’eler (lei- Ber of Mt. Clemens, Mich., are at Present visiting their hrothrr, Mr. John Glngrich ot Ittuicrr-- Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gordner and family of 'Strntlord are npendlng a few thus with the tormvr's mutiler, Mrs. Jacob Gardner. Lett tor the Wetst.--Mr. Julius SUP Hf tor Regina, Sask.,nn Wednesday min, where he intends fo take up I homestead and seek his lortune. His many friends wish him ewry 'tip". and a pleasant journey. News Nouec-Mr. Jarucs Erbach and his sister Mrs. Forlvr of Wiar- ton were called home to the bedside of their mother, Mrs. Ph. Fhbach, who is seriously ill.-Mrs. Ph. Er- bach, while doing her household du- ties as usual on Frlllay. surered a paralytic stroke, [ailing down stairs, and severely injuring her head. IUs wish her a spr-r-lly recovery. The Oak Grove che- and Butter Company commenced maeine chvvsr on Mona-y, May 3rd. The price o! cheese being high, farmers will tr- valve good returns tor thvir milk. Mr. Geo. Cousins has hrvn the 'cheese and mm maker tor n good many yrnrs “I hna always gin-n good satisfac- $$ttet.-Measrrra. Jacob and Ow. Hot- - bra drawing milk this mason I-Vcl'y litur- new-ding has bmm done .. hi. the lad being too wet, A an" who have high sandy land in hub“, others an: feeling a tttue - The wheat, etover, [not looh to» It. Join A tht I-sa tgq%tit m but; Cabal-333 uiGiiiriuaGe- -__" ',ifi5ii.iiii2?t - NEW HAMBURG BADEN ammo: ”but infant Miller, " hrs l sym- i mam -ir. mum it.“ o.Urtt a the, a. 'C “aha u d m. a m D 00 H i I". At. no. pan» to ”C In. " “in: _ A): - h C. “I. ". m ttt the "but lulu pm add - mural. the -tat'M Una new road pent- lo.‘ lot " tn. MnrtU .u out“. he Reeve nad l but: man: "on b Grand Trunk may Ihr, In- fly tt.ttterma.M upon-ocu- 'ia-tion grant a email;I unless the Council agreed to close a. at the present crow-gs, as the gran d an r." crossing would make (hm Crud.” in a distal-:1: at iesa than The Cwncil iauruetad the To.» ship Ruined to we plus ot the locality tor the purposo ot purul- ing thin question to the WW" Commission [or tinal sartleruent. Thc Clotk notified the Council that I” c'. D. Bowrisan had rtied with him tho plan and report u: the Municipal Drain No. l. Mmod by Weber and Kramer, That this Council meet at Conestoga on Saturday the 22nd day oi May at 3 o'clock pm. tor the consideration ot the Kngineer'ss rieort on Muniti- pai' Drain No. 1. Carried. Moved by Krauter and Weber, That The Council adjourned for one hour at noon. The Council met again. All mem- bers present. Moved by Hurst and Snider, that we add that portion at Road Divi- sion No, 9 extending from Holles' corner to Musselman's creek to Road Division No. 15, and out of Irom said division No. 15 that portion extend- ing trom Kreannan's corner to Norman Martin's lane and add it to Road 'Nu. 16, and that Alex Forbes pet- form his statute labor on RD. No. lti, unl Louis Hello and Henry Hulle perform tlwirs on R. D. No. 15. Catried. John Bott be appointed Pathmaster in rlaee of John Geisel, Joseph L Friedman' in place of Edw. Seitred and Albert Khan in place of D. B. Weber. Carried. Moved by Hurst and Snider, that the lollowing accounts be paid and that the Reeve grant his orders ior the several amounts:-- w, II. Rodgers, work (n Montrose Total $1.110 Carticd, Moved by Weber and Kramer, that this council do not cAliourn to meet again at the Council Chamber, Cones- togo, on Tursday the Ist day of June, next at 9 o'crock ami. The Court ot Revision and Appeal cn the Assessment Rolls for the currrnt year “ill lt? told cn the same day at 2 01100“. p m Ncus Notes-Messrs. J. c. Hall- man, A. I'. Haihmm and A. lithium attended a meeting of the Advisory Board of the People's Railway held at New Hamburg on Thursday, May 6ttr-Mr. E. H. Thanter occupied the pulpit of the U. H. church in the ab- S('llt'(‘ ol 1hr pastor uh Sunday morn- I'ng Fast-Mr. and Mrs. J. Hithorm ol illuir. visited at the home ol the tornwr's parents on Friday Jasc-Miss Eupln-mia Bergey, at New Hamburg, ‘ViSIlul under the parental root on Sunday lasy.