% $ Btnm-,oa;.ï¬ House 200. & Business solicited for first clase i § Compantes, < > Insurance Company ° TR 9 h anas °2 | @ncourage . immigration to Canada E«;vr w } m rescultcd in a n;r:é:‘l'ncxwo of B eS indigent patients whic been maâ€" l e ï¬g pitapacie. terially felt by the hospitals in this y t*>â€"m * i Province, _‘ P Ee3 & C. A.BOEHM | ‘The Board appointed a spetial comâ€" be: f mittee, composed of Messrs. W. H. _~n»â€" CGeneral Insurance Agent, [ Schmaiz, S. B. Bricker and R. D. ~ _ __ Suocessor to Ruckberrough & Co. _ _ 1226, to Wait on Dr. H. G. Lackâ€" The world‘s champlon longâ€"distance rummer, Toms Longboat: and his | wile, who are spending several weeks a! the baths in Preston took a _ run up to Berlin on Friday and . were registered at the Walper Howse. They naturally attracted consideratle . at testion . In comversation with the Telegraph Friday Longboat declared that theiro port that he had agteed to run a f!â€" teep mile race with Shrubb is inâ€" porrect. > Fhers has bu, however, a Fafe w m which Longboat, Shrutbif, and _ ‘layes will compete. Phig‘ should be the greatest race g York has ever seen, says Tom. course> will We the Tull Maraâ€" thon ~distance, and should Longbodt Win this race it will prove without and make their selection now. Mothers that want something out of the ordinary should call and see these Are Showing Children‘s Underwear ALL THIS WEEK The Missos Fehrenbach Deposit with the £3 Government ...... ...... .. $117,140, All policies guaranteed by the London rad Lancashire Insurance Company with Assets of $16,306,088, Altred Wright, Secretiry T. H. Hail, Inspector . _ C. A BOEHM District Agent: Waterloo, Ont. _ Phone 249. _ < At the monthl 4 ;. . Qenuing _ At ine mooth! â€" Carter‘s. (= @82 > af ioh 5“& onfact Hosvital 1421 % T $222 220 i. oFparticutars ot, . , vineial Seoretary t _ 28 i fram (Wihin /A conmals ARTISTIC Ohronigle â€" Telegraph Office, Waterioo Mutual Building Give us your next order and be conâ€" vinced, _ ‘“.‘umd Ig being turned out daily by the Job Rooms King St., East Berlin, ning an ~ifiportant communication ‘ » :l: w officers dd 't.i: f C Association, o TX «.ï¬ dv-no"l!:hll: H:u. Pro . ¢ % % oâ€" ola} BecreÂ¥ary and a deputation ‘ from b Association respecting the ture of increas# of the Government grant to "As%. Hospitals. It pointed out that while ' Wantedâ€" Between ages of 14 and | 40, Ladies to learn drows and mantle ‘cutting. We teach everything from lplalnat shirtwaist to most elaborate toilette, including Coals, Skirts, Waists, Wrappprs, Slveves, Children‘s Dresses, etc. Whether you are the wile or daughter of a farmer, laborâ€" er, mechanic, merchant or millionâ€" aire you should learn dress making. No accomplishment you can acquire will prove to you of such every day, lifeâ€"long value, as a practical knowâ€" ledge of dress making. We have now taught over 8,000 in this way within the past seven years and | alwaya have and still will offer anyons $25 whom we camnot teach outr system. A few days trial are given free ol charge and if students find it not all we advertise it to be they have priviâ€" lege to stop, as there is no pay in advance. ‘Charge for full course is only $10 to be paid when course is completed, includes one bf the most perfect fitting systems in use which we givp free. Beware of imifations: as we are the only company in Canâ€" ada hoiding a certificate to teach. . 10 and 5 We will teach at Berlin from Jan. ith. Ail wishing to learn be sure to see us fot particulare at the Market LEARN Guelph Herald.â€"A new business man took his place amongst the merchants of the city yesterday. Mr, R. Web er, of Berlin, has taken over the groâ€" cery business of Mr. J, T. Chittick, on Lower Wyndham street and ds now in charge of the premises. Mr. Chittick, who has been in business in the stand for some time, since sefling out his flour and feed business to Mr. Stewart, has not just made up . bis mind as to the Tutute, but may go west. Mr. Weber is a rising young man of business of Berlin, where he has a store anmd where he has been in business for two years. It:i8 ili intention to close the Berlin ~place of bustness and move to Guelph, He is a practical grocer and will conduct a praclical business, it teing his in-} tention to put fu a new and uptoâ€" date stock and fixtures. ~o _ Whert babies are