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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 Feb 1909, p. 8

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, Auction Sale Msw commencmg at am k ' “M pm, we [allowing valuable )2 l rrl l, ttz.-- t4otttsr2n'.--llay xn.:- lt years old, My mare 7 yours out my mare Ct "rears old, heavy duh bay mare in tual using 1 years old, my man- 113mg 3 years old, bay Clyde Home rising :5 years old, bay mare [mug 2 years old, bay sucking cult. - -m---. PP, __" my mun Many, hunky 16th, tion on t lot ' con in“ an berg, an at "$1“ng joint'ngm or 4 pe , ' can. on annum tor cash my (' mm at cud“ “noun“. T ' ALBERT HICKL‘N, Auctioneer. 'tiii/tlt" . an, proprietor. v, , CATTLL, ETC,--Fre: mm with can] at side, valve Fuhruiry Mth who April 12m, cow July 15th, 3 steers r ol - - or In Stock and Implements ris .pri use, in» w; , tr I' FW' V ,, tnowec, n. l ll, tt [ wxun.‘ Mn; mill, root ptslyc, s)rrr',r ' ~w|hur- row, haykmlc, e, "' mun umruws, wide fire W3Cou, I othrr wagons, hobslcigh, open ~lmggy, hunt-y, neatly new, with pole, wagon box, wood- rack, set (Haw! plank; 2 m-ls har- ness, 2 sctn plow hurry»; wt wr- riage harm-*5 me..r!r fr, n _ so! smalv harttes". ',t, Mu" Iw'wnu nith' fawn; um“ 't abou' Pltt w»: . .n " w it _ Cc,.. l _rrtrs st.., any , 2: loggurg tn..n.s, icc lung- 1trtu"s1ifc, clusN'ul saw. nun kettle, capacity lo gallons, cradle, scythe, meat tsarmri, iron stetigv, doumvsh-p- ladder, '20 gum bags, Daisy Our" (nearly' may), cooking store tor wood, Washing mat-[1mm smglc trarrel gun, breech loader, whitihrtrut's, nvckyokes, lurks. scoop shovcls, halt bushel mm;- sure, cow chains and many other ar- ticles too nnnwrnus to mention. At- 80 30 bushels seed Twah and 5' hUahel “manly Clover srul mixed. No rvwrw m tho inn] is sold. THI', H94 "huh-n9, ducks, grain and .m .Illhx I in) and utuivr, uxxh, all over ir'i'iiiiily, February IO, 1909 commencing sharp; the There will be all. t., V tion (In the tarm "I alu- 1 mile nuuhwusL M “nu-1 lilac? h ttATTLtC-Cow l, ..x 1 sale, to“; that lo n I [ l yrxl due to calve 5il 'l vas due in Cairo May " , Jtus due to take June Tull], Jet fer due to (“he Mini 13th, young with PIGS. Fi'.--Itroorl smv supposv to 'h(' in 11m, in ]up 1 months old Ell) Plymouth Pvorli chickens, and spring Plytuouilt Hark mush-u ,.,___ “an. '., _-r-___ ll. 50 Plymouth Itork chickens, and ‘. spring Plytuouth Hark mosh-u iMPr,Fr3IFiNT.s', ryrC.--.uivssey-Har ris binder Ii it cut orally new). drill disk, cultivator. mower, land lullv- 4-slwtion iron Yarrow, lmwnkr, “an wagon wath box, law “damn, hm, sleigh, 2 top huggit-s ("(me um- one-horse market tulIngt'. (iludsluln cutter, Immune: mill, 2rssrstosrthyw' Imperial [gang plow, x“ lrrwl. [mu plots, scuelvr. 1ras;r'et ll.xnix tttls' punter. y'l'u!”"rw€~, ~mm‘p, lwxl w" (1165“; l Ttt R, L' r9l hoggirr, I» l l" , tl"; I' may: bulclxu _ [ n v'vl "t, ',' .lm city Cis" l" 's 1' l-‘dd‘H w mix." Medgt', stun- ;. v“ _ m. gum planks, 2 whiz, f blank-1s, p, svt ris binder ti tt cut ttwall' disk, cultivator. mower, 1-scrli0n iron Yarrow, I: wagon 1suth box, luw l . (n: Farm Stock and 1m plemegts city cis" _ 's 1' “whim w 'khdl, Medgt', stun 1. mm _ 'y, gravel planks, 2 whiz, f Mania-1s, p, M'ls double harurss, 2 sva single harness. Collars. swam, tug {manly now), 2 dusters, wheelhatlow, shovels. “Int "trees, Iwrkyukcs .ond (our; Holls' GRAIN-tbout Mailw seed o..is grain 3nd alum‘ y HUI'SI HUI, .liotroval 1 n I, an!