-A number of young people from town and vicinity attend, tid the box social held at the home ot Mr. Jim. F. Master on Friday even- ing last. They report a good time. u-Mr, and Mrs. Menno Nahrgang, of New Hamburg, visited at, Mr. D. Jiergey's on Sunday last-Mr. N. ll. Bugg, of the Peoplc's Railway, was a husim-Ss visitor to town on Sahib day last,-Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hit- born, oi Paris, ttsited at Mr. J. Hilbotrfs (n Sunday lasi.-Mr. A. C. Becker, of Itoscvillv, was " businJI, visitor to town on Tuesday last.- Mis. A. (‘assel left ttt Monday last, for Huntington, Ind., where shewill utlend the sessions of the general conference ol the U. H. Church,--). J. M. Histaml is visiting in Merlin this wrek,--Mr. A. C. Ulemvn, has week and fuels Iurnsplf quite at homr, on Hirnm's road.-- The carpenters, man and temp makers are much delavvd by the wot weaihvr.-.-Mr, t' llrhrl is having the lolrphnnn put up un his place-Nome of the scholars " the Wilmot Centre school enioyed a holiday (In Fiiday altrrnm’m on the Bnden hills, Mr. Aaron Gingrich bought tho old Joseph (lingerit'h homestead oi 100 urea for 87500 -Mr. K. "smut." in buy sawing logs these dtrys.--Mr. Wesley Butler in rebuilding his born this sum.- '9et1ntrt-tmt_ta. Poo sold his line black team to Mr. Breehtritl, liwryman, of Hrtin. Sudden Deatlt.-Mrs, (Eco Guthrie, 11ml suddenly at hl'l' home west of hrrc 0n Monday morning last olh'arl failure She is survived by Mr, Guth, rie and one son and two daughters, the youngest. being only a tcw weeks, old, The luncral takes place on Wed- nvsday. May 12 al I Fm ' ink-mum! to the Ayr (-cnntury. Mrs. Guth- rie “asa daughter ol Mr Wm. Halt of this place The b'reaved rclativ cs haw thc heartfelt sympathy o! i large circle of friends. I)vfutiu lhat the camp at iouhly ll dai c Lond NEW DUNDEE night W. J. SNIDER, Clerk d has born ot the owning m is quesday, to 5, as had hl Id Ulemvn, has 'am to Ml the dat lune pd the MINI No Decision a amazon Wu iitrHuhdia. Verdict at the Inquest II Manna-No Trace 01 locum. than Sum m Aitert sum M union“ nun. at" at will. ”In In no can: R3"! an: an an: baton Ponreraoese on My Alum. “In they IIV m body at a new-boll "tid I'll: in the mallow water below M W” not“ co- suhle Gun-aye: and Colour Hou- berger wu nun-end ad took chug. ot the babe. The an was not clothed and lo mulls ot Viol-no were loud on the body. " gym a thoughthe child had hoe. placed nun river shortly alter its birth mundan- ing the last two dm _ no "mm of the inquest into the death of the infant [male child lound in the Grand River near the Sugar Cone pany’s power house last Thursday, held at Bocttinger's Hotel in Bridge- port on Monday evening. Coroner J. P. Honsberger presided and the duties of the Crown Attor- [my were performed by Mr. E. P. Fitment, KC. The inquest created unusual interest in Bridgeport, a large number of persons crowding in- to the small room in which the pro ccedings were held. The evidence was given by the two men who found the body oi the inlant, two young ladies who heard a splash lollowed by peculiar cries last Monday (waning. and by Dr. c. J. W. Kara, who'conducted the post-mortem. The above verdict was rendered by uyrfor.oner's1jury at the conclusion Albert Stricken sworn, lives in Bridgeport, and was tishing along the Grand River on Thursday, and found the body ol inlant baby in water about 11 o'clock in the mom- ing. He was accompanied by Chas. Smith. Body was in shallow water, about ten feet from the share, was caught last to bush. He judged it was a new-born babe. 