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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 15 Apr 1909, p. 11

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WILL PRESENT ('ULUHS Sir Frtderick Holden; Minis!” ol Mllith. has accepted un "ivitauon M [Imam colors io thc Collegiate In, umuu- cadets ul m, Thames on Tic to“. Day. The rulors are being put child by uuhsmiptlonb taisrd hy “It ”In: ot tst. Thom“. And will He them? [luau NHL: In Imu- Imuhed m rum! vt dt-Vrlupuuml when- then. h substantial) appteriattoo "I tun-alum Inguznw ctrori The limp.» .Inulllnl announces mu 1uCrC'il'M' on June last trom twvmy-mgh! lo lnIIy-lnul pup-s, with u Immlu-v ..r mu drpmhncntx mm Jean (Nahum, “I mum]! nn lhe sul, ot Hm (’almtllur "mum and " Islam “titer .lle of Hu- (‘auadlau Ma- gaime, takrs lhv vtlttorial "mum:- met" on April IM .nnl is ussm‘iating “HI: ha a nulnlm of Hu- hm! Immu- Cuudlan “mm, The Hume Junk nal, when thc pmpuscd changes have been inaugttraicrl, will be one ot the bcM, of its 1lasts (In Hm roanont. The April trtuttltrr just is“: It ':, bright and "ttlaritrtr ith usual and Inn Ill addl‘luu io iis very interest- lng lh-Hun and lmusdmld ohTartments The“. atrayed In the best she can Mord, she “I” go down the street admiring heme" m the store , Wm- duus. admired by her men kinds and milled by her temalc acquaintances. Dress up! Man hears the call, also, and pabs- cs out among the men attired in new spring toga}: mess up'. That is the command, tor clothes count tor much today. If a man Is well dressed, all things being equal, he wtll receive hotter attention than the Mont-Ir Perhaps no cannot alien! good denies, but there is plenty m soap and water handy to all, and we I can at least be clean. . mess up! Over the lawn and gardens WI” pass the rake and hoe, and the [tillbl' will be buried or spirited away. . Dress up! The housekeepers hear the command and out trom the room comes the Cai- Pet, and down from the walls Will follow the pictures, and he will be tilied with woe, and his hands will be tilled with blisters, and his lungs with dust, as he beats the deatll March at winter's end to the whack, whuk, of the broom Audi every drawer Co tausaceed,asMescty 3 tloor is sctubbed, the garret explutecl‘ and the cellar whlteuaslied l Dre» up' For the hum u? resur- rectiqn IS all hand, .ud is not Ea.s- ter Sunday rapidly apiuvachiug. and are nut the lulu“. and the tlirss-. umkels and lililllll"l\ working hard N) that humanity may 'littingly honor) the Lord in the annual dtesu parade" _ Easter Spuday' And hum tuilliotc, at throats “all line tbe strain, "il" has than," and “um churcles ant cathedrals, wuelablu and hoary Nth ago, WI” “w” the glad shyly ".lo. to the world, (he Luul has come." They will mum: to hard Him arrayed in the glad appatel, not as tine as the Ill), bu! an Iler best. And how of the poor, the wieichetl, and the ragged? Puma-1; Hu dlvl not the Ho won the UM with will ulrczys up, and man will als" "tess and wu- mun ttill mm), and tho uilt gum meet the Luul, who atc with tire publicans and hltutr'ls, .va uho loved the (Headless Unctt, Dress up! ‘lhls Is the older that in so»: lorth. and It ts hung obeyed. Utr how the ground the snow drop and tTocurr “a shootog, out trom the new the. buds ate not” hunting up Iran the South the birds are “Isms. Ind ttterc is my everywhere. Dress up! Woman