“ (hum bed, small bod cupboard, sink Lulu (burn, 2 harp brds, sun“: bed, small Mil, cradle, bureau, mun-- cupboard, sink, wash sink, choirs, x ft. egiensinn table. Qurr‘n's shun. cooking stave, Home l‘munsul... stove (vrarly new), flour barrel, 2 hanging lamp, heating drum, sewing machine, lounge, 2 burnrr gasoline store, , dozen gain bags, ii milk vans, numlh-r ot pails and saphur- "ttl numrtnus to Int-Minn. No rowrvr as the farm is sold TFIJI" -I|uy, grain, rhirrrns a“ 'tttus " ’10 And undnr, : c our tttnt “um. 10 months m Auction Sale on. li in 'he " 4 mitcs s.cili, m will be Bold the (arm "t 1: Auction Sale lu' 1 yen um, and I 2 loggutg crotistut at tl by f undersigned, using! ol Wei- " trl tit. Cle- west of llam- Public Aue .1) f, ..x lime wril 51h (t Jam-y ' .It'lscy ah, Jersey li years. old, bay horse Public .ll old, 3 JulWUTH-I Tam- Itt pigs 1 ducks' luck ;lu~l< Filver Sher; mired h o,ietuu V, II P. . '.1 mun-1; the hei, head cow cow cow 1m and cash . "edit 4 [WI Tuesday. February 9th, There will be sold by Public Auc- lion on the bum ot Iu'r 2leuet) (better known as the old Slrctlel homeatetrd), lot} 9, COL. 5, trasUrrs buc- lion Tp. ul Wellesley, 5 mues north- east ol Wellesley and , miles south" west at ur. Clements, u- commencing at one oitock sharp, the lulluwmg valuable 1y, viz." _ AiottsEs--Hrowrs mm old, horse I? years old, 18 years old. sorrel horse old t'ATTLri, ETC.--Cow due to March lath, cow due to cake Ist, tow due to who April hum-l: due to who April Hal fat cow, Cat heifer, heiter 2 old, t,teer 2 years old, 5 “In year old, tiOW, 7 hogs, and abut hens. IMPLEMENTS, ETC.--0eeruig, hin- der with truck and tleaf carriel, Max- well mower, f,lte't'l,ill haylumlrr, Mc. k‘urmick Irayrake, n mowvr, war 'torvester, Massey-Harris drill, Hum- "lon broadcast seeder. land roller OF Fun Stock and 5mm: mun brumlc Fl as? and It' rows, Fuck ni, CocUhutt 15mg plow, No , It) row Pertti. _l, wagon with Irv', sets double ha combined hay horsepower, ml cunt-r. tannin In: 2 iron kcttivs, tr m, ill sap Wail antler. churn, y liner. lxll‘l'lilgt' 1 mat. tulr, cooki glass ("whim 1 tredsteads, 1 humm- chairs xmmhsr milk um tub, butterbox ml!) In ty " lbs.,) A haun- ht., craOs, .L~.. 111mg 1 boat, I) ft ('Imsrui lugging Mums, cm“ Ends. shovels, slam and many ”Hurt ar1i: Mu mention. 4-2t ALBERT 1iit'iiVH,. tuctiorurvr HENRY HTItriltrila, Prupnetm tum uh I Sell. "cut Watct Inn. Fn had 1lw, iWIIII trox. \pnng sun, and pm lad, ‘Iumhrl wagon, huh sleigh wnh 1sos, ‘lmh sirugh, "PW sleigh hos, spt gravel Iplnnks, hay lark. "hveltratrom. nun 'kt'llle. sions. "arrtttrer, grindstvne- [ tiosrwitt saw. Inning chains. crow- hnl, shovels, lurks, and many othet articles too mum-mm In mention, Grain, Mr --Uuaniity oats and Img min“. u mg Pigs. rlt _-P,rotr chicken. . llll|)Il‘lulIn . lit noun, 1 Was with shear catt'ltbt OF' Farm Stock and Implements with slum catt'ltbtyi. tont' "early ner well drill, Mlllnrl, disk, mum“, Iwo- furrow gang pin“. Ixxu-mnnw bran) plow. 3 otlwr yloas, 51-1 nun hat- lows, Massvy-Haitis spun; tooth Illlnalul ullh scedct, 'tPay take, mm wilvr, iatutuyt mill, trump mn- ',tr r', “I'~"&\1l‘d democrat, lop hug ii, “V [ , ?. sartsi double hainess tl tr'r and? hklnms. lumhcl wagon furrow gang plow. if nth! lows, Mas.w Illll\.llul' Vt “Hum-hung .lml'p. tiw "'ls T bl (HIM-u ppm", .. nun no}. um - hmhols mangalds and aunts. Tr'.ttWu--Hay, grain, pigs. chickens and all sums ol $1000 and and”, rash, mm that amount 10 months' new an upprovrd Joint tuMes or 5 prr crmi, on per annum lot rash pay- mrnis ot credit amounts. Thl‘ll ll sine, - wan trril Little-Cow hush IF lanw Mull llln. a" al sule, cow "" Isl. t'OW dllt' in tal Auction Sale Sins, .nm. R. t4CHF.i'KF.Nh V Faecutriq " n IH"ERINt1, Mndionmr. Auction Sale F3t Manday, March lst, I909 ts-Brown unite Pt years so 17 wars old, black mare I) MIA "ties, rumn-r Lctthn mp ap punk, Natsmal “TM“ 501» hum, quIhLKF stuficr, lug rriagr tunguv, pair ict: longs, ' cooking slow, but; stove cupboard. sink. lounge, . ' I y,--l 'hrsl " tle 1m s. n th 'uml disk, 2 Him har- Lull plow, two-furrow “g plow, No. b', Yankee 1tilldn.son