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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 6 May 1909, p. 10

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o f . ‘ 4&‘“5 Calile F Teronto, #y ‘ 1 4 y rum 1“& this 4 w though trade was a littie slowâ€" there was a large a-n';d. and by 'fi' overything â€" was | sized . butcher ‘cattle there was ‘a slightly casier tendency, but cu the whole, and particularly on the choicet ?‘!. either butchéer or export, Priâ€" ) were, no casier, the bigh levels of the‘ post few markets being fully maintained. There is a more acteve demand for vxport cattle, and some high prices ‘were quoted, one extra choice _ lot of heavy caitlc sclling at $6.134 a little higher than the top price yeslerday . The demand _ for _ choice butcher cattle continues very active and for the best lots $5.25 to $5.50 is freâ€" quently quoted. _ There was a larget proportion of medium qua‘bity cattle offering and this accountedâ€"for _ the slight drag noticed in the market. The runs was 80 loads, with 1,615 head of catlle 165 sheep and Lanbs, *Milch _ cows market for go neat springers, Toronto, May 1.â€" kets are. steady t« steaily demand fot that is ofGering a stocks at shipping . points. Farmers have been delayed in getting on the land and will not stop now to haul grain to inarket, so that buyers are taking all in sight, expecting a | lull in deliveries vntil seeding. . Plour priâ€" ces are bigher. _ Local dealers‘ quoâ€" tations; Mantoba wheat for delivery after the opening of navigationâ€"No. 1, northern $1.364; No. 2 northern, $1.24; to. 3 northein $1.33, on track, $1.21;, to. 3 northein lake â€" ports, Ontari white or mixed $1.3 supplies are scarce a same at $1.90 @ $2 American, No. 3 y« gr. Sic. 464e; 00 western Buck whe No. 2. T 46k¢) 0 white odffe @0 45%0) Co western No. 2, I6c @ Lic, No, 3, Buckwheat _ No. 3, 63¢ ge 6ic. No. 2, 72c @ 73¢ outside. Peas, 2, Oe @ 96e. _ Manitoba flovr tations al Toronto are: First ‘lents $6 @ $6.10, second petonts 90; strong bakers $5.30° @§5.10; tario . flour, ninety . per eont, w wheal patents at $5.10 @ $5.30, buyers‘ sacks on track, Toronto porters bidding $1.60 @ $1.70. feed Manitoba grain $23 @ $21 ton. _ Shorts $24 @ $35, track, onto, Ontario bran $21. _ Shott ELMIRA MARKETS Elmira, May 6, 1909 Manitoba Flour....... 2.80 Bran ................ 23 00 Middlings....per ton _ 26 00 Bhorte................ 22.00 Wheat................ 1.00 Goose Wheat.......... .90 Barley (Maiting)...... _ .50 OB s L:0ccasyrEF. se s BJO. :./ +x@s>2.23»»wk Buckwheat.. .... .... COIR ..rer+ ««ererrs May ......:.:.c«r.l% Butter...... .l....... Â¥e Hoge............ Sheepskins ...... .... TalloOW...... ........ Dried Apples ........ HBWG.....:....«.«s«+ Shoulders ............ BROOR.......r«+ c+*r=s Potatoes per bag...... Dli;lal---------â€"-.-... Middlings....per ton Shorte................ Wheat................ Goose Wheat.......... Barley (Maiting).... .. SPLENDID RECORD OF A GRADUATE IN ARTS Among the successful canmdi the recent examinations in | course â€" of Queen‘s Universi Sister M. Lioba of St. Mary ate School, Berlin, who is t titled to the gegree of Bach Arts. _ Sister Lioba enjoys the â€" di tinction of baving completed _ th ‘dificult course in the shoit spzvc two _ years and to complete . whi students sually require from thr to four years. _ In addition to th however, and to _ make the showin still more creditable . the