"a: 's' l - i a aim" I' i' I“; ‘53: Pg U3 it†= ‘ ' . ET a 431 w. _ y _ T: " IRI B,lllll!ri1..llr.al] v. ItMaiCxi) . _ J . I“. thn C;", ", . ' u , . :m ' N h _ "tttggtttrttrtt - trattldtll - _ â€an. J, an Us“!!! . ' .15.... nit2tt,"t2tt'ii"iEyi?yiiieit, may: "' W2t =l'1'lhp.iiirfoitittfi't'"P'"'"'" It = . " not. 'titil,",", mu. amped-19w {Mun-one a“. medic-- Mon-um. ;mhbytIcROv.W.A. Indiana! Bantu. peraidsnt ol the sumo Lib- ,-a--r==="'"===='""" ray Audition, It the ope-m T; is a! “a ninth an“! “in m' Citilltti I'""" that Wm:- terday, held , the An Fun-lease i9 any: greater ue" "r.. tug',uh't the lollowln; u. that In population ts the showing Me. which “on the number ui, stu- made toy the latest volume ol Canadi- mum the pines and and the . Hm." Mm... art-fur amounts paid an I! - fut-c a An increm in crime greater than that in population is the allowing mule by the latest volume ot Candi- an criminal nannies. which are ior the year ended Sept. 30, 1901. The tigures ot indirtahle ottetict'ts covering the grater classes at -rimc uesruc,t the pawn and against pn-pw'y be two yum ate. . Ihargcs l 'unvic ttons As regards the who of Aussictioms to charges m thc records of the dit- lvrent provinces, were In a marked difiereuce. Manltuba leads the list with oruitritous Ill Mi li prr ttatt. of the charge, I’nuw Edward Island being luu't-sl. \ulh a pcrcrniatw of Gti,3. The lullumng Cattle slums the “Hal numbu of coutictwus m Yukon terrttoiy undrm-h ul lute pmvinu-s, “HI: tlw uumbu pm 11mm" "tpop"- lation: ‘nulmn _ \Inullnlu . Hittish Columbia ridshalrhv“ .Iu .\l|n'll.l Unlaw- (Jul-[wt Nora Srulm New Ulnumurk , I'Iillrc l-Zduuul Island New Ulnusulrk . It] LESS I'm-r0 l-lenuul Island ll I.“ Um- of thy “um! h-ukuu-z. "I [hr n-- a'unl Ill 1111' Mummy, is llu' un-It' urt- ious crimr in 15102: manslaughlvr _.. _ C'rimes against dim-my Shooting. slubbmg or In proportion to popularan (bur is mun; mum: against plum-Hy m the west than m other parts ut the liouuuiun, and the statistics ior tite whole rounhy show a lwulold iu- rreaw in the number at crimes prompted by malice in 1307 over 1905. increayc orcr otherwise the much “ul'bt'. The convicted during 190? imam-a 2,989 lahorers, 1113 persons engaged in commercial pursuits, 905 of the in- dustrial class, Em!) oi the domestic class, 2l1 of the agricultural class, and 77 of tin- ptoivssiomtl class. Hf those convtctud, 4,995 were single and 1,985 married. Seventy-seven per rent. ot tho “bull: ure classed .1: drinkers, and 23 [In u-nl. are nu~ tnodetate. Eluulu' _ Attcruptvd murder and Natisc-troln Canadians formed 65.31 per cent. of than: mnvuctcd. British, born, outside oICanaIlu. 16i',6 pct rcnt.. and fun-13mm HUN pct rent. Ul the ulmlr “km per cult, mum wither I'm-l Hui urtic, ulnh- i.N0 lwr Will. “Hr Inghh Hurrah-d. Sr. out of ru-r} lunuhml pnwlru’nut- 1rd Tttut' w-mml "i_ae,r and sewn “no hamlm-l rmmnul». In :uldlhuu In thu- wuml oi Imlul wounding Assault ,. _ In this last In admin": to lln- n-mnl oi Imlut “Mr oflct"but; â€va \u'u- fft,trtut In“ mus alumna! “In-m sunnusu‘x ptorvvri- ings “Mr iukru vrfum magislmh-s for tttHH" ussuulis. hrvarhcs ul lu- lzms. \nganr), muukvnnctcs, Nu, m 3.283 mun~ ' In I.'t1t6. BAPTIST UNIUN Toronto, Ipttl to--." Vault morial Hull \I'nlv‘lllzll " Joint III ing of 1hr Imam.» of 1hr- lLIpllsl l vvntion ul Uni-um and Qm'Im- p ed thtr 'ollrrwiitx tvsolution: While. suupuHu/Ing “in: tbr "31"ch a "mun "I snml' MINI nl Ilw "apttsi.s ot thrs 1tominio" to Im‘v'l â€NV fullr or lh’r Hum. Mt' lu'llrw that fur thr prvt,crtl, All hast, Uw wupnmx of with a union should tu. 1n pto mqu‘ mutual aotuaintanos, In dis- at.