cemetery nearhy, Mrs, Weher's mai den name was Minmr llrtmcr anf Wan married to Mr J. IL “The: three years ago at Berlin, Ont, Tht - spring they moved INT? lo mm D fuming on Mr. Weber‘s hummteaf In! mils: we“ ot iown. MIB.W& hr'l sister, Miss Eliza noun", a tmttted nurse has been with her (In mt In months. A husband and an "ugtster mouln 1hr lose M . mil wile and mother. Cressiupn It, “HP and Luuily haw gone lo l‘mldgu- L" l'r.titrc an 1 Tisi-Mr, H. " 1'w-h' ttlip of th: local LIIHJIM'I malthamu, has bouglr: the farm n! Mr \llwll Mum-a thro miles north of tum. --"lhr, “mud $1 Trade “ill hold uh firs,1 annual Iran quet nn Tuesday night, Ami] Mb Many of the leading buxinms “in! o thc neighboring towns are imilwl. Death of Mrs, J H. “VIA death of Mrs, “Hum "1"arut' u relief, as Mrs. Wchet has nu 10113 siege of ror4rrvss Tbr â€nine were conducted at on thumb new (Regan-q... h gina last Jamvx G. Div. I). lit gate h um Unnatural farm "I Heal Estate 'rransfvrei.--3ir. S. B Biehn, the local land man has hough the farm of Mr. Fred Siciiison south West of town. Mr. Stcinson will re main until he has sown the crop an will then mow: to town. This law adjoins the large farm inf thi- purchas ers Fatlur Mr. Aaron S Bichn. - Air, Angus Fiptst has bought tls {arm oi Mr. Carl Itvruwr near Big etatneim P. (t_-his. J. Rockian has bought the hum HE t'htis Wvtusr fol two lliullxuiiil tlollars-Th" sur ol tarm bl'M'k and implrim'nh of "Ur Titus Iltrssrnhvr,rr,m “div iii~ll attend mi. High [Mia's \H'H' tealized, Sliul and Bowman “i‘ll' ilii- Auctioneers The Courrtul oi LID. 17-3-3 mel on Monday in the Town Hall am transacted routine business l very good report ul 11m proceedings ot th, Lil. Associatton l'uiirimum at Ite gina last "vvk was giuii by Mr James G. Hl'INY 1hr l'nuiicillut lo Div. I). Mr, III-mi “aw \lllt as dele gate null) Ilu- 'rowrsul-hlt. um» llriidu'wii oi mun inn purchased th farm ul Iii} Hoc, southwest of Cresmimi u, Him anal Ltumylravo gone in l'ml.i;i~ L" l'mnir on a Aany Settlets Aruvc.-Among th settler.:: that arrived in t pas week au- Mr. and Mrs. at. Pre. and lamily {rpm Watcrloo, Only, Mt and Mrs. Abram Shallhorn and fam ily, Mr. Adam Meyer, B. B. Bowman, Oliver Eby, Mr. and Mrs. Simeox Gingrich and family and Mr. Alvil Bowman, all trotn Hcrlin, um.- Quite a number of willms in th district southwest oi town haw gone to Calgary lo ttle on land and locate their Y. A. strip.- A [cw more days oi this tine weathe, and seeding will In- In lull “my; "Another Hardware Friore.--Nr. 0 A. Snider pttrchatwd " businest and 1'esidctitial property last week Mr.'Snidcr will build an up-ttr-dab hardiare stole as won as buildin operation; can cummcnw. Mr. MIN Marti has engaged “ith him as tin' smith. S. It. Uichn. Just as soon as in struetions an' wanna Irom the De partment, steps will be lake" to op en a school. School Truslnxs b'.lectcd,-- Th Guernsey school district has been form edand the following Irttstves ttlecied Messrs. A, J. Shunk, l'hau, Nval, am S. It. Uichn. Just as soon as in Hon. President-Mr. M. rl. Philley. President-Nr, Thomas Vv.sla vice-PIN/ent-A. J, Shank. Manager- B. n. t oohe. Captain-d uhn Plum-y, omcm Umpirts-Mr. Thos. Vesta. The Shamrocks FootNul team or- gauize.