's, 0.: ol the wt atrty Muted _ to at the baurur Gonzo: _tustseeatttataute?ott 0M. ' Um Laurier showed his line , t on mural-s mu. by m- It the head ut this import- ait 4â€"th one of the strongest wanton that has ever held I hand-ion portfolio, in the - ot) an William unlock. llelorrnl or t) - sweeping nature were diortlyi Introduced. including the reduction of We trom two to three cents, load" were turned into surpluses, and the department put in fine run- ning order. Upon Sis l":"im.“_ ' ration to the bench he was succeed- ed temporarily by Hon. A. B. Aylrs- worth now Minister ot Justice. and later by lion. Rodolphe Lemieux who has proved himsell a most worthy successor, possessing many of the tine administrative powers that dis- tinguished his predecessor, coupled with n progressive spirit. As. a re- sult of Mr. Lemleu'l desire to give the people the benefit at the mercu- ed earnings oi this department of government rural free delivery was recently introduced and is proving a great boon to those localities in which it has been established. A few days ago he also delighted the hearts of over 1500 men engaged in the out- side service of the department by " substantial incrcatw ul salaries. to. tailing $219,380. The men who handle the mails are doing an important work, which calls for proruptness, intelligence and hon- esty, and Hon. Mr. Lemieux'is to be Commended for vccognicing that if the high standard; of this depart- ment are to be iuaintairwd decent living wages must be paid those PB- gapsd in the service, What the late of the Daylight Hav- ing Bill at present before the House of Commons will be would be idle to predict but it is certain that public opinion is largely in its favor, as is ev.idenevd by resolutions oi various hoards of trade and other public bodies throughout the country heartily endorsing the ptincip1e of the measure. The only opposition to the proposed new departure appears to come trom those who believe it would cause confusion. Mr. William Willett, F.R.A.S., who‘ fathers the bill in the old country,) would reduce the disturbance to a minimum. On iour Sundays in April) he would put the clocks forward twenty minutvs, making a change of an hour and twenty minutt-s in the month. The change on rach Sunday will be hardly petTeptiblc. But the gain in daylight during the summer months will be very substantial. It will amount to nine hours and twenty minutes a week, forty hours in a month, two hundred and ten hours in the summer-equivalent to twontyv one days of ten hours each. The ad- vantage on Saturday will to most ‘striking. Those whose Saturday hall- holiday begins at. one o'clock will have as much daylight at their dis- posal as it it began at twenty ,mm- utes to twelve under the prescnt sys- tem. " ABLE 1mm mm: Not only will there be more day- light for work and rccrcation, but there will be more darkness for the hours ot sleep, points out an I ox- rhange. At flee o'cldck on a summer morning the sun begins to stream in through the windows, and the man who has been in bed only fwe or six hours must shut out the sunlight and create arufscial darkness. The new plan dispénm with thv nccvssity lor Brtitiei.1 darkness lor slumhvr and reduces the necessity for artificial light for work and play. It saves money for artit1cial lighting, saves the eyel. and gives sounder sleep. WATER WORKS FOR COBALT FoM‘k h gala: la lav I c-unrngn "and trater work system. A by-law to wand 375,000 on this purpose has be! approved by the Railway and W Bond. a " ".iWetamett, in? “on and h- 1.1m an. a... - then NW?!“ any Wuhan an be mil. Nam alone won’t do It. It nood- up. hi bait if in “crumb; "madam. 753i vat FOIt MORE DA YLlGll'l' " Eula-I92 Eh iiiritt, " '7 " " The #91“de a Mtu.. P_aatd%ttttmt. Mom 1.â€? Inch- In“ val alum! - - a M'i.â€' tug. Ple,2t; m t um " ttam/Ill' 'ttttfr "sttl Mm! a.