"he Despite the Chzle" of the Guel hockey team in the proâ€" league t} year the hockey sports in the Ros City are talking ef building _ a one rink, and a much larger one, In a cr tral part of the city. It will be on site behind the Roval Opera House &A NEW RINK was not prepated fao Crown, goven proper i manage a tailway, ; believe that the cour the idea of the Gove itself _of responcabili agement of a railway entrusted to it ‘The a board of m im gested would nel iui ment of responsitallty relieve the Departme of a multibade ofâ€" ded in his view, be a good railway amd for all c Hon. G. P. Graham‘s New System for Control ol Intercolonial. MUST ACQUIRE LINES a masterly | speech, which was a prononnc to the proposed chan agement of / the. Gov whech have oexerted 0 tion and | controversy mission, but a Loard composed af ) wo oaf ficials of the T.C0 the Depits Mitoster w a mat. with practical other railways, who sponsible â€" through the Government of the d tion of the Intrrcolo voréd by Mro Grahan to the House moate us be considered than in itely determined upon to a coinmission we Commuission â€" by the â€" Hydroâ€"llectric engimeers the sum of $51,000 was re commended. ‘The Commission consid ered this amount to be too large and further estimates were made and twi schemes were submitted One â€" was to use rotary converters and fre queney changer with the other o paratus required would cost approxi mately $16,000.00.. The â€" second | ar rahgement using the present machin ery and drving it with synchronous mators would cost approximately a: follows:â€" Two â€" motors with switchboard panels _« nected $15,000 11 PROPOSES BOARD |F:mizgzgtttttt" OF MANAGEMENT | * 3. prtmiais pay | Of tawa, March Tt â€" tercolonicl Railwev un the House of Common physically indisposed, of Ruilways: cose to d Charman A. L. Breithaupt of the Light Commission was present _ and brieflv explained the two byâ€"laws Reâ€" garding the byâ€"law for the new | gas mains he stated that the gas plant is large enough to supply an increased number of consumers, but in _ order to reach them it was essential that new mains of a larger size be â€" laid in different parts of the town It _ is proposed to put down sixâ€"inch mains instead of threeâ€"inch on portions . of King strect from Water to Victoria, from Albeft to Frederick, from Breitâ€" haupt toâ€" Shanley, on Queen . from Weber to Ellien, and from the works to Queen and Mill streets.â€" Thepipes taken up will be used in other parts of â€"the town. Mr. Breithaupt pointed out that the Jarger portion of this money will be paid out to laborers The vote will be taken on Easter Monday, Apnil 12th, and the same polling booths have been secured and the same officials will act as at the muncipal elections er gas malns, which were defeated the last mumcipal elections At the adjourned mecting oof Town Council on Tuestay evxcnming which all the members were pre excepting Alds. Wilkinson, Winter andâ€" Sheppara the first and see reading was given to the byâ€"laws raise $40,000 for the purchase ol chinery for the distrrbution of _0 gara Power when it is transmitte Berlin, and the sum of $8040 for ing new gas main~ The ratepavers of another opportunity Easter Monday, Apri byâ€"kaws tor the purct power machinery and Berlin Council Submits Byâ€"laws to Raise $40,000 for Niagara Power Machinery and $8,000 for Gas Ma‘ns to the Ratepayers. WILL VOTE ON TWO MONEY BYâ€"LAWS ON APRIL 12TH Four hundred K. W Byâ€"Laws Explaimned Niagara Power e counthy > GoveTtn norbility ol ies wh changt ill cor ar whil The app al d.s R Abed 1 12th, on . the lase of â€" Niagala fur laving largâ€" were defeated al of PTHE] Berdin wall have , for th the in fransformn« M exprer hon of _ Nigâ€" transmitted to F80400 for layâ€" rxclters cted an 11 M voting ned i4 1 had l« and con 1h though Mimster fie Guelph ue this H it th and t wu was freâ€" val sent halt the and Reâ€" gas to L0 d D ask icter H Ter Th thoroughly advertised and _ discussed the necessary readings were given and the final reading will be â€" given in case they are carried by the ratepayâ€" 1 the location of the step down staâ€" tion. If they put it on or close to our propeity it will cost _ about $1,000.