't T" 2 , "fig trg .',-:, “If“ at qua." he an. and tl _ Wuhan. ttuxrqtt ht mum. v . " up!†nodded her head gravely. m!- S no. Mrs-1n. A m it VII. who! noun. Bophy new-" not M m on looking tmee-what they 2.. an Mm to them In curl» 1 with I "mon- whooo playful an “on. obstinate]: touched with Icon in tt It. doe. not hide its sincerity. She - perceived. anyhow. that Ibo wu m I had chum. Ibo. the cook . on... was " open wer with In. mt. tho cook In one. though. to be can, "like mum In" don. lam.- “ to rescue“. In: to Grouch! In. Brownian naturally ranged ber. ulf all would. of emtatttrtted author!- tr, of tho nutter rank In an done-tic thanâ€. Moreover. It I: like}: that In. .trttlher In right In nine cue- cnt " tn. " all qvetttB.."httottr man- than. we etmitPtseat' to the at... Jill- felt a ladder: prawn on her “M!†wttUpemd Bophy. her â€a â€an; up again In Interest. topic. but it wan not unconscious. M benettta, which were very great. â€new to then; exhaustive. not only then what Sonny might expect, but [In beyond what she could imagine. They had picked her up trom the road- Iâ€. end use her on the wny to that non ot kingdom with the prospect of which Bull Williamson had tried to eon-ole her. The squire was an estima- ble mun. but one of small mind. [1. bond among the "tue-ttse contented bed of a pin point of the earth. Mrs. Btmrrtow wu a profoundly pion- Io I... to whom content was: high any. in be won try the performance at other 3 all“ " the moire detected In the} [In Me of luminan- to himself his we laid orttmt New. on u rebellion T seemed somehow impoulble. ans will: to be cook there all In: days." tio writes, Booby at u later date In "gird to tter life " Morp- Mun Inâ€. To Inlay of us In our youth it has seemed impossible that we should pass all our days in the bum- drum occupsuons and the mediocre po- sitions tn whlch we have In (not spent than. Young ambitions are chronlcled only when they have been tu1Bllm1- unless when I born autoblographer m fame out or hls failures. But look: had s doans portion ot originsl réstlessncss. Thig much the records or nomlngham you-s, sesnty u they Ire. under pistn The Immediate result or this disposi. tion ot hers was unhappy. and it is not M to sympathize with the feelings of (I. Brownlows, Their benevolence was ‘ï¬. 7‘ "aaitr- si'fstiltiSk1ii!i “umrrrm-un- â€mt manga- 'IIT/Ar.",',':-,",:""',',,,,',',',',',',, “inâ€. my MOI-alohaâ€? 1PAer.t"".-i-r-1nii'i- "4thth"u".t . was an. - " do. W‘IQMNWII hills l ty . “You 6q.'t'mtttettuMtitii9.. c LMII-ukod. - A â€mm min rode up the gnome]: “An you "all, mum!" thunk- Id 1mm. "Tea. for I Ian-Want.†unbr- m "pause' m. a all» (radon-nu. "rm m an.“ In. Butt. â€hunt you." "You was. - "The damn I do? bathed Bull mt. kinson. T It. ' In: on. - to " "Yet' to M mm. won't mum-nun. "rh-ietetos.enru- It""""-"""-""'- “Mlmmhvmuodtom awn-tum“! mum-mutton†“Savings!