!s mm Labor Gazette Gives Re'{ew of £ Fgm' Local Conditions for Month 3. n E of Februaryâ€" The Militia Department will .m the â€" Sutherland â€" rifle sights this spring. The _ order for these sights was placed with the Rifle Sight Comâ€" pany some time ugo, but the goods had not been delivered. These sighis d@o away with the use of a venier and are equipped _ with a wind Guagi "t y ~if‘ he a enficient number _ to @quip all Leeâ€"Enfield rifies now _ in the possession of the Canadian miliâ€" tia. The new sights will replace the present sights which have ffo wind guage and with which a venier must be used SECURED SETTLEMENT In the high court at Osgoode Hall last week Mrs, Charles Rébbles . of Harrisburz, the widow of the GGrand Trunk brakeman who was killed in Ahe Mt. . Verncm wrock, recaived $2,â€" @â€" Carter‘s Little Liver Pills. Children‘s Underwear ALL THIS WSEK Mothers that want something out of the ordinary should call and see these and make their selection now. NEW RIFLE SIGHTS The Misses Fehrenbach Deposit with the Dominion Government ............ .. $117,140, All policies guaranteed by the London rad Lancashire Insurance Company with Assets of $16,306,038. Alfred Wright, Secretary T. H. Hall, Inspector C. A BORHM District Agent Waterloo, Ont. Phone 249. ‘ Tte Mercantile Fire Business Office 249, House 200. Business solicited for first class Companies. Subscribed Capital........ _ 250,0000 Insurance Caompany INCORPORATED 1975 Office, Waterloo Mutual Building King St. F1ce sior to Buckberrough & Co. CUBE 8CK HEADACHE Must Bear Signature of See Pacâ€"Stuile Wrapper Bciow. King St., East Berlin, Are Showing C. A. BOEHM Agent, â€ntoucmmmu- ‘â€"| pire inan Interesting Manâ€" & Lumbering.â€"The â€" lumberiog indu> try was more or less active. Y.omrfactaning â€"Industrial extablislâ€" ments _ were running full time. _ The Ontario sugar factory was sold _ to the Wallaceburg Sugar Company. Conditéon of Particulat Trades. The building trade was somewhat quiet, but activity more or less preâ€" vailed in the metal and emgingering A griculltureâ€"Farmers _ were _ pusy havling hay, wood, saw logs and building timber Considerable builidâ€" ing of batns, ete , will likely be un derway shortly i Lumbering.â€"The â€" lumbering â€" indus Business, both wholesale and was reportcd good There wer changes in riates ofâ€" wages or of labour reported. Dealing with the subject of th» eâ€"â€" errug, Inspector Hughes devoted some time â€" in â€" describing â€" Canada, _ its sio>, its undeveloped resources and its place _ among the civilized counâ€" tries of the world. HMe maintained that while Canada has more resourcâ€" es than any other country in the world, th: greatest essential for the future prosperity of this country was character. He spoke at length _ reâ€" garding the necessity of every Cimâ€" adian having faith in himself, in his country, in its form of government, in qur empite, its navy, its merchant marines, its educational institutions, its _ money power, its | magnificent statesmen, and last, but not least, hate foith in God. HMe urged increasâ€" ed loyalty to the flag and the counâ€" try, and stated that there was . no Le‘ter _ way of encouraging loyally than there was in the organization cl cutkt corps in connection | with the schools. The object was nut to make boys quarrelSome, but for . the 16. oj@% of preparing them to be reaâ€" drâ€"for the call to duty should Great Critain â€" require it. He eulugi/x:d’ Lord Strathcona in an cloquent mauâ€",‘ net for 'his magnificent gift of $250,â€" D to promote military training | in the putlic schools. Inspector Hughes also spoke of the importapce of training up the . best body of â€" workingmen in the | world, and stated that the instruction receiâ€" veil by â€" the toys in the manual training departments of the schools In concluding his admirable ad(ll‘oss;:pose. A sanitorium for consumptives Inspectcer Hughes assured his hearers, should, nowever, be financed in the that as Jong as Canada, Aus(raha,',samc manhncr as an isolation _ hospiâ€" New Zealand and other colonics aro; tal for contagious _ discases. He ;repared to assist in the defence of, SUggested that the sanitorium | be Great Britain, so long will the Briâ€" | erected on the grounds of the B. & tish Empire _ continue to be the | W. Hospital and be managed in conâ€" wgreatist power the world has (.