â€" If it is put out by the ruims ol the old glue factory as they origâ€" imally contemplated the cost _ would be between $4,000 and $5,000 The cost _ for manufacturers: transformets will tun about nine dollars per K.W. not including cost of erection Asâ€" suming. we can get 500 K.W. in 25 cycle power during the â€" first _ year the additional cost would be _ over $5,000 erected. The aboye figures based on the: infor from the hydio elec approximate prices turing companies. \fter an informal disqussion as to the impertance of having the byâ€"laws But W uen t B l0 000000 0e B0 000000000 000 0000000000000 Hro« 1 Her lose ourselves, and then Forget the good Saint Patiick â€" and see the stakes again. N hife for me hath Tis all from thee it provide for irausformers fo facturers motors. . The cost | line between the siep down : tubuting station will depend My thought maht , Adrobit o ed o from Lh M1 Ard al H ost of erect Adaitional erial &6 tinu i H Here ie K5 Dai the Iri 11 the collern, ‘s to the ones owe love L deanest and most, may. Ged save old Irelandâ€"that‘s ahn liishman‘s toast. have plinty Killarney, un di ovid br to the gbeen to rad wht andescent und ne 208 OU {tener lutdt a thi ghier dred S hy dro c tibuting i Â¥owre: Tooked without warning | wrlcomes you‘ll O 1} that at her by day, my dreams by d me loast yemng hma Iand Ir lad the step down sta it it on or close . ti do will cost _ abou put out by the ruims factory as they orlg yau _ ceme here 1e ld mete light it $« 000 O un and O Ir alt] land ho alt} a dn , he stated, are mation obtained stric engineets and from the manufacâ€" E only thee lectine subâ€"station station, nol does formers for manuâ€" The cost of the ep down and | disâ€" on 25 cyoles, ore uy at $2.00° each of the and In Brothaupt pointâ€" made tor the line ctiric. subsstation tation, not does loifr beaut y netet {1 11 th on light im Moor« stated for {} th shamt ock find f m darling h d LCms $11.00 Upoh Pat at $3 im th ting th Ig uf L H I the home by death and by marnage :«.f children.. From that he passed on (to a portrayal of the eflect of wroag J lving upon the . domestic relationsy 6‘_|ful there as one thing even | worse than these," he said, ‘"and that 15 'ch\mn- 1 am glad we have not deâ€" l\t'|u|)4'd that evil as im the U iited GALT OFFICIAL I$ CHARGED M.. ARIFS â€"OLINIMEX BURNS Workman Says Town Paid fer Work Done for Town Foremar. MAY CONCLUDE TOâ€"DAY eert Kin (rOl "What is to be the culminathion uli this seandal? In England _ it hax, reached uo pitch of frenzy of _ public} insanity which we have yet to fxml! in Canada, but, tell me this! \'ou‘ women, think of it‘ If woman is te leave home to euter the areng â€" the | vulgar arenaâ€"of politics, if she is to‘ becoine a politician, to wrangle with | strong, coarse men in Parliament unâ€" til 2 and 2 o‘clock in the morningâ€" tell me, in the name of all that is ; geod, what is to become of home* There is only: one answer. â€" There ranf never be but one true answer: Down with the home.. Down with it \\'uâ€"l ment stand with your husbands, vuthl your fathers, with your brothers, and defend the sacred spot veloped that evil as im the L anted States. Jt is a cutse on â€"a@a _ naton, a lasting blight, and I| pray God we may keep it from this young hnation in which we are blessed to dive. And yet, even beyoud divorce, there stands out that infernal practice, iace . suiâ€" cide. Tt is a damnable invention by which wifehood and motherhood, and even childhood, go down, down, down. It means the destruction of all that we hold most dear. "The whole trend of things is in the oneâ€" directionâ€" that is to take away from woman all that is beanâ€" tiful. It is to place her on the same basis as the man. Woman‘s suffrage is the same It is to take away the respect for femininity, to remove all delicacy of fecling. Hamilton in the cone Harey Smi been rapid will Be oc GaHJ Malrch 16. â€"Thene were decided developments toâ€"day in the mdicial inâ€" vestigation into the charges of malâ€" feasanve â€" of office o preferred sqgiinst Town Forenicn Adam Davidson and somew hat of i sensaftion was created thetcby . _ Reobert _ Sele â€" swore posiâ€" tively that he had worked on _ the Davidson farm, on fwo occasions, and that on a third be had been sent to help in aâ€"threshing on Peter Patterâ€" son‘s farm by the town foreman. For this work Davidson had not paid him and he had