work _ w all done extra murally. _ Sister Lo ba‘s only visit to the University cbe ing | made when she wen{sto King ston to write on the examinations school, _ who tried the second examination in arts at the trme was aiso successrur in see w high standing in the subjects which she wrote. St. Mary‘s Separate School is be congratulated upon having ers of the splendid qualification sessed by these sisters on its s PTOMAINE PPISONING. l Mr. H. K. Caskey, of New York, «a~ !who was secretaty of the rosent Lay There were several ladies in the Mission Congres# in Toronto, has village made sick by cating parenips heen. onered the national secretaryâ€" Cieter vhemt.. 1... ... Peecree nacocagk Jogs...........â€" SKIGS â€"..... :+ W yssire xssksres Apples ........ GOFB ««r+ee++«~s lrv2l2ervee aÂ¥s e Oalt white ts, â€" Ontario | wheat, No. 3 mixed $1.31 é@ £1.33. Bean e searce and prices are the 1.90 @ $3 for primes, | and No. 3 yellow &Nc @ 8ic, 10 for handâ€"picked. Corn, ws _ and springersâ€"Good good quality wilkers and ts, but common not wanâ€" and to _ mak creditable . t xtra murally. visit to the _ when she s M. _ Alherta GRAIN ko at $7.15 itered. steady for Bobs" no Canada Barlex Th he glain firm with all the 3 whit 26 00 _ 27.00| . 22.00 24.00 . 1.00 _ 1.10 1 .90 _ .95 .50 _ .53 2 .76 0_ .80 0 2460050 .58 .60 20 2532 00 255 T400 80 . 800 _ 9.00 l lkeas * 20 l5 0 16 20 4.10 0 T.15 7,10 25 with T4 8 00 22 J45 Shotts $3 124 12 indida in the eraty lers _ (UOn voalelivery itionâ€"No: northern im â€" track, 05 65 atra 1550 th 1000 6 Canaila 4, Ai¢ 20 Rye, wheat small win! mal Mill pei gto pa stafl pwing Cuems 3.10 No On fea »8C i in ants 75 0+ .05 15 12} .16 70 Bran per ton ........ 26 00 lnun-nu »... 20.00 Potatoes, por bus. .... ;‘O? 'Int,';n'fi:.::;.;... 213. Fams parden ....000} . i0 LAId ... ... «es eeccee _ +140 Apples, per barrel ...... 2.00 Hoge live...... ..».«» mdl“.... -+- Hay,per 103 .... ...« Straw per ton.......» Wood, per cord ...... Butchere‘ Cattle..... Wheat Standard) Barley.... .14« ve. O+:s (standard].... PQBE »ererrersn«>>. Hay per ton....... Bran per ton...... Bhorts per ton........ Live Hogs............ 7.00 Boo!, front quarters.... .06 Beef, hind quarters.... _ .74 Cbickons............. _ :00 Ducks.............«... 60 Butter por poand...... _ .22 Egas per dor. ......... .16 Apples, per bag ........> Potatoee, per bag, .....â€": NEW HAMBURG MARKE1S New Hamburg, May 6, 1909 Wheat .......... .... 115 . ORLS..c.......ss isce â€" 48 Batloy...... .... .... +890 Peasg.lllll ..lll. ... _ â€"80 COFD..«...r«zeâ€"s a.es _ _sTZ FIOUL......: :»@+r+.+« 900 3 Butter, per Ib ........ > Egge, per dozen ...... .10 Hay per ton.......... 10.00 1 Lard, per Ib...... .... 0 A14 HAMâ€":â€">â€"â€"»rzersscce. |â€" +414 Middlings, per ton.... 2 BIBD...s«r42csserrss 4502 2 Potatoes per bag...... .6 Low graie Flour...... 30 00 _ 3 Flour per 100 lbe. . Bran 44 M Middlings * â€" Scroenings Wheat per bush... Barley C 00 vi% Oats 500 ke> PORJ...+..+1««..« Potatoes per bag.. Hay per ton...... Wood por cord.... Butter per lb ..... Eggs per dozen... Galt, May 6, Wheat.......... ...â€"> Flout, per 100 lbs..... Bran, per toOD......... URB:â€"â€"â€".â€"««srs@zrsses Shorts, per ton........ PoRng................> Batloy..â€".:...«â€"â€"...s RYyO.â€"â€"«â€".â€"!:â€"â€"rssrrss0s Buckwhoat........... Butter, per pound .... Eggs, per dozen....... Chickens, each ...... . Potatoes, per bag ..... Hay, per ton...... ... SHAW...1..