‘-(,,-Inecll_on with that institution for ccoâ€" Enown. tnomlcal reasons. The nursing â€" staff A hearty vote of thanks was tenâ€"| 4aDd operation would then he . uncer dered the speaker. l}he’.sul.)l:rvljlo‘l':‘ of lh'e L'ady 'S.'upvrm- Lahouz was well employed duiing February, espcciaily on indoor work, and although there were a few i B activity was greater than during the curresponding month of last year. 1e rclief committee reported less dis‘res: than in the previous year; only 1125 bhas _ been _ spent to date in rplicf. Young _ and able meh havye been emâ€" ployed on the stone pile. The Hagen Shirt and Collar Company has moved into its new factory. Building | perâ€" mits were issued during the ronth for the erection of three residences, one business block and for a few new Itoris to stores. Building permits were ing 1908 as follows: In the March Labor â€" Gazette the Berlin correspondent discusses _ local ronditions as follows:â€" 1 vther countries. He was delighted to inow that there were young men in Berlin who have united to become ictter Canadians. inspector Hughes was given an enâ€" thisiastic reception when be was inâ€" tred.ced to the gathering. In his intreductory | remarks he complimenâ€" tod the Club upon the worthy 02 et of the crganization and stated that the young men could not spend their tlime to Eettr advantage than in Studying the resources and future of this great Dominion. He spoke of the spirit of unity that prevails in‘ the civilized world and referred to the : various religious denominations that have vnited and become great, also the provinces in Germany, Canadu uud‘ es upheld his wellâ€"known reputation as a speaker and the theme was treaâ€" icd in an able and interesting manâ€" BP "h> chair was occupled by Presiâ€" dent Irvin Schlee, and seated at the table o# honor were the socaker of th: evening, Principal Sudidaby, Rev. 3. E. Marshall, VicéPresidcnt Bactz, E. G. Stuebing and C. K. Hagedorn. The Usited %. lan Otubche‘d its frst luncheon of season in . thy roums in Hender‘s Block on Frilay ovening at which apout fifty mem#4,; and their friecds listencd to an inâ€" s,inmg puiriotic acdress on "Canada and the Empire" delivered by _ Inâ€" spector James L. Hughes, of the Toronto Public School. _ Mr. Hughâ€" Generl Condition of the Latbour _ Market. factories s valued at Church . : Residences Addition to block Altorations and repairs Condition of Local Industri« ner in Berlin. ON LABOR sued _ dur i 000 etail | W. Hospital and be managed in conâ€" |nec1ion with that institution for ccoâ€" ‘nomical reasons. The nursing â€" staff and operation would then be . uncer the supervision of the Lady Superinâ€" tendent and the cost «‘ maintenance would be materially reduced.. He did not propose that the HMospital Board should be responsible for _ the mainâ€" tenance as this would have to . be done by the Board of Hcalth and conâ€" sumptive patients would be _ looked after in the same manner as victims of smallpox, scarlet fever and diphthâ€" lcria. The cost would not exceed more than a dollar per patient per day, of which the Government would pay $1.20 per week per patient. There was absolutely no cause for alarm as . to the infections nature of the | discase and its spreading to the hospital. He referred to the arguments that may be advanced that it was the duty of the Gezernment or County _ Council _ to look after consumptive