mum‘s-am Fm- TM and Other ARE BUYING TEA Ill CANADA n. Tomato out.“ will. tf,sgii-dt more boa m [who in ole-m aad Ohmic u. (can at we proposed my" tarilt ii: the Uu- I.‘ Slates, will! would Flue a pay duty upon an alum; that. country? Unned States buyers um md to be picking up bu} 'plus stock in this country, and 1' m shady taut otB further “x :e m prices run- Among the articles handled by gro- eels the n-w United States tuna now betore t’ougress. it it becomes law will anect starch, sugar, spices: and tea, In the case ot tea,which" at present enters the tuned Sula: tree, provision is made Iota tax oi 8 cents a pound when imported dir- ect front the wumry of pruducuon, ayd one cunt adduinual ts added when imported through a non-producing country. . w...-,. _With starch and sugar very' little ditterenee in conditions of trade will he would, as the changes call for a reduction, and that reduction a very slight one. But In tea teere is “is altogether new situation crcated, and that cummodny wtll be irsereased Ill price to the Consumer at least ao cenls a puuml aha result oi the new import. At the present timuBui- talo, Pjilodelphiir, Ptttsourg and oth- er srommercial cellues ol the United, States hare developed a specuUtisc) In" r in tea, and xmlumlly the near-; by mar), ate the Mrs! to iesl the den ul tlus sr ~L'ulaliul.. Toronto tea men duriug the past week have sold large quantities d m; to inter- ested buyos in these centres. ani have obtained two, three and lou' arms higher figures than could tr had here in the local market. The otlset games oi (“mum uirrre stocks oi tea are to be mm are alwpieeilug the “nulls... and at) Ur A) mums this rounu‘ tbe tun bum-lion lb exciting as 111311.1le tut curry day, and the tea Slut-is It bought up. This, oi Course, means " m". of tea sums lil Canaan. but v. or not it means hstlr plum later on is ah yr: unmet-um- inion among dealers is [llulk‘ti lers Say that as the present MI is an unusual mm, and um- the not lmmtd tur, {lungs will themselscs in " few tscekn when supplies become plentiful The tea duty, " it hecunr‘. In“ will mean tum ptohts Io thct,e l ti ited Stat-s m-lt'lmms buying how men at the aduuutcd murht pun and it certainly means prcscuttp1, tit to the 'l'umnlunhns and other (Xe nadians selling their “an in tltos United States huycrs, Read the pain formula it of Pink Pam Tabls IS Trcr Doctor ii there is a' Utttt' irl means congestcoa, F brood 1 somewhere. Try our, amiw 25c AT DAGGEI '1 he 'ctetsttl Men-m and culy mung of “tantrum an: "t awn-:5 than with each othtr because thc Hun: persist in “sum, the (mum! (hunh tor llwir meeting» arrl wimp to Pt anything. Tire \Clt‘r-lln tl.n-.A n withdraw their auxiliary MTHL‘I‘ the city. The “lmIc Humble urns over the 1eiusal tsi the city Jurrrt to open up the city Lu†fun tlw n trans without extra salary. FREE BOX. Ovllhlt‘q" “1 night. l,-l its wundcrl Mrs. s. {can L plmplm an: mm; 1 au, were ttads. new“ H II th- wav.um1|}wu a., gh- adlnuv rytierfPx: I Bni‘uo’m’ui wal- thm mum I van an,» noon-and 2;â€!!qu m n kn‘Bul (urn cu! [ , Jahmmu‘ clown tp our". hat! I". (hm "in" am! How! ML an 94' MM, $0M If bag ROW ZAM=BUK REMOVES SKIN MSEASES- h' ltltA1t N bum-lion is exciting tea nun-ks mere...»