TERMSâ€"May, grain, pouktry, potaâ€" tocs, ‘and aH sums of ten doHars and under, cash, over that amount 10 months‘ credit _ on approved _ joint Rotes or 5 per cent. off for cash navments of credit amounts. Grain, FRtc.â€"200 bushels seed oats, about 15 tors timothy hay, 200 busâ€" hels pota@=*s, Pearisavoy, and other kinds, a quantity of onions. Houschold Efiectsâ€"National Cream Separator, new; cooking stove, bedâ€" stead, chairs, etc. Implementsâ€"Duering binder nearly new, .Johnson mower, spring â€" tooth cultivator, Masseyâ€"Harris make; seed drill, Nokon‘combined; 2 good single plows, 3 furrow gang plow, new; 2 furrow gang plow, set iron harrdows, waggon with box, hob sleigh, cutter good as new, hayrack, landâ€"roller, top buggy, nearly new; open buggy, Clinâ€" ton ~ fanning mil, â€" Shantz _ pulper, gravelâ€"box, grinmdstonc, set double barness good as new, set plow harness, 2 sets single harness, chains, forks, . doubletrees, hlankets, grain bags, and other articles too numerous to mention. commencing at 1. o‘clock p.m. sharp, the following valuable property, viz.: Horsesâ€"Bay horse 7 years old, good driver; bay horse 15 years old, black horse 13 years old, good driver: black horse 12 years olc Wattleâ€"1 cow aue to caive Feb. 28 1 cow due in April, cow due to calve in June, cow dus in September, cow in call, 2 heifers supposed to be in calf, 2 yearling heifers, yearling steer 3 spring calves, Durham bull, 1 year old, 1 calf 4 months old. There will be sold by Public Aucâ€" tion on the farm of the undersigned, 4 miles notthwest of Preston and 1 mile northeast of Frecport near Chiâ€" copee Woollen Mills, on Climax cultivator, Maxwell hayloadâ€" er, with side delivery, land roller, hayrake, disc, 2 furrow plow, 2 new No. 21 Ayr plows, new No. 21 Presâ€" ton plow, No. 21 Wilkinson plow, scuffler, 2 _ barrows, Masseyâ€"Marris shoe drill, turwip seed drill, wagon with box and spring seat (nearly new), 2 wagons, 2 wagon boxes, hog rack, i sleighs (one nearly new), 3â€" seated sleigh, 3â€"scated carriage, bugâ€" gy pole, buggy, cutter, 2â€"seated cutâ€" ter, 3 flat bayracks, woodrack, 2 sets gravel planks, 2 stone boats, manure boat, pulper, fanningâ€"mill, grindstone, 2 turnip carts, seales capacity 2000 lbs., 4 twelve foot ladders, step ladâ€" der, 3 sets toam harness, 2 sets plow harness, catriage harness, single harâ€" mess, grain cradle, rope and pulleys, wooden harrow, Guard peaâ€"harvester, blocking tackle, 3 horse eveners, whifâ€" fietrces, neckyokes, scythe, shovels, chain, 15 sap buckets, small barrel vinegar. y Pigs, Etc.â€"5 shoats 3 months old 50 choice Plymouth Rock chickens, i Tolouse geese, and a good collic dog HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS.â€" 3 bedâ€" steads, small bedstead, washstand, stove â€" drum, 2 milk cupboards, 2 benches, lounge, table, _ tank, sink, cooking stove, heating stove, cream separator, meat grinder, sausage stufâ€" fer, and many other articles too num erous 1o mention. GRAIN.â€"About 600 bushels oats. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS.â€"Fat cattle, oats, chickens geese and all sums of $10 and under, eash; otrer that amount, 10 months‘ credit on approved joint notes or 5 per cent off per annum for cash payâ€" ments of credit amourts. é31\1"]‘1.2. ETC.â€" Cow . due .. to ve end: of January, cow due _ to calve in ApPl, cow calved in Novemâ€" ber; cow due to calve in June, 2 heiâ€" fers due to‘ calve October 1909, 2 yearling heifers, call, 7 head fat catâ€" tle (if not previously sold), sow _ to pig in March, 2 young sows supposâ€" ed to be im pig, also about 50 chicâ€" kens and 3 geese. IMPLEMENTS, ETC.â€" Champion Thursday, February 18th, 1909 HORSES.