†"A mum-o donor. you how- rtt*amdt.trs..t.oDrCt-ttttsee Mahdi-Int Wynn-y. W“ l ' /I'i It Sophy did not speak. Rho looked. The young nun-4n could be hardly no" (Inn "rrststr-etta" on. Sonny uddenly hid behind her “and cm, In: my pride, not he: own." generou- Julla explain; Bophy haul! Nance. no Inch new"). but Ila could I... ah. an (In rldu'u an In! on Julll. Did It rut In recognition? " ulna! new Io, ret then wt: doubt. lull: blushed. but lb. (unborn from lulllu or (roll not!" to ton-o his memory. In Ill. Wu M It to mm but Nee In. IIC" he fberettV It. "In. In. Id" M I I". in. - I Bub D' h - arm as: 9...! â€anâ€! - noblnn ncouuted her adven- mnl. Thu would not can very ' sun; " un- dhtnnco. lophy hard than with ardent can. They â€In“ to color the mark on Mr cheek to I rosy "at. “Thu" being alive." also said, wlth I deep drawn sigh. Julh named her hand consolhmly. “But I'm twenty!" Ibo "minded Mr "had. "Tttiak how young you In!" tmphy w“ 'IW not but use from the other I141. of an m She was down In I mount, on a†lad In her "lunch arms. "ttU In» 3 put! of trests air." ah. wimp-ad u at. “and her, and then. dam “Iâ€. looked her over. Book, In: (all be- yond he: yen". and but bold man:- ty on I In"! with â€uni. 'tto m In her man print on". m but than apron on. In - road In. ht "atseMttoetstttettttterttnnditrra, no doubt red from wuhlnl with!“ and dishes. “She looked like Clad!!- oilu In (he first Ret of a pantomime.†h “in Robinu' pmfeulonll eon-ac. colored perhaps 9|. by I‘m! events. "You'ro belutllul!" crud may. "Oh. that shirt! I love met" And In on for some “In: no doubt. “Tell in “out It. Ten no ererrttttttq about It.†an. urged. “It'l (be next In» "1an you know." "Young or old'l nine-{1h} name In an known." Sonny grumbled. "Yen. I know! When we were " York! He was on of (In clan more. I]. was In I boa. Bop), In tho and on Munch-Mun; ' The hail wu not twin. to Julia nor Woodbine to“. to am. Browne l igw‘a little cook an. Eat the Iqutrl'l coachinm ind been at ttt"tathifi'twttea Julia‘s train can. In. in: twin! would be know: In tho [all â€when " not upstairs. On an mom Ibo went I into tin avenue of old elm. about " o‘clock. comet-hiring that her (rind might have I few In: womb about that 1tour--ttn cub between the inborn l of the morning Ind (I). claim- of inncheon. Standing them under tho (ran in all her tMtery-r.not very "Peo. sire ttttery no doubt yet I'M In! tn. disputnbly "r-ette culled he old mocking Chilean: “Bonny amt! Io- I pk, Grouch!" I Linking Anni. (tutu-luv] uu the hog“ 'trw--", none" I know who tt b-l think I've loco him mow‘bem." "Have you,†Sophia question wag Mental.“ w. ..._.._... a. Urn"- " You’re beau, and. WW" cried tram.†2'dgt Sonny. But her head I'll not turned. Nobody was cur Inn ot a mob than Julia Robina. no 0mm» ever more Independent of the up: nod downs of life. on one Ilde or the other. than that which unltzd her and Booby Grouch. She open" tNttgtttttmimmottq with the mu oculloxy Immediately. ma I "sonny mm at much of a dull": an ever" In her warm hearted "like. Mal-c.1- peuu tm [an "A. but. In m In m m, lull YMII. who ID“ " m at with n: ma u in my link A an". at Ilka I30 I†In†and“ m and then, ht that had - further mt. Vary pmbubly In new no opPorturutr Sonny my“ "on the luluntl’ Ochoa! to the mullet). Sh. had - no. I child Into a bl. “- u m lad! kept the“ tuna- l'onmtlou In view. um arm-mo bum-he‘m the non at the new oe the pariah-co when hidden to the hill "? ate the mute:- 8091:: Ind new. Mtnchdlomolthohaulhu peeled then. In th- ud. (h cm was no doubt- Iomary mm In much in that Beietttitie men and Wuhan all "yeeonatrttetims"-a hu- udou pine... at lean when you In dealing with human beings. tt In: been kept within m. mm unn- ot . 1 ammu- Interim and mum: new. in†mun. Tho return or In“: not!