- " may be that "ll 'ld ttt 12mm.) will be .lentltul again become. laa tr, that l " hu_\inp; now a City culluul hugger» dun-m at thc Lrtunen nrtl (bur-her “cvlm' nu that wa d, xl: op- Ura- al ml: tiot Wt) tlns extra wot k. [.uwHuk in- skin All tonic. Yous :Lmnceduatonicjuot as much as your nomad: or "val ran". scrofulors rm". {curring tsker,or In Imam. apply [Alli-“Ill. Apply ir {Nth at trr, Huk well in! You “Ill be F" paul " it! it†CANADIAN MISSIONARIBS CHEATBD BY CHINESE Rev. h P. Qnimhneh’s may Were Victlmlzed by Some Wily Chinese Who Took Japanese Money tor Chinese Currency. "T. E. R." who is one ot the party ol Methodist missionaries, ot which new A. P. quirustach an: wlle m members, writes to the Toronto Star (rum Icupg, China, on Feb. 8111 u Iona“, suing some interesting inci- dents ot the trip:- , James, Winnirrg say- "Some I‘m. bad: e'n-eari. and N read m or the whole ofono dd. of _ minim; m- :m.- A had oi red mnh.wh|ch _ “an!" b, xv w. w. mm- took. The irriratiott I Mr: H: _ , " s...', .;nry pig-Jul. .522» .m- a I. "a“ lo .u.‘ A)â€. only #emed Murru- tr In) h . m _ ' ; ' m :u I '.att oft tvuorthetlotlop ~' -(~ l w t" mam 4mm- Ihhumed "ective. luv! 'l " tr _ “(21‘ nu; n l rkttt rlrarmd 1mm}: n Mon. 'rl ll "w tlvv‘vmv ts mum-nut. lime-ho and Cr, /M‘ " m mm ' n: sshirtttndtroubled ma tor In)?" and hu‘ " il a umwl up link ' This place is a thousand miles up the Yangese River trom Shanghai. The beginning of the present article, sun‘ thit introduction, wu written some weeks Mo, but its conclusion was unavoidably delayed. The writer is one at the party of 80 Canadian Methodist missionaries going to than- tu. He found it necessary to remain new while most ot the My continu- ul up the river. A smart, Eusg1ish-speuusa China- man, Sun by name, was on hand on the under alter leaving the Empress of Indra, and volterteri atl our grips and trunks, which he delivered tapas jiissicnariea' Home, where we stayed during the week we were in Shanghai. The foreign city of shanghai is qatte up to date. Stately Sikh po- hccmm were at all the main inter- sections oi the streets, automobiles ulximd by you ever and anon, and all clectrtc street car system was in operation. The foreign city quite up to date. licetnen were at al sections oi the st sshizzcd by you ev, We boarded tt street car. Alas, some oi our party won Round that they had already been done by a wily -ChinexrC' Some itinerant money cschangrrs had boarded the “Em- press" at Wersuug, and several thought it would be a smart thing to gr: ahead oi the crowd hy getting the balance of their Japanese money turned into t'hinese currency. They therefore looked “the, caretully ex- aiiiintd the undoubtedly Chinese coins that Welt' ttrndered them, and accept- d tlic'sztmu (In presenting some or. them to the street car conductor they s\"Ll' surprised to have them return- }cil. it turned out that the coins [ we genuine' enough, but-were those _ ii a distant Province in Manchuria. Hi Louise, all Chinese coins looked alllat' to us. but we were to Md out 'oy sad exper1unce that the currency ol unn- Provinrw wouldn't of necessity Pri'"; in another. Ho our would-Be suite, \wri- an easy mark. and found o-tt that their .tileer could only be Purl lid ui’ at a heavy discount. This is Hut ls he taken as illustrative of iln- methods 01 regular Chinese -ex- chattgvrs, These abound everywhere. and the money obtained from such is usually good, but the same cannot be mid oi those who hoard incoming ~1mmrrs and who disappear the mo- ;ni-nt you have completed your deal. 1hese cannot be tracedl so the tras- 1‘Il'l I\ Wise to wait till he gets on Mtort. and can visu one oi the i'cguv iar