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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 Feb 1909, p. 7

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Bauer m _ no . . we Ir We E t' Wm, B. B. itat - m mU layman's Missionary Move- ..t); Hon. D. Ft Wilbur, “all!" wanna "oryttrlalerteralr, Sins Mc- ' Now York teditor The Church- t." cum A. Rowland. Athens, - lair/ii,, So. Prrs. Layman: has»); N. w. Hum, my, lhe ‘Hall, Toronto; J. H. Sei. "Mun, Ohio. J, A. Mundan- . to; J. Laval Murray, New Ltte, Candler. Toronto; N, c., Toronto; B. J. ._ _ {Othqq Tick. Tot- Unity," “CMtion, the Law ot Christ's Kingdom." 7.45 pan.-- Theme: "To Obey is Potter than Sacrifice." Closing ad- 10.30 a.ttt.--t9tmteerts and Comm» Iioners' Meeting, "The I'hurrh's Call to the Students," "The Students; Call to the Men ot the Church." g p.m.--- Theme: "Canada's Na- tional Missionary Policy." Reports from city co-operating committees. “The World's Missionary Conference It Edinburgh." 3 p.tm--Thertte: "Thc Unity and Universality of t. Kingdom." Ad- m - “Miss: s and Church unity." "C tion, the Low ot - "V”"'J M..." mu. %' 9.30 acm.--Therue: “How lu Lead the Church to its Highest Missionary Eliciency," Conference, with brief addresses and discussion. Robert E. Speer, New York; Bishop Mun, Imus; 13r. 'Awemer, Arabia S. B. Owen. Bonk)" (Chairman Lay- r'l- Khulonuy Hammad); J. 8 pam-Theme: "Knowledge oi Mis- dons. an Inspiration lo otwdiencv," "Reports trom Commissioners lo the Orient." Mass rtwetrng lot “own: at, 9.30 an. Thursday, April 1. 2.30 p.m.-Therue: “The Victotious Progress oi Missions. Atidresws - "The Awakening Orient," “The Lu- pact ct Christianity on NonMtristia" Religious," "The Sun Victory." 8 pam-Theme: "Thi' Place ul the Church in the Making ot the Nation." Addresscs-'ianada's DNA to the Missionary," "Our Duly to the Eng- Jistr-speakog and European Settlers," "Our Duty to the Indian," "thtr, Duty to the Asiatic," "The Chiistianiza- Mon ol.0ur Civilization." Finlay, April g. 2.30 pam-Theme. "The y',tewayd- ship of Info" Addresses-Ihre Sig- ggiticattee of thc Laymcn's Missionary Movement," "The Stewardship of Business Talents and I'os.wssiows," "The Call lo Christian Service," “Missions as an Investment." 8.00 pam-First regular session of Congress. Theme: “Canada‘s Up- portunity at Home and Abroad." “The World's Debt to the Mission- ary." '.r, Thursday, Friday (3.11).) and Satur~ day (P. m.) Denomination conferences arranged by the Board Secretarivs and Lay- m‘s committws, with special pro- gram». Wednesday, March 31. 2.30 p. m.-- For C'lergymtat and Theological Students. Theme: "The Relation of the Ministry to a Mis- sionary Church.” Addresses-- "The Great. Commission," "The Minister-- tho Leader oi His People," "ltet1ex 1ntittettets ol Missions.” His Excellelty, Ball Grey, the Governor-Gener'al, has accepted the invitation o! the Laymen's Mission- ary Movement, and will be the hon- onry president ol the Nauonal M».- sionnry Congress to be held in Tor- onto March 31 to April i. Several thousand mun are expected, and the following remarkable program will be presented: 'titat; Feb. 3.