a muumm '!ttht2glt'P' , ' Mun-Ila in- II n nanny conditinn anrdtho â€on" of Healu mm it necessary to mm the "mm. A bylaw was passed extending the be; "Rita a the town along Wil. mot mm to the West Ward. . In unity to questions by Aids. Plemeht and Wilkinson Sanitary In- spector Huehnerprd stated that par- ties on!“ hogs in that section of the Iowa relaxed to keep chm prem- Mayor Hahn read the audited re- ports tor the three months ending- March Mat of the Street Railway 1'ottunisusion, Town Treaqurer, Water Commission. and Hue Light I'ommis. Mon tor Deeemher and January and the monthly statement tor February. While the repurls were being read some of the members were listening, and others were lndulglng in con. verttation, A large number ot the audience went home. That P. Humor he "eogaged as on- tineer mr the roadroller. That an inspector for cement walks be'advertised tor . That grand be purchased at Mr pm load and that no contract lor its supply be entered into. That the tender of Mom: Schultz tor the construction of cement walkx at 919 per sq. toot, including (1055- ings, be acceptrd. he to usv comm! utislaclor'y to this Committee, That thr Kemp} er a Co. for tile mrpted. That the Engine" and chairman view the Pass property on Lydia street and ascertain the right C at the complaint made and report at the next meeting ol this committee. That the tender of Allen Slmenmk- er a C'o. for tile and cement hr 'ur- That the tender of castings be act-opted. That orerereicr, be given the tax- payers of the town of Berlin in ru- gaging laborers, That nine hours constitute a full days work on Saturday in the dis, cretioa of the Road Foreman. That ten minutes be allowed the laborers in the morning and after- noon tor lunch. That the soak- M wages for the ensuing year be 190, Inc and l5c for first, su‘ond and third class men re- spectivcly. That the Fiugincer be instructed lo look into the matter ot the extcnéion ot Fllgin street and n-port to this committee at its Mn“. rugular meet- ing. That the (‘nunly Council be asked lor a giant. of one-third of 'the cost of macadamizing Mill street from Queen street to the Scheutwn Park. That the petition tor a roadway Pandora, avenue be granted. That the Town sell to Mr. George Schmidt. for $35 a strip at land at! the market grounds, Mu feet in depth with a unilurm width and frontage on Scott street of 3.} foot. as describ- ed by the Town Engine“. and that the Mayor and t'lerk he authoied to sign a remnant-o thereof to be drawn up by the Town Solicitors. That the Bugle Band be given the use at the old market blinding tree ot charge mm! it is rented, subject to the supervision ot the Market Clerk. That no avtmn be taken on the request ol the Water Commissioners ror a lease or the oiriees occupied by them. The "port in}; Adopted That the old market building be adrerttaed tor rem. That the Mayor and Clerk be autte otizef to sign a deed ot me alley through the property at the Wunder Furniturv mg. Co., Limited to the "id Company, it the said allev has betas legally closed 13P, The Market Committee reported and recount-Med as tollowr. That your (mnminre have aliected I settlement with the luau-s ul the old market budding and m pulsuanu- thereof have accep.trd 870 in lullol claim ior rent. That the sculemrnt armed at with Mrs. “ligand by the Mayor and the Solicitor. viz, “35 and physwiws than. be nursed. The routine humans at In: tttNt- iaq ot the umu Council on Monday cum. was 1mucu~d in short ord- a. The room at the Hume and In“ famine“ and we - at The Finance Cummmee reported "I! recommended us follows: That the tendet of R, H, Brent sof $40,371 tar 844,163.?! local imprave- Inn-t debentures ol the town at Ben. tin, be accepted. Work! were puma-d Without dimmi- sion and qes'erat otiter matters wele and 10qn. The report was adopted Tm report was addplvd Hog Limits F'.rtendmt Re; Market Commute: Finance Committee Boa rd of Works 'Porls by Mayor Luncli. 