«.~. voeâ€"s Heol....:+«««s«¢reuss Mutton...... .... ... POK:......:r«â€"zeee>s Hides....â€".â€"..i:. .+. Lambs and pelts ..... Calf Sking.... .â€"â€".... WoOl. .:. i+â€"«~+~~+«s Wool washed ........ Tallow, ruft Tallow, rendered A DISH OF ONIONS his head bowi that Hospital Hospital Grabam, with a friend, enfered ths vestanrant â€" and gave an order, wit} which omeons were served. _ Th: cen tention â€" was raissd that the onions had not beim ordered, and the Grec claimed thoy were, and after lt manding â€" payment ordered the _ ts tomers to get out. Then the trowl ctart ed Grakam and Ns friend clauned they we manding | payment tomers to get out itght row â€" in n Wyndham Mex. Graham fight take and his ad WATERLOO MARKETS Waterloo, May 6, 190) h STRATFORD MARKETS. tabl iclp! lrcad seersessss sers â€" +80 sees seeses l.}. 0 +80 sveara®ere sees _ sH7 sraxitsssrrsess :00 ; per ID ....«. . â€" er dozen ...... 105 r ton.......... 10.0( per Ib...... ...« .1 sllkllllll ul2 00 14 _ not had Stratford, BERLIN MARKETS. t f1 Berlin, May 6, 1909 hrough _ a window, but a => x1 caught Grahara on the head caking , cut several gashes in d, face antl neck. tean GALT MARKET3 COUUEUN L. .4 e e e e n each ........ ~40 _per bag ...... .05 ton...... ....12.00 azssres #i«â€".s 4,00 rrasrssrrensss |0} eses sare‘ a«es 108 uns riescecesines +420 sexzrsics saee A0f nd pelts ...... .90 re.... ........ .09 arveeereses z* +10 shed L..l..l.... .15 100 lbs..... 2.95 ton..........23.00 ceskeste@cees . srod r ton........ 24.00 chersessasers. 80 rrrzezcsere.s | +900 cesseczseaken n20 eresyyerenas nommenced, sewed a chair, in him Next of dered in th Ma CAUSES TROUBLE street, , last yea at West _ badiy . cut is now 1 May 6, 1909 ut, and Â¥ed up, a â€" window whe Aâ€"Aenâ€"cent ther on ulted in a an.6 reok | restaurait , _ during which vear of the Jla 6.156 \ 1909 8.00 1.10 15 .16 10.00 14.00 14 44 .14 .14 m 21 .15 One but . a ci and ronto by a t 14.00 25 00 7 10 1.10 5 50 .10 30.u0 70 12 00 7.50 AT 115 25.00 .90 it 4T 16 trix 13.00 Gener 3.30 1.30 1.40 1.15 .48 T10 1.15 1.15 3.20 47 .19 .50 .16 .10 .20 .16 .07 10 12 74 10 19 16 .03 54 are )**"5~ m‘fiuflilm Hassâ€"wIn Woolwick, April 26th, to Mur. ’d‘lu. Alex. I“:i :‘:fl Aromgâ€"At K‘a th, to win Cand Shs: Eies Strome," ® TO TRANSFER LICENCE Al'lllӎion has been made to Ne License Commissioners of South Welâ€" ington, for Abe transfer of the liâ€" cense of the Aberfoyle Hotel from the present proprictor to James Lebâ€" man of Puslinch. STARTED LATE Commercial fishing says the Goderâ€" ich Star, started this season later than any year the past decade, and the lifts being made do not make Up for the time lost by the long stay of the ice. . However, the _ advanced price of whitefish and trout in some measure make _ up for the â€" smallet catch. to Saturday‘s issue of The OUntavio Gazette creates a new record for the number of _ companies incorporated within a _ week. Some sixtyâ€"seven came into being during the past iX days, and .are duly anmounced. . Th: Gazette also contains the prociamaâ€" tion of the King at the Court o‘ St. James, creating Ontario‘s . new coat of . arms. It is signed by Earl Crewe. A RECORD GAZETTE The severe storm Thursday evening did not do much damage in Galt, but at Ayr lightning struck the mill o‘ th: Goldie Milling Co., and _ fire started in three diferent places, but luckily it was checked before _ much damage was done to the building, Mr. Andrew Carnegis has approved | P‘A"* f of the plaas of the Milverton publk m’;:’:::;:&g‘r any tende library â€" and Architect â€" Russell â€" has FORD S. KT been instructed to git out specifica Secremg.a&wert tions at once that tenders for _ th: | Waterloo April 25th 1900. work of construction be asked for.