vvstaipix1tinrnts. . d thu'sanlo. t them to the st m-u' surprisvd ed, It turnvd were genuine L in distant ll Hi coutse, all ahke to us. In Mexkan dollars are used almost PX- 'lusivcly in Shanghal; further up the nu] the Provmcial Hupch dollar is mame used. and at Ichang and be- yond lump,silver called syce is the bans of vxchange ior large sums, and (ash (1,000 to a dollar) tor small mums. The many ditierent kinds of Huntley are fairly bewildering to a nt'"hCrrtner, and his perplexity is not lebbrned by rindlng out that the pur- Had Hem Victimized .v Mexican Dollars [â€14“ GeViiiriunGGie," ll 'r"s','llTg from Eraiia M. (tuning 1M3. Inlet". will, rrach. ehi ‘ou. 'ed.'."',', w- 'fri-e. and “and“. A mum l unlwd to menu Not cr two-ths I i.iiiaiGi m «I: new! dbl"! to pun 501".th tirst rn Nun to dry " With an and “what. I hllhly a rnre Mr am: Ming power ot his Iron) day to "t, I mice ot that Inâ€. - w.-- .. -.._- _,~, Provisions, mane! clothing. and Pitts helmet.- lor Mute use - to be purchased in Shanghai. and numerous cummin- to be Med lot the “m in mum" in In: 88 Churn, no the live or ix any: we la neatly were devoted more» lamina an to sight-seeing. Then. too, inclement uni wet wallet prevailed neatly ell ths umeulo at" Wu very little (management to get out when we did hue e we meet. m- o-"- v: -. __ e my lend mu to the trunnion otChriBtUn literature, and who is splendidly gunned tor that much needed workhvery kindly invited the Canadian party ot missionaries to their home one evening that WOW!“ meet a number at the SW11 work- ers. In the course ot the evening we met the Rev. Dr. Martin, one 01 the oldest living missionaries in China; also Rev. Mr. Taylor, one time ot Wyelifre College, Toronto, end his wife; and Mr. Wulace, an old Vio- toria College ttdy (Ch. ot '03); the two latter being both engaged In Y. .\l.C.A. work. Mr. Brickmnn. thl ileadintr Y.M.C.A. worker in China, and Rev. Dr. Martin welcomed our party as the latest recruits ot admo- nition and'advice. '"idrriiciiiiiGiiue wile ct Bev. W. McGillivny. who“ unice- have hem given??? It t.O gm, In During the course ot the inlornnl program Rev. Mr. Taylor announced the very interesting [not ot Premier Laurier's return 'O power, which news was received with acclimation by many present, amongst whom might be mentioned a lady who proved to be the daughter ot the Ca- nadian Trade Commissioner. 'twe have forgotten the name.) To show) our assembled friends that we were patriotic Canadians and proud oi our country (though not necessarily at the election results), we sang with enthusiasm "The Maple Lcal." The l evening passed pleasantly, and we (could hardly twiieve-surrounded by intends and the warmth ol a Chimp nan home and weleomo--that we were so tar from native land and so clos to the degradation and misery at China's millions. _Yet only a few yards away was the paganism, filth, and sin of the native city. Chmese merchants have a good also ior standing by agreements In though they may mean a loss. The Methodist Episcopal school is Nagasaki, Japan, which we referred to in our last, was built by a China-1 man during the recent war between. Japan and Russia. He secured the contract below the war started, and had just commenced operations when war broke out and the Japanese The Methodist Episcopal school in brick and building material. At a greatly enhanced price be secured a further supply and built the school, losing $2,000 in so doing. Without any