restless, sleepless and crogs it is the surest possible sign that they are mnot wWell. â€" Well babies sleep soundly and â€" wake up brightly. Slecplessness is genorally due to some ailment of the stomach or bowels, or cutting teeth. A lew‘ doses of Baby‘s Own Tablets will put the little one right, and give it sound, _ naturad slcop. Mrs, Jos. Goncil, St. Evariste, Que., says “i‘ have found Baby‘s Own Tablets a splendid â€" medicine for constipation and â€" stomact troubles, L give. them to my hittie girl and they keepâ€"â€"her lively and well."" Sold Wy medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents & box {from the Dr. Willigms‘ Medicine Co., Brockvilic, Ont, â€" net, M.P.P., to enlist his support in securing increased granis from the ~Government for hospital purposee. } "During the past few months an unâ€" usual number _ of free patients have : been sent to the hospital from varâ€" lous ‘pranicipatities apd the heads of , these‘ muicipalities will bo asked" to allow the representatives of the varâ€" _ilous Councils making grants to the €] Heqï¬idflzd look into the circumstanâ€" ces of patients and . give . their certificate before they are admitted to the institution. Theâ€" Lady Superintendent‘s geport showed 215 days for free patients. and 244 for pay patients, total 459, recoipts $459.95; admitted 27; disâ€" ‘.cbgged'm; in on Feb. 38th, 20. | GOING TO GUELPH. SLEEPLESS LITTLE BABIES ARE SICKLY BABIES The accounts passed amounted to $608.87, _ ._The members présent were" Messis. J. B. Hughes (presiding in â€" absence ol, President Schmalz), G. A. Bruce, L. Graybill, A.J, Roos, A. Merner, F. W. Sheppard, R. D. Lang â€" and Secretary Treasuger A. A. Eby. \ mw to the â€"attentionâ€"of the f 'wzï¬. J ~B. H'U-.'!thgst:: fforts ‘of the \ WW @ncourage ,im‘:hntion o Canada wCCC VeH JCarS ago. Jn UoYCrament Those in at were 8. fnmatioat o ming" t +) (s Sopl creiaeg . ac e Youg ‘while the average . cos! L. J. Breithsupt, W. H. Leeson, . J. maintenance was $1.20 per patient. rP. nm. C. A. Ahrems, J. T. in addition to the above claim 1t}Uttioy, J, A. Scelien, Geo. M. Shirk, was ‘brought toâ€"the attentionâ€"Of thG ; xt Uushnesiea w ‘ag P 40 NBbX revenue from the Succession _ Duties has increased _ to nearly $1,500,000, the grants to the hospitals were pracâ€" tically the same last year as they were ten years ago. The Government duced M{ for the Juyonfolmo;â€" sisting table ifstitutions and the the Succession Duties Act was introâ€" At the monthly meeting of the. B. & W. HMospital Board on Friday eve DBESSMAKING sang, Jack, Alex., Tom, and Arcbie; the daughters Nellic and Mina, and & cousin Mrs. Campbell, of Ottaws. The pallâ€"bearers were Messrs. Hall, Lochead, Richmond," Cartick, Dolan and Lipport. The casket was covered with flowers. A pillow from _ the lamily, an anchor Mr. Richmond, a pillow Mr. and Mrs. Dolan, _ sprays from the A.F. & A.M. Society, Mr. and Mrs. Carrick, Mr. and Mrs. Housâ€" ton, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Lochead and Miss Wright of Galt. ~|Berlin Board of: Trade is Strongly of : Opin«| : : Bern Board ot Trade is Strougly of . Opins Many friends attended: the funcral ;-: of Mr. Lockhatt, who passed away on ty Tuesday ‘at his residencée on Cherry | 3j, St, Berlin. The services were conducted | ;. by the Rev. Mr. Bradley, assisted by 1 tie the Rev.â€"Mr. Andrew and the Rev. z w J. T. MarsHall. The cortege then | op pmed to the G..x'l‘. R. lttt.ion.’ » a body was taken to Toronto ! . on the 9.45 train. The Rev. Mr. Gop 56 gie of Dunn Ave. Presbyterian church, ‘ whose church Mr. Lockhart had atâ€" , PC tended for lou:gn years, conducted [ {3 the service at grave. â€" The chict | !* mqaurners were the widow, the _ vou; | *" We are now advised tha# the rcfinâ€" ers of sugar throughout Canada, and the Wholesale Guild as well, are putâ€" ting forth._strong obje@Hohs ta this provision being continued. â€" Were we getting a hounty or increased protecâ€" tion frci:. the Government we could not f14d Mult with their selfish acâ€" tion, but inasmuch as the developâ€" ment of the business in the way inâ€" dicated does rot cost the people one cent, we fecl confident the public will not appreciate the unfair demands made by the other refiners. _‘ ‘ ~â€"You willâ€"understand they are all located on the coast where their raw material can be delivered at the lowâ€" esb possible cost; on the other hand, a beet refinery must of necessity be located at an interior point and conâ€" sequently is at a disadvantage to the extent ofâ€"the freight the{ have â€" to pay on the raw material from ~the‘ sea board to theitr refincries. In our | case the disadvantage of receiving . raw sugar and distributing _ refined up_ountstolylgy 25¢ per 100 pounds. 