“ tte 'I'Al'hllg [Hummus of Mum!» and Shaun M â€w herrete and wwwty in the llghl ot nut (“sum-Hu- pruw riplvs, to Niitt"rraic intcresd m um t'nh‘rpviww, and In pmnmlr m- spot. "I which they should he rlmvlm-INI, Mr. Thos. l‘rqulun't prI-smm, and Ttrv. c, J. Canwrou, servtary o5 Ihr. ruin-MAO“. actrd an svcrvUry of H10 meeung. The idra of the union of the ttmx, Baptist rtmvertuons ul itw nomanm was Antwan-1|. hul thr, â€In of the morting Wits that ilte “I Ind not yet arrived tor union, II‘ ttat we prom! was Bot yet Whine. mummu TAX RATE Hem then- is a the preceding showing is not ppm-hum WAS DEFERRED In": “ill: thr Him "f kiwi ul Ilw llama-4.x to "le mwv [mu . Irvin-w that for t'lmrgt 'unur- .\u than. 10.1 mam 13.011 1,993 9,110 of Aussictioms ds of the dit- HUG _ 201 1,590 Crliti 59" (“HI Sill " MI Cast If Mr Joint "tcci 10,"th th an ic- lions. M07 “(J-l) t7.11 IT.†ll 130 l .315 l lurgr your; " ry "r6.00 IL l I 9.67 180 7" ‘ull Sault Ste m _ _-..--. I.“ “no Mr. Bradley will â€it“ attos that large alumnus of â€outwit". seat across the horde: every war to rorrvspomhatcv “hulls, tor Irssons m mechanics. engineering. and outer "study-tr-il" Nurses. Now that public “bunk-s were, 1-.- Iublmhcd in practically every city and town, Mr. and!†asked why lnuIII not tho proprr books be plan-d ttwrt. for the use ot those who de- mmi lo educate usetnsrWes and Isa-p up their everyday milling. past rm mun. (Mama . Petertroro London . Berlin . Mr. Huntley said the average amount paid tor these lessons was In“) dulluls per man per year. With an appropriation Irom the Govern- menl. lze thought provision euuld be twade [or necessary nammauons, and the murm- provided tor $25 a year. Mr Bradicy's remarks were on the subject, "The Larger Place of the Puhltc Library in the Educational Shh-1n of orstario." All. Carson on iteictettcc Roth. Dunn; the allel'uouu Mr. W. U. Carson, ot London, addressed the gum-ring nu refueneu work. He urg- ml that mum attention bu “w rvivtcnce, departuwnt. that starred the adults lo chtldrcn made a mistake. The secretary, Mr. H. A. Hardy, prlnelpul ul Moulton College, report- ed that during the year sumo eigh- teen libraries were given or additions made to them by Mr. Andrew Car- Demo. The treasrn-r, Dr. A. u. Mae Allum, H.ILS., of the Canadian his titute, Toronto, reported receipts ot annual lees. $855, from Legislative grunt, $200, balance from previous year 31%.â€. 'l‘lre.expenditures aniotm- led to titi7.02, leaving a balance or hand of $214.15. Congratulations Wert.. cxlrndul u Mr. C. H. Gould, of Montreal, on llib election to the presidency of the Am- erican Library Associativtt. hand of $214.15. The committee un public dlwulucllth 'vported through Mr. 1., J. Burpee, of Ottawa. suggcsu-d some improve- n.ieats m the cirrulating u! nonunion durulm-nls among the slibrartrs. Mr. H. ll. Langton, 1'rtivctstty of Toronto Library, iurged the support of the Champlain Hociviy, which is undertaking the publication ul docu- tnents and works [Mating to the ear- " history of this country. which are not ucl'rbsiblc in any other lorm. A paper prepared by Insprwtor T. w, ll. Learnt was read, owing" to his abgenrp through serious illness by Mr. W. R. Nursey, of the 1iduca- tion dopartmvnt-, treated ot the rela- tions of the Iitnyary to the working- luau. At the upcnlng ammm "I. Iftlitrirl W. Campbell, the pm-l. "ddrv.sscd “If association. Hc madr an appeal for the “pulling: of the quality ot numb ing mattct in the dim-rent communi- lurti. BAPTISTS MEET Shaltultl Uotit lit" sl l hymn}: was: (‘Iu'r how t Mlaltulxl. .