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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 13 May 1909, p. 3

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pe'l The Inmatllo Hm can, Wan-loo Hutu! Banding _ King an B-i0tBee Me, Home BIO. Mull solicited for Int an: Commits. tgutoerttmd61qrétaL. ...... 50.0000 Deposit with the Dominion Guns-meat ...... ...... .. 8117.140. mm gnu-awed by the London ind we Insurance (Jo-pally with A“ at 110.313.0313. A“ Wright. Sec-2mg x. a. 'mn, Impact“ 0. A Boron' [ Diurict Agen' Wstorloo, Ont. Phone Mil. 'iifllTrili"'iilts Spring Millinery We have obtained an exclusive line of Parisian and New York Models, combimd with (ll’wn creations and adaptk mr. - The Misses Fahrenbaeh . C. A. BOERM M manna Amt. (we... when“ i Ct humus Gaul"! Investigate and use for Art covering in Wigs an Prof. Doxmwend Patent , not worn at OH‘I’ 90,00 nil cues 3 in all Hum-m Investigate and are for yourscll the Art cow‘ring in Wigs and Towns Prot. Domnwend Patent TortitCs are now worn on over 90,000 minds by nil elm-a .: in all FHUXUIIS oi in. In this palhrular xlrwhur l'w mutilation is [HTML as mm as n ttether, " serttrely ndwsttd to o," bead; pm. be o,upird. iust, " you! "I hair; they mo'm any man look lion my mt Nannlgh, (1." " the Walprr thy May 15th oi Brunt: Ave perm by “nu In mid at In come Hall‘s]. OENTLEME woman-no mo King St., East Berlin, W men's Hospital Aid Society ard realized ahout $600 trom [menu-x of "Queen Zephra" m talent " the opera house the proposed nunrs' home cum um the mutton! N WHO ARE BALD trom l'ahrrh, Colds Call and SCO them 11orme, Train. 8-th - harm Ta; "e orotrNr 'lit ""gh'l,0lllitri' “initial-IO! , _ ”maul-.4:th " "mm-q l 2?htdttdr.ltg'A1 W bettiarri.,'t. “5". color- cun. “an.” . yeaeaee-ieinth._t b ”rm-t. . . Tueiag.8mIrg-tt.attr In. rainwater-d rea-tUA-ere.. ed on. and to-hy tho bonded we: Jr..vbohWhhbr’-loov banana-cult know on" “a mum-.1: aha. " u. April I, Ito, m Jul- Jul“ swoeertohm,btetor,st- and "Cl, 1!“ 0M 'rberedttoU'" ottV unumm-mmmydl’r ‘wgmmwuuum- to the _etttipt.yteiashoet.rrPtt' (at ttutirrthet6rearatttat kneel”.- odoi-ttattimrtwhaat-ertreers “months conclusion. com- mit-loner or superior once: to nu- crtogchtpolugiocteddnty or to receive - the 'tigbtest "NF mand. Further, Lieut. Jun bu con- tributed to the etBeieney ot the Iowa to the extant. ot one Ion, John Jun, Jr., who Is lollowtlg In “that's foot- Itcpl " u once: u Hunt nation, Nov. t, 1850, in the birth date 0' the tieutertaat, and Berlin, Ont. was the place ot Ill! ntivily. At the use ot 18tte cum to Detroit, when he Brst' worked as: bi.ekatrtith. Six yen: later he joined the tom. He WB", out " the old Gratiot avenue Ita- Mom Outlet nvenue and Russel street. nova reminiscence and pan- ed into history. Etmwood, Belle Irie and Hunt nations hue all howl him, at one time patrolman, at n- other an olieer in charge. In 1887 he wu promoted to mum (now urgent), and in 1894 he was made lieutenant. For six years he was in ‘charse of the Griswold street bank 1iiiF',i. He was then hastened to the recorder'x court. Sunday, when Licut. Jantz is on duty, there will bea celebration at the home, 50 Waterloo tstreet,-- not anything eiptrorate, just the recep- tion of congratulations due to an otricer of Lien. Jam’s record. Besides iratroiman Jantz. Jr., the lieutenant has [our other children - August H. with Parke, Davis & Co.; Mrs. Maxie Divdrirh, of St. Agatha, (hm; Aurelia, with the Shah Brew- ing Co., and Antonia. Beg, Every mother is "attrally anxious for intormaticn that will enable Iver to keep little ones in good health. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., have is- sued a little book which contains a great deal ot inlormalion m, the care of infants and young childrn that every mother ought to know. The book will be sent tree to any mother who will send her name and address to the Dr. Willians' Median: Co, machine. Ont. T _ BERLIN STATION HOTEL RAIDED BY POLICE There was quite a stir" in the vicin- ity"ot the Station Hotel, of which. A. Rut is the proprietor, on Sun- dly mowing at 11.30 o'clock when Chief o'Neill, accompanied by Con- stables Walk“, Stewart and Gras- ser, all in civilian clothrs. raided, the “second hurtoom" ol this ho; tel. ' Chief O'Neill Litationcd his men at diam-out doors on the outside sni, proceeded to make a search of the building. He Iound a door labelled “Private" leading to the kitchen, (brough which two nun had passed ahead ot him. He paged through the kitchen and [end I stairway to ,the insemmc and preceding toward (the "out of the hotel [mud n well-equipped ban-00m. The barroom was not occuphd by my patrons. whtn the chm. rem-u it but he tornd, " is understood, evidence tut there bad hem tramc LGrUrori, "irreviotu, to his arrival, He made " entry at the stock loud in buroom No. 2, 9nd lhe mun] chaps trr9ttreor: "an"-.. Chiet O'Neih took " inventory ot the liquids, em, he lound in ttty "second burroom" and, " is reported, 'nho found that there was an electric bell connection betwtwn this mom and the trout cutrmce to the hotel. h Book FOR MOTHERS and keep V 2 Piuid right where you can put yam hand on it 12': tbe tp-ttst of all Inreet. icides. Instant death to Scale, Alum. hylla, and all Mites, Parasites and Living Pun! Pests. I "iiviieTiiiF-rG Ge I farmer, fruit grower, 'trtrTery nun or foregter-- you need Va FLUID We win gladly register your name u our Research labor- ht",',; England. to retell" hee I p11 llcndonu peruin " " your wk. Write for ,fttt union Card and mention in -. Ibr h a A u h prltltttydtf'"' For Summer Spray"!!! II. 000'" . RIP!!!" m tO Keep An Eye On The Trees 3m]; "in: ngninst the -t-t-u-ftb'trttyti-iA.rr6tr1-e' ammulu araodt"arttittMft+gttat.,hn- wMr.>Br'-e'r.eod.9.t..t1itte “mt with Mummy-bond” “an“ “1'“th ibmrtetreNsteii6., berth it 'a1t'lt'tllfJd'nlltl1' you aiteatmittUSt-i-d,hitt. numb-Munda- -hti-ru.Artp'oa' it new.“ “than: M 2nf'2dLtt'Jitt : $rinestBbretttodi-egreac. mu was“ but; mum“. m, il'P TuAtg9oeitigqAreBineere. udiscainiandJ--dnrtth! 'NuCu-ao-th.a u- m. tad-can! mm no» Mr. King Ill htlblbym'. J. P. o.tt-,amdthreei.t'odttn" "out Hm. mks-Id ho For“ the M“) cl than in “utility. Waterloo Mom Auochtlon,toao- Th.qtreq0tond9. anions-std may. " him to his home. when “dict-mm manna" igGaTtoGultsr._aumstimoetuvarieareoet,au" a In BethuMWawdoomu hon xmtdwumucolm o. In may not“. with It. In; Mutt-mu. wiiibogreater or "wan interestirtettmemmt ot in tthti','gfl'N It Inl- view d trip and opium coders-cc in W] the dummy’ tho Chime Gonn- vhcu he mutated the Canadian Inc-t», II muo- laid upon "or! Govern-an. Nation to guilt China." W'u'miégai literat- hg MOM" on his Trip Aroun- the World. Mr. Kin; mu that the who! acro- tho Minus Vin delightful. but. on the Medium no not an: rough. Returning trom Jun-o- thc Empress 0! Japan, the C.P. R. steamship, there were two exceeding- ly rough days. He, however, did not in“: a med during the entire jour- Mr. King's tut in involved al Mn!!! road the world. Originally! it was inhaled that the emtfegeatm ot the notions, ttotttsitaNy held in the! country when the oplun evil has it: iirrneqt grip, should open in‘ Jnnnnry. The trout: deaths ot the Emperor and dow-r-Em-, how- "Ner, nectasitated a delay, And Mr. _ik.its. nailed himsell ot the ndditiore ‘31 time to, visit the capital oi the ‘Empirc. and to' get into touch with the trend oi opinion there. Them he travelled to India, spending a little time in Calcutta, and alter- wards proceeded to Shanghai. ln atl- dition to his work at the opium con- ierencc, the member tor North Wat» crloo took the opportunity to in- quire into the position in regard to oriental immigration to China and Japan, and other matters, and bis report when submitted ta the Domin- ion Government will doubtless be oi exceptional interest. Ix. w. b. Ian-.