“ mm. In to out any mm of (no ammo-or bones. of what- not my my be calm-la ml: Ip- Imprints when. . I [Muhammad 15.1341qu In very ml. Thug your bad tuned 'hmmumumuum tt'tl'rf't,trit2e,2t2A"g h, "tt..ttotrt" u: -rshtq In tbe-i-e"-- I. an I“ but lt~un no . but). Boa-that,“ I‘ll-DI!- "rate - (or to m lb ',1tl,1",',l'.W'ft.'tN."dtttt â€I! u: '?iiiliiiiia,'iiiit"t,tf?ir'itt,?? N'met?qe WNW“ tdh't,ttee.t2t't.tiii “w i(it'i1tt'lticjtist-li'ti', in!“ Nmtuhuthub'lw-cu she had com home to' not and to look out for a new cannula". Slug 1 won a blue but with I white feather. I Mm - skin and: MOarlbIldl Ihln. not MI halt was dun-d In the lat- est III-Mon. The noun- “on an and. to Mot mm need. no record. But her head I'll not "than; had been com. pleted I twelvemontn lame. and the bad (our. Pd -- 'iii"i'tl'e'lttitliravn't, tear, tll'.".'.,'),.,, II III M. “0 mm It Goal. WI on. iif,?liii'iiii, You'll m n M an at LI. 'ai m not“ him-Mm nun-mom noun-mm. t Bt. At 5.5m. 'ill?tli!l'i2l?.iti,'?ii.iit' JG “mm IqNf Dr Hhm‘l “3‘4:th TIM}- 'A.'.. g. a. h-A-q-rr, â€Wuhan ttea In an M “m: Pl" " b!'?'?) {MW'}! “Will thin dot" the linked. holdtnc it out through the window. "Too much meat.†“OM" an. went and got “other. "Thu one " - , Lam cinch-d than mm bark: at up†and tell to. 80pr wed and branch: out a bowl of water. Lord Dnmtnnbnry Ind lighted a cigar, In! I. Wu 'rtttetttttg My. A new light brolu on him "Manly. N my. wow you on our" gm behind the an?" mm "l ditttt'tmeatt - . I you townie.†"on I Myl'l‘vc bail: min: to} man at he! feed. "t6-er-4to you man you could bostroodtttrtohd.ttouetsatd com water for Ion-mo?†“Lorenzo?†Ibo aid. “My dog, you know." No minted to the Madman bout. which m an "treet"t an. . "Why‘do you all tttm ma" Dun-min": mil-d. “Bonn-o he'- ttta_rtt 1 due at; you new! hard ot brain tho Maanttteeate “No. Who was be?" "A duke-Di of Fiona“. In mu." n. Ind born to wuch In! two and Icon-cl not 1:1th for the bone. “Monaco? Italy?" The lettuce drop- md (m but buds. tthe wind law Inna- clowly on In: Apron. "Do you tttlah you could at no one? "You; I’ll get It." It. won! to tho but of the mom and chose a bone. ' -RsisritViiG-oii mind it 1 oh: no on him at It?" "No." But Sophy Iva-bod lettuce in her when. which, IIVO tor m hue par men. was I plea-Int. all" IMMIIL, looking out on a path that an between yew We: and led around from tho lawn to the once: or the house. on; "any the wished. M um. swam Ind taunt her. wttettter rim: or no. it nothing to mogul-pg. m but how many mne- uw- was it mind? 30 In away (mu: mm Stat H doomed lane 'rtt' um to“ mundane Lord Damian: a“!!! doe on the path outta. the window at which the land tteco. Imus her tut. no boon haul}: . .- .. "I believe his lordship did mambo: my face," thought Julia an IE. wander- od_chkito _woot'ttit" wasâ€. i , In mid to try "Minimal." In: "tm'tdtrtsutqitna,_andtttikFkiiie louv- Iudieinc that did no my (and I III Bow county welt, 1 can eat or- dinary food and} lu'erJnve a head- acho. 3nd for this "not I thank ml; Wendel-ml "My 'ttttlt-a-ttsts." Mt we in well known in this vicinity Rttf you may publish ihiu augment. . WIDE HEBERT. “a u box. C tor "" or mu sin "e. w, ibr on“ moon. SR3Ur, 6031?! do†not kindle “hull-runs." thet will no um pomp-M on may: ot "to. try F‘ruit-q-tivu Limited. Ottawa m “an no MCI-II! mm u m Mods ttm high"). H: was one. in": I!