hen.» the call and obeys. The store windows are fslled with line clothes, mtllinery and luotwear, .nd slit; Mil hare " new guwn or dress, or new hat and shoes, and be much below the glass, as it the were cogspeting lor a [mm IIEAL'I'IH I‘LM'AKSIU than BERLIN mum .'y.etee.vde, WATERDOO will" 5 vo-rmo oo-ttC-i-ttttit" . _ mm "io. lo. 2 l '. "igrMrM V01". European Tour and Mom! Contest As [be moat popular wool II M No. l Gas, ir. mm Kidnap. n there I. trouble in man: ,trtr--4t tf.'tltre up thm or four times or ohonor dam: 'd'l"a"Jlh'l IN g}: ttur/gray r'iiil'si'i'i'iiti'i?ili'ilae? 'Jlt, m t r h I. - 'Nlt'a'tltyia',tQgltefJ'lt a Ittl ' H1. You Pam..." DRESS UP an Ilunr best. And how the wwlclwd, and the [ham Hu dl'l not the 'cr/ttpt-tttttut-sito" be stowlt WWW About. me we“ or the depot n th the W“: are ’lcrnlic lurch and jam“ was upen- lk'Y eseiywbere. raced but. with you promptitudo the Iran: mu pull-dun In its own length call and oberty and blunted back, all a mutation ' m rrlted with n was lound that about mo not oi y and Iuotwear, 1lw lull had broken and was mm- " “'5‘" gown crr which gum“. What the consequentcs nd sites, ami tw might have been, it is horrible to cun- .5, ali it the were ivtuplate, for at the place who" the It" rail luck: there is a bank on either We bust she can mic ul thirty led and manna; under down the street a subway is Nu C.P.R. truck. the store , wm- Tho rail was temporarily remind r men friends and to allow the train to proceed to ' acquaintances. London. and immediately alter anew length at rail was put in. [hue to meet VOID AFTER " DAYS PROM DATE numbed m . then, 1.» Valhalla": . .lnulnnl June In m and " dlau Ma- "mung:- suckling ei Immu- GIN PILLS I tit Mary's. on, um 10... Noth- m; man ot a ninth ”Maud I very "gtUMtn mum here yutctlay ito train No. a. due hen- at 13.88 ‘21qu Shanon! lo London, Ott the “Hand Trunk. . wars m nd\allt'k‘ when; suitable help (all be obtained, The mnwrs will HM waste the Mme leaching green im- mmuuus io do [aim work. ms Practical farm hands aw halt] to :wt, and demand good wages, in tact, mun‘ than the laxmers arc willing to pay ' Th" rmm- at the scarcity is due to the cxoOrs oi young [armors to the Wcst again this spring. In many cases larmvrx' mus am leaving and the (anurr, rather Ihdu struggle with the help pLI-blun, leases his [arm and rc- lllm to thc [mm or village. l'lu- Sahauun Atuty iuuuitpativu mums throughout the province are m rcveipLol many applications tor farm help and working hard lo meet the situation. a moment "hen a 1'olouial um-r In ptovidc ulll' has hrvn Il'i'l'lW'd. The Inlal [inst cost may b. Irgdl‘llml as mughly £1.750JJW ($K,'i'00,o00), with the gum. 3mm" ships haw rm! less than this. but, H lust [an .Hl'l'dgt'. In ll“: use ot a colony, Hu- win need not be paid down at mum. of Itrlrtie, as such g ship could nut be built in the existing ciretttntruttCcs in Eng- land much under three wars. The ablu In mm) mm»; m menu. Sum a tship w: fecuvo twenty reartr--ttv rr'plarement In the new n! last year. In il, ”mums-noes the cost could llmv’nu- br. raised " a loan on llu- same principlcas has bun adopted in tho pas" for “wish naval works. " this loan “up plac- rvl at 35 prr rent, the annual pay- ment ior twuuty yams 5m mun-st and sinking bmd would be about £125,000 ($025,000). If... Hm whole sf that pound sud a Colouial Dn‘ad- Imuzht. would oartntn