‘The death occurred on Sunday Conestogo, ol Mr. Felix Holle 271 years, mod 10 mouths. ‘%h eral will take place on Wedme ‘mornings . for preserving furmâ€"and wcollens. In Phone 217. Deutsche Apothke Mr. J. Thompson has moved lth‘i ie formerly occupied . by (Geo, ug, Moury St. A number of Waterloo young peoâ€" g“menm the grand opera ‘Parsiâ€" yiven in the Galt Opera House Thursday night. A number of the Trustee Board of St. John‘s Lutheran Church and their ladies were pleasantly entertained by Rev. and Mrs. Bockelman at | their home on Tucsday evening. The W.M.S. Band have been _ onâ€" gaged to play at the Ontario Jockey ‘Club races at Toronto on Saturday, May 29th. A special excursion train ‘will be â€"run on that day and an . cXâ€" cellent opportunity will be aflorded ‘Twinâ€"Cityites to attend the To:onto cup race. Buy â€" your Spring and Summer Shoes at the J. S. Roos Sbhes Co There was a large attendance at the weekly musket held â€" Saturday . Butâ€" ter. sold at 24 and 25 cents per 15., and eggs at 15 and 16 cents _ pet dozen. Other produce was plenti‘ul and sold at the usual prices. A shoe horn goes with cach of Oxfords at The J. S. Ehoe Co. The grocery businc; rried on by Mr. Bailey and la!lcm:; Mr. Neb son _ Hoffman, King strcet, has bcen sold to Mr. Levi Breegeman, who took possession Saturday . Mr. Bruegeman â€" is well known ani will no doubt receive a fair share of thi public patronage. Mrs. W M. 0. Lochead, George strect, was the hostess of the Presâ€" bytrrian Ladies‘ Aid Sqticty _ Jast week, when, noltwithstanding the very inclement Wweather, there was a good atbondance of the members. Afâ€" AeF the business had been _ disposed of, dainty refreshments were . served, and a social hour was much enjoyed by the ladics over their fancy work. Rev. R. J. Elliott gave his _ leeâ€" ture entitled _ "Through _ mountain, Valley and Gorge," _ in Elmira _ on Thursday evening, under the auspices ef the Epworth League of the Methâ€" odist Church. There was. a _ good sized crowd in attendance despite the inclemency of the weather. Children‘s Taa Shocs at The Roos Shoe Co. Rev. R. J. Ell ture entitled _ ‘* Valley and Gorge Thursday evening There are over 220 cups of "Salaâ€" da" Tea to the pourd; consequently, at 40 cents per pound, the consumetr receives tea at the low cost cf oneâ€" fifth of a cent a cup. There are few other beverages so economical and so healthful as "Salada" Tea. The death look place â€" at Detroit on Monday of Mrs Mormerly of Waterioo, mo Mr. Jain Engel, and Mrs. fnan, of this town. The fun place today (Thursday.) Mr. Emil Engel left on Wedresday fotr Detroit whore he will atlond the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. Milâ€" A special meeting of the Wateifoo Water and Light Commission _ was held Tuesday. Tesders for galvan #zed pipe were reccived from Lipâ€" hardt Bros., Coprad Bros., and ~ M. Weiche!l & Son. â€" The tender ol Lipâ€" hardt Bros., being the lowest . was accepted. ler ‘ toGay The Onlario Seed Company which has carried en _ a . succesoful @usiness â€" for a number of years in Waterloo, have found it expediont. dwing â€" to the rapid growth of busâ€" incss to form asjoint stock company The company has secured a charter from the Oniario Gocernment _ and will be known as the Ontario Sord Compeny , Limited and â€" capitalizcd INTERVIEW _ SEWER Mayot Hahn and Enginess® Davis of | Bank, Woodbridge, was i TISITOT o°C) Perlin, mct the Waterloo Sewer Comâ€" | St nday â€" with his paronts, Mr. and mission _ Fiéday even‘ng to ascertain| Mrs. W.lliam Hogg. i# an agreement of understanding can be reachod in the matter of Watetloo | _ Mr. Douglas Colquhoun paid a visit furnishing Borlin with sewerage facilâ€"| to Waterioo fhi>nds last Saturday Hies from the Collepiate Institate ‘ and Monday. to the boundary linc. _ Th> mombers of the Sewer Commission will give| Dr. 8. Eekcl has returned from Torâ€" the matter â€" serious consideration. | onto, where he attended the _ annual ‘Town Engineer Moogk was instructed mecting of the Dental Association. to go énto the préposals made and rq-' â€" to Commission, alter which the! Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mooper and Cow muh.mu fammily left â€" ‘n,‘ # E. M. DEVITT, JOINT STOCK COMPANY l-'" on tchos , by the Ib. and in 5 16. tins | Consid 1 wonemermmntmemn ceeemme w ~"477 T“ h Camphor ..\ ... â€" or Moth Balls]"*© SPECIAL MEETING riday even‘ng to ascertain ement or understanding can in the matter of Waterioo Borlin with sewetrage facil the â€" Collepiate Institate Monday of Mrs. Milict, Waterioo, mother _ of ngol, and Mrs. B. Pocbt+ :c town. The funcral took COMMISSION The fon Wednesday ‘nday > at Holle, aged into Mr. pal Mayor in the ChBair and srs. (Geo. Suggitt, W. G. Weichel, Levi Grayâ€" pill, C. N. Huchn, A. E. Sandersoa, Thos. Ovens, Thos. O‘Doungl!, â€" and w. J. gterling. Mr. Jacob â€" Ufleimann prented a petition asking for a hydrant on the coruet of _ Moore avenue and Allan street. ‘"Jhe matter was réferred to the Light Commisson. Mr. Stefler, a coal oil vendor adâ€" dressed the council and stated that )xs license taflutod pil â€" was . tloo high and to have it reduced from $15 to $10. No action . was taken. ‘The committce appuinted by _ (h¢ Council to ascerltain ths numker _ of hands employcd in _ the factories which have received aid from . the town . * presented their report which was satisfactory. A motion was passed instrucling the clerk . to seoure the opimon of the Town Solicitor in rekard . to certain taxes which a number 0| ratepayers reluse to pay. Mayor â€" Weidenhammer prescated a pelétion _ from property owners, on King St., as‘ing that a maca dam road be put down from th: Derâ€" lin corporaton line to the‘ . corn:t ol Wiltigm â€"street. : Tho petition _ was granted and the work will be com imcnced as soon as possible under the supervision of Ruad Commission: icr Suggitt. C â€" utdie cotl‘e 1. The Mayot aiso slated intcrviewed Mr. Lang of Light Commission in reg street _ railway | franchise decided to arrange meeting at an early datc. n e Sn nstsnsoe Byâ€"law _ No. 663 provides for the current expenditure of the Town oi Waterloo for the year 1909, omd that the first instalment of taxes be paid on or befcre June 30th, and the last instalment on or lelote Decemb6r cd:â€" Conrad Etos. 2.8G Street Sprinkling 15.00 Waterloo Mig. Co., repairs 1.95 Board ol Works 107.175 Amos Weber, stonc 6.64 Th s. Ovens, repairing roof 7 A0 M. Weichel & Son, suppliecs 115 Wm. Snider, supp®cs 3.4f Conrad Bros, supplics 1.3 Wm. Snider, clectric light 225.15 Niagara Power, expenss 32.56 G.T.1., repairs 1.13 G.T.R. coal 17.14 G.T.H. 14.10 Bell Telephone Co As Dominion Lifeâ€" Assur. Co, compilâ€" ~@ifiiicbenture _ 10.90 J. Simpson To 4126 J. W. Kee, livery 1.00 Mary Heimbecker, refund laxcs 4.90 Bauern{round, advertising 17.00 David Bean,. Printing 28.12 ith J.