| 7â€"26 After considerable competition _ beâ€" tween the Telephone City Union basd of Brantford and the Paris organizaâ€" tien, the former succeeded on Saturâ€" day afternoon in being appointed the Tegimental band for the Twontyâ€"Fifth Dragoons. ‘The band committce held a meeting andâ€" decided the matter. Some of the bandsmcn have already been swotn in. MILL AT AYR STRUCK PLANS APPROVED BRANTFORD GOT IT The license commissioners for the County of Welland, in session _ at Welland on Apr.l 26 cut out four liâ€" censes at Niagara Falls, viz: W. R Dashney, Queen‘s Park Hotel; F. G. Hic‘s, _ International Motcl; Edward Smith, St. Clair Hotcl, and F. P. Phelan, _ Grand Trunk Restaurant The latter has been a licensed place for the travelling public the past fif ty years. ANOTHER G.T.R. BAR GOES Owing to the cold weather that has prevailed, military imen throughout the district have asked the _ Militia Council to esxtend the date _ of the opening of the London _camp _ from June &th to June 15th, as farming nperations have been delayed, so that the men cannot get away to attend camp sooner. lt is uncerstood _ the request will be granted. MAY DELAY CAMP NEW MONTHLY P CA new â€" monthly paper known The Citizen, edited by Ald. Geo Ward, and devotcd to munizigal ters and local option, has mad appearance â€" in _ Brantford and conténue during the year. REDUCE WATER RATES The water rates of Guelph for: ao mestic purposcs are to be reduced ler per cent. to go into effect on â€" the Juiy payment. At present the reduc tion is 20 per cent for prompt fay ment and will be increased to thirhy per ccnt. Chict of Police Slem‘n, of â€" Brant ford, has written to the city coinil advocating the adoption of _ a speed bylaw, similar to the one now in force in Hamilton. _ ‘The < Brantford auto _ owners are in favor of redue: ing the speed limit on the priniple streets. nings, bWO Wui¢ #uya ive the corridor, @hd pulling gans from their pockets In fire drill at Poith school,. Toronto, when th gans from their pockets strike . up a lively marching tune to which the hundreds of _ children keep excellent time. _ This is far superior to the usual piano playing to give . matchâ€" ing time. &A SPEED BYâ€"LAW Mr. George W. Wright of Toronto has been appointed assistant city enâ€" «ineer of London.. The salary. is $1,* DISTRICT NEWS ASSISTANT ENGINEER «28 MOUTIH ORGANS [X ,. radle i P cige 1st to Mr gwins, â€" 50b APER made to the H \ve, public alarm gong ipal matâ€" made it and wil uth of the at liâ€" R its at legat one dolla IT No shodd) -mfl.-.a'a'mm:un'- satisfied. You take no risk when dealing . 1 CA plicity in our designe as well - & ;“ :l'llp have ‘:!J‘N:S‘E mll: ~ linery distinction and popuâ€" larity. And you don‘t have to pay fancy prices for it either. THE R. J. NEAL CO. PLATTSVILLE = = = ONTARIO. Tenders for the construction of Sewâ€" ers on Victoria, KFoundry and Erb streets in the Town of Waterloo will be received by the nndmiflod up to 12 o‘clock noon of Monday May 10th. PeC Pmun m en n t td Plans and specifications with form for tender mg be seen at the office of Mr. Charles uo%:, Town Engineer. All lenders must be on the form supâ€" pu;.