â€"Auction Farm Stock, lnglcmenu' and Household Effects. bob <! jshs. 3 ha Chatham sanmng AtrA® outter, roc hay fork, rope 1; priffeps, 2 sets i The old reliable auctioneer has Te eeived instructions to sell by Pubuic ‘Auction, on Lot 9, con 9, Township of, Wellesley, on Wednesday. March 10th, LIVF STOCK.â€"Span of # ing horses, 3 cows supposcd ealf, 4 heriers rising 3 years « posed to be in call, 3 spring % sows due to pig about Ap 16 Pigs 4 months old and atb plow harness, 2 heavy fogging 2 leading chains. emery grinde: #oPatator, _ Mellot _ crram Shq (rearly new), sink, cermwhar, forks, shovels, hores. neckyokes fletrees and many other aiticl uumerous to mention. No reserve as the proprietor riting from farming TERMS â€"Al sams af %J0 ars old, bav mare sising | f ow F, bay coli nising 3 sears uld. fsing 1 year old. Thoroughbred and Grade Catile Thoroughhred Shorthatn cow due calye in July Thoroughhred S hormn soter duc to calse in tprd d ham coad> cow due to ealto i ip Durbion grade cow due io u2 July, Durham grade cow éne to ca in June, 2 derser cows due dn ca in April. Jersey caw fresp ay fan‘ Iraptement: binder 6 0 fr {neaily Th w drill, Fro (mearlso new ¢ultivator w rake (nearly plow, 2 thre single plows rew, land r box ind sto. IMPLEMENTS, Harris _ Binder in Johnsion mewer, 5 Â¥ator, hay rabe, se! terloo (iief Scpal with cods and oev grain _ cheppcer, he\ terloo (ref Separator, hot with cods and everything t grain _ chepper, hevel Juck, Sge w and | frame complete mill, chaff sifter, | bag car box, hay fork with rope ul complete, platfs m se + eapacity, _ heavs moop Trucks, carriawe. bsoip 6t o9 fulo robes, : o4 plow, set ire i f hay rack, e doutl | ko ess, 0. + half | bushel imeasure, :o j vels, 2 sugar keities, lb 00. logging | chains, 6 cow chu: chains, work bench, Wagon fac stont, quantity ofâ€" Seantling Jamber, 20 gtain cradles, 2 There will be sold hy tion on the farm of the Lot No. 8. 2 mitles sou quarter mile west of S 4 miles now‘h of Witel back road ‘eads ~ 1om Stâ€"Jacobs ~; Wardrobe, bure tables, 2 centte stead, box . st stand, 12 chai arm choits. sin Nect is of Woltes‘ov. TELg s of rec] on way oi sale. No reserve as the farm TERMS OF _ CHLATTE straw, fowi ard all sun. under, cash:; erer that montis epedit on o gp potes or 5 a e ' commencing at 1 ~‘cl. be {oilowing valuabl; Jorsesâ€"Bay matre 1 lfl brood mare 1 i perty, vi chil j0= mer ber, 3 heifets due thoroughbred Di yeats old, heifer c vels, he su a q« JUH S let Thursday, March o Farm Stock and Implements SEBH BATvV i\ SHANTZ Blio< A. L. SHANTZ, iDill en‘ un HL.AL HOUSEHOLD old A s box _ stove, cuokir 420 12 chairs, rocking c cheirs, sigk, 2 henche class earpet. pails, child ‘= char, ctocks, disï¬s ether articles too tun ash; ever t 4 per of eres Auction Sale Auction Sale VI irly new ) threeâ€"tury H TNRELSERV ED e following rope 125 | with W CTATT there {6 en TTain â€" cradl «rag saws akes, ditco on old four C sink, ernwhat, sledge hors. neckiokes, whif YAs OF iu, glass cupt tables, Joung EFFECT lra ELC.