obligation so to do, the mission- ary authorities in the United States decided to bear hall his loss, and so, Everything that a native servant or employe buys tor you he gets his com ‘mission on. It is so universally done athat to all intents and purposes it is Iimpossrblc to get a servant who idoesn't practice it. " you go to pur- (chase yourself from a Chinese More , the price is doubled or quadrupled, so the best thing to do seems to be tol secure a list of standard prices, And as long as your srrvant's hills are nearly In harmony with them to rest satisfied that you are only being moderately robbed by him, instead ot extortionately robbed by your store- keeper. We must remember in this respect that it is hard to change cus- tom thtt have prevailed tor thous- ', anus or ya. ' an! d'u-l-tl"s the 'iPT- l vants believe that as they Irroruu' you ( your household goods at prim. ...Iy the market price they are only y"!- i‘ tiny. 'IAPII due when they state snglll l “squeeze" or oommisalon horn tli: dealer. Mont Europeans that we hm. tallied to conlcss that they have sur- rendered to the iuevitable, and that it is tar cheaper to let your servants do the buying and get their "squeeze' than to undertake your own purchase ling. T. E. P a J; J; [do alter its median. the Chinese builder‘s heart was gladdened by a $1,000 check “up was wholly asiiicitini and unexpected But while in business and thpnce the Chinese compare [notably with other Orientals, there is a certain spa-ms ot grait which they believe to he perfectly allowable and legitimate. The Multicultural Sot'ivly at ‘ town of Gall is humming out in whero else, but which might tw adop- tcd with profit in almost any town or village in Ontario, The plan ig to purchase a suiuhlr sptuy outfit, :lace it in charge ot a competent man' who understands lhtt work and " III-tying M New and plants at cost, Thr soririy is supplying thr, material, and there In nothing to he tlone hy the citizen but order his plants â€my. M, " in proposed to spray mm tres, bony bunks, canard bushel at pptat1r â€(an Th tmat' It ax- A NEW LINE OF WURK Uheeted Election Result ~¢The Chinese “Gran." Stand by Agreements a." _ ___ tret 2:929:11 I!“ Haw-“Ind I“ vali- I to the name ' ev- mm] nutty tttttArte-ft' q FOR INSPECTION ammo! T "“ ""' ___""""""'" T h', an}: new. to bozo-w uw‘n-I-m “may and hx. ““ cm e! gm .1 [actor-3 - In“ - - _ Toronto, March M.-. mu: a u- Tim um in W: t A no“: new“ view ut tumult; the “up in mm was“... and“ i'ttl'A1llt: ri edit-hwy ul the game which.“ Constantia. Toronto, Tb I ill.IEi' â€a , bringing their sup-nub- more diebste an tor Juan. that hum! ., W" ' ly under the new“ at mum mum“ that Inch would In the M h 7ii'4 . sen-m important lmll to a. than to: February no Mun†- b . "h ‘ exitstingiart witttretsubmltted to a serum cl it. a... hunt. . LeqtstBtum by Ronni". Pym, In†"It is 1!kaer doubuul it ever ' a m I“ I h I ot Education. 113an meet mm more u. an unsung uull 0! an ttre mi an trtttd directly an -torate um. um Dominion there has been new“ a in" I“; T a: designed to win; out greater un- thin mm ot the yen “yum-g all. by!†- a I numny ut eduoasiosl work. quite In. it log mum: activity. W at an . â€I!