â€"Bay team rising 4 years, *" bay horse .: rising u6 ycars old, ( tair | tÂ¥ «river}, bay mare 13 years old, Artell I solt rising 2 years old, bay borse 15 ’ to: years old, Alackney colt ristag 2 years | 9 wid. | we ALEX. AME®, JOHIN WANNER, Auctioncer. Proprietor. @ommencing at one o‘clock p.m., shatp the folowing valuable propeity, viz. There will be sold by Public Aucâ€" tion on the farm of the undersigned, lot No. 8 on the Huron road, 2 miles north â€" of ‘New Dundec, and 4 mile: south ‘of Petersburg, Friday, February 19th, 1999 Farm Stock and Implements ; Farm Stock and Implements Farm Stock and Implements Auction Sale * Auction Sale | Auction Sale XULBEREF Brupun, Prop. ROBT, BRICKNELL, Freeport 14 PhSI ’*Ant:s‘icnomw, Guelph, ie Auctioneers. A. L. Clemens, Clork â€"o[â€" ER OF un C criANTZ BROS., Auc 8. 8. HERNER,. Clerk §â€"3t. on approved joint notes or 5 per cent. per annum off for cash paymemts of credits amounts. AMOS M. SHANTZ, Proprietor. 2 single plows, 1 iron harrow, acme harrow, 2 scuffiers, fanning mill, root pulper, platform scales capacity 1200 Ibs, grindstone, straw cutter, 2 wagâ€" ons, 20 wagon boxes, bobsleigh with box, _ cutter, top buggy, two seated carriage with pole and shaft, 1 _ hay racks, sef heaty tram harness, (new), 2 sets team harness, 2 sets single harâ€" ness â€" fogging chains, stone h:mmer, iron sledge, cant hook, forks, shovels, doubletrees, neckyokes and many othâ€" or articles too numetous to mention. Also about 300 bushels oats. HOUSEHOLD _ EFFECTS.â€"â€" Coal heater (parlor cook) box stove, sink, iton kettle, milk cans, millk pails, checseâ€"making outfit and other articlâ€" TERMS.â€" Grain, Chickens, Pigs and all sums of $10 and under, cash Helwcr aising two years old, 9 head A young cattle rising 1 year old, 5 wloes seserat menths old, i P.GS, ETCâ€"Berkshire brood sow! due to furrow in May, 5 pigs 4 mos. ol6, 4 pigs 2 moenths old, abjout 80 wedl bred hens. Also 4 thoroughbred Barred Rock Cockerels. IMPLEMENTS.â€"Deering â€" binder, 6| 1 crut, Sylvester shoe drill, Preston} mower, 2 sets pea harvester guards,! steel hay rake, Bissel disc, .‘":’x.‘SS(‘Y', Harris spring tooth cultivator (nearâ€" ly new), cultivator, steel land rull(-r,l (nearly new), threeâ€"furrow gang plow, | 2 single plows, 1 iron harrow, acme} harrow, 2 scuffiers, fanning mill, nmt, pulper, platfotm scales capacity 1200 Ibs, grindstone, straw cutter, 2 wag-! ons, 2 wagon boxes, bobsleigh with! HORSESâ€"Fine bay team (General d 2â€"year old hbeifer purpose) rising 3 and 7 years old,lz frest ato time of bay horse rising four years old ( a|to be in calf; 4 ve fine driver)}, Percheton colt rising & ‘pureâ€"bred â€" Holstcin yeats old by Llinois. |DeKol Posch No. 3 CATTLE.â€"Eight choice dairy cows _ PIGS, ETCâ€"So â€"2 cuws fresh since Nov., cow fresh in March, 11 pigs 1 since Dec., 2 cows tresh in January,'\\'hi\o Wyandotte h cow due to calve in April, cow (Iues()rp"mg:un hens to calce in June, cow due to calve in{ TMPLEMENTS, â€" duly, 2 stwors nsing two years uld,’l.’ir.lk-r {with sheaf Helwr arising two vears old, 9 head| mower (5 it entl I commencing at 1 o‘clock, p.m. sharp‘ the following valuable property, viz: Thursday, February 18th, 1909 commencing at one _ o‘clock, p.m sharp, the following valuable properâ€" ty, viz: HORSESâ€"Mare _ 8 years old in foal to Jupiter, horse rising 5 years old (good drivcr), aged horse (good worker), REAL ESTATE.â€"Also at the same time and place there will be sold the fatm comprising part of lots 85 and 8t6, German Company Tract, i Th« County of Waterloo, bettr 0.: o. as the old Reinhardt farm and situaâ€" ted 4 miles east of Breslau, 11 miles southwest of Mosburo, on the . new road hetween Kosegh and Guelph. On the farin _ is 1 log house and woodshed, large bank batn, diiving shed, and â€" pig statles. Also two On the farin is v log house and woodshed, large bank batn, diiving shed, and | pig statles. Also two wells, hard water. _ The farm conâ€" sists of T1 actvs, 3 acrtes of which is orchard, 5 acres is sown in gTass, about 9 acres hardwood bush, . and about 3 acres sias‘. _ The balance is in good state of coltivation. All fall ploughing is done. TERMS.