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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 Mar 1909, p. 9

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News Notesâ€"Mr. ond Mrs. Nelson Cupningham »agd son, Eldon, visived to hefe for a few. days Jast week. â€"Mr. un and Mrs. Aaron Schweitzer, o/ Berlin J« and Mrs. Michael Schwitzer of Heidetâ€" M ‘berg, speot Sundsu at the home . of NC . ‘August . _ Abrens.â€"Miss Gertie M * love _ with her Suaday school C velass enjoyed a sleigh gide to Berâ€" M Mn on Saturday where they were en» tA tertained ~ at the home~ of, Mr. and *‘ (Mrb. John ‘Black.â€"Quite a numter (D @frem hore took in the cntertainment W in Linwood om Friday evening.â€" A of complimentary oyster supper was givâ€" ©C en last Thursday evening in honor oJ to Mr. Hugh McCulloch, who is about . C3 to leave our â€" midst. _ Irs his removâ€" !"‘ a} our village loses one of its . best h‘f’ citizens. > He has carried on a success !! i business _ in the grist n«ll and ::" weoollen [actory for a numltc offL4. ."" wootlen | factory _ for a / number ol .. | years.â€"Mr. Jacob liihys sold is .. handsome (Clyde colt fos lhe bandâ€" Ki some cof $200 to Mr. Christian We .,, ber of Heidelberg.â€"The Ladies ol the ,,,, Methodist church have crganized . & jsf Ladies‘ Aid Society and mel ®! ;p, the home of Mrs. D. W. Elsley last (q Wednesday. â€" Tc membeis will incel 15 once i. month at the difcrent bomts. jp They also intend to hold a sccial iD as the near future. in Married.â€"On March 3rd, Mr. Ervin Strome, of the Northwest, to . Miss Clara Snyder, daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Snyder, of Floradale. On the following Friday the happy voung couple departed for thiir fiture home in the Northwest, accompanied by the best wishes of thir muny frients.â€" Several days previously Mr. John W. Gingrich also lelt for the Northwost, accompanied _ by his brother, _ Mr. Moses W. Gingrich â€"The local . flax mil finished up the season‘s _ work last week. In the choppgig mill, however, they are still busy _ vith chopping ‘and manifacturing Excelsion packing.â€"Mr. Join Schedewitz purâ€" chased a frame building on â€" Churth strget Jrom Mr. Thos. Quickfall, which, be ,will _ have s cneered wit eBher cement oi brick In the spring. â€"Mr.. Norman Schmermoand, | of 15â€" mira, has moved :nto My Pavid Uingerich‘s house, and wili in ibuâ€" ploycd in the Socal saw null.â€"Mussis, Ruggle & Sen are. selllng | winler gabds at roduced priccs in thrir ginâ€" eral stote, to make roum fer spring aW8summer: goods. ~Clover â€"andâ€"timâ€" othy seed arc finc.ng tcady purchasâ€" ers.â€" Rev. Mr. Eifect o will eonduct services in the Lutheran cleuch _ al Linwood on Sunday. We presume the last hockey match and especially the: last: townaship lea gue game was played here last Friâ€" day between Wellesiey anl St. Clemâ€" ents. The game was vory intoresting although one sided, and the orp will most likely have to remain in Web fesiey. The score was hâ€"t in favor of the locals.