o _ Saturday "at Erngt’ *‘ ~NOL 62â€"NO i8 _ _ & woltgty""â€" CENTURY_ &# A STYLISH SHOE ~â€"â€"TAILOR MADE STYLE â€" FOR A MODEST WOMEN § This is your oDPorl ‘halt the regular prices h to let the men and | 300 pairs of pure worsted trousets in dark â€" and light striped worsteds, all wool .iweeds, sewn with â€" silk wt, regular or extra . sizes, peg top or conscrvative makes, regâ€" ular $3.50, $4 and $4.50 trousers. Boys‘ 3 Piece and Norfolk Suits Made ° from fine quality . domestic ‘and imported tweeds, etc., in all the newest spring patterns, in light â€" and dark fl"s. brown mixtures, . greys, Unprecedented Prices $10 o $12 Men‘s Biue Saturday. This i# @ new line ~ just reccived from the maker. They come (2 the new single and double breasted styles seautilully finished, deep lapels, fn: â€"oods, all sizes, regulox $10 to §12 c Men‘s Trouscrs $1 98 A beautiful ‘line cf mon‘s worste‘ trousers, all sizes, regular $2.50 an: $3, Saturday $1.98 n â€".Boots and Shoes Boys‘ : genuins dengola hid lace boots, medium weight, a tandsoine reliable boot, perfect in every particâ€" wlar,,. sizes 1 to 5, regular $2 for $1 50 comfor Womicn‘s boots, new spring S medium toc and heel, sizes 3 to regular $3 Saturday. Clothiers, Shoers aud Furnishers. Sole 4 % Store next to the Dominion Bank, #5.00 «â€"â€" The makers of the Empress produce more high grade shoes for women than any factory in Cahsé.a/ and when you consider that two hundred thousand pairs of this modern shoe is sold every year in Canada to women who wear only the highest grade footwear, and that almost every fourth woman you meet will be wearing a pair of the Empress, there must be a cause. Millinery Display We bave again opened our millinery parlors on King Street after enjoyâ€" Ing a vacation of several months. The milliners who %uvo charge -m"L pleased to show you the splendid assortment of for Epting wear. Now is the time to secure your hat for 8;ring, and you be able to find one to suit your fastidious tastes among the large and v mesortment in all the latest shapes and colors. ie hea f ;O':x't;"n: 'tn"t;:lï¬l'o;";l'ï¬;oâ€"'f';i;'éia a cordial invitation to visit our show rooms. » Ernst‘s Saturday Bargains We are one of the 400 agents. BENCH MADE £mPRESs 2"* °*h Td’m and BickSuits $7.95 THE ¢* g new spring | style opportunity to pu rchase the newest elothing at about prices. We havemadea special purchase and we aro i and boys of Ber lin take advantage of the immense worsted trousers etc., with good strong linings and striped worsteds, â€" trimmings, well tailored, cut on the ewn _ with silk latest models, spring wWear, perfect or extra sizes, fAtting. _ All sizes. m nerns) Beautiful Hats WESELOH & CO. freas (gip 20 TH Crand $198 $1 50 An Array of | Quality Clothes AT : ted |Saturday at Ernst‘s Sole Agenu for Slater and Emgleu Shoes Bank, Berlin. â€" Cash and One Price. 100 men‘s shirts, all wool Canaciio tweed, light and dark patterns, the very latest creation of the tailor‘s art, new and correct, all sizes, reguâ€" lar price $8.50 to $10, Saturday. $5 .95 Men‘s Boots, fine vici kid box call and patent colt boots goodyear welâ€" ted soles, also some box calf leather lined, tlucher style, â€" broken lots, sizes 6 to 19, regular $3.50, $4 and $4.50 for Boys‘ suits, three picce, siogle . breastcd sack style and two piece, single brcasted* Norfolk, made from shadcs, strong Italian tody, knings, strong English tweeds, cark and