-d' in e rg o g 2 OOE P Wnn * The lowest or any tender not necessâ€" arily accepted. FORD 8. KUMPF, _ Secretary, Sewer Commission. 4 Cows, 2 Horses, 6 Hofi: T0 Hens, w agune.too‘s and machinery all thrown in b‘)l‘.d owner to get quicx sale of his beauLâ€" iful 90 acre farm: outs 10 tons hay, 100 b-:l; fruit trees; wood, epring water; 15 room â€" dence; bains and oulbuildings. $3500 takes all. it is your chance to secure an nnrln Htate moneyâ€"maker, _ For de ails and travel x: tmmmrm 27 "Strouus April Bulâ€" letia" copy FREK. Dept. 2560, E. A. Strout Co., University B‘ock, 8yracuse, N. Yin is Good brick house, story and a balf, w‘igx‘ Iolt.; hard m'g soft water. Kor culare a ® Jofilfi' HAGEDORN, 17â€"1mo Conest« go, Unt. In St Jacobs, near station, 7 roomed Brick House with besement, rhop ruitable for shoeâ€" maker or broom mm, all in good repsir, cement cellar, good hard and soft water, gatâ€" den aod fruit trees, taxes $6.00, $200 down or $5,00 per month rent, _A Lw â€" A. K. CRiESSMAN, Estate & Insurance Broker Waterloo, Ont 18â€"1mo. Kingston, May 3.â€"The justice 0C partment has decided to increase the staff of gwards _ at the penitentiary, whose number has remained the sam{ as a year ago, though there are now about a hundred more prisoners conâ€" fned in the penitermtiary. "PEN" GUESTS INCREASING Tenders Wanted Given Away Neat, Natty For Sale or Rent A FEW LEADERS Men‘s fine dongola kid shoes, blucher cut, dull top, solid insole, very _ neat at > > â€" $2.50 Men‘s fine velour calf shoes, blucher style, goodâ€" year wolt soles in two of the very newest shapes, yery stylish at â€", $3.50 Women‘s fine dongola kid shoes, blucher and _ bal styles,all shapes and widths juet to fit your foot at 1.75 and % % $2.% FOOTWEAR Completo range of Men‘s and lm:-..' Lao\\v:v enlid leather shoes, the kind that are bound to etand the hard wear. J. Hessenauer The Shoe Man Our prices are favor. Opposite the new market. BERLIN * ONTARIO For Sale . We ° CAW cz ;(.-’ : \5&%‘:’\) L P h oc\ P 3.â€"The justice !1_0- in your 18â€"it. $2.25 : That splendid 200 acte lTarm being lots 14, 15 in the 2nd concession, Division Guelph Tp. The Wuildings are good, stone house, heated with furnace, hard and soft water in kich en, bank barn 80280 with root house anl stables under. _ Hay oarn 50x60 with horse stable, sheep house and shed beneath, hog and hen house, diivâ€" ing and implement barns â€" separate from other buildings. &n atipic supâ€" ply of water pumped by windmill, neverfailing sprimg creek touches one corner of farm. Orchard, garden and m lot of Maple, Spruce, etc. have been planted. About 10 acres of woodland, over 100 acrcs in grass, besides the tush, and all in a firstâ€" class condition of fertility. _This is one of the very Best Iarms in the county of Wellington and is a sure farm for grain, grass and roots. It is situated 6 miles from Guelph, 2% â€" miles from Mosburo, G.Tâ€"R., 3J miles from Welsenburg C.l.it., 2} miles from New Germany and school is 4 mile from the house. For terms and particulars apply on the premises or to James and William * ~idlaw, Guelph, Chickering square plaao in Roseâ€" wood casc, seven och:z, finest _ maâ€" terial and workmanstip, good tone an‘d in good ordcr, formerly sold for $550. For immediat: sale at $110. Apply ot this office. WANTEDâ€"Rubber Shocmakers _ and Learners. Apply to the Kaufman Rubber Co., Berlin, Ont. 