'llc saw no marks of violence. He and Smith left the body and reported to Constable Gastmeyer. They returned to the spot and witness was left in charge while the constable summoned Coron- er llonsberger. He could give no evi- dence who put the baby in the river. St'llicdvl anondrd th" 10' Mr. John Maxim's mar Pre, last Friday evening - out Murray, is making 1 to mum at In» mm.“ d,, Mrs. Peter "mull is on list -Thvrp aw rttmotri t tpam bring (imam/rd ttt road, two miles. west of m1 hut the Indies. dehat No , Wilmot on “Why " 21si The rathimrt lot dr 21M The sushi? lot din-Le Mum "Resolved that the mlurnl rmurrcs ot Cantottt no you" than those of l'nllcd sum. Mr. Ferdinand Leigh has nearly one hundred little spring chickens. About, seven or eight d tht? far- mus living on the Berlin an! Prcston road will shortly have telephones placed in their houses-Public School Inspector, Mr. Thomas Prams. paid his Micial visit lo our Publi: Sthuul last week and was well Invas- cd with the work done by tlt: Prin- cipal and asjstant tvaclurs. A Hw people from here aiicndrtl the funeral Nuts Notpsv-0he wratlrr has bon so wet this spring that most ol tlw [armors ha“(n'l twen alrle to do any spring tarrrrtr,,-htr, l'aul Hchraum comnwnced drawing milk l, ih- (PM (HINT chemo hulmy Ins! wrrh. - Mrs, Noah Bran, of Hulk“ visrt d Ivhttives in this si inin last wtw". -Miss Luella Humour, too synt the last two months at lu-r Immr nu." Mlildmay, has rrlmmd lo tht; Immr ot Chas. Smith, who was along with former witness, corroborated the Mr. Isaac C. Shanta, d Hreslau, has been awarded the contract to erect a wire knee along the Shoo] yard. ot the late va. Dank-l Rismcr o! "prlin.---Mrs. Jawh Khrl, who is h contestant fur the Eurupt-an trip in this district. is doing good wurk and sunly ought lo bra winner. All her ftiends should help her win the trip. Mr The 'ollowhg jury wu ern-ttei 1d sworn: "We, the jury empannclled to Inquire into the death at an un- known female mum, which we believe to have been put in the Grand river by some person un- known to the jury, have no deci- sion of conviction." Geo. hherk, foreman Hy. Shade, Wm. Ray, Geo. Hollinger, Chas. Muehnergard, Israel Hallman, Philip Koerber, Fred Jack, . Daniel Semen, Emil Birnstihl, Fred Himburg, Hy. Lachman, No Danica n 1|:qu t l The but: him to Mr, John "' L's”! PM 'Aee HEM.” ttter"- CENTREVILLE HAYSVILLE drink at S' FL day owning. May I)! dl‘Llw mill be l CHILD T FOUND ill GRAND RIVER Ncw Ir, tr -Otr, 1totr prv, are! My ihe Ilu Ir'rr. Cr ulnr ot Fawn ial ai Come {mil at“ given. "I: “0.6““. - woerutiiatt6rte"it m- - Hon-uguholvhl-u municipal-outwit“ In reply“: tiny-g- vim-mu that the say - lylu um“ would on body, we! Mud no In". In": was " thq “Y - lore tmt had gun do“ quite "r idly. Ill- Allen W, ttd Bridgeport raid that on loudly "all. bet-ml ' I“ I.” o'clock in conpony with In: Lam How-pr. they heard I sound like I splash ot water which was [allowed by n cry. M tho timrshethoqrhtitwaathe cryolo eat, and an" thy body wu lound the thought. the sound could eully hove but that of I baby. The rpm and cry came Iron “on tho river. my WM wrou- the brim but I": no person or heard no toot- ubep. She heard the cries tour