In!!!" Ltrerst 997, “Mort, Inde- Ilrel "r, Souk-1.0, Con-cum" In and "is N R WM. Ebectlo.--Match 22nd, 1909 proved . wry luau-um day to Mr. Joe, E. smear (Liberal) ol Didnhury, an... who won " a: majority, d “a ll " dutiful. The mm numb" "A. pomd faulted u totVtqrtru- M, Hutt A Call- ‘ary. [tamed tluougll hue last week mu ',umucair...-T't.uv., ta.- “walk of sivt.. ttrrs' Man WVrtt "Mm-dud m Fab sum last wevh,--it is reported that contracts tttpe but. lvt tor IM mile" Ot new A ,a A. inn“, LI. ,,“"“ T'"' being kt lot Alberta Auk-n Albert. grow-Mr. W. Shaun It'll fur Edmun- tm with the intention wl taking a human course. We wish him sue-- Buloy................ In. Bttetkrrhetst............ Damnâ€! pound ..... B‘n,pordozen........ Ctritastsa,traeh-... Poutou,perbag...... Humor wa.......... Stun........,. ...-.. lutmn...... .-.. .r.. Pork.................. mdoa............ .... lamb-and pom .__... Calftalns.... ._-..-.. Wool............... .. Woolwuhed.......... Taiwan“ Tallow, rendered Mr, little" "I \lu'hlj'.‘.m 1x tirrit itH'- Connor. --M: h', l'lslwlnmu IN nu llu: sick hst -M: tt Shut of Ncapolrsi, Alta., calm] on “mulls hrit' last neck. bur In». is 1m pl.o MI It It hulnr m lilo.» m' In) i, MARKET REPORTS . hetwc In») em Invmls tor cuttstm'r it GALTMARKETS Gun. Aptil8th.1000 What.......... M..-.. 1.03 Whetbt,m"r-.-..... Float, per 100 lb...†. Bun,porton..........22.00 oats.....-........... Ati Shunmrmn........24.00 Pau......-.......... .85 Bulay................ .55 In. .70 No 2 $1.30. Harley-No, 3 extra, 35k lo 19aur--No, 2 mixed, Imtario. 47c, outsidc, My 2 [mind If: ada Western oats, No. 2, Ir', 1lolhingwood, No 2, all rail, 5l 3, all rail, 50c. Rye-No. 3, 'iu'lt uulsukn Corn-No 2 old yellow, 25h, We to my; Ontario min-d, i Peas-No. 2, We. outside. Bram-Fires at tet m lme. to Ireightii." 1hheat--tmtario, No f. “Inlr trrt to $1.15, nuumml Buclrwheat--stic io Ch (HUM Shorts-Strong but quiet. tr; in bags, Toronto iretRht. Toronto April f- Tin-re “no In Chicago quotation: twlay lo mun- rucc tite market, but there war nun-1 iiifluencts at work to make an cs- "rmely' huilish maxkrt. Lumpm-I War: a can, 10 a cent and a ball Ingli- ct. The big decrease 1n the worllr, visible Is also a lat-tor in sending tlte markets higher, Flour-Manitoba, mm patents, Ct,- p, to $5.90, mamas " in io that, strong halaus â€so lo $3.1m (mm-m winter wheat, pawns, In“; to man. Choice lots oi bunker cattle sell- ing strong at $1.90 to $5 00 Average and medium quality, butcher was lirm at $3 75 Iuauners tl.5tt lo 32. There IS A good market iot good shocker cattle, good quality stocVrs, 500 to 750 lbs., $3 to $3.60, 70" to 1.000 lbs., $3.65 to ti, $1,000 to 1p Myolb.s,, $1.75 to 85. duif No. 2 ' are. No No 2 $1 lith- arawoehaqo,thereits pod-such“ ERIN-t mmdtonny madam. The tumor! trade in active and prices are firm lor choice, weti-tiuish- ed stock, good weight, and quality Idling at $5.25 to $5.60. Export bulls steady IO tirm. Calves ale pautu