a unit of the £125,000 {$025,000}. PM sf that poliml we. a Colo nought would wmnin " ur l'vrt, If, on {he other 1min II t‘llk'd lo pay lot 1lte u" 3:115, tlsett tbc pnymrnl v "iout £215,000 (momma 'ilituc Isa hunt“) of [arm help In “mm" Ontario. The absence oi [arm Immigrants this war and tho unwill- mgnvsh of thc unemployed in the “Hum and mm io, do farm work makes. " hard tot the Iatmcrs to tcore lwlp. (lutdllu Liberals will hold their lug convention in the summer ot 1910. This announcement has been made by Hott. A. u. McKay, leader ot the Provincial Liberal party. He says he lmds the sentiment oi the hundred Liberal candidates at the last elec- tion to be in tailor ol waiting a year at least. Mr. MacKay paid ntribute lo the loyalty of his little band In the House, and said that in spite of rumors to the contrary they were quite harmonious. 'The wugrvi 01chle me unusually high for Untarw, and the farmers an: willing to contract ior three and tour T-hc passengers wire greatly Burns- cd, but not much delay wan occasion- ed. LIBERALS WILL PASSENGBIS ESCAPED h HORRIBLE TRAGEDY are Just u tttrod foe the Budd" CUSI~ U!" A DIUSADNUL'UHT ll l',; am FARM liriLP IS SCARCE (I "ritarttrternasaau'euruPH. IINN’II The "um: ‘lnl :le (I: dun» a triadnoogut _uvsitoui, appropriate at when a l‘nluniul oticr io has bven “-0-de. The (I. cl t'tmdtdMe) lrenly CONVENE IN I910 Telvgtao , In ml in lvn Nam”, Aprrl Ji.-Af 1hr mowing twrvire in lhe Ptmrttytrrt9n 1'hurch he" 10-day Ree. J. J, Paw-thou, the pastor, Nlld (hat in lullm' hr would road no ttngtottttCrttHtttia, trom the pulpit, "There are Hum nevu- pnpt-m in thin city," he an. “and In lulure We ”tulle wlll reeeiee the new: culling with the unlea- ot um chumhll‘b col-madness "r "I." rs >VAI“ aitpurtoun Anmiru. The main party. will sail from New Yolk h) the Knmnlaud, July "MI, bind, educational, boys, intluutl‘ill and special diamond. The employ- mm! of Indium tsecrertules is largely retsponsiblv tor ihe Amrociatiott's growl: m Autetivo.. “hilt; tlcr. Inauy has the latwst number ul Asc suciations, 1,990. and North Amul- ca has 1,039, the members ot th. tTrrtnttn branch“ number 111.882, tutti ul ‘hx- \Im‘livan ”ROSS. The Gets man‘ Imu- IJI sertvtarttrs and [In \mumns 2,mi, The In Hmmun “Ulldlllgs me was"; $1,400,000; Atty erica nu property worth out te,- 000,000. The Y.M.0.h. Du has branches in every country on earth, Elder Wagner is the only son of one ot the saddle bag itinerant punch- ern in the back woods of New York State and Upper Canada sixty years ago. “is early education was rem-iv- cd in Ontario; no afterwards attended the denominational school, North- ern College, at Napierviue, lllimis. liis health giving way, he entered business life tor some years alter len- ving college, and thereby fitted him- sell all the better tor his [Ho's work.' He catered the ministry in 1883, and since that time he has sowed Home of the most important fields oi the con- ference, among them being Strailord, Toronto, Waterloo and Berlin. . For twenty years Mr. Wagner man- aged the missionary [names ot the Canada conierence as treasurer. He asked to be relieved ot this work when elected to the omce oi presiding elder. The annual contemncc and board ot mission: meet at New Hamburg, 0nt., alter Easter. Mr. Wagner ex- pects to attend, but»; here callou- day. Though his - null resides at Berlin, Ont., hem