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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 Mar 1909, p. 11

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“‘JJ‘"“"K"-'I‘M"L’ has dreen 0 disio fally ‘Axecut6d, tlie five toownships ho s -lgghuwn cofors guvh in addrmiot Wign of the churches. schoul R afhees is @istimctiv shown P@WNishers nre The Map _ Puh 1 cs, «Canada Permanent Build jng, Fotonfo / Price $2.00 jor con A néew onup of Wate beety.., issued. | 11 is atea by FoW® | feet in size. <h und concessionis . with 11 in wé@tionm 16 the #ceent vel@preem which has tal The authortics ld‘fl"w to tak ot bet rwithess s o «m]lu'qq. Thecremoval of t to, Toronto nestssan er@up in the inques! minules vectived Ruftnc across the Hickey‘s residen bair loosenod ar cited. The stran that whon : Stone says that w «whing west on Eferku afternoon ol the ruw Hamilton. aspect Iris | murder| mys Ntone, a s who was di day. Another Peculiar Aspect in ('ol?nection With the Kinâ€" ade Murder Mystery. Motorman Saw Hatless Young Woman DORENWEND Co.2 TORONTO. LT"D Yorur Sy. mpwâ€" Remember one Day Only | â€" for Genthemen who are Bald i tion Securely advastud. Comb sn brush them just ns your on Jiola Absolutcly indetectable. They pro t.ol.fi\ou from Colds, Catiurh, Ner Palgl® ctc., and will make von on ck ten tl"“" youager. Over ue our Toupses are now in ::sc. D®n‘t fxil to see then:. Wo MAP OF WiATERLON We give you H fatisfaction as you sstablishmen t â€". when Stom while Dorenwen_plfs Patent Toupee business. â€" D: Day Pho LoE UNDERTAKING rushed dn The Simpson |â€" pa ' Duming this visit we will be showirg the very latest Perisian l and New Â¥ork styles. acd you are particularly invited to in epect and try on any of these vreatione. you the same choree selection ani will be at WALPEI HROUSE BERL!IN. on > the qreatest Hair Goods Artis comiry with 11 FJOML N C}F Saturday, Mar. 6th PPB"F. DORFNWEND HAIR GOODS wonld get Retail Furniture Store d id hu of TORONTO P Bb ) + 82s c smae: 4 himar® Wnn Furnrtiture Store p N h o iny of(heseg swiTrcuEks POMPADoOURS selection and CLUCSTER CURLS onr ‘Toronto CJnrnoNxET BRAiDS TRANSFORMATIONA WAXES, WIGS. Eu. Special attention to this line. of â€" 37. Night PBonc. 633, €ago. _ in ConfUnetion with th «ore Thomas Orchestra of that 17 tit 11 MENDELSSOHN CHOIR ; GOES TO CHICAGO â€" ORGANIZED NEW _ A TIMELY SOMPARISoN STOCK COMPANY.____ _~© asterpiece of Screntific Hair Cons truc [‘t noor hk We lue a big stock of turâ€" niture on hand which is being Sold at very low prices â€" for vash. We want to scll the goods and you can save money by buying from us. nusl itts a We an 1 al t l o also showiyg â€" the mplete: and upâ€"toâ€"date it h Me T1 ©xp M 18 1 ef the pres ut rmoent was is roefivet that a d wC m Al ch Hi i prick ZLube; and M pjodnt A iF t ha pjecdt I pedilo: ty ver the 1t C F1 lin be 1b 1 Civil \dn The session, . howe supplementary mobths imiy | extimales â€" for months. Muth nt th Ortario Legislature Wili Close / Ffinancial Year on Octâ€" > ober 3ist. a labhle of berneon Estimates ror _ LMQUOR CaSE TEN MONTHS WAS DISMISSED Hems, Trunk sewer, J Inet. cost §$511.80. Cameron, Troy to Weber Troy. Trunk sewer, Canu tert s eosi $ISIS Mb C York, Krag to Canteron. Edward, Lonisa to Wilh feet, cost $626 36. Average cost per fout €] \ierage cost perâ€" fout (e ntemsect in Totab as Cost per east John, Queen to David, 279 feet cost $208.59. King, Pandota to Stirling, 573 feet cost $1588.231. Pandora, King to Elg®, 415 frod W