\plll !I.-In a 'drier, hum lit" shouldct I‘v-mlullun HI jhr Unsung "cssio" of tite annual o.mtvr- cun- how hunghl. 1hv (lolrguh-s II'IY Imvnlmz Ilu. It‘l' l'.l _ [rum all "WI “Mann and 'tm-ttr-art-tut strung- " “gunk-I tiw iriva "I vriiginnx lmilr mg. m State umwlsmrs as a Human- in tlu- w-mlnumvmliIL Thc (mum-luv" “ax xllul‘l'hh‘ul how "it'ry prunt at Mr“, The tttN mis- Hun-an Impulw wrmvul to haw tako: hul-I of thc pullwlmg “In-n 1hr) tvll but lhrll lwnn's luv-night whcrv Ilu. umk of raising mou' mum) lnr for- 1icu ttiiosiotts \ull lav cnuucciastically mum! on. The rlm'lmn of o0ivcrh I'rsullrd: l‘uuidvul-ll. M. Hinulnuu. Paris. li,r I'M"; A [Hank llanu'. "rock- nllr, RM. G, ll. Nah-r. Mnulwul, ll. Hdullrx', "crttu. lb-rnulmg: ,"U'otrlirty-- Harold I tlam), Toronto, 1'orrcspourl'utr scoriusy- w. I Hm'him. ttrattttotd. Assiwlaut trrrrcstror"ltug m'rrt‘lm) W. M Flt-mm. I'mlw. Trvasatrcr-li, L. Mrhimmn, To 1min I'm-cunn- ((IIIIIIIH um-ttcv. t". H. Fwhutt, A.,FI Gay. It II. Munro, Toronto, Ii, n. l‘k'lzlin, Hamilton; ll. l Machâ€, Unllia. t'orrrspondrmt Canadian Baptist - o, c. Elliott, Mttatford. Tranrtportati"n tmMrr--C. J. Uam- PM", Toronto. Ontario and wan- represamUuvrir to ll. Y. P. U.-Mrv. P. K. "arfoot, Sim-or; Rev. D. J. PMâ€, Yuma-k Hill. The general In an in St. Thorn:- mmumummzmuua um..qu “my -. , -riii, {EFL}: wool at Us -eort- WA.“ "tre-i, NM“_W‘ Canadian Ilistur, students Frets _ _ 1.508 3213.93! 9.--ln a an“ w-mlulluu HI Jhe ilu. annual conter, llu- darn-11's urn |'.l _ from all mm IN STRATFORD paid bt A library stun the Tor , -- "ri..a. 'tiii',')'."',";":" Immed’th-‘EMAW'th "ii.i'i'ii.i, iiiriniriii, lulu-1“. mum hair“! he‘ludyhi we. ttttttf by?! 11. an ' at snack tttt .. "t $e6$er'trette. " - "a , " m. cl - nui- In"! Auto _ W“ iirr-urontiuqr't_ Ami-y, ud was " on ya nah banner. . '0 his «new Oh - d the 0pm- Comm and l on now my!“ " the mm 1411“"; that I may In. ogrortmitr ol 1-- tcrviewiug the Govern-an aim-- Ir. utters meeting “a ink to ,twm M and Chin 3.1 other _tuatterr. m In." we. Icahn? ito believe that this: in a lune - let in this country tot Canadian goods and that may of '" qbrsAbd articles we. turn out In tho W0! A North Waterloo would “in! in the hour- ol the We here. hr- ill} ii' Edi; a II“!- “I a tuartr “M 9te tttret L niturr. [or “mph; its ninth in de- mand. It will he only-g4wstlon ot freight rates odou- this dun ut mauulactun-d articles shun“ titxd It: way in quantnm ttere. V China is a wonderful country. The 99091:. as you know. have the oldesl ciriliuuon a! any on the glohe. l bellow that mom ot us at present have not mm. them at their real vate.' The)" no a -etrtt are ln many respects. and I believe “It an other nations come to know that they ml] rally: tttls, but I must wait till I return to give you an acryunt ot thy, many laterbsling infl- dents connected with lhig wmtderhd trip. = Whilcl have appreciated the honor of representing Canada on an import- ant International Communal, " has’ been a souru- of peculiar pride to feel that in ho Lar as any particular sqtot in the Dominion may he Spain]- " reprcscuttul " is my nativuoounty I have constantly in mind the hearty and toral summit given by my friends thew, and I hope. that, in this parti- cular, as wrll as In "this which the years may Mord, I shall be able to tischarip: the obligations of u roprc- sentative in a manner which may be of real and lasting whims to them. Judge tiinchcstet was the only County Judge at the City Hall this morning. At clown o'clock he heard an appeal brought by the assessment department against the reduction in the asscsstuvO ol Joseph E. Hera- Tram's property on llnnlorth awnuv. This [anomaly only came into the city was year, and tb. commissioners plac- 11le value " $1.099 an acre. There any " norm; alloy-(her, but only lil, are In the ally. Phase give my kindest, rvgards to any of our friends. and with renew- red thanks [orxyour letter and good wishes, Believe m" dear Mr. KnauB, Emu-rely yours, GEN. BOOTHS’ 80th BIRTHDAY smumm Puoi'hitt'rY ASSESS- EO AT $1,000 AN ACRE, REDUC- ED 'm 3500. NOW PLACED Mr. beasraxh appealed to the Court ot Revision, and they reduced the as- wssmcnt lo $500. General Booth first, engaged in re- ligious work at the age of 15 among Hie Methodists, and in 1853 'mtprc the ministry ot the Methodist New C'unncsiou. Hetuarried throt- “an; law. and resigned front the Menu» dist ministry in [861 to cbmmerwe thc indoprmlrnt work, which mta11y in 1377 assumed the torttt and name of the Salvation Army. This organi- cation nuw numbers 93,875 aliens and 20,325 handsmcn. on Good Friday the Salvation Army commenced the celebration of the eightivth anniversary of line birth M ils great chief, Gem-ml Booth, who “as burn on April io, 133". Judge Winchester decided that the property is worth $700 an acre. Thr Itin"tal of the late Juhn F.. Hth at Lotion, took place Tues: day ant-mum. Thr, pallbearers wcic:--ltr. Alum-w Scull, Dr Claude Bum", Um. Nightingale, Mule}- Mllnum. 1tursvtt Mazes and Tony Tillman. FLAI'IILV or' JOHN McNEl‘L Haul"; sold my burnt, Mock and Implt-nwhm "var mtiertoo, l inirttd It) dunk trty full Hun- In proropcvi- in! and drrvlnping mineral tttotTrris. l haw hud Nt"rt'" years vxperivtwr' in prospvttimt, and I an“ at prvsrnt '.sraiil.t inteuvsird in NW Unlulin minâ€. and "Vim-ran] plrxpmts, and l Inlmd to lrmr for “than and How (audit In " luv days. A numhvr haw mum-Mu] to Im- that. (In-3 would lin a syndlcnh- tmnwd, ulu'rrhy all In thut syndicate may join slunrr and share aOc according to t,tw ult-nt of "wit lmldiugs in that syndivuw My hvip Io bear the expo-mu! ot my 'wit "I "w or two others with myself in sunning good mincrat claims at Gow- ganda and other good tveaylitirss in Nrw Ontario. For said proposed syndiruttr l “I" ihrrclnrv In: at 1hr Market Holt-l, lh-rlin. trom Friday morning April tho "h, lo Tuesday turning, April the mm, to [mm that qyndicnw it tsautoctorr "tango- men“ an be made. All than there tore who with to join with me in this tyndicntc by which plan we 'art to - rich Gow-da Bttd a _- is“! 999%!!! ed N. I}! w. L. MACKENZIE KING NOTICE A T $700. fin-M b, iltli'li'lAlf/ at “all 'rett.ts -tuarrd a In“. . at TI- (hm - Lid _ tho eqtro â€qt-110,1 by all he“. lt.", IO M! at an“ a 'lt Mt " " “A. 