light knee pants, sices 27 to 33, regulat price $4.50 and $5 for . $359 Men‘s fine umbrcllas, wool imixed sovers, handles assorted in horn, naâ€" tural woods and metals, regular $1.25 for Men‘s stif hats, latest style, the new narrow (brim, regular $2.50 Saâ€" turday Soft front, negligce style, in _ th new stripes and bars, regular $1 Sa urday Boys‘ 3â€"picce suits, special for â€" $2 to $ $10 Men‘s Suits $5.95 MEN‘S SHIRTS €EMPRESs THE $2.95 $1.98 11 aied WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,MAY 6, 1909 The election of . officers and teachâ€" ers of the Metbodist S. S. was held in the church Friday evening and the following received the nominations:â€" W., Wright, Supt. Byron Schwartz, Asst. Supt. Walter Snider, Secy. Peter Mussclman, Asst. 5 Geo. Schinbein, Treas. Wilie McKenzic, Asst. J. G. Hurst, Supt. of Home â€" Deâ€" partment. Miss Schinbein, Organist. Miss Nora Snider, Asst. Organist. All the teachers of the past year were reâ€"elected, viz:â€" Jas. Fenton, Jr; Mrs. J. G. Hurst, Byron Schwartz, Miss Schinbein, Miss Wright, J. G. Hotst.r e â€" Mr. G. Foerster left Monday lorl Weisenburg, _ having leased the hotel of that village for a term of years. He is succeeded by Mr. Hill _ of Brantiqrd.â€"Do not forget he is now ready at the bench to do all kinds of harness repairing and can also deck your horse or horses. Give him a call and be convinced. He can supâ€" ply your wants.â€"Our palnter, | Mr. Robert Knatr has noved into our vilâ€" lage and has found it necessary . to engage one from Berlin, to assist him.' They need no further recommend asl their work speaks for itself. _ While they are busily at work papering ani. other ipside work, s number _ of houses are waiting to receive a fresh coat of paint,â€"Are you doing all you can to elect your candidate re crossâ€" ing the ocean or receiving the piaro? â€"It looks as if this dear o‘d land of ours _ had shifted into Manitoba, last Thursday and no doubt some of tke farmers were delayed in their secding _ opcrations.â€"Mr. Charles Struck who was indisposed for a fow days of last week has resumed h‘s duty at the mill.â€"The condition of Mr. John Brehm, who for thr past thirtyâ€"one yearsâ€" filled the capacity of teamster for our grist mill, reâ€" mains unaitered. _ It is to be hoped ‘the warm weathcr wilt greatly _ imâ€" prove his health. News Notes.â€"Mr. Albert _ Richert, who purchased the general _ merchâ€". andiseâ€"and â€"stock from John ~~Jupp has already â€"~madeâ€"a~ good beginning, and has very considerably . enlarged the stock. There is undoubtedly a good prospect for the firm of Richert and Hohmeyer in business here.â€"Mr. Edgar .Bowman, S.P.S., is home for a brief visit. He has secured a reâ€" muncrative situation in the _ mining region near Cobalt.â€" Miss A. M. Boal who was successful in her _ Normal examination is taking the supplemenâ€" tary training _ at the Agricultural College at Guelph.â€" Mr. Mansfield is working up a very successful . busiâ€" ness here as a blacksmith. â€" There was another wedding near West Montâ€" rose, when _ Mr. Mophner and Miss Hass were united in the bonds of wedlock. Congratulations are . duly extended.â€"Toe winds from Thule are prevailing far on ihto May aitd Winâ€" ter seems determined to give one fiâ€" nal blustering salute before his . deâ€" parture.