â€"Chickens, grain aud | ali sums of $10 and under, cash, over that amount 10 months‘ credit on apâ€" proved joint notes or 6 per cent. off per annum for cash payments of creâ€" ut. amuiunts. CIJIAS. ZIMMER, Propmetor. I1. B. DUERING, Auctioneet. A. BHITSCHEY. Clerk. Thursdly, February 25th, 1909 HOUSEHOLD _ EFFECTS.â€"Large box stove, cooking stove, 2 lables, number of chairs, sink, 2. bedsteads, number of crocks and dishes. GRAIN, ETC.â€"50 bushels oxts, 45 There will he tion on the farm lot No. 5 Bleam‘ of Manaheim and Petersburg on There will te sold by Public Autâ€" tion on the farim of the undersigned, better known as the old Remhardt farm, 4 miles east of Breslau, /4 milâ€" es southwest of Mosboro, on the new road between Kossutl: and Guelph, on bushels mixed grain potatoes. fall ploughing is done Terms of Real Eist: knowr on day of sal No resetve as the Farm Auction Sale will be sold by Public Aucâ€" the farm of the undersigned, 5 Bleam‘s Road, 1 mile west oFr Stock and Implements SHANTZ, Proprietor BROS., Auctioneers. two miles south of and 10 bushels! farm imust â€" he team (General 7 years â€" old, years old ( a colt rising & will be made imnmlcncing at â€"12.30° o‘clock, . fullowing v.duable property, viz l BORLSESâ€"1 bay team, sising . 9 years old, | well â€" matched (( ‘about 3.000 lbs.); brown mare 10 years old (good driver), grey |using 11 years olfd, supposed to |foal to Mackney itmisso Coronac ‘sucking colts get by Coronado ’ UATTLEâ€"T good dairy cow llu calve _ day of sale, 2 d: calve in March,1 due to calu ‘.\pnl and 2 due to calye in & 2â€"yeatr old beifers, Holstein lz freshk at time of sale, 3 su |to be in calf; 4 yearling heife i pureâ€"bred _ Holstein kull, Sir lwKo!l Posch No. 3805. 4 vear: dâ€"2t Also â€" quantity ofâ€" hay, about â€" 50 bushels ‘barley and about 50 bushels oats, quantity of corn ensilage. TERMS.â€"Hay, Graim, chickens and all sums of £10 and umfer, cash, over thit amount 10 months credit on apâ€" pponed ceenrite or & ner _cent. Der annum off for cash payments of creâ€" dit amounts stove, eupboard, 2 tables, writing dosk, desk, 2 bedsteads, flour chest fruit dryer, cider barrels, pail stand and â€" woodhox. Opr Orpington hens INMPLEMENTsS irder (with she mower (3 {1 eut) There will be sold by public Aucâ€" tion on the farm of the late Noah Bean, Tot 21, con. 3, 1 miles souih of New Hamburg, on Wednesday, February 24 under cash, over months‘ credit « notes or I percen ments of credit a of sale, cow due to calve about, end of March, 2 cows not in calf, 7 good sheep, sow, about 50 chickens _ and collie dog. Implementsâ€"Maxwell binder, mowâ€" «r, bay rack, cultivator, seed drill, plow (nearly __new), scuffier _(nearly uew}, set harrows, root pulper, new; straw cutter (nearly new), fanning mill, 2 buggies, twoâ€"seaied carriage, wagon with box, _ cutter, . oneâ€"horse wagon, stock rack {nearly new), set double harness, set buggy _ harness, seiplow harness, whiffletrees, _ neck yokes, shovels, forks, 20 ft. fadder (nearly new), 12 ft. ladder, a quanâ€" tity of vats, hay and barley, about i bushcl potatoes, 2 cooking stoves, box stove, table, churn, 8 _ kitchen chairs, bench, sink, wash sink, cupâ€" board, wood chest, crocks, jars, 10 gallons vinegar and barrel, 15 gallons vinegar and barrel 2 14 ft. gates inearly new); and many other articles too numerfous to mention. TERMSâ€"Hay, oats, barley, chickâ€" ens and all sums of ten dollars and under cash. over that> amount 10 (nearly new), 12 ft. ladder, a quanâ€" tity of vats, hay and barley, about i bushcl potatoes, 2 cooking stoves, box stove, table, churn, 8 _ kitichen