â€" The three year _ ofd daughter of Ms~ Albert Becker is very glgk at the tim of writng. â€"Mr. Potâ€" eg. Heise, a a farmer about 3 miles from here is very fow with inflammaâ€" tory | rheumatisinâ€"â€" A mecting _ ha: been called for to night _ fo â€" disous? the advisability of bui‘d nz a closed gkating rink. We understand a plan is being prepared _ and the approxiâ€" mate cost wil be gone into. â€" Mr. Waes. Kerr is in Stratford this affer noon. â€"â€" â€" The Misses | MeDonald and Gaetzmever are tusiting: fricids _ in Stratford this afternoen â€"Miss: Maty Wagner spent a ow days in _ Hatfiâ€" burg with her mother who is ill. â€" As hockey wid soon ue a thing of the past would it not 1 advisabl for our juveniles to call aâ€" meefing for the organization of a ~â€" baiel ali elub?â€"Mr. 6d. Schauh is ssibaing from on atiack of pnoumonia _ Death of ip aged Residentâ€" Mrs. Snider, an eld residert of ths comâ€" munity, died on Monday at the bome of her son Sydvey Noider. She had been conlined to her bed for yeats. The funeral teos place on Thursday morning and the remaing were inlerâ€" red in the Mennonite cemetery near Waterico. She was in her 89th yeur. +News Notesâ€"LaGtippe is vers Pie vadent in this l cality. â€"Mis: Moland sr., is suftering from a setere aftack of La Grippeâ€"Mr. J. A_ Dorrant‘s fatnily have been very sick during th: past ten days but are improving. â€" The Misses Ednw Mitchell and Ethel PDaly of Guelpb, have returned 1 me after staving with the former‘s parâ€" ents foria ~shoet time.â€" Mis._Jame MA Mchicbe drask ib uce TD oT cn mrmod for the removal of a tumor &mty 93rd, at her own home and lgetting â€" alofg nicely â€"Mrs. Shertil Of " Mosboro, has ‘teturned home aftc & visit wigh hor family in this plcr Mrs. Jomés Forest is in very den cate health and is staying woth hrr som Rotert at present Mr. Issse Blyth has Feen u doctot‘s care for a 90 > Y SheriT is in very delica U 1. present. â€"Mr. Wellington Sny tle boy is very low with |n ‘MINARD‘S TJNIMEXNT ron sarr HVERYWHERE: K .. * l‘ P I l y *\ .. MAWKESVILLE _ | _ NEW DUNDEE | â€" new #amsure WINTERBOURNE WELLESLEY FLOBADALE Feen under t! e o2 Mrg o tE a Mary Hamfâ€" il1. â€" thing h : y (Aulp n WW 74 SR S KT ENK ?'W. € | 5) * hedrs C DE 41 .“m ® 4 "‘"u tc:f;a‘, m ,.{ ¢ C Py ’; # plern v‘. ts ao it : /4 C339 ] ’fio # > ME NeX ; f wl W > /A mdns\ e big on q on S e l h s otig mivadige w . s l wit * Pebihay w# "wale on i2 "e . *. Pore * * oA * “’5.’",,,- -'mr ® lfl. Page 9. i in s S io .. SRA S a n F s c < t o s l on ed lor lor of jlamilton, was a guest at Mr. and Mroa. J. A. A}c.@,}lflmn‘“s.â€"-.\h; Gorâ€" Con Hallman, Kew Qandee, spent Sunâ€" day t the resideneg ghMr. Hiram Bow ies â€"Mrsl MLa,' Schaeter and b+t]e Miss Larrs Bell, speat a few duine â€" with Aroud® @t Hetlin.â€"cMiss ons pnd i) it can be carried out satâ€" isfactorily wil mean a greal deal to the differentâ€" places along the proposâ€" id route as well as the rural _ dis~ tricts it will pass through. Although AMi. Bugg would give no . guarantee as to th: puild ng of a road to New Diumice he expressed the hope that une would be built here within _ a reasunable time, provided the charter is gianted and the byâ€"Jaw cames in our â€" menicipality. A> resolution _ exâ€" pressing confidence in this great railâ€" way project was passed y the meetâ€" Mr.~ Anisey â€" Schweitzer of: Lexingâ€" ton rao®ed. to our Yillagpe lest week, into _ the Roose be recently bought from Mr. Jsaag Weler. We bid Mr. and â€" Mts. SehWweitzer i hearty welâ€" come to our midst.â€"Mr, Clayton Eby, Waterlco, â€" renewed | acquaintances hete on SutJay.â€"Miss Stric_land Sundayâ€" edagt borâ€"homeâ€" i) Bfl-}l iâ€"Mr. Tayâ€" News Notes.