A very largely attended and most successful mecting of the Ptesbyterian Ladies‘ Aid Scocicty was held at the home of Mrs. Alfred Snyder, George '-8"0!!, Thursday afternoon,. Devo tional exercises were eonducted by th. President, _ sollowed by the Husiness meéeting, which showed the Society t« be in a most prospetous condition. A very hearty standing vote of thanks was tendered Miss Lizzke Bruce for ber untiting efforts in the managemen‘ of the Harold _ Jarvisâ€"Henel Wyrics Shafot Concert _ on the fith inst., which was not only a rare musica) and literary (real, but a groas ~â€" ©ess fmapcially. The balance of the afternoon was spent in social _ inâ€" tereourse, and | dainty | refreshments were served by the kind hostcss. At a meeting of the Waterloo Waâ€" fer and Light Commission, the tender of Mr. John Tucker, for the laying &€ rises Tor 1909 be accepted at =| Téents | per foot for both services an mains, for single french and 1%¢ pes Iobt for double trenches with 19 an hour allowed for extra work. The Gueiph board of education _ is mdlmni the erection of a . new technicat school. Information will be secuted from Brantlord, Hamilton and Betlin, as to the probable ‘cost and ‘"‘Salada‘" is not only of a finet qualâ€" ity, but contains more of the essonâ€" tial oil in the leaf than valleyâ€"gtrown tea. _ This is easily proved by comâ€" paring a drawing of ‘‘Salada" â€" Tea with any other. Tea grown at high altitudes on the mountain slopes of Ceylen, where the growth is stower and cultivation morg carelul than in the warm, humid cliâ€" mate of the valleys, ate used like TECHNICAL SCHOOL The anniversary services of the Evâ€" angelical church wall be beld someâ€" time in May wad it has been decidea to invite Jev. Mr. Seager ef Nap erville, 111., to conduct the services. The meeting of the Epworth Lea gue in the Methodist church next Mon day evening will be on special inter est. â€" Rev. 8. T. Bartleft, of Toron to, will give an interrsting lecture en titled, ‘"People worth imitating." Voâ€" €al and instrumental music will alsc be furnished. Mrs. C. H. Mills was the hostess us the Monday (Clup at het home Mondin afternoon, when / « most enjoya‘l mistellancous programinc was presenâ€" ted by members of the Club, includ ing the reading of a mumber of very interesting letters from Mrs. C. W Wells on her travels through Mexico, The members of _ the confirmation class, numbecring 29, of the St. John‘s Lutheran Church, were examined â€" at the morning service on Sunday, and will be confirmed on Sunday morning April 4th. Mr. Jos. L. Krop{ who has been a resident of Waterloo for the past eight years has purchased a farm in Millbank. He will Jeave for _ that place on Tuesday accompanied by his wife and family. Bring the children to see the Real Live â€" Easter _ Rabbits at Devilt‘s Prug Store. Mrs. John Koebler who underwent a serious operation at the Berlinâ€"\}i terloo Hospital several days ago | is improving nicely. > There was a good attendance _ at the weekly market Saturday morning. Eggs sold at 18 cents per dozen and butter at 24 and 25 cents per lb. Messrs. Thomas Hilliard and M. S. Hallman will represent the Waterloo Methodist Church at the Missionary Congress, being held in Toronto this â€" â€"WANTED AT ONCEâ€"Smart _ boy to learn the printing trade. Good chance for the right kind of boy. Apply Daily Telegraph office, Berlin. The beautiful cantata ‘"Nazarene‘‘ will be given in the St. Jacoks Fâ€" angelical church on Easter Monday. Th: members of the Martin Luther Society of St. John‘s _ Lutheran church will meet on Monday evening at 8 p.m. Leut and Préeparatory service will be held in St. John‘s Lutheran church Thursday eveming at 7 o‘clock. _ ~~~Bring the children to see the real live Kaster Rabbits. Mr. Weeks has lcen added to the tailoring staff of Mr. Johi Brueg~ man, King street. German _ Easter Egg Dyes ouly 5¢ per package at Devitt‘s Drug Store. Mr. John B. Fischor and Mr. Isaat Groff shipped seretal carloads of exâ€" port cattie to Teronto on. Turslay Phone 217. Beuteche Apothie E. M. DEVITT, A 5o Package . ; ; â€" l.