-.Ttte “turmoil M ».l“d tbn - utthe iaiiu-x Hike-clock»: Power Mil VIM "re been gut-c . In some (in. will, it is ex- ".etrd, he completed an, ‘eek. Fon- was“. adgttioaat loom Itt given try “I W in or“ to munch»: t. Increased ital! mu to the , with; out to its complement“ ut tbq Government's policy. m_IMvrs already scoured tn While there is nothing in the Fats to prevent the export at power to tor- eign countries (as was the oTtrrlcd intention ot the Windsor Electrical Distribution Company, who proposed to sell in Detroit), subject to the su- pervision of the Government, it is not probable that such exportation would be consented to. "it would be unites- titiable to use the moneys ot this Province to Iurnisn power outside of Ontario." was the comment of Hun. Adam Beck, when quesuioned regard- ing the report. " in “minim that as the build- in; of the trantuttimsion lino proceeds an the Work " the Pert Depart- - develops in actuality, the Gov- uiunuit will appoint a permanent admin! and“. at, its head. The Com- mission. tor the present, will likely continue to administer tho alums ot this important. Governmental deptrr- ture, and it is probable that the ping» wave appointment Will tie one ol mroreetstive executive character, blink lar to that ota Deputy Minister in A? MiniMerial Departments. The present Secretary of the twissiw will probably be named as his assis- um, and the slat: ot the departnwnt “creased by several members. The“ work now being done Is said lo taxl the energies oi the present limited number ot otticiats to their utmost. The members of the Comaussion, it is believed, will continue to perloim their duties without' monetary recom- LAYMEN‘S MOVEMENT Saturday, Aprit 3 Sunday, April , TM; {-S‘I'AFF In... IHre his ups I'll the door aroused Mr. Spanlmusv. sr, tsho drew an Itis irousers and urn! to the door. Mrs. Spanhuusc. “ho had awakened, heard shots and hrr husband's rcha-I mation: “Oh, I'm shot." '4tewart, luICtr'rwl and shot Mr. Mpatthoutw, “hose body was [mind inside the boll- Iumn, with' 1In- Iect in ttir, doorway, m-hwcn the bedroom and parlor. Then ho attacked Mrs. Spanhouse, who Was (rum-Mug in the corner of the hod- rmnn, " the hunt of the bed, and shot and clubbed her. The bachelor hon out of bed, awaker (Scum? thot left his brother "n the glunml, secured a homy stake" out nl a wood rac,k aml made up Um road fur the home of John Spanllousc, must half. Int 3", cottcetision 3, UM Survey. Mrlancthnn Township, nut. wry tar trout s'hrigley I'ost-oftice, Killcd Fuller and Sun, and Wounded Mrs. Spanhuusc. I Stewart was living with his Father, Richard Stuwut, lot 80, South Line 'O's'prey Township, Maple Valley Post- (anv. He had been at, the home of this Mother, William, west hall, lot M, concession 3, Old Survey, Melanc- thun Township, torn. couple ot days, and had passed a couple of sleepless nights. Last night William had liven up too late hour around the tarm with him to humor him, hoping to, quiet him down so that he could ski-p. They went into the house and George said hc Gould go to bed. Hei did so, but only tenured his boots‘ and socks. William lay down, upon. al solo, without undressing. About. for "Ylreli this morning, holu-ard his hro- _ ther gel up and start out of the house. William asked where he was going, null he said, "Oh, just otrV sido." William followed him into the yard, only to be met with a blow of the fist from George that knock- ml him several Iva-t. He started " lcr thc vraterl mun again, hut, was mot ulth morn blows that knocked him svnselcss _ Stewart, the murder, isa stalwart young luau oi about thirty years' of age, who weighs in the neighborhood ot two hundxetl pounds. He became ‘sngmly unbalanced mentally while in the West in 1906, and got into some kind of trouble that landed him in the care of the North-West Mounted Policé at Medicine Hat. lie was te- leased try Lieutenant-Governor Bulyca on the promise that his Iriends would take care ot him and was brought back to Ontario. Although he was not considered to be dangerous, a close watch was kept on him by his Friends, tho fear at his real condition partly Irving induced, doubtless, by the fact that two of his uncles had died insane. The man who nun Amurk and did au this “ark of Carnage, George Ernest Stewart, now lit-s in Shelhunu- jail. 