1 FUNERAL OF THE I you are suflering from Calarth ot es p Aepyadipcs: 55â€"de06 400 A from the «l fexple nsm \or pope oTA x *A inf Whang],"shrmrel ’s:".ï¬;-gi“‘u-s e ie 1 nohe mioh cunale t has By this micans we have been t;s?e to develop a trade and aiso pay our farmers a higher price for bects than otherwise could be paid. The following Jetter from the Walâ€" laceburg Bugar Co. was read: Wallaceburg, Feb. 27, 1909. Dear Sitâ€"â€" Two years ago, with. the assistâ€" ance of our customers, we induced the Government, to permit beet sugar re fineriesâ€"operating in Canada to imâ€" port at the minimum rate ol duty two pounds of raw sugar for cach one pound manufactured from bects, grown by Canadian farmers. That is, we have paid cxactly the â€" same amount cf duties on raw sugar â€" imâ€" Ported â€"as other refinerics are payin?. By this mieans we have been able number of requests for municipal and Board of Trade information from out of town points. TL LC1, 46 TF200, _ 2. ~RDSS, H.‘ Frost, H. Wipper, R. Smyth, Mayor Hahn, R. J. Dormer, and Aldermen Euler, Martin, Dunke and Sheppard. Amfong the communications was one ftom the Galt Board of Trade, asking l!oxlht(;: send dulegates to thmmoet- ing at Galt this eveniag to t up the problem of Grand River improveâ€" ment. * Messts E. Smyth, W. H. Breithaupt and EI. Watson, Doon, were named as delegates. ï¬.e?. Bancuet and P'h“:hcmâ€œï¬ reporic« progress. The banquet will not be held until the close oli Lent. ‘!'h_o Secretary reported the â€" usual| We are relying upon the assistance __fmose in attendance were Messrs. the | E. Smyth (presiding), A. W. Youn;,‘ou t L. J. Btreithsupt, W. H. Leeson,; J. ‘ suga P. Honsberger, C. A. Ahrens, J. T. refine gmï¬y. J, A. So-l‘:h.“og. M. Shick, wgh â€" Huchnergard, W. â€" . Lochead, . We J. K. Ball, H. E. Abrens, Geo. H. ,meet Clarke, G. DeBus, â€" F. Krees, H.JMJ Frost, H. Wipper. R. Smyth Mavar® that the matters discussed was the petiâ€" tion of the Wallaceburg Sugar . Co. for the continuance of the preference @nâ€"raw sugar, the transfer of the management. of the street railway and other minor questions. HEALING, 500THING, ANTISEPTIC, at 5h24 oohy weedkk o the Reate T y,»â€"o;v“-n-â€"-â€"w NT other events of the eveming. . Among There was only a fair on Raw Sugar is in Interest of Sugar Co‘s, Request. of all Druggists and Desiess ul Te Aathiem on Those Present LATE A LOCKBHART attendance Quebec, March 13.â€"A remarkable coâ€" incidence occurred Thursday in Levis County, when at the very hour of the funeral at Levis, of _ Mr. Etienne Dussault, the wellâ€"known contractor ol the Quebec barbor wotks, Mr. Etiâ€" egram from Beylin several days ago asking for the arrest of Gibbons. The police investigated and tound that the man was then in the local jail. Yesâ€" terday, his term being up, he was givâ€" en hMs lWherty. Detectives Andarson and Moflatt arrested him. He will be arraigned | in the Police Court this motning and held until the arrival of an officer from Berlin. by two rufians and robbed of het purse containing a considerable amâ€" ount of money. One of the assailants, Wm, Houghâ€" ton, an Englishman, was cleverly arâ€" rested by Chicf O‘Ncill and pleaded guilty to the offence. _ He was senâ€" tenced _ by the Magistrate to four years in Kingston penitentiary. It was known that Ci@bbons was along with Houghton and Chiect O‘~ Neill has been keeping his eyes open for him ever since. Chie? O‘Neill went to Toronto this morning to bring (Gibbons back to Berlin to face frial on a charge of highway robbery committed in Berlin in Febtuaty, 1907, The offence took place on Benton street near Alma streot when Mrs. Board was attacket GIBBONS HAS After the discussion of the strect railway question the meeting adicurnâ€" ed at 10 â€"o‘clock. Toronto, March 11. â€"Arrested a few hours after being liberated from The jail where he had becte serving a thitâ€" tyâ€"day term for theft, Frank Gibbons living at 