the, “wk at SS 'to 86.50 each. Manitoba whas--No. l Nortluuu Bay ports, prompt shnpuwuls, $1.1M, hot at tank. 183 show “alum, - hogs, 2-4.8“ 'm"t _ Ewatu-aeareet steady; good de. mild. Butcher-Steady demand [at choice butch: cattle, and prices steady to tirm. Common butcher easier. Mb. April L-- City Cattle 'iansb-A tight nan may held "we: study. but trade wu slow. Winn: View in hutch“ anion-oi. umtrtr--Market steady. Eheep-steady. Hogs-Market steady and unchanged Edsel hogs are quoted at $190 ro tr., and $7.15 ted and wanted. Springers and unkh units mark“ Stock“ and it-ttuae-Demand ior The nu wu 50 loads with T10 2 $1.32 CARSTAIRS, ALTA. ......,. ...... 4.00 ...... .... .... .08 .e....--.-..--. no and pen! ---.-. .90 um... .m-.t.t. .09 ‘..-......... .. .10 "ttod........... .15 LI'I - alul 221,. V All-rad quutulmm l ?iutthesn normal, tl,3.3 r.» --titr "l" plv‘abed to see rvlut" ulh'l brim; absent itlrlc lllllu' "uoup, IIlViI lis; In (mu-l .hcy rayon .. ul- "" mm but, say there lrk, '5‘unm Min-Ila _-ie "lmnl mun-L lullldillg " al ',tatt ., AIO, .-lh-dfuul _ It!" \|IIII lmml‘ llrlcall'l ml \lu'ln'zml IR Hull qua all rail, SIC. No 05% outside quiet, S tvtntc1. whi 12 40 60 lull nu“ ls "II llu: Mullahs. to its Mk2 In: lo 13.00 'muu 1.02 1.03 3.00 .07 .10 .12 m 1.00 .10 .10 .15 .03 5t .15 .50 .90 .58 .70 .60 'an STRATFORD MARKETS. Stanford, April 8th,1909 When Sundard). . - . . _ 1.05 "rlor.... .... ...... .50 Ova {standard} .. - .. . Pun .'t.-._..ettw.. .85 as) per ton.......... 8.00 Bran per 103...-.. .... Shana per mu........ Live Hogg..-.-..-. 6.75 Best, front qurton.... .06 Beef, hind qun!cra.... .75 Chickens............. .50 Duck:......’.......... 50 Batter per pound...... .20 Egg-per dos. ......... .17 Apples, '" bag ......... Potato“, per bag, ....... J] lil.--.), ll, my liarâ€, Harald “anklm, Mrlvu: Muldm, [My May Stuck". Lorne Much-ell. Laura um. ngI, Rankin Unwind, Wesley Michel, SI ll --Haivvy Thaw", Milton Mu“, Ham: Ir,ve, W.itia 'ol,.oir,ais, ILunId Smdrr, Ilu'ey “ngle Gvttc- Luna Lam Hum bud“ I" Il', ' 'lteldi, lhnlmald Sid-cl, l'lllu tfrs'.rli, Millie Hammer. Jr Patt 1t.--Airttn 'llnlrr, Marlo- ry Hum, llun Moms, Hammer WuhrL Class 1r--i'laranre Htciou, hallm- an l-thi, John llunnm ttass l --Huhert Th-Irr, Hormin lemid', llwin Schmidt 1Grl,Rrttar, 1mm, Lilian Hurst-t1, Roy Mill-r, Viola stuck“. Alfred Boss I-l, Murmur. Pun-rival. _ I Wuclohx \ulu'nnt. (human, I'.lla Thule! Llilan Lat,sch, Mt irkn 1filun .u lt -l',riua luivy, But Mum. Itor Ruth“. Haney Mvss, Stan- try Sandra, Roy ml. (ioldon "rirkwll, .lnhnny Burpâ€, charlie Ibpott of l'cnlruvillc School tur Match. Sil‘ iV.--Wtslter ttacU, Lincoln 'llmlvl‘, Charlie Kissul-r. \ugust Jan- BERLIN MARKETS. Berlin, April 8th, 1909 Flour per 100 lbs. -._.. $2.80 Bran " - . _ . . 1 20 Middllngl " . . . . _ 1.30 Screw-ing- " ..... l 25 Wheat per man"... 1.00 Barley " .____.. .55 on. " ....... .53 Eggs pir dozen..... NEW HAMBURG MARKETS. New Halibutg, April8th, 1909 When.......... .... 