plow, one-fur- .l.y pluw, good as new, hum, 3 other wag-um, al harness, that hay Idl'k. and lllilll' lei; al nln' tollowm Iwucliert, number y) uilk cult), and bulim- mlh m' Irrrx (capaei- mw bluukl'ls, 2 cram hug trough, stunt mm” mm; grimlmum', cumhau, numlu-r of dodgv. mun- soup iron amides loo numerous Massey-Hat t Is lo 'alsc Aulv hr Ull till), 3 mg 2 warn old. Hind an“: in pig ma Implements .m In rash; nw'l' that tu-Mit ml approv- Pl um: ul'l per tvtrrerfs a'l vredit I ll mare. x gums old 5 calres and about um I Inn-51 [Hill's south Du o"clock p. m valuable plop- mm: double Masscy-ifarris to cutve Ive April pm 15m, Hal, cow 2 years Puitlir ‘lx luu. proper ml mus old, "id m toal years tow duv ow \\ oth ' r A pr]! 17th, 4 yeah ' Ant Inx " mm 100 THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN ttmdels cult Mushy, February Mth, 1909 commonuug at 1 o‘clock, Fm .51an Ilu. follow-mg \aluable property, Ftf, iiiHthuuS-Futw bay than: tGeneral purpose) Hung c, and T years old, ha) ltotst. nsmg [nut years old ( " line dun-I). Perchcrots colt mung 2 ycals old by lllmms, Ttttse witl be sold by Public Auc- tion on the [arm oi the undersigned, lot No. 5 Blvaur's Road, 1 mile west of Mannheim and two miles ammo! Petersburg on 5mm: Der t ’5 cows Hrs” 1n "sh"""'.', cow due to valve In April, cow due lo Lulu- ttt Juno, mm due to uln- m July, 2 519015 “snug two years old, New “mug Iwo years old, 942ch of yummy cattle using 1 war old, 3 calses several tuouths old. PIGS, F.TC-Berkshire brood sow dur. to inflow In May, 5 pigs I mm old, 4 pigs 2 months old, attout an well bred hens. Also 1 thorouglrbtvd ‘Harrml Rock 1'ockgrrels. oi of Fu- Stock and lupin-cots 40 l _ ATT1.r.' TrHOLcr-- Gram, Chickens. Pigs and all sums of $10 and under, cash, (not that amount It) months' credit on upproved mint non-s or 5 per tom. per annum on ior cash payxm'uls oi credits ataounts. 5-3t Having snld my farm I will oifer tor sale by Put.iic Auction at my late residvncu on the hum fulnu‘rly AMOS M. SIIAXT'A, Proprietor 3mm” BROS” Auctiortewrs. s, s. liriR?iEft,.Clerk. commencing at one o‘clock. pm}! sharp, the following valuable pro-', perty, via.:- i l HORry'F+1.-Ftrte jet black p41: of _Pcrclteron horws rising, [our yvars! old, line dark brown Morgan mortal oxwllcnt brood mare 7 years old, in' foal by llighlnml Hui-l, colt 's' Hum old, colt rising our year old. lint-L span (ll mules. 11 hands high. i t'AT'TL1; ryrC.--Uos fresh in iw-! cemtwr, vow iresh, cow due to ulvcl in March, two rows due to calre ‘in April, cow due to calvc in Msy, hee fer due to who in June, thmouglr [Hell llolslcin hull anal nine ycauling', ralu‘s. Sow and ll pigs. ' 1hIPI,EMis'NTS'.--MeCormick himll-r1 (in-ally MW), Johnston lllllWI‘l. Imy-l rake, disc harrow, spring Itntlit hull" row, “wring cultivw1or. hm drill.' shoe drill, two furrow plow, l\\u my gle plows,haytvtlder trwwi. [and] roller, huyrarli. stocktath, plullunn; scales, I50" pounds mpntil), uno‘ horse vullivatvr, 2 wagons, gnaw] hm, smut-i, light inaikci Human, cart, Iwo cntlvls, slvigh, coruplan1vr, pg'uto plsnter, weedvr, harness, slto, wk, forks, chains and many other articles too munitions lo mention. TF'AtMhC--Pigs and all sum» MM” and under, cash: oTer that amount, " months "edit on approved swnnli or l per cent per annum on for rash payments oi credit amounts H. F. y',HANTZ, PROPRII'ZTUR. ll] OF Farm Stock and Implements Cums NEW INDrt;TRY I The late Joaquin” Wand stock, remembered e lehn'k hos pitul in his will by: trrRurst ot moon to he drwqted to the Iouttria- l Una oi 1 fund for A nurscs' home, indnslnul cum-Nils Will Mull: he in; operation is a sNMtied tact Mr. ylrhouber, the manager of thr, Can- adian Potato Machinery Company, last night lot. llic contract lot the mam factory building, which ix lube ot buck with Mt and gravel root. ammo loot. Md. Rehster landed the contract which calls tor tho com- plclion of the building in six weeks, and some lively huslling will have In ho dum- in and" lo have the (aviary ready tty that date. Mr. “rim" lsuhlot the contract tor ilw woodwork llo IUrt & Caruw. FOR N l 'RSI‘ZS‘ HOME Auction Sale That the latest addition to Gait's Auction Sale tresh f, I, r. ,5." .. FI w-'.," v-F, _ f "P' _ 7 j 1'tr1st,ru5TtcTtr' “3"?