received his money in his town pay envelope, This evidence was cortrabotated by the wife of <the witness, who . kept her â€" husband‘s time, and knew O hs This evidence. was corrabotated by the wife of <the witness, who . kept he1 husband‘s time, â€" and knew 7 ds worked every day. The Town Treasurer testifiecd that he had never received | from the fown foreman anvo money to pay to cortiorâ€" ation laboters forâ€" work done on his farm. Charles Larter swore that ust Dayidâ€" son‘s instance he had faken a quanti The case for the prosecution _ has been closed, but the enquiry will . be resumed | to morrow | fo _ hear argn ments ang wind up . the proceedings The investigation will cost the fows probalily 31000 _ HAVE THEY CAUCGHT HIM H+ A LENTEN _ ADDRESS ther Bishop Dumoulin Says Womâ€" an‘s Place is Not in Public Life. Toronto, March 1+.â€"Earnest _ and impassioned, Rev. Bishop DuMoulin, of Niagara, addressed a very â€" large audience al the indday service in t James‘ Cathedral toâ€"day at noon in which, with sturing words, he utterâ€" 1y condemaned woman‘s sufttage, iace swicide and divorce, and | all â€" things that tend toward the breaking up of boimes and the unsexing of women Lhs sermon was on ‘The Broken Home " _ He began by relerence to natural sepatations brought about in THE ENEMY OF THE HOME And aln ade rthpla« condition of P Smith in the la ud of those people wha are regarding the murder of Mi have a chance to make $ t1 laily EINAL 1 ilways asks it Da It the feorgia ( und . matny goo down 1 ts o a ol c expected that the Hospital ato first suppe surer testified That ived â€" from the fown yoIo pay to cartiorâ€" work done on his The improvement Police Constable last few cays has CHRONICLEâ€"TRLEGRAPH, MARC M 18TH, 1900. Pgge 9 Thi 11 MPNT Winkls IPp iot deâ€" Uiited nation, ipl wha much ised P al br has Alice Goodlaf, an Indian | girl from Gaughna waga. George Flatt, a retired farme a well known resident of Galt over twenty years, who lived of street, while in the hardware of Hammill and Moore on Mond cadentally fell into the open trai leading into the cellar, and sus a iracture of the skull He wa maÂ¥ed to the hospital and died alter reaching there â€" Deceased 60 vearscof age, and leaves ao and grownâ€"up family A plan for the future park developâ€" ment in Guelph to enibrace the seeutâ€" ing of the Jand adjacent to the Eraâ€" mosa branch of the Speed river, the largest tributary of the Grand, has been drawn np for the Guelph Hortiâ€" eultwral society t is proposed â€" to have a â€" driveway extanded along each side of the river, which will be dredg ed to allow of better boating faciliâ€" ties liam â€" Plante, Montreal, K. C. E. Christic, Cowansville, a clesk named Boch, Mabel Murdock, Donâ€" Garieph, hotel porter, William Anderson, Douâ€" glas Stewart and Cecile Delisle and Besides the eight injured _ at . the (General Hospital, three were â€" taken to the Notre Dame Hospital and four to the Royal Victcria. Mark Cunningham, the engineer of the tunaway train has been _ found with his skult fractured, and probâ€" ably will die. cher of this city, are dr GRAND RIVER DEYVELOPMENT ing Irain hreman, found . Ceylon on Feb. 3rd. Jt is a picture ol a family of natives who apparentâ€" ly were standing on the roadside as North Waterloo‘s representative was passing by. Mr. King expects to reach Oftawa in ten days. F STCCESSFUT out of the city which blew the enâ€" gineer and fireman out of the _ cab, and that the train ran into the staâ€" tion without any one to control it It is believed the steam was pretty well out of the boiler, but there is a sharp down grade trom _ Westmount into the station as the relllt of which the train kept up a good speed Few details are yet obtainable as to the dead and injured, but â€" there are eight injured at the General Hosâ€" pital list son of Dr. J. F. Honsberger was one _ of the number of Mr. W. L. M. King‘s friends in Berlin â€" who â€" received _ a souvemr postcard _ addressed froim It is stated that some sort of geâ€" wident happened â€" to the locomotive while the train was several miles Montreal, March 17.