1.05 1 02m............ .... A6 Barley..-. .... .... .50 Pen...... .......... .80 Corn.-........_. .t.. .77 F10ur................ 290 d Butter, per lb .-.--... .10 Egge,por dozen ...... .17 Hay per mn.......... 15.00 15 Lard, per lb...... .... .14 Hum................. nt Mlddlingh porwn.... 26 liran................ 24.00 PA Potato-tmg...... .70 Low grade Flour...... 30.00 30 Shoulder: ----..-..- Bacon.......... .... PouMa per 1:33.... Flour.-....'..... ammo. Plou..-.-. Bran ............... hnddlings..-p" ton "ttru........-.... Whoa.............. GooIoWhut..-..... I9rhrthultintt)-.. braisikuiiif.c-Ae Baum no: ........ guy pot 'e--- ("a Wood,iuroord ..-... 1aptr' qqyt,--- Buichen' can"... m. ivi “tau...†, "11“...." .... tte, M.... .2: old Smart â€any " \hhm, Vanda" "ttwh F Part Hymn-1‘. SCHOOL REPORT rm â€may. go It†“It†ELIIBA MARKET“ tmntm,Apeit8th,i900 .........‘......' no "3""21'. In..-....-. .... .... 1.05 .t-bt .... .15 --..-. .... .77 .......-.. 290 lb .-.--... .19 an ...... .17 .......... 16.0t Lâ€... .... .r ...-...... nt ........ .50 ......... 50 xnd...... .20 ......... .17 bug, '....... 26.00 I m .. 23.00 22.00 2 90 d.10 .19 .19 .17 .17 15.00 16.00 .14 .14 nt .14 nu Shaun, Hump! ar .16 - uk tuna .70 12.00 .70 30.. o .70 “.00 1400 3.10 1.40 .1} Mo 1 05 .55 .45 .88 6.75 .6; .77 d.10 .19 .17 1.05 550 .57 .22 .25 .15 12k .16 .76 .78 jtt .16 " “0,000 IN AN HOUR “h"n Um Park Baptist â€lurch, nl Itrauttord, announced a week or two ago that Improvement» of $13,000 wl'u- ronIemphted thettt wu tome doubt we in whether no Inge In amount, could he readily rU.tsd. At a preliminary meeting an April t, " is understood um 310.000 Va prom- 'semi, one member clam; “.500. m balance Witt In trtrtqpritqd without. dim“, MED IN CALIFORNIA. Word has been received in Berlin ..l mu drain ot Joseph Ferrier, which hulk pure am Marvin Mth in Berke- Icy, Cuhhuma. The deceased was a, 10:: of Mr John r, Frrrier. ot Dn-“-- T , terer' n. In. ".0ts vvnl' kiusa-A, a. 's t a Mio Hm. Joseph Edmond him-In, ",tsi lf days. (humus rorq--ln Aaron, San-rlam ', Mt “numbing. who ot the law Fred Guggisburg, of Preston, aged 72 yarn. I)ietentraeker-At 1ltrwkesville, April Lind. Wit. Geo. Dlefenbwkcr. _ _ . _ . , _ Ivan! AWIBI. Apply to Mrs. Louis Frieburger, nee humu- Eu I! WEBER . . l I Mt'ycr, aged lti years and 3 munttts.‘ Ill-lam Waterloo. Ont. Cole-At Wellesley, March "28th, Wil- liam Cole, aged 73 years, 11 mos. and 29 dars. Jl1/ili'1'-"1"t' Waterloo, March 27th,l Farm For sale John L. Ilerringer, in his 713M - year. Wheeler-Ai, Galt, April l, Mrs. Jnu. l .hwnfj‘t'ï¬â€˜fflï¬ï¬‚‘flu‘ï¬'gmw: Wheelâ€, in her {in}: year. ( ii'i'iiii.rii.'t'irik'ii1.fthlli "5 Wig "cchtichter--ln New Dutsdce, 5barcts, 1'tntt t2TAhll'st ',i,'4ir,iliit, 25111, Benjamin {Sewn-(int-nd aged 'i,itldhti'tl “a.