“ - . A“ I, on..." a-.. nu mnnlhl, u â€hub M a M w . lee Undo! the â€would madman" it} specter: will be required to upon. di- rectly to the Hunter, who willhnvo power to reduce and resume the numbct ot schools over which they exercise tttspertt'sdort, and twain» where d-ttnd wry, additional inspectors. The Minister in .130 nu- morued to antennae the 11mm ot inspectontes gt the beginning oteaett you. A Mann award ot salaries grill he emblkhod tor county i-tore The minimum Brest you stipend will be $1,500. mm; to 31.000 tor the second you. and ttiereatter 31,700 the and way inspector retain“ that De canter 31 next will receive a salary ot 81,700. In he majority ot can this will man an increase, while . raw “acted inspectors wilt Met a diminution. The avenge increase per inspector for the sixty county adBeUts throughout the Province ha been es- timated st $137.71. The appointment ot inspectors will still, as heretofore, rest with the County Councils, but the Minute! will have the right liclore the be- ginning ot February, 1910', to remove any whom he thinks unsuiuble by reason ot inemciwcy or physicd in- firmity. The use limit will he pho- ed at sixty-live, and an only be Ver- ied by :3le permission ut the Minister. Under the present system the Governmuvt contributed 8800 to each inspector's shlnry and the coun- ty paid " per reboot. In future each will pay hall and the expenses 1',i' the ottieials will continue to be paid by the county. The inspectors who under the chm gee will Bullet a reduction In celery include Messrs. Thomas Jameson, Carleton, 31,748; J. D. Smith, West Kent, $1.740; F. L. Mitchell, ‘North Lamurk, ti,738; D. A. Nesbitt, Len- nox Ind Addington, $1,730; W. Cur- lyle. Oxford. 81,795; Richard Less, Peterboro' $2,320 and: E. T. White, Renfrew $2,000. In these cases there is likely to be an nddition to the in- specting stall era rearrangement of the districts, the inference boing that at Mi per school the present inspem tor has too many institutions and- er his supervision. Rheumatic poisons/are quickly and) surely'drivert out ot- the blood with Dr. Sheep‘s Rheumatic Remedy-li- quid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop‘s booklet on Rheumatism plalnly and interestingly tells just how this tis done. Tell some suiteeer ol thislbook or better still, write Dr. Shoop, Ra- cine, Wis., tor the book and free lest Samples. Send no money. Just Mn with Dr. Shoop and give some sul- lerer a pleasant surprisg. A dairy record without a parallel in the country and doubtless without an equal i. the stair, says the War- cesier Times, is that "made during 1907 by the dairy of C. S. Morris, ed of Porthndville, Otsego county, New York, the “guru atoning old dnirymen. who freely admit that it is exceptional and could only be locom- plished by the best oi trtteettiott and team coupled with cumin] tretectéon oi (cows for their milk producing quali- ties, The record tor the post three years shows thut Mr, Morris has made considcrnhle advance in the producing ability oi his herd. During the Year; ot 1905, 20 cows produced 9,276 "is. ot milk each and in the iollowing year 21 cows gave an Mange oi 9.554 lrns. each. In 1907. the banner year, 23 vow. gave an avenge of 10,000 lbs. each, which was sold at an average price oi $1.35 per hun- dred yuunds, or 2.57 cents per quart. This gives an average itt- come For cow of $135.10. It Gin- teresting to note that than rovis are all grade llnlsicins and " oi the M. cows milked during 1907 have been in the dairy irom three to live years. NEW PASTOR WAS INSTALLED The church (ll the St John's Luth- theran congregation, nmr Sewing- ullr, was lillrd to the doors on Sun- day, March 28, to witness Iholormul installation of thr- newly appointed pastor, the Rev Charles Grass. This was the ftrst, opportunity tor the members to but the pie-sure at swing Rm: Mr. Grnss attired in his clerical costume. All went away sut- is.qed that they had an!