“ 1! . _ ' v , l ',", ks . 'M. mm!!!- win" "that. f tt Ighl choice duty since Nov,, cow ms trcsls in Jan OF " Jauuasy, cow due to cclvi' m years old, Ma} , hei- tiuu ough- , x rattling nvsh xxosin- . [and lstfortu , once gnul'l lurmgr, iilesiar, February 25rd. The undusngnod mil sell tty Public Aucllon on lot 153, at Willlamsbur‘, 2 miles west of Strasburg, 5 nib! south ol Ht‘llinuou the road India; hum Berlin to New Dundee, on cottitutNicirtl' at l tite following u HORSES -rPTr 10 years old, cat- ”.ch Itotse rising 3 years old, black pair “Image horses lismg ti and 7 we!” old, well matched, twrTLri,-1 cows, 2 New, I due to tune ut tune of sale, 1 due to mln- m August', L: yt-.ullng steers, 2 ywuhng henna, calf 4 weeks old, PIGS, biTC.-3 Inuod suws in pig, 1 slrouts I months, old, about 30 chit kens tytPLr'.Mr'.N'PA, ttTC.-- Massey Hum hauls], mm mower (nearly new), Noxon combined seed dull. nul- ler, trayrake, dcsc-harrols, r.', much luv huli truck waguu, coruplete, or Fun Stock all kyle-ants (manly uni-w), d Much lu't. wagon. sugar beet box, stick-wat buggy, tuner. 1 sleighs tnearly urw). 2 l planks, 2 walkuug plows, plow, Invw), threelurrow y 1101. wt iron haunvw. bay boat, Maswy-liarrih loot ' I‘Lllg mill, uraw cutter, HI P'"""". - .._.v_,Vn . plow, Invw), three-lurr"W plow s,cui-l tie1, wt iron batrowti, bay rack. slum: boat, Maswy-liarrih loot pttler, tan- I Hg mill, mlraw cutter, HI isorsv-pow- 3't"fd'/j,'lii, rods and muplings. Nab‘ iorru1s,crvle, capacity 1H!" IIs, : sets tear" Imxness, 3 ladders, grunlslunv. barrels, cvdat pusis, qnani ty oiluut- wheellra, row, odei-isartels, apple Int-r, In”: Inn-L m- tougr, hay Muir, cumin! haw, sshii0et1ees, (luv-LAT, stove, h..|umrr. u‘ythrs, shovels. Huck: yolivs,jorks, than lurk. lugging chums, mpvs, gum bags, null krulr, meat burn-L and nhlll_\ oilwt articivs loo mum-tum lo mention. _ _ A .t-s.b I. "..nc, GRAIN, F.Tr oats, 50 buslwls mixvil hay. nu...“ m.“ “()1 FHHUIJ) EFFI'X'TS, H.Ti'. - World's, Favurmgungc, cooking, stove, wood umk stove, Imau-l. Asricultural iuruace, work bom'h, Mom-Ho than“ separator, Mm Ibs capacity {nearly now); churn, mik Lam, pulls, ircnch, chairs, etc. "'r TEItwPr--Graiti, chickens. anal all HUI SEND”) World's, Favortte wood unuk slun- iuruace, work UIlilllB‘ (cw. TEItWPr--Graiti, chickens. an] all hum.» of 810 apd under, rush, over that amount lit months" credit on approved :ccurlly or 5 per cend. per annum on for cash payments oi cre- .‘lnuum oti for tlit alumina; No rrsvru- a OF Real Estnte,Stock & Implements No rrsuru- as the farm is sold SHANT'I. “HUS Auctioneers. A. HrysuioFiF'FFiR, CS. Prop S, RI'ZII), (Ink. 5-3t. commencing at 2 o'clock p.m. tsharp, the following valuable property, Vin; I,ivcstock, on: - Good working hunt: It; years old, cow due to Ct Ive In Mav, brood sow supposed to ht in [Hg about 20 chtckvns. Imrleinois, ew,--1)ne-ltorse wagon, oven buggy, cutter, straw cutter, plow, hatrow, wt plow Italttctis, set buggy hattwso, scalding trough, who, whllllrln-m, shovels, forks, v-ook stole, and many other alludes loo mum-mm to mention. Lot um. l'on 5. will be unl'l’uu It)!" milk It umshls of 4 amt-S, oi which one half arn' n sown in [all wheat, and the lualam'r Im m a good slate of cullnalmn tht the premises Is a isouse and barn, Terms at. Real Estate will be made annx trit day of tpale, Terms-Pigs, cinch-M. "magmas. and