â€"The Farmers‘ Club was well attended on Friday night, Preâ€" sident Mitchell in the chair. _ Mr. .Jos. Wood addressed the club on the preparation of soil for root crops. Mr. Duncan of Galt gave some good I‘ints in regard to growing potatoes. A good general programme followed. News Items.â€" Mr. Jacob â€" Zieglet has disposed of the (Great Western block to Mr. Ed. Doerr of Petersâ€" burg. Mr. Doerr took possession of same last week. Mr. Ziegler will again reside on his farm near out burg.â€"Mr. E. J. Shantz has moved into the house lately occupied by Mr. A. Herzog.â€"Mr. and | Mrs. _ A. Heiple visited Thursday with _ Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm of _ Stratâ€" ford.â€"We again welcome back one of our former town boys in the person of Mr. W. Hohl.â€"Mr. J. G. Hahn, our local cattle drover shipped quite a number of hogs at St. Jacobs staâ€" tion. Class Ii.â€"M. Hallman, h LePP, Zebr, E. Miller, CI Appleyard, k. Nichol, A. Nichol. Part 11. Srâ€"F. Kaiser, W Zchr, M. Pohl, R. Fried, G. Hussey. Part 11.â€"Jr.â€"L. Bricker. Class 1A.â€"J. Zehr, B. Stephenson, B. Nickol, C. Fried, G Fried, V. Kaiser, E. Robr, W. M. Gura, L. Rohr, R. Nichol. Attended dailyâ€"B. Groff, P. Brickâ€" <r, J. Hussey, 0. Bricke®, M. Hysâ€" mav ‘ & Lepp. K. Ztht, G. Hussey, Cf, D Roseville public schor News Notes Gathered by Industrious Correspondents in County and District. WEST MONTROSE Our Busy Neighbors conEsTtogo HEIDELBERG Miller, CI Appleyal . Nichol. â€" Sr.â€"F. Kaiser, W. R. Fried, G. Hussey â€"Jr.â€"1. Bricker. \.â€"J. Zehr, B. Ste HOOL REPORT «E. Robt, L. Robt, an, 1. LepP Appleyard, Kinsic Hilbes Becke: honot ;,:sl-: (Too late for last week.) 1 here News Notes.â€"Mr. Taylor, of Howâ€" [ont. | ick visited _ his nephew, Mr. Josiah diss | Oberboltzer _ last _ week.â€"Mr. David ‘ o(’Gmh, of Hespeler, has the contract duly | for building the brick residence _ on are Breslau Roak for Mr. Samuvel liilâ€" Winâ€" born.â€"Tuesday _ Mr. Moscs Ungei‘s e fiâ€" will move their household eBects inâ€" _deâ€" to their new home purchased . from was . Major Palmer, and occupicfl by _ Mr. Preâ€" | Isaac Clemens.â€"Mr. Unger has made Mr. | several _ alterations and _ estensions, i the | which _ has greatly improved the rops. | place.â€"Mr. Isaac Clemens will move good | into the house just vacated by Mr. toes. Unger. which is the peoyerty ol Mr. wed. | Jacob Ludwig, of Blairâ€"The montiiâ€" ly meeting of the Farmers‘ Club wi l be held in Preston, Thursday evenâ€" ‘ ing, April 29th,. Prof. W. E. Day, e€!@T | of _ Guelph, will speak on the hoed stem |crops.â€"Mrs. W. S. Wicgand and son "‘“s; Eden, spent Saturday with Mr. Charâ€" nw:;l les â€" Reichert‘s, Lexington â€"Master our Wred _ McNally, of Berlin was _ the goved guest of his friend, Master Sam Marâ€" ___| tin, Saturday. roll H News Items.â€"Botn to Mr. and Mrs. William Bécham, on April 22n4 _ a son.â€"Mr. George Tinney of the Cartâ€" age works, Guelph, has rented . Mr. Albert Gordon‘s 50â€"acre farm on the 3rd concession of Woolwich. We welâ€" come _ Mr. Tinncy and family into our _â€" neighborhood,â€"Mr. Kelterbots, the popular butcher of .St. Jaco‘s was through here last Saturday with his meat wagon artanging for delivâ€" ery twice a week which is a . very great convenience to the farmers and others.â€"Mr. William Hardy has been very pootly for some time from bronâ€" chitis.â€"Miss Christina ‘Gordon _ lélt home on Tuesday, April 13th to atâ€" tend the Gueiph Gencral Mospital for a course of training for a nurse. â€" Mr. Gherâ€"of Niagara, is visiting his _ sister and . brotherâ€"in law, Mr. and Mis. Holmwooed.