-- A well attended meeting 01 the supporters of the football team was held in the panors oi the Hutu on Saturday mght The following otricers won: tslectedr- Hon. Pretudettt-Mr, G, McOouald. -rlrRnulerstt--Capi. J, H Hpertce. Vice Preside-s. A, King. h'ecretary--Mr. Wm. Henderson. Manager-Mr. S. M. liivhu. Finance Committee-Messrs Christie, Crane and Biehn. Curtain-Mr. Gid. Carrie. Vice Capt.--Mr. J. Andersuu, The manager of the tram CN opt'tt ts make arrangements with other teams} lot _ series of games to be played thi 1 coming season -Mr, Geo. E. Morri-l son, managrr of tht. Hasliatchewar, Lumber Co., hut has resigned. My Hardy ioimer manager of the Com any’s yard. at Land, has airivcd am is in charge, Baseball and Paula“ teams re0r- gssaize.--Mr. Wm. Newman ol Regina addressed a large gtstheriug in the Halt an Friday attcutoun In the In- Wests of dauymg, Mr. Newman dellvertd a very able and instructive address Steps mu [mung taken to establish a, usanwly new, A local "any Is mlclmled m the plum-l. - The Baseball team wet in the olIicc at tho Saskatchewnn Lumber Cm, on Friday 'tiglst and worganiaed tur the coming smwn. The town will tinattce the team. A very strong beam is as"; sured. The following otrteers were} elected: _ 'Mttfrdl."It. uni-bd- uigh .13.“??? I nu. ma Mttltdy .433..." “I. m M all wink-undo known on W: Notional mm-muwmuqm mam ),tt"lt'2'tt"el, noon.“ areâ€... Inn-Lao: lgwm My goon“ 0,3391 aGiiiGiarnGUdGiGruirto -t.uTf. neodhy can!) rock. asiiaq ion-hi. Dania Bed, Ptneeletor GUERNSIY. SASK. B. B. Bowman, Mrs. Simeox and Mr. Alvil Hcriin, tmt. - an a gt vat mdcrgnnv a the Shar tho llc; of (In bought I-uvhm "an! n Hal Iran Th my Mirmivr "ado. Mr. Ell), al- though in his noâ€. your, in still u- tiw and hourly, and bids fair to enjoy mnuy more yum ot tMmtlFtt has» messes lite He and Mrs. Erh on the 23rd nt March pasted the 56th nah "rsury at their gamut» yr. an Mr. l-annmun Flrh u)... “in. “I: Ln: has been spending the wintrr in Preston, “puts Illullly 1:) triurn to Halifax lo look ull'r his husim-ss iaterests thorr Mr. PM) is senior mrmhor ot tho rum ot Huh & Rankin business-- brokers und manulncturcrs‘ Innis, llama, wh " any on a tlui; gum in l .2} ri, " when ahacd d then: “an uuything new he said the authorities were practically martian-ed that "my know who murdered Ethel Kimmie, but they had MN m n+1! yet in gv'Uing the avid m- in _~:u c it. TV managvr ofa local \‘audeVille heatw has wind Jimmie Baum, ot Portsmouth. ll, . Mt offer to appear here for our wetk on the stage. Baum w thr, mu: whose Immv fig- :Irwl Ill ihe Klnnde raw and who Winu numb†" the v.l'nt' amatcur lie-meal oompuy to Florence. Hamilton, April r-Provincial De tective Miller, the ofticet who has charge ot the Kinrade case, had a Attendcd daily--M Hussey. HONOR ROLL, "GEVU.LE Class IL-E. Lem). K. Miller, H. Nichol. A. Sii'l man, c. Appleyard. Part II S'r.---W, 'Avhr, It Husaq, H Pal-l, I". hair," Pal! II J, --l. Hiirket Class IA--d. Xehr, I" l Filed, V. Kaisvr. F.. Itohr il. Nichol. CLAIM 10 KNOW MURDERER F1n March 1'lass / Sr. Gilli. P. In Sty. Jr, " " Cher. Scheifvlo Snyder. liluburlwr, Brnjauliu Saudvr Sr. Ir-Lorrie Weiser Lin] '0 Weber. Barbara Gingrich, Edwin mari. Sr. lic-u. Jr. IH.-M, E. Becker, M ililborn, A. l Stu CH.--Fiutrty Snyder, Hannah Martin, David Snyder, Moses Shaun. Suntan Wubvr, Nathan Martin, John J r. Martin Part Weber. Class Ir.-Ayrphan Shaun. Groege Martin, Mary Weber, Alfred \Iartin, Tillman Martin, Lona Shantz, Vera Shuh. damn. rctuined to their Imam in Huron County on Tuesday allcrnuou. Mr. H. Lindsay, turmerly or this place was married at Bloomingdale. Congratulations Henry-Don" tor- get the Bvavers. They "met on the eighth oi April. Subject for debate “Resolved that it]: orator wields Jr. IIl.