'ommi: Philip Gies tor on The mind: :51th it "him o'clock. M, llur-hnrrgard, the collector ot taxes, having returned the Collec- tor's Roll tor 1908, was ttuthorired to oottuttuo thr levy and mllv-vtion M the unpaid can. in the name! and with the powerl provided by law. Alds. Asmusscn and Rornhrrln wuo (Iron leave to introduce a by-Iaw at the nnt regular meeting rrxulah ing the teos of the porter. rottstaturm The Provincial Governmrnt has granted the request of the Iirant- ford park commissioners, permitting the use of part of the Ontario In, stitution for the Blind grounds in this city as a public playground. Thot grounds‘ are located in a residential sm‘tinn ot the city which thus "t has no park. Jail for the tmy (mm), was at 1 told the story ot 4"".01' but " the MIN ho had lam and Psev. Mr, Tovell, 1he Humane Society's inspector will he put in (harm of III» Nu', Some months ago Mrs. Prire hind, Inning a Family m' six children uilhuul necessalics of late white the_htmhaud was out nl work. Aid was Ihen given. Several limes since the father has b( "tt found inhuman-d by Ike police and ytrstrr- day he was arrested and brought be- fore Ilw magistrat'. Ile was fined $2 and Chats am: will be 5.41% lo Jail for Ion days ‘Is he tritot navl h NEW PLA YGROI'ND Guelph, April 1.-The L0.iCC I hue discovered a condition of domestic airairs in ctmtteetiort with the family ol Aim-d Price uhich is truly pililul, and Psev. Mr Tovell,fhe Humane Society's inspocmr will he put in charge of Ihr? rme. Some months ago Mrs. Prire higd. Inning a Lnuilu oi him up in this. _ Hum .IM. Duff. Minister of Agri- Iurt, resented the itrtpljcutio" that farmers “Tm dirty, and minim that 'tirt in milk usamlly was Ihe result of carelessness after the milk left 1he farmers" Iiands. The resolution was carried. and a campaign for cleaner, purer milk vii] commence. Milk as it comes tron: the healthy cow is absolutely pure, but mino- scrapie examination of ' '. 4 twi- Imus of milk suhmit-ted showed that it was filthy, unlit! he human can- sumption. "(he quart at milk " equal In mr trition properties to One pound of meat, or a dallu’s Worth of oysters, and the imporum or the great Carr ndian cow enact. ,b..oiestirnated," said Mr. McNaught. “The cow is "It foster-mother ot the human rare." He pointed out the terrible extent of infant mortality, much of which was directly traceable to impure milk. In Rochester during the two months or July and August some years ago the death rate among chilo-en under 5 years of use was 38.87.; the ttext year when the milk supply was under medical inspxtion it sunk to 11A3. In the United States onevthird of the babies born die before they reach five wars of age. In Ontario nearly onehall as many died from the meets at impure milk as trom all other cau- ses cl death. "The growth oi germs in milk go- as on 1.1" there is standing room on} ly," Mr. McNaught declared, giving figures fur their increase. “And nine- ty ptr cum. oi the germs in milk Is due m ordinary everyday dirt pans and pails.“ T. A great many different kinds diseases might b.e traced directly impure milk. Mr. McNaught tJrgeti that "are te mlwn Itt the haridbing in fume, and Mr. Dan'gau'ol him up in this. _ llots. .IM. Duff. Minister l Mr. McNaught was nut sparing in? tis remarks as to dirty stables um; dairy (aims and he drew a genuinely alarming picture of the various (56.11" Iy microbes that lurk in impure milk“ Tum-to. April t.-w. K. lemma] IRE; m we Immune rm IN' request tor; Legislntivo Com-lulu to enquire into the mm ot ob tuning pure: mm. than Br. For!!! Godlley wu with a tsimilar mun! tor an enquiry into the tuberculosis plaguu. Mr. Mx'N-ught. lucked by J. R, thtrgavel, ot Leeds, plea-mod u strong a use in the Legislature In! mm that In; earnest pic. for a Com- mission was granted without In ub- jcctiun trom rural Incubus, who, it was thought. might tttui in the work- ings of a possible, commission a men- we to their constituent; . atstoestttrs,tutgtatmWottottieue, . human hy I Now In; Government A SAD CASE IN GUELPH S \mrslup told the sun not to the 'lathcr’s faus, avnl promised ms-rylhing Would ht- dune to as- him in caring for his hrmhors sisters. The next girl is four, Regulating Police Foes 'ollect A treatises rung: greater of milk buck-d oi to in The nfternoon sission will he Germ} scaumos'. r r _ V - ed to thy mung or life momhrrw' WW I T . , . . _ and the closing address hy the ioral mm. Ntrmrrucorc--tseyetaspoiiv,.s bishop. [are worthy lu he noted: The (mom Board ot Fainraiion will torm three companies ot cadets ttm- ongst public school boys in addition to two cam now in mam In the (mugs-2e humus. [ 1 Miss Smith read the treasurirr's rt'- pmt. whixh Showed-that tlw total receipts