chairs, bench, sink, wash sink, cupâ€" board, wood chest, crocks, jars, 40 gallons vinegar and barrel, 15 gallons vinegar and barrel 2 14 ft. gates sale if not previously sold. This farm cons.sts of 50 acres more or less of which 46 acres are under a good state of cultivation, 4 acres cedar and fine bush. _ All fall plowing _ is _ done. On the farm is a good bank _ barn, good frame house with woodshed atâ€" tached, and a good supply of water. Terms of real estate wik be made known at time of sale. MRS. J. EBERLIN, Executrix. JOJHIN 8. MEYER, Administraior. A. J. MCKUS, Auctioncer. PETER SCHUMMER, Clerk. ens and all sums of ten dollars and under cash, over that amount 10 j months‘ credit on â€" approved _ joint notes or I percent. off for cash payâ€" ments of credit amounts. 1 REAL ESTATE. § At the same time and place the ‘ farm of the undersigned, being comâ€" posed as aforesaid, will be offere} (uri sale if not previously sold. This farm vons.sts of 50 acres more or less of | There will be sold by Public Autâ€" tion in the farm of the . undersigned, Lot 6, Concession 1, Eastern section, in the Township of Wellesley, } _ of a mile south of BamBerg and 4 miles east of Wellestey, on commencing at 1 o‘ciocx i. M lollowing valuable. property, viz Real Estate, Farm Stock and Implements Hlorsesâ€"Horse rising 4 ‘yeus old, horse rising 9 years old, aged horse. Cattleâ€"Cow due to calve by _ time OrF Farm Stock and Implements Tuesday, March 9th, 1903 lowing valuable. property, viz t Horsesâ€"Heavy gbestnut mare, ris lorsesâ€"Horse rising 4 years â€" old, 198 S®Y°N years old in foal to Pilot, se rising 9 years old, aged horse. D€@YY bay horse rising 8 years . old, ‘attleâ€"Cow due to calve by â€"time bay horse 14 years old, black horse sale, cow due to calve about, end | !P Years old (good driver), dark bay March, 2 cows not in calf, 7 " guod!"‘““' ising 5 years old in foal _ to ‘Cp, sow, sbout 50 chickens imd:l{o_\'al Wilks (good driver), team lie dog. |heavy bay horses mising 3 years old. mplementsâ€"Maxwell binder, â€" mowâ€"|_. Cattlieâ€"Fresh cow, heifer fresh â€" by bay rack, cultivator, seed â€" drill, time of sale, cow due to calve in w (nearly __new), scuffler _ (nearly l:\ugusl, cow supposed to be in . calf, »}, set hartows, root puiper, new; | )°TS¢Y cow supposed to be in . calf, aw cutter (nearly new), _ fanning heiffer supposed to be in calf, 4 head I1, 2 buggies, twoâ€"seated carriage, | 50008 Cattle, 2 calves, 5. head fat hn AOHMI (hrice en se doruice ccaitle. THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CONDITION Auction Sale Auction Sale SIMON BREAN, H.: W. BEAN, Executors. D. RUDY, Auctioneer. D. R. STAUFFER, Clerk time oi sale, 3 s posed calf; 4 yearling heife ;, 1 Holstein kull, Sir _ Belle ch No. 3805, 4 years old. ETC.â€"Sow due to i .rrow 1 months ol lens and 2 May; srade sosed reigh ising nare 20 [ Buff ! due to the the In |commencing at _ one o‘clock, p.m., {sl-arp, the following valuable _ proâ€" II.N‘r'ty‘, Â¥i2.:â€" h HORSES.â€"Fine jet black pair _ of | Percheron _ horses rising four years |old, _ fine dark brown Morgan mare, excellent brood mare % years old, in foat by Highland Chief, colt 2 years ‘uld, _ colt rising one year old, _ fine span of mules, 11 hands high. CATTLE, ETCâ€"Cow fresh in Deâ€" crmber. cow fresh, cow due to calve in March, two cowsa@ue to calve in April, cow sJue to galve in May, helâ€" fer due to calve b#une, thoroughâ€" bied HMoistein bulf ind nine yeanling | caives. â€" Sow and 9 pigs. Puddings puthto a haltâ€"heated ovâ€" On or cooked im witer that has been allowed to go off the boil are invarâ€" iably spoéled. s TERMS.