â€" Forman, supplies 29.03 M. Weichel & Son, supplies 4.67 E. Shantz, repairs 3.60 Conrad Bros., supplics 2.32 J. W. Kee, Loan of horse _ 29.25 Carl Luelo, Laundry .85 Wm. Snider, lamps 10.50 Wim. Snider, fire hall lighting _ 5.35 Cyrus Kraft, lawn seed 15 Kratsch & Eoppre, painling 8.50 Ontario Seed Co, horse Teed 1.30 Mr. Hueln was authorized to purâ€" chaso a horse for the use of _ the fte department. The offer of Mr. Dermul fer _ th: furméshing of crushed stone at 9 cts. per cubic yard was acceptcd. Mr. Huehn of the Fire Committce stated that the hydraots were in an A â€" motion was passed instructing the clerk to notify the Water Comâ€" mission to have the hydrants tested at least three times a year. Mr. Huehn of the Fil stated that the hydram{ unsalisfactory condition Two applications were reccived f«@ position as engineet for road rollet. Mr. HMarry â€" Oestreich at $2.75 per day and Mr. P. Bish at $2.50 _ per day. _ No action was taken and . the matter of engaging an cngineer was left in the hands of Chairman Sugâ€" gitt of the Bourd of Works Mr. Allan Shantz is a visitor _ i Buflalo for a few days. Mr. M. S. Weber was a visitor i Buflalo over ‘Suntay. Mr. James Stewart, of _ Toronto, formerly of the _ Waterloo _ Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was a _ visitor in town vesterday. The â€" following accounts were fass Mr. Clive S. Bean returned Monday from a five weeks stay Clifton Springs, N.Y. Dr. F. G. Hughes has returned from a several days‘" visit in Toronto. Mr. Douglas Colquhoun paid a visit to Waterloo frinds last Saturday and _ Monday. Dr. 8. Eckel has returned from Torâ€" onto, where he attended the _ annual mecting of the Dental Association. Social and Personal slated that the | id tC Mill City â€" and â€" Mrs at he _ Eerlin to . the It was for ron‘hs. ommerâ€" <ny on friends. ‘nesday 1.00 4.90 17.00 28.72 30.03 4.67 on al 11 __No _ less than five attempted burâ€" m.flntfï¬g @ 10â€" ported to Chiel Flynn ::"l! Beyond sccuring some «mail change and putting the contcuts in reoms of ‘several hois>s in disordor no losses were sustained. ~In tho opinion . of Chief Flyn® the early morping ca‘ls were th» work of local parties who are amateyys and e is now~ worsâ€" ing on the case . The home of Fred Sass, Esb St., was entered about 3 o‘clock, entranze boing gained through a window. The thief, however, only got about 50c. in silver for his trouble in ransackâ€" ing _ the dining rogn and turning things generally upâ€"side down. _ Noâ€" thing of any value was missed It would appear that the ncal house _ visited was that of Isaish Thoman. Mrs. Thoman was aroused by the noise of an intruder about 2.30 a.m. The burglar got in through a window which had been left _ open. He was scared away and did . not get anything. t Lc PREpRzt nâ€"aâ€" melinont bouacns At the home of Wm. Oetzel, Park Ave., the burglars gained entrance through a wirdow that had not been bolted. The occupants of the house here also were aroused and the burâ€" glar scared â€" away . before getling anything of value. The houses of Mr. Plan:, East Ward, _ and Mrs. Zalewstu, William St., were also entered but nothing of value secured. Waterloo citizens will do well to keep their doors and windows careâ€" fully tolted _ against the visits _ G these midnight intruders. s There was a fair: sized crowd _ in altendance at the Town Hall Tucs day evening to hear the illustrated lecture given by Mr. J. .J. Kelso, of Torento, supcrintendent â€" for the deâ€" pendent and neglected children of Cn tario, under the auspices of the local branch «/ th> Children‘s Aid Society, Dr. W. L. Milliard who acted _ as chairman opened the meeting with a few â€" introductory remarks on _ the purpose and _ iaAms of tha Childâ€" rin‘s Aid Societyl Mr. â€" Kelso after referring to it good â€" work accomplished by the ~u ciety in recent years. gave inter>stâ€" ing facts showing the number _ oi children they have taken charge _ of and contrasted the change by