†m; "a, 03 years, 10 mun s an Ii ays. g . gain 1lristow--At, Spruce Grow, Altai. I Eï¬mfl'Wï¬aWï¬ï¬‚ March toth, Walter Brishuw, form. a?" _'i,',ii,7i'ia7ii'li','oti',ii,ri,iif 2rlv'?s'lt oily of Elmira, aged 70 years, j,,lt't,1qtit'iiilito!ii'ii'tdi,li, maul; We McCutchvon-At, Gall, March 30th, triii1yj'iriiiib755ir5ra'l"'lh"lc '0' Irene Mynod, the only daughter of REVERE". Mr, and Mrs. Waiter A, McUutclscon ".tato “kilo“- aged " years and 10 months. I---,--,,.,,,.-'..,.,-.,- F'tvckscll-At Merlin, March 2311],! Mrs, i'atharinc Frockscll, relict ot "" "I. "" the late Gilivan Frocks?“ of North‘ but 'tmtqr,9q glut-hot ï¬lm WW, mwmzmmwï¬w Fyte-At Gale, March 'doth. Eliza torlwwmquIh-m o k "d r , , . _ “Hal-0m ' [will] mm a, wt um ot the late Thomas 2'tcy.At.eeetet.1fgEFeitiEta, leet byte, aged 78 years and five mus. mramnHMt-Awluï¬MI. Mcutide--At Guelph, Thomas Mc- l 'GFriri'. '.er,. “I P2y,itid iiiffifii; Bride, in his 88th year. 'VOM" Bill. Incl-o. N-Y. uat Cornell-At Berlin, March Mth, Mary Fr-l-r-r-rr-rr-tl'-'.'------.--?-"-'-' Pctvrson, wife of W F', Come“, in hm 8itst war. PROPOSED SCHOOL ADDITION traitunx-A'r Chicago†Match 30m.| 1N GM,T. IN, F'.rrtst (muting, lomwrly o? , - Ncss Hatultrug, atptl 90 year8, ( um public school board has " Kalt-At Berlin, March new, ms. Prowl ot the Wins lot I" addition “Mm, Kalle, aged 70 years. to the Central school, costing $15,000 Arrultruster--At Gait, Munh 25th, -----------------r------- Mrs Bernard Atamtustvr. t 19ppt'rtsuausvr--In Woolwich, March +4+b+b4+H+FFH+t+Ft+t. 19th, mm of Mr. and Mrs. Mr- " prrtslmuscr, aged two days, tty tterlin,5tarch 24th, 2",,ty, ttttt, " mum son at Mr, and Mrtr, Dan " Flies, aged 9 days. l up to-d‘t. limming--At Elora, March 11th, Mrs“ ueo.Ctttruttin6. t momma e4chartfeyr-At Petersburg, March Nth, 'ww'v "Mum-r. and 82 years. I Eur,- A. in ", t 1! Mort, HUI. , , Joseph Eduard human, .1 vi tl _ A FEW LEADERS: Schack-At Berlin, March 2tth, Paul Fr son of Robert Schack, aged 3 mos. new, and 24 days. Dcvitt--At Hesnelcr, April George Desitt, in his 69th year. 13. Hell-At Detroit, April lat, William - Hell, son of Mr. and Mrs, Henry New, Berlin. "sit'ry-hl Detroit, March 30th, Mrs. .lulm Barry, widow ot the late Thomas Barry, ot can. in!“ Frielrurgcr--At Bamberg, March 27th, 'es, 1hoolrter-Uagor--At Berlin, April I, xii"; 'Norman WooWer to Custclla Unger. Alto-g: iirractr-Htsmei--At Berlin, March M, lh"d Wt Margaret Kline-k. ot Berlin, wCon- {hung rad Hamel, ot Moosomin, Suit. â€when Cameron-Kilgore" Guelph, April ist, Walter Henderson Cameron, M. It-lat" Ir, of Victoria, Mine, Out, to Joan Ethel Kilgour, ot Guelph. --- lots-At Waterloo, April Mk, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wall, . Ion. Boehmer--At t0terrtoo, April 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Boehmer, I daughter. Lutt-At Berlin. Inch 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. J.’ butt, tt son. Chrietttte-At Elmira, lurch Mth, to Mt. and Mn. John E. Chxutmnn McDonald-At Bridgeport, March 19th to W. and Mrs. Mcmmatd, a son. ts'chmldt--At wuenoo, March Mth, to Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Schmidt, Btiiheat an. In. no. u 'lt: all In. Clo. I}... o In. lieu-M m In. no. to It. and In. AM Hell. . â€at. we.) [luck-My Bulb, Inch, am. Wit. and In. J†Had. a noi- Mou.