'lheletunc, um ' Feb. r-The migh- borhuod of the quiet, little hamlet ol Shrlglt'y, in the Township ot Melanc- thou, in the nunll end ot the ('ounly ul Dutteritt, was the tscene, at an ear- ly hour this morning, ot the must chrihlc turair that has happened in the annals ot this county, as a con- sequence ot which two mm are dead and two more are not expected to recover, while three others were injured, nut seriously, hocher. Young lM1ttttttttttttt ‘l'lwmhlp In III-den Farmer and Son. Fatally Man: “I: and Four Others, hm Two ttt " aged MRS, JOHN tiPAN1i0Utp'hi, GEORGE BEAUMONT. ma. STEWART, mus. GUWAN. “M mums. JOHN SPANHDUSE. and 55. JAMES trPANHOUME ' his sol, lMugt‘luusly Wounded Hllglnly Inlured Thaw a A 3W3 STRUGGLE mtjtJir:t hon, who came down akened hy the noise, 'iiiiuiiiiiif FIVE natsotts).ti, s. G. J New, at 154 Baldwin St., Toronto, says: " I can tummy son Harold's Louble to vhn he had the memes Rve yet" no, "on which he never tr,'tti,"gii',,'ggd; Someonh: best physm " mended him. but w th months ot sanctum he In turn commend whooping cough. brmte' his. and ',h,f,Nh's1q',oglt.',' , tfrom? 1'l',a'e1t"l2t', Pil, 0'": we strum so; fag aIilttMLh momso seepeun menu ' m ' tt , I ih "rumba my boy a mere undav. ttNet an Pte.",.'. “A ' rsvcmn a...“ in.» m New. m aunts-unmoun! not describe the change that took p ace. No words can express mummy-cu of In: mother 1nd myself when we saw the crisis no over. and rallied that Our ho! m "(wax his mg mu m m. and m. Psvcmne ha mastered u vim all the doctor‘s prescriptions Ind fitted " chock. Day by dag Haroid Sty stronger. tmd m the? the Mitter, “than: continua"! out doors. In MM In at: col ' and be m on neu very qulc ly. By an 1",',I'h'lg. so: was com“, and. and is: moped Into a strong. sturdy ." _ ch- l'unslable Thompson and Eve- cial l'onuahlc Wattam, of She]- hurnc Inn-ml Mm pimlully slaving aim-H, two o‘clock this afternoon, and ho is now lying in Slmtbunw rail. Dr. J. A. Smith, ot "shrRrurrte,cor- uncr, rmpanelcd a jury this afternoon at, the Spanbouae and viewed the to- Mr. Taylor called to the inmates ot the house. Sicwart- snapped the use- less gun at him and stated up the road again. He was tollowed, amt seen crossing the ilettis to his ta- ther's house, when his father came out and took him In. Murderer Sleeping Peudnlly When Arrested. Pound was away. but George Beau- mont, the hired man, was lighting the tire, and Mrs. Gowan, the housekeep- er, was up to prepare breaktut. Stewart madea. remark about -the gun he carried, and then attacked Heaumrrnf, clubbing him viciously. Beaumont's chances tor recovery" are looked on as slight. Mrs. Gowan attempted to mum and Stewart {charged his attack to her, clubbing icr and making his essapu. Mrs. Go- {wan was able to make hvr way to the telephone alter Stewart got out rot the liaise, and called up Ir. o. Taylor, storekeeper at Maple Valley, and told him of the attack. yr,. Tay-, lor started down the road towards the Pound house and met stewart half-way. 'He spoke to him, and Ste- wart told him it he came a step twarte he wottld shoot him. "You woyldn't. shoot me," said Taylor.; "dust lay down your gun and come to your Ctther's, George." But Sto} wart, looked so tltreate"ing that Mr.', Taylor concluded that discretion Was the better part ot valor, and wont into his brother's place, in front of which they were. Stewart followed him to the fence leaned the gun on the fence, pointed it at Taylor and again said “Throw up. your hands, or I will shoot you." _ Inunula u: "cant" lull!!!“ "VIII! ' h MIMI; ttMit sweats. Mt my boy a mere chadow. 