â€"Quite 1 number 1'9’3' News Notesâ€"Miss Annic Simpsom town and vicinity «itended the Woâ€"| of waigon a former teacher in our mpn‘s Institute mecuung held at _‘",m hool is _ renewing acquaintances John Welseli‘s on ‘Tuesday â€" CVCDIUE, poro She is the ‘rne : on guest of Mrs. Ern March 9.â€"Mr. A. Hilvorn was a busiâ€"| ()) ; ,)jy Miss Rabb h »d ness visitor to Berlin on 'l‘lmuluy,â€",l eeurnn y oo uage m oue Mr. P. H. Elmes, Manager of the Miss | Blacklock, of vlurum; to take Dominion Bank here ..as received the charge u.l ber millinery workâ€"room. mansgiship of the Baden bianch ‘of â€"Miss â€" Floreace (ifulmct who spent The Dank aiso, «hnd 12 the I%lluu will the past three wee‘s visiting lrwm}s spend two days in the week ‘here and in town has returned to her home in ihe balance of the 1i in Baden.| ‘ ‘s,al t.â€"Mrs. J. Winn of Waterloo, We wish hint sun.cvss.â€"n%w directors | * ‘," the bome of ber son, Mr. of the Farmers‘ Coâ€"operative Creamâ€" i. T. Winn iast week. â€"Miss Nicbel, ery to., Ltd., paid a ousimess | visit spent last _ Saturday at Beachville, to Baden last week.â€" Mr. Lincoln the guest of _ IRev. and Mrs. C. D. Cassel, who was umm“&« in rumâ€"| Lfaper at the Methodist: Parsonage. mn; a prong of a fork into one . of â€"Mr. and Mrs. _ Durden of â€" Marbor his lcet, is improving nicely. â€"â€" A | Btach, _ Mich., are visiting ;) at iitcting | was ‘Béld in Chipman‘s Hall] tbe bome of mr. and Mrs. D. Beckâ€" on Menday eveging â€" last to discuss j <! â€"Mis. J. Messner and Miss Messâ€" ratlway matters. Mr. N. R. Bugg, | "C visited Bertin friends last . week ons ol the â€" promoters of the *‘Peoâ€"| â€"4r. Jas. Corrie of Stratford spent pie s Ralway" was present and adâ€" Sunday with his sister and daughter dressed the mecting, as also did Mr. | horeâ€"Mr. Morley of Smithville is Kert of New Hamburg. / The scheme] s,ending the week . with his family outiined by the promoters is a good |hereâ€"ihe â€" Woman‘s Institute fately must hi â€"Miss day 1 inond Ow nth d been Ano but Sqhvalm Brut pla dai but it was noticed hy neighbots _ to act in a very strange manner The nceighborhood â€" deem themselves fortimats _ in having destroved _ the dog ereâ€" more serious damage _ was done. + t?A EM Simday.â€" Fae. Micvse: ter a few sout erh s errâ€"â€"Dom‘t â€" forget " the â€" Farmer‘s tch mreting on Monday night, Mar. ath Sulgects to be discussed will > "The Reefics Derived) from | the hoese Factory" by Mr. Geo. Gitâ€" m "IHorses" by Mr. Joseph Ham:â€" ond. "Poultry" by Mr. J. A. Hagg e near IoSSE) s ago a dog w a flock of shor n Reist, 1 day ow which h 4 with 1 EIGHT DEVEI M lan t Hy thâ€" fdiears in Waterioo. â€"MiSS im and o the Misses: Hamel, of in, spent Sunday with the forâ€" pÂ¥roents.â€"Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kep on d â€" family stent Munday iea‘s dn HeideDferg.â€"Mr. and y Gilles ealf d on frieads in sille on S fav â€"â€"Mts Mimie with «fronds ato Hetiin. amd Emoma MeAilister who is Iving cangerously 12. Al‘ce Hastirgs lW‘l on Saturâ€" Brantferd where she has acâ€" a nasifion in a millinery BLOOMINGDALE in d vitten by ain whene ST. JACO3S$ M la1 Reist Mi mos. â€" Niss Liszic: Greaves vrek vis ting her sister | at Mt. and Miss Campbell â€" of ish are visiting _ friends Ciossbill. â€"Miss I indsay Zay visitimg friends on the Wetlectey.