Follow ing Weltington, _ Charom to _ Matetio« alt fert, cost £595.39, Breifhaupt, Waterloo to Weber, 191 teet, cost $11321.45, Cameron, King to S. cud St., 54 Ivet, <cost $401.35. ~ Weber Trunk sewer, Cameron, | 23 ivet, cost $247.51. Chestnut, Frederick northerly, 36 feet, coust 382.40, Locust, Frederick northerly, Freder ick, Lydia to Locust, 522 féet, | cos $616.14. Uing Nar th OF Interesting Facts and ‘Figures Prosented to the Sewor Commissigh Motice Given of B Ir t l1 the O nrons 203 OO t current expenditur 17 it . the Teown Engineer W nted his second a Oi.1 ill al alu by t1 fin s oestimates of rich impossitfle ten months, i _ simeunt 1 e main â€" esti d do £7,501, penditure for stimates from the 31 nex! F o the fotowing statement skews , the length and cost in cowith the workâ€" ons, M7, ssessable fr« rodoot front. Betore wever, ib il mber N Regarding the Plant and its Manage mont During the Year 1908 181 second anfual report al r meeting of the Sewerage on Tuesday evemiug, which t 11 estimates for 11 1,501,823.67, and i + for that vear 1 n this regard a con the estimates for t the experditures Jas interest: 190900 Exmenditio n« 11 entlis 97 11 Chat V 1400 t anron. bo â€" Wilhelm 11 mstracted p bot h sides y . wh in depth Expr may be pc $6,013, 661 truction ol sewers . 0 es, about 9â€"14 Pn7.0 The av dheron in K ML Davis S( 4 &1 ite Ironla $1.16 excent Kin d. Lt this Foseph 18 folhov tidlit u 10 D9iX nd the h velvi 1« 18 11 1354 aVt 1412 H1 1t P Stilh tik 111 tt Lt was fifting tiat whil Lvon Mackenzie King, MB Shanghai â€" that the lat should be paid him of bei hqnorary _ president _ of (Unt.) Poultry Association ut son, the pi the ba cluded The c 1UDGEMENT RESERVED A! Woodstock the police n eserved _ judgment on _ the him. He was Jeb g» on suspento Coqntence. This morning W Witt, proprieto of the Amcrican Hotel, was chaige with having served iguor v Dinkel who, it was alleged, had been entere on the Indian List. Mr. MeBride, | who acted for Mr Witt, showed that there were Severa inregularities in conncetion with â€" Phe manter in which the papers were seryâ€" ed. H was found that the notices were not signed by the Inspector, but »y o duas son, that instead of being served to the propricto®, they â€" were handed â€"to the bartendet, and that the batiee inâ€" is a great improvi , sults shown by | in 1906. | _ Laboratories of I of Healthh Tor ti the selfourned session of 4 hee. Comn t Tresday evemns Cal ket was founl guilty of having ted the Liguor Act by drinking ifter he had beere notified y t spector flat papers were ouft a 1 _ Phe fourth year, since the dif ;tion of the Works, is just comp | The: following copy of report |lhe Laboratory of _ the. Proj | Board of Health ilustrates the Isults accomplished Iy the Works N Whi Report on se M. Davis, C206 Sth day of Sept _ During the seventcen years that the Corporation has been engaged in the work of sewer construction, _ no inâ€" surabce ol the employers | bas _ becu carried, nor am I aware that _ any claims fortinjuries sustained on the work have been paid Accidents to workmen do occar, bowever, notwithâ€" standing the greatest care in performâ€" ihg the work, and it is the custom of contractors engaged in work of this character, to _ insure the â€" workmen against accidents. I would . suggest that the Commission consider the adâ€" visability of insuring thrir empleyees against accident. Sewage Disposal Works } a P l a purp Corporation and that beperformed quite as it present During the seventcen