â€"A very sucâ€" cessful maple sugar scason bas just closed. _ Mr. R. Forest has made 50 gallon: of <good maple syrup . from 100 trees. Mr. Michael Benninger raised â€" the north side of his bain last Saturâ€" day. hQr. Michael House, of Weisenâ€" burg is ‘ the contractor.â€"Since â€" last Thursday _ April 29th snow storms and rain have made the | weather very disagreeable. ‘Ibe farmers can do little at seeding. the land â€" which is toe wel, and _ there is only an occasicnal farmet who has sowed any grain, hence there is a grcat deal of anxietyâ€" about . the spring ctops.â€" The Rev. S. M. Roadhouse made pasâ€" toral calls in this neighbothcod last Wednesday . * A Note of Warmng.â€"A well to uo farmer in this locality had two bags of chopped grein stolen from his barn on Monday night, April 26th.â€" Mr. Niel McEachefn, of Ft. William a iormerâ€" teacher at Winterboutne, reâ€" newed old acquaintances last . wees. Personals® and Socvial.â€"The Sociul' mavericoumar held in the Town Hall last Monday evening under the auspices. of _ St. APR"‘ WBATl Mary‘s church was a decided success. â€"Mr. Robt. _ Petch, _ formerly of Crosshill, visited _ friends here last: Mr. George _ week.â€"The _ report that Mr. Robt ; Street, Galt has Campbeil had sold his farm was inâ€" ing data concell totrect. ~ The farm still belongs to "ormert Yeats. Mr. Campbcll.â€"Mrs. Antiknap returnâ€" authority on theâ€" ed on SCaturday after spending some ‘"The figures given time with friends near Atwood.â€"Dr. ed for: Glaister of Weilesley, who purchasâ€"| April 11, 1894, cd _ the telegraph line from Phiiipsâ€"| May 14, 1895, . burg to Newton has a gang of men at | May 19, 1895, work â€" taking the line down. â€"Mrs. | April 7, 1896, Bender and baby, returned on Monday i â€" April 9, 1897, : from Listowel, April 13, 1897, momomne mermnminntrmmen May 13, 1897;, LIMERICK April 2, 1898, : te= April 3 and 4 (Too late for last week.) May 11, 1898, News Notes.â€"Mr. Taylor, of Howâ€" April 3, 1903, : ick visited â€" his nephew, Mr. Josiah | April 21, 1903, Oberholtzer _ last _ week.â€"Mr. Da\'id’ April 14 and HMonot Roil for . The pupils‘ names merit. Jr Jr Bast jch During the severe electrical storm on Thursday night the stceple . cf the large R. C. Church at St. Agaâ€" tha was strvek by lightning, in‘ several of the chimneys of the Orâ€" Ai. M Lavina STORM‘S DAMAGE w adn phanage thore were blown down I the high wind. The damage vi amount to gzout a thousand dol‘a and is covered by insurance. WINTERBOURNE §.8S. NO. 15, WILMOT IV.â€"Allan Roth. 1T.â€"Clarence Roth, Ehizapcth Milton Litwiller, Olivia Gingeâ€" SCHOOL REPORT 1 caiy Gingrich. â€"Exna Litwiler, Mabel Rol Lichti, Menno Poshart, Ma Andrew Bast, Delia Herrle. A. M. Matheson, Teache CROSSHILL Herbert AT ST. AGATHA April. are in ordor Lichti, William T 3 0 hy 11 l MONEY FOR Galt, May .3.