- In... a. a, Discussing the conference, he said that what was ot particular interest was that lourbccn dilterent nations were represented by about tirty de- legates. English was the medium in which the proceedings were conduct ed, and the conlercnce lasted about . month. The first part of the time was occupied try receiving reports from this different Governments, and the last portion in framing the re- solutions and expressing the opinions arrived at. "I think," said Mr. King, "this this was the first international conference held in the Orient, and, with the ex- ception ot the Hague gathering,' I think " wan the Just international diplomatic, or quasi-diplomatic, eon- lerence which has been held at which both European and Asiatic nations have been represented. The Empire was represented by Sir Cecil Clementl Smith, the Governor of Hong Kong and the Straits Settlements, who ae- ted as Chairman of the section; Mr. Robert Laidlaw, M.P. for Renirew- shire, representing Great Britain; Mr. t'. S. Brunyati, representing British jail, Sir we; Hosic. commercial attach: to the British Legation atl Pekin, who, of coursae, was iamiliar with British interests in China, and myseli, representing Canada. Opium Smoking an Evil. l "A remarkable ieatureoi the con- lerence was the unanimity ot the opinions expressed and the decision': arrived at. We were absolutely agreed) What opium smoking was an evil: which all Governments should take steps to gradually eliminate. It was' aim recognized that the habit oi us- ing morphine " a substitute lor opium wan developing largely in dii- Ierent countries, and the Govern- ments were urged to take special steps to help to mppreaa the growth ot the " The itinerant countries were allied to lend every assistance to prevent mingling irom the coun- try ot origin. This, ot course, is 'a new feature in regard to protective meaaum. At the present time smug- gling is only dealt with by countries into which the goods are taken. "Some oi the reiorms advocated have already been carried out; for example the closing ot the opium dena in the conceaaions, Shanghai. ck. It was particularly interesting, so iar as Canada was concerned, to notice that the Dominion had already adopted legislation along the lines advocated, both in regard to the sup- presaion oi the use ot opium and of morphine in patent medicines and other forms, it was also an inter- other forms. It was also an inter- eaming tact that the American dolo- gation generously admitted that. their leulslatlrm lot the nupptession of the mm in the Irnilrd States had been copied Irom Canada." Mr W": in nn-f to A urination as to China's altitude with regard to opium rclorm, said: "Thr statement made by Rev. It. Marnillivray In the prose on Friday as to the problem wot-mud by the question ot "placing the poppy cultivation bring a am cult owe is correct, it only shown that yrvu have got to let the ole-mm! of time piny it: part In the rudim- cult owe In correct, " only shown that sum have got to let the element of time pur Ms part In the eraditw Mott olthln evll. Home rdormcu would like to weed out the man: in u day. loll. It that method no my! to In China u would my: -irFtibttr ?te1rPl Funk-en Nations Represented Time Must Pl " Ita Part. at well " will thank” ti-eqe.rutr1-rsoytthern "aet_tt_thitat.,irot- mink hawk int CuFt-trt-resets' aunt-mum... you: "ths-tnit/amd-rr has!