--Jesse Marian, Jesse B. Malibu. Ilda-Nurmm, Elam Martin. John Snyder. Jr. IV. N. Kinsir New. iteurs,-Mr. 'l‘humas Main bas greatly uupmwd his lece by the mother; or a new barm-aMr. Cr. Mam leit on Monday to start work for Mr. o. 'rrtititiler.-Metusintt trees and making maple sugar an: the ord- er ut the dar-Several cd our most popular young ladies attended the oyster :it'ppi" at Mr. Chas. Ciemm's last rhursday rtigltt.-Thc membels ot the two mail routes held their annual uy stor supper at Mr. M. Stechle's last Tuesday sright.-Mr. J. Steckle and tamily “ho have been visitiug in this vicinity, rctuined to their Imam in Huron County on Tuesday allcrnuou. Mr. H. Lindsay, turmerly or this place was married at Bloomingdale. Schoul rcpmt oi S. S. No. 2l, Wa- tcrloo lor the month ot March, Names arc gu’ou In order oi merit. Fifth Crass-Harvey Seheirele. Sr. IV,--lhlda Weber, Leamieruau- man, Jonathan Emsl, Leads Weber, Jam: Martin, Fanny Bauman, Eph- raim Snyder, Noah Ernst and Elton oiheiiele, Naomi Weber. "Resolved tut, It]: -orator more iMuctwe than the editor WILL RETURN TO HALIFAX Em, 'lowing.-- Ir. Ed. Ilium. one at out pro-puma: you; lumen- cu bout ot and»; as am wt] with New“. He started on Mme duy ot Vida-In J. Billings Ind {nanny no vuiuag with In: Pl- entx at Owen Sound tor n low weeks. -ln. Wm. Puddlcomhe, at sum- lord, and children, in spendiug a tew weds: with but parents, Mr. ard Mrs. t5ueelmeyi-Mitus Rosy mm or Strauord, has returned to her home last tsuturdar.-Mr. and ms. Henry Daub ot Brannon, qreat Sm- day at Mr. Hy. Dechert and Mr. r'.cd Daub.-Mt. J. “Hunger and hissps. ter, Mrs. B. Forest, ot New ham- bulg, visited their father at the P, a; W. Hospital who underwent an oir- Hallo" last wcekv-Mr. John Mayec, ot Hetliu, spout Sunday with his pal‘cnts. Muu'd to New llantburg.--Mr. P. Mela-l moved to New Hamburg on Tuesday having bought a tew 3011's In that village. up mm: a.» Punt, annual. 4!- menu - "at when a: tablet in a.“ - nun up by “will!“ In, hi has mm to I company I. Mt Tim an. no at work this at an“ Mun ll! who: um will; on the notâ€. "rrtu "or tv_ucintia Martin and Nora , Susannah Gingrich, Milton t'lv, Gordon Hemmer, Amos SCHOOL REPORT J. It. Wickham, Teacher II '2mr-Mrtvtn' Bunnie"; Orval mum L. Buy, Teacher FU. IV.- H1 idler WILLIAMSBURG ll Edwin Mat tin L [nu-kw, It. llilborn. L ir. Hussy, S. Nichol, I. Hussvy, R. Fried, C. Gibbon. Fi. Lem). K. Zeltr, E. v in Chapman »ll L Chapman, " G. Fried, J. Hum" Weber and UrpIu-n ('. Fried, a Ruhr, L. Ruhr " his business PM) is senior Huh & Rankin tmuuhcrurers' carry on a Mr. blrh, al- K. Zeltr 'oihol,M Hussey 'ltol,M. Hair Flicd, G llilborn Hannah Bau- Nr Pt, H-o. L. Talum, T, Hotter- jake. W, Innshmy, L, Harte], H Shantz, W. Good, I Snider, A. Oher- hullzer, J. Gingrich, M. Kinsey. Jr Pt. lr-M. Uorttell, rt. Unfit?" Fiat-M Wagner, L, I. Tatum, L. Shun. L. Otrerholuer, J. Hahn. jttke, ll. Tom, II. Cornell. U. Sni- E. L. "“1, E. 0W, L. Cyr- <1"IIIVII1 u, Uingrirh, (iorliv KEMP hrâ€, H, Matte. Jr. H-M. Good, P. Kuhn: tin, F Shaun, P. Unborn Sr. Iv.-a. Hager, A. Schuman. G. Lonlhury. Jr. IV~L. Hemmerich, V. Cornell, C', Tait, L. Oberholtzer, I Kinny. K. 'Snider, A. Kremer, o. Matters, A Hilborn. Hr. lli.