â€"Saturday Galt â€"ftee» holders voted on two important "byâ€" laws, one ‘to raise $20,000 forâ€" cnâ€" largement and: improvement of the bospital, which was defeated, and the other to provide $15,000 to make adâ€" ditions to the Central School, which was carried. There was no question. as to the wisdom and propricty of enlarging the school, for at present the: accommoâ€" dation is . wholly inadequate, _ not merely ~in the Central, but also in the other two schools. The trustees made vigorous and insistent efforts to induce them to support the byâ€"law. The doctors nobly championed the hospital project and did all in their power to make out a good case for an institutionâ€"located inma too â€" TCâ€" mote locality and which, as it is, is esteemed to be a very heavy charge on the municipality, directly and inâ€" directly, notwithstanding its benefiâ€" cent character, is recognized, and the majority of the citizens contribute to it ungrudgingly. â€" "I‘m a tuined man," cricd Mr. J. ‘I. Huether, proprietot of the Clarke House, at King and Brant streets, Cand â€" there . were tears An his eycs, says the Toronto Teélegram. ~They are just , throwing me out _ on th» street. I‘ve worked hard to pay 01 th> $17,000 mortgage on imy _ place }and it‘s all paid but $6,000 onrf mow I‘m cut down and out. I‘ve got | three little girls, and I‘ve tried _ to educate them at the Abbey. I‘ve Aried _ to bring them up right; but , uow I‘ve got to take them â€" away | from there. _ Thore‘ll be no _ money | to pay for it. I‘ve always kept _ a ;‘quiet, respectable hovse, and I say ;it’s not right. It‘s an outrage, and ; it means ruin to me. I don‘t Lnow i what to do. I haven‘t any moncy. il'm just ruined, and if the tempcrâ€" | ance people think they aro doing _ a i good thing, why their hearts aron‘t lin. the. right place. I defy any . man to show me that it‘s fair." ' Mr. Jake Huether is a brotber _ of l'Mr. (C. N. Huether of Berlin _ and is well known in the Twiaâ€"City. ‘The vote on the byâ€"laws resulted as follows: Hospital ‘byâ€"lawâ€"Against, 185. School byâ€"lawâ€"For, 113. TORONTO HOTELMAN SAYS HE IS RUINED APRIL WEATHER W.L.M. KING HAS RETURNED FROM CHINA night Word was received in â€" Berlin _ on Saturday evening by Dr. J. F. Honsâ€" berger, announcing the arrival in Vicâ€" toria on Saturday of Mr. W. L. M. King, _ M.P., for North Waterloo, from China, where he has been for the past two montbhs and a hall atâ€" tending the international conference for the suppression of the opium tratâ€" fic and investigating the question . of Oriental immigration 10 vauas. Mr. King is expected to take his seat in the Commons at the end of this week after an absence of four months, during which he has circled the globe. wWwAS TRROWN Guelph, Ont., May 2. â€"A peculiar acâ€" cident happened to a Guelph lineman employed by the Bell Telephone Co., named Wm. Clough, by which he susâ€" tained serious injuries. A large tree had been blown down on the wires. Clough was cutting away the limbs that wore holding down the wires, und before he knew it he bad . cut away the branch on which the weight of the tree was resting. . The wires, freed from their heavy load, reboundâ€" ed with great force and catching the unfortunate young man threw him into the air, HMe foll a distance of Mr. George _ Turnbull, Concescron rect, Galt has furnished the followâ€" g data concerning April Weather in rmer~~years. Mr.â€" Turnbull is ~an thority on theâ€"weather question; and e fieures given below can be youchâ€" April 19, 1904, snow and cold. April 14, and 16, 1905, snow. April 17, 1905,; cold and blustery April 5, 1906, snow. April 33, 1906, high water. April 1, 1907, snow, coll. April 2, 1907, cold wind. April 11, 1907, rain and . snow. April 25, 1907, rain and snow. May 4, 1907, snow and rain. May 10, 1907, snow storm. May 1, 1908, cold day. May 2, 1908, snow. June â€"2, 1908, thunderstorm cold 11, 1894, snow. 14, 1895, snow and cold. 19, 1895, rain all night. 