for (hr auxiliary your ending Jami-[y 3t, 1909, including balance on hand, amountrd to 35.51773, be- ing an increase ot 3655,06 nvrr the previous ynr. This incrqur is pm" haps 30(00an tor hy lhe lama tri- rnial tharkotTerinp. Literature, educational and other committees were appointed and the "following were reappointed as dole gates to the triennial meeting: (rm- eers, Miss "ower, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Falls, who arc members of lhe gen- eral board, and Mrs. Ward (Norwich), Mrs. Richardson (Lamina), Mrs. Rote inson (s'trathroyy, and Mrs. Cock- shull (Rranttord). Miss Prittie was appointed some. laryr-ireasurer M the hahios' commit, tee. _ At the atternom, session the Lord Bishop of the diocese spoke to the meetmg of the "val of help to be ‘givrn to the Indians on the Huron reservation, whv-rn the wants are pressing and tuuereulor,is appalling†prevalent. He hoped the Huron W. A. would sm- its way to provide dca- conr-ssos to work among them. Save Balance of 312]. Mrs, Falls read the educational re port, which showed that this commit- tee had a halanee on hand of H2]. I Anglican churches in the city. Thereport of the board of manage- ment was read and showed that the auxiliary was in a good position fur ancially. London, Apiil L-The morning ses- Gon of the lluron Diocesan Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary opened with morning prayer in St. Paui's Cathedral at 9.45, alter which the dehgates rethed to Cionyn Hall, and the roll was called, which showed delegates present from the following [placesi Arkona, Ayimer. Ailsa Craig, Blandford, Byron, Branllord. Uald- well, Chatham, Colchesler, Dele- waro, Exeter, Forest, (lltnworth, (Human, Mensa", Highgate, ingvtsoll, Kingsville, Kirkwood, Lis- towel. Milltrank, Milverton, Komoka, Norwich, Owen Sound, Parkhill, Pe trofea, Port Dover, Port Stanley. Ridgetown, Sainia, Saintsbury, Sim- COP, 'lt. Thomas, Stratford, Htrattr. my, Thamesville, Thormiale, Walker-{ ville, Watford, Woodhouse, Wingham, Windsor, Worcester, Scalorth, Hurlin,‘ Button, Hyde Park, tresides all the HURON AUXILIARY The, ittland revenue omens here know of but low dealers who have not as yet complied with its regula- lions. Some or the small grocery stores both in and out of the tity who handle patent medicims hu'e evidently not been made aware of the provisions of the met, and Juve not purchased stamps, but when they itrarn that it is lmpossihlo to sell the medicines without the stamps a rush will be made to the local oi- fit?e. These stamps Post 20 _ cents' a thousand and are larger audtrot-, tor made than the regular lwo-cmt stamp. Aeetanilide _ and one: Coal tar products, aeoUte and its prepara- tions, arsenic“ pueparnlluns. tro- pine, belladonna and its preparations, eantharides, cnrboltc acid, chloral hy- drate, chloroform, conia and cum- poumls thereof, corrosive sublimate, cotton root, crown oil, digitalis and derivaiivvs, "got, essential all ul mustang either, hellebore, herion, hy- oscyamin and its preparations, Ite. dian hemp, nux vomica and tlerivatriv- es, pennyroyal, puenacetine, prussic acid, sum and preparations, sulphon- al, tansy, tartrate of antimony. ver- atria. Hereafter, all goods containing in- gredients in the lollowlng schedule must be stamped or bear a printed serial number or the (crumb. on the package and label: by theialaadr-ogtmertntke- [in 3d lorvuleu to the bead other lat one!» up to Thursday when the act ramming proprietary or plan we!" into duct. The act proud" that trum today every bottle ot pr‘ micine mull. bear I sump NH tit the lonuulia of an 'medicines hare, been registered at. Ottawa with ?e, department and a certiNd number In- sued tor them. The drains have “I" to April " to secure the atrium} after which nu stamps will be nutty.1 The attention at donor; is ptsrttcular-) Ir etuteettottso tactthabthe sale of; any bottled patent methane its; stock before "Hit! without a stamp lays them open to. tin.. l This act prevents the ale " man- ulacture of any article contairtittge ye came under a. penalty ut 850_ ii? the drst offence, and to $500 with costs for the second nuance, This; penalty also applies in the case “I I the longing of labels or other [arms of whinging upon vaunted prom!" Mons. _ . Matty Appllcnuou in has. neth- d [tom (Wu all 4-bi- in n- .te'ttytt"iriae. in Build