--M. Shanta, J. (Hmbd. A. lick, L Gingrich. Jr, IH-H, Tatum, M. )lilhurn, Pi. Shanty M. Farm", W Tummy I. Personals-Mrs. Michael Sellalz who has been ill during the past two weeks is making a [aworahlc progress towards ratovery.-Mr. Wm. and Mary Denali visited relatives in Arthur re cenur--Mr. Benjamin Lewis is sutier. ing from. a serious attack of intitutt mation ot the lungs. We trust a speedy 'recovery may Iollow.- Mr. J. Koch has returned to his home at Shipley having taken a three months course in Dairying at the (LAC. - MI Jas. Wilyiams left on Wednesday last for Calgary, Alta. We wish him success in the West.- Several o. lilt‘ young people lro m Mt. Pleasant I'lpwnrth Lcague went to Listowel or March 38th to hear Rev. J. L. Stew- art, the missionary who thev help u support in China-iss Melinda Wei dcrhold spent a tew days with re Iativcs in Milvertom- Mr. Samuel Weidcrhold of Shakespeare called at the home of his relatives here-Mm Wm. Holmes was visiting her mother Mrs, James Smith at Palmerston.-- Miss Alva Holmes is spending the Easter holidays at the home of her aunt, Mrs. T. Thomu " Clitlord. S. S. Nt). 4 Waterloo. School tor March. Items oi Iuterest.--The making oi maple sugar is the order at the day with those who are iortunato enough to have maple trees in their wow lot. The run ol sap so for this sea son has not been as good as last, year. However, a good year in tin maple syrup business as a rule is not a good one for tall Wheat and do Ver crops-Though the roads at thi, time oi the year are usually in hm condition, yet the change from thr runners to the wheels was very gra dual indeed, especially on the conces sions where both means ot travel were in use practically all winter, There is, however, considerable snow on the crossroads, which makes wheeling rather slow as yet.-- Thu postponed convention of temperancr workers in the township ot Wanner was held in the Evangelical churcl 01h Concession Wallace on April 5n and the township was fairly well re presented. The advisability oi can} lug on a local option campaign we. discussed by the ladies and gentlemer. Irrcsent.--Mr. E. L. Robinson oecupi ed the chair. Owing to their being several sub-divisions not well repre sented on account oi bad roads, _ a committee was appointed to arrangr for another meeting at a later date. --Mr. Elmer Biehn, 3rd consession is busy sawing wood in the vicinity " Waliacevitlc. He has a Tuerk gasolin. engine which is giving entire satis (action. This means at power is frmt ing iavor with the farmers around these parts as it does away withtht trouble of supplying wood and wat er in the case at steam power.--Mr. Fred Nichol, G'owanstowrs, unloadec. a unload oi lumber and shingles on Saturday last. Mr. Nichol has a large stock of this building materia on hand and is prepared to supply the needs ot those intending to built. at right prices. JEtA'd'MUtt2it,tet “.miT -;""=‘ in C'tttd,"e Ir. J. I h main...“- “-thqu- _ _ “Mdhiblullnd In“. Ida t-tq6tat ‘III our std-Hot to wanna “v.touoth.cum m buntinim. no no Imam“ a.“ lurwly A "than ol Cone-.1030. lulu- Mp. Mr. All mum luxuriant tea phat its th. Unbra- in W. H N W“ sad “UHF cemetery on Thur-d" alarm. He in in n no“ any“ trip. lemon n Villa and 'n"" " and!) If" E. low! In in! a“ to of m. sum and three mum-s w the an in the will“! dr-tttmatt mom no loss. The berett (anally " violin-Inn’- Item have the sinner: â€My ot we an 'us. Wm. m M tSt', the community m III their ad Beatrice ot 2mm viaitqd tr “I ber-teat,- Our mull wring togrn " Wednesday. show will tte held on Tue-My, Apri, Mr. lid Mrs. Frank "Wit, Joh. 18th msxt.