all anmx of M no and under. cash, mu mat amount c, months' credit on appruu-tl pot Imus m r, pet wnl. pm annunl an inn Lush pawn-nix of 'rrodn amounts. l GoTTF'UlF'.lr KARI’IXSKI, Prop, l ALBERT .I. my“ hi, Ann-homer. "oots--1luant1ty ot mang tsushels carto1s. Real F.statv--Also at t tum: and plnrl' the farm on Mondiy, February 15th, On Saturday“ the Nth day or Frlmmuy, Hm”. al ton o'ciock in the ioremton, there will he otirwed io.' sale by puhlic aircttott at the Town "all. “Him, thvprope'rty occupied by Samurl Tlmmpsun. No link Menu)“ MWM. lh‘l‘lln, Tht propcrty consists Ma lot tuning Inn-lam- an Benton snort of 55 " anda (Irptll of Ir.'. tvet (In the l..nd is wiluam' a solid buck Irsitlrnrv, “mm-mum s“ heated M hot yl Inmate, vwwly in".notes or 5 I stalled and contains all modern- payrtwnis "I vrnirm‘m Th??? is also " first Ila,“ stable an inn premises T ALW-Zl property tsill k sold without re KURT. saw. Famue1 Thompson, on the pu-mism. or to, W. M. Cram, Benin, ont , his Solicitor. Auction Sale VERY POUR CONDITION Auction Sale Auction Sale Of Resident: in Berlin ruls, ew,--1)ne-ltorse wagon, 13’, cutter, straw cutter, trow, wt plow Italttctis, l" hattwso, scalding trough, llllrl "N'h, shovels, forks, 4-, and many other alludes Httlls to mention. Quaint} of mangolds, 10 turther partiruiars upply to atv-Also at the same hm- the farm consisting of 'on 5. will be otiercd tor aunts of l arms, oi which -n- IN' sown in [all wheat, laun- I» m a good slate of (m the premises Is a barn, ’1an Thu pruprrty consists tuning Inn-lam- un Benton 55 " anda ("‘th of Ir.'. the l.-nd is situatp" a k resiidvnre, “mm-mum s“ ‘clock pm shall Km property, Trti. ' 10 years old, car- K 3 years all], black [Mm ”sum ti and 7 --Ahout 2500 iuslwls hum-y, ahout b mus V.S, Proprietor, coruplete, , Inn-Huck democrat, pair holy sets gravel mu-[ulmw nvwly ittlnT,iiiror 5 prr vent. 1,tt h Tun will be sold by Public Auc? tion on the Inn: of the undersigned, lot' No. 8 on the Huron road, 2 who: north ot New Dundee, and , miles south of Petersburg, on Thursday, February 18th, 1000 commencing at one o'clock pm , sharp the following valuable propcrt. vig.: iioRsEtr--Bay team rising a yearn, bay horse mung ti years old ttair drivel), bay mare 13 years old, Arte" colt using 3 years old, bay horse l5 ‘Iyears old, Hackney cult using :5 years (old, CATTLE, ETC.-- Cow due to) cake end of January, cow due to' valve in April, cow ca1ved in Novem- ber; cow due tu valve in June, 2, her fem dueto also October 12109, 2 yearling heifers, can, 7 head fat cat" tie tit not previously sold), sow 'to pig in March, 2 young sows suppos- ed to be in pug, also about 50 chic- kens and 3 geese. or Pu- Stock and kph-nu IMPLEMEXTS, ETC.-- Champion threshing machine with ‘ch inch cyliu" der and 18 Inch body {nearly new). binder 7 ft. cut, Massey Harris mow- er, G If. cut, new manure spreader, Cliutax cuitivator, Maxwell hayload- cr. with side delivery, Luid roller, threshing machine with 30' inch cylin‘} Dnuonucwrs.--siasivy Harris bin- der and 18 tttch body (nearly "ew)rlder, Massey Harris mower, hayload- binder 7 ft. cut, Massey Harris mow-{um siderake, sulky rake, bprlug tooth er, ti it. cut, new manure spreader,1icuitivator: Nomi: seed drill, laud Clunax cuitivator, Maxwell /ta,",',t1l-irouer, Success manure spreader, 3 CI, with side delivery, Lind roller/wagons, light wag with pole and hayrake, disc, 2 lurrow plow, if "ewliiL1'?,' holwlcigh, 'l,'ltt' sleigh, road- No. 21 Ayr plows, lll'W No. 21 vfu-l)'l'l", horse power wi equalizers and ton plow, No. 21 Wilkinson plow,‘mds' jack, cull.“ a with carriers, scuiner, 2 harrows, Massey-Harris) Rapid Easy chopper (nearly new), 33 shoe dull, turnip seed drill, wtxironliii/t 4 inch good [out I belt, lanning with box and spring seat (nearly Swill, two furrow “a three-iurrow MW). 