-At Balls. m um, (all. And In. W. J. Ion. . not. Klan-M Berth, lush an. to Mr. a! In. 0. Kinda. will. IoII hunt dnaqMrr. 1urt'utel---At Berlin, latch Ist, to w. “a nu P. W. mum a son. . Bgandaw-ht My. Much m to . To Mr. and In. Hr. lit-aha. a no. [alumna-At Wetrt Zorn, Hunt 0. to Mr, and In. Jaegrtt Vanni“. win you. 'c'rtyder-h' Woolwich, larch mm, to Mr, and Mn. Ed. Say“. p son. Reinhardt-At Berlin. March 13th. to Mr. an In. Geo, Reinhardt. a sou, 1lebel-At Benn. um. um. tdau. and Mm. PM new. . dnqttter. Wagtter--At Berlin, March 8Mt, to Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Wagner, B daughter. _ Btepier-ht Berth, March m, to Mr. and um Herman Steppier, a daughter (died) IAIIIAIII DEATH. WP iiibWia- FiiiimitTi4 1'77" ii"h7, GG? "s,1,1,i,t,' trd, 'd I' as" 'i'ltil4ity iii,5iet "any summon N. Y, " WU A donut. nick-l “hum-um "tsul,',' 1rt'stml'dtftWlR'h'tt',T, 'ili'ilii'i'iittiili1F'iitiffk' ttttsurf., guy bog-um '. Br' an . _ 'Gli um 1004110 Btnwborry PUatta complia- Ing Sen-tor Dunlap. Wm, Belt and some Atoms. Apply to EU a. WEBER, Ill-lam Waterloo. Ont. Gall. public' school board has ap proved of the plans lor an addition to the Central school, costing $15,000 county of laud... The Municipd Colmdl of the County of Wan-loo will mot at the Court Home, Berlin, on Tue.- dsy April 18th, 1900,at 10 o'clock aod John Bu. Good on. and on..ttntt 'stetqr.tstm- with mud all" tt 3 " QM. with kitchen " 3 Man A good “Able Ind "not. Mun. was: verb. to“ m aha-m [mum In “when. Shttit tn... ducting! x 55. For further Micah:- Apply on promises. A bugdn on any tat-nu. ant oun- . M., in» “Iâ€: up. has oath. to. m at in! has». and I. has... 41le h; and hurl-Int but was In. otha. “I“. u may ply d an: â€and by htft'h nerertsiliq 3,“ and much- on com: 01 um. Giuliani, was.“ a lot ot Ink, 89m. etc. in. to. plan“. About " an. a! woodland. on: no ura- h an. bums mm. at mum dun mutual: at willâ€. TM: is one at an my mum in the county at Whining!“ Aid In a an (All: tor “an. that m (not; " In “mad I nua- lzon Dolph. H mile. tron “new, 01.8.. N .905 Iron JPettrr, c.) .13., a HERBERT J. BOWMAN, County Clark Berlin, Much 18th, 1909. M-6t nu- uon tiN Gunny m school I: tsttiutrotntutttmar. For an» and MI“!!! â€ply on an prowl-es t ty JAM ml William . Mdurr, -v." 3:... _.._.,1 l 'mor-ii-dur-tisa.) sot-Juana ia5""iiua'"iiC, mum-lot w. Wm "asmr6rstttqehhr"r' In. mumwmqthuh - J. Houseman Tho Shoo In Oprah. the no. nut-t. Women's line dance). kid about. blush" and tml stylesâ€! shapes and widths just to tlt your foot st 1.75 Ind - . "ai, Complete rmgo of Men'- nnd boya' heavy solid lather shone. the kind that no bound to sand the hard wear. Men’s fine velour calf shoes, blucher style, good- year welt soles in two of the very newest, shapes. very stylish st . "l Our pncea are in your favor. -t; hip tgat Fractal: Wood Buy loader, - aw. in tred 'ueitar (mist, cheap. "mm For 8:30 For Sale For Sale NOTICE. vvu annual". UAW, cue-p- W. uARGNAVEi om Oom, We 10-10;. nou- Crou Ill. CHARLES magnum. BEE-date?