369 Queen street west, was lodged in a cell at ‘Court street staâ€" tion last night on a charge of highâ€" way robbery preferred by the â€" Chicf of Police of Berlin. During the short period. that this preference has been in vogue, it hasâ€"been fruitful of beneficent results to the farmers and tradesâ€" men of many counties and we beâ€" lieve that they onc and all are unanimous in the opinion that this preferential regulation should be further continued. The Board is alive to the importâ€" ance of this matter, and if recessary will send a geputation to Ottawa to lay the case before the Tarifi Comâ€" mission and the Finance Minister. There \.s a somewhat informal disâ€" eussion â€"n the question, al}l of those takin; part being strongly in favor Oof continuing the concession. _ After M ssrs. Smyth, Scellen, DeBus and Monsberger had expressed their views the following resolution was passed: ‘‘That in the opinion of this Board of Trade the privilege acâ€" corded to manufacturers of beet sugar, of importing at the miniâ€" mum tate of duty, two pounds : of raw sugar for each pound manuâ€" factured: from beets, shoukd be \ further extended until such time ~ as it carn be fully demonstrated that tho manufacture of bect sugar l is essentially a Canadian indusâ€" | try. ; _ Your immediate action in reference to this matter.will be greatly appreâ€" ciated. The Jaw expires this year, and uniess it is renewed at this sesâ€" sion of Parkiament, the doors of our refimery â€"will, of necessity, be rlosed the coming year, a good parl of the time, as the beet crop will only take care of our éstablished trade about three months in the year. Yours truly, f THE WALLACEBURG SUGAR Co » ‘ Limited. If we are correct in â€" this assumpâ€" tion, we hope to enlist your sympaâ€" thy, and would | ask you to take prompt action in this matter â€" and put the facts before the powers that be in Ottawa, so that there will be no misunderstanding as to what your wish really is. our customers and the {ariners in the fight to be waged, and would ask each one, if sufficiently interested,. to take the matter up with their locai | momber, and if they will also write as strong a letter as they possibly ean to the Ministers _ ol the Tufl‘ Commission, Messrs. W., S. Fielding, L. P. Brodeur and Wm. Patterson, we wWill esteem it a very great favor. We think the law should be _ conâ€" tinued as it is at present, as _ the margin is exceedingly small and we are unable to get any such profit, as the larger refineries who are located on the coast, can secure their raw sugar which is delivered direct to the refineries from the markets of~ the world.. . . We put {forth an earnest effort to meet the wishes of our customers, [m,m from the liberal support that bas been accorded to us, our efforts in this direction; have been fully appregiated. We believe it will be to your interest to have this Company and any other beet refining company that may engage in â€" the business in Canada, put in a posiâ€" tion to o?ve, you competition in the supply sugar. The Chief Constable received a telâ€" PHWCULIAR COINCIDENCE A Serious Offence Pel‘tion Endorsed ilt ‘of St. David, also. a but no relative â€" otthe BEEN ARRESTED nocessary is to have the distribute the power. Mr. Breithaupt stated that he had interviewed Hon. Adam Beck, _ and was assured that Niagara power would be ready for distribution _ in Berlin by Dec. ist of this year, and it the town orders the necessary miaâ€" chinery now and has it installed Berâ€" lin w'{n use Niagara power on . Jan. Ist. The bill validating the various contracts bad been passed and Berlia having contracted for 1000 horse powâ€" et by vote of the peaple will be comâ€" polled to pay its share of the cost of the transmfssion Tine and 40 per cent. of the amount of power contracted for, whether Niagara power is used here ot not. There was not another municipality in the union as favorably situated as Berlin. The load is hege, all that is Chairman Breithaupt brought _ up the question of the mnecessity of the town taking immediate action in orâ€" der to be ready for Niagara power when it is transmitted to _ Betlin. The byâ€"laws for the raising of $35,000 for machinety for Niagara power, and £$8000 for gas mains had been defeatâ€" ed at the municipal elections and it was in the interests of the _ town