133:3 " ”page. and my heart ached to see how be we: vesting an ' I ”an: one whole summer It the Lakeside Ho " for Figlt'g?,'i'i. and came home fght improved. but the cold winds October took him off his eet again. The doctor advised mensend him to Huston, but heavy doctor's hm: had lieplcicit my (10mm resources, and such a step seemed out of the. questlm." u A. "o.. --l... ...- .ea-,4 "Cer, Lulu: m... In".-- u... n... Leaving Wilson's he went across the road to Fs. J. Pound's house. Mr. After leaving Spanlrause's, the mur- derer started tor his tather's home, at Maple Valley, south oi Mable. At this point he went into the house of William Wilson. Mr. Wilson was lighting the fire when Stewart came in. Stewart said something about the gun he bad and then hit Wilson a smashing hldw on the head with; it. “ll attacked in uh _ His he“ to beaten in. Hue Stewart acut- ad a old mum-mile. an mm the penny ot the Sin-bonus, and ditw In“ " cm. Whether one at the Spam Ind got tto ride and {ulnly tried to nuke use 0% it " a club, tor it was at no use “3 tire. Fdi', is Bot known. At any rate the end ot the shock Wtub broken " and mt in the “Jud me minister took the rudder ol the weapon mm him. TM shooting that was done mm hive been done with a revolver, although Stewart was not known to have a weapon, and one has not yet men discovered. in turn alarmed James Phillips. and The downed was twice married, they hurried to the mile ot the trag- his first wile dying on Nov. tr, 1882. My. Mrs. Spanhousc was found to In his second marriage, on March M, be still living and recovered conscious- "I", Mrs. Theresa Dopier berm his mess stttrtcierttly later to tell her wife. One daughter, Miss Maud story, but is not expected to live (w. Pabst, blessed their home. Both wile er night Mr. Phillips hurried to and daughter survive. Mrs. Pabst be- Lemuel Ostrander's to trh-phune tutore her marriage to Mr. "trat was Sholhumc tor Coroner Smith and con- tho 90330350! ot 'titrts chiMren by her stablfs. , ftrst husband, who also survive. The Idcceaml is also sun'ivod by torty-orse After leaving Spanlnusc's, the mur-l52etc.Pdren and tire great grind:- dr-n-r slurlnd har hic Lilllnr'x hum" nl Icmldm- The servant, Miss Gram ('hrlshan, who was any!!! upshhs, WtM5 - om-d by the "rritic happenings down stairs, heard the shut: and locked her bedroom door, She was afraid f0 Mir till Stewart. had been phenom the house pulllbly an hour, when she \cnum'd (Iowuuits and made the terrihie discovery or three was. She ran Ina neighbor. George J. .lmniov sun, to givmthe alarm. Mr. Jamieson in turn alarmed James Phillips, and they hurried to the come ot the trag- miy. Mrs. Spanhousc was found to he still Irving and recovered conscious- ness sumcierttly later to tell her story, but is not expected to live ov- er night. Mr. Phillips hurried lot Beat Hired Nan and Housekeeper In! - hm”. Mtg-m Crowds of pooplo from the . whole countryside fiocked to the Spnuhousc home today. _ It was on December 7, 1905. that, lhe same. community Wan oomulscd by another tragedy. In that mm, however, when James Conner, of lot 'tit, contusion 8, Nelancthon Town.. ship, killed his wife, daughter and son with an axe, andv then shot him- self witha revolver. John Span- house, ir., was married to n daugh- ter ot Conn". pr The Divisional Court at Toronto, has dismissed the appeal or the cor- poration ol the town of Goderkh ag- ainst Mr. Justice Teelzt-l's judgment awarding Isabella Sangster. 8 Tor- onto dressmaker, $600 damages on ac- count of injurles received through tall- ing info a hole where a drain had Men dug on William street, Godu- lch. She sued for $1000 damages., gains, and the inquest Was adjourned', Form I. A. - (Ilium-e o'clgck to-morTw VGiraiy Honors (70 per cent. and over) TOWN FAILS IN APPEAL - V_,_._., -w._...