â€"Pigg and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount, 9 months credit on approved security or 4 per cent per anmum off for cash payments of credit amounts. f oF : Farm Stock aud Implements R horse â€" cultivator, 2 wagons, gravel tox, surrey, light _ market carriage, cart, two cutters, sleigh, cornplanter, potwto planter, ‘weeder, harness, shoâ€" vels, forks, chains and many | other articles too numerous to mention. Wednesday. February 17, Having sold my farm I will offer for sale by Public Auction at | my late residence on the farm formerly owned by Moses C. Bowman, one half mile west of the village of Mannheim, 3 miles east of Petersburg, on TERMSâ€"Hay, grain, | pigs, chickâ€" ens, fat cattle, potatocs, and all sums of 910.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit on approvâ€" ed joint notes, ot,5 per cent. of} for cash payments of credi% amounts. Householdâ€"Efivetsâ€"Melotte _ cream soparator, No. 3; Daisy churn, new; bedstcad, sink, wask sink, 10 kilchen chairs, water bench, flour chest, glass cupboard, roller shades, quantity of apple butter, quantity of potato.s, 2 barrels vinegar, cider barrel, 2 tubs, large can, crucks, and other articles too numerous to mention. 2 sets team harness, 2 sets | plow harness, 3 sets single harness, _ set carriage harness, set leather fly nets, 3 sets horse blankets, â€" horse«ollars. Grainâ€"100 bushels yellow Russian seed oats, 600 bushels oats, 100 bushâ€" els barley, 150 bushels mixed | grain, a quantity of hay. No reserve as the farm is sold. of £10.00 and under, cash; over that Wednesday, February 24, 1909 commencing at }2,30 a‘clock, the fol lowing valuable, property:â€" There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion on the farm of the undersigned 2 miles west of Preston and 23 miles southwest of Freeport, across . the river from Doon, on Pigs, Etec.â€"1 pigs 3 months old, 7 pigs 5 months old, fat pig, shoat, 50 chickens. LEVI GEHL, Proprietor ROBT. BRICKNELL, Freeport, JAMES MeDONALD, Guelph, $ Auctioncers Auction Sale OF Far=~ Stock and Implements SHANTZ, PROPRIETOR JOS. SAUDER, Clerk Auction Sale whiflietrees. 2 sets plow Public Accountsâ€"A. JL CJare, Esâ€"]| _A quantity of c«orce Storm King SeX. anc Mennonite Oats, Canadian Beauâ€" Rartwaysâ€""ITugh QGuthric, Wolling.| Y Peas, Black Barley and Manchuria oh. Barley, and mixed grain teady to sow Banking and Commerceâ€"H. T Mil-"“r sale. _ Apply to owner, ler (Grev). 5 JAMES B. MITCHELL, Private Billsâ€"J. A. Ethict (Twol Box 164, Mountains.) Waterioo, Ont. Privileges and Electionâ€"W. M. Gerâ€"0r to Ontario Seed Company, man, (Welland.) i Waterloo, Ont. Standing Orders=George Mrl'rnne,[(lr to Eidt‘s Seed Store, Berlin, Ont. (Assinibora.) . | Where samples of the grain may be THE CHAIRMAN CONFIRMED. Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 9. â€"The standing committees of the House of Commons elfected chairmen toâ€"day as follows:â€" Public Accountsâ€"A. IL CJarce, Esâ€" MRS MARY BECKNER, Administratrix. Or 11. B. DUERING, Auctioncer, Waâ€" terloo. 6â€"7t. TERMS.â€"190 per cent. on day jef sale and balance on parcels Nos. 1 @nd 4 in 8 days when possession vwill be given or sooner if payment is made, and balance on parccl No. 3 in 30 dats. 3. The double frame dwelling and lands heing part of lot No. 285, Hoflâ€" man‘s survey, in Berlin, Ontario, and containing 1â€"5 acre of land, Subject to the existing leases of the _ tenants. Properties will be sold subject to exâ€" isting encumbrances thereon, but may Â¥e continued if satisfactory arcangeâ€" ments can be made with the Mortgaâ€" got. Henry Schade, of â€" Bridgeport, Ontario, who will be present at the sale. The properties will be sold subject to reserve bids. For particulars apply to CATTLE, ETC.â€"Cow due to calve in March, cow due to calve in April, cow Cue to caive in June, cow due to calve> in July, cow due to calve vaitle, also â€"about â€" 64. hens. â€" at time of sale, 4 young butcher‘s | IJMPLEMENTS, _ ETC. â€" Masseyâ€" 2H.m|.