“ In am not! unity. Bonk: awoke Co darn to all!“ mm" - ehee"'tse mm In" mm. to itmettt Thor]! want a and! You'll DC In" tmttomtw-dol" And lb. I'll " up tho drive Ind Hound to her own Mom at t/be back of the In“... _ "timp, . when. lit Mood if... ï¬w~%'*:5=~ 'Silt 'a'gt,ll'sl'Wt ihe'iiriN's's?tit "Mort Ion-sol And than]: (he , 2tdt ",iti'fi'itiiilfi?til,ii'] . or a: Ital-och _. v" truncate, " , ' to In]! load w " Pauli; my bud ’8:th lt=ttgt l mum not at =t'tr, but Vita! t myâ€; arm! M‘m- In - SiS',ititt'e'.1i'ri “was†. r 7"". - aeheq -tqrd in W at an. Inn- “I. " .he--er--a areal mad of your: I" "[00 PAIN Dt- Slutqr'. Wn-mgdgcezsu THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT l “Ah. you - In In [1.1 ubont mlhhod " that Bairita' 200. It was all In lint-lion. " nlined for the purpose, but with the very doubtful malt M Amusing Lady Meg. To 19tntstatttrttry the two old mttrtr--tor wolf: of the hell oi mum: they Van tor III that each had I Inf. Idem income to " name nod I rep Itublo lite behind tghtt--were that†"name. and than mm: mm [round lo mtrer from MI oplnion. But ' V they were old family frteudg, I and no endnnd with In. In!!!“ A] urn-clematis. Bo they and to So on for hour- " u “an. n Dunltanbury ha: decimal. both " Hubby when they were then and at Lady Met- home In Berkeley Iqunne. when they almost always wen They were plated to could“ them- ulvel Prrttt1eHttq-rPihe. I Whlg. “van ty yum-g Eat-Mm} mele; rhoddl‘. I Torr. "It mm had It... â€In: I'd have had nothing to do with it, but I dots't mind (“In you two old um..." laid Lady Margaret. “I wanted to my I all on Ellubeth Brownlow anyhow. We were " school togettteromn. Butt won'l guarantee you I .trtst of the kitchen Ill-kl." “In I pretty an“ tor til: part at the mam." observed Dumtantmrr "n my well Neon. your (norm road." "and In. Ptttdag.lmtenotetrttts "Ami‘uinco 'Lll'dy' In; 36% mu: its, It's ulmdy curl." add-d ur. Pne- gal llully. “The will of heaven. I luppooe.†unwed Sadr "an!“ Duddington. "To an»: divine mlpotenco In that â€no." â€mud Mr. Find". "A danced pretty an!" an! Dun- uunbury tn mtuettm (out. He van doll-c " but to reproduce the im- p‘n-Inn In but! received at Max-plus- luun halt, but obviously with no greet "On loan pretext, frivolous though It be, let an at!" our ad lee this In!» ole." Finder mt-ted. “How could we better employ this tot day of our mm You'll drive us our, Percival?" "No. thunk you. Mr. Plum." mid m young man. moluto tn Madam "I'll lend you over It you “In.†"t'tt emrk with ,otr,"Uaid Plkea. "But now account tor our-elven Old Brown- low 1: unknown to no." “Bohr. you could turn around they'd have bought it up. Inch-0d tt and won In election by opening " to “up. " I null to. on sandal." an Mr. Ptndnr. “Why no Whip worn than Torte-1" unwind Mr. Pita. with " air of pa- tient Imam. _ new in " Quality. Lord Dunstanbury'a Em: "" Ilia lord-hip in linking (he top " " making: e“ fl aâ€. Cousin ms. aid Brownlow'u got a dent-ed pretty kltrlietv Mid.†"Tttertt you up: Then you up! Jul! like your ttttter and your grandfather "sanctum! "030%wa m an: spirit they’d have swept the Dani-abut†amtatt the wicked Whig an Ptrr the Gen long ago.