° w an any, MW hour of the abscqulcs has not yet been announced. but this will Appear in a later Issue. The mneral will be a Masonic one hut at the time or writing, through the taut oi the various members at the lamiiy residing so In my, the I The late Mr. Pabst was a most public spirited citizen. lie was the holder oi many ottiees in the gift at line town and his scholarly baring Ptud him well for the proper per- 1orrmoce ot these duties. He was Nor twenty-seven years a director or the Economical Fire Insurance Com- pany at Berlin. He was German cot- respondent tot the Berliner Journal for more than a score ot years. m held other: lor many years as alder. man oi the town and in his younger days was a valued member of t the Brass Band as player ot the bass ip-, strummt. Last, but not. least, he was an ardent supporter and irtthteee tial olllcer in the Lutheran Church. He was one of the prime movers in the installation of the chime ol hells in the tower or that church. which pcals out in souorous toms on the, quiet Sabbath morning air their I"."."! call to one and all to attend worship. Ho had held the otrice ol Superin- tendent ol the Lutheran Church Sun- day School acceptably lor many years and always enjoyed the cttettideqrcx, and respect of all his fellow townamen. l ttavurqumstmeaetertte8tt.- oi Mid?" Cris', no.” ' Inn-y. I , a 'romiA"iuotniLtem ”anoint. In «no to GM. will I. b.eagrte u resident ot Ila-velar. “a was the popular landlord ot the German. Home and V“ not slow In “In“. the In; oi " alum land n no than od the hum-Russia In. On Petr. M, was, he wu married to Mint Mtritrtitta Kirsch". They were bin-ed with arm chi-Mun. the lollowing ot whom ttt_..-. Three sons, George, ot Bprisqmeid, Va; dotm of Millikan, and August. ot Hespeler. and the following daugh- tera, Mrs. Claus. Atiemtort, Brooklyn. N.Y., Mrs. Augusta Maud, Ava-hm, Mam; Mrs. Edvard Pmblker, Wal- kervilie, ont,; Mrs. Emma Aiieetdttrf and Mrs. J. C. Eaton. Toronto; Mn. Michal Roos, Berlin; Mrs. A. H. Wittmuk. and Mra. Emil Mower, ot “vapour. “HIM an: I.“ Pla'll.1d'2"g'ttta'.'"at. tQlt't'g ....:.-..'-‘§..:......w~|:...m. ttrd, M“... f.'t I " noun-inguinal tNr-iitit-e-6aatttMttste' - mum-swam - mcthdhdcmulo a“ andhoqtte9io.tigs. Tb“ "d_9--tr.tes.ta.t.t. DMW.wmduk 1se,tteyugoe--mu.te "and II iffy-Jim; Gd" Vinnwvu-tmw 1t_aMmm.0a.sartoamt all If. {an ya . - ,, my. Pate (50 per cent. 3nd over)-- Lil- ”In. Radium-nu. was; Elton Urn- bath. $5.07; Alone Snyder, M.46; (lotion Sirius, 8.3.30,- Cgrrie Hut- lolh, 82.69; Oscar Schncllrr, 52.69; Am Good. 8153; Ma Wagner, Ii].- M; Parry Stmart. 61."; Wm. Brett- hanpt, ".30; Lucky Wat-on, 80.91; Ethel Barrie. 80.38: Harold Kneehtel. 00.38; ”sluice Baum, tMAN; wane roaNc-ubrocm, ".07, John Knlz. 50.- 01; Martha "nether, 58.84; Millie mac-hector. 57.38; Vera and, 57.30 Robert Boos. 54.70; lune Ruched. 58.31;. Mann goddamn. 50.01. "iled.-o "red 'trrairr,-itGi? “Wm. Andean. 47.70; Hon-cu mom-p, 4..Cl;-WI. Baal-m, an; Junc- m-b, ".M; 14B” 1mm, an. For. m. Coll-mid. Fun (on 'ii/fi. ad our-Clu- th Idclglgltflyo! MJt Pass (50 per cent,. and "err-E" flieder, 69.3; "and Bowman, 69.3; Jeanette Clark, 61.8; Amy Voolkcl', 61.2, Bernice Roos, 61.]; Trixie De- Bus, 60.6; Franklin ts'ierenpiper, 58.- 53; Hope Bowman. 55; Ernst Brean- han, 54.1; Rita Whiting, 5L7; Bon- ald Moorman, 50; Hugh Bowman, 50. Mund- Sol-plum, 78,07; Ruth Hull- mon. 15."; Chm Our-Id. TLM; Hedwig Herold, 71.23; Cora Kttttl, 70.89; Elsie FeirA, 70. Did not write.-tnittord Etsy, Roy Reid. "iteeb-W'tMter Hog; "or," Evan- gcline Devin. 