7, 1896, szow. 9, 1897, snow, blustery. 13, 1897, swow. 13, 1897, hail storm. 2, 1898, snow. 3 and 4, 1898, cold . wird 11, 1898, thunder storm. 3, 1903, snow and rail. 21, 1903, snow. 14 and 15, 1904, snow and NOT FOR HOSPITAL ALOFT BY WIRES IN PAST YEARS at NO T22 2222220 ... $1.00 Tapestry Carpets, 35¢, 40¢, 45¢, 50¢ Batmoral Carpets, 50c, 60c, 75¢, #£0c. Brussels Carpets, 75¢, 80c, 90c, $1.00 Rest 5 frame Brusscls, $1.00, $1.25 Wiltow Carpets, all new colorings ingrain carpets 1 yd. wide, 35¢ â€" 80¢, 35¢ and ..............cGolll... Ingrain Carpets, 1 yd. wide, 50¢, Ingrain Carpets, all woo!, 80¢, 90c Is of the utmost importance to 4# < We want it. Our people . knot Carpet business from beginning _ to . end. 4 â€" # 01 This big departmont ought to b¢ x service to you. f New" all Wool Ingrain Carpets: â€" New ‘Tapestry Carpets, New russels, ‘New Wilton Carpets, New Adminster Carpets, Rugs, re Curtwins, Linoleumns, Japanese Mattings, Mouldings, etc. ol TERMS STRICTLY CASH. ONE.PRICE. CHEAP CASH STOREâ€" 27 KING 8T1 A ~~3 | C Bs a Waterloo, â€" Ont. fixes. Books, Stationery, Office Supplies, Fancy Goods, Wall}Paper, School Supplies, English and German Bibles, Testaments, Hymn Books, Ets, English and German Cathoâ€" lic Prayer Books, Rosaries, Cruciâ€" GOOD GOODsS ___ LOoOW PRICES Seasonable Goods and Reasonable Prices Coll Spring Wire The _ genuine Cleveland 9 coil -pring wire. Spring Price _ Weichels Weekly Store News genuine _ steel wire pincers 9 in. long. _ _ _ _ C {clene ?eudng 35 inoches high wiree. e ____â€" Cement Lehigh Portland Cement at these prices Uar lote $1.40 per barrel. :) ggo 50 barrel Iotll 1 barrel. 1 to Ef barrele 1 to ) barre! $1.60 per barrel Portland Wire Pincers Ready Made Fence > of Selling Space in our mw ? Your Carpet Trade â€" _ DOERSAM‘S â€" 2 1â€"20 a lb A Complete Stock of Butterick Patterns always on hand 406 each M. Weichel & Son 2400 Square Feet _ WE CARRY A FULL LINE OFZALL KINDS OF 350 rod We are headquarters for the Edison Phonographs pets, all new colorings $ Coime in and look through our imâ€" $1.50) mcuse assortment. _ It wil pay you, SMYTH BROS. â€"= Special Notice Hard wood 8&&5' planed on one side size 44 ft. long x1{ in. wide x § in. thick. _ _ _ Wire The McCluekey Grip wire stretchâ€" er Ready Made Fence Cyclone Fencing 45 in. high 7 wires stays gl inches apart. _ _ C Flintkote Roof: ing, 1 piy $2.76 per '%um. 2 piy $3.75 per square. Wood Stays BOOK STORE DOERSAM‘S Stretohers Roofing 75e each 2c each 40c Axminster Carpets, $1.45, $1.50, T5¢, 85¢, 90¢ to ... ... MAR Fish . Net Curtains, $1.50, $2.00 «â€" $2.15, $3.00, 14.09 to ............ afid Jrish Point Curtains, $7.50 to $15.0 Marie Antoinctte Curtains, $6.90) $10.00 to ..02.2.2.. utj Nottingham _ Curtains, +50¢, 60¢ Galvanized wire clips, 40 to the Ib. CyeloneFencin 9 w{ren.'io in. hl‘g top wire 7 Fn\:go the other eight 9 gauge & 22 _ 4 ft. hisl(l’ x 3 ft. long 8. each. 4 ft. high x 10 ft, long 5.00 each. 4 ft. high x 12 ft. long 5 85 each. 4 ft. bigh x 14 ft. long 6.80 each. All sizes in stock at 16c§each. Ready Made Fence Wire Gates Wire Clips Clevises 27 KING STREET, BEBLUN WATERLOO, ONT 40 lb. G-llvu;l‘ud wire staples 2 in, long “56‘:00 the pound Oyclone Fenci 49 {:lchu hl.h:’ wires all 0 gauge I‘.(Jyolom'm:mn wn cnd1 painted green inchbes high _ Wire Staples Different . sizes shown at Ready Made Lawn Whiffie Tree Hooks 15¢ each 165¢ foot 04c 1b.