â€" An unknown Pole has died sinece the accident, makâ€" ing the known deau two. The injured include Robert Buckingâ€" hain, Westmount; J. Weils and â€" Wilâ€" liam â€" Plante, â€" Montreal; â€" K. C. E. the family were all in wailing room walling fe who | was a Passenger on C.P.R. Bostén Express Crashâ€" ed Into the Windsor Street CARD FROM CEYLON BIG CELEBRATION. The Trades and Laborâ€" Council of (ivelph ars making extensive preparaâ€" thons for the district labor celehraâ€" tion to be held there this year. A strong commutter was appointed | at their last regular mevting to _ look after details Terrible Railway Accident Montreal, March 17 accident occurred â€" at dead into the basement of the binlding stieet station or the C. P. t this mormng, . when the Boston _ Express lailed to stop and crashed through inâ€" to the station, wrecking everything in ances eess. Auctin wrilded _ the able â€" mamner hospit al Montreal, March 17.â€" A _ revised 1 of the dead show that the â€" wife, . vear old daughter and 8 vyear old in of W. .J. Nixon, a train despatâ€" Tlw Coul st is belreved â€" three persor and many were injured are still carrving people Station at Montzeal. of the trais dropped through Passengers Injured on ht Accident to Engine Fireman Is Lost c Passer Craig a Yi arm Stoc Walliam SALJ ying people to the rtired farmer and ent of Galt for who lived on Ker ) K ill _ He was reâ€" al and died soon Deceased was fock amd imple am â€" Stengel at was a big sue open trap door and sustained bt the hamé the id engineer of been _ found and probâ€" Mi. Nixon the ncemâ€" me oi the not beern Bricknell Windsor The litâ€" lades‘ . Nixon Irom pieture teriible widow Ainbul ay aC I I ale The Brantford p« stop to suggestive productions at the houses Chief St St. Cathanines, March 16.â€"A story was sent out from here toâ€"day to the eBect that on the day of the _ Kinâ€" rade murder Miss Isaacs, a school teacher, had seen a man fourish | a revalyer whiale on a train near _ Jorâ€" dan, and say "This is what we use on gitls who go back on us in â€" NVirâ€" ginia. WELL KNOWN MASON DEAD The police _ and Crewn Attorney Washington, K.C., are noncommittal concerning the tragedy _ and _ their movements in regard to it, but their manner is not less confident than it was during the first days after it was committed, and this motning Detecâ€" tive Miller, on being asked _ if he thought they might make an arrest brfore Friday, said: "I hope so." He and Mr. Washington and Coronâ€" erâ€" Andetson had a conference . this morning, and it is understood that some matter that has an important bearirg on the case was under | disâ€" cussion, but it cannot be learned what it was. | POLICE _ CENSORSHIP A story of the condition of mind . into which the murder of his daughter | threw Mr. Kinrade was told toâ€"day by , Mrs. Reeves, a cousin of Mt Kinrade. . She was in their home that night and says that Mr. Kinrade walked about the house all night erying out lh«f name of his dead daughter, and that ; all eforts to comfort him were un~‘ availing. Mrs. Kinrade at that time ; was unaware of the crime, but . was| informed of it the following day, and | was so greatly affected that she could / not be cakmed, and as her health was ; endangéred by her great grief she had ; to be given sleeping powders t Tuestay Straiford Iv his n mem ber belp in approximately fixing the time â€" Still another withess is said to have been found who may give lmpmlanl: testimony, but the name in this case | is also unknown, unless the pohfl‘! have it, and they will not say. This ! storv is to the efBfect that Miss I"lur»' ence that afternoon ran into the home . of a neighbor and took a telephone from its hook _ After standing a moâ€"| ment with it in her hand she is said | to have dropped it and run out withâ€"| out using it. : M rmiarly Two More Witnesses Secured by the Police Fixing the AN IMPORTANT CLUE. Friday might, but the name _ cannot be Jearned. This witness is said to be a lady who saw Mrs. RKinrade leave her home the afternoon of the murder| at 4.10 â€" She was sitting . at an upstairs window and looked al her watch as Mrs: hinrade left _ the house _ Thus, with the evidence of the motormap who claims be saw _ Miss Florence Kinrade un across the stieet that afternoon about 3 25, may enable the police to tha the time of the tragâ€" edy at some time near the datter houwt _ The evidence of the dectors as to the number of bulets and the quesâ€" tion whether the girl was killed by the dirst couple of shots on by a seeâ€" ond series some time later may also molo!na Florence that aften the police edy at 0 houw Th MORE EVIDENCE |REFUSED TO SUBMIT _ _ IN KINRADE CASE _ QUESTION TO RATEPAYERS Hamilton, March 1i.