“ “that“: h” 1km Mth. autumn-ta $uedieu0qeatiettH.t"moo tsettevartesimreovutm.,au" a tunnelbwwm. - chll “I “to. will he greater or '-eoHiniltiee)n'itw a! --- Fe'"'" "w"'". - w.-." - VVfiw _, v :31va M.“u iste_dtBtltor,Rrv._irit.. [can trt .. 2llllld at an - In. Vulcan-o Col-nail within- ddl a. mug um he greater or as ought“, Baths. 0! an“ Ra- “WM. Itt.,tn m (I Ii“. “It, I. 'Hmm not“. 'u1hfi'llfl'lNu'l'liSJ'l'lu'l'. ieriL.uoqer,rtWnrtreet. my“, ll emptin- laid we. only Halt. Bib-Mr. P. Hound“. ot anttetertoaaautCttii' Denim!- removtagtoEttrtie. He . In. taken room: above Klintesl Oriental 'W‘tio'l' more via: I. will mun-cum 3 MI. to the qwtion ot orimul “Hun-I. w a," my II“ immigmtioat, Mr. “I: "id:--"'" slim". He employs . “all - Preserve tho standards which our in- in; math» operators and b 'reeuasg tiutstriat chain! has ruched, as.» up . good trade i. u. tisea. tion ot immigration from ttn oricatt An Important mn1 estate deal was in an Mute "cessitr. This, lup- eotnp1eted on Friday and»; “has pity, is recognized br. the: nuthoeitr mam Shaw, ot the on“. Paul» el ot the great tNNmtrteg acros- tte Mms Mamructurerts, dispaeed ot thc Imciae rerdir has than try ocrsohes, old ”Simpson army next to the in! to loll; no we at prepared to Compuly‘l wtgrer00Bt* on “as street ',aet with the 10'Wm nnd tnoder- to Mr. T. H. mm, m: ol the iauo" which ahoetd be dictum " lemmtl' Rubber Co., or this town .| comidention ot the dimltviu " in mm that . [way ,rPater" State-men has to [me In price w” paid for the Tsrorestr, the goeeratrtetst ot multitudes, out if which, n is reported will be remodel- in realization of our own position " led nrtd overhauled for store PM?“ a part at the British Empire and I. yonn. nation seeking to develop its resources and expand its commerce and relations with other and older countries, we need have nothing tn tear trom Oriental immigrnticn, not at least tor many years to come. "With the arrangements elected through the India OiBee in Lindon over a year ago, the lndian authori- tics expressed entire satisfaction. thlna is Awake. _ "Aa regards China, our existing legislation, the $500 head tas, affords a Way real hunter to the rotsihi ity 'of my conddcrahle inltux of Chile "se, though I must unless that l lwish . method oi electing this end ‘less calculated to attend Chinese sus- ceptibilitits could be iound. China ,is not becoming, but is, a great em- !pire. The dawn oi China's awaken- :ing is not in the future; it is al- ready prmnt. _ In nothing was l more surprised than in the industrial development which has tahen proas in to many parts. I was particular- ly impressed with the possibilities of an extensive commerce betweenthina and Canada. The markets are there for many oi the commodities, both in the nature of produce and manu- laeture, which Canada is in a pol tion to supply. So tar the Japanese ,inmigration is concerniad, the gonn- try has already had evidence at Jo- pan's good faith in the matter oi lising up to the agreement ellected Ar Hon. Mr. Lemioux. While in r-lapan on the way back trom China, I was invited by the Foreign Ott1ce {to cooler with them in regard to the immigration question, and the octa- le allowed opportunity tor a very iiull and [rank exchange ot views. The Real Danger. '1 would repeat, so is: es iaunigrr t.. iron the Orient is concerned, Cu “is hasnothlng to tear so long so the wiser cornsels ol concilia- tion and moderation ore made to prevail, and the arts of diplomscy substituted tor obnoxious meanw- or policies which, once resented, would prove less etiective in further- ing the desired end. The real peril, so for u the Orient is concerned lies , to my mind, not in the possible movement ol labor trom Asia to Am- erica-that can he regulsted " de- serre6-but in the