cases, . which ’was correct, but im the meantime it ! was necessary for the municipalities ‘to act and act immediately. Dr. ‘llnwlhy presented plans of buildings which would be suitable for _ Berlin, the erection of which would cost _ in the neighborhood of $1,000 to $1,500. bour â€" was well employed, several u!i the industries are working overtime, white . large number of unskilfed Ta | bourers _ were emptoyed constructing sewrs by day labour. The supply of labour, however, was equal to the deâ€" mand. Rapid progress is being nade with the construction of the Dicâ€" ced graphers, â€" delivery c restanrant, Theatre . laumdry workers . wer Railway eanployces . unskifted laboiur was were _ well employed tions |:l'1‘\‘al|.‘| with th in the prepatation of cigatmakers and tobacco more or less inactive. | ers, saddfers, trunk and wore ~busy, and the sat prevailed with eurriers Barbers, broomâ€"makers, Mavor â€" Hahn asked Tr Gâ€" n Bowlby, Secretary of the ‘ntiâ€"Conâ€" sumptive League, to expl.‘n the o%â€" ject of the meeting. Pr. Bowlby, in openins, jâ€" nted out that at the present time the Eoard â€" of â€" Health has no power to expend â€" money for the crection of an isolation hospital for consumptives, and under the cirâ€" copp pose. A sanitorium for consumptives should, nowever, be financed in the same manhcr as an isolation _ hospiâ€" tal for contagious _ discases. He A. Metner, L. D. Merrick, R. D. Lang, Dr. D. J. Minchio, and Secy.â€" Treas. A. A. Eby, of the Hospital Board, and Drs. G. H. Bowlby, _ J. F. Honsberger, Messrs. A. R. Lang, Robt. Smyth, H. L. Janzen, Rev. C. F. Krauth, E. Bricker, S. Lutz, FL Schuetz and others: Mayor Hahn presided, and â€" those present were Alds. Martin, Asmussen, Deitrich, Gross, Euler, _ Clemert, Sheppard, _ Winterhalt, Wilkinson, Schilling, of the Town Council; Mrsâ€" sts. . Jackson, C. A. Abrens, Wm. Cairnes, W. Beilstcin, Dr. McGillawee and M. Huehnergard, of the Board of Health; Messrs. W. H. Schmalz, J. B. Hughes, E. P. Clement, K. C., The scheme was favorably reccived and the result of the mecting | was the appointment gpf a â€" committce, composed of May@@® Hahn and _ Ald. Sheppard, of: the wn Council, Mr. C. A. Abrens, of Board of Health and Dr. D. J. in, of the Hosâ€" pital Board, to visit the sanitorium at Hamilton, secure information regardâ€" ing building, maintenance and _ manâ€" agement and report at an adjourned meeting to be held next Friday evenâ€" ing. is in Berlin was brought forcibly to the attention of representatives of the Town Council, Board of Health, B. & W. Hospital Board and a pumber uf leading citizens. The need of the iminediate erection of a sanitorium for the accommodation of indigent patiâ€" cnts was made apparent by represenâ€" latives of the Antiâ€"Consumptive Leaâ€" gue, who cited instances that â€" were simply appalling to those present. The proposition in brief was the crection of a plain building costing about $1,000, capable of accommoda~ ting about 10 patients, on theâ€"B. & W. Hospital grounds, to be under the supervision of the Hospital authoriâ€" ties and maintained entirely by the Berlin Board of Health, with the asâ€" sistance of the Government _ grant, which amounts to $1.50 per week per patient. Galt. â€"Both skilled and wr was well employed An important conference was hcld in the Councii Chamber on _ Friday evening at which the seriousnuss . of the condition of victims of tuberculosâ€" 12CASCSs to be Erected N D ant y **~ Comittee Appoin{ed. at Conference Held at Woodside Park. _ |,,_| _ :-:-‘?;“ » Berlin to Secure Information Regarding | m« mm wevting of the Hoard prume: 1. Management of a Consumptive Saniâ€" . | i M y1 M o Prir ae A GBNEBAL BANKL torium. accept the recommendation of | the 8 AVINCS Ba FORWARD : Dr. G. 1. Bowlby Mavor â€" Hahn asked Tr Those Present SPREAD UF TUBERCULOSIS ry employees, atre seang fovers catll bar Busy umskilted