â€"Mr. FreS Benâ€" sradise in Listowel.â€"Mrs, ‘s at presceat attemfing het o je Iving: dangerously ill. un l family As in Heidell( Gitles eaif af in Ir onp Mn clays in home agcin mook Cis with at Mt NEAK KOSST TH KILLS y FHEEP. WiI 11 VELOPED RABIES €ROSS HL M eist‘s floc neerssany 18 diseas position nenth V , will he h tromad eher hoddth. dlar Wrlk is witl Render wS vase 6 t Bea th at > dog Tt is not the â€" dog came, y neighbots _ to A VC ol sheep it ha o_ destroy eigh drveloped. hay i chor sester an . ef â€" Wallace, the home _ of Miss Wahl was idrlberg _ over 1. Snider and e returned afâ€" it through the al i1 W orly nnd a y s.ending the week â€" with his famdly here.â€"ihe â€" Woman‘s Institute fately organised here, will hold their first mecting at 4 p.m. Thursday in _ the queen s lotel parlor.â€"Mr. and Mrs. ria Kechtel and son of Berlnm are asittng Mr. and Mrs. D. Becker. â€" Sluss lva Damels, is visiting friends in ‘Poronto.â€"Mrs, Menty â€" Erust _ of vle.cland is the guest of her sister, Aits. _ Jacob Erust.â€"Master Teddy .3 abel, of Galt, is spending | the wee. with relatives in town.â€" Mr. l2 croen of Marpor Beack, Mich., adâ€" iwessed the Young Peoples Society of ihe Baptist Church on Monday evenâ€" tig.â€"Mr. C. J. Fox has moved . in the house Lately pecupied | by _ Miss Cassel, who is shortly to leave out town and tame up hber residence . in tue MWestern | States.â€"Miss Nonahan spent Sutuiday at her home in Brantâ€" foand.â€"Mr. _ Gatl Messner, who lately purchased the Commurcial Hotel, . of i. doen. _ Spabnt took pussession un Monday.â€"Mr. Thomas Wenzel movyâ€" vi c into the hous evacated by | Mr. Motsoch. â€"ir. â€" Woife â€" who purchased the Umbach property in Peel street, woll shortly move into tuwn.â€" Mr. aind Mrs. Werner Lrodvecht sper!. Sunâ€" way with Dr. and Mrs. Ford at Shamâ€" (speare.â€"Miss Seraphine Bruder _ is »siting fricnds in Ritersdate, â€"Mrs. D. W. Banes and childrea of Bloomâ€" Leld N. J., is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Roberi Martin â€" Miss bivtence | Boullee eatertainud the choir cf sheo Evangclical church fast Wedâ€" ce lay eccning.â€"Br. Will Uhelmarn, if ibe Bank of Hamiltom staf, spent rpunuay a â€" bhis: home in Waterioon â€" Mr. bulis, of weriic, was a pusiuess is dit bere: last â€" week. â€"Dr. Percy 4i6, has rctvined to Godprich afte. a stay of several months alt Pomotla Gbvee Bays. ieâ€"The cisacel | guild ef St. Goorge‘s church imet at â€"fae home cf â€" Mis. 3. Werr on Tucsday and prosented Nss Cassel with â€" an ebony 1râ€"sa and mirrer.â€"The W,. A. of St. Georzes courch met at the heme cf Mrs. W. 1. . odsetland o« Tuesday ayd decided to work during the Lenton seison for| Dyrever fosâ€" tital.â€"â€"Rev. and Mis. 4. Pfober atâ€" tended the 50th anniversary of the Stratford Baptist Church on Monday b.chirz. A imecting was Leld in the Bapti:t Church on Tuesday evening to fisoss the Laiality ol remodelimg tie church. â€"The, Girls‘ hockey clutb went to Baden on Friday evening and defeated the Club there. _ Those who composed the team were:â€" Goalkeererâ€"Miss Felina Forier. Pointâ€"Miss Lillic Otto, Coverpointâ€"Miss navra Hamecl. overâ€"Miss Minnic Wicland. Right Wingâ€"Miss Florence Bocker. Loft Wingâ€" Miss Vera Henrich. Centreâ€"Miss Edna Strauch. Mr.â€"Alex. «hn referced the game. and flie The H bn of Heitelcerg, visited his Jobn last Salrrday Moved to Harriston.