slmout certain movement ot capital, not only from America, but Europe also, to Asia, once the industrial possibilities ot ‘lhese continents become bettwe "own and: greater degree or nobility and security ot investment worded." l Unrest in Indis- i While in Cslcutts Mr. King (line closely in touch with some of the ellt? omcisls. In his opinion the stories ot unrest had been exaggerat- led. The better class at natiVes teel 'thnt relorrn should come slang cou- lsmuuon-l lines. "or course," he laddctl. "there is some susrchistie trolling. but it does not diner from tthe movemrnt in other parts ot th: !worl<l, and in not particularly aim- led against British rule, It was a igreat pleasure to see how popular ilmrd Minto is He is helpnl by his ‘grent sympathy sxith the people." I Mr, King ielt on the 5.20 train tor Ottawa, ant will take his sent in ' the l‘aliiumm: DUAL Mouday u;u::::':;. Mr. King div! not desire tn discuss bis proposed appointment as Minister ot Labor, before the bill was ftmM1y passed in Parliament. lines not Color theHair mp. Paula. - Denny. Donal-u" itirao _ I AYER’S HAIR VIGOR Pt in rsiGoeo_ert.r.s,..eteeethte,ttggtg1t; 'tfgttIt?', _T' f tau my... My!“ that. “11““. Ix.IoUIB.Mk.dM. marqumumuudm Ina-I!"I1. J. Y. _ an. "1.13,...qu mumblhhmp-tol Mr. tt2tt.'o"'"""1'"'f"" 0-... it. - ion m In. Trhr's “. Ir. J. on; W! .d In. .argh.tt, Munro IVO- nc. Ht. on My lot a [on tttle ' I“. h Europe. - W WET-m- In!!! an dunner ot Ova loud mun-Guy“! by! " is understood that . [any price was paid for the progeny width, it is reported will he remodel- led and overhauled for store purpos TOO MANY WOMEN ' SUFFER IN SILENCE IVV - I " VII-Ill! SUFFER IN SILENCE N w . . ' . it - When the Blood In Weak or Out of Order Diseueis Inevituhle, El - . f Many wunrn go through lite suller- 'tt) ing in siience-wcak, ailing and un- happy. 'ilie languor and bloodless Itess ol girls and young women, with b? headaches, dizziness and tanning l r spells; the nervous ailments, back r' , pains and tailcre oi strength of wives ' tl, and Mothers; the trials that come to all women at the turn at lite, are caused usually by impoverishtd wat ery blood. Dr. Williams“ Pink Pills . tor Pale People have helped more women to the joy ot good health and robust strength than any other medi cine in the world. These Pills aclu- P ally make new, rich, red biood,whieh i reaches every part at the body, leeds _ the starved nerve strengthens every Li Kb organ, and marina weak girls and wo- , "ct men bright and well. Mrs. A. Eagles Dundas, Ont., says:--'" am writing M this letter out ot gratitude to let . you know the rest tseaetit Dr. Will- _ iams" Pink gills have been to me, t SIGN OF GOLD From the time I wasa girl I suller- ed from wankness and hinting spells ANttAttAftifitdttt -WBB always doetoring but it did not help me. As I grew older l ----_ seemed to grow worse. My blood seemed literally to tum to water, SM‘ Sometimes I would taint as olten a: twice la a day. I suffered trom (ndi Everything mu gestion. I could not walk upstairs Laundry map, reg. 6 ft without stopping to rest on the way, 'ite,: . and my heart would palpitate.so Vio- Rt,',egt,? pure Wu,” lently as to produce a smothering Anglia-lot at12bers " sensation. I grew so weak that Peo- Sunlight coop, b' barifo pie thought I was In consumption. 1 kt,r..ePey?.t"tt.ttrt, 8h " _ .'sF t__, “mum-nu - (“-9 Many wunm go though me inner ing in silence-weak, ailing and un- happy. 