-Examinauoq “a eotttirtw St. very plenum attend-ad . ation sauces Were held in the L+ 5062le ot Mt tgietsdtt WMY menu church on Sund-y Int. Ree. "om-5. Mr. Holmes omitted. The clan. Mr. M Mm. No. Datum. W" composed oi " pupils anorered the spetst Sunday in town. question very croditnbly.-Mr. a†Mr. Hanna Devin attended no fun- Murray who ha been in the employ on] ot the late 090130 Deritt at at Mr. C. In Ottmats, u hum.» Hespeler on Saturday afternoon. maker tor the ttgat three months, he". Mrs. Jarott Baht“ “W the last Thursday on mount. ot m tutteral ot tser brother, the tate Ooo. health-Mr. Jas. Duly who leit here Dtlitt " Hespeler Ott sunk" last weW, wetst D. In a. Baden. He M/tt Kenn returned to her ham Im sumrtitstt (row a bioken tits.- Mrs. in phone Monday “hr an extended J G. Iteiaer who EDNA a tew months lu! It, the home ol Mr. JIM with her daughm, Mrs. um in Spo- Scott, tking St. hum Wish. Mum“! hum “It Sr Mr. I, Regen“ ot Tomato, spent. trsaday--Mr. J. G. Keillor is on a Sunauy in town. business trip to Phiiadeipttia where be Mrs. Edwin Snyder tttsd Miss will purchase some machinery. - Blanche Yan Emu have returned Mr, Dan Is'rit purchased the Colin home tstty a most “Wm†we" in Campbell tarm last Thursday at the fulcrum, In 30.de at the Annual Assigrtee's sale for the sum of 34.72:. meeting ot the Women's Home Min- and will take possession ot it " siortary Society. "acc-Mrs, Becker, her family no Mrs. W. F Reade tws returned Miss Herm'ma nghl'u of Preston, [tom . visit to Toronto â€1%" spent a few days 'undcr the parenta. Mrs. J. E. Sewn: and . a. root. Herbert Bowlby have returned trom _. -= AA:,,,~ A AA.“‘- “SAA. Hr ll SCHOOL REPORT WALLACE Krlmrmnn Tatum, (I Gordon klmwy, Kinny, W. Cur. Knam'. H Mar Flu Gros Lp"(‘H\'I~ tlesrloprtwnis oi the shin raising and Mur milling bualncu In this country. the new banal not" Irrorr a nimble menu of mftaihott to "Ion can.“ In this lines. m downed, as its title indicates. to tht, "our milling industry and the whjcct ot the construction and oper- ation ot grain elevators. The fmrt numbol contains 40 page: and In published monthly at one dollar per year. The ttour milling industry is "ne ot the moat important in Unn- ada and in virw ot the immense pro- Thc tunvral, print", took place from his late residence on Quasi: Rt, Htmpeler at 3.30 o'clock 's'atter- day allcrmmn to the Heaps!" ceme- tery lul’ inivrment. Thu death took mare at Hespelet on Thursday, April the Ist, ot Mr. George Devitt, brother of Mrs. Jacob Bechtel, and cousin ot Mr. Meant, Deritt of this town. Do- ceased was in his Mth year. The mum“. of the I an journals is the " and (Rain Elevator" Confirmation services were held in the St. John's Lutheran Church on Sunday morning which were very 'argely attended. The pastor, Rer. h, Bockelmnrm preached two pront- able and interesting sermons. appro- priate tor the occasion. There were thirty-nine candidates eottliretted whose names are as Iouows:-outiidts Her er, Cornelia Sherman, Clara Brandt,/ Gertrude Bolduc, Louise Koehler, Au- gusta Rosenhe, Emma Schmidt. Else, Ruben, Lulu Ziegler, Luella sehauss," Mic“ Weiss, Selina meek. Maud Bro B, Gertrude Homeycr, Gerturdr Hurl , Mary Strebel, John