it; .msm and Waterloo Weekly ihaitb/hhtttii The advantages ot this magnificent tour. which int London and Paris, will be placed at the disposal of the - detail carefully planned and calculated. so that l and tteotit. any ot winning, In eight weeks, wry valuable [mu-s whim are given on subscriptions to The Daily Tun-lg "tit Eubscnptious. either mm or OLD. The [face ' in this announcement. Any lady at gm WHICH tu, ruin-us ot (be nomination blank be run in the. Waterloo Seven n COSTS Norman ..E!37'fEB-_Tï¬Â§..§2§IEST"'V°T'N“ IS FREE Any "will"! nl' surglc lav!) m gl'nlwmau Haul-up, u. ..\....., fl, c1100 trl townships of Iratvrloo, 1t'ilmut, Wvllvshy and Woolwich Is t'iig- iblc to otter ttw mun-w They du not Imw lo subscribe to the Daily Telegraph or 1tvchty orouitc-Tc1vgraph in Ul’dl'l l0 cuter. All that itt necessary Is to sun-I m mum "r name», llw alldn'ss and be endorsed by wnn- irieud. The mnh'sl tuauagcr'rcser'vs the right to reject any nomi- nations. .. . W. m..- ....t.t 1.. vuIl'unl‘I' lulxn urn-arm“ Voting u-rhludh‘s “I“ be law payments) In the Daily Telegrap? Coupons will he pube-de m t cie-Triegraph, “Inch. wltctt neatly mailed to thr Funk-st hepaltmc coupon», tvin count ah' votes. V .. A in 's, '.. .... The tttst, thing t er call. write 01 pl" cure saabscripttouti. come“ and u-qmmt , tuttdidates may friends N o "It: Ida Shunt! GI Elmira Hymn hi I'll-In Mt howl" Mm trtendg m Bet- Mr. Will "Walls. No cmphnv or uwtutwr q! mupluymr's lamlly of the Us“) 'l'clcgupu 01 WW“? ct/roniciv-Tty:grarrtccan enter 1114- content. “All mum!†issued on subscription are good until the end ot the contest, and they may be voted at the discretion of the candidate "r sub- “Tiber. Ill Vows an- Votes' will or the Rrntted cun- votes. At the close nl the tnattoting 1 milu‘t- of wcll-knosin business mm ing Is unqm-shum-d. In the men! of a it" bl'l\\l'l'l| l Value of such wm hr c-qmull) dun mum-t No, l titor lncludm all tumor the corporation limits Berlin. IanudI-s all trrrN the corporate limits Waterloo. Elle Daily Tclvglaph and “eddy For further information, telephone, musmN HF BERLIN PERSONALS t'ttNrtrrio'hh', AM) it No District No all trrnlnry IW m I. (lluublt- disllu‘l I all luritnry lying wuluu Mon limits of the I-Ily ot ar,taaut,txutiaut “‘ '"' not tramgvratrir', hr allowed on stttv,ctipiious MT!" sums, but subscriptions must M Coupons orglc lady m gu-nnoman Irsiding in sun", vi Walt-Hum. A'ilmut, 11vllvslvy and Woolwich ....... “my sh, nut IM\(' lo subscribe to the ttttill" l DRY ll! geveanhousand-Mile Tour of Elegance and Luxury , -- . weeks, very valuable prizcs, ttrr brlmw-n vandidutcs tor an) uphill) clinch-d lyuhwcn llwm. ol the vainly cttroqicie-Teharain Beautiful Diamond Rings will he run in lawns ot Berlin and Waterloo \\ "ltttt wily ot U LES Oh' Tttls' CONTEST the u-luma will he mnvassud by a cum I hum the various district‘s whos" stand cuouicie-Tvtety aph Daily Telegraph and Weekly cttrotsicle-Telvgr, "'u??'§1i.’