made Regina his headquarters tor the west, and may move into the city during the coming season. lrgul Ill) loot badly jammed lately, I liathwl it well with MINARD'S LINIMEN’I', and " was as well as over next day. Thc 'cvoruy vutuptled atatiutk's ot Ilw 1.5r,1'.1, tltrouRhrrut the world shuns that tho. arr now a lotd ot 7,832 Associations, with, 821,309 mem- bets, 2,073 employed secretatits,phy- sical, educational, boys, industrial Y Wt Mr. Wagner reports condition: in the West as very encouraging. The Miugeiai stringency being gradually relieved, will gteaur [minute the lurther development ot church work. The large intiux of American I'M Ehe ropean settlers will give every duo mimtion ample opportunity to druv on its resources to tho mum am: in order to keep pace with the relig- ious and spiritual needs ot the new settlements. numb-dumb!“- . h sud-wu- itt21tTf."M'lllL'N'dl1V.' u u Noni-m. an ta In any oett.r.,L.H.tr-r,P.e., - mudmtwmmhm Mr. Wayne-r mains in the city over Sunday. taking the pulpit ot Rev. E. M. (inn, at the Church o! the Association on the north side. Thu services tn this any as condudr ed in the English lump. In. on! lett tor the But. on Monday. Bu. L. it. I'l. saved-Ind?“ a! M. no In just. mm (to. u on.“ (our mom the place: II. than R. and 0.114!!- m the that a a. Win-IAI- 101.15“. ot with In I: the m - to: the enun- I-t. - ttte work at In mm in n wry was Mum. A _ whammt-nu-Mbm a. dedicated is m was and an T. more " in will. at -ttttn. Th. A. "tPt" at m- church In to Mum an ttt.uugt- was m a my a: and can!” diviricts. Tho In dies. 0.! sional town a! “ville, on “I G. T. T P., and land-o “It on the CARR” '0" have received special “to“. A p" the m and in! In " and“ " the 1Tl'flth'J, my III. that. 81.0.. In Bouttem Alb"... P at Warner, a church has been built uo, toning about 54.500. l Tho cost ot.ait “as "tMitt has been [any secured by good um nun-m out, 1.39114: at the linu- vial stringency. t uura wxy ttuly ISM THE 1'APrH A Brtet Sketch. if!“ Tubal!!! "etel't-'sittti6ii "tu""""" l 'y',i?i,i?.lli'i'i'ir21' 1 1'lt'lfii1l WI IHLIJ tstrriSTiCS 'l'. G. MUMULLEN 3 m TUB WEST 0N MAY IST The "ranllurd polite arc inwsthur ling a y,xqiorts paw involving the doping ot drinks in .1 1mm, A man nn Saturday night gol on a tiireel car. tppnrcntly soot-r. but More the Cat' had ptotecdrd tao blocks wax un- c"ttttiottti. On bring removed it was luuml hr “as under the Infittrucv, of wmr drug. Doctor" wulh-d uwr him for " hours, [Innlly arousing him for " hours, flotly ttt him. although hm condition i trim-all tlr new he Wettt lo cal hotel and got. I drink u companion. He had his ot but nouo was taken. The bel the man wu drugged. The Gall. “My!" will rote 0. the Hospital “I School nume- lr-In on Salad-y. by In. Englishmen '.erta_.tF_r 'trF.r..wtrr$_. “HAW Weishmen F.r"_trtee.rmt. .rr"'r"twr"' 8.47; Scotsman .__._ __. .tr-w_rrrtrtt_.stetr9 18,480 Indian-n, _ .._ 'rrr_'lrt_rt ___ 'r? 8,153 British xubiu'tu born abroad 283 Foreigners (rrr 'rtF.t._ _rFrP. .___' . 33 Plant oi birth unknown . -.. 81 The figures " tho past year show that tin-re are lower iorcigncra in the army than over has been the cm before, In 1903 there were 636 roman-tn waving, uni no lever than 18,881 men Who tailed to declare their place oi origin. Tim (luau-s com- bined now number only 103. The army ms divided up ttcc6tdl" to miigious dmtutttinaiion, shows the [ollowllig nurnimn: Chunk oi England tl ' [6.5,st Presbyterian _ t, _ . 