illusâ€" trated lime light views in the docs and manner of living of a child nc‘ ire and after the society had become ‘1= terested. The speaker stated _ that the aim oi the socicty is to take children from vndesirable homes aud place them on farms and «&n respucâ€" tableâ€" homes and in this way to a great extent keep them from forming bad habits and being in undcsiras‘t surroundings. He thought that providing boys with good homes and «iving them every _ opportunity to lead . betiec lhle was much better than sending then. to the Reformatory. _ The memberslip fee of the local secety which was formerly $1.. has been reduced to 50 _ cents and all those who wish to become imembers may do so by communicating . with Mrs. George \\'cgoï¬asl, Treasurer of Mr. Addison Taylor, Secretary The Chairman, Dr. Hilliard, noved a vole of thanks to the speaker of the _ evening tor _ alls interesting addIess. The â€" Society are indebted to Mr. Oscar Rumpel of Berlin fa th» use of his lantern. â€" During the even‘ng. a splendid musiâ€" cal programme was furnished comprisâ€" inz piano duets by the Misses M. Moogk and Vera Shirk, and _ the Misscs _ Cecil _ Shuh and Gertrude Wells, vocal solos by Messis. . Oscai Liphardt and Wildgust and | a vyocal selection by â€" Messrs Wildgust and AN INTERESTING LECTURE RETURNED AN OPEN YERDICT IN KINRADE CASE Iamilton, May 4.â€"The Kinrade inâ€" quest was closed in a verdict void of fruit. The murderer of Ethel Kinrade | is still at large.> s Shot to death in the home of her parents on a leading residential street of this city, now more than two months since, the crucl slaying of the young woman remains unwhipt of jusâ€" tice. The coronet‘s jutry deliberated upon the evidence toâ€"night for upwards of an hour and a half, and &hen unaniâ€" wously brought in a finding that they «id not know _ who had _ murdered Ethel Kinrade. M. S. Hallman, actuary of the Muâ€" tval Life, is attending the Annual Mecting at New York of the Actuat â€" hal Society of Amertica, of which he holds â€" the degreo of Feliow. Ms Elailman â€" and Miss Annic .I.'lortn:o The verdi of Ered Sass, Isaish [:.:'aet:c‘lrnd.ï¬-;;- entered Tuesday * * weme< 2W ‘Bea sttambted biur is as follows o the jury. the unreliaâ€" evidence, > requested the â€" next Mallman L B. DUERING, Auctioncer We are going out of Carpets. $2000 worth of st.| Carpets to be cleared out in tue next ten days, It‘s ‘r.. |Just bomcleania’ time and youwil need new Carâ€" soc. |pets, Rugs and Wall Papers. | * I WATERLOO 2only3gp 3 x 38 yards, regular $12 8 d aly Wags 8 24 yards, regular $13.50 on uj xX U . 2 tï¬â€˜%?'xa 1 zm “'uhr $15.c0 0i u4 3 x d !orymg;‘ 2. thics 1 4 only Rugs 3 x3} yards, regular $18.50 1 'ï¬ .lltu.u:.ai 4 yards, lar $18 w{ 0 x 4 y s w ~Toesinge â€"â€"~ * 00A h * * C Carpets,Rugs § Wall Papers Tapostry and Brussels Bugs Do Not Miss This Opportunity On all Brussels, Tapestry, wool and Union Carpets, The carpets must go, and we are cutting the prices down to make them move. ' Tapestry Carpets, New Patterns 1 ilvl:;ly;iliï¬f. large size, regular $22 for 1 only wl:lugs x 4 yards, regular $25 for 1 only Brussels 3 x 4 yards, regular $25 Tor s18 50, T 2 Brussels 11 feet 8 inches x i12 feet refullr $25 for $19.50. 