2 wagons, 3 “WW" buses, h‘¥!gang plow, two-lurrow gang plow, 2 rack, 2. sleigns (one nearly now), 34.5”. 21 plows, potato plow; 2 sets seated sleigh, 3-seaied carriage, t"Iriiron narrows, turnip puiper, scales, gy pole, buggy, Cutler, :?.-seated cel',tl.e.a?ac"y 2000 lbs, scaMer, 40 grain ter, 3 that hayracks, woodrack, 2 sets , Bags, chop box, Pig crate, scalding gravel planks, 2 stone boats, manure: trough, quantity pide and oak lumber, boat, pulper, Fanning-mill, grinds'totte. 2 wheelbarrows, forks, hoes, shovels, /2 turnip carts, scales capacity 2000 chains, scythes, grain cradle, hay- iltrs., 4 twelve loot ladders, step lad- knife, crosscut saw, buck-saw, binder der, 3 sets team harness, 2 sets plow tongue truck, stoneboat, set team harness, carriage harness, single 'iii-ie;";;',, 2 sols plow harness, set sin- muss, grain cradle, rope and pulleys, glc harness, 2 sets leather fiynets. wooden harrow, Guard (r,vti,i-j,io:',i,iriij) GRA1h1-100 bushels oiats, 100 bus- blocking tuckle, 3 horse Mom-rs, whii- hels barley, quantity bay. names, neckyohs, _seythe, Slove/s.) nor:hciioLn EFFECTS.-- Cream chain, 15 sap buckets, srnal1 barrel separator, coal heater, Queen heater, him-gar. - . ' luiok stove (for coal or wood, scales, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS.-- p, bed, steads, small 'bedstead, washstand, store drum, 2 milk cupboards, 3 benches, lounge, table, tank, sink, cooking stove, heating store,' tream separator, meat grinder, sausage stul- fer, and many other articles too num- erous to mention. - GRAIN.--About 600 bushels oats. No reserve as the [arm is said. TERMS-FU. cattle, oats, chickens gem:- and all sums of S10 and under, cash; over that amount, 10 months' credit (In approved joint noies or 5 per cent " per annum t "ash Irily'- ments of credit amoun . There will be sold hy Public. Auc- tion on the farm of the urtdvrsigned. 3 miles northwest of I’m-stun and l mile northeast oi Fret-port near Chi- copce Woollen Mills, on commencing at 10 o'clock pm. sharp. the [allowing valuable property, u/.,: Horses-Bay horse 7 wars old, good driver; bay horse 15 your: out, black hols: 13 years old. good driver, black horse 12 years old. Cattle-l row due to calve Feb. 28, I cow due In April, cow dur. tocalve m June, cow due in t'wptetutwr, cow in call. 2meiiers supposed in be in calf, 2 yearling heifers, yearling steer, s spring calves, Durham bull, 1 yu'ar old, 1 ea” 1 months old. Pigs. Etc-5 shoals 3 montlsold, 50 chowe Plymouth Rock ehiclivmr, 2 “Home gu-vwn and a good mlln- dog, itupiemerns-0uvring hinder wally rtew, .lulmsnn mown‘l, swung tooth rlnllvator, Massey-Harris makr, wrd drill, Noxon ountrined: 2 good migh- pbtws, 3 iurrow gang plum" nrw, 2 Ilnmw gang plnw, svt mm hand-us. Waggon wrth box, huh slngh. ru|lvrl good as new. hauack, land-mil", lop buggy, "early m'w,' oppn buggy, Clue [on fanning mull. Shaun pulptu, gravvi-ttox, guindshmo. 5N double harness good as new, set plow harness. 2 spts single ttatrwss, 11mins, torks. douhl1urct'ri, hlankrts, glam hugs, and other atticlvs too tuumTouh to mention, ALEX. AMES, ooils WANNER, Gram, F.te--'.r00 Inmlwls soul oats. alum! l5 tum timothy hay, in» hm. hels potatoes. l'earlsavoy. and other kinds, a quanlnv of onions Household Iitievis-Naitoual Cteattt Separator, new; cooking stovv, but stead, chairs, etc. Friday, Fcbqaq 1ftly, "rT.ioer.