â€" _ Massey goud. couditiun pring tooth culti bub sleighs, Wa south Sb line. _ on 1 Watetlon fogging cha grinder, cre un pJ andy long and tith 1909 Public â€" Aue under signed ho amdl one | ©J0 and ur a it * n} la April aboiul 1d rralor sledge ootl hay ITT 0 w p .n mull, «get, tner, Join barâ€" with 1E 1 wl ot val I° am tor 6 Rr Or to Where chios 11 in CATYTLE to calve in be in culd 2 heifers 1 bufJ calf, pl nol Seed Grain For Sale 1 supp CHAHIR:TIAX . HoT] $LBERT .). MHCKTS ED. KACEMAN, Clerk Wood drtll. 'Y‘tm u thion on 1he lot No. 1, . Wellesley, c betg and 3 Clements, u W MISS Te s rnd Or Farm Stock and implements 1MI NC Auction Sale Friday, Sa‘urday, March 6th, 1909 Auction Sale to Ontario Sr d M LEMENT HOUSEHOLD GDOODS See Page 4 For Additional Auction Sale Advertisements latd a d LÂ¥ BEA ZELLIER MICKES. \Ame‘in MUS EVC bunder Chickens and EIOLD EPB 11 F1 id t Hol.b Id W P Appl PAMT 1 heiters, year old, nuroughbre ill be sold by Public Aucâ€" farm of the undersigned, wn. 3, in the Township of ueâ€"half mile c miles southw Manch be March 12th, i 1 o‘clock pm., sharp, â€" vadueble property, viz â€"SJay deam rising 4 and black mare 7 vyears old He b weighing o weighing woerghing ick (FHaki‘s imake {nearly new), fruc id coarriage, buggy, Ibs., mower with igh, â€" wood â€" rack, @bder. scrapers oere Frost o Wos | cultivator, 3 Sylvester er, aren harr Y ainkee plow 0) B ing. h1 O 1d amounts. ROTH, Propric t1 $ 23. 008 lepes B.â€"MITCHEELI 95. n pl Wucter hy Pubhc 1 the undet sitors in igs banks 553. and aPr PPbeved for cash M , 3 cows due supposed _ to 1 ad 14 P1 « »pia a U hi achy Id, nch t M Im con:bined flat 1d ToSt «& mower. 1t 1B Frost Hartis Nil BHea Ont h Ont Ont TC old alves Bud Pay bl tor I+ LUH t t O" _ amounts the, 1. W. KINZIE, Prop | AAMES MeBONALD coit §[1 hay l tb Ihs t 1 & St 1P tb 1d 11 y lras {ter bnokinys sleigh b ed surne liftrr h h 1] reats old weht about i ff0 chestnut mare 4 vears old ( driver, weight about 12300 |) well known staliion Square also becoficted for sale. Th There will be sold by Public Aucâ€" tron on the farm of the undersigned, one mile east of Berlin, on the road leading to Brestau, on commencing al 1 o‘clock pm. the tollowing valtable property HorSesâ€"Wel) matebed black © 1 and 3 years uad. got hy 0( Performer (would: make a good Team}, coach hotse 3 years old, horse 2 years old, chestiit ng veats old wewht about $ 190 p vommencing at 1 o‘cle«r i. M. the following valuable property, viz.: Horsesâ€"Horse rising 4 years â€" old, horse rising 9 yrars old, aged horse Cattleâ€"Cow due to calve by â€" time of sale, cow due to calve about end of March, 2 cows not in calf, 7 good shvep, sow, abo collie dog. Imptementsâ€"M er, hay rack, © plow (rearly on There will be sold by Public Aucâ€" tion in the farm of the undersigned, Lot 6, Concession 1, Eastern section, in the Township of Wellesley, @4 of a mile south of Bamberg and 4 imiles cast of Wellesley, on wagon, stock iack (courly new), set douhle hurness, set buggy _ haruess, set plow harness. whifletrees, _ neck yokes, shovels, forks, _ 20 ft. ladder (nearly new), 12 fi. laddet, a quanâ€" tity of oats, hay and barley, about 7 bushel potatoes, 2 cooking stoves, box stove, table, churn, 8 â€" kitchen