Corporation has been (08 (Stratford Herald.) was fitting Tuat while Pl 1 u DH everal Y ol Sept., 1908 colleect= â€" Free A i # ud and TIMELY HaXNon Hung, kegper seling ccider ter perven Gigy to breosuli i Chemical Repord £117.341 t cad ol herng served To ) they were handed oto alg) Thal the notiee inâ€" rames insteat of one. idisinissed tik â€" Tlat while King, M.P., the latest him of being N0USC CouncctiOons Callk he sewer gang. 1 am of that by making _ this y will be saved fo the and that the work â€" will | quite as cliciently as uhe lary 11 if the Provincial lhl.*' orouto, Sep. 23, 1908. ) InSpet i Igh uied chy the In were out against «» on suspenteod Albuminout immonia Chlorule 3 1695 IWTD Wilt, proprictor rl, was charged guor Jv Diunkel, lad been entered phoxinci recvived freom BerJin, on t p over the oreâ€" analsyes â€" faken e the iifstallaâ€" jus! completed report from the Provincial h & was al ‘st_â€" homnor | ig _ elected f the Berlin 0S (Bm MWallram was al \ fothe P Carl Du ; lig the he ered | _ Gnelph, March 2nd. â€" Thirtyâ€"four ; thousand one hundred dollars‘ projij Mr. /for the city from one year as the reâ€" eral sn oi municipal management of the the â€" #as â€" and clectrie ligh! â€" drpartments ‘ryâ€" Was shown in the annual report _ of ere Te Light and Heat Commission, preâ€" las seuiled to the City Councit, and this te Jn sprte of the fact that the price of to Kas and eleectiic light has been redieâ€" inâ€" 04 to in tofal amount of $15,0(0) anâ€" ne, â€" ally on the rates when the city , fook the phint over Sinking _ funds, woeal mhuf brar anal Pchendrmee rcwn ui. l lul V I M 11 Corph pa 204 Juchi vinew Ringston, March 2.â€" The ore trom the city gas plant in 1908 $:£.’:.3|H.7.8 and the revenne from tricity $12,807 95, or a â€" fotal of 2536 73. The q. Coreed here mt took the phunt over Sinking _ finds wear and tear and drbermtures are pro Yided for, sind $11. 00 is feft, uit o which it is proposed to at oneé mithc alterations. in the Plant for the â€" dis tribth io of Niatara pow en . It i: such profits That give QGuelph _ the lowest ciiv tax tate in the Dominion \p¢ ‘civic PaNTS _ | â€" ARE PAYiNG REDUCTION IN PRICE Profits in Gueiph Were Over Thirtyâ€"four Thousand Doflars. BelJevi)] atenent int ment. Mas June July tuguist Seplimbe October November Deeetiitier M «"antary Foebruary March Month The following information is pilgd from the dally nnmuinc ' In wy report for 1907 reference â€" is made on page 5 to the #rouble caused | by the cscape of the filtered _ sewage {into the depressions on the neighborâ€" }ing farms where it appears _ in the form of springs. After ineflectual atâ€" tempts to arrest this water by means of intercepting drains, your Commisâ€" sion decided to pughase the lands afâ€" fected, the total area of which amounts to 22.23 acres. A large porâ€" tion of the land purchased is suitable for filter beds, and will be ulifized for that purpose when it » hecomes necessary on account of the â€" increase in volume of sewage to extend _ the limits of the filtering area. ; , Sewage Pumping Plant, The pumps are giving good xu'ix[awâ€"‘ tion, the only repairs neeessary being a new shafl for one of the luri»im-l pumps. ®Total c M; | Bed dituve Tln t Average removal of albuminoid amâ€" mowia from raw sewage for all beds 98.34 per cent. . Average removal ol aBuminoid amâ€" monia from septic a-'wag‘- for ail beds 97.81 per cent. Average temoval of alubminoid amâ€" monla from raw sewage for septic tanks 44.07 per