times. They were not tar apart. mu Luna Homage: corroborated the "News ot the provlou rungs. The sound was not like that of n cat and since bearing ot the ttrtding ot the body she was “timed it was the cry ot an mint child. They did not we or hear any person in the vicinity ttt when: the Mind of the splash tune from Witness had no idea who” child n was or who pho- ed it there. Th, -sct' were all the same. Dr: C. J. Kern, ot Berlin, who conducted the pmiVrnortem " the undertaking establishment ot the Con-do Furniture Co., said it was in- lant child 16 inches long, about tour pounds in weight. There were no evidences oi violence except n few minor abrasions that mar be caused by brush or gravel. Eyelids had not lost elasity. Color was mostly normal with n iew dirty reddy spots. The body was covered with downy hair, an evidence ot premature birth. It was thin and not well nourished. There was no pressure on the head and lair crop of brown hair. There was nothing to show that the child had been choked or injured. The jaws were not well lormed. There was no evidence to show that physician had attended birth. Externally body was iresh and showed no signs ot de- composition. Internal organs were examined and lound normal. Stomach was absolutely empty, showing the child had never been nursed. Blood vessels were lull ot dark blood, and heart and lungs Mled with thorax and showed signs oi having breathed. There was no water in the lungs. There was no decomposition in the abdomen and thorax. In his opinion the child was born alive, and was ot premature birth. He could not tell how long it would be between birth and the time oi the post- mortem. He did not think, however, that the body was in water from Monday evening. He could not say positively whether the body was liieless when thrown in the water or was drowned. There was no sign of poison. In regard to the evidence oi the young ladies, he said that there might be a possibility of the body having been thrown in the river on Monday. There was nothing to show whether the body was thrown in or quietly placed in the river. how, \isilld ai the homtnnl llw tot, Inn‘s brother, Mr. Wm T. Chalmers, last ,vcok.-Mr, [law "Htmirli, who “we rngagrd with Mt, talMcisah, n! BURT tor the xummt'r, was unlorlulr ale to have small rim: hrokm _ has! work ---on Wednesday, Ann! 2hih me, n in litrV, ot Hoary Hm":‘, was t;ttitpd in martian- to llrlm ll daughter ot Mr. and Mrs John W 1halmets, ot this plat‘n-Thr first game ol tho Mornington lnntlmll " gm- will be played here next Sunr- dny hclwven llurnl and Poole Ind will Mart up a scrim ol excilrmcnl Alter the coroner had reviewed the evidence the above verdict was arriv- ed at. Mr. and Mrs, John F. Martin, of the neighboring township of Pukhave been calltd upon to beat a doublo burden of amiction, having lost two little girls in hss than a iortnighl. A strange coincidence was that both died ot the same disease, ittIltunma- tionpl the intestines. The youngest, in its second year, was buried in the Mennonite cemetery here last Friday. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved ttuttilr-Mr. John W. Schedcwitz moved with his lum- ily to Bridgeport-Mr. Jacob Srhutz, who a couple of years ago moved to Waterloo, has come back with his tamlly to Floradale. -Mrs. Ezra Lasch is recovering from her illnzss. '-Ready sale of wall paper, mod and Dr, Fahrncy's Alpcnlrraeutcr at Rug- glc's store. -Serding is very much bp- Jnted. However, let us not target the promisr that, as long as the earth stands there shall be sued time and harvest, frost and twat, summer And winter, day and right. News Items-Mr. Prior Schlncll has (Illalgl'd his ham which Is now quite a coutmodiotm Wilding -Mr. and Mrs, James R Chalmers rt North East» how, \isiltd at the hmntvnl the fur Inn‘s brother, Mr. Wm T. Chalmers. FLORADALE LiNWOOD POOLE te't,'lt.'t " - Lpllt _ 1 annuals! ' T umuuuwwuuuq by "any B.Dam.Am.