'rtve languor uud bloodless m-ss ot girls and young women, with was in this dreadful condition when Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were brought to my attention and I began taking them. The first Sign ot ttrnettt I noticed was an improvement in my appetite. Then I began to grow stronger; the color begun to return to my face; the Mining spells dis- appeared and gradually l was brought ton condition at more per- Tect health than I had ever enjoyed below. This is what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done tor me, and Mat they have bcen ot lasting bette " is proved by tbe iart that it i, several years since they restored my health. and I have remained strong hnd well ever since." Dr. Willi-mi Pink Pilu are acun' tor all troubles due to impure or watery blood, such as warms. rheu- mllilm, neuralgia, headaches and backaches. indigestion, St. Vitus dune, paralysis, etc. Sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes tor 32.50 hom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. MILITARY TRAINING FOIL BOYS dose: August i, mo The executive committee in Ih Strathcona Trust will give nix prizes ranging from 825 to $250 each, to: the beat essay upon physical And mil- itary training in the public schools The competition I! confined to school lnachcrs and pupils in Norm- the contest will be furnished upon application to the urn-{My at mil. "in council. Ottawa. The (Durst An - Dracula! Maho- "qtr Grow K. E. Tttrn My“. aw when! Hag 05 mm igg _'"'"ur4iatatNatr""'""""" A can“. menu-ulc- ”noun. -ra7aarGia= Iiiiami,,a "’ifmww an " It“ on.“ J-tt In”, In.“ Gas Stoves, Gas Plates Coal Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves Cook Stoves and Ranges b 'All we ask of yon'ia guanine the quslity of our good! but nymg. BOTTOM PRICES . G. E. PO I I ER THE MOLSONS BA Everything mull, be cleared out within the next two week. Laundry leap, reg. 6 for 25c, 8 but Dingmnn‘a lye. reg. 10e for be ior me. Ammonia powder reg. IN for Te. Richer-(1'5 pure soap/reg. 6 for Me, 8 Ammonia powder reg. be for 8e. for ae. 4 poundl 3001 pt une- for we. Another lot " 12 bars for We, Seeded min: per pound 7r. Sunlight seep, ti bartifor Mc. Shelled wslnutl per pound te. Berlin laundry soap. 8 bars for 25e. Canned corn per box Be. Eclipse mp b' bars for Me. (Bowen: com. reg. Me for Soe. Silver dust, reg. We, 3 pkge. for we. Oownne come reg. 150 for IN. Silver dust reg. bc, 3 for be. . 1 pound tin baking powder regula- 15c Gilleb‘e lye run. 100 for 83. torlOc R. We be r a Go . for S6e. - - _ - Another lot " 12 bars for ISC. Sunlight. new. 6 bamifor 25c. Berlin laundry soap. 8 but for 25:. Eclipse mp S ban tor Mc. Silver dart, reg. toe, 3 pkge. for we. Siiver duel. reg. " 3 for be. . Gillet's lye mg. 101: for Us. Successor tol, A. GOOD & Co. BERLIN.ONT It is not "Hm an opportunny oc- ourn " your door to sup the latent Pulm- and New You nylo- In Mair com, yet ml: is the car. all JltiNr-,qgt .o! Imam}: We have I Ing atock'of furniture on hand whi ch in beirg told I very low prices for mb.§Wo want to sell the geoda and you ell! save money by buying fron up; , tt a UNttgtttTAKtNG-rtf old “caution mum olbu an. :n. Night phone Gr." . a my PM”. IMPORTANT T0 LAD” We on duo showing the moat oomph“ and aria-data Baby Carriage: and Go-Carta ever offered in' Berlin, avert] Ii which are being sold " feetory prices. We manuhcmn the good- '" sell wt! all no tpmmnuedr (indie-‘7’" Aunt-Unh- 8 “I KGB "" IEAEILIEIT The Simpson Reta“ Furniiuri Siam KING ST. BERLIN. fitgtitUP"P" . tttMgt --J fLudwarrr stove.,'Fu-,Phmthhttr and Pipe Fittings Store mu Post office, Plume 142, Berlin. EigtNiCEPtiBCXtir'tB SMASH GO PRICES Retail Furniture Store apartmenla at the Hotel. Thane Hair Goods styles, Btsrqt properly sdiutsted prolrct m1 otnav 'ment the head, when and be Ihr rot-ion ot the lm, “a -ur m " a - I my "' In!!! ”SET. «at. wide and aria-data line ot in'Bsrlin, anon] line. of 97"! . .4: air, and tsratetitr the tare, all ect' to n - "e"t It

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