â€" Mts. D perâ€" moved hethousehold elect Harriston last Tuesday, and wi M the home of mr. aud Mrs. D. Beckâ€" ir.â€"Mis. J. Messner and Miss Messâ€" ner visited Bertin friends |last . week â€"alr. Jas. Corrie of Stratford spent Sunday with his sister and daughter hore.â€"&Mlr. Morley of Smithville is bride 1t H perâ€" moved het household élets _ 10 ofdets for Harriston last Tresday, and â€" will join Oy Feog her husband who has the Principalâ€" Schneider, Mr davgbht o‘ the late rhrrg â€"Itev nurfial knot is Onidesm (â€" 1(00 wended their way to the s lining hall which wis prot decorated â€" with chrysanthemums roses and sat down te a wellâ€" table prepared by the ladies. waiters were the Misses Lydia t/, Elmina Snyder, and _ Aggic sman and Messrs Allen C.ssoll, war Snyder and Ephraim Shantz, David Gordur and Mrâ€" Dilman erâ€" acted _ as usbers.â€" Mr.â€" and Frod â€" Rithager ovisited â€" th.eir btrr. Mis. Hanson, of Stratford Frod â€" Rithager visited _ their trr. Mis. Hanson, of Stratford Iso attended the funcral of the Ars. Chnistisn Hrpel, of Stratâ€" in Tursday â€"Mr. Frod. Thomes Mr. Babb, of~ Milliank, visited friends on S Aay.â€"Mr John BADEN THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT Mrs. D. Har son Mr. Will Detweiler spent a few days in Berlin Tast cweek.â€"Mr. Ira Kinzie and Mr. Noah Bricker spent ‘Trosday in Bersin.â€"Misse: Vera Storl ng ant éna Contad ed Watertoo ind Mosirs Edeon Musselimn and Miton Detweilâ€" er of Berslin spent Serday.at Wa‘nut Grove.â€"Mr. HMuber Hilborn who has been vikiting undet the paroental roof vetwrned to Bronte ‘viccday. â€" (Quit» a niatmber from heve aitonded | a tra meeting "in Stanley strect church, Ayi Monday even‘ng.â€"Messrs, A. C. Becâ€" ker and F,. A. MacDonaldl attcadcd the Temperince Convention in Totâ€" onto last week.â€"Miss Annie Hobner is spending a few days ‘n Galt. Adam Sattler has lately purchased Maple Syruop E#gaporator eom > Grimm _ Mig. Co., Mentreal.â€"Don‘t forget the date of M:. E. J. Shantz‘: sale on Tuesday cext wees (Marel I6th) sale to begin at 12 ‘cloci Mr. Shant? will retive rom farmin, and will devote his time to autiongct ing.â€"Mr. IL N. Huehn has just ore celved a Jarge slipment of â€" fans, clover seecs;‘â€" Pheâ€" prices of clovet seed at presert is not quite so fanc; us the rrevious vear. of Consstego on Tucsday, v third son, NMr. Oliver N. was united in matriage to 1i Hought, late of Berlin merly cf (Henlica, being a of the late â€" John Hought, time a prominent farmer of Hict ever, the w cluded only contractitmg diming room taken of. Mry Carl Eo Ara 1 tanch °0 Ca7" Uponccart DUrg agam . next year.â€"We _ also would like to m] our _ farmers esseciaBy â€" the young | furmets to take 4 ai('pn qterrst " these mcetings and get fopether and organize what is known as a "Barmâ€" ers‘ (Jub" which would be of great besfit _ to them and we hope _ they: will _ suceced.â€"Mr. John Schweite has i¢moaed intu the residence . of Mr. Feick on Queen strect. â€"Mr. and Mrs. J. Heerle, Bamberg, will tas possessio® of the nouse lately occuptâ€" ed by Mr. and Mps. J. Schweitserâ€" We welcome our â€" new residents. â€" Mis. Hermen Haas, Waterloo, visited for sovcral days with bet nother. â€" Miss Li:ie Diebel, Retlia, speat Sunâ€" cay with her parents.