1't,W2 Wesleyan rrrr Prrt "rr_rr_ (r' 10.719 Baptist . . t i _ 3,2170 Other I'rottsUnir: T . ,, FN 1.581 Roman Catholics V _ . 3U)” Jews T .. T H . 2m Hindus, etc. _ _ _ 2,168 Alter the ceremony and usual con- gratulations the [bridal party par- took ot an elegant wedding luncheon, me: which the young coupie left on the 3.30 train on a honeymoon trip to Port Huron, Brown City and (“and Rapids. Un their return they will take up their residence at til Irwin street. Mr, and Mrs. Uoudie were the re- viplents of many bemutllul and metal gitta and their my kind: will ex- tend their hearth“ good wishes tor a long and happy wedded we. A quiet but pretty Easter wedding took place " high noon today at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wescloh, 83 Weber St. K., when their eldest daughter Miss M. Alice Maud. was happily married to Mr. Arthur Russel Goudie, son at Mt. and Mrs. Isaac Candie, Brubaeher street. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. B, 'E. “usual! in the presence of the im- mediate relatives ot the contracting parties, There were no attendants. The statistical record at the regular army shows that it comprises: Englishmen '__.ta_.tF.. 'rrF.e..wrrr$_. “H.196 Welshmen FPr"_'rtw..rmtt ..e""r"twr"' 3,473 Scotsman .____ TF. F.F_..rrFtFt _.strte9 18,480 Irishman. .._ 'rrr.'r_t_rt ___ 're 8,153 British xubju'lu burn abroad 283 Foreigners (rrr ... 'rFFi. ._ertr. 22 Plate: ot birth unknown . .. 81 WAS MAN “RUGGED? HOW THE ARMY IS MADE UP q A meeting of the once:- and Eae, can": will be held " the Central Howl. Preston, at 1.30 o'clock. on April S3rd, when the constitution null schedule tor the season will be 1‘- opted. m and out - at (I. m and PM -- - ”bill- Then ill 1'T."Wt,'ft'l" - mm Ind lab e- be Inu- ed a! (at. w “I tteSlt0. cv- '" My att-trt u " as team um be strong. Anon; to. net-cu we lea-n. A. m. 0.1}; Dom-pt and Armstrong, In- uloo; I. Millet. W. Nun, D. Wright, od Push- all m; W. M. III-In. A. ltd, J. m, J. y. MM. Damn; C. Sch-I“. w. A“. Elam; N. m, (haul. Ana owner-No dun-to- " was 'yesAd not to “I“ the Etmim or a“ _ Read the pain locum]; on the box cl Pink an: nun-u. Then ask your Doctor it them is a' better one. Pttin muns congestion. blood pressure Tghletscheck head pains. womanly palm, pain anywhere. Try one, and see! 30 tor "C. Sold by In dale". Min-bl otsPttdsr " t,1.1'eg,vttMtu?i'Pdt Lush-W'vuw.ad I beexmqtm_rot-tr-Bt AU “on: joining its [am will deposiiihosum 'sd8Mwithtttetgeo. retarr‘rmsmr and any in. m ihOhing the season will torteit um deposit. Alter June m teams will not he allowed to sign my"; who have beg: let put by other teams. All was mi... in! be played at An hour not inter than 3.30 o'clock. It waded“ that all phyers than be residents od the town- In witch the clubs are located " May lit!“ signed by My "u. 115 Mo- ul our: malted II l nudist-Alum union. 1km- 00. yiitd'rear.-T'. E. Win, Gatt. Seq. Tram-A. A. by, llama. Eu. L'mtt.-P_tt and W hurls “out I!“ ' uu. "tea.