'tl'. I ' - L33 Mus-J AW“ fa t tho iaid hiatus“? to to 11"N h I vote 1‘ Q. at municipality In». - Dru-Ibo}! cl no â€the m and at. Municipal We"; and tin tho and lit" um muon- ed " In my cum in “hum on Inlay. the PM) day ot April, It... and MI than tor sanction. Wu no and - to a- wmwd tistqrdit any on- - or my other error: no bud - to an Mb pm- cantlnu to have the said are» cor- new according to I“. . Waterloo, Ami] 7, 1900 The “dents-N will Imam aqaied tender: for the lollowing up to " o‘chx-k noon on Honky. April my. __ iGn." For torutoisuit strceG 0! the town aiuritq the preset" my son. T I " For the vomsiruetion ot the amt walks. tom] ot Waterloo, dur- itrhesrear In». . The lowest. or any tumor asot net-caulk muwh-d. Krecitbctrtimtts up; be new at my mice. j mum s, MIMPF, Town Clerk. . iiiieg his 2mm. in It Your Service i Easter has come and gone and the warmer weather has already convinced you that your spring buying is a pressinyi necessity. Whether in M illihery, Dress Goods, Boots am Shoes, Carpets, Linoleums, Curtains or Seedl. The R J, Neal Co. is at your seryice. And we challenge comparison in prices. Ladi'es' and Misses' showerprooCCoay "in three-riuarter and full length in all the desirable sha'dcs and styles from 2.5oho $5100. - - A _ _ - . . . .. Mum'- tihowerproof Goals in greys and furnn, pUin and stripes the very newest from 5 00 to812 50. Men's and bose' units strictly up-towlato, all the newest coloring:- lnd field“!!! from 2.50 to $18.00. Ned’s Shoe for men in all the naval}. hats in box calf velour, dongoln and patent, block. tan and oxblood, in bluchor bal ttnd Ox.. ford, mad: especially by!" order, Neil’s Sptcisl " I special prim," It you have not yet bought your spring calmly of so do at. Soul'- get out of the rut and lot no an pm money. (Eu-don work. our npocinl pickup, caution] rpmlity In In the but growers in Canada. none better, , pockngnn for 50. Putt “ointment of bulk needs Red Clover, Ail-"s, AUike and Timothy. the - and: " the lowest priest. 800 as hotel-o buying your need corn. "rhe limp-mu Shoe for women in Bll this newest oping dylm, in Blather haul and Oxford-, box a", Dongoln, viei kid sud pttenta from 2 50 to 34.00. Tenders Wanted . PORD B. Rum. curt ot the Tm at qetteefoo, Painthtgianotastexpettt+ Like fire insur- ance, painting is a fitable and necessary investment. Your tgll'd'll' may not burn but they certainly will deteriorate rapidly if not poiected by good paint. SHERWIII- WILLIAMS PAINT “mywmmflwuhmwmmmbuflhm agatnat he weattteF.amttts. homun- an‘ï¬yhbflwamyï¬bwgnmw 'A'ga',",'hd"lst ttgtt,'g"l" thatwdtrahNdbedHhg. [mum-admin- S.'-P.II: “may, 'drattNait “tannin: ",'lll"J',lttll.'l=';ll,'ll'il11'll'i'ir e,.,..,.,,,,,,,):;;;)]:-;',, A Eriithirii,iiiiiCijiiieiQ trfl'll'l"lUG7iG) Tins- . “hm locality has a " -. iTiiiTarTiaiiter in}. MI Ttll phi. vardhhea, shins and eunuch {at "an pvt. Ask Hm lot cola aids. dis a for build. Bak TIIE swarm-mum's no. “Ml-Y run-v Au- Inn-non Inn-II u: 1»- in"... Home". tenure III-UPI. a "a. Tail a mo! Waggon THE R. J. NEAL GO. Seed Time Again ttf April, 1mm Up m. Y. s. mu, an P. J. tutia-eipiiti'ti"t-'fttiu"ikd any}. “in!“ lim- 1.. porlm, Bantam, but. have "all“, add to Mi, it“ C. Blunt! and 'reqtttr. W; a “In, m Gideon a Bock ot Nstw Dual... n. brand Paul-mu Skllion 0mm. In magnum end the Imported Ger-IIICo-ch AU, No. 176 . and: ll . lent, mu, will. . h "Id hind feet, in ï¬ling 6 -old end weigh no too. unwind†and,“ dial! d new tre, . than _ is usually found in "e, of his Mr. If! Wins in the but. being dad, "tst . U hum Mano: 11 end mrttiitum'n aids. the tbrat three Dan- are all by W ttrat but†amt those familiar with Perth. ran bleeding till readily Mont-mi whet thin - Om Ouch is I beautiful dark boos": an; blah poi-u, in "Tuna high and with Mat, lbs, .80 in up of that: his high min; Cache“ that not. the f1s'ru "it up end uh name.