1 only Brussels 3 x 4 yards, regular $25 A large assortment of New Floor Oil cloths and Lino‘ew Canadian and Scotch manufacture. All sold at a discount this sale. ' d. UFFELMAN Brussels Carpet, New Pisces Uuder and by virluo of the powet contained in a certain Mortgage made by _ Edward Derimnul to Jacob Uffelâ€" matrn bearing date the 14th day _ oi November, 1906, and registered in the «x valuable properties in the Town of Waterloo. ces Registry Office for the County of Waâ€" terloo _ on the 15th day of Novemâ€" by Henry B. Duering, Auctionser, on be offered for saleâ€" by public auction ber, 1906, as No. 5710, there will the Market Squate in the Town of Waterloo _ on Satuiday, May 22nd, 1909 at the hour of 2 o‘clock p.m. the fo‘lowing properties situate lying and being in the Town of Watcrloo, being composed of:â€" FLRSTLYâ€"Part of Lot Number Six of the German Company Tract containing 17 acres, _ more or less, more particularly described by metes and bounds in the said mortgage. SECONDLYâ€"Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 according to the registered Plan of the Survey made for Moscs Erb by James Polleck, P.L.S. in 1876, conâ€" taining by admeasurement 15 acres and 46â€"100 hundredths _ of an acre inore or less. for $28.50. THIRDLYâ€"Lot Numger Ninz on the West side of Queen street according to Jasob C. & Elias Snider‘s Survey of part «l the said Town of Waterâ€" loo as shown on the registered Plan of the said Town. FOURTHLYâ€"Lots Numbets 4, 5, 6, and 7 â€" wscording to Plan of George Moore‘s Survey as shown on the reâ€" gistered _ Plan of the said Town of Waterloo. FIFTHL Yâ€"Lot _ Number Four of subdivisicn of part of Lot Number Six of the German Compeny Tract of the Township of Waterloo made for the ‘Frustecs of the late John Diller, Deceased, containing 2 acres and 46â€"100 hundredths of an acte, more (@ less, more particularly described by metes and bounds in the said Mortâ€" gage. SIXTHLÂ¥â€"Anothcer part o Lot Number Six of the Germ pany Tract contairting 5 acros, ‘and 34 perchest _ more or« les particularly descriped by met botnts in said Mortgage. hy ed 10 per cent of to bepaid _ on the \iendor of 1 balance of the paid within 30 For finther te sel> apply to ! _ _ Uffelmann‘s Dated May. A Clearance Prices $1.10 quality for 85¢ a yard $1 25 quality for 98c a yard. 14 Regular 85¢ a yard for 624c Regular 90c a yard for Q‘%ic‘ Regular 65¢ a yard for 48c. EBVENTHL Â¥â€"Thre thet Mortgage Sale 1. MeBRIDE, Vendot‘s Solicitor b ract, contai hundvedths â€" dor of his Solicitor and _ the ef the purchase monsy to be (thin 30 days thorcaft r. nther terms and conditions of ply to the undersigned. at Waterloo this Fifth day of .D., 11909. and paiti TERM thind1 the h ie purchase money c day of sale to Solicitor and _ the dly abo: and batn 18 in part acte, more described by said â€" Mortâ€" metes an id al in Comâ€" 3 roods s more m nihe Mor {1 aid rt ot ?ï¬r general wear and nrvloontho woao ts are unsurpassed. ere are nm many patteras, but note the price reductions. . _ Wall Papers 20 per cent: discount on all paper We have a number of odd lengths of wool and Tapestry carpets which will be offered at very low prices. The special prices on our wall papers will be?;c you to decide easily ard %ulckly to purchase here. ‘aper at 5¢, 6c, 7c, 8c, 9c to 35¢ & roll. Tapestry and Chenille Curtains A fine variety of new curtains in goodduisns and rich colorinfr. All sold at a discount during this 10 days‘ sale. wx'lrcinl line of windew and white curtain muslins at 8c and 10c a yard. Fine Old Cheese Our Special Soap Regular 85¢ value for 68c a yard. Regular $1.10 value for 82¢ a yard Regular 75¢ value for 63¢ a yard. Regular 60 value for 45¢ a yard. Bohlender‘s Wool Carpets 25¢ In Galt they are: making preparaâ€"~ tions for the annual Open Air Horse Show, which will be held on June 3, 1 and 5. The show this year W and better than ever. | constantly growing since until now it is known as air show in America. A special feature this yeat will be the Musical Ride by the Royal Canâ€" adian Dragoons, of Toronto. The ride will be given each afternoon and _ in the evening an illustrated ride will be ‘put on. I e ons All the owners of stables in Ontario will be represented, and from a horseâ€" man‘s point of view the show will exâ€" ecl any previous effort. There will be excursions and special rates on all lines of railway during the show. Full information may be had from C. A. E. Dowler, Galt, Ont. Sr. IV.