\ bincer (nearly new), Masseyâ€" Harris seeder _ (nearly new), Massey { Harris hayrake, Deeting mower (uearâ€" ‘!]y new), ‘Noxon drill, Masseyâ€"Harris ‘oneâ€"horse cultivator, 81t cut, 3 â€" waâ€" |gons (1 nearly uew), 3 sleighs with |log bolsters and platform (1 nearly new), 2 top buggies, sugarâ€"beet box, 2 gravel boxes, manure box, harrow, fiveâ€"section iron harrow, landrolier, 2 ‘Fleury doubie plows (nearly new), 2 single . Fleury plows, Yaukee plow, | Paterson gaug plow. scrapetr, i disc, . (nearly. new), 16 plates, carriage*pole |(nearly new), fanning mill, 2 wood ;racks, 2 hay racks, manure sleigh, Cyclone fence maching, root pulper, sugar beet lifter, combination vice ,‘(m-arly new), sceale, capacity, 1200 <lbs, scale capacity 240 lbs, set carâ€" ‘ riage, harness, 2 sets single.harness, â€"*2 sets team harness, 1 sets Scotch tops, flcum harness, 2 sets Scotch â€" tops, grindstoue, emery stone, 20 lb. stone hammer, | grain bags, cider barrel, crow bars, good‘ strong rope, 6 pulâ€" leys, logging chains, whiffletrees,neckâ€" yokes, hayfork, shoveis, forks _ and iman_v other articles too numerous 10 mention. 2. The real estate where the said laundry business is carried om, being part of lots No. 393, Hoffman‘s surâ€" vey, containing 6â€"100 acres of land. The laundry chattels and cffiects beâ€" longing to the said laundry at the said town of Waterloo. Saturday, February 27th, 1909 commencing at 2 p.n real and personal est; Julius _ Beckner, of Laundryman, deceased The undersigned will sell by Public Auction at the Sun Laundry premises, Waterloo, on HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS.~â€" Laval Cream separator (nearly new), 3 coal oil heaters, 2 _ Queen‘s stoves, box stove, churn, Daisy churn, sink, cupboard, extension table, sewing maâ€" chine, lounge, rockers, bureau, cradle, 2 large Bufialo robes, rugs, iron ketâ€" tle copper kettle, milk cans, pails and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS.â€"Butcher‘s cattle, chickens and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months‘ credit on approved joint notes or 4 per cent. uff for cash payments of credit amâ€" ounts. Wednesday, February 24, 1909 There will be sold by Public Aueâ€" tion on the farm of the undersigned, on~ hal mile west of Waterloo, . on the main road leading to, St. Zgatha, {IORSESâ€"Matched grey team ris ing 4 years old, matched Chestaut teain 7 and 8 years old, bay horse 7 years iold, 2 aged mares, colt rising 3 years old, sorrel mare 7 years old in foal, bay colt rising, 3 years old. No reserve as the proprietor is reâ€" tiring from farming. commencing &t 12 o‘clock, noon,sharp; the jollowing valyable property, viz.. Agricultureâ€"M. S. Schell (Otforég Farm Stock and implements Auction Sale MENNO DEVITT, Clerk SAM. S. SNIDER, J1., A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer # h Auction Sale p.m. the following estate of the ‘late of Waterloo, Ont., Proprietot '\commt'ncing at 2 o‘clock p.m. sharp, be. the following valuable property, viz.: the‘, Livestock, ete. â€" Good _ working «horse. 16 years old, cow due to calve saig in May, brood sow supposed to be in cing | Dig, about 20 chickens, Or to Eidt‘s Seed Store, Berlin, Ont. Whore samples of the grain may be seed . hâ€"2mu. | Monday, February 15th, 1909 ‘ There will be sold by public auction on the farm of the undersigned, Lot ; 106, Con. 5, in the Township â€" of | Waterloo, 2% miles cast of Breslau, ‘on the main road leading to New «Germany, on Seed Grain For Sale Terms of Real Estate will be made known on day of sale. Termsâ€"Pigs, chickens, mangoids, and all sums of $5.00 and under, cash over that amount 6 months‘ credit on approved joint notes or 5 per cent. per annum of for cash payments | of credit amounts. GOTTFRIED KARPINSKI, Prop ALBERT .J. MICKUS, Auctioneet. time and place the farm consisting of Lot 106, Con. 5, will be offered for sale. It consists of 4 acrtes, of which one hall acre is sown in fall wheat, and the balance is in a good state of cultivation. On the premises is ~a house and barn. 1mplements, etc.