â€"Miss Lauretta Weiss has wgain returned to Nerlin to resume . work with the Misses Famsa bach, milliners.â€" Mr. John Schinidt , and daughter, ba s ouk Su:day with rclatives in our_opfs.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Maver, Uppor Woelwich, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sat tier or Sunday.â€"Miss Ida Bracndle, Berlin, was the ghest Of Muss i. cos tler for eeveral days last weck. Mosâ€" sts. J. Vollmat sau W. inaun, at tended the Elmira Fair on Monday. â€"Quite a number of our villagers alterded the sale cf Mr. R. Roid at Bridgeport on ‘Thuisdtay last. â€" M Adam Sattler has lately purchased i Maple Syruop E#gaporator eom > Grimm _ Mig. Co., Mentreal.â€"Don‘t forget the date of M:. E. J. Shantz". sale en Tucsday rext wees (March mmu M ing of â€"the met‘s Institute glet‘s hail onâ€" evening. . The attend@Bce in the aflâ€" ternoun was Aot so large as was anâ€" ticipated. â€" Howéver, a large crowd attended the evenifg session. President Mr. Albert Doering, Crosshill, occuâ€" pied the â€" chgir. Mr. H. N. Hueha was called upon toâ€" give the addres» of welcome, loliowed by a reply. Mr. Grob, of Galt, was then called upon and gave an interest‘ng addrcss _ o1 "The Stairway E- .00 Mr. A.â€" Shantz, seceretir gave his 1g pott of the Instr@tePcaid referred z the mar‘d advan rociely â€" haB made At the e a hearty _ voke ol thanks was t * the chairmap and speakers by .. J. A. Steiss aml A. L. Sbantz © congratulatg th‘s _ Secicty u} I / progressive work anl bope (h;y will not forge‘ to _ call upon: oagf bl‘l’g again _ next year.â€"We â€" also would like to _ see Uur â€" fariners exseciaBy the â€" vams A quiet but pretty welding | trok place at the countty home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ccheifele, ene mile south The ceremony toob place at three e‘cloch pon., te Rev, Pete: Cober tying the nuptial keot. The bride, who looked handseme attited in _ a wedding gown o‘ sil~ was @itencded by Miss Pesil Scheifole, as hridesmaid @Iso in a diess of white sitk, while the proom was ably | supporced | by Mr. Louis Weber, of Bertlin. The cotrizony and congratolations ever, the wedding guests, which _ inâ€" cluded only the near relatives of the contracting farlics, cepaited to . the itining room, where a tepast was parâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Schoruise will take un their residence on h‘s szlendid farm neat Conestogo | immediately, â€" where the best wishes of a hestocf friends Ont sio and â€" Qeabse o wall be c held in â€" the Baptist Ohurch Stratford, Goo4 briday, Ajprih 9, THree hunâ€" drod deterates are expected ty On PROVINCIAT il1 follow th T CONESTOGO WEDDIN ti mony toobk place at â€" three m fle Hev, Pete: Cober nuptial kpot. The bride, d handseme attited in â€" a own o‘ sif> was i.itenced rarl Scheifole, as hridesmail dress of white sitk, while c aras ably supporcedl â€" hy 34 [aitiston Public Sehool t. man, manager of the Ba { the Dominion _ Ban‘, pred oto Berlin Prancn â€" arty to soe Â¥r. Bergman Ing hp a S6ry good busiâ€" ‘s bronch bere â€"Mr. Ph t Berfia, visifed his Ba ed tss the street from s 1 s _ weok â€"Mr. Allen ns( (hee, when bis ersâ€" @rd him ready to take coal and insurance. â€"Born 4 to Mr. and Mrs.