la rly foods ro e condt in commitice, was appointed | and _ t 0. , meeting adjourned until next Frid Ald. Clement said that there were times whernâ€"a surpius in the town‘s finances was a credit but in a case of this kind where a hospital is _ reâ€" quired for a worthy cause a surplus would be a disgrace. He was satisâ€" ied the Council could dig up _ the money to defray the cost of building this hospital After further discussion the â€"above were well employ® the factories were ‘The following is value of the buil ed during 1908>â€" 18 Residences vali 1 Factory .. Alterations and Mr. E. P. Clement, K.C., stated that as a member of the | MHospital Board he was willing that the buildâ€" ing be erected on the grounds on the assurance that there was no danger of the infectious germs spreading to the general Hospital. It was a matâ€" ter that the Council should not heBiâ€" tate to deal with, but if it should teâ€" fuse hbe was satisfied that the cost of the building could be raised _ by private subscription in a day and he would go down for oneâ€"tenth of the cost. Dr. Minchin said the need of a hosâ€" pital for consumptives was _ urgent, as the discase m‘causing mote deaths than all the ofhier diseases toâ€" gether. The proposed _ institution should be maintained exclusively by the Board of Hcalth. Mr. C. A. Abrens was informed by Dr. Bowlby that the sanitoriumn in Hamilton was managed by the Antiâ€" Consumptive League. Preston.â€"Labout was well employâ€" ed during the month, though the supâ€" ply was equal to the demand. Nearly all manufacturing establishments were working fall time, with the Preston Pulfinan _ Car & _ Coach _ Company working overtime, the company is on larging its plant. During 1908, th following building: permits wete issuâ€" is kept busy and coutd scarcely be expected to take charge of this addi tional work. factory is ready for the superstrucâ€" ture. Building permits were . issued in 1908 as follows:â€" 93 Residences valued at $139,500 1 Business block .. 9,000 Repairs and alterations .. ... 9,000 Mr. J. B. Hughes was thoroughly ‘n sympathy with the proposition. In his opinion the consumptive was the most unfortunate being in this counâ€" try and bis condition was equal to that of a leper. The question must not be allowed to end in taik but must be handied inteiligently. He had no objection to the building being erâ€" ected on the hospital grounds, but the Trustees would be cautions before lir. ltobt.. Smyth referred _ to a ri.ly where the mother, two daughâ€" L.rs and two sons were victims _ of the discase, and something must be done t prevent its spread. 30 In reply to a question by Mr. E. I1‘. Clement, Dr. J. F. Honsberger stated that in 1907 _ there were _ . deaths out of 143 caused by tuberculâ€" osis, last year â€" there â€" were _ ten, and from present indications there will be a larger number _ this year. He referred to victims in Berâ€" lin at present who are being shipped from ene place to another. ‘They canâ€" not be admitted to the Hospital, or the House of Refuge and in some inâ€" stances are turned out of their own homes. He referred to the fact that while patients sent _ to Gravenkurst are treated courtcously they are not given the medical altention that | inâ€" cipient cases should _ receive. __ Dr. Honsberger cited several cascs and referred toâ€"the Erdman family in the South Ward. The man of the house has lost two wives and four children by consumption and two others are afflicted with the disease. . 