46.5, Yuan]: Rosanna, 18.3; [m Rubs, 79.4; John Scully, 78.5; Mm Wild- tang, 78.1; Aruott Shana. 75.); Mary Swans. 75.7; Nora Sherrils, 75.l; Percy Swartz, 75.3; Olive Brtrtmctrer, 75; Erwin Cressman, 7t.3; Emma 'tutrnuut, 73; Anita Weseloh 72.2. Freda Ito-chm, 84.2; Durindn Mo .r.lri1e,_81_.s; Quit. Rosclmun. 79.9 Did m wme.-'-' Ethel Detweiler, Norma Green, Mary Human], How- ard Chop. PUrmaer.-Archie Bulgin, passed. Royston Common, tailed. Normal Entrance. " Honors. 1Alphabetictuty arratttred)-- Alioo Bradley, Grace Clemens, Vera Shirk, Florence White-man. Pattsest-Adelim, Schmitt. "iled-Atmie Glennie. Did not complete Examination - Once “hush, Tlllllnfldl EurtMgg. FORM H. Honors (70 per cent. and over) - [Horvyn 8%titbrQLM; Elvin Jacques, use; Harold Wk, 88.3; John] 'sherrurd, 80.3; LeRoy Wagner, 20.3; mum Hum, 79.1; Edward Breitttattpt, t2.64; Conn; Spence, Ti; Stanley Schema, 70.84; Elsie Poehis mono, 70. Pass (50 per cent. and overH-ltob- ert Smyth, 69.07; Alex. Simpson, 68.15; Bessie Duke, 56.38; Clarence Snider, 65.03; Harold Dobbin, 64.61; Lillian bother, 04.46; Norm Moth- erat, 64.38; Nora Kink, 80.84; Bessie Moore, 60.84; George mm, 60.8; Harry (Hes, 60.38; Eldon Ear, 59.46; Robert Wood, SIM; Once Cm. 57.69. May Witm, 51.69; Florence Obertsoltser, 56.92; (mm Hellman. 58.8, Viola Brown. 50.”; Arm: Souder. 54.38; Wm. Brick“. 53.78; Morley Green, 51.53; Leonora Lang, " ‘ Anon May, 49.46; Melville Dover, 49.13; Ellsworth Gibson, 47.85; Gro- ver Eudora. 47, Arthur Moody, 48.3; Edna Kaulman, 44.9; Clarenu Moody, “.69; Funds Whiteman, Att.- 09; Clayton Davey, 33.85. School ot Science.-0m-u Lipput. "aaed. Tom Foray"), and. Milne Todd, did not write. Honors (70 per cent. and over) - Failed. t'Alphatretiealty arrtMtged.t-- Clayton Eby, Douglas Erb, Vorwerk Emu. Albert Munch, borne Ram, Winnie Behind“, Wm. Sehinhein. Clarence Thorns, Walter Ullelmann, Elva Weber. I Fused. (“manually ar-d.)-- Kul Borthold, Henry Burnett, Mum iet Dingle, Duke Devin, Richud Bunion, Kennett, Jameson. Gordon Holman, Alex. McPherson, Laura Master, Herbert Mowat, Louise 01+ aching». Elmer mu. Evangeline Rosanna, Hamel Stacbler, Mabel 1touPrr, Edgar Whiting, Arthur Sonia: Leaving, Part M.--tt) Jean Moore, " per matt., honors; 13) Oliv- er Maw, 81 per cent. honors; (as) Illin‘wonh Cunt-ll, " per cent. hon- ' Once Waugh. honors in Latin, Bio- lost. 8am having. Part b-oy Rm Dover, 81 per cent, loco": (2) m- lngworth Canal], " per ml, ban- on; Cd) Jean Moore, H pet ML, 1a"eSttrdettt.tlim.8hrtetyd Fro-ch, Ina-um. HAW Stroll. m“ in Ger-nu. “to Hutton, honon In French. Jams. Wells. baton in English. Latin, Punch. Failed (Les-sun so per cent.) - ammonia-I In tlttt'.e.tt,t,'ate'"""'- ' “an.” “3W. Fox-1V. Junior Matrieulatiuty-Koun Ill mug-nou- 'ldClA'Cl'l'l', 1',tdlNJi.. ' The light bread or the krtdian il . _ t'r'=l','tf,"aN"at"i' in ' matter ofeLie--aur't luck. "2t"ii'Fi' It, I?. 1'll.TlN,'St": :5: t feat of method -choite ofreast-hut,Ui" Willi- ' in [Wm all, the choice of the iuur. ' l Form I IwCI iPi, can - It Veterinary Preparations for Horses, Cattle Sheep and Swine Guelph Mercury:- Some ten or tpai. twelve yrurs ago a young lad of a high l Guelph lamily, Leo Doyle by name, den :11 tired of the whoa! sessions which he house: attended Ht to try his luck in the Tm ri 'United States. and he has now re- t the ci turned for the first time to visit the The scenes ot his boyhood and his old at Du friends. Since leaving his home the the (in young man has certainly met with people what be desired, Some real live tw- own-t perk-mo. Although very young be away joined the T'nited States army and ing do has passed through several campaigns. I He was in the Cuban campaign against Spain and through the Phil- ' ippine campaign as well as some oth- WAN'] or ot the dimcullics ot recent years, and he returns completely changed, Lent so much so that his lrirnds scarcely power knew him. . , sites. tht. . I . . H V, Pilacaa, Timm, ".3; Joseph Connor, 15.2. RETURNS HUM K, Pass (50 per cent. and over.) - Olive Riuer, 89.1; Alia Feick, 6thi; Gordon Dingle. 