15â€"U. Barred Plymouth Rocks, well selâ€" ected pen; extra luyin1 straiv. One dollar per setting, 3 settings for $2.00, 50 cents per setting at the farm. Ordâ€" er at once. The undersigned offer for sale a aumber of haywacks made of red eim strong, durable, yet light. _ _ _ If interested speak quick as supply will not last loufiat. ofl).oo each. _ JOSEPH B. MARIIN ' MENNO M. BRUBACHEE. D. RVUDY Auctioneer If you want your sale properly conâ€" ducted, write or Telephone to DAVID RUDY, Tavistock Ont. 38â€"tt. All those who are in the lamber trade or farmers who are in need of lumber will find it to their interest to [ call and get my prices before Luying lelnwhnu. Have Your Horses Shod by an Expert I guarantee to cure lame and inter fering horses or money refanded. _ _ oo o n e e e e oc All kinds of general blacksmith work, repairing, woodwork and paint ing done Tnom tly. Prices moderate. A trial solicite g . LAE _ Highâ€"class Boggies, Likes, Delivery rigs, Wagons, Lormes, at very close prices,. Bricker‘s Old Stand. A Piano Bargain Lumber! Lumber‘! 1. the undersigned, have gon» out of tpe Planing,Mill bus ness and Lumber business and will therefore sell out the balance of my s‘ock of building maâ€" terial at greatly reduced prices. _ FARM FOR SALE 16â€"1imo 8. H. HESSENAUER Eggs For Hatohing 2s QUEENST. 8., BERLIN 1 & | Men |$5500 buys 100 acves.= _ _ f % $8000 tnnhl acres. * for style, _ and wear| $9200 poys 141 acres. 3 Williams Shoe $0500 buys 200 aeres. for every wearer. 7 Wl “:,m Township of Blenbeim weaves. §7200 huvs 100 acres. Hayracks Wanted A.C. HALLMAN, Breslau, Ont Waterloo, R, R. No 1. Waterloo. $9000 buys 147 acres $1200 buys 100 acres. $10700 buys 175 acres $5300 buys 100 acres. $5400 buys 100 acres Phone No. 552. Lisensed Auctionser Having waken out an Auclioneer‘s license for Waterlpo County I solicit the sales of farmers and others who have ‘articles to be sold by Auction. My large experience in the cattle and implement business and the knowledge gained will thereby be at the serv of the public. H. B. Duering Licensed Auctioneer If cu want Your sale to 1 ring the last bottom dollar call or write to Situated on the Breslau rowd 3 mfle: from Preston, comprising 1} acres of land on which isa 1} storey frame house with kitchen at tached. Woodshed, barn, hen house 15 x 60 ft All kinds of fruit trees, goodwell and a never tailingo reck, ‘Terms ressonable. . Apply to f WM, RYAN, . _ _ The best on the market, Cor. Kisa axp Scort Sts. BERLIN 50â€"6m08, 1t on n on i sco n 6n mH P Aired loam: (he : m“ o . The sofl is of mixed loam, the i baience of farm is grazing land and is we l s Phone 846 Waterloo 48â€"1yr. _ MAMAMAMAMMMAMAL Three acres of land in the village of Williamsburg, 4 miles south of Berlin. On premises is a good frame dwelâ€" lln&boun 5 rooms and frame barn. ice $240. Apply to * HENRY STECKLE 11â€"â€"6mos. Strasburg, P.O. 10â€"tf ‘The nndersignod offers for sale situated in the vllu&d nn-bn:r. 8 roiles from Borlin and 5 m from on. his fâ€"rm on-zmlnr of 195 acres, 120 acres under a state of oulâ€" tivation. about 30 acres of bush, baif of which adapted for -wcinl-ln{ and deiry lnm On the farm is ~ good trick house with hot water furpace, floe bank barn 55190 with straw shed and all necessary outbuildings, nnnla weter in ba‘n and a never failtng spring . For further particulars apply to E. K WEBE®. 