†l Bygrtty culled. “It's not temper this 1th.. Wu. W. G-rm unhappy 2tii' than. “Oh. I do hope [In win to pod!" For In who Wu to at of ttw salad- In! I). not {enema print (not and and tuna. Inn arms. red um any that and unable capt as would not but. looked It tttettr--tto, W a handful, may W Juan Robin- In her prim] no Ind forgotten all "1..ka “th30ch and tho all of “but slow. She had (Imam In the minor ot love and lip- Ft an. the cup at power. _ he! was Mt am meeting with Lora l’u-anbury. " it won "or tl "P wen. It nu not Dun-tum", who (be day had wrought much tn her yet. It had mum more than ah. are-mod of. Her iGt mu near tun ladder now. though Ibo could not yet we the Iowa“ mug. " W (I. when.» It. 80:. no. “I but, Grouch to what hm on. an go spam a; tank It with hood Mild I '15va 1oveirtt at ML War" I. all. “In. I W I". _tttrtitttaaroet-naiatekidti't In. hand at her. dun." Betghttr tho mark Mod; DIM!) the â€I'M“. In. '- lilo-equili- Alnou a am In.“ Mn- Wa. I'm _ tom? In ' a. and his hat “a and away. followed by u do; new “In Kindle-u. thettrtmutottertettae-rrug than Into (In um _ you an " Matt And Ill-('0 Ptrmtteutttrt-rt"-sru. Sumter. 8h. bud Maud In. an: of the nut. Atti'iy,t,t The»: sound In: of tom’s Wop. Muthmtoughmnolbou. Th- IIIL gentleman u be mu. um good In. and blood. too, and the blood In! Pr?. In “It I lim- mun-u ll told but. "ONr." in wanton. “it It. I†did you bun?" That an x em out not I. " m, but a nu has. to a a“: mum. far doom. In an: In. Mum m- yonn‘ man had hunt. 'tat the mark only M: on. Ch chem Hush-d. an. In.†no word. With I am. on! at - "tttq--. mu “amply. prophtlcolly foreign n It would to m- ln unen- dars--ah. u- hlbltul tt.rmlt--tte prim frock. the untied nylon. tho but: Iran. Iva but. the uxiy knot of he! half. tho any " up“. were. For. What†quires-ed. while the tgtV-thq "I - a! lot-n dun and Mun fdrss.--w loader “III. K n ttami. unit-â€- Imus "m ,'lJl8'ttar,l'pditta.- "I!!! to "'xtr'tr,'.t'gt2r'"s hurtl- w I. “WI: I." In†u- . than _"uerr-sitSiiiiiL "kw-mmmum ed Isl-tum. B. van Isl-mm. "nth-In. mm to my. all. hi mean no plum new rum - m2! would haul-u. Bun-on- Chapter FE IN VERY POOR CONDITION Their "new 'm.-tta., would II n r I I , have “but " a. I’m Kingth, Marv]: 3tt,-.t, F. Duueatt ttw Ayr mor, mam-yr, mm to the in: trnhary tot a tour-year tum ivt huh; mind a 'hrqur, way. releawd o't pnnnlr to-day tstirs waving ghoul hnlI " his trrm, Ilv Ion for the TWO INSPECTORS Cou h: that are tight, or dslrus ing tickling coughs, get quick and certain help trout Dr. Simvp‘s t'ough Remedy. ()n this aCCot nt Druggists ctcrywhcre an: running, Hr. Hhuop's Cough Remedy. The lemltr {cues of g harmless 1urtg-lvealing nwunluinuus shrub give lo Dr. Shoup's rough Reawdy ils curative propvrtry's, Tin-5v teaves have the [unvm- to mlm “If mun Ilistrmsing Cough, and to suothc and Mal tite most scusitive bunchial munbruna Text it onu- yourself and we! Sold by all deal- ers. Wtstrrloo, No. ',--Thottttss IVatcC, P.W, salary, SLY-00. imrram 3300. Wat-Hm, No. 2:4". W. Sllcppnnl, rr, sunny, SLIM}, inch-mun SINK. The air of mmnola was Btorutt that any " Morpittnrrb-.tt luconlh'o to tho amnion. not I dolerront. for Lady Mel hid Ibo known It 801th was moo-odloxroco-omood. Medal"! mvlptod of Mum: and tm. â€only Manor toword an. Sumter. Tho truth Cosmo to ho that (MI good womn (Boot her own. she has a non: tonal-mi. In Morruquam churchyurdl lovod. like mony “other good creature, 1 good olo log-cum- tt um: too wen. and Rho onion Ibo an when ole nod hem: ':plertttfttl did not always conoort o-lllr I he! - mallow truuuetious. In no vols-r dhoctnoon.