69; Carl Erb, 6t.7; Clan Musselmnn. 57.9; Minnie Mer- ner, 57.9; Harold Gpod, 57.9; Oliver Voelker, 64.7; Clayton Honing», 53; Harry Porteous, 52,1; Hyrlc Gibson, Iuvvvv “m iiiiii'ntmq “our: (75 per cent. and over)-- Wolct Mamet, " Armjntha Devin, - "ttP _ St; 1uttie Russell, 78. m l sum, Feb. 3.4» ttood and. , Pm ‘(60 per cent. over. - tin "can"! "I? Laura lemme, 73; (Jon Jacobi, TS; t,d"d'gt'c",Seut is 'eeu9, In” Eby, 71; Gladys le, M; Many can ot loss ot lilo eooMm. a Otto Emmerich, $8; Lilly Bristol, 67; be reported from various parts ot Rose Moosk. 65; Lester Shelley. 35; the wintry. Lorne Hellman, 6t; Wilfred Putn- The in ot the larger rivers, like m" M; Alma “mm”, “3 Lttttt the my." awn. The Rhine ad Kali-nun. 62; Gordon Mother“. run air.", - rising. The lower ‘M Poehlmun, 62; Ella Matt a- sections 'ot' Pmtigtort " tho-Mull, “.0 Husky“: Arthur Card, " , . A mile hurricane raed in ',, Failed (Less than so per cent.) - theao‘Rhldim "nay In! Mght m do _rHeettert Miner, 59; Melvin. Roben- molt-lied the Wicsbaden M”, tHMt, M; Btgratt White, 45, ball and other buildings in course ot 2l1tf, write.-Fred DoerBittg; Gor- cmction for an exhibition this sum- On cm.- Honors (70 per cent. and over.) = Victoria Thomas, 75.3; Mamie Wag- n01, 71.7; George Martin, 70. And the demand is ever lactating. ”III ' comprises 6 oclentlfie compounds of the' highest s'fd ot quality. _ for”! agent required in each district who " have e control of the has] trade. 'e V Ask you} grocer for Ogilvic's Royal Household-the 1our that makes light bread and perfect pastry: Form i. Commercial conditions,---; fur Pf upon which so much perfeqt quality. - Royal Household Flow“ is made from the finest, selected . w, T wheat, which contains more gluten (that which makes brca_d light) thin my other nu; Form I I, (Tunnel-oh] 'gth1erhrsrttiiiutittted,-reag. " See future advertisements. Packets sold last year. It is milled under the most 'wtttttf itions,--there is no other flour in.“ ...|.:..|. -- 4...;1. e.. __.‘_;“:’:‘1;w 1,- "OXOlL" f 000,000 l At Duisburg an Rhine has the" . eleven feet since yesterday, and lb. Ethre is twenty-three let. nbove lor- tpai. The Weser is twent-e teet, high and still rising. and at Hui den many people had Bed trom their houses before the ”rushing vats". The river is will fish; It Lam-lid h the city park Encoded. Tho principal bridge over the Elbe at Dresden has been clonal bemused the danger ot column. “nomads ot people line the adjacent streets in tho ku-tation ot vein; the bridge swept away by the huge masses of Ice can}? ing down the river. . WANTS $100,000. The Mulde, a eoMueatt of the] has fiooded the country ground saw. The local toasts are under er and a number or deer hie drowned. The river police of Cologne have stationed steamers at various pain" along the Rhine to give assistance)! required. 1 - The dike commission has d . _te take measures to strengthen the The Rhincis still rising " R burg. Several 1111.315 are a. and are threntened with part J0- struction, "c, nooos tttlst, ”an“ ' , “mama man '. Many emu! loss ot 1iteeoott-tb' be reorted from Vatican parts ot the country. The " ot the laser tum, like no k/lt-Xu',',', The an... ad London will ask the Legislature for per to raise $100,000 tor new is sitedt"iiJ'uiir c 35 E] I

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