Gran, Job Echenswilier, Otto Page, Bruno Kmtutt, Herbert Becker, Clarence Sch-l midt, Clayton Hauck, Albert Keller, Wm. Rocket, Herbert Sass, Harold Lenz, Oscar Dahmer, Arthur Foerster Oscar Easton, Arthur Huetmergnrd, John Dechert, Elmore Henrich, Alfred The memhers ot the Young Peo- ple's Society are practicing every week under the leadership ot Mr. whats. Froehlich, assiched by the choir at St, John's church and oth- as. A printvd programme will be given to all, who attend the service, which is entirely in English, The annual congregational meeting at the Emmanuel Evangelical Church was held on Monday evening at which there was: large attendance. Ne reports presented indicated a erosperous year and the Treasurer's report showed, a handsome surplus on hand. The membership has Blso substantially increased. The Young People's society at St. John's Lutheun church in Waterloo As preparing a titttr Bum: pxogramme not the evening service. It is issued oy the Board at Church Extension ot the General Synod and will be used in mote-tturn one Ghounnd churches. the Irtogrtutrtmsiaed lastyear was a. complete success and enjoyed by everyone. F Mri. v."rracdy has returned atter a five weeks' visit. with Mum at Goderich. Miss Hattie Simpson, ot the Rbit- by Ladies' College, is spending the Easter holidays with Waterloo friends. Miss Selena Bean ot New Hamburg is spending several weeks with rein- lives near Waterloo. Mr. C. W. Schiedel was elected Se- Jenny and Mr. M. E. Breanne treasurer tor the ensuing year. A goodly sum' has been raised by the various organizations at the Church to apply on the church debt. Mr. not In. Funk than. John St... vety plenum! attend-ad I name: cl their friends Wednesday "uni-5. Mr. and In. No. Doermnt, Guelph spout. Sunday i. town. Mr. Hanna Devin attended no fun- enl ot the late 090130 Deritt at Hespeler on Saturday afternoon. bliss Ken-r returned to her homo Kn Chicago Monday tttter an extended visit at the homo! Mr. Jun“ Scott, King St. In. Edwin Snyder and In†Blanche Yan Emu In": _retursd, home the: a most enjoyable week in I'oronto, in attenduce at the Annual meeting of the Women's Home Mite slonu’y Society. Mrs. J. E. swan and am. a. Herbert Bowlby have returned trom [short sojgurn “Autumn City. A DEATH OF GEORGE DEVITT SPECIAL SERVICES SUNDAY INTERESTING SERVICES ANNUAL MEETING h NEW JOURNAL the Canadian techniv he "Canadian Miller lor" but. issued try The dam occurred on Sun- date morning " Miivrrion of an, m. mum at Mum, lining sold my turn, stock and i: I implements neat Waterloo, I intend to devote my lull time to prospect- l tag and developing mineral prospects. l have. had seven years experience in . prospecting, and i am at present We, hay " b heavily irtter6kted Ill New ontario V517 low Pam h mines, and mineral prospects, and I save money by bl intend to leave lor Cobalt and (low We no tuaot ganda in a low days. A number have Carriages intimated to me that they would like Bray]! be' N a syndicate lormcd. whereby all in w u m In? 5 that syndicate may join share and We mtuttt " share alike according to the extent at their holdings in that, syndlcate ‘to Tho ttim help to bear the expense ot myself or lone or two others with myself in Iseeming good mineral claims at Gow- UNDERTAKIN‘ granular and other good localities in 37. Night phon Vow Unlario. For said proposed syndicate l mill then-fon- he at the errPsP---'ree't-eye \lurket Hotel. Berlin. trout Friday morning April the 9th. to Tuesday "vr"ti"r, Apr" "In t:tth, in form that “notlon u‘mllrnh' it satisiractorv arrartV- - nn-nls can be made. Au,thosr, mere- ALm-Au .Vlll ht .