= Hy I North Easthope, a son go on Teesday, when their Nr. Oliver R. Scheitele in matrlaze to Miss Laâ€" ROSEVILLE y ; creiry$. gave stilh teProald . re Iv £u > oc -eh hear t * the y s d intz & cor 1("' ropu t they Cwill n catf hlsl‘g ag e m B.Y.P.1 Ferinel expr t Missos Faisa /15 t n Clathâ€"Bro J olhn S('hmldl,’; strapping and mh Sunday with‘ reg. $8.00, salr he society has a hearty _ voke * the chairmap .. J. A. Steiss © congratulate I progressive will not forge‘ plr uterioo | ‘hete an LN VERY POOR CONDLTION m but forâ€" daughter at ons that disâ€" iPigx Nio Smart, stylish, upâ€"to theâ€"minute merchaâ€"dise gthugh%&j prices. . When did you ever hear of a store with ()g(tr'high,cm 64 reputation clcaring all lines without one yard reserved at such= W ridiculous prices. ur ane and only reason â€"â€"â€" we are tegxrijng\ P *#3 from businessâ€" â€" Reap the henefit before we leave, the carlier.the zg better. 4 ige1 ‘te °C B s3 vears Yahlâ€"At Watr Large range ol tiring sale prices Vieunaâ€"~Héack on Crool sâ€"Haclettâ€"in _ Linweod, â€" Feb tita, Clara HMacsett to Eo. Crooks: Hatinâ€"Webetâ€"At Macton, Febs 23nd win. Mabhn to Edna Weber, beth c cacnatlan Scheercrâ€"Jauseâ€"at Sebastapol, Low is Scheerer, to â€" Maty Ani Jause both of South BHastitope. Smitl agrd 2 mos , 14 days Burnardâ€"In Bloomingdale, Feb. _ 26, Leshe Burmard, son of Wmm Brj nard, aged 12 years. Gnodingâ€"At Waterioo. Feb 36th, Mary Aimn Hagwer, wice of Nibort Goodin#, a@ed 58 years, 4 mos., Ond 5 days s albOeschâ€"â€".. 4 Ferlin, â€" March _ 3rd, Rosetta Lomise KatbbfMeisch, _ aged Ladies‘ Cheviotâ€"Brown cmy, self stitched, s vatton trimmed, (cg. 8, sajie $4.58 . Serge Panatmaâ€"Black and navy, pleated [ san anud button triuinmed, reg. $i.50, [ bie, sale . r $3.95 | ... M. Venetiin Broadcloth, Black, nayy brown and green, solf strappeby and buiton trmmed, reg. $7.90 sale $ Kv Scheifeleâ€"NHoughtâ€"â€"Nen Cone March #th, Laura N. Houg Bertin to Clisea Scteifele of rstogo. Murphyâ€"Flatt. â€"At Galt, Mare Patric: â€" Merphr, of â€" Hespel Twer‘s â€"â€"Light oud dark trimmed, reg, $1.25, sale Regular $5.00, sale Regular $7.50, sale t n Clathâ€"Brown and gieen, self strapping and button trimmed, Planbe B. Bran, danghter ef Ni and Mrs. David Bean angâ€"Hamae â€"At Galt, Miach 3rd Notmar. Standey Laing. of Branch tort to Toammia Agnes Gentrude | Had M apie l ndtow Mrs. 10 us trom espital EDTeT 0 Nould Make You Law: «tuelen bacherâ€"Maiti h~At Galt, March Smith, in bis 79th â€"At Blenhim,. brb ie adtc on duob 1st TO SEE THE PHIS ARTICLE REMOvED Retail Furniture®"tore $4 Mis Ni tial f 1. D Fla‘t im â€"Ad the Cinelj h al, Maten Ist. Jas aged 33 years, 1 m 1t Giait, March bth, wife of Valiam Mena S mitl ut hea RY/NS RETIRING SAEE 75, sale Ich 2 «en sn d U uonl davghter til G., B RYAN & CO. itt. â€"At Galt, March NMorpbr, ofâ€" Hespeler M h Mi sselivan, â€" Reftlic . Bran, danghtrr + n 25th, vorth Dal DSATHS £Tht Peai Mu: solman Bub l [ hn Brubacher, â€" danghitter o# M 14. Martin Af â€" Waterloo, M. selfâ€" tniouned Gudl h Pablmer den. March of Mr.oard Wan ~On ofi: Clinten Ni ar MWaterl rubachet , tth. Wiam tyles at neat Conestago, Hought, . of I3th al ith, Nelda button Rememlber onlv 30 days more. »n blor. Won! Ienni Annir $1.8 $2.95 $3.95 $1.15 af Con M1s M Mi of V 30 DEN LOonagr | ie »« y SLASHINC AND PRICE COTTiNG@!