chairs, beuch, sink, wash sink, cupâ€" board, wood chest, crocks, jars, 40 gallons vinegat and hbatrrel, 15 gallons vinegar and barrel 2 11 ft. gates (nearly new); and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMSâ€"Hav, oats, barley, chickâ€" ons and all sums of ten dollars and ander cash, over that amount 10 months‘ credit on approved _ joint antrs or 4 percent. off for cash payâ€" u.. s of credit amounts. j REAL ESTATE. At the same time and place â€" the larim of the undersigned, being comâ€" posed as aforesaid, will be offered for sale if not previously sold. This farm vonsists of 50 acres more or less of which 16 acres are under a good state of cultivation, 4 acres cedar and fine bush. _ All fall plowing | is _ done. (n the farm is a good bank _ barn, zood frame house with woodshed atâ€" bush. _ All fall plowing | is _ done. (Un the farm is a good bank _ barn, zood frame house with woodsbed atâ€" tached, and aâ€"good supply of water. Turms of real estate will be made known at time of sale. MBRS, J. EBERLIN, Executrix. AJOHN 8. MEYER, Administrator. A. .J. MICKUS, Auctioncer, PETER SCHUMMER, Clerk. Auction Sale â€"â€"Ofâ€" Real Estate, Farm Stock and Implements pJ ap) vagon with Farm Stock and Implements PP Tuesday, March 9th, 1909 (1} Tuesday, March 9th, Auction Sale mMHXC iw o cutu sow, about 50 chickens _ and oflered . f ed Inmse ofl ha: [¢ D Byt @Ul 0w Ik n dat HT â€"â€"0[â€" 1 which wl Phese hors If 1+ pl xwell binder, mowâ€" = stor, seed drill, w ,, seuffler â€" {nearly s, root pulper, new; arly new), fanning twoâ€"seated carriage, cwter, . oneâ€"horse K (neurly new), sct h Heders vâ€"heif hme of sale | (has callons â€" milk _ prs ialve in September, Novembet, Jersey n Apuil, Gnernsey in â€" March, fiesh ud al193 d 1 {1 Ba l nare | 3 [100 _ pounds, auld (good erts U ale Mi a) h F d i pm. sharp, wperty. viz. ack °. teaim, by _ Gueliph good hearse s uld, coach p ing) 14 8 â€" kitchen sink, cupâ€" jars, 40 APp s). _ The Deal wil is horse t h to calve alye c an Ning 9 ak M h bimbe sléigt ned M 17 0W n1 rl | c well Jnare Rock â€" Auoy ether borse ©a4p bex nths well em op DWs 1i P 11 h ' CATTLE, â€" ETCâ€"Sborthorn _ cow ’wnh good pedigrec due to calve at time of sale, â€" thuroughbred _ Shortâ€" Photn heifer _ due to calve in April, ?gmdv cow due to calve March 13th, 2 | cows due to calve end of March, cow due to calve in April, heifer 2 3_\«'.:1‘5 old in call, heifer 1 year old, 2 suws supposed to be in pig, 14 pigs 3 months old, _ 10 chickens. | IMPLEMENTS, ETC.â€"MeCormick { binder with sheaf earrier, Masseyâ€"Harâ€" (HS _ mower 5 t eut, â€" Massevâ€"Harris There will tlon on ihe Staufier, 2 f in road Tea 1IS â€" mower 5 ‘t cut, _ Masseyâ€"Harris Spring tooth emitcator with seed bux, seed drill wiu. grass seeder, iton harâ€" row, 2â€"furrow gang plow, single pliw, wagon with box, bobsleigh with box nearly new), top buggy (neatly new) carriage, hay rack, pig rack, 3 wood rac‘s (one 44 feet wide for sleigh) 10 homepower with equal irons,about 74 feet of rads and conplings, â€" straw cutter, roler, chopoing mill, threshâ€" ing machine with 32 in cylinder and 1\ _ in. body, Claton