--9ao. A. Clare, M.P., fasten; W. u M. tqq,_N.e',, Jer- Anew WM " Gt tUtne-m ESELUII drink with I luls ot mom-y The belief m 135.33»; rt, m 10,749 3,2170 still lo lu'astcr tsctrlces in the Now Jerusa- lvm chard: were. beautiful, lmpteutve, and largely attended. The chum was appropriately decorated with palms. cut, Mwere and Easter lilleu In lull bloom. All the Mwers were “hm. After the organ voluntary came the procession-l ot the Sunday M'lloul undvr the tmperitau'ndency ot Mr. Charla Ruby. Thu who"! own» pivd tlm front auto and took pant in the scrum. singing one ot the h) mus, All tho munlc. twritrtttm readings, etc wrrr appropriate to an ou-ulon. and in hits norm tho putor Mtowed that as the Lord tune out. ot the tomb, In He " land In and rice: out ot all the sorrow- and trul- witch seem so are uni tomb-lib to u; um! “m we com into closer, more Maui kiln-Mp with Him. Alter the ur- vln «no tho aware-’- mutant, and the. tin mt at the Holy 'far, was "artatet-d to I luau , ,, I' lt - May-H.9- Bethany Mennonite. Appropriate, Eater services were held st Bethuy Mennonite church on Sunday, which were largely attended. At the morning service the pastor, Rev. C. F. Knuth, prolong-inn enr- nest sermon in the German Insane. In the ovenin¢ evangelist Rimington, an earnest young minister oi the M. B.C. church, preached sn excellent sermon mm Rom. 4:25, viz., "Who was delivered tor our one-cos, and was his“ for our Jutsuik- lion." He mot the death and sum-ring ol Chrlot, M brings IF dompiion from an, and tmid "It" through Christ men can live I lilo ot victory, pom sud happiness. lie said men should ttave a greater umbi- tion than outth gain. The young should be ambitions in thin lite, but should not target spiritual things. He referred to the many otrtrortu- Ilium people have to-dny to he" of Christ, and said that ('llrist will. m-lmmc the sinner It any time. In conclusion he referred to tho great worm“! ('hrist mudo tor mnn, and‘ made an earnest appeal to tho young to non-pt Christ while In the prime ot lite. ( ed '___ _"'--- V-_, - _ - - r ""jiw. T" 4'" _ A teatare ot the day’s service. ifiiiiiavaurtuW'"reyitrri, I 1 I “MLIr‘ms '?, (were the excellent musical program- Women who are sufferirjg from ttttttit 1i,'ftt'li,t'iii2 ii ayes; render“ by the choir mined try liar to their sex should not lose., t d these ’ “'3’; “man; talent. The choir was in pecu, h abili of L ia E Pin M's Vtgetahk ' ‘3; splendid tom and sang the bonnmul or doubt t e ility . id h. . _ Bum when“ in splendid Ime- At Compound to restate their ealt _', the morning unite “to choir an; _ e "Chriat in mm" by Turner, "o """"5T'"e"e""""ee-e2eeeeeeeses=eesmeeeeeeeseeemesr-- Death Where is thy Sting” by Tur- . A _ not and "Hosanna" by Grainer, In ‘ "‘2 Ute evening the teogrturtme itteluded SIMPSON 'E? ' Sullivan's Procession] Hymn "The Son ot God goes ton]! to war," . e "And the Glory 01 the Lord" by tai . Handel, "The Marvellous Work," try Re l Irurniture Store V gags; "dept, thttu, JOE; try We hnve a. big stock of furniture on hand which in being mid n 7 V ,_ ", a c cum Y onus. . ' The solos rendered try Mrs. Latrra ll',' tg, "he: algal?“ Wo want to .nell the good. and you” swarm Green, ot Brandon, Man., " . a”, ' PN rom tt8. _ . gummy “mum, 80mm at the We afoul-o ttttut moat comglete And up-to-dnto line of Sherbournc St. Methodist Church, BabyCIn‘mgu Ind Go. a over cffered In Berlin, several lines of Iorgnto, 1312ng Mrs. Green’: Voice wheh' are ttt bold “factory price; 0 an: on none ot its old-tum, 1):ch and sweetness. In the moral" We mun suture the pods we sell and All are guaranteed. s c sang with deep [Ming "He was ttti,',rifi' trout Ute, Messiah and in The Simpson Retail Furniture Stan t Monty; "Son: ot TWVW" -eF 7 . -- ' n, KING _ .B _ . by Amman; During ttteRmhtitttrairrc _ - _ P- SI: 88L!" vice Mr. Ir. L, Wilding - Cum- TrWBB8tTagrmt-ar,eeu1attamtio,, ttc.. Mr.