13â€"uf Straâ€"burg, Ont. liâ€"if 8â€"3mos. A. L, Fischer Casoline Engines MAMMmARAMMEMAL am Abe undersigned has received a big stock of first class Gasoline Engines, ranging from 14 to 30,horsepower and will be sold at reasonable prices, May be seen in operation every Baturday at the Masseyâ€"Harris Warerooms, Erb St., Waterloo. Propeorty for Sale‘ VETERINARY SPECIALTIES , buys 100 avres , buys 100 acres. conduct sales in nz;sut of Waterlou, Wellington Perth Counties. The patronage of farmers and others having articâ€" les ‘to be sold is rolicited. Terms Reasonable. ALBERT MICKUYS Having taken over the businâ€" ess of Auctioneer formerly carâ€" ried on by my father the late Joseph Mickua I am prepared to Township of Wellesley County of Wellington terus. Apply to SOLE AGENTIN BERLIN Stock remedies of Property for Sale Licensed Austionser Farm For Sale Farm for Sale and beech an‘d â€"half of mixed timbor MICHAEL SHRACG, 73 Baden, Ont. Far Sale, F. E. SHANTZ & CO, ..__ Phone 327, Waterloo. AUGUST YONDRAU, Preston Ont, *< uy * <tp Preston, Ont * $5800 buys 1: F 10700 iys 191 es 9700 buys f $9200 buys 154 fi $9800 puys acres. $10200 buys 185 acres. $11000 buys 170 actes. $11500 buys 95 acres. tuated 0~ the Bortia read C «;'lmlu:(ufilh.ndm:%m ?.'. oodato:olnundz' r !n-rhnkhu.“m‘b. 6 well, ealth is the n-::- for tel For particulars apply a. woLr®, _ _ ! KING STREET, wm& 4 i ©H0000000000800900000RPB > ofCarpenter and 00‘ tracting wo‘k in the country and towns. Plans ard specifications drawn up on short no‘ice. Ketimates also farâ€" mnished or psiutiog and mason werk, LOUIS HOLLE, Phone at residence. Canestogo, Ont. SHIPPING ROGS WANTED IN « BADEN Hi‘gher‘ market price paid. Load every ;ooond Monday Next shipment May 7th The undersigned offers for sale his farm oonlllthw of 101 acres in the Town::cia of Wellesley, cou. 11, Lot 9 east . on, situated about 2 miles southâ€"east of Linwood. Un the farm Ilnfid brick house and bank birn and implement shed. The eoil s o‘ a clay loam. 85 acres are under colivaâ€" tion, 8 meres bush and 6 acres sown in fall wheat _ Fall ploughing nearly done, never failing uq.ring creek runnâ€" ing through farm. Terms reasonable For further particulars apply to f George W. Lichty | h2 e Robt. Bricknell Licensed ‘Auctioneer The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds and OXFORD. Satisfaction guaranâ€" teed. Address comm?leulolu to Freeport or businees left in care of the Obronicleâ€"Telegraph at Waterloo of The Daily Telegraph at ‘Bcrun,wu(l reâ€" ceive prompt attention. sâ€"(F.~*~ ‘lO o 8 roomed frame wilh lot room for 50 auothnr house, east ward, ex ellent bargain for quick sale. » 0 FarIm ForSale :237 cce w *A x STRDOUT OO , Book your R. R. fare. 'E_AMST.?O(F, 90,"."':& Preperty for Sale $1250 »$ 1700 $2200 grr:'?ol brick, barn, two lots with $2300 Brick with «11 conrentences contrak $1500 Houses to Let Office ovposite former Woolien Mills, orld‘s Largest Farm 12â€"10 For the Counties of WATERLCO Real Estate NOTICE TO BUILDERS 200 73 € A. K. Gressman Farm for Sale NUMBER UNLIMITED. I7-~m with buildings in corporat« an. Brick. morrn conventences, wi h eatra lot, E, W. 13 mores first class land with about twur acres bush, in cor poration. Fram«, 8 roome, all corveniences, B%-:k 10 reomss, central, rent« to # famtites. Brick 7 room®, ocntral, casy pAY ing Farms in 14 States. Strout‘s New Monthly Bulletin of Real Loans. â€" Insurance Linwood, Ont.

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