that they should again be submitted. During the last three months â€" the price ol imachinery has increased maâ€" terialy and the sum of $40,000 would be required to.install the distribution plant, and $8000 for gas mains, makâ€" ing a total of $48,000. B. & B. St. Ry. and the town was made by the railway committee â€" of the Town Council before the â€" street railway was handed over to the Comâ€" mission. The above readings were taken on Saturday, March 6th, the condition of the rail was good, the Bridgeporl line being slightly heavier than main line on account of snow not being cleaned off as much. A new meter, inspected by the Government Inspecâ€" tor and certified cortect, was used. E. J. PHILIP. V. S. MeINTYRE. Report Adopted. After a number of questions had beon asked by the Council representaâ€" tives and answered satisfactorily rcâ€" garding the management of the street railway the report was received and adopted. The B. & B. St. Ry. Co. paid the sum of $1547.10 for â€" the power, and the use of the cars and tracks last year. It was also pointed out that the bargain between the If No. 4 car is used continually on the Bridgeport linein the winter and No. 1 car continually in the summer the power they â€" would uso would amount to $602.00. Ten per cent. on cost of cars would amount to $150 This wodld leave a balance of ~ $829 for use of track. by these cars on this basis they would have used in power $788.00 Figuring 10 per cent. on cost of cars would be ... 266.00 During the past year No. 11 has been run on the Bridgeport line about oneâ€"third of the time, No. 4, about omeâ€"third and No. 1 (open) about oneâ€" third._ Figuring the power consumed $1054.00 This leaves balance of $527.00 _ for use of track for ome year. Trips. K.W. per K.W. Car No. Run. per day trip per mo. 200â€"Main line..... 24 16 10,816 202â€"Main line..... 23 16 10,832 10â€"Station line... 19 5 1,350 *11â€"B. & B. Ry.. 3500 9 0 3,897 * 4â€"B. & N. Ry... 15 14 1,948 * No. !! rar consumed 11.4 K. W. per round lrip on Waterloo line and No. 4 car consumed 5.2 K. W. per round trip on Waterloo line. Chairman Breithaupt read the â€"reâ€" port giving the statement of power consumed on the B. & W., Station, and B. & B. linecs on March 6th as lollows:â€" * . Commissioner Lang pointed _ out that it bas always been the policy of the Commission to base their acâ€" tions on facts. If one of the employes was of ‘the opinion that the Commisâ€" sion was losing money in a certain department, an investigation or test is ordered and as soon as a report . is presented then action would be taken. As‘ soom as this matter was brought to the attention of the Commission a fest was ordered and the report was prepared. Mayor Hahn: thoufht that _ state ments like this should not be made unless they were sure about them. were paying for and he was desirous ot hovfhl:" whethor this was the case. Supt. E. J. Philip stated that. he had told the Mayor that it would apâ€" pear as if the B.& B. St. Ry. was using more power thap it was expectâ€" 2Â¥ OTR EPA & 0e °P ed, but he was not certain until a test was made. ; The first fl‘qmm under diwm’& was ‘ regar teport that Commissioners were not recveiving a sufficient amount from the B. & â€"B. St. Ry. Co, in payment for the powâ€" «r used in operating the cars. Mayor Halin stated that he â€" was informed by officials of the: Commisâ€" sion that the Berlin & Bridgeport lilo'll‘luil‘ more power than they PmE =~ EEH * y _ L03 0( Seesameesemafnmeesecsaaene and J. Kayimas, Mayor Hahn .mal Am.r.v.su.!.mm w. p. 'Olfl.lhl".m.l The Bost Brand Euler were present. 4 impof contéren ï¬lw“ï¬mmm ks * ce oo cocn ue ittes of the Town Council respect. Street Railway Matters is to have the machinery to Niagata Power 0K# G. Lippert Keen interest was taken in _ the drawing for the beautiful horse ‘"Winâ€" kfl'."nï¬omm by Mr. Jos. E. Seaâ€" gram, exâ€"M.P. Five coupons . ‘were drawa and the filth one, which is held by Mr. C. H. Dentom, of Tilisomburg, captured the prize. . Those who were there were _ comâ€" fortable and enjoyed the excellent programme provided by the _ 29th Regiment band. The organization is in excellent form and the | artistic manher in which the various selecâ€" tions were rendered was greatly apâ€" preciated, prevented a large number from being prosent. The Daughters of the Empizo