â€"It is underâ€" stood that the police have discovered another person â€" who may give valuâ€" able testimony at the â€" inquest _ on Friday might, but the name _ cannot be learned. This witness is said to nanage mer top show ATMIDG pPa vlo He ow Chri t i alical Western matfers For fifty years i frusted emploge of the G y orarlwary, having. worked Another (Clue Followed Up Mi in t .tllil Brantford before Stratford. He was s agoe illed motning i He had i ual healtls Ue had rusen in apparen! al bealth, and with litfe sed away from heart fail as one of the best known the Masonic hrotherhood â€"Ontanio, and was notod mse â€" antferest he fook in Kinrade Sufiering McLellan ord police have . put â€" a estive _ moving _ picture it the thiee amusement ief Slemin ordered _ the of the Unique Theatre to Saturday night films onable nature. died ade o struck her esame as thai addressed himâ€" ain. Fearing aid nothing for hi was sever home it wWas e ancident n the way eâ€" had a vas Taun suddenty m y he i in uala A.9.U.W. HAS A _ |Commission _ YEAR OFPROGRESS _ Was Treated "Tram, daed incdead und. Unfairly prct had work TiZA L beiine fract Braght miles 1} Guelph Mercuryâ€"The Page Hersey Iron and Tube Company are to erect au immense plant at Welland, Ontarâ€" iv, and a despatch toâ€"day states that the contract for the new plant has already been let to the Berlin Conâ€" struction _ Company of Berlin, Ont. The work of| constructeon will heâ€" gin at Velland in two weeks. 0 Itas expected that one thousand men will be employed when the works wre in jull operation The plant will be operated _ by electricity The comâ€" pany will also erect . number of houses for its workmen. The comâ€" pany have for some time projected ters of amport of tike Adwiet Worlimen occas in the temple proposed â€" chans coustetufion | wa the nugerity of CGoand Master whnnal repor! > year British °C haying . severed the _ supteme States, bad Le neW year BERLIN FIBRM GETS Reeve McKay was of the opiuion} rie that the motion should not be enterâ€"| F« taimed, but Ald. Ealer pointed out| t that _ the management of a $160,000 f A: plant owned by the people was . inâ€"" M volved, and the ratepayers had _ a Di perfect right to decide by which boâ€" Be dy it should be managed Aa was Ms an opportune time to take, the vote S and it would cost the town practiâ€" ' cally nothing. It also pointed _ out lo: that the question was not fairly disâ€" ed yion of the Co journed merlin a â€" byâ€"law . wou dueed to subm ratepayers Majority of Berlin Council Voted DownBResolu" tion to Put Matter of Street Railway Management to a Vote of People on April 12th. Ald â€" Clemeni held tion was perfeetly in wes carrtied by the C could be prepared ac ty of time After the Berlin Council had decidâ€" ed to submuit the two Light Commisâ€" sion byâ€"laws to the ratepayers . at the adjourned | meeting on Tuesday, Alds. Euler and Dunke introduced a resolution that a vote be tahen on April 13th on the question whether the B. & W. Street Railway should be â€" managed by the Light Cominis sion or by the Town Council Mayor â€" Hahu was of the â€" opimon fpat the wotion was out of ordel as it dealt w.th a malter that had alâ€" ready been disposed ol «t that ses el _ inland w *A _ Thonsand Benjamin _ Milter ade \M L1 ty al bl in nver the Hel the d Recerder M. D. Carder in is gives â€"â€" these â€" figures.. Total ~of badges, 166, average durâ€" d membership of brothers who lred, 19 years, average age | of ts â€" who have oked, T6 vears; members admitfed duting the 363, deatlis during the . year Tl less â€" than the previous The tinancial committee sumâ€" s the year‘s expenditure as TS OF A HGUPSE MOVER e McKay was of ie metion should but Ald. Euler the management Milter hire n Beach gail o rails and 1t did lit e damage to the ul the fir§h start of the ho nd was mae on April 3. 