.. mom spun. at day with Inad- I; tort Em». oth Tnumlu [nu-nth. Mis. Ed Hahn and will Bum: hotidatyst lm 1ucrrs “mun tt " ship tou and Wulrrl Will send the Moot Popular Person in Waterloo County on a Trip to Europe, Visiting Scotland, England at France lluludvs all thm tht' limit North Dumllh-x \‘illagrn therein. " gentleman may mm the daily Telegraph and count vievngeqratth and count as The Contest is Open to Any Lady or Gentleman, Girl or Boy, FOURTEEN 'iii'i-i'/i'1"h'i'ef' EEEEES: '_' xi wrtttred anywhere In Canada t be paid in advance to w- vi the "aily Tclegusplt on oi the paper will he the same as usual, which will be awarded to those securing hm I Id Imh Ii ll 1hr |rrnlun lung its nl Walt-[Inn 'I'mul- oi thr I‘ilirs of lkrrlm uud the, Villages thvre- PLAN OF THE. CONTESTz' "t â€It pun GET INTO LINE as " (also ar rcarage inaugumk-d a gloat subscription contest, m and Waterloo County will be given anopportu- ll ha, awarlll'd to those securing the must votes, satin, “M - with Is t'lig- , the Daily All that is [union lulu: " tt mum .unl whips mul Ilw M uh will“ ('llll r which include. the most luxurious railroad and steamboat travel. and a Maura of several day. in both sal of the most popular person in this City or County, positively without cost or care, and with q so that the entire trip may be made to. the but advantage and afford the fullest measure of pleasure Segd‘in G" ham ot game Worthy Friend at Once. hull I hr the contest by simply iilling in the art voles each; l'otlpuns Mil also wok-s; thry Daily Telegraph-Br unlit-r Subscription lor tour months subscription [or six montlm Subscription for one year .. rr Subscription tor two years ,. Subscript ion Subscription Subscription squtvreritrttoh tor ont' ycur A Subscription: lor. two years Mtw JAIN.“ M030 qrendtM m hultdm Berlin. , Manny-W and Mi Subscription tor one yea! P,"Gscripuon tor two " utihirt Ilu. Iimllx Daily T'cirgraph--By mart Wcebl y Ch!“ um [mimics all ilu. 1crrtioty srtthtn the Inuit oi Wnnluuh snip and the vullagos â€WIN" Weekly Chronicle hip In aph um.- NU VOTES \‘U'I'INU “ILL HE "ttNr,' (LN THE FOLLOWING BASIS; Yous given on sutvscripiions y Telegraph-Br cattivr. Inm- Renewal New ription lur tour IJIUHNIS _ H00 gon 400 riptjon " aux month»; .arr ertw_F' H10 500 1000 ription for one year .. rr _ 3.00 1.300 3000 '__.',-, .-.. ..... "mm mm 4500 9000 subscription contest, no 1,ttnartvs' Murmuw lmnham, librarian. Mr “Harding thc annual u-nnw l the 1iliagvs therein AND BE A CANDITATE IT’S YOUR OPPORTUNITY call or write Contest Deparment, "The Telegraph", Berlin Votes are allowed on DIM†lhslli all tor for tur must he us shots n else- ml Heller _trn". six months one year .. two 'vars ll‘-Tl'|i‘gl aph--i" um klllt'l'. one your A [r H rrrptt 1.00 two runs . Fr" 3.00 ISSUED UN PAYMENT OF LESS THAN “in†llw Luzitoty lying i III welltslry inun- T)v1vgtatrlr--h nun s at ION polled tont: sea,,, Elegant Gold Watches tau 'ttt "I ttoitrtavs Mr. and Mrs, W. Kuhn. n- Mort. have Emit! bong m lug I', icc SI .00 LY)" 3.00 ".00 on or before the expiry dale appearing on “u! 100 um "NIH lime desired. It costs nul‘umg in enter the (an, nor uoet5 u, (can "u.""""' .m.... w are allowed on advance payments for the paper, also on mn-amgcs. TIMI: is abs "lick" or guessing in the contest. The lwsl. hustlers will get the prim-N, The records open to [Heads and candidatcs at all times. Al soon as you have cult-ml get busy! and have them take the Daily 'rruurraph or Weekly Chronicle-Negra/it tor a year YOU". thI“, To-ttAY-A (mun START IS EVERYTHING. in" Whvre the, Disturb Pint-s Will (in. In tiisulct No, l-Hands' ttia- luuml lungs to the Indira "I pstttb'- nu'u [cu-Hing [luv high!