“ a I... In: M. “rum-col." h- - only roam the cue tor, "t duh. in "was charge at tbr My W m negro 3mm leaving them but mm to consider. , . n wilt be "new that i. we in“ to the you» residence, Wham“! hull will» from a. . at her " "at, whereby VIII Ioumi in the oelini' beside [he (at body ut Mrs. Puke. a.Ex4dencets at a damage were my. Bad he was charged with both'npe uni m, The negro, who com [mm mm; Callisie. Que, took his sentence with seeming iuditreseiwe, "winning the same swim air which has character- ized his attitude til through the trut., liven when the judged pro- ‘nounced the (anal words "Hanged'till Won are dead," Roughmund sued intrmh'. towards the bench with a look ot interest, a it the sentence did not conu‘rn him in the but. The next Catip was that ol Aloysiun Guerin, charged with manslaughter. Short-1y before midnight the jury re. Ilnllwd:¢ verdict or, guilty.‘ The case was one in which Alexander Sum:- Land, oi West Zurra. was lound dead at the rear door ot Guerin’s resid- ence on Brunswick “not. on the morning of February 37 last. -rLiirrtidde, wn'l give sentence at nine o‘clock Thursday morning. Dear sirs--Your MINARD'S LlN- IMENT IS OUR REMEDY for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ail- ments. POLICE HAVE NO RIGHT TO SHOOT FLEEING MAN It never iails to relieve and proturtty. Port Mulgravc Minard's Linimcnt Co. Limited Ihalham, (NIL, May 5.- The Iuty in the ease ot Elliott J. Kimball. the Leamington ex-policeman, whom; July 88 last shot and killed W. J. Henley, while he was escaping arrest, tonight, alter two anda hall hours' 1h'siseraiioa, brought ina verdict at guilty ul manslaughter, the charge on which he was arraigned, with a recommendation to mercy. The evidence adducrd during the "in! “as practically the same as that trought out at the first Ilial last lh‘tulwl‘. It was admitted that Kimball shot llealy. and it was llli'rc- ly a nitration of whetlL'r it was an accident or whether the prisoner wan or was not guilty oi negligent in the handling ot firearms. The Crown lrelied upun the cxitkrate of eeitain statements made by the prisoner " ter .the shooting, when he said: “lie was getting away, and no constable likes to go alter a man and be Iooi- ul" also that "He was too hasty, and male a mistake, and would have to antler the consequences," and oth- er similar statements, which tttre piis- oner is alleged to have made to people in Tilbury alter the shooting people in Tilbury alter the shooting The deicnce was that the sliautingt was purely accidental. I His Lurdship pointed out that B policeman has no light to shoot an 'cscaping prisoner. He has the right to carry weapons to deknd himsoll but he is not warranted in Liilin"ga man., He can use violinist; to: de- fence, or to subdue trhd2srrtrnt a man trom breaking ,WPE'V but he. has "no right io shoot' " 1a prisoner once he gcts away. No policeman is wat- Ianlcd in killing another man, unless " is undoubtedly sue that it is necessary in saving his own lite, or the lilo of somcunmelso “hum it IS has duty to prolect. necessary in the lilo of IS has duty A book on Rheumatism: anda trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Rotedy-liquid or Tablets-is being wont tree to sulierers by Dr. Shonp, of Rarrine, Wis. You that are well, got this hook for some discouraged, dis- heartened sutterer. Do a simple act of humanity! Point out this way to quick and certain relict! Surprise some suiierer, by first getting trom me the booklet and the test. He will appreciate your aid. Sold by all dealers. SEEDING IS NOW Winnipeg, May 5.