11 SOI81.95 ibter adi lide 11 the iy was ofâ€" theâ€" opfmon on should not be enterâ€" Jd. Euler pointed _ out nagement of a â€" $164,000 by the people was _ inâ€" the ratepayers had _ a to decide by which boâ€" ild h iC York ind hid d hired _ f1 held that ectricity The comâ€" erect ;. number of workmen. The comâ€" some time | projected M the â€" que it being on adâ€" ile also held that «¥e 0 to be introâ€" e quesfion to the the ghton Beach Ho:â€" eep «1 inte the ciuled to _ move enjamin fignred L for the conâ€" from â€" the old wl about _ two aid them in 12 hired 1M% flat ng up the big the flat cars. HMa uncil _ »rdingly arde h the resoluâ€" r and o af al i1 a byâ€"law hil fr k wher 1X8X. ar nstahles A BIG CONTRACT ails. It ns the id _ the carcely mnyt n nlen wen! secure â€" the sum of $1,710. T tifl sought to invalidate the on the grounds of prefetence that the afMfidavit / ef â€" bot was defective His find imgs Mr. Breithaupt stated that be was surprised at some of the statements made on Monday eveving as they were revorded in the newspaper reports of the meeting. In the first place by ecmphatically denied that he had apyâ€" tling to do, directly or mdlrrctfy with the Berlin and Bfidgeport St. Ray Co. He was, however, a meme Let of the Berlin and Waterloo St. Ry Co. He was, however, a wenp other shareholder did not expect to receive _ one cent for their stock should the amount of _ the award be increased as the resulf of the apâ€" peal He has refuged to take any part in the appeal proceedings _ and it was impossible for him to give oi withhold any evidence as it . is all taken, and the statement that he is self interested is Incofrect. Mrâ€" Breithaupt felt along with his [ellow members that the Commission bas not been dealt with fairly. They had not been made aware of â€" any critiesm of their matéagement â€" and it â€" was nnfair _ to take away the work which was assigned t, them by the 1907 Connerl on account of inâ€" sinttated statements None of _ the members _ of the Comtission received anyteng from it and _ all of them hae tried to serve the public to the members any U eng hace trir be Chairman A. L. Breithaupt, of te Beilin _ Light _ Commission, was. infor med al the Council ch Tuesday evening ‘by \id. Clement that thete was a misâ€" «pprehension on the part of some of wwide the members regarding bhis connection with the B. & W. and B. & q Stroot Railway companies aud was â€" asked to explain bis position. might mean the ultimate remaval from the city uf the plant bere. It is understood, howevet, that the camâ€" pamy has no such course in view and that they are well satisfied with the business that is being done herf â€" in the plant. _ The new Welland facâ€" tory is being erected for the making of larger _ pipe than manufactufed here at present. _ In Guelph a pige is made up to three inches in dl‘; meter while it Welland the sizes will tun up to a foot. This is an @â€" tively _ new â€" line of _ manufactunf work separate from that here‘ '§ from what can be learned will noÂ¥ zny â€" way interfere with the â€" loeg vussed by the people, and very low indeed expected that the majority of the Council would decide on a change Reeve McKay stated that it this yuestion was put to the people â€" it would divide the attention of â€" the r.lepayers and probably again resuit in the defeat of tme money byâ€"law. Reeve Gross said he would â€" supâ€" port the resolution if it would _ be «mended to read ‘"by coupcil or _ a separate â€" commission. * The movers would not cousest . to the change, and Muyor Habo dgeci¢â€" ed io put the molion to the meelâ€" ing Reeves Mchay and Asmussen vtesented an «mendment that a byâ€" law ‘be subinitted at the next muniâ€" cipal elections giving the ratepayers an opportunity 10 vole ou the quesâ€" tion of whether the street railway be managed _ by the Council or a comâ€" muission The amendment was carâ€" ried on the following Civision: â€"â€" For Against titoss Clement Asmussen Euler McK ay Dunkeâ€"3. x Phetrich $ & Borphold, Martin Schillingâ€"?7 The motion was put and deelated lost on the same divisions reversâ€" Zny plant yeentor ompan y The d RESERVES JUDGMENT. T1 ch honor their ability R n nas, March 16.â€"Judge Colâ€" u1 ndgment toâ€"day in the F Honsinger against the of _ the Kuntz‘ Brewing Waterloo lion . was brought to set ttel mortgage given by J. sim of $1,710. The plainâ€" to invalidate the security 1} n reprosented Honsin MeBude, Waterloo, aps defendants will make known his bona _ fides them by of in; of _ the received h