an mum IS IN SESSION I Although from" Whitney killed Mr Dowrttsy's bill, to make it compulsory to notify uqtauthorities at all Max‘s _ of corvturr.ption in a tmtttieipahttr, the public will lié pleased to note slat tmtrtrtBntial , voxnmmtal aid is hmm: I puma to â€hum. tor consummims Mr. Downey will try again at tlat nrxl session nf the lmgielatum lane a wiser View. " James. I‘nn't do it again, pin-2mm " “111'er 51»me ' But you hate gum- wrring on the (Treatrtttmt ol Consumptxves ques- lion. You talked lo Joseph Down- lcy, the author of the Hill, "In I. ‘political archaic. What you said forced the measure into the scrap hemp. But there must be a resurrec- tion. The people want 'something; done to curb the White Plague. TPt won't rest content with 1?,n,Ctt,,t.'y' and reliance on obsolete mtthodsiul bring about a better condition l things. Thev writ hammer away unu till they sm‘ure Provincial 'uutiittr-l mum and the compulsory Manama: system asked for by the momma: fer; Sou": Wellinztun l l or tururtie, it must {w confessed, you hast swallowed certain things said while leading the Opposition. But all premiers do that. For that you can be tmgiven. On the Government hombre; you have been a staunch friend nl Puts lie. Rights, an honest. opponent of Matt, tt souml advocate ot eduea, tion fur all classes, a_progressive Ira- tier in the "wtiftcation of adminis- trative abuses, and generally speaking a Man of Action, in harmony with the best, views eta most intelligent electorate. l Gan Reporter.-we rather like you Sir Jana-s P. 10itney: On tho whole you have made a mighty good Premier, The manna; in which Premier Whit- Whitney cout.iclled Mr. J. P. Dounyy may compelled Mr. J. P. Duwney to withdraw his Atttr.Tubercutosis bill in the Legislature this week, has not met with the approval ot the lead- ing Tory newspapers of this coun- ty gnd on Thursdarthe.GaIt Repor- Ier and the Berlin Newsdtrcbrd ven- ttred to "speak out in rimming" and told Sir Jam's atew things.‘ which, we fear, will camc- lnm to; tremble: i TORY NEWSPAPERS CALL DOWN TORY LEADERS I STORES: Stratford, Guelph, éberlin. Factory: Ha'miifon WORD OR TWO IN \U'AH. HUT, SIR JAMES. Thornton (tl Douglas AND [ON Clothing Manufacturers" . I The premier will learn before he k much older that he luv hluolmml arri Mended thousam" of mama-t mm and 'wnmm, who no laboring to rnd the inroads at consumption in this pro- ivinre: who purpose "8an jhn latest ttcirmUtic methods in the thth'r; who are enlisting the enlightened triads of "very mmmulity In the Combat Incl ‘whu are min; It because consumption li : cunblo disease, when Cakrn In Hts early sum, and they purpose 1 lrlddlng the province of it. l Mr. thlncy said further that not a docior in the House {norm compul- snry notirteittiott. Why? May it not he for tear at otttmriutg 3mm volt-r? The principle of Mr. Downey'." hill was endorsed av up-ttra) physicians and the Provincial Hoard of â€with. In lad, we are imtehted to humane medical men tor the Intermation con- crrnins: the disease which uisis. Thry are not only carrying on a campaign of tsdurration, ttut loading the way in m'rurinE hnsnitals Mr the proper, treatment of the disease. l f This expression ot opinion is whol- Cty unworthy oi the premier ot 0n- 'tario. It lacks feeling and common sense. lied it been made b'y some dried up, mecernary leech who was keeping a consumptive patient ollve for the money he could extract from him, one would not wonder at the heartless sentiments expressed. FOP Aj!r" l The premier must have been misled my wine old [age] on doctor in the House, for in forcing the withdrawal " the bill, he said: "He would June or it. 'lhe ideas of. 30 or 40 years ago were good enough for him. Three thousand people in Ontario die of consumption every year, but it the†did not' die of that, they would die ot something else." I New Spring Gloves "I New Spring Overcoats ‘ New SprinrNeckwedr New Spring Underwea New Spring Shirts I New Style Collars _ New Spring Caps New Spring Suspenders New Spring Hats New Silk Hats New Spring Suits Etc., Etc. _ :, We are prepared for a big Sprinp business, and we're going to get' it. "lhis store is second to none in Ontario in pomt of equipment, service and stocks, so you can't afford to pass it by in your Easter buying. T L T dicnl men, at'the international cam ference