â€" fanting mill, Wilson scale, Capacity 3000 lbs. ({nearâ€" ly new), emery grindstone, stone boat, stimifstonc, quantity of hricks, logâ€" ging chains, stump‘ pulfing outft, 3 crowbars, cradle, set heyy team harâ€" ress {nealrly new}. set old team harâ€" ef comn stulks, qu.uAnn)' of corn ensiâ€" lege, about 18 bushels turnips, about 20 bushcis mangles, quantity of potaâ€" toes, including Early Rose, Ruler New York and Pink Elephants, barrel of s it and oneâ€"hali bushel clover and umetiy seed. ging chains, stump‘ pulfing outft, 3 crowbars, cradle, set heyy team harâ€" ness ({nearly new}, set old team harâ€" ness, pait of Scotch wollars, string large old fashioned bells, whiffet rees, neckyokes, hay fork about 100 cerar Posts® about 25 correr posts good cooking stove @good baker}, kette furâ€" m.ce, _ wash machine. ol fashioned s inring wheel and many other arti~ cles too numerous to mention, . Alâ€" s ahout 34 cords of dry soft wood, corn silo 11 ft. dMiameter and 16 ft. hish. \pril commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m., sh the following | valsable property, HORSESâ€"Sorrel mare H years in _ foal, brown mare rising 3 y uld good _ driver, broke single uld good _ driver, broke double, brown â€" marer vld broke double (these matched); aged mare. There will te sold by Public Aucâ€" Non un the farm of the uudersigned, lot No. 8, nortb half, in the Township of, Wilmot, 3$ miles north of St. Agaâ€" tha, 4 mile south of Josephsburg, on the road lcading from St. Agatha to Josephsburg in through Mrs Jus. Kaiser‘s bush, on eminunciog ay Hon Id, 3 GRAIN, ETC.â€"Quantity Sheflield tindard seed . oats, quantity _ good ees barley, quantity of hay, quantity 600 chicke ced Lanus eghen ns Impleme h. Wisn Thursday, March 18th, 18209 Sherpâ€" lc in id Shri At 11 OoF Farm Stock and Implements uTe Thursday, Marca 11th, Farm Stock and Implements imenctog at 1 o‘clock p.m. sharp, following valuable property, viz., lorsesâ€"Bav elyde mare 8 _ years . bay matr 10 years uld supposed be in foal by a percheron borse, â€"Ulydo mare 46 years old, bay ie 12 years old got by Highland 1y in foal by Highland Chief; bay se i veats old, bay golt rising 2 In Auction Sale Shrop chicker Lanus Lheâ€"t ng 1e ho ue a l"‘;\r\\ }d Auction Sale P28 atoo % Slvopsi lamb. 4 il1 be sold by public he premises of Mr. }omiles west of Dov leading to Berlin on 1. h â€" seed di Sy vester 4 ewoe lambs, > shecrling ram Barred â€" Rocks, . 3 pure bred p h M old alf kn 1 row fresh nc 100. ] ide montl piu Img» pale TisSIng 1 ycats broke single _ and are nising 3 yeurs these two are well alfl N. d Mar sp mall calyes his old. bro ® p.m., sharp property, viz ne neal i benches Steolvards i I1 , 1009. Page 14. y( sup 0 ealve valth aucâ€" Noah On harp hat appt boat | year old sows\ready to br 2 :\hs old, _7 GBO. M. SMITH ill SHEEP.â€"8 _ registered _ Costswold ewes _ in lamb, 5 ewe lambs, ram lamb commencing it 12.30 p.m. o‘clock, the folflowing valuable property, viz: HORSESâ€"Coach horse 8 years brown gld., matched team 5 and years cowch type, bay mare 6 . years Ulyde, Bay gld. 8 years, Clyde; | bay mate Tising 3 yeats catrriage; bay gld, rising 3 years sited by. Self Estcem, bay gid rising 3 ybars sired hy Mcâ€" Arov, Hackney colt rising 1 year sit cd by Coroncdo, carriage colt iising 1 year sired by Highland Chicf, black mare _ rising 3 years sired by Calaâ€" domia Chicf, hackney mare rising _5 years. 