“ rhoxrn Hu, propel shepherd tor their tlock. Rev. Mr. Boese, ot Berlin, delivered a mus-I eloquent sumo“ tot the UC- osion. referring principally lo how a punch-r of the gnaw-l could suc- a good rxamplc and also how a con- grrzatinn should rxorrisr true love and faithfulness toward that pus; tor in order that his work among them might bring forth fruit, some thirty-(old, some sixty-10M .nd some can: a hurtdrmt-btld (In Hut-day "MI. Ilw Ith of tpril, ihe m-w pate tot "I" deliver hits introductory Irr- ;mon in Mt. John'l Luann: church, Blhce. when u usual . large amen- !dmce In expend. $135 PER COW FROM GRADE HOLSTEINS. BOYS. um; tour.“ movement in was: um! locked. while Toronto, In" “on, Windsor, Harlin, London All Petertroro' all show oonsldcnblo p.19. "The [allowing interesting comps!» ti e table ot value ot mm: glaz- mm is given. _ Berlin tt_FFr PFF Calgnry F., n. Edmonton .r. Fort Willinm mum pm. $F.' Kingston ._-__ London Fr-"' Montreal ...r.r Peterthrro' Fr. Quebec .rrFer Regina -..rF. . Toronto _.. Vulcan": . “emotion... . iwmdlor m...F. Winnipeg .. (V In the case of Edmonton it is ex- plained that the compulsou is hud- ly a ttsir ohm. as in February of last you the permits included “360,000 tor the Parliament buildings. Apart trom this, "Edmonton is really t ahead on the total value ot permi s lor the past month." OFFICIAL BOARD . HAVE APOLOGIZED To Rev. by Brian“ for Refieet. ing on Hi: Character “a _ or‘PutOr. In,,t,e,,,1"22tttT are std! 'emoundnl- T . in “in It will be of interest to the friends ot Rev. A. E. Laval! of the Lumtr's Lane Methodist Church, and [armor pastor at the Methodist Church, Wav terloo, to learn that the members ol theomeia1 Bqarcl ol the Church, wtm issued a statement r"emxtuntr on hlsi character and also in regard to M- ancial matters at the Church, have publicly retracted mil npologl'wd. The lollowlng is Lumen-(mm the Daily Standard, Niagara Falls and will be read with much Interest:- REV. A. E. LAVELL‘S POPULAR VICTORY. VI Wr, mum promise io My all In our nnwrr In withdraw all copies of said pamphlet trom ctrrultttiott, mm um not further circulate said pamphlet, and will It all limos rrpudiah- all and will It all limos rm statements crxUained In phlct n-flrcnng um your (Signed) Yours Indy GEO. MCCLIVE. A. M. WOOLNOI'HH, II. F. GARN ER. Permits Permit; r conclud‘ ,._235.330 115.300 w... 1.105 50 .... 0,000 4,300 ... 5,005 2,210 1,233,000 733,000 00,407,055 305,200 .,.,121.620 72,325 ._.157,000 10,350 Feb. Feb. 1909. 1908 $9,000 , 78,050 23,590 112,400 1,231,415 ,..3ll.825 10,300 . 22,010 15,675 . 13,200" at the Fails all ned In MINI pam' mm thunder. tsumtw on. a-ie8N00. . "r =" C "'tir.'t,'fd'ar-" IMI-s 37““ h... any...“ who 7 AQWEE-I“. Animal-vu- Autumn-ups“; "i "err - -.. -- Mann-Watt! -". adamant. Cum ' 33:33 JI,,, gun who at†taif.'tl wan...“ no no - . m run was eo-lllol -aiAtiMasrk'iitAri"". mm; 0 was at good Duh- Plho $8000, so an We. Maidenhead, don to 0. ml- mad; com-, dbl.