--1ncrxased acro- age oi from ten lo thirty pa cent. with most land ready for seed is the information detailed in this week's crop bulletin, inurd by the Canadian Mirthcm. Ravens (cli- mate but " small percentage of grain yr! sown. hut a continuance of good weather this wrrk will make pnmilnlo thes er"'".""' at “mung in most hem-n8. At North [Jaitteford 50 per cent more ground is under cultivation tha Inst year, 3nd at Lashhurn Ute in crust win “grant: Mama l and Mt per cent. Along the main lino through S.trc- ucmwnn and Alberta the gaunt "new will be noted lhla yc-rmnl the report In!" the slump ot omi- mism, which only wary “notable wea- ther (mndiliunn can blight, on the fs'nakatchewtttt tarm, sowing it more ndvnnm'd than Astosrtrre, In! estimates slate that trom 2010 " per cent. ot the acreage is mad- CHARLES li' l IUOTE'N r a man am! he mul- He “a:- (co hasty, ' . lake , anl wouldhaot :150qunxccs.“ and oth- nents, whirh gthl piis- ll io hare made lo y arm the shooting . as Hut lhe shunting, _ ental. pointed out Hut a “ ac _ II"‘\. I ll‘nr\l an A - ACTIVE IN WEST would have rt and oth- At '.the piis- made to c shooting " shouting cure " an Hamilton, my 4...-The Kinrade in- quest was closed in a verdict. void of truit. The murderer ot Ethel Kinnde still at large. _ Shot to death In the home a: her parents on a leading residential street of this city, now more than two months since. the cruel slaying ot the young woman remains unwth of tus- tier. The resources ot the crown have new called upon to a most unusual degree in the eirort to unravel _ the mystery ot this tragedy. ot a winter aim-moan, but without any success whatever. So tar as evidence the crown has been able to bring bearing directly upon the tragedy is concerned, the officers or the law are as completely in the dark as upon the day they leapt trom a police patrol wagon and rushed into the red brick mansion on Herkimer street, hot. as they hoped, upon" the trail. ' The coroner's jury deliberated upon the evidence tmnight tor upwards ot an hour and a halt, and then unani- mously brought In a tiading that they did not know who had murdered who] Kimmie. Urge Further Action. They addpd that some ot the testi- mony had been unreliable, and urged that the crown continue its investi- Tupbova it “Mn-y" Inn’s â€In“. at tho -eder qt EM KID; “do u b an n It the cow'- In.“ " ".ttttrto. W TMi' conclusion at an utter-p111 with I. but! on VI» in nu «(than 1',,t"fa'.'uu on was in Virgin]: Ind m in related to is can“ last I: t. . u... ........ A Hesaidthatdttriaqut. tu,.at.,rastttttarstmthN-" " amen-s 1mm mum at sols In. At on than!» nah-I alone" ot lowers nah-ed in a box with and but; has - At n- hcarul next My - said that Ind In waived the love" (will: the sin-lob she would In. in to be carried an “c “we. Again, she received I lax at undies which the thought were poster She-onetime: and Whit eH. 831nm“ come it“ It; menu can; u um She I'll (rights-ed and he: tear wu Meo- able totmerruihttAetheatar. ' . ' u" She detertnttied w go to Rmnmoud to m - mi " no “no at "cable, Tho um came an! told her to never mind. The- she got Luck telling her if she did not so ho.- Ie would write to her Mm nun; him the wt: pinyin; in a dive. . A F '-" _ ...... - ..- ,..,.... ... - m“. T Florence told his a In been (creed in may . an sm her up and had been divorced; that BM was trying to get rid ot Mm, aad Lt, W trrim to at her back; the hated and dart-ed him, Ind was alruld ttt him, and (th some one had threatened to shoot - and drag ber out the lootllgllti. T She â€poured my much trigtstested and Lad never seen m.