4 CATTLEâ€"Shorthorn bull rising 2 peats with pedigtee, iresh cow, 5 grade â€" Durham cows in calf, Jersey enw in calf, 2 heifers 1 year old, 2 Poled Angus sterrs J years old, 5 steer calves, 2 heifer calws, 3 calves i weeks old, 2 fat heifers, if not preâ€" viously sold. There will the premises lot 27, con 3 commencing at 12.20 P.M. sharp, the following valuable property, viz‘ There will be sold by public â€" aucâ€" tion on the farm of the undersigned, lut 99, Township of Waterloo, 1 mile north of New Germany, on main toad leading to Weiscuberg on Horsesâ€"General purpose mare, _ in i0al, 14 years old black _ carmage team rmsing 6 and 7 years old, 1 beayy bay team rising 5 years old, 1 percheron colt rising 3 years old, 2 perchcron colts, weli matched | risâ€" ing 3 years old, 3 percherou _ colts rising 2 years old. Cattle, ¢tcâ€"8 good dairy cows â€" fresh cow, cow due to calve in April, cow due to calye beginning of | May, 2 cows due to calve latter part . of May, cow due to calve in â€" October, Durhaim bull with pedigree, 3 . years uld, 2 heiters supposed to be in calf rising 4 years old, 9 butcher cattle $ yrars old, 15 head of young cattle, 2 years old, 13 spring calves, 6 ewes supposed to be in lamb, Leicester ram Pigs, eteâ€"Brood sow supposed to pig in April, 3 brood sows supposed to pig in May, 32 sheats 5 months old, 12 shoats 3 mouths old, 20 young pigs 1 weeks old. Implements, etes â€" _ Masseyâ€"Harms binder, 7 it cut with sheave carriet \ditâ€" amonnts IONAH S BJ MLEX. AMES EOA TILT T 1t] YORKSHIRE Farm Stock and Implements or Farm Stock and Implements Tuesday, March 9th, 1909 Wednesday, March 17, 1909 RMS id t 1 Auction Sale Auction Sale ind posts id Efiect vinega m chan lenitubal MIS,â€" Auctioneet PILT. Clerk £10 and Auctionce BAER he offered for sale ot the undersigned, Township of Wilmet . &Faon lumoet . breu ko H dowr al ( m hing OF of pit anlihy en cfive . ho pavin bat ds metczcccen| Ihete will werlges, heayy ) thion on fhe laddor, log@ing lot 23, Con gDadn â€" bags, Homburic an . forks, rakes, Plattsyille, . pine and hand i2 000 i P at m PopH pg racht al Td h nt IFY n h latch ihnck th pp adh Oil on on rhlliy a ©1), landroller, 2 gang | wle plews, set hartrows Windsor dise, hoe drill. PIGS, q posed to h { _ HMousehold â€" EBectsâ€" New kiteher vabinet, 2 sinks, cupboard, 2 Iounges bedroom set, 2 heds, 3 bed Spiings and maltresses, _ a Jnof aof blankets, pillows and other bedding. 