-tiuy, main, poultry, puta- tnes, and all RUttVi of Ion dotlars and undrr. cash, over that amount III Farm Stock and Implements Auction Sale Auction Sale Auctioneer A. L. Clemens, tank HURT. BRICKNFtr ALBERT BINDER, l'mp JAMF JOS ts'AI'OFllt. Clerk s mmixn‘n. nun-um Auctioneetr, credit “noun! x 10 oi.1oce p.m. sharp -of-- Proprietor port cash I There will be sold try Public All i tion on the tarm ot the undersisna‘ one mile north ot Preston, Q tit) northeast ul PreMon cemetery, on tt" ' wegt hall ot lot No. M, in the bro.' ken trout concession. on l Tawny, Fcbmry 16th, 1009 commencing at 10 o'cioch, a.m., tho following valuable property, via. HORSES-Nao " years old, horsol 11 year: old, hone 8 years old, mare 4 years old supposed to be In tool, horse 4! years old (driver, 2 culls rising 3'years old. t'ATTLE.-3 thoroughbred Durham cows with pedigree, c, Dulhillll grade cows supposod to be in call, 5 head Lat cattle, It head young cattle one year old and under, 3 calves. Fun Stock tul [mph-cuts sHEEP.--s'hroeshiso new: hunk. It Shropshire and ()xlold Uqul grad- es, supposed to be in lamb, t] feeding lambs and rwes. P1GS.- h months old, chickens. 2 wheelbarrows, forks, hoes, shovels, chains, scythes, grain cradle, hay- knife, moment saw, buck-saw, binder tongue truck, stoneboat, set team harness, 2 sofa plow harness, set sin- gle harness, 2 sets leather fiynets. GRA1h1-100 bushels oiats, 100 bus- hels basley, quantity bay. nor:hciioLn EFFECTS.-- Cream separator, coal heater, Queen heater, cook stove (for coal or wood, scales, capacity Mo lbs, 3 tables, euppoard,: chairs, churn, butler worker, bails.‘ milk cans, wash nuchim', wrin"ger, 10 trucks appletruttit, barn-l cider, vine- gar, 2 iron kettles, swung machine, carpet, small hed, hauby carriage, cra- _dle, cmtheshorse, waxmubs, quantity ootatoes and numerous other articles lton numvmus to mention.. TERMs.--Fat cattle, feeding lambs, hay, gram, potatoes and all sums oi $10 and under, cash; over that ammlnt. Ill months' credit on approve ed security or 5 per cent oti for cash 'paymvnls of credit amounts. Lunch at noon. V ALEX. AMES, NOAH IUCCHTEL, Auctioneer. _ Hroprietor. The undersigned will otter tor sale! 171 acres--8 acres choice hardwood) ttush, it) acres pasture with good spring creek running through same.! 3 acres orchard. balance under good state oi cultivation, Mi acres oi which is sown to tail wheat and 32 acres seeded down for hay and tall ploughing is fmished. Soil is mired loam, excellent, never failing water supply, large brick house, bank barn 06x81 and lots oi _othvr necessary outbuildings This is a good stock and grain tum, and situated along the corporation ot the town oi Wa- terloo and only 1 mites irom Berlin. and close to churches, school, and all other conveniences and one oi the best markets in the Dominion. l Also 1150 acres, H23 acres under cut-t timtion, balance still prairie un- broken, all choice land. no waste laud a good supply of excellent well water, a house and barn on same, and this farm is in one oi the best districts in Saskatchewan province. Railway. telephone, telegraph, mull and the main travelled road pnssmg within two hundred yards oi the house, cheap iuel within 4 miles otguod wood supply. Near "attleiord, two lmiles trom town of Ruddell with el- evator station and all other conven- lie/ces in same and inn. frrst-class community, thickly settled. A halt 'section oi CP.it. land is open tor sale along side of some at $25 an acre. Land has been selling high- er surrounding Ruddeil than in any other farming locality in the West Alor the length oi time settled. These tarms will be sold reasonable as "it iowner wishes to sell same at once I as he is interested in a numhet oi imines in New Ontario and as he in. ltends going there, he. wishes to invest .lliis money in the developmnt of his ‘lintcrests there. WIN F I HLD BRI‘IWST HR, Clerk. hm for Sale \IA‘MIII‘ IHJA I 2-1 no I'roup posotively (mod In 20 mm "It's, with Dr. Stumps 1'omp Item My ()nr test ttlotw will stsrvly prm‘r this truth. No vomiting, no dis- lrrxs. A sale and ptvasing syrup-50c 180M by All "rulers. Apply to owner, JAMES It, MIT Auction Sale TW-sow, li shoals 3 collie dog. About 60 or' The" wilt heal-id .' '.