‘u Dmamhh‘rmd Rambo a swank“. "e'.tttotmree8.'eHNrt. the lu'luvix um am "It "d-gint-o-set-tto, b.itqey'rtett-dot'.- - - PrRBTLY-ea" d "' Nil-r3. Six at an Oct-- Con-1 Conn-inc " m. not. or lot. not. My may“ by new BtilcOHDLY-latta I, O, t, I. - ' would»; to tho "giataeed “no! magma-uh lo: ”HM" Jana Pollock. Plus. in 1'10, oun- mm; by wt II was and 46-100 lawns! oi " non more or Ian. _ Thtrdly-Lot NIL-bot Nina on “0 West side ot Qua "met will; to Jacob u. a Elia snarl 3mm ot pan 1d the aid To" ot Water- loo " shot! 1: the regiment! Ph- ot the traid Town. tsuxTHLY-Anottw part of aid Lot Number Six ot the German Com- pnny Tract containing 5 was, 3 roads and 31 perches, more or less more particularly described by mates and bounds in said Manage. F0URTHLY-.Lota Number: t, b, 0. ma 7 weaning to Plan at (leap Moore's Survey u shown on the re- gisten’d Phn ot the said rom, ot Waterloo. FiFTHLY-Lot Number Four ot subdivisim ot part ot Lot Number Six ot the German Comm-1 Tract ot the Township ot W-totloo nude for the Trustees ot the " John Diner, Deceased, containing , acres and "-10it “admit. or n um, not. a: less, more particularly W try mates and bounds in the raid Mort,- use. Jr. lv-Cla-, Mom chm. mom-- I”. Pt. t-ru'leen Hour, Clifford no, Harald Rothaormrl. Verne fir. Mr. H-Winnitrcda Kuntz, Ctayion “new, ('ocrlin Moser, Avon Mnyder, Henry Klaohn. Jr. IH--F.iiven Vollnwr, lrono tltr ohrl, Sara Rudy, Rachel Rudy, Clara Rout-mug. Sr. III-Martha Belle Willmm. Eva Unlock, Reinhold Fischer, Lillie Bechtel, Annie keaaeiring, Vernon unlock. BEvENTHLY-Tttm, parts of Lot Number Five ot the German Com- nany Tract, containing 18 acres Ind 61-100 hundredth ot tut acre, more or less more particularly described by metes and human in said Mort, gage. Mr. and Mrs. Sr Cli an) daughter, Miss Alberta. of Toronto, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. w. Dawson, King street, this week. For further terms. and conditions ot sate aPpltho the undersigned. On the parcel thirdly ntm’c dcsctitr ed there is a house and burn. 10 per cent of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale to 'the Vendor of his Solicitor and the balante or the purchase money lobe paid within 30 days (lament. Mr. and Mrs. A. K son, Garfield, spot home of the lomm Ptattsvilte on Sunder Miss Mildred Oldman, of Guelph, and Mr. Chas. Bias, ot Brampton, were visitors at the home of Mr. and airs. B. E. Bechtel, (Mutiny and More tW. Mr. Michael Hitler returned on Monday Irom a soveral weeks' busi- noss visit to Windsor . Mr. Ritm has disposed ot hist grocery business in town and will dr- vote all his time to piano {mung Dated at Wderlop this Filth day of May, A.D., 1909. A. B. MCBRIDE, Vendor's Solicitor. H. u. DUERING, Auctioneer, 18-et. Rev. Mr. Antlitt, M.A., ot Gait, will preach in the Methodist church on Sunday next. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ullelnnvn Wont. Sunday in Hawkmville. Mr. E. J. Roos In“ Sunday with his brother at London. 1lliPttnT or Mr. Cunningham, smut Sunday at the home ot hit scn, Mr. E. D. Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. John Ritter were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dahmer at Conestoga on Sun- day. Miss Minnie Bechtel left Monday tor Listowel to be present at the mar- riage ot her friend Miss May Burt to Mr. M. Hay, which 1"an took plan- on Tuesday. Mr. Thomas Hilliard, manager ot the Dominion Lite Assunnce Co., lett Monday tor Ptrope,.wure he ‘will spend several months. Mr. Chas. Dunno“. ot Toronto isu guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Uitei- mum. Mr, Arthur States, at Hamilton, a former handmastcr here, is renewing acquaintances in town. Mr. J. B. Hall was: “5110: to New York lust week. m. "-Netue Hrehtet, "mer Rudy Innie Mtrebel, Irene Kosnclrlng, Per ' "airlock. Kr H-Winnllrndn It"-.. pupa... Social and Personal OF H, H. NO. 8 WATER IN) FOR APRIL. br “the; d. i TERMS mm at A. M. CaNwrsma.n and spot Sunday at the [owner's pann‘s in 'oha Ritter ', of Mr. 1 Conestoga Edna Be Nchei Ethel TOEMVMMIW: mehndhmléhgfcth nth-m "o1eirlalitt-iit'ooaratrito ‘ “may qttalitretttr--ttrouttsetoei%ia. my mquâ€"uflmuquwmzwflfih amid You?" w &sitttt a " ",. - Tty, Don't. you quilts " ti. M_ 1eriiv, 'r'hmeq i'iii"i; ”with. bags)! htrg,S1tti','eiMe" MU', " t'f1"i',"s;trilL'l'.2"t tom it . _ unausmmyumfififillginmnm "sdmtintaertioat--r-oro-rorod . You’n Maul am of unlit a Q J. ttut ar' Co. and our buying 1'T21"d to 1th'g iaiiitisii'i. a paid. ie"-le.ehkit'nttore8t_tk hr" ; 1lquippmllhl au-l waif." not a; uhai s,i,iiti'ih,?. l" Eiiii Mari" Goons Dung“ in an Tui- mi This my. my. - pueu anything on: Ibo" “on. t kilo, sun loans, rerun”. when. Atgtgtgt- hut- luu, In“ cloths. mum, “It”. Ito. " An endless Assortment. of this Scum " in . Strip“. 'trude, chocko_ and "tht-TF may; at BOO, TBe and 81.00 ajgyard low Allover. I“ Lt- - luv hull-{I An turbo-data Dreastntsking Deportmoat in charge atttiuttirire In connection with our store. 1 . . In the person of Mr “ho has rcsldml in tt thr last. righte'rm l loses one of its most promim-nt tin/(WIN. F omcia1 dutivs as 1'lrrk [no Court, rrntlered I him to lire in "PHI". “NI a “no residence r near 1hr rnlranu- to 1itwria Patk, into nhirh the lmnily lune ju t mov- ed. The connrgallnn M tit, Hap. iour'l Church wlll mum Mrs. Scully very much, an shl' was one of its an“ grave members, and in nodal clmlu, at well n In my other re- Isms-I2- 9! me. mm! yt Mr Weber the hood of the firm has been in the woollen busines- aince 1867 and ought to know something abuto tweeds. At thin Store or Factory for which we will [my the highest price in trade; such a Tweed, Funnels, Blunkou, Yarns of all kinds. Ahto ttttes worsted cloth in blink. blue and wanted tweak which will b. made in suits to order on short notice. Give us a call. S. B. BRICKER & CO. chicopee Woollen Mills Store,, See us for your Spring Costume "thind-ta-tart-auth-ar-twsu-to. Auk to no out " inch all wool Puma; iteli10Yfi0.T0 BERLIN tfe a!!!» rtttt 1500 lbs. Wool Wanted. t of Mr, J, M. Sadly, "I in this town during Won 3mm, Itaterirro ‘s most rospoclml and 'ctr','. Finding that his IN l'lrl'k ot (hr Hurro- "lered It ndvisnhlr tor lkrlln. hr has punch. Idrnro on Water shod. Mr to Vittmia Paik. Dress -All Wan-A 'iharuaii, ONT. at Boo (all In this npightsorhocd, Suturdly. -Mr" Ramm-l llilbmn reintmM Int yummy owning. tttter when; alev days with "bonds In contort Born to Mr. mm In. Oliver Ben- aett, 9ottrorA, Apeu99, Allan; -3 tttt m tor thr, l'l‘ivm s'""'"! M Mr al Mus Jacob H. Kinsey, at noon. 1 Friday nltvrnmn, May Hm, I umber m this, vicinity are 3 " ot mitrde-Mr Hubert Cornell, oi rwlnnhrmvk, Cnt, is spending . wk with his tuothu'r Mr, Erna-I (VII-II, of this phvv--Mr. mold rah. of Ilrspv‘rr, paid a hurdles! has --The innihtions no LIMERICK tah' :pvnding I Mr, lit-stun -Mr mold a hush-em I. Suturuy.

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