“ BUM Auctioneer of Willey 33.50 3; ". 'rrtherrVrrd t "in [or uh " {Inn all mud I mile-snub of [thunk aid t 'tl'N lam: u Wuuho mama so In. t “Man and ".0.qu nun. mutual-l 1 "Jim Munn‘h-rn - mm»: JM, glam "than: upan an» run-h. u m. Ankh ANDIIW non-cm. l A. m m mldenbly enigma. our (lam, we will In .No to (In employmns tourn- aldmbly In“: sum r of our-Ion on In Mum» Ind I . Tho mul- Ilaln and tum-mu and u u [and In an? In In tin-unsung II any 'eittsou. Sto- ' won an not! Inna. - -- THE STAR wurrlzwujx MFG: co, The ttrtdtrrshrrted bu received I M. “out of first clan Guollno Engine» ranging from u to 80 hornepower all will be sold at muonubln prion. my be "ett in operation - Sunday " tho M-atarto Wmmolnc. Bet, Bt., Waterloo. " you 13m yum- ulo properly con- ducted, "no" Telephone to DAVID BODY, 'N6togh on MVtt. Gasoline Engines For Sale. M. mlsmumi_wm hhllmmmomovmh Nun st "etttM. Walt-thunk. Inn-luau All um 'tetrltm-omtt-- Elm-Iona. ""eetet? AIM!“ .ao-rmmgzyrxmm Emi‘amï¬ 'rrHii.uiioisuri if '.i2iiferi',iiiiiii. I gum-u k (l,,1fit!,ilt?drhrveh' m% I. I. M; r u “was out at to "I. 1d'L','l'a',i'l'lN?l'lu"l.',ugt',' tiaaaUTfaiaT, “an." iFraiiai than]. of far-on All“ - In" and. to In wanna-g yr.t-tertooytr.yiih" Licensed Auctionur some AGENT m 3mm. ... Stock remedies of VETERINARY SPECIALTIES The best on the market Con. Kim AND Scorn- tha, Blunt 00-0100. 1t1eae ia.. and: mu. m Manon. ' se'... hymn mot If: ll.“ Euls an! and yy' Auk-nar- Property for Sula tthte. "rci.i2i..T2Tr-'""'"""""""'-e"""e.--H.Nl. a. "IlilIlM'8 " $tEiieif m...“ - a... a... my Euro um- mm uM.etttQ'g."tgi.t te,!?.,',.?),','?,'?,,':?,'.??,??.:' Farm For Sale Girls Wanted Harm's: Farm for Sale FAI- "ttt DALI '. Fischer A000" vamp, than. an, I“ tfk'eiii'drL'hC'iiifit WM. may. Tiiaia an. , Lam. TiiiiitJaiiito “villa. Ont u t',W,'l','e'iaft7,',ht, of mmwo: not.†and. n If"! - I". A me Ill M wftt can 0mm l0 p! 011% It“. n a “on. to W0. ----- [troso ulnxundmugmom. III"! IILIII‘I’III. [(5,500 mmem‘mm ' , pm. Linda", s..- -.,~- gogglmh: 1".tP2fa'.'r, Aptil $rsoo 'dfrTJl'hitk1htitauiiitet flow (sioo lowilek.7mo-I,II‘M It |$1600 1nmmma. mu. . E Saskatchewan $I725 Jtlt'U.,'tTt 're 'a,t ' M'- ' 2 oo m - W Farm Mortgag†f 9 g-um-uu- £211: tB. 33-131.? mm“ was mum ill . um Tho nationhood clan for lab " t,T,,gg',1t%r, tot mouth. Town“: at dial-y. can. It, [M0 out nun-tad about 2 mile- mud-It Linwood. On the [an an?“ brick houn- usd hank ban and unpleasant. and. The“!!! In ot I clay ban. a not. maniacal An. tiom lure-bunkAadOunu noun In ‘hll what.- Pall ploughing - (toned - (an... 'tet stock runn- Iptt ugh In. om- "non-bin For tethir why-g Apply to II he; alumna. ï¬mï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬wz Mumdhndlnthe village of Vain-mi: lulle- negptet pm]..