“ and around highest, Tote, (hon: diamonds "I sumo xaluv). nunutllul' gold “atrium In the Indira In ul-nllonwn tvceivinx the Ilurd and lnuull highest. vote (ImHI “whims all nmm‘ vnluv) Foul vulva in this Jst,tauct,--uxo Ilullnululs and two hutch“. M, M Mt 'tiortjrtt H.211“: uml Mr situtorn TRIP THERE WILL BE Numb-3 Al real " Mm 1300 Im-nn-Il, of Mr in Bvrlln Minn: mm 1000 um" (All) 1 mm at than; in out†the (an, no: of Rood that - lmmr in ', II- 400 I000 3000 9000 4 oo 2000 lit I00 1000 3000 "w t III Districts Nos. 2, 3, f, 5, and Ii -llandsomc diamond rings to Hm Lulivn or gentlemen receiving the trighrst- W hr each mum. Beau- Ctlul gold watrhes to the Indian or. minimum teceiving the second high- nwt vote in carh district. Two prius â€Willem": "ceiving the at vote in each district in och district. The ("and Pri/c-Arif tiuttdreds of people will haw nu ram scrum their friendship and subsc will also new“: votes Int you from A little organization among your interest will no at long way Inward irias. M. t' " “mg, "I T, n trss dun it his humr in“ Ida Shaun um“ (Ho-lulu III Ina-mo", "but. and Min. It, v. I‘m-con. were Easter Huh- c" 71.54:â€. T 2. 'l'htt ("and Pri/c-trut be the trip nlvlumpc, visiting Srotlancl. ling- and mu] Fruncr. Including all non-u- My rxpenucs. The winner will au- each coupon HOW TO “IN A l At.tlhBI,r Votes secured on subscriptions may be cash at any does It cost alullung cum to get the votes. Votes yttutt Ir'ttl EN Its' II "lush-In. whiten lullhl. sprtsi n lit-vim. East" Hill 4trlar [hunt mvrllrmg soot" sutvscripilons and is what, "ill make, yuu the “inner astingty M " always beings tu3t'L'Ch'U. Onto nominated do not drop out. y, ill he “m1 by same out'. Why not by n n d of several dare in both cont or care. and with ‘e and ucighlros, [mt vvcryottehrtow vmnnw their help to " mun: cntcr- um. ll you haw frivnds yull can not gu-L votes and sulmcriptiulm uny- r" at: your awn. votes will be given rm Hunt. ale paid to you in winner. a rvcript book, " you hau- atN't'Sh' Hum-st "cpurtmeo, and "" will l"" wish. mupnns posistltle, but "trth in: the Tlwy 101ml, the most. P, is absolutely no "chance," 3er records of tho contest will be I net busy! Call on your friends ll HA, HELP Yul w-lsunnl friends, in thr, mnhst You uiptions il mu only ask thettt. Thcy lhrir Iriends. irimuls for systvretutic “lurk in your making Y"" u winnrr ot Ute Grand mum-any a party conducted by Tho- max Cook & Sou. This trip will so to th" ayndiriato--tady or gontlvumu --havitig the highest vote In the "n- lire “mind. Should " be found in- convenient to take the tour, a high “mun piano will be given mm. or thv, tour may be trauslcrrrd to any um- m-rcptahlc to the Tclvgmyh. Candidates are pl Wilt-god lo serum suppolt and work for votes In any Jisuict,. l ut, W. t' ('lrur‘ M'ullt'll', Tut-mm. ‘hulldau a! hlx hm Mr. rind Mn, rut little son, M (but. day In Bum. mum-gum th N a year tor you "I ind Mrl, PM " Human an" Km. M (an. mm Bauer Sun A rule at “ has in. - Balm. T rtrd " Gulph.‘ RM no: ' " “I mi was! t m__.m MgMtts C'.: atett2.edSt'ut.y “1.. 