‘il Mr. Lyman Wells, of the Bank _ of Toronto, son of our esteemed townsâ€" man, Dr. W. Wells left on _ Monday for Vancouver, B.C., where the bank is opening up a new branch. . While extremely sorry to loso Mr. Wells, who has aiways been a general fayâ€" otite, both in business and _ social The annual meeting of the Evangeli cal Sunday school was held on Sun day evening. The clection «/ officers for the ensuing year resulted as fol lows:â€" Pres.â€"O. M. Umbach, Vice Pres.â€"M. E. Braendle Secy.â€"I. Dickmann. Treas.â€"I. Hamecl. Choristerâ€"Gc0. Gciec Organistâ€"Miss L. Hillgartuer. Asst. Organistâ€"Miss P. Hamel. Librariansâ€"L. Haus, E. Umbach. Auditorsâ€"L . Bruegeman, M. Snider. A new shoe store will be opened up shortly by Mr. Yungblat in the store formerly occupied by Mr. McCutchcon, butcher, King St. Mr. Yungb‘a who conducted a successful shoe . business in Hensall for a number of years, exâ€" pects to upen his store for business im about two weeks. The Case roller $2,450, The English roller $3,000. The Pits roller $2,850. The Monarch rolier $2,850. In going carcfuly over the working of the different rollers the Committee have no hesitation in recommending the town in buying the Monarch road roffer, all of which is respectâ€" fully submitted. Signâ€"d on behalf of the Committer, by the chairman, Our Committee with the Mayor, and specifications lers. resented his report. 'l‘ï¬c Committee, comprising Messrs. Suggitt, Graybill and Sanderson, visited Toronto, Hamâ€" ilten and other cities where they inâ€" sported the different road rollets at these places, and report recommended the purchase ofa Monarci road rolâ€" ler at a cost of $2850 which was adopted. A special meeting of the Waterloo Town Council was held on Friday evâ€" ening when Mr. Geo. Suggitt, chairâ€" nan of the Special Committee on read roller, appointed by the Council WILL PURCHASE It was decided that %:amr memâ€" bers of the Board should notified of Board meetings. _ P ieeremens _ Mr. Hughes‘ address will be along the lines of Canada }nd her relation ‘ to the Empire. The Waterloo branch of the Ladies AuxilMiary have. kindly Consented to provide the refresbments again this year. . Mr. J. B. Hughes stated that a deâ€" putation of about 300 comprising tea chers and students from the Ontaric Agriculture College would visit Wa terioo on June 19th in order to in scect the Ontario Seed Company‘s farin.~"Mr. Hughes proposed that the Boaid and the members of the Town Council make provision to welcome 1 and entertain the visitors while in| town. . The matter was held ov‘r unâ€"| til the next meeting. It was passed, moved by F. S. Kump! and Cleason Shantz, That â€" in the opinion of this Board of Trade, it would be advisable to fiy the British laz each day and that a copy of this resoluticn be forwarded to the Public School Board. _ From the Canadian Manufacturers‘ Association asking the opinion of this Board in regard to a bill which is to come before parliament at Ottawa â€"a umiform cightâ€"hour day. _ After Cconsiderable discussion, it was decidâ€" ed to take no action. Mr. Julius H. Roos inforurd the Board that arrangements have been completed for the annual banguet on April 16th. Colonet Sam Hughes, M. P., of Lindsay, has beem secured to] give an address. the town could offer them steady work they would locate here. The Secrtetary was instructed to write and state that at present time there is no opening. NC uES SSeRCAT! OAE ® Bill _ of Lading Comnéttee, acknowâ€" ledging receipt of $5 from the Waterâ€" loo Board of Trade. From S. F. Wefter, â€" of Toronto, asling what prospect for work * Waâ€" terloo has for good carpenters and if Bammet, W. S. Naylor R. S. Bean, J. H. Roos, F. 8. Kump!, Geo. Grosz, J, B. Hall, J. Moorman, Cleaâ€" son Shant» aud Orphan Latsch. The following communications were read by. Secretary W. S. NayJor:â€" From the Owen Sound Board _ of Trade in regard _ to a _ memorial which is to be forwarded to the :‘Zom inion Government in regard to placâ€" ing a duty on Bituminous coal. The opinion of the Waterloo Board as to the advantages of recprocity in coal to manufacturing industries, was desitred. No action was taken. ~‘The regular monthly mecting of the Ishmholnuul,'l‘uhvï¬k:‘ in the Board _ of ‘Trade room on Monday evening. . There were pre um.s.a.w.mm,‘ and Mssrs. W. G. Weichel J n From â€" the Canadian Shippers, â€"a OFFICERS ELECTED NEW SHOE STORE GEO. SUGGITT upon their _ return, wentâ€"over the prices of the diffetent ro}â€" ROAD BOLLER t Will be ssful Year .