- M 's"ct..- n..- -L--- vice Mr. H. L. Wilding an; Clu- pion's "The Ninety and Nine" in ex- u-llcnt voice, and Mr. E. o. Clemmt, ot London, rendered “It is Enough" from “Elijah" in a mum-r Lint won the admiration or the large audience. The solos rendered by Misses M. Hall.. man and E. Funk and Messrs. Shil- drick and Keller Were greatly appre- ciated. The outlast, It. A. H. Heller, provided a special program or selection: during the day and play- ed the accompanIEeJl in, 137:1:3331 artistic and plea-lug style. dbh, ," q'S. =31“.th - I', . Bl ‘03.“. a . - tum-nut 'til. “ = omt_lhtsb't ' "W - album 2,S' " - Mum-mun“- , “if tx-tto-tn-d rub tUlWydmmm. N: mni-t6tt--ttrstge'e-at 1 any. Thomvullluowl.U tg',,utg",fcttirt2N'at than“ VII“ lot ue. New “(n-u, "cum-u In. the luv-swim“ “'5. newest ttt uptlu and“. "It hurrying w the and: to _ tor law an the people PM)“ not; goto chin-h on Huh: noun. The mvieee in Trinity 'etbrqst Church on may were "W'at beeutilul and Wu. The at was -. M lute: m, carnation and ”he. he peter Rev. 8. 2.1mm. preached " lie all!“ serum in the morning. Mt theme bet-3 “Th Wine ot, " Body." Hie text's: tele- tleu " Cor. 15th chapter. ”Witt what body do they come." Christ'- mum“. he stated, we: a petitlve you of their being Me alter (lath and in e coevieetng new: be “Build that the resurrected body will be material; it will be our on body in unbroken identity; " will be the am body u to actual material “on lot atom; while it would be new it would Irem?trarrrtoitaideautr an to beauty all ”the“. we lastly, the resurrected body will have cer- tain ettaraetartaues in direct contrast to the buried body. At the evening service the reverend seethin- deliv- ered a brie! mu- milg winch he drew a number of inure-live 1m from the my, taking n his text, "Ctmaider the lilies.” Both Marce- ‘35 were instructive and attentively Hitched to. New .Jvrusalrm Church. mm: Met-trt, The Whitney Guvemmcnl. are trepo" awl by but you: at otBce trom Ibo days when its members m-n- in up- position; and in the inlonul Hwy have lurguttrn mum-among other things. the declaration to which tin-y once lenmtly subscribed that me “me had mused tur shin; am to nilways. Munry grants, gunman-s all land grants were all mudrmnrd by them; and in nu ttrutile terms either. Hir Jauu‘s Wlsilney's out- utllldillg ctrcauctcristict,r is the plain- ne" of his spcedr. The Cons tca- an umwnmeng in Ontario, with the Connen'aiivc press and thr, Cor.setvtr tire, Nrcioraie ln-hlnu n, i, lurk!" thc old ('onst'numm gum " giv- ing IWJ, public lands In I.'.c 1ur- puntlons. n is well futr tho Wetsl that there I: m ('onrrrvali r Gov. crnnmll. in power in nu.“- m “w T"eWtt.rA-r-gretuttutmniot, thin line of basins-l. 1): hoo 37. Night phone 658. y P o Does not ttaa: the Hair tk almost - communi _ (will. il Gulch who havebeen 1,flQ to .'l'e"a11it'rfardli8t2'ta1'ltst 'Ar cable Commit}. Almost every "itsiitt' you not his oitlttbeet A' WP)! itrorkneimeiyi"iaiufifts. lathe Pinkham Laban P, It 'aittt t, 'sr.'aeeliles con- timing 'gg, one minim; I - Y ' _r, 25 . ' letters from women ing " ly, ”in! oped y stitte over their own 41%|):th they 'ltgttt'tf their health by taking Lydia E. PinHuuns V -C0IIIPOUWL . Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabh Quapouod has saved menxwo'rcafw 8%? Atehtiettic, . ..- Welmowol God9iiteieadatttt. In: music- w-stul in 'elievitttt,qtfeet'Nt.oei...en, 0.- gagged lo G E. W'Ovvw Ihaiqtmmd is made ex- cluggr from Tote ayd h.eibs, am) i.s.ptifectly barium! Thousands of unsolicited Inf genuine, testimonials such as the following prove the eificieiicy of this simple malady. . Ballet-int, new” qrtghaet' It. I. mum‘- Vopuhlo Central! 1 weak! not be numb,” ttso I had a! d "itnr periods .11! trttagr-gNq the m ttgo, Kb' like a and" All Watt. that. l 'iiidoetorsoihoeruqatd4t when [we-3N0. _ and the beam:- said I 'rq"iihhotftto-mtN.,blt"isii.i, I hull-tumor. I went back luv-no In]: 2Ti'.'mtti mud myoonulusdvuod mettrtiroqrr'or.emB- hi , Mr. [did-0cm! mental-mod to Shannan”. ttte ”EM with pagan: have. tfew I {wane - an 7 The est,':,',.:,',, it ltd suicocssful iihe,tit, it mataihs in ients ic act irect y upon female organism, raging it P. hyalthy..aed 90% mt): d.._c C'"i' x ="s'w '. aria arVarr""%iiiai fi,lL'diittt """‘ it cum, vuloyaola. 'la'da'I'l',' Women who are suffering from than: distressi - ills peculiar to their sex should not t"g,tilf, of mutt. or doubt the ability of [.th E. Pin ham's Vtgetitk Compound to restate their with. _ WIHTNI'JY’S BACKSLIDING mum No. t L.....-,,....,.,,,.,.., '"""'rr'r""..Ft_..qrrrt. 'tr'""'..... As the most papal-r candldntclu the. Daily Telegraph and Waterloo Weekly Chrortiehrretepaptt contest. or tho nuns and mm- at y out bavorite Maia»? “THEME; people making 'toqieatio" w In not be divulged it so requested Only on Nomination Blank Imptcd tor any . Date """'r"'...r..t..'w..rt.. To Conte" Manager, Teiegraph, Berlin, Ont Nomination Blank (Winning Fur Press) 'Y Cut out “It! blank. and " to The Telegram with your name. the mum and sum- at your Favorite nudist-ta. The name: at -1. __I.l_._ ___.x__-.__, .-- - _ _ SW. I nominate GOOD FOR 1,000 VOTES a. M - -- V tt2ytii'i2 t,'i'i24'ilitth.r/5t.ea .. .5: left A”! gm... an“ *M' 0-338 Tara an... do-trms ha... - 'et_Pe9..1tecLtuiiuicii.iir-- Ir. Tire (Rum ttB- action I , (Whitby, with the to In“ and tho ('mucan- Tanks". hind ti, i, Iackto tormert IL: gunn‘ " giv- pmnua lands to I.'.c tur- lerin 1 1sell for tltr Wetil tor I ll 1'orvrrvati I' Gov. vlaimed in (MAMA; lo tthw [mu-luau Inmm "tfr-". "on - itTlit (Full name of Candidate) it WANTS HIS STABLE BAt l" ”nary-mull. until thr llitlt inet. “as unwind try Mr. Justice Latehford M. Dugout“! "all yesterday at the tmr. (ions tor iudgnwnt and opposing do- !vndant's appeal trom report in the action bnmght hy Mvrino Wottluuh-r to n‘wl‘or trout Frcdvtick Liebkr, I Tasistork hotclkcepvr. a livery liable lormorh owned by phMrtuti, which phrinutt cluimvd he conveyed lo Let. ler in irtrs4 tor him and as III-curl” tor a loan of $1,000. The (kind-M. rlainu-d that the trauuh‘f I“ I to“ any the unwilling lands to the rullw-ys. Tho Liberal Coven-um and " tttlrteee years ot clock“ not 'IW, . single acre ot haul hi railway-which amounts, no don“, tor the marked hostility oi the m.. torn rallwny to Liberal candidates“: Federal cleviiotst, They know their friends, any one candidate those distress‘ieillills i:?, t,,'.,t,tl',t, of 'J,11nU'l,' V 1% Pin hsm': thihlo “a r $3142} mL' . . . " fs. ' fi'VtcCaiil

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