did not receive the encouragement â€" they deserved at the band concert given in the new market building on Thursâ€" day evening. There werse no _ mare than 100 people present, excluling the band, and it is probable the _ fear that the building would be tou cold A failing tiny nerveâ€"no larger than the finest silken threadâ€"takes from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regulatity. It was Dr. Shoop who first told us it was wrong to drug a weak or failing stomach, Heart or Kidneys. His prescription â€" Dr. Shoop‘s _ Restorativeâ€"is directed straight for the cause of these ailâ€" mentsâ€"these weak and faitering inâ€" side nerves. This, no doubt, clearly explains why the Restorative has iof late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restotative even for a few days soon become fully convinced of its wonderâ€" ful merit. Anyway, don‘t drug the organ. Treating the cause of sickness is the only â€" sensible and successful way. Sold by all dealers. Ald. Sheppard Sstated that if the question is properly cxplained to the ratepayers theâ€" byâ€"law would undoubtâ€" edly be carried. > Commission had appointed a general agent to assist in the purchase _ of the machinery in order that it will be secured _ at the lowest possible price. The Commission decided to ask the Council to submit a byâ€"law for $18,â€" 000 at as carly a date as possible. The conference then adjourned. Engineer Philip stated that at preâ€" sent 947 horseâ€"power is attached _ to the power system of the plant. Successor to J. A. GOOD & Co. A neatly framed picture given a;vay free when you have purchased up to $5.00 worth of groceries. Come in and see them, They will interest you. BAND CONCERT 1N BERLIN And to introducelit to you will fill your can at cost price. Don‘t miss this chance, it won‘t last long and the price will open your eyes. : BOTTOM PRICBEES j j uuuflw__} Waterioo Ont., Branch, _ Jacoh Hespoler, Manage AMERICAN WATER WAITE COAL 01L â€" inmppmertzrony. L. ) _! 5. â€"__ Hardware Stoves,Tinware,Pl mbing and _ Pipe Fittings Store near Post ofï¬oe?l’hono 142, Berlin. EREEB! BREE! R. Weber & Co. ME Paid Up, breaks up the fever in 24 hourse. sold", , d", Teator does not heep tham, elr cle Winnipeg, March 14.â€"It is estimaâ€" ted that thirty milliqn dollars‘ worth of new buildings will be erected in ten citics ol Western Canada during the present season. _ In this amount the twin cities at the head of the lakes are expected to share to the extent of six millions. _ Winnipeg will run between ten and twelve mil. jons, and the balance will be . disâ€" tributed _ between Brandon, Regina, Moose Jaw, Calgaty, Edmonton, Vicâ€" toria and . Vancouver. _ The annual meeting of the Daughâ€" ters of the Empire of Betkn was held in the Lébraty tooms on Satutâ€" day evening at which there was _ a latgze attendance of members. The reports showed the year to be very successful and gratifying to the memâ€" bers. a suit has been started against the rity for maintaining a nuisance. The bill would allow the city to overcome the difficulty. Hon. Mr. Hanna said there were several things in the bill which might be objected to but they could be threshed out in the Muniâ€" cipal committce. Mr. James Whitney thought the bill should be more thoroughly _ unâ€" derstood, and Mr. Downey explained that the City of Gueliph must go on with the extension of the sewerage plant or be liable for damages, _ as Mr. Downey also moved the second reading of his hill to give municiâ€" palities the power to extend their sewerage utilities without taking a vote of the ratepayers, â€" when the Board of Health said such extension was necessary. Mo es es en e en ons uty he said, whether municipalities bad the right to purchase power outside of the municipalities. The bill was referred to the Municipal Committce. "Toronto, March 13.â€"Mr. Downey explained to the Legislature yesterâ€" day that his bill to amend the Muniâ€" cipal Light and Heal Act was to alâ€" low cibies operating their light â€" and heating facilities the right to purâ€" chase power from the Hydroâ€"Electric Commission. 1t was a question now, TWOFNEW BJLLS OF zz*> MUNICIPAL I1NTERESTS The officers of last year were e ected, and Mrs. H. C. Strangz@ewas ected assistant secretary and Mrs. . HM. Mills assistant treasurer. BUILDING UP THE WEST NINE BERLIN,ONT