- EttioM to her knowledge. He not a an in “out ol the "WM-N 0M night. " may have been Warburton. He had am Hi:- Klara}: looking out is though for some one at the time. She had received 3 later which tamed to worry her, l In Cash IPRIZES “an thetrWrdkt at -tNr'r, ttMI" ot the Meat but Urges Cronin fal- tllue the lamination. Fe Thin generous prile otter In entirely tree to sub- ucrlbcn. Every prim wirttter must be I Farmer, Stock Breeder, Hirrtiettlturtttt, Fruit Grower, or In none “1 actually Interested In Agriculture. Send ".00 [or which the paper will be can you for ONE “int. and with your SLOO and your mention lot rho was of the our publication. Ute the Coupon. Eveer Coupo- my. a .3un mm mm be mum at Mon my 12-1, 900 ttt been Men M. ' wt: - no "331’ /llA'iflrt"s' the no. VI VI in "In. u! m at m- As we announced last week, we offer $500.00 cash in prizes. First, a prize of $300.00 to the Farmer or Stock Breeder who will send in the best suggestion for a name for our new Farm Weekly; then, as a con- solation, 20,cash prizes of $5.00 each, and 50 cash prizes of $2.00 each to the 20 and 50 persons sending in the next best suggestions, making seventy-one prizes in all. The Judges will be: . Mr. Wm. Rennie, the well-known Seedsmnn, and author of " Successful Farming.†Mr. Thomas Graham, of Graham Bros., Clarcmont, well-known Horse Breeders: Mr. J. H. S. Johnstone, editor of the paper. _ The new publication will be a large illustrated weekly. The subscription 'a"iigl" be only $1.00 per year, though it will be made the best farm iournai in an: a. it will be edited by Mr. J. H. S. Johnstone, ior ten years Associate Editor of " The Breeder's Gazette," Chicago, which is well known as the best Stock Journal in therworld. He is also the author of " The Horse Book," which is the recognized authority on horsecrait. .. """Griirio%rtiroiaiiiw all departments, ot Stock Erecting and Retain? Grain Cultivation, Poultry, Oreharding, Horticulture and ardening. Sol Development, etc. _ _ . -iTGiGGiisiiei/iti, and orlglnal information on all subjects of Interest to Farmers and Stockbrecderg all over Cannda. A __ A _ -- it will publish occurate weekly reports and statistics ot all the lending grain and live stock markets. It will have its own special crop and stock reporting service. It will publish special reports of all important Fairs. Exhibitions, Live Stock Shows and Conventions. it will publish free to iastsubarc"i'ouao plans of economical and sanitary homes, burns. outbuildings, etc., specializing on concrete construction. It will have a correspondence department, giving the most reliable Inform- ation on all Subjects ot interest to its readers, rcpl.es being written by the but "weaned experts in the diffcrcnt departments. DESCRIPTION or PUBLICATION gation. Also they defended the crown altars against criticism. But they did nut itsdieatq In what direction they thought the crown should DOI- tinuo itweatigaUng, and " doe- not swear that the crown the“ now knows in what direction to turn. T'tteeasetsastrecomeaait+ I closed book. The verdict was not a surprise. Certain it is that the crown has failed utterly to establish any mo- 1ive tor the commission ot the fiend- ish crime. "We the jury assembled to in quire into the death of EU.et Kimmie. hereby find that the de- ceased nn-L her death by shot “oumls iut1ictéd by some person or persons unknown to the jury. Owing to the tact oi the unrelia- bility ot sumo oi the evidence, the crown is specially requested to continue their investigations. And we also desire to express our hearty appreciation ot the nble, courteous kindly manner in which this investigation has been con- ducted by Coroner Anderson ml counsel lor the crown." The verdict was as (allows Was Expected CONDITIONS My mutation tor I name for the new - u... {salon will be decided by the POST MARK ON THE NVELOPE In ‘hlch ttte than!