3 _ wand robes, bureau, kitchen stove, box stove, parlor stove, 2 tables, anume tber of vhairs, large coaloil can, churn, butter worker, tin boiler, Tu0 frurt sealers, 30 crocks, a quantity of frui and apple hbuttcr, milk cans, lat e lard can, wash tubs, 2 meat tubs, rvlock, d‘shes, cooking utensils and many other houschoid articles tou numetous to metten. No resorve as the proprictor is reâ€" tLiring Jrom farming. TERMSâ€"Fat stock, chickens, grain bay and all sums of $£10 and under , cash: over. that amount 10 months‘ Ceredit on approved joint notes, or 5 I per cent. per antum off for cash payâ€" I ment of credit amounts, 8 bo JAK.on MPPCHEALL, Proprietor. | sityxt? Hos! Auctinncers. | suexso nEevsisyt. oneg s Wednesday, March 10th, 1909 th Moil j The above implements and « lull’i(-ll's are nearly al new as owner of same has been on the ‘nul_\ two vears, and bought _ al | everything new. i Seed, Grain and Seed Potato« 14 Jarge | quantity of seed ghain !xm'd potatocs as. folidies Can: | Beauty and Brittany peas; St | King, Dodds White, Cluster, Bu [Kirag, Emperor Walliamn and Nat oats, Silver King, Reads â€" Trin Manchuria barley and Beardless ’!l')l mixed grain ready _ fei including cight varly and | six varictics of choice new seed: pota a (qUantity of clover seed and has IMPLEMENT Or Farm Stock and Implements There will be sold by on the farm of James 1wo and oneâ€"hall miles Waterloo. on The farm, if not previou will be offered for sale at 12 before the sale of other commences. For description fatm see page 8. Pigs and Chickensâ€"Seven fat pigs and about 30 chickens. Implements, _ etc. â€" Massesâ€"Harris binder, seven fout cut, with _ arnier; Masseyâ€"Harrtis mower, 5. foul cut; Masseyâ€"Harris hay loader, Deering hbay rake, Masseyâ€"Harris steel frame land rolicr, Masseyâ€"Marris three horse spring tooth cultivator, Masseyâ€"Harâ€" tis three horse disc; Masseyâ€"Hairis liveâ€"section iron harrow; two »Masscyâ€" Ifarris Verity plows; one Imperial twoâ€"furrow plow; Masseyâ€"Harris seutâ€" Ner, Masseyâ€"Harris dise drill with 13 discs, onefurrow plow; 2 Bain lumâ€" wer wagons, 2 Bain hay _ and stock racks combined; Bair‘ wagon _ box with shelvings, Bain bob sleigh, bob sleigh, bugey, _ twoâ€"seated carriage, entter (ncarly new), set of new Chaâ€" tham â€" scales (capacity 2000 * lbs), Chatham fanning mill with bagger, wheel barrow (nearly new), hay fork and rope (nearly new), hay _ knives, s(tring of belfs, 3 sets double harâ€" u‘ss (two nearly new with biass fitâ€" tings and Scotch collats}, 2 _ sets plow harness (1 nearly new), single harness, number of collars, _ 3 pair horse blankets, 2 bulfalo robes, 3 dusâ€" ters, horse net, 2 sets gravel planks, forks, shovels, hocs, chains, doubleâ€" trees, necks / . seythe, _ crosscut saw, cthowb. sione haminer, | pick, axes, stoneboat ({nearly Bew), â€" about sIx dozen new grain bags and several. dozen sacks, gundstonc, copper kette, and many other articles too numerâ€" ous to menton lolowing valuable property , Vvi'l..: following paluable property, viz.; The fhl;ln, if not previously sold Horsesâ€"Bay general purpose â€" team, well matched, cight years old; bay brood mare supposed to be in foal, live years old (a good drivcr); bay brood mare supposed to be in foal (good driver) rmising eight years old dark sorrel borse rising eight | years old, weight about 1700 lbs, _ black horse tising 11 years old, weicht about 1450 lbs. Cattlcâ€"Fat cow, fat yearling _ and twoâ€"yearâ€"old heifer, supposed to be in call. HORSI mamencit OF Farm Stock and !