â€"Oneâ€"horse wagon, open buggy, cutter, _ straw culter, plow, harrow, set â€" plow harness, set buggy harness, scalding trough, robe, . whiffletrees, _ shovels, forks, cook stove, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Rootsâ€"Quantity of mangolds, _ 16 bushels carrots. (Real Estate.â€"Also at the _ same or Real Estate,Stock & Implements Tuesday, February 16th, 1909 HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS.â€" Cream separator, coal heater, Queen heater, cook stove (for coal or woog, scales, capacity 240 lbs, 3 tables, cupboard, chairs, churn, butter worker, pails, milk cans, wash machine, wringer, 10 crocks appletmutter, barrel cider, vincâ€" gar, 2 iron kettles, sewing machine, carpet, smali bed, baby carriage, craâ€" dle, clotheshorse, washtubs, quantity potatocs and numerous other articles too numerous to mention. ALEX. AMES, NOAH BECHTEL, Auctioneer, Proprictor. WINFIELD BREWSTER, Clerk. TERMS.â€"Fat cattle, fecding lambs, bay, grain, potatocs and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over ~ that amount 10 months‘ credit on approvâ€" ed security or 5 per cent off for cash payments of credit amounts. Lunch at noon. IMPLEMENTS.â€"Massey Harris binâ€" der, Massey HMarris mower, hayloadâ€" er, siderake, sulky rake, spring tooth cultivator, Noxon seed drill, land roller, Success manute spreader, 2 wagons, light wagon with pole . and shaft, bObslcigh, light sleigh, _ roadâ€" cart, horse power with cqualizers and rods, jack, cutting Hox with #arMers‘ Rapid Easy chopper (mf@rly new), 33 feet 4 inch good leather belt, fanning mill, ‘two furrow plow, threeâ€"furrow gang plow, twoâ€"furrow gang plow, 2 No. 21 plows, potsto plow, 2 sets iron harrows, turnip pulper, | scales, capacity 2000 lbs, scuMfer, 40 grain bags, chop box, pig crate, scalding trough, quantity pine and oak lumber, 2 wheellsarrows, forks, hoes, shovels, chains, _ scythes, grain cradle, hayâ€" knife, crosscut saw, buckâ€"saw, binder tongue . truck, stoneboat, set team harness, 2 sets plow harness, set sinâ€" gle harness, 2 sets leather flynets. CATTLE.â€"2 thoroughbred Durham cows with pedigree, 5 Durham grade cows supposed to be in calf, 5 head fat cattle, 11 head young cattle one year old and under, 3 calves. PIGS.â€" ETC.â€"Sow, 6 shoats 8 months old, collie dog. _ About. 60 chickens. There Wil? be soli by Public Aueâ€" tion on the larm of the updeï¬'lg«f. one _ mile north of Preston, $ mi . northeast Of Preston cemetery, on tho west half of lop No. 28, in the brg ken fromt concession, on > 1 comn‘lelcia'g at 10 o‘clock, a.m., the following val property, viz. _‘ liOl{.S‘ESâ€"â€"sz years old. horse SHEEP.â€"Shropshire _ Down buck, 14 Shropshire and Oxford Down gradâ€" es, supposed to be in lamb, 9 feeding lambs and ewes. HORSESâ€"MAré 12 years old, horse 11 years old, horsé 8 years old, mate 4 years old supposed to be in <foal, horse <4 years old (driver, 2 golts rising 3 years old. ‘ â€"GRAIN.â€"100 bushels oats, 100 busâ€" hels barley, quantity hay. Auction Sale Farm Stock an 1: Implements 1 % Awtion* a ue aee | pithhiehaned sn sat wy on 2 6t :) quction oncles 10. w4 en so 30 bushels seed peas and 4 bustigh Timothy Clover seed mixed. No reserve as the Tatm is sold. TERMSâ€"Chickens.