â€"â€" Gincri h crd â€"S M You know the exclusive reputation we have dor high class matenals. dere aie some REDUCTIONS Ex Plaly Cloths, linported: Nenetions Btoate oths, Thibet and â€"Cbev Linsorted At prtal. Mande \ixiin Ma est uacchter of Mr. and Martin, of New HNamim years and 28 days 1 lc M tvh m 11 lo s ih Rep o §4 ind \ ert Znc mph thi. hoh Sntings in fancy stripes ind diagenal weaurs, wide walt » . sale proce o eP k) 4.%%, y G] J¥§ i :"J “‘ 4 %” To §@~ UNDELTAKINGâ€"Special attentron to this tine or usin »ss. _ Day Phone. 37; Night Phone.s 6§gy, CC h d 1 sale pric U Lifi Mard L1 Lustres, Cashmeres and . grod assortaent, 50c to \rmures, Seiges, Lustres Jes, 8c fto $1.10; _ rale s h im Beriin Mai n M Mss ©J $ â€" Simpson in I la h M1 M in ve c puce safe price ut longth Dress Goods alman, ort She sjecdsurae 4 ngrich vow Hami prict n HAb, fam U 1} Mai Fetan Furnitu‘e Store 1 ind 28 day ho ita MJ mintg, "Mch r old son of Cie smin ncrad _ Hosâ€" Mar tpe t n, voung Mis. Robt 11 her Mar imuou ted achiman mt Mis Mar h is in bud Afch M h 58c 38c Ki We 83c th 0 | Leaut lud , every on 1 Rezoa The Prantferd Townalin Rosta ow Hovlth is constlerine, C g egretion of a hosviton forâ€" tomenahtp htbmu. The Brantord hosnital it s n Â¥ siffâ€"~ent capacitv and â€" many connty patiants ate {otced to other cities. & Iavse. His HoFn‘ss was in M lv a.) dav. He roetved is ies rnd Caronal Moerry det m dicnces are s s nded. «Anptov n nCCCsCAPR Rop. $11.00, sale pricc ........ $8.50 lieg. $10.00, male price .../......§6.75 lteg. $19.00, sale price ... ..;.. $11.00 \ternoon ond Evening Materialk â€" Suils, i« arnd Wool,â€"~ latest â€" styles, exclusive _ longtbs, fancy l‘hylinfifl' 4 ,; Santov, _ Stripe Yoilés, + Urépt * de Cheue, Stik (tepe de Uhene, " Batin stiipe Gauee, â€" mewet and daintiest shadings. C « e Kez. u0e, sale pet fard .. ... dfe heg. M4c, sale t « : ‘6Be Reg. $1.15, ga« > 8e 28 t Suit sale B8 .:. .‘ $Â¥.06 lirg $10 and $11, salet . â€". $6.50 Kex. 3{3.90, sate 22. $7.80 Jies. $11.00, sale , ...... $8.50 Ber $15.00, sale Lo us $9.50 sate Le th At Embrord.cred Robes, Hand â€" Silk Emb , Voue, $30.00, sale .. $20.00 ah 104 Potne, Mar +t the rer ReF A Teront ept fu 11 rhange We are also _ showing <the imost complâ€"tc and upâ€"tqâ€"date lins ol Baby Cacriages and Goâ€" cairts evet oftéred _ in â€" Berlin, several Ines of which are be ‘n5 sold at Tactory prices. We â€" mahufacture: the â€" goods ue sell and all are guaranteed. hi NaI Â¥or have a hig stock of fih- atiute on hant whith i% bei so‘d ut very dlow prices lz chsh. 00 We o want" to sell thi gouds and you can save money by buying from us. D ul L1 the n* bigh class <9.50, smle pr $10 and 11 Â¥{3.90, sale $1i.00, sale $15.00, sale $19.00, gate Euo nn a~ Mar h 4.â€"Segater Rutc, is sfi e of a eos@Tron toat _ if ige is maile Ty the bonndar eb rosarmce @4 Ontarie, (Queâ€" Naciooba, the interests d d itime . Proodnites shoubd ue ted hy fthe prerervsfi on ta trouwi fer the denebit ef | thit n Pro nces of @t least sait werol richts to be added is patferns, hi MI Nagi PE IMPROVING K tit «4 â€" Dr l‘fl‘ti 889 3 tion of the «Pope _ is that preanfions @t® dor tn frevent / a oreâ€" MLERAL RIGUTS h ih.+â€"In the â€"_police ¢. Fdmond Rristol, Peretto, was fined faojfiug s hace toe m the.sidewalk ~ in e cru Bric ‘A. Arâ€" sented Mr. Lristol, SHOVEL SNOW mt‘ ty cowas in bBd near etved hisâ€" secteta laughable! â€" ® dight to no bave to suid $7.80 $8.50 $9.50 $11.00 $6.35

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