â€"Cecil Barbour. Jr. IV.â€"Gladys Marton, Elma det, Hattic Fickel,, L. Stahle. Sr. IM.â€"Jacob Zebhr, Oreda I det, Hattic Fickel,, L. Stahle. Sr. IML.â€"Jacob Zebr, Oreda Lathâ€" er, Alberta Shantz, Donald Campbell, Leah Bosbart, Geo. Rennic. Jr. II.â€"Goldwin Harton, Lautetta Snider, Bessie Bickel, Elmer Bickel, Amnnic Birmingham, Nancy Albrecht, W. _ Schweitzer. Sr. IL.â€"Barbata Zehr, J.. Gasclto, Mary _ Gascho, Menno _ Brennaman, Katic Brennaman, | Mattic Albrecht, Waron Stahle At. 1M.â€"Eddie _ Manser, _ Clarence Dickel, Margaret Hergott, J. Manser. Sr/ o Pt o . â€"Mic ‘Poshart, Minnic Erb, John I da Schweit: Sr. 1. â€"A: gott, David equal En Jr. 1.â€"A Bickel. K roct se Jr. Two _ well dressed young . women were seen walking along one of . th: streots of Guelph in a partially in SEEN ON GUELPH STREET Alexander House Grocery 2, 3 and 4 lbs. for 25 cents. no premi\;mn, soap for your money, 8 for 25 cents. Reversible Woo!l Carpet Choice Prunes Carpet Ends GALT HORSE SHOW sch PH. 11 John Re SCHOOL REPORT Emma Brennaman â€"Albert â€" Richardse 3 years old and Lino‘eims of m discount during â€"Leets T1 ONTARIO, will be bigger It has been ce its inception s the best open Gilespi n Lathct Fl vrence . Met Tohn Tillic will be Melvin Sni Mi Hil to the greatost invention known or acom{ortable and stylish shoe. Thes Dr. Reid Cushion] Shoe o >‘ * ied ; cures all ailments of the feet ons e F The CUSHION is entirely unlike | papomermnestt any ‘"innerfsole" and is built into and becomes part of the shoe. The p lamb‘s wool. cushion is pliable w TR and atnonâ€"conductor of either io yag ta h heat or cold, all animal oil hay #Es 31 * ing been extracted. The feek 44 Ah s e are kept at a natural tempers Mae: ty ture and the cushion conforms ces * o and fills every curve of the foot, > 4n i‘t’ * dgiving to the wearer the shoe e + gatliht comfort everybody wants. you wit? have l’wué’&}td’&ni/ng around in our sltore without buging because it is ful? of new," {’wa& things in fuinidlure go% your home. â€" but when you lurin inlo ow slore you witt not turn avway without buging what you want, beeause you‘ Cl find not Onty tasty furniture but you EC find our prices such as you can afford to pay. = 00 _ | Copyright igey Dr. Reed’é’iï¬ig Cushion Shoe Made in all leathers and every pair stamped DR. REED CUSHION SHOE. None genuine without same, We have the latest appliances in undertaking and are thoroughly equipped to give the best of satisfaction, All work cruaranteed, _ No extra charge for calls out of town. sorymant ise7, ay 6.tcan, canwnson a 00, emerso #s, string dJomelhing 3 &3 Aiing domthi 40â€" 4 PHONE 388 wWHY_NOT Treat Your Feset prices. J. Letter & Son â€" ::m%glï¬Ã©w for the home. *\ lood s want " "~ xag) 1ud 0i wanl CCC 3 > . \/; 73;1 l j A"-t,. y CC E3 * \\ > &g \\: é * < 3' € .{\ A1!} ©â€" m lame» 7 / ~ es g '."' .o."'o '.. « ’ > .n /. . '- * + +4 in L.J C d â€" 1 <r fï¬o $*i4 F37 "r‘g;?"" J.ook arov The Easiest Shoe on Earth. N. A. ZICK | Shoe Repairing neatly done and at moderate Sole Agents for Waterloo, Ont. You can‘t be happy while your feet ache, then why no wear a shoe that Makes Rough Ways Easy HOUSE 207