“ mules; who bought by laying we doms. mummy. mMWmmdmw (human ot cunning; good um house; mm good hm; In“ t-6trre1 In“. mum. l 100 um um; W1 :6!!qu to"; mun- “; lbout 30 - d but; about in nuc- new» "any M Cum; a you my 511-; very my mu Print "too. A no um am with u [up than noun. can“ - an um; an“ M; may good out. new driiled well; on all. Iron Millage; n my a “Iâ€. About: 150 tMtrotr, Inn- houu cum; commo- -bun; know so sad so .m- ot good bulb; um chute-chock not; . mile [run the til- use ot manna; Ibo . out bus-uh " am. We hue; nun†ot wry a‘trwun'mms right close to the village at Cuban. The†mm up “In!" loan. Our may In all our ted tor the mun; at " kind! oumm. During an last mm: an hand! out 1100 m at h“ In un- vichmy. we In" dwuyu Inseam ot km to: ah. ha " ll lmpoulblo to advorttas than “Iranian mm in my ot our - ' - -‘ - ---_- AL- mm.-.- 1..- OL-ln-‘III- would An - to llnPOISlDIO to “van-v - _.,,,_ _-----"- -"__-e"" 7 _ palms and wishing to no meow-try tar monum- would do we]! to noUtt n. and w. will In - tomeet than u h union n m. For 1mm: intormatimt apply to _ JOHN HILL ,:ch- CANBORO. Wecansendvou a free booklet thatwlllhelpyou v-,-' mpalnts and varnishes intelligently and eoonom- _' l y. Write for the booklet you need. ,_ Boom an Pmrs AND VIM/SHE'S ' g Thc old hall'nned way M dosing A weak stomach. or stimuluing the Heart or kmnryw " all wnmg. DI. Show ttrst pointed out this error This is why his itretwriptrcm- Ill, .‘nwpa; l\Iquu-n..~u ... J... _ . 'y/j, ',ijiii11eg h tbrth A " book!!! . - I: an "who. a an. Hag. munch- '% Yrii""i"GUi'ii I. thunk“ Fr ' I 1taraustt" had - a " in an amino: M -eiératstgoasdvarnhrhr-r1tt* gagulutun soda-u. " - I . . - 1,..AA l._ ‘A K..- own»! , "traumaâ€... ... .... lirrly lo the must- of mm nilmomx the weal: imdde or contromng tterv- m. It isn't No dimcttli, says Dr Slump, to strong"!!! a weutrsiutm- ach, â€out or Kidneys, it ohe gave M it cotilyr Em-h “with my" tra, HM (-unlrolling or unsltlr nerve. When thwa- nun-u [all then those "mum maul surely MIN. Thom vital "nth: no leading drawn; t'very- where In ditttrrntay and "co/mm Dr, Show“. Reestorotyth. Tettt It a In in. d tted uul "rrthh..--ttt+ manufacture and mu. 1. 0-IH'MM o -. Arno-{book on â€he. Ind vnmhhu hr III in. whctif,ehe,.t,tiggTfatggrat'.""at; l- "-8uewitt- If! [inn Floor Fin/Mu. Gm: lull panned-n how to [hilt Uh pub“ M "mhrhrd (Icon. ' Ttre 8ptEmea.Wetuattr 00. A ' en "tr--PthettAttd “any“. for the â€can. A was. 60-91;. W on b FREE . Any pun-Ion thinking of buying Nag-n peninnlll' yank) do well t Hits-r; penmnler mld do well to write no, end upon receipt of their lotto! we will mail them free of ebuge. one of our leteet printed lieu of fume for sale. which contain- eome three hundred amok, grain, deity, fruit, guden and canning factory produce farms It meet remnehle prices. WHY BENT? Call and eee u: or write us for . good farm, end get it on the easiest. ot time payment, A equate deal, 1owtrieets and no red tape, l a! N! has?!“ 1‘)! a..." Fill? All, VIIIUIN HIKING IN TN! VOILD â€ONTIIAL TORONTO WINNIPCO 3h" - W, t makcs moth†record n "n- "mummy fleld in Canada, It 'Ives t tron“!- piecc M at least six odors. reproduc- ing A f""' drawing by C, W. Jefrree. :lcpk'ling the death ot Brock At Quornston Ttright" There is cottM6- line, which in IN- "IN“ ls - Iully aitr:a'iist, The Ilhlr ot - lunts includes some sarong maul.“ vqually strong continuous. tret. Mu Mmith comes HIM In mannaâ€. “HI- an “Hick entitled "Lam“ Hor'utlisnt," "Power; Wand ot 891- tlommt," Illustralm in colour, I: A tiignitlrant much». urine" ivy ('lny- (an M. Jones. 1'OL. CLARKE SERIOUSLY ILL. FREE . bun intho ONTARIO In "I. no. and ’11 free of w or sale. m [ dairy, mm at m