â€".Old Officers 16th.â€"â€"Col: '.‘?1*‘*‘4‘-“"" Were Reâ€"Elected" _ _ P. Will Deli: phictifice ‘ , A. Weidenâ€" The funcral took place on _ Tues day morning at 9 o‘clock from his The late Mr. Herringer was born in Getmany in 1837 and came to Canada when a young man. _ He married Catharine Franke in 1864 and their union was blessed with a family . of eight children, 6 sons and 2 daugh ters. late residence on..John St. to St Louis R. C. chutch fot service, thence Another of Waterloo‘s aged residâ€" ents passed away on Suimiuay i. iL person of Mr. John Efetringer, John street, after an ilness of only a few days: DCATH OF JOHN HERRINGER Together with the millinery operming the display of the newes{t and latest in spring dress goods is also shown amd 8. 1. Bricker & Co., hare ow the counters an unusually fine stock. The exquisitely prefty and very neat window . decorations has heen gteatly admired and have aftfracted attentiy of hundreds of passersby. All the latest and becoming shapes worn this season are on the counters. Among the latest hats shown is 2 poke bonnet with _ a lace â€" facing and sinall rose buds inserted between the lace, and is trimmed with small daisies and forâ€"getâ€"meâ€"nots anmd blaca velyst â€" streamers. _ Anothor pretly hat is the old rose chip of maium size brim with large clusters of grapâ€" es and old rose satin ribbon in large rosette at side and finished with jet A very lovely design is the turban hat, the rim of jct and the crown of shirred maline with rows of heads Anished at side, front | with | owprey and _ black cherries. The cossack turban in the latest design is trimâ€" med in brown and wood shades. with a wreath of roses and ribbon. ; On Thursday and â€"Friday the spring millinery _ openings _ were held _ in the large and progressive store 0: 8. B. Bricker & Co., which are alâ€" ways lookpd forward to on account of the special attention given to makâ€" ing each succeeding event exceed al} previous efforts in the size and beau ty of their aisplay. ‘This year one is forcibly struck on entering the well appointed millinery department with the increased number of â€" bats that are artistically acranged while the decorations add to the attrac tiveness of the scene, the display in itself is sufficient to make the deâ€" partments a perfect haven of beaw ty. Never has this depattinent which is in charge of Miss Waller, presenâ€" teo a biitter and more otiginal exâ€" hibft to the â€" public. . The â€" fair one who finds it difficult hety to ma‘e a choice of style to suit her fas tidious tastes must be a curiosity. Unusually Fine Display at S5â€"B. Bricker and Co.‘s Store. SPRING MILLLINERY OPENING Mayor Weidenhammet moved _ a hearty vote of thanks to the mers bers of the band for their faithfulâ€" ness and efficiency and their efforts in the direction of providing the test of music during the past year. Mr. Ford 8. Kumpf moved a vote of than‘ks to Bandmaster Philp for his able services during the past year, which was unanimously passed after which the meeting closed. . The matter of holding a celc :aâ€" tion on July 1st was dimuussed and it was decided to put om better attro: tions than ever aom Domision Day this year. * Messts. J. Uficlmann, C. Froehlich, and H. Schmidt also delivered sho‘ addresses:â€" Citizens Committce~W. G. Weichel, E. J. Roos, E. H. Strasser, W. Muelier, W. Kuntz, F. W. Snider, J. Ritzer, Edgar Fischer, C. S. )an, Charles Moogk, J. O. Mothcrall, Dr. Eckel, J. Chas. Mueller, N. H. Zick, J. Uflcimann. A. Weidenhammer, J. H. Roos, E. Haedke, Wm. Bohlender, E. F. Seaâ€" gram, Herb Smith, C. W. Wells, A.. Ufleknan, F. S. Kumpf, Alex. Bowâ€" man, F. G. Hughes, D. €. Kuntz, Robert Kirschel, Harry Kress, C Froehlich, Ed. Boffinger. _ _ _ Hon. Pres.