- a good rum we . "alta ti room- und In.» bun. BMtt, Appl, to HENRY 8mm 11-01-00. Show", P.0. PLATTSVI LLE 1?,mhmu‘ol‘ioiiâ€"1ij'amnmdyâ€"aflx 1'ut.ttCyeretotoee-.arrr-r-s- "MI-‘18...†album 11on “I. 1et1tIltete-mt_ttari"iitiriiia-iatiikl J"""""'".?." c,'..." i . . F. E. MIA-Egfr-irq,?,. Ah"totrts"t' BBttMR; c mam-nu muw‘uum. . " Aef1yfejetieresA-ast-ie-,amta- UmMWm-numu '_eatdy9'eniiiki_eiiiiiii-'Uo-m-,u. t 1ert.1At't 't1,'1te%y.uttoee-qi'itsiiuti' Much-om mammal-ign- dinn 1nt'eue:t-rttutetitaruevrkrtiiriiaG is tux-excludvo and of tet??? merit ia..rthtrihfreti- W - --"'"N_ __---- - - e"'""""".". III - Onrwolleunod reputation!“ Cap-b. iq' "s',,,"), Cloths and Carmina will In enhanced ti,f,liifil).iiiilifiii!it!il, Tt?raattrmtotoamtimreeoGr'diuiF In. of empties. nN.ttotQtt1,.tteegtum1 And block pan-nu, 2 all - d A " In.“ -...= Fine imported InI-id'unoiomz yd. with, hm new.“ 75. yd. _ Fine Candi“ Oil Cloth in I, ll, " end-2 yude w rraHoetrdeaidm, _ st Me per peed. Fine T8tiopparitetw, " in. trident Me, 4thtand Mht peryud. Fine Wool Capote. 2 nod 8 nly, new patterns at ttie, Mit and 81.00., m-tr, asqritn border: to much. " 50c. 60c, Met 3nd ta, per yud. Brno-el- CIrpete, elegant design, harden to notch st 7 tic, 1.00 end 51.35 per yard. _ ’ . Wilton Capet- " 1.26 nod 81.50 per yard. i Rage, nll Irina in Tape-'17, Brno-el- Ind Wilton. 5 line Cunning, direct from the English Menu'ncturen st 250.509, 750, 1.00, 1.M, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2,M, 2.50, 2.75, 8.00, 8.50, 4.00, A60, 6.00, IMO, 6 00, 6.60, 7.00, t.tro and 8.50 per pair. Tops-try and Chenille Cumin: from 2.50 to 12.00 per pair. C Ita" Went of Curtain Poles in hues. wood And enamel. ', A fu1lieoetmert of Window Shades. mounted on the but Hutches-n mun-p, plain, also with line And the with he. and ineem'on. New Carpets and Rugs Linoleums and Oil Goth Curtains, Window Shades [HI Property for Sale lone! " IMO!†. - - mun nonu. y. m Ono-m. on Farm for “I. The-R. d. Neal Go. Fly ' per out. Iett - 6i... -e kin}; Em" ""13"" Leer orl'4ll'rddts'ls'iirt', an “In!†qttrg',t THE R. J. NEAL GO. ' Deli: inwood, Ont, $2900 1uteitL,'t"attt 333-1: 33000 rm nun-Oculaomm. Home. to Lat. Loan. [nun-u. 0mm.- A quantity ot choice 60 lb. Black Chalmer- Seod Out. now vsriety And also. quality of Liqulo Seed Out. for Ink npply to. A. w. KINZIE. 11-.11110. Bertin, Out. Donu’ - Giif6m 15:33:; a; how†"F an. 'u",'lllNksri. Apply l A. C. HALLVAN. 5w Burl-n. Ont. F 3.11“ s,f,tt,e,tlt,,rdh'l; F F=7G;'tttJtt',',2'tNteiitltl Be m1 Mum :u an...“ tad iit1i'iiii"i'i'iiii5iiii'i' one!" â€with“ For M. For an Counties of WATERILO All! OXFORD. Santana-n gum- (and. Address communlcukml to Fm". or basins-a left In tttrm ot the 2tmigtqVTrtr-pit u Waterloo or Th. My 2tti'ttt " Berlin will re- od" my: . cation. 8&1. Robt. Bricknell Ettry Jherd Ptrtttoyth 1199!: Real Estate It A. tC, 0mm mound Auctioneer For Sale: Ms0"be+t ONTARIO.