\ (urn Mm wish to join with me in _ , ' this syndicate by which plan we martini-1.333%; expect to secure rich Uowganda and A i , ' ntlwr claims Plump. colt and see IIK' pril yr,tuty,t sl at the Market Hotel, Berlin, and talk rm'nls ol Ge,,. $1M the matter over, or write to Inc past of Linwood. following address, "mes ll, Mitchell, April if. ~Farm , Box IM, Waterloo, ont, 14-tt. nn'nls oi .lm-nh liens Electors are called Input/to ex- amine the said list and it any om- issions or any other errors are Jound therein to take immediate pro- ceedings to have the said errors cor- rected according to law; NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 8 and 9 ot The Ontario Voters’ List Act the copies requ b tion to be so tr mitted or delivered of the list made unuut to the said Act of all xterm airing by the last revised Assessmen ll ot the said Municipality to be cut: d to vote in the said Municipality a leo. tions tor members ot the begin!“ Asmmhly and It Municipal Election; and that the aid list was timt port- ed up in my once in Wntetloo on Mbnday. the Fifth day oprtii, 1909, and remains there tur inspguon. Doped this 1mm; day ot â€an, 1909. ' a.†TEitMS.-6 months' credit, 5 per cent. discount per mum for cash. The show. is: choice lot of stock and will be sold without reserve. Retisemtret the date, April mm. ABRAHAM ROSENBERGER, Propsietor. clerk‘s Notice of Firgt Pont- lng of Voun' Lint. Voters’ Lists. 1909 Q'e,.t,trt8, of the Town of, Waterloo, ounty of Waterloo. commencing at 1.30 p.m., the lollow- Ing:- 8 good dairy Cows, some fresh, some due to calve about ist May, 3 heiluts in call, 1 yearling boiler, ' young Durham Bulls. one year and under, 1 [at hog. There will be sold by Public Auc- tion at the residence ot Mr. Anny [um Itmmtberger, Wilmot Township, 3 miles west ot New Dundee, on ALEX. AMES, Auctioneer: 13-2t. For turthel toxins and mum: ot sale spply lo the undersigned. Dated Lt Waterloo this fweutr-sev, an": day of Ruth, A.D., 1,909. A. B. MOBRIDE, Vendor's Solicitor. bettt-rtomoeiean,beiqott- uBrliNm, pond at hummus sun-an; Eaat db ot King Stunt and“ ot Young sue» and In Numb! AM" I!" pit-u h a Sixmouonthe Wed-Moo! Queen ,t',t','dt'Lt"ttrdetr, Street m South ot Young sum m muddle can, in in Jacob C. and Elia: Snider’- Sup ot “My“ ' It d way ot part at the an Town otWu- pehec We m 'araaslar terloo mowing to the Regina!“ . tgh, Pian mt “about this - m and On the property more no: {out tale-v “MY. ttatt-ts tr, meat houses. . TERM. " perett of the purchase many Tnatty, 1lratrrhi. thairy " per cent of the purchase money tottepaidottth)yot “an; Vendor or his Solicitor and the bat-, spec ot the [Intense money to by“! within thirty days Manet. l ALBERT J. MICKUS, Auetiotteer 13-3t. d “I. “it. 3“ 0*†with!†' can“ an s“ / with N'.'. ma GI“ a uh. ,ritit.-eaat. " m the“. " 4Net J. m“ u. fe,t,t"Jat,lt'tgttt,tlt Tow. ot Isuzu» u r, M; 1m. in at April. u... no. a a. bout od two o’cloot p... h “H loving -rtrs-ALL AND M} Lhlt thou conni- you.