1s is unâ€" able to find a place where they can be attended to and is compelled to reâ€" main at home and perform the houseâ€" hold duties. â€" There was another case ef a young man, 18 years of â€" age, whose brother and sister died of the discase and be is also afflicted with it. HMe has tricd to gain admittance to every known institution but there is no room for him. He has . also been sent away from his home and is compelled to sleep on the floor _ of sample rooms in hotels and other unâ€" desirable places. The doctor pointed out that the death rate of consumpâ€" tive cases was over 10 per _ cent. while from smallâ€"pox it was less than 1 per cent., and referred to > preâ€" cautions that are taken to â€" prevent the spread of the latter discase. _A bospital for consumptives in Berlin is â€" far more â€" urgent at this time than an isolation hospital. He pointed out that if a sanitorivm should be erect=d by the county in a few ,years the vuilding proposed could be purchas «d sy the Mospital Board and Us* o>s convalescent rooIr2, WWaterlo Pactory Utnrations antore Residence Dr. J. F. Honsberger Other Speakers \I valued and repait la t P P e 9 sgs" mmâ€"ï¬kcw H . 14 -.l Diseases to be Erected Near mher $15 lih h £38,300 3,500 17,000 huath t1 | _ @04 A04 000 uon the An a y UO M Preventies~those Candy Cold Cura Tabletsâ€"will safely and quickly chack all volds and the Grip. Tey them once and seb! 88â€"25¢c. Sold by . all commercial affaits system and | busiâ€" ness, Tife: stories of â€" successful people md men and events in the public eye It is artistically éHustrated and makâ€" es an excelent travelling companion for â€" Easterâ€"tide or a welcome visi tor to the home during the present holiday period, WALLACEBURG CO. GETS ONTARIO SUGAR CO, An ordetr was also made directing payment out of court of ‘$69,000 _ to debenture holders with the consent of the Wailaceburg Sugar Co., _ which also has a claim af $117,000. THE MAGISTRATE Toronto, Ont., March 253.â€"Mr. Jusâ€" tice Britton made an order ts morâ€" nimg vesting the property of the Onâ€" tario Sugar Company of Berlin in the Wallaceburg Sugar, Company. The Ontagio Sugar Company put in the hands of a receiver December and the Wallaceburg bought the property on Jan. for $225,000. 1 would also recommend that th hog limits he extended â€" out â€" Wilmoi street to the G.T.R. branch, as last summer I had several complaints of hogs hring kept on said strect and pens were not kept in proper condiâ€" tion and that the Board recommend that the Town Councit pass _ such byâ€"law to extend such limits. On March lith one case of diph theria was reported, the house | wa placarded and the paity â€" isolatud which is the only case of contagiou discase in fown to my knowledge. Several other minor matters wer reported and were attended to. Two families were quarantined two weeks who were exposed to small~ pox, but were declared free again on March 24th by Medical Health _ Ofliâ€" cer. The report of Sanitary Inspector HMuehnergard was read and adopted as fullows:â€" of good quality. The shops visited were found clean and in a sanitary condition. 16â€"I. S. Cressman | ... 34 17â€"Burkholder ....... ... 3.8 19â€"BHOFI :101 mss 2ls 3.2 20â€"LUft .. llll l s . 4.3 During the month of February _ be inspected on the market 538 quarters beef, 88 quarters veal, 52. quarters lamb and 96 hogs, all of which were cil, Alds. Bornhold, Asmussen â€" and Euler, to purchase three acres of land from Henry Eby at the southâ€" west of Woodside Park on which it is proposed to erect an isolation hosâ€" pital for contagious diseases. . The site is unusually suitable for _ the purpose and _ when the building is erected it will be a ennsiderahia erected it _ will be a considerable diu_t_nnqe_ from theâ€"negrest residence. The Board also decided to circulate copies of the Ontario Medical Act amoBg the junkâ€"dealers of Berlin. No Milk Inspector Waldron submitted the following report:â€" THE SPRING BUSY MANSB, 5â€"I. H. Cressman 6â€"Rickert ... 8â€"Wambold .......... 9â€"Rickert ... 10â€"â€"Wambold ... 11â€"Wambold ......... 12â€"Hergott ... . 13â€"Wambold .......... 14â€"Strome ... . 15â€"Huber ... .. Sanitary Inspector‘s Report 1â€"Shantz ... . 