†“pm“- at,tho Mo ‘ you will just any “He‘s we best I ever saw. The mt owner: of the. bowl!- In calmed In “I. '0.11BP" mlutione Ind pun-mega of lb Broeden of this vows-1g foe their "who and we hope that “it . to improve the dandy good stock of this County _ be mint-day. They may . legato Ink you who-no and use their hot-u feeling can churn will lupin-Iii“ your v trs" l The Above cut in a sketch from lilo ot the hon. ‘Cmda by (he ties All.“ Anil" M" N You Want During me pant titlerm months we have sold 5,386 ecu-s ot land in the district ernterUg. “and Ities, xillage ot Canhoto, of which 1210 acres haw bun resoicl at a good from. In this time we ham had up infhrx of thirty "Cw families; and Thriiilies art "tot'- in; in weekly. There is no 1rrraiity in Uu1ario that allots quicker returns for your invest- ulcnl and labor um: this diclrict, as “'0 have the, 1mm quality of soil isCtxcT:puotyr1ly low prim-s: any £93m mun 91412913519 wish»: unify loam, ideal [at dairylrg/ mixed fuming ot fruit raising. We have nuns varying in size trom si, urns to 200 acres in dim-nut parts of thc Country. 1 cmaoaq, E The Ontario RealEstate Do. bise tit, - I)UNNYlLLlrt)NT. a! . Cr" too, Mini I..' A, Un- humlu-d uttrl svu-nlynmc l-anlisluucn tsho, mm, warmly hare M-rn prospcunm in their own country, but, who declare thry haw horn tuned to come heu- h-t-auw tttcy cannot. ttnd vmploymm! at home, armed â€Manny on m swarm St. Paul. Sum um Alone so by! In {wow-2 -20; P9521 Judgiug [tom the mutant of Col‘lts- Look lot mw‘lis‘rol‘ urns next week. l'I‘llGR IN Buy in Haldimand County FREE Niaga- penhuulu would do well to urine up, and upon recuipt of their letter we will msil them free of char. one of our Isis-A. printed lists of fame for sale. which contains lam than hundred amok. grain, dairy" fruit, girden Ind “in; {My produce farms " most min-bio nines. WHY RENT? Cull and see us or write as for I good farm, and get it on the enlist of time payments. "s-e A square deal, low prices and no red tape, easy to bur, easy to pay. _ We make it dead easy for .rou. to get t' e farm, 3332.1 JOHN HILL Any puma thinking of buying a. farm in tho- FUR (“NADA to Buy a Fariinf _-_-),:,,'.':":, 'rondcncc we we gaiiy reee"t.ijrarmt iinrrirertniiseiird to these "'"urmsti, 'i, ieel coniidot of a big rush k new rum-rs this coming summer, and vi the steady ittcrcarie in the Value of ptupmly. If you “(sire an oPportu- n'ty tn build up a pm! 11mm- at in? C,',,',,',,;,",:.,'. "idctale outlay, " would s'vggut that Prtt 10.3me out [no- positions btfun‘ looking el:ussshrre, and it 30:] are s'ceptical trt' shall he (only too plraw-I'tu WM you to any of thos:: who have putchasrd and wllltd h-re Hughgh our "sons witlfn the i,ah rtftriii nil-Inns." . _ . W _ ll you are 'tMtercstcd'attd Ihink " Illul'v mpcdirnl lo set the country tor yourself, kindly "oliry ths by postal and or Lin-r, and Mt' aill mu't you at Can'dcld Matin. For number in- !urniaifon apply lo .m I... Toronto, April I.',.-h new .‘MVt- Hun army ttarrachx, rusting $30.â€. is to ho mm at the, votnt'td WI and TEIIIIIIPYI urn-u " In to I. an: headquarters ol the Toronto "Itâ€, tte violet-t rows ot tit my. "mmluimr Coumbx ma he or- uer stone 1th "tTtttoo$t. NFAI M. A. HOME FREE 5133.21 ONTARIO bag CL'G