=;lements Thursday, March 18th, 1909 ATTLE, ETC.â€" Septembet 8t 9 rwo due Auction Sale Auction Sale N be ied horse 1107 d lor sale at 12. o‘clock ale of other property For description of the pang o due c to calve o April uTe ETC.â€"Mower, ; ng tooth with seed gang plows, 2 sin m td hlk t 1d of seed grain and hy the »ul sows . sup DMgS 4 month h outh of nerthwi due to calye calve March Maich 18ta, h, cow calvâ€" public auction B. Mitchell, northwest _ of h P Puhic muler d.opotatou and hay. iL _ kitehen 2 TJounges, d springs f blankets, 2 wandâ€" Â¥C, box US,. a numâ€" @an, churn, 100 _ friat ity of fruit Â¥iÂ¥, Y 1d. ma o ind Canadian Storm â€" Bumper National Triumph, almost other ~ the \fatm tat ge tubs, and too Auk TJY tif bar ced lat: 80 a y jpfanning nall, pair wagon scales, 2000 |Ips _ capacity, bag truck, 2 wagons, | steigh, _2 cutters, â€" buggy, scuMer, Cirindatone, wheelbarrow, root pulper, hay ruke, dowble box, gravel box, iron kette, stedge, ctossâ€"eut saw, logging chains, crowbar, hay knife, sugar beet fork, extension Jadder, 2 milk â€" cane, grain _ cradle, seythe, 2 sets double harness, set plow harness, set single battel, lounge. TERMS.â€"Hav, grain chickens roots fat cows and all sums of $10 and unâ€" der, cash, over that amount # months‘ credit on approved joint netes ot 5 per cent per annum off for cash payâ€" ments of credit amounts pertatt HOT Cupho tohle. Us TERMSâ€"Hav, grajm, chickens â€" and pigs, cash. All sums of $10 and unâ€" dor cash; over that amount 9 months ctedit upon approved security, ot 4 pet ceniâ€" per annum off for cash Everything will be sold without reâ€" sorve as the â€" proprictor is _ retiring from farming. | Auctioneet‘s _ decision tinal in all disputes. HENRY N. ROHR. Proprictot. wiln mat ’)m:a:t~, 1 erowbars, 1 draining spade, stone hammer. Chatham _ incubator and brooder, 2 bay knives, grain craâ€" dle, 10 ft. 1 in. belting, 2 seythos, work benuch, 2 wheel barrows, 8 set double trees, heavy logging _ chain, step ladder, 1 ten L. ensilage carrier, scalding trough, 1 butcher {able, iton kettle, crosscut saw, .2 large chop hoxes, 3( grain bags, bag~ holder, 62 lbs hinder twine, about 1 . bus. clover seed, set horse blankets, hotse rabe. 4 scaop shovels, sugar bect fork, 1 bushe)l bov. National cream separâ€" ator, 3 milk cans, 1 meat grindetr, 1 sausage stufer, meat tub, churn, milk parls, 3 barrels erder, 1. new cider bartel, about 12 to 15 tons of hay, about 150 hushel mixed grain, . oats and hiack harley for seed, 1 jiron sledge, 1 cant hook, _ forks, shovels, ncckvokes. batrels and numetous othâ€" about 150 hushel mixed grain and hiack harley for seed, f sledge, 1 cant hbook, â€" forks, . neckyokes, barrels and numeto er articles Houschold Efieetsâ€"1 large stove, I box stove, 2 cupho; cabbage cutter, 1 curd knife, tnb, 2 rocking chairs. 1 bedste matress and springs, 23 wood 1 contre tabie, 1 wash â€" mach commencing at 10 o‘clock a. m. shasp; the following valumble property, viz.: Horsesâ€"2 heavy mare: 10 years old in â€" fosl, 10â€" well matehei team t and 1 years old, 1 buy team (well matched), rising‘ 8 years old, weighâ€" 2700, 1 mare driver bred by American Lmud, rising 9 years old. Cattle, etc.