14â€"Wambold Milk Inspection WAS LENIENT Butter 28th Jt 4.3 3.4 4.0 8.4 3.4 3.4 3.8 fat 3.6 4.3 3.8 3.8 3.6 3A 4.0 ing the principal cities of China inâ€" vestigating the labor conditions and the _mj_l_l!fllfl for trade rslations Mrs. P. Y. Smiley is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Messrs. G. A. Forbes, G. N. Greutzâ€" ner, L. E. Weaver and W. Brewster, of Hespeler attended the _ Canadian Club luncheon on Thursday evening Mr. J. P. Jaffray, of the Galt Reâ€" porter, was a visitor in Bevlin this morning. â€" Word has been received from _ Mi W. L. M. King, M TP., that he will not be able to reach Ottawa unti) the latter part of April Since _ the Shanghai conference he has been visitâ€" The matrriage of Miés Mabel 1 Cusford, eldest daughtpr of Mrs. _A E. Cosford, Wingham, to Mr. J Cowan Shortill of Galt, fook plac on March 23, in the Doasville Met! odist church. _ Rev, W. Sparting per formod the ceremony. â€" Mrs. Noah Bean, of Wilmot, ha moved to Berlin, and taken un he residence at 79 Brubacher Street. Mayor _C. (C. Eahn was a busines visitor in Toronto on Wednesday Mr. Morgan Shaw of Toronto, sp« cial agent of the Prisons ind _ As lums â€" department, was in Berlin to day. Mr. and Mrs. A, Sachs en rtamed the members of St. Andrew‘s Choir Thursday night. During the â€" course of the evening Mrs. Sachs was preâ€" sented with a most kindly _ worded address and a handsome | pice _ of cutâ€"glass. spending _ Sunday with hi Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mader (Gworge St. Mrs. HMarry M. Myers and Audrey, of _ Stratford, w Mrs. A. H. Heller, Queen north. Mr. MooC. Hall, manager of Hall «& Co.‘s planning Mill, entertained the maf hands and their wives af _ his home on Wednesday evening Supper was served at 6.30 and the evening was pleasantly spent in games, music, te. _ The hospitality of Mr. _ and Mrs. Hall was greatly appreciated. Mrs. G. S. Boutee, and â€" daughtur, Miss Hulda, of Syracuse, N.Y., ar the guests of Mrs. Gep. K. Polte Miss Francis E. Mader of Hapids, Mich., is spending hea vacation at her home, 14 St. Street. A neatly framedjpicture given away free when you have purchased up to $5.00 worth‘of groceries. Come in and see them. They will interest you. Successor to J. A. GOOD & Co. BERLIN.ONT Our 1909 prices will be rud{ for you after March 29th. It will be money in your pocket to ge?t our new prices on Nails, Lock Sets, Butts, Hinges, Parlor Door Hin; We carry the best assortment of Builders Hardware in town Waterioo Ont., Branoh, _ Jacob Kespoler; BUILDERS AND CONTRACT Mr. E Berlin News Items »*CELR08 In "““:x,‘..“oï¬'..‘.‘.'&'.‘ï¬!'u'r’“‘“""" A GHNHRAL BANKING PUSINEBE TRANBAOP 8 AVINCS BANK DEPARTHE at all Branches Interest allowed at highest current : Hardware Stoves,Tinware,Plumbing and _ Pipe Fittings Btore near Post office, Phone 142, Berlin. G, Mader, of T Sunday with hi Mrs. J. L. Mader Capital Paid Up, BOTTOM PRICEHKS â€" G. E. POTTER f EREE! EREE! R. Weber & Co. Img. her spiimy 14 St. George Toronte, d his pavent d ughter, visifing Street . lhas het M M (Guelph Mercury â€"Constable â€" Young has been endeavoring to trace up the whereabouts of the old man named HMawkins befere he came to the Elmi 1a Road, and there lay down to die. He has found that a man answering the description, undoubtedly Hawking xpent the previous night at + and he is of the opiaion that ho OTs 4 Mr. L. D. Merrick, of the China Hall, returned on Thursday from _ a successful business trip to _ Great Britwin. _ He says that business _ in the Old wand has _ been unusually quiet, but indications are that it wil improve | This | year, Mr. Merrick says that the offer of the colonies About thirty friends of Mrs. Ed. Scully, Courtland avenue, surprised lt on Thursday evening in a â€" very successiul mauner. The _ intruder®s were cordially welcomed and _ the houis were pleasantly spent in games music, etc. AMI carnest number i Loan i4 ll.l'\!‘ FROM NORTH y