â€"Mayor Weidenhaminer, George Wegenast, Joseph E. Seaâ€" The election of the officers for the year resulted as follows:â€" ! After the reading anu adoption of the minutes of the preceding annial meeting, the Secretary‘s and Treasâ€" urer‘s reports were presented and unâ€" animously _ pdopted /Re Treasurer, Mr. J. H. RooS, in submitting his report, made reference to the very substantial _ balance amounting to $109.57 on hand which was very graâ€" tilying. Mr. Roos stated that it is likely that a band tournament will te heid in Toronto this year and the Waterloo band will probably be reâ€" prescated and be ventured the opinâ€" ion that the Waterloo band would bring back one of the prizes. Election of Officers. ~The 27th antual meeting of the Misical Society was held on Friday evening was largely attended aud the resoris for th» year presented to the meeting were in every respect encourâ€" aging aud showed the continucd sucâ€" cess attending this musical crginizaâ€" tion which has faithfully and eficientâ€" iy served the musical public. Presidentâ€"Charles Treusch. 1st Vice Pres.â€"Peter Roos. 2nd Vice Pres.â€"Henry Schaefier. Rec. Sec‘y.â€"E. M. Devitt. Cor. Sec.â€"A. Weidenbammer. Treas.â€"J. H. Roos. Paymasterâ€"A. Uffelman. Executive Committeeâ€"Charles Treâ€" ich, Peter H. Roos, E. M. Devitt, The Agricultural Commitice of the Lgislature had a long session on Tucsday, and comtinued its arranged YHMan of discusing questions of interâ€" ®st to lartmers. . Agricultural clagses in High Schools was the subject un kn . 1 gginnoa meuove c w s s ces un 10 wik cral of the late Abram Kinzie _ of Roseville:â€"Rev. Mordhorst, pastor of the Lutheran congregation _ fot the last two years will preach his â€" fareâ€" well sermon next Sunday. Confirma: tion services will also be held. Jacob Bergey at present. â€" Miss Ella Herner visited friends in Broeslau | a few days last week. â€"Mr. Owen and Miss Lucinda Bechtr) spenl _ Sunday with friends near Baden.â€"Mi. M. C Herner of Gueiph spent Sunday under the patental roof. â€"Quite a few from Mrssrs. Jacob and Wesley _ Bergey were business visitors to Breslau on Monday.â€"Mr. Samuel 1by of near New Dundee is visiting his sister Mrs. Mrs. Hetbert Snyder and the Missâ€" es Minnic and Florence Suyder Lt on â€" Tuesday â€" for a frip to Europe. They were toined by a party of friends in Toronto, all of whom exâ€" pect to spend about three months on the Continent, after which Mrs. and the Misses Snyder will visit Scot land Miss Gireen has returned to her bome fot flushing sewers: in Preston,â€"after a most enjoyable vis _ Paul Bergman $1 it with bet munt, Mrs. Erb, _ Mary _ Ed. Dermul $105 street. . The tender of Pai Mrs. Edwin Snider ind Miss Blanch Van Every left for Toronto on Tuesâ€" day to represent the Waterloo Home Missionary _ Society at the Annual méeting _ which takes placo in | that cily this week. Rev. R. J. Elliott left for Toronto on Monday to attend the Executi.c Missionary Committec and the Epâ€" worth League and Sunday _ School Board of the Methodist Church. He will also attend the great Missionary Congress. Mr. and Mrs. Cranson Smider and daughter Ada returned on Saturday from a month‘s most enjoyable trip to Florida and other southern points. Miss Mabel Mertz of Wellesley was a guest of Miss Irene Winklet over Sunday. _ _ Mrs. W. M. Reade is visiting friends and relatives in Toronto for a few days. Messrs. Harvey and Nelson Heimpcl of Wellesley spent Sunday with Watâ€" erloo friends. Mrs. J. Wettlauler and two children of Stratford _ left for Toronto _‘ Wednesday where they will make their future home. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McDougal during their stay in town. _ _ Mr Alired Baurmgacertner, <of â€"Butâ€"} aloâ€"returned on Tuesday after nenewing aoquaintances â€" in town for several days. I Rev. W. H. KnuauR® â€" of Port Colâ€" bourne, is spending a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and â€" Mrs Julius Knauf. Social and Personal From every view point, considerin every de. tail of glove quality ants)o glove value, fbia store is second to none, hundreds of pairs of fresh and fashâ€" ionable gloves for men and women. Buy your Easter gloves now. We sell the famous Frenc{: I)"e\v- ney kid gloves. Two leaders in colored kid gloves at $1 and $1.25 per pair, _T wo leaders in black kid gloves at $1.00 and $1.50 per pair, Not many days until Easter. Everyone likes to be well attired for the holiday, _ It is the time for new head wear, new suits, new gloves. We Are Ready for Raster t t NA ) yaiat /: t PruAir mt t * ># * «. UFFELMANN‘S, Waterloo. MA NNHEIM EASTER GLOVES ARE YOU? The marriage has been announced of Miss Anpa Margaret, daughter of Mr. David Nairn. principal of the Dickson school at Galt, to Mr. Kenneth Gro. McKay, B.S.A., formerty of Guelph, which took place in Mhov, C. India wh Wednesday, March 24th. _ Miss Naitn was a member of the Watdrloo For House Connections. Paul Bergman 1 Inch pipe, 35 cts, 4 inch pipe, 44 cents, 1â€"6 inch pipe, 38 cents, 1â€"3 inch pipe 50 cents. Ed Dermul, | inch pipe, 30 cents; } inch pipe 38 cents; 1â€"6 inch pipe, 38 cents; 1â€"3 inch pipe 50 centts. The tender of Mr. Ed Dermul _ for house connections was aco@pted. The commission expressed regrct at Josing the services of Fred Meyer who has been catctaker of the â€" Waterloo sewer farm from the time sewers were first built in Waterioo, and it was Incided ta visit the farm on Wednesâ€" day and convey their appreciation of Mr. Meyer‘s services to fim jn _ perâ€" son. The tender of Paul Bergman _ was accepted. A motion was pas.éed to the eBect that in future on streets on â€" which new branch sewers are constructed all house connections be laid to the propâ€" erty lines and the contractor in such cases also to lay the connections, he however to submit two figures, _ one for the sewer _ and another _ for the connections. The following towders were received lor flushing sewers:â€" Paul Bergman $102. A meeting of the Waterlgo â€" Sewer Commission was held on Friday afâ€" ternoom. There were present Dr. W. L. Hilliard in the chair, and Messrs. J. Kaufman, â€" Cleason Shantz â€" and Mayor Weidenhammer. A petition was received from â€" Mr. Emil Engel and others asking _ for the construction of a branch _ sewer on Victoria St. It was decided‘ to submit petition to the engincer who is to prepare a profile and _ submit the same to the Commission _ afte» which tenders will be asked for the work. !â€" Choice Prunes CcONTRACTS WERE AWARDED 2, 8 and 4 1b4. for 25â€" cents:â€" Our Special Soap Bohlender‘s Fine Old Cheese Alexander House no premiums, soap for your money, 8 for 25 cents. 3 years old. Grocery We have the latest appliances in undertaking and are thoroughly equipped to gilivc the best of satisfaction, All work guaranteed, No extra charge for cails out of town. if you do no! feet abtt to fix upthe reot of the house begin with the par Cor beecause there you heecive youl gquesls. it will? give you a very com~ fortable feeting to have your ntigh~ dbors say, â€"~ Soh! m*s. home Cover has such a beaukiful, tasty partor." we beCieve that you can choose gprom the ear toads of handsome partos furnilure we have recently got in, just the thing you need. ‘we shatt be glad indeed lo shom you â€" our J. Letter & Son ) & k4 SCe ff{fl@ @ | |€ 4 > se« TK ifiea y /7 & | ?-3'1‘;»';;{,-?7::"4\ > 7\ P . j 3â€"GB) 21 S fre~ <o § is C ; yA kï¬@}‘\ _ 4 RE S Mu& We have Easter Shoes for Everybody and would like to sell You Yours. Our prices will be an induc ment. N. A. ZICK Ladies‘ Shoes, Oxfords, Slippers in every good leather: Men‘s shoes, Oxfords, some sma‘l styles in the New Oxfodl at oss for the Girls, the Boys, the Children and the Babies. The best of stock and the latest shapes. New New New .Ou.r7 C a c &â€" > ®r o tcauce, catwesen a co.. cmicage o_ Pr at PVX _ Pask 11f 4 hh t a» ai (fo’ rWVVV & owv' vue re v r e op ue + YOUR EASTER SROES They‘re Here LCover.: TH& HOME OF GOO0D sHoks PAE ;;' Yor‘g: Waterlco, Ont. recently gol in, reed. ‘we shaltt shom â€" youâ€" owr ies iz axe~ se