'y, 7: nomination blank â€mu wit-x, “I PRIZE " oi " lmnu' of Hum mm run. NI srhonrttrrg ('lrur'nl. of Victoria mm". Lu upvndhm Hu- hln haw- in mm". " (many: and anâ€. Hulk! Nun- SPIN†IN ' with" y or "xptN1 their s gin-n to nk on an “Inch gums t , ' 'chance, itree nu "rites, an 9.53 "d'.".' un "Oath-u Chub" Bt. You bl i"iaiG7i5ri Iltll,"la'4 and. __ul “El“ 11'! - w]... " I but“. "" _ illM Ra an and. “WW, 'At3"' m2 t rr “a I... it“ “I F T 1;; m with some Im- m , would b. - a.rBrt6e:, “ you. without "at; ("in Me, run I but mih. H Mth '. "r humus " in ,roasderfttt - a T rq Improve at thin week! It. 0' t, door. and“. l have I". . ' mu thirty "In ul no If. ' "v running u u clad-t. vb « f , my! mu . quarter all I‘IO " _ ' who Ila low and! were “In (0-! Ihrw and tire usiler, at a good “I Illp. has Running in; usually givi6ed - three eiassete--short, and». - _ mun-cc 'emu. To 5005‘ Oz sprinter there are tum.- “In, lint mun, be tmastered-Ao shit - to Wu long mum and - Hum rapidly. l ready and Inn ,trong lat-tut in making a - I successful starter. Many I “I'd-9' has been won by the ability ot II athlete to concentrate his mu all at the and: ot the pistol to - away front the sun. The crouch Mall in the hm one In use. [or an athlete is less llktly to make “the “art than where he use»: the Mand- mg start, The thumbs and middle Iingt'm In: placmi on tbe anâ€. having the will“: of “I Plete.. bettrt'q'tt the hands, Holes no nude tor the [out as near to the sunk]: .u- 1lttt athlete limb practicable. Ttis "thtaitce. will vary [or the ibrst, I front, foot, trom six to right inches, and for the mar loot from mum to twenty-ttve inches, wording to the proportional length of legs unit-ck. The idea is to have all loll“ on thy ground and to be braced utm- _ ' ...= 1L4 SI-I|-II thi. lots a ilu. way mm“? "l “rah spot clasllvity lo ttw mum us (he jar Ott the I'll mu. "igglc ilw body do lhu work, sau. xsok to put nu ttteat, Att aiUWie should l “yak pants. and this Hm trim hand ot' ligl A n " wk the t cises “1le In por nu In“... Att atltbriv should slu-ngllu'n his mum pulls. and this is best done by the trcr' hand ot' light dulnbcll excr- cises. l man should rulrlx llu- cun- ll-xl lu-Illng ctastic, bun-pull, strung. \igmnus, clear headed and vrruratteoutt. Mr is lhcn m good mmlllluh. All athlete' should tcel Mm walking. lie should not work ho hum] lhul lw lust-u bis “map." A lnmlvralc. a small amount ul monk u-wry any will pal a mun in hello: sitape lhun a gum! uh-ul lulu-n unu- or twice a were. An athlete's dh'l would consist ol plain. wholmmnc loud, wvll cooked Meat builds up the muscios but "dues um usually lurniah rut-r3): Supt and lame turrtish ruch)’. but do ttol 1truild up much". a mind diet . .1__..__-cs "In-uh and vxcl‘ciu‘s no In wright as "my hhllull duwn rapidly by down ply ol liquidu at [he iug n-gulur “or! that pvrspirc. sunning when" h" the rule. II and Mon-inc» llmuilhm. April ll mun Hutu morning “lunzml um: sin Smith “In ruuundr It i" mum! on good Mm prrtirr' suit drpe hon an a petthrtitr v m ttw knppt‘llr in “I SMALL] um... mm i. athieie's dit" would consist ul , wliolmmm: loud, wrll cooked. builds up the mumlm but View usually turttish viii-r5): Supt lain lumlsli vttr'rgy, but do not up muscle: a mixed dirt, ling tobacco and liquor“ shunld lm rule. lt a mun is too hi. men-inn do not rum“: ttis " as ttwr should, lu. um get I rapidly by dun-using his nup- ll liquids at the same “nu-do- l......l... work that will mule him ,r,'ytistr'tu' rl uun. P'-'. eee' work ho hum] "In! luv losers ." A mudvm'c. a small work u-wry day M" pm. hem-1 dupe than a gun“. uuu- or twice a were. "h AT (H‘ELI'I‘ (iTiiihtf AS EVIDENCI‘ 'd and muragmuu. I om1liCton, An him wmkhm He