‘ but with o urcnsm which an. Bunker felt without under. nodding. up!†Would point out “Jere Wotan. Angora) and humiliat- " mum. too, perhaps that her sub- ordlnoto would My» secret out. Mrs. Ibttattur undo Mote to have the Brat word with (no power» and who: the word of tho cook the word of the cook mold weighed on nought. After ornam- or "onâ€. of this origin there had como a sort or crlolo tad-y. The long- oot or loos lecturoo Ind boon mod to Sonny by maroon nnd repeated. ought- ty condoned. by manor. then Ibo mu oont "ray to think u over. An object apology to outraged “to. Blanket must be forthcoming or nonhuman! mu we doom. Inlormed of um ultimatum Sank; went out and hung about tite avenue. hoping for Jullu to W" Soon Jana come and heard the olory She had 1nmItuatiort lu rondlneso and vhut mm more lo Ibo humane. o plan “nun Soltllt‘o nos grew bright. “Mien! mm inch or heettrtut-utxreuiartuettt. um Rim-m only child ot (be - Earl of Dumunbury. The um and unu- puoed to his madnephev. but half I qttttiott or no of pond! came to but. h and "tsrtrtst ar thihu--weais, "mined, imam! M And that blunt on. way to Mop It ""'g"iis. Gin Pills II rrtuttttrrt tad heal the -reerrteu2i" tho tarltto- 'ttop “Haw tm-mt-tatt quickly mm In much And link. “Pm-u- no the wind Mtrtt " 'tttm-hum and Sol-um. 6tte. s in: Hum». M .1: dealer- on not" W}! - nee-nod Mme/n - - "da: 1lr'lr'le'-"amq.et. an any tu,masie of the/best hard wheat in in iinest and Patent form. It always produces uniformly light, wholesome bread or pastry because its quality never varies. If your grocer does not carry Royal Household Flour, he will get it for you. Royal Household Flour All ttou/i, made from wheat. there are different kinds of wheat several ways of milling. (To no continuum) I That FFsiitee, P"? Irrtttfyyttr WHOM-mm. GET INCREASE The bridr “as hrantifully “Mind in n dress ot â€can“ and carried a Mm qua of bridal roams The Irrirlteuttaid, Miss IAsaty 1'“ng sislor ot the bridv, Wort? a unit of [sun and married a bouant ot pink and white cmnalium. The groom was ant-Indra hy Mr. Mn- anuvl Wlmand, cousin ul ttw mm. After the wrmnnm and in “valuing lunvhmm the young couplv M1 0.. a honwmuon Hip lo London, "mm and St. Thomas. The M141": travel- ling unit was of navy blue ctotl: trimmed with black satin and hat to much. tht their n'lmn (hr) mill spend a I'v-w day. in an; vicialty it: lure leaving for their fttiure home in Iridsttuty, Alta. The bunk w“ the t'oripivrtt ol many ltruquul and "luahle trrrssois. A pretty pallet wcdding took place on Wednesday altm'noun at 4 o'vlock at the corner ot Mums and erling~ ton streets, “hm Miss la Irtla lu- ger was married lo Mr. (mum: Woolyer. 