cent. | pril Bed KINGSTON DORS tOPITS IN vilh int tha among the goss xt in the The plants are owned D U 11 13 16 un Lenguie », abif ST Uth ol Mare the Phily BHC amonint of $15,0(8) an rates when the _ cits over. . Sinking _ finds and debertures arne phor $11,000 is feft, ont un posed To al onee mak the plant for the | dis Chatier 25 2C ACCOACoNn TS coin e daily pumping record Days â€" Average Cost a pumped gallons pghmpite ol expenditin 52 had been SI l workas. $290 held by BELLEYVILI atlopted $1 1.10 «35 .20 230 of albuminoid amâ€" Wage â€" for all beds Yecoun 15 WELI M 595 aV t 5 pumping per\month §91.37 revenut city { funds, Nh pru-‘ onl of t 30 25 Ub Mr vet Lbrii /s Was cloeâ€" pro m th It how H [1M 14 330 210 held at Ontaric March, for the iment spectr PGudner, Chapter of Unta n bis ilt lex U Da H1 1X THIE â€" MATTER orâ€" cCoLiN CAMEBELL, _ OR THI TOWNâ€" SIHP OF WELLESLEY, IN THE CoPXTY or WATERLOO, FABRâ€" MEHR, JNSGLVEN‘T, rey if t Salaries 1 ty Debentures to be paid Artears ol faxes 22002 Plamtang Inspection . Resident faxes af 23| Highway improvement Bank bidance Januaty \ll NOTICE is hereby given that Colin «uplell, of the Townslip of Wellesâ€" v. in the _ Connty of Waitrrlon, wier, has under the provisions of hapter 117 of the Revised Statutes Ontaii, 1897; . made an assignâ€" Notice to Creditors | Notice to Creditors for the ensuir Wlows â€" Presi Publi Bivliâ€" W Seay hre the Estimuctes in Detwil. In conncetion with the report Chairâ€" man Clement briefly explamed the esâ€" timates for the year in defail _ and pointed ont that there was a deficit at ihe ond of 1908 of about $6850, and the schools were tégeiving $2561.â€" 13 more this year than last year. The cost of lighting would be $100M) more and â€" $1000 had beeu set aside for mew lire adattm boxes. O a 22â€"mill rate LhÂ¥ All the members were pre®ent exâ€" copting Ald. Schilling. Finauce Report. ! The Finance Committee recommenilâ€" ed as follows:~â€" That the 29th Reet. PC + grantâ€" ed $600 payable in three instaltuents® of $200 cuch in April, July and \tp{ tember, on condition that they | give ; the usual number of concerts, one oll such to be given every three weeks in Victoria Park. i That the Mavor‘s salary be increagâ€" } ed be €HH0â€" l 1460 ud w wht XItA lee # repork recommending that : taxâ€"rate for 1909 be fixed at 22 miBs. The Meyor‘s stipend was fixed at $600 and the usual praut of $§00 was mtlc tbo the 29th Regiment Band. In acdiâ€" tion to the passing of several byâ€"lags notice . was given by iteeves McKay and Gross that they would introduce a byâ€"law to relieve the Berlin l,izll Commussion of the "arduous task" oi operating the B. & W. Street Rajlâ€" way system. raditars meeting nut th neevting of bis ermilitors will be d Schweitzor‘s Hotel, Crosshill, io, on Tuesday, the Isth day oi , 199%, at two a‘elock P. M § © purpose of receiving a sfateâ€" ol his affairs, appointing inâ€" ts, and giving directions with we fo the altsposal of the ~ esâ€" Nelhy, Toronto, see Mr. Kilaliy: Gamble in datm boxes. On a 22â€"mill old revenuie: would amount a61 96. 0 The estimates in . mission of W# Y 1 fres ind T1X sn der Paxati P M Fa pendifures the ish T1 Y D dent all his estate, predits the general benelit â€" of uTi it At Didir ALVIGET U thg N NAWEp id esfafte ans me parhienlars as required a M D M att gHV f Land | He exclades j v,~â€" offiâ€" f tromble. Te eelectod [ slight. and tha Lewrs fandience is a p ent ) Mr, Psity. 