on tuberculosis, held in Wash- ington, D.C., last year. speaking from experience, declared that tivey regarded "the extension of comprrl- sory ttititteauon as an mdismnnlplo. preliminary to complete preventivel measures." _ Don't forget that we make all the clothes we sell, make factory from cloths bought direct from the mills, and we are ready ttr , ' 5:21!!an stock of the Ready-to-Wear Clothes eAer shown in this district} All e little style touches, such as fancy pockets, long collars, dip fronts, fancy cuffs that delight the young men, are here in all the new Spring fabrics. We've got them aWaiid roetb be sorry if you buy without seeing our display; and then for Easter we are showing ot the disease should be ofticialty Int" parted. There was no desire no: in- tention to placard houses nor compel the removal ot patients to hospitals. The sole object was to gain know- leoge of thelocatjon and number of cases existing, Provincial Secretary Hanna in supporting the measure, 'as also did Mr. Beck.) showed that me- This store idfuit 'irf iiit the clothing _ you wear, as well as the new Spring styles in Hjxtrigjukt:t1istms This is pre-eminently the best store for Men's and. Boys' Apparel of every sort-. Almost everybody concedes that, ind yet with all the great trade done here there toe some people who neither know nor appreciate the advantages hi; store brings. You should know in your own 'i1rirneti'.;:',,',,i.,i,.i'/l,/ and make yourself at home. . . d 1 931?:- ,_ -,.xu" Whit they will riot like is the stand and utterances ot Mr. Whitney on we question. The priaciple ot Mr. Downey's mea- sure was to ensure that proper intor- ugatjon g: to the unatancnt and cure both towards their erection and 1mm Rance. ' . Spring Gloves "I Spring .Neckwear Spring Shirts I Spring Caps Spring Hats Spring Suits -tt--mdrt'u sarthe 1ch- dent wound}, qtttattBmtitm “Shemâ€? " JP"' SUPPLY EXTRA $5000I GET It is good to be wisp, but it is mine! to be good. Heaven's manna sits m on the Ftttttt m: of sloth. keep it in repair , insured and sup- plicu with water, and electric light, and the same to be at Itte.uovert1- mont’s disposal for Winter Fair purposes, and all live stock sales. In eonsideration of this the ï¬le?- ernment grant of $25,000 is made, and it is held in Guelph 10 years, dating from Nov. lst, 1910. This grant, with the city's “0,000, makes within $5,000 ot the sum required, but this tmount is the bone ot con; tention. The cltyvhopad to have the cost down to the an mihand,but this the Government. meets By nup- ulating that it must cost “0,000. Guelph will now have to supply the extra $5,000. 3*!) emf-m mac-m km A deputation which interviewed the Government has returned with the conditions upon which the grant cl t25,000 is available. The city is to do the erecting ot the addition, and it must not cost less (than t40,- 000. The addition must be oomph-- ted by Nov. lst, 1909, the city to L Gilelph, April 2. With the city it is now a case of raising anoths or 35,000 towardsAhe Winter Pair extension. The Ontario Government has come out straight and the muni- cipality must now get busy or drop the extension, in which event it might also lose the whole fair when the term expires. l New hiiog Overcoats N ew Spring Updérwea New Style Collars New Spring Suspenders New Silk Hats Etc., Etc. _ New New New New New Brotim Wm A right for Brooettit, -PoticeGii ir-Na',' 7 m understand you M 5-1 (Medical Record.') 'Trudeau's classic experiment poinfa us in the right direction. Alter in- oculating a number oi rabbits with tuberculosis he eotttined ' number ot them indoors sand turned the 0M: outdoors. The litter all recovered, while the iormer all died. Ttrid ex- periment shows that a rabbit liVlng upon its notural food and under & natural environment is proof against tuberculosis. There is abundant ra- son to believe this equally true at man. In other words, tubereulosisia not a necessary evil of human life. but isa natural consequence of erron- eous habits and departure from In» turn! conditions. Nan is natural!†an outdoor 'imimal. A mole liver, . healthy lite ina burrow. A mm must lim in the fresh air and the sunshine. "He iGaGiri tiiiii'G ' a, a... tbm doll-n: A 2!.,t,.t.t.,tSeSrotAurqrrtott I?! TEWM‘FTE? our (no DOORS, lyn. pkesatso.mGii well, I In†In T, A '8)--Art, Gii LIMITED ' .25! M iii-é