'lhe nuptial knot s' as tied by Rev. S. Sum“, of th. Mum hit, U. B. Chum-h. m 1hr rt""' nu ul lh, intimate friends of the um'larhug parties. The wedding HINUI “as sweetly played by thr bride's cousin, Miss Lama Marty, ot mm. WOW. OWâ€WOMOW Wanted- Uulwwn ages ut It and 40, Ladies to learn dress and mantle cutting. We teach everything iron: plaincst shirtwailt to most elaborate toilette. including Costs, Skirts, Waistu, Wrappers, Sleeves, Uhildrea's Dresses, etc. Whether you are the wife or daughter oi a farmer, labor er, mechanic. merchant or million aire you should learn rites-I making No accomplishment you can acquire will prove to you ot such every day hilarious value, as a practical know ledge ot dress making. We have now taught over 8,000 in this way with†the past seven years and always have and still will ouer anyone ted whom we cannot teach our system A lew days trial are giten tree ol charge and it students find it not alt we advertiae it to be they have pun loge to stop, as were is no pay in advance. Charge lor full course it only $10 to be paid when course " completed, includes one of the most perfect 11tting systems in use which we give lree. Beware oi imitation-i as we are the only company in Can Ada holding a certihate to teach. _ I f Iii I f © /? ‘ 1 l, ' r ks' ' " If,†l We will teach at Berlin from Jun lth. All wishing to learn be sure to see us tor particulars at the Marla-l Hotel on Snturdny Jan. 2nd. hetwecn in and 5 o'clock. , "7 Moles uni birthttuuks , a? . removed permanently by Electrolysis (Electm 'm, Needle). ttide experi- j v' mm: No risk “hatevel a; Th:) Uorrespon6cnce come 'it dental. l’uu-s mutter ate, Regular days in llcrlm. ll interested unto lor put ticulnrs. Address, 1“le It. MI-I'l t'ALF, Dermatologist, tro u “Wm "at. LEARN SUPERPLUOUS HAIR THE MISSES ELLISON. [Intrusion in Dress Cutting Box 271, Station]. HYMENEAL DBESSMAKING But and It The many friend: ot tter. o. tr Shed ot 11mm. mu “not lo learn that he In "my urluuuly m a (I! homo ot his son. Bt. r. Hill. M Tatum). The " WM mien-n bu been am»; [or who , I“. Mart [Mm - prank In m mb, J. had “Instr†REV D. tr, RHERK DANGEROUS- , tuairiinr- no»... Ollie. 45.1. on“, St. and... Out. __ "will. Lu "an tat 3am" 0.0.3, 1 Att “aloh- ot damn t hum“: monk Milling“ PPro l'h‘n. '77,, dtd fp, Qqgity, a .. on... mum tlPtttf '3ultt 91.3.2 Dam oiiG GiGTiih", Vldl-l " Jumb- "In lat the WEI. Dona-try p I’m-whoa. ,__._ nun-u, "mull (“I .1 I Ind. I In 135.“ In. ouwm s'd'l, manhu- G'ltG& of but? Wuhan-loo We. will In aloud - gl slur-eon. t ECKIL. . P. D. M. I. an!“ s. c 'tD-tdt , mm i',ii'etistliii' 'l'd'at'd'Pae?. n _‘_u . m. - - A EXPIBIENCID Vinaâ€: Any amazon rrro Ion: . " ' C-j.", Wlml) D. “I . '4ttllt't22t,tegtpf.t?Liy.ii 991:5. --. w-Iwm. n In tun In.“ I “I. a. new: Th p i maze-mm. - _ aim-w a". For "mum com-Mme: 1.; it an n distance as denial-l, queued to Inqu 'fJ'ulfl','ildr Ottiew, Over But 'iiiiGiiiii'ri,'us. 3. Pumas: column in Canal ltd tho mum at“... Blue printing a anon notion. Phono '" Couvm. he. “OE"- North. Berlin. W Ban-Inn, Solicitor. can" an 3% mom. oppoMtacourt ',iiiFeG'lTiaji arlr Peterson's an“. “In. 4â€. HEW to Calm! Hum] ’; Bummer. 'roltettcr. Notary Public 3.; In?†to loan. German “a. a; ce-- n In“ Black. In} 13?. new 'lirfflt'h"tr.ud BC, 3* ". if . 0. HUGE“. 95"&=2-..‘ ttsexi:"," W}. HIADIK. c. .uzmm .1 and»; Tom "on April 'ill , fb2't?r'E'ntiiG'a: ml:- ot"-.-. I. nominate. 5w. 0mm: 81 Comma Ann rut Victoria Put Gnu, Berlin, Ont. ’. l WILKIIIMJ. B. . u DENTIST. Cttioe Open Daily. on». Kneahtii '. M. on»! Wm... "WHILOVCI (ma-Gt; Mun?" [horn-Ion and Bud-fl '"""heteee.e.eaqb WELLS. 1.0.3: A. L. BITZER.8. A. L. â€on“! Ila-mu Mr. J, UNI-uni Gia" Juan-"Inna am PM.) at h. D-W-tn mun-d I. m In Lt "J. Architect may». oaamm Blot. WWII». ' Solicitor, Anne, 141-†C