â€"4 fresh cows, 2. cows due to calve about sale, 7 cows supâ€" posed to be in calf, 4 roan Shorthorm cows with pedigree, 1 dark red bull 2 years. old with pedigree, 1 red bull 9 months old with pedigree, 1 thorâ€" oughbred bull call 2 months old with pedigree, 1 grade bulf calfâ€"risingâ€" 4 year old, 3 calves rising 1 year old, 8 butcher caltle weighing 800 to 900 los, 1 thoroughbred Berkshire _ sow with 8 pigs 6 weeks old, 1 Berkâ€" shire sow due to pig last _ week .in March, 1 Tamworth sow in pig, 5 pigs three months old, 60 hens. 1mplementsy ete.â€"1 > Masseyâ€"Harris binder, 7 foot cut, with sheal cartiet and truck, Masseyâ€"Harris 6 ft. mower, Masscyâ€"Harris hay loader, _ Masseyâ€" Harris _ sideâ€"delivery Rake, Masseyâ€" Harris hay tedder, Masseyâ€"Hartis 10 ft. hay rake, Masseyâ€"Harris cutting box with 26 ft. piping, Masseyâ€"Harâ€" ris 15 sboe drill, Masseyâ€"Harris _ reâ€" versible disc, Masseyâ€"Harris 2 horse cultivator with _ grain and _ grass ’sved(-r, Masseyâ€"Harris _ cultivator, Masseyâ€"Harris _ two. furrow _ riding plow, Masseyâ€"llarris root pulper, 3 ‘three furrow gang plows, 1 . sugat beet plow, 3 No. 21 Ayr plows, 1 four section harrow, 1 three section harrow, land roller, 1 weeder (new), I turnip scuffler, sugar beet scuffier, turnip sower, / snow plow, . manure scraper, manure sleigh, 1 two inch tire wagon (good as new) with shelHf box, 1 three and one half inch iron truck wagon, 1 low three inch truck wagon with box and stock rack comâ€" bined, 1 bobsleigh (new with â€" shelf hox}, 1 bobsleigh, 1 Chatham fanning mill with bagger, 1 stock scale (4000 lbs. capacity), 3 hayracks, 1 bagtruck, 1 wagon jack, 1 buggy jack, 3 sets wgravel plauks, 1 turnip shoot, cattle shoot. sadder, rubber _ tired _ buggy (good as new), 1 low buggy, 1 cutâ€" tor, 1 sickle grinder, 1 grindstone, 1 horse clipper, 2 hand clipper, _ set single buggy harness, gold _ plated, good as new, set single harness,; 2 sets ifgubic harness, [ set plow harnegs, 1.osctâ€" heavy â€"single harness <â€" with hames, 1 erowbars, 1 draining spade, stone hammer. Chatham _ incubator and brooder, 2 bay knives, grain craâ€" dle, 10 f1. 1 in. belting, 2 seythos, Wednesday, March 17th, 1909 Ti tion Roa uaile Farm Stock and Implements 3041 SEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC, â€"â€" ard, â€" Mureau, 12 chairs, bench, cooking stove, box staove, wash ewing machine, meat tub, cidet ALEX FRASER GEoRGE BEAX NY N. ROHR, Propriector FRASER, Auctioneer. & E. KATZENMEIER, Cleck. ( re will be soldâ€"by Public Aucâ€" ... the pre Lot 20, Bleam‘s north, Tmt. one _ hall ast of New Hamburg, on chold Efiectsâ€"1 large cooking 1 box stove, 2 cupboards, 1 e cutter, 1 curd knife, 1 small rocking chairs. 1 bedstead with s and springs, 2 wood boxes, e tabie, 1 wash _ machine and r, some crocks, 9 vyards home arpet and carpet rags. LUNUH AT NODN t bushcls eats, 30 bushels batâ€" maniity of turnips and Manâ€" 6 tons hay and a quantity of Auction Sale , forks and many oth numetrous to mention \ eats, 30 bushets batâ€" Auctfoncer Proprietor