‘ ducks. #rain and all _ sums of $10 and under, cask ; wer that amount, 12 months‘ ctedrt n _ approved joint notes or 4 ~per cent. off for cash payments of ctedit mounts GEORGE MANSZ, Proprietor A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer, (new}, about 200 cedar posts, . postâ€" hole auger, 2 logging chaing, ice tongs, grindstone, crosscut saw, iron kettle, capacity 40 gallons, cradle, scythes, meat barnel, iton sledge, double stepâ€" ladder, 20 grain bags, Daisy churn ({ncarly new), cooking stove for wood, washing machine, single barrel gur, breech loader, whiffietrees, neckyokes, forks, scoop shovels, half bushel mea~ sure, cow chains and many other arâ€" licles too numerobs to mention. Alâ€" iew, with pole, wagon box, woodâ€" rack, set gravel planks, 2 sets hafâ€" ness, 2 sets plow hatness, set @#râ€" clage harness (nearly new), set single harness, 40 rods Dillion wire fencing mill, root pulper, chop box, wheelbarâ€" cow, hayknife, 2 sets iron harrows, wide fire wagon, % other wagons, »obsleigh, open buggy, surney, nearly CATTLE, ETC.â€"Ftesh cow, fresh cow with call at side, cow due . to alve _ February _ 28th, cow due to calve _ April 12th, cow due to calve July 15th, 3 stceers rising 2 years »ld, 2 steers rising 1 year old,;;;3 heifers, rising 1 year old, Tamwort# sow due at time of sale, 2 _ Tamâ€" worth sows due March ist, 18 pigs weighing about 100 Ibs each, 4 duck@ nd atout 75 chickens. 2 IMPLEMENTS, ETC.â€"Masseyâ€"Hare ris spring tooth cultivator with seed box, drill, hayrake, iron land rollet, disc, Zâ€"furrow plow, 2 plows, 2 grass commencing at one o‘clock p.m., the following valuable property, viz.â€" HORSES.â€"Bay mare 14 years old, bay mare 7 years old, bay mare 5 years old, heavy dark bay mare in fO@l rising 4. years old, pay mare rising 3 years old, bay Clyde horse rising 8 years old, bay mare rising 2« years old, bay sucking colt. a nowers, hayr:.ck Tuesday, February 16th, 1909 There will be_sold by Public Aucâ€" tion on the farm of the undersigned, lot 7 con. 6 in the Township of. Welâ€" leslcy, 4 miles south*iest of .St. Cleâ€" ments and 2 miles northwest of Bargâ€" berg, on No reserve as the farm is ‘ SIHIANTZ BROS, Auctioncer® A. HENHOEFFER, V.S. P& S. REID, Cletk. 5â€"3t. Harris binder, _ Ideal mower (nearly new), Noxon combined seed drill, roalâ€" ler, hayrake, â€" discâ€"harrow, 2§ â€"; inch tire balf truck~ wagon, _ complete, (nearly new), 8 inch tire hallâ€"truek wagon, . sugar beet box, democrat, stickâ€"seat buggy, cutter, pair bob sleighs (nearly new), 2 sets .‘l"d planks, 2 walking plows, twoâ€"furrow plow, (new), threeâ€"lurrow plow. sculâ€" fler, set iron harrows, hayrack, stone boat, Masseyâ€"Harris root â€"pulper, f&aâ€" ning mill, straw cutfer, 10 borseâ€"powâ€" er,lumbling rods ‘and couplings, platâ€" form‘ scale, capacity 1600 its, 2 séte team harness, 3 ladders, gr'mdnz: barrels, cedar posts, quant ty of 1 wheelbarrow, _ ciderâ€"barrels, Apzo ber, bag truck, ice tongs, hay knife, erosscut saw, . whiffietrees, crowkar, stove, hammer, scythes, shovell;m yokes, forks, chaft fork, logging ropes, grain bags, irom kettle, méat batrel, and mahy other articlee téo numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. â€" World‘s Favorite,.range, cooking stove, wood cook stove, heater, Agricultural furnace, work bench, Mellotte cream separator, _ 300 lbs capacity {nearly new); churn, milk can, pails, befich, chairs, etc. TERMS.â€"Grain, chickens, and all sums of â€" $10 and under, cash;over that amount 10 months‘ credi‘ + on approvred security or 5 per cetst. per aunum off for tash paymentg of creâ€" dit amounts. %: commenting at 1 o‘clock p. & 1 the following valuable t +. .A HORSES.â€"Hor« 18 49k riage horse rising;8, years sR pair carriage &dfl-‘ andey 4 . years old, well matchet: . _ , / .08 ~"~ CATTLE,â€"4 cows, 2 MJ "“t to calve at time of .sale, 1 due ~ calve in August, 2 yearling M. 2 yearling heifers, call 3 weel‘s old,, GRAIN, RETC:â€"About 300 bushels cats, 50 bushels barley, about 6 tons mixed hay. §z south ‘on "Berum ‘on south ‘of y . trom Berlin 3"0' PIGS, ETC.~â€"2 brood sows h‘a 7 shoats 4 montlis old, about 30 cbi or Farm Stock and Implements Auction Sale patented fanning » d