“ a at ut had an punk- _ My All being in the Ton of "Kloo In the Conny ot hulk» all Pto- vlm ol Ontuio. ought-II; by " Auctlon Sale -OF-. CD ATTLE‘. Wednesday, April 14th, 1909 FORD S, KUMPF, Clerk ot We Town ot Waterloo, NOTICE April ttt -Houtiehold citects an†t A. t'ook, in the muse ot Motte brim. April Ir-Farm stock and impie- mrMs ot Jan-b Leis, 2 miles Past of Wctlrtstev, April lt-Font stock and main of Geo. Srhweitzrr, out of Linwood. Apr. 13-rule of ('lutlcls. chopping mill " Heidelberg. We have a. bag stock of furniture on hand which is being sold n very low prices for cash. We want to sell the goods and you an save money by buying (may as. UNpBnrNrmo--tirreciat “tendon this line of busiuer. Us] phone 37. Night phone BIB. We In 3150 showing the most complete And up-(o-duu line of Baby Cmingea and Go-Carts ever offered in Berlin, several lines, of which are boin sold at factory prices. We manufacture the goods we sell and all m guaranteed. V Indian tg,ehritrg,ti,,"g new for Inch sum to his the pine. of linen. than good: an Already chi-nu ' far, am good wen mm In cheaper um linen. 86 Inch. wide lit white in ar inches wide in colon. Speck! Per yard 180 no am New him. Now Muslim. New Angus, New Cmnbnics. Now [as New My. Etc. New Oxford Shilling! in nest pauem", Km good unlit. , ood Walk In; colon In and 800 q , tr . â€mamwnngnmmmm heat La.ttiieiitl-e m an: puum"itittruattdd'olomarot-datripLiiG't" qaatitnat " I... In wl Everything that in new In wuh good- ua be found here and than . ma. rtteaiser than an; placedâ€. New PrinmNsw Shhting.New Gingham. New Huang-Ipdhn P" {or Wash Suits. New Min-ling, etc. - Bowman mrrTintrtsama in checks and stripes, all different. Jim. good wash!“ 'totom.-.-Pirth and white. blue and white. black and white. bnown and white, green and white. Invited Emile. em. " 1-2, IO, 20 and an. N 9!! HERB?! =_S_h.ir_tings New Linens Indian Head New Spring Goods at tang Bros. & tht., Berlin NBrï¬eglié§.;13133§ié"_i§-Fï¬Ã©l We make lure of your new tion by selling only each m an we can chomguy â€command end all that we have been saying about the good quality of Cm applies to everything in .m, 'tttite:' Chinese and Cocoa atting, Window Shades, Stair Pads, Curtain Rods, Carpet Paper, Etc. We no after your Spring Furnishing Trude. _ SEE US FOR PRICES. S. B. BRICKER & CO. New Ginghams Beautiful new Gingham in cl ThoCu-pot of tad. a. fur ihtGrSh'lU,",l'atlt. iehkh Wt tho but a) mud valu- within your reach. ind New Spring Mull ii--tlutttie and lul, culnt'l M B Pf., rem an. FM; t I The Simpson Rota" Furniture Store KING ST, BERLIN. Auctlon Sales New Linens for Wash Suit. the best. ever put. on tur counter- in colon. . pale Hue. autumn, brown. b'ue, etc" Special 860 1 pure Linen so to 54 inches wide at so. to. 50. so. " and Sthr. Ga "ihrd' Retail Furniture Store uulfllum‘rl liciiiii Ifairth x Quality forâ€! We Mk all width. Full wt of imple- mile Thv undersigned will receive seated 1rndors for the following up to " o'vlork noon on Monday, April 19th. No. I. For sprinkling the Bteequ M Mm town during the present acn- ing the yr" 1909. . TW lowest or any Iettdet not neceuu‘gllyr accepted. Non 3. For the mmuuruon ot tho "emt'ttt walla town of Waterloo, dur- ing the your 1909. Bperittcium" "mar be "Ike. midn'vhtiiullV-G Manhattan.“ “1:: h The u it _t'et1tiiritls-taatrth'ta. qua1.tb"" Funk. wand.» It ind! {ooh good, 0000:; t',',',2tt,ttt In Mn in W. t than in nothing totaotyrtrtrertl-ood or not. mutual“; 73y to gstrrststqmtttruto" for Bugging Art Squares Linohums and _ Floor Oils Hugs tnd . Art Squ Tenders Wanted mama. w Beeqtat my al lines, of