-. 5 public Auction on". ”1"“; Betmer, on the.” and“ Merlin 1nd Bram. Tub “_ lin Po". 0M. on ”#33: Sunny. [than " on o'clock p.m., {b kN'iitki', valuable -rtys- - y, or. LIVESTOCK-cow M - May, cow due to calve in Jrtr, . q call, about 20 01’9me 't)etqi,. Iruplemesst.-F Mr“ " tor, Noxon disc, “not, _ _ new), aeeddrill, " “but; . ' root pulpet, barrow, beet 2 Bennie“, wluclluno'. ' o (Hahn's make. good). it" _ ' horse sleigh, can“. how, any nut, emefy when! M‘- I v. At. saws, eon: punk}, “and "lulu; vlco and in“! ambit-d; ' tional cream separator, “out 50 oo- dar posts, a lot 214 sci-mm as. joists and 2 inch plants. I “it!!! ot inch lumber,, tome gmirte, nearly new; set New W, I "ta single harness, robes, horse blankets, shovels, hoes and other articles nob mentioned, also Grandlather clock sup- posed to be over 100 years 'tld., ' j Auction In. such ff, '""""" W - v --v -_ . . TERMS.--Chicktnis and lumm’ and all sums of ten dollars an! and“, cash; over that amount 10 mm!“ credit on approved joint notes. . _ _ M. n. DETZNER, Proprietor, ' w. DAVEY, Auctioneer 2t. Thursday, Februuy 189,19“ There will be sold by Public Ave, tion on the farm of trw undersigned, better known as the old 1021th Lulu, l miles east of Brcslau, vlmil- cs southwest of Musuom, on ma new road betweo Kossutl. and Guebl, oi TERMS -Chickene, grain mid M sum: oi $ltt and under, cash; it“ that amount 10 months' credit on - aprm‘rd joint notes or s [:me dt [per ammm lur cash paymrnls ot clo- .Iht amotmis, _ commencing at one o‘cla’t; 11m. sharp, mu following valua . proper. ty, Tit: ' . Ilof'vh;Hhl-.-hiare a y 3014]“ foal In Jupiter, nurse risi " years old igoud driver), aged bo (3“ worker). _ "s". . CATTLE, ETC-Cow due to‘ealvo April Nth, yearling heifer call, bilf vr riamg 2 .vears'old, steer rising-I years olii, collie dog and 24 chic“. IMPLEMENTS, Fi'rc.-'Maadrr_ 1larrts binder, an cut, .":,',',TlSg shoe wed drill, disc barrow, A iutrow gang plow, single plow, iron. barrows, scumer, tannin; . 1xltvelbarroi, set gravel planks, l J_r INT wagon with hux and shun; at. set new boesleighs, mp buggy (nub 1y now), cart, cutter, down grkttt bags, 2 sets double gamess, tiet,trttre gin harness, string of bells. robe, ' 8 hortre blankels, grindstone, shovels. forks, about 150 ties and many other articles too numerous. togmmtions, I normammn EFrEfc'rti.--uiot box store, cooking stovc,_2 tabla. numlu-r oi chairs, sink, 2 bedstagls. number Hf trucks and dishes, , _ GRAIN, ETC-MY bushels can, as hush-ls mixed grain and 10 butaritst potatoes, l HEAL EtiTATF',.-Also at the sum time ..nd place there will be sottitttes farm comprising parte of lots 85 M 80, German Company Tract, in ttrr County of Waterloo, better ktu- its the old Rvinhardt farm and situa- 1ml t milcs cast or Hreslau, " mild mnlhwvsl. of Mushuro, on the new man] hetween Kossuth and Guelp‘. (m the [Jun _ is 1 lug house at woodshed, largo bank barn, drin shed, and pig stables. Also . We "vlls, hard water. The tarm 'x#. Shh of H acres, 3 acres of whicbh orchard. 5 acres is sown in ”a”, about " acres hardwood bush. and ahnut " acres slash. Tho baiance_is in {UNI state ot cultivalim. Att full ploughing Is done. Terms of Real Estate will be and” Immu- on day of sale. _ f No reserve as the farm must I Farm Stock and Implements Hus TA.MMER, Proprietor II. n. m'l-ZRING, Audiuncul. A, IuT.'4CHEY, Cltrk. Seed Grain Walrrluu. DIN. Or n. Hull's Swd more, Berlin. o", Whetrs samples “I the [flit aux " won .. ' (H io Unlalllu WM Company l quanlily n! P<ott'f' Storm Kits nu: M-tttist Oats. Canadian Beau- w Pun. "Lurk Hurley and Mulchudu Auction Sale salt Apply to owner, ' “was It MI'N‘RBLL'. --ot-- For Sale Bog IM, Waterloo, ol {oldrin an:

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