“ coupon I. mailed. In this my all Vh. submit mane“ on. vlll 'Mor equal chnneu to win the mailer. Sn ocrlben In Non M a 'd Brill-h Cohtttt' ll vl I have exactly the tuna adv-n- ag†a thou In Onurlo - no man, no lea. Yto In absolutely the only "verthetttettt that will one». So cut out the coupon I“ and In with your summon for I name. We um um:- to In: “minions. Mam- Gii,uGvm mun bomnllwd on orb-(on In“. - Addnn Tut count. PINS. I'm†Bon MA "INT“ . Prseiaee COUPON rromd my “I†.. W tu': 2 tti?,ikl'e'i, on but an. MU2utlr, ‘Mo H In say In Vlrshh. Haunt. the bunks was allowed h ha a. m attee thing "tted Pat u di6. the and. ot LI- l5. and b id in kg . N t unto! ot In all! cu, I. - autumn h In it an: m at and: - In foster. an chok- nuhr, and Il- mum all CM. Wubunon. but I“ any tween mum. . Jun nun. no you; 'Herne. - all In]: w. qt tte bright mutual m at the wad-5" anâ€. Hp and: 3 {not W’ at! am du- bpn-k- In h wit-cu m and Mt request ttttstty " be allowed to any. “IR-cut iv the court VII “ammo. no shovel his “has: loyalty to the girl who Aad led him to believe he wan realty 'i'ttt tom with Hm, " he Ilium It, when". according to be: “my in the win:- box. it vu meaty I joking Irtrtatiem. He had, to aid, still 1 liking 'or the gist. Tm, he sue dumb to shame.“ do Jud (one, but than he count not no“ ‘sinco the court ended them. But In said he would never have come to Cali. to but] It Bit had he known the real nth-M bu. [ Crown Will Go on m" Can. Toronto. tur q.-"Tttin {my tat you: the irtrartigatiort ot the isa" will not be dropped. lore than that I have nothln; " presmt to say tor publingien." Swim tho shipment ot Hon J. J. For, the Attorsteramterat, in an intenizw when ai:ed constrain; the intentions ot the Crown as tc [miner inrrstigistictx ol the [dun-d: murder at Hamilton. The Ministef had juut concluded . conknnm with Mr. G. T. Blackstock, 11.0.. th Crown Counsel and Mr. J. R. cur wright, KA'., the Deputr-Attouter canal at which, it is understood Mr. Blackstock ttBee his [urinal report on the cue u presettted It the in quest. As to the character ot the Crown": conclusions and the details M any intuit: proceedings“ Hon. Mg. Fay Vi†reticent. h pain mantipticn is printed up- on wh 25c box ad Dr. ShooP‘nPink Pain Tablets. Ask your Doctor or mugging if this lonnuln is not com- plete. Pain means congestion, blood pressure. Head pains,. womanly pains, pain anywhere get inst-M. re- liet trom n Pink Pnin Tablet. Sold by all dealers. t Miss A. n. 80in. . Mi†E. L Bean, Wo (“1 ,iaiiGiu. this?†mush-apnoea a. a.) I.“ Wok. ' _ a? ,V ",rasrst-_ltlt" WW“ gmo.e-tra4iunted. out - - MIM’UBW on Mk d Abidiyhdnbcm. Mm G V . my“ tromOttHa,N8aerb, la:- q nkh. on" “will halogen look . my“ â€more. Our .003 C te, .1 out oupeumno'huu. _ " Don'tmlllouolkn. . ' ' - Egdigo;.6;;i: ‘Rtmt Waterloo tth',,?-" Building. Km. Stunt n. Pupil. prepared for exudation at Tel-onto (30an ot music and Ttroetto tttemits..... . - . . DORENWEND co. ' ggggnmw‘r'n . Wim Remember one Day Only a Dorennirortd'a Patent My a nun. man- or PIANO ORGAN AND . THEORY WWW?“ -e “- TnAnl . In“ On an. "'qu and†I 't,'g'lt,','f mag» my y,tiiiiiiii'iiii' EhE iiiiiilriiii “at: Thceitecttvenesriouseckanintri)anbttiiir. ferlai1rtnsrreasedbrtheugei9rdtusaPd ttp, rushes. Your work will show ','df,tl',!gt iGGrGaiiGi 051373;: cleaner" . balsam“ iii; SHE/i WIN-WI]. M £73 BRIG†TEN " F â€(ASHE F'f., -,' WthiFirrdiq. iFtrmoeat iitTAiCoiLdhiwittiiArnittt'. 'h1t'.rdt r',','."',',',',),'.":'",',',','. thttttttt . m WWII-WWI: on. - "0-? All VIIIIII I‘ll-I " VII 'IILD. 1hrrttqt ..Atrr'r*tu ain‘t-hm“)!- uo My In“ to h met an! a: a. u! - '0..." 'r"""". Brighten, Mit Immune: ourm- 'as-r-ri)"),'),') momma» nu ma ': 72 to“! Anna “It Maw _ 43 “20.80147. :32 "auction Ind 8qu "munch! mioomblncd in the Wit-rho. ouarto. The Leading Ital Market. - In the lino of “to, we In" Best, Pork, Wet, Lamb, lun- Omd Em and Bacon (our on "i,1"tftf, and, um. and. In “In. of 2'l'ti?'ttt In- n u can, Pal ti'iyfir'i, In" M 0"- om u mum be cum on -eqtty all"!!! In in the mum of 'tttl'tt In “mm mam th In. "at rye. ..N."r.-. gal k... " ~00~ " "o. MOI DIR-01‘0â€. In “Us. wan-1.. “LEW-It. with... “that“. LLM~ " - mm...“ £1.1le "-rt.q.rrCr.Sr., - In- M“. m Omani: t In!" mfmv M M m. . an...“ low, serum; C. A, Donna puma Age-L mun-mm. Phonon