1. Pors: faryâ€"treâ€" f yesterday, says Toronto _ titred and weak t} 1261760 \l 1727000 8115 1.G8 101 tha wl NN 0 6| 113 tled the Town . was Commi t tllal?c + 22 mi s.[ P 120 Mlo ba 20(100 S1O (1) q o6 hi 110604 t 5it d1 Dt fll m Ou 110 I;ml mant to Chapter 139, R. S. O,., [897, and amending Acts, that â€"all Persons lhaving claims against The esâ€" tate of Elizabeth Hagodorn, late of the ‘Township of Waterloo, in the County of Watetloo, Widow, deceasâ€" ed, who died on or about the cighth day of January, 1909, at the _ said Township of Watctloo, are required on or before the (wentyâ€"seventh day ;..r March, 1909, to deliverâ€"or seund by post prepaid to George H. Schnitt, Waterloo, Ontario, Administrator â€" of . the Estate of the said deceased, their names in [ill, with their _ addresses and descriptions, full particulars â€" of their claims, and statements of â€" the seenritt, if any, held by them; aud . that after the said l\\‘l'ni};ls'i-\'vnfl) day of March, 1900, the said ‘Admin« ebrator â€" wall . proceed to _ dfstribute the assets of the said tlwr'.m'lqnmnng , the â€" pau ties ; enfitled | {nereto, having vesard only to the claims of which ho shall then have recerved notice. U Dat | by N TNE ESTATE op ELIZABETH HAGEDORN, DECEASED. There wis no d solution, but it pr beresting feature « mocting. The Councit satic intredscing a dn faw at grtlar c mesting ced Comtine Byâ€"law No M wifh the relieviug the Beriin Light eforhe ardiious task of a Berlin and Watertoo Stm arnd the opetalion of the be assumed by the Corne NOTICE JS HEREBY â€" MVEX Wil Board ol Trade . Adding Machine . Dehenture Byâ€"law Lt 00â€" 0. Library Board _ Seavenger . .. __ Street Sprinkling Law Costs .. ... County Taxes Bo M \ _ tiOnery .. Interest Itetund &f taxes .. Retund of Licenses . Charity . potenstrne Insurauce 2 Cemetery . ; Buard of Health Police Commission Board of Works ... _ Miscellancous, â€" Finunce priatiou. revaliec Bills payable M Bank Bills payable, sunrdries Sewer Maintcnance ... Park Board . . County Taxes Aien Shocmaker L account ... Fak ‘ Hydrant rentai o MreRt Berlin CoHegiate ... ... ... Pubhic School ... .. , ties».3 Separate School Â¥ 3 se Election expenses .. e Selecling Jurors . .. . ..... Printing, Advertising & Staâ€" Fite & Fire NE PDPI H S 1 vtith L oat Watel to any £LATT U cloc i fir of Health Commission of Works ... ancous, . Fin PX 3 I‘s Y AMI on do Anoell & Light e .. ... Light Street Lighting 1 4 Light â€" December 1908 2 _7 C 11 An lable ‘son of have », Administrator of ‘ said deceased, their ith: their _ addresses full particulars . of statements of _ the held by thens; . aud said 1\\‘rnt}fs'i-\'vmh Mess (eape ts ul iWerrtn H «scit hn spw The looked â€" very Finunce appro is prer tI old »e. OUnta A«minist t December whose ¢ received M March, 1908 19308 A(0) M t biv n of the a necesâ€" he Pope Schinitt, trator â€" of ased, their addresses th is , seconded ® inover and privijege | of the next reâ€" i1 to amend infention of Commission perating the @L Ruilway, uid raiilway W wfferâ€" i cold. nchiat in the. reâ€" > be an inâ€" \(oreeular Ally affer D . 104000 20000.00 . 20000.00 ... 565000 â€"â€"... 2090.75 ... 3095.75 .. 2600704 1800.00 .. 2000.00 : 60u0 00 tile $132.29 ... 800.00 ._ £50,00 222 380.00 .. 250.00 Admin« fribute among having which neliee, said claims D ving the + mefudâ€" laries of eflicials 1701b ht h . 5978.175 18. 3M. 300.00 1065.00 {ibl S#3 147 «h $835.00 7908 .50 ‘ 15.00 1508.00 150.00 300.00 U.000 C( AM) un No 18

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