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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 Feb 1909, p. 5

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EL ’1 'iti'dM2'r,i,trt Meeting.-Tto w. ' oi the Btu-Inn [Maury _ y vu held on Thursday even- ‘Ju. It! with b goodly number L In the absence ot tn: Pres» “gut th- opening ot the meeting.“ L a w hy the 'ictrpretiM,1eut. The , m “Mud that we can learn “than obmvniun than trout Lev , _ a? ... mum out With new “S Ind they brought out Some - My points. While the puiges “IQVOi‘IiIg-M debate the audreuce W -teet.isped with songs and um M speeches which proved to tie Vary “Wing. One oi the most in- ure-ting tenures vi the program wt: *raeqy ti, the attitmative by .r.‘ my sniiit margin. The next. meek h; "ttll be held Tuesday cvemng, fauna 911.. The subject tot tho “bvwill be -ltesolsed that my ot- nar mm; more inttuence over the [collie than the editor." On Satur- lhy tuning, h‘ehrunry 13th an cuter» “lament will be held ttt Biootimtpiale. Thu interesting [nature ol the pro- gun; will be a debate, "Rammed that the iatiuenm of the church In de- cllning” in which Mr. htlliam Snyder Mr. (Jayne and Mr, Edwin Schultz oi Bleelau will take mart. Remember thM our young debaters are debating will". the well experienced debaters Lot Bloomingdale, but It is without a MM that they will sue them, a. lair artrtartent.-Mr Wm. Noun-yer is wanting quitea smile. A lug boy came to buy. G%ik “(imbued sptllmg match in which Hy. Sheppard oi Bloomingdale “I srietoriours. True 1udges awarded . kirch-Hagen Nuptials- unite . a L“. 'numhol cl our villagers tttt Tredmrsday "l, attended the wedding at Berlin, of ' Mr. Sol. Kirch oi this place, lo Miss 1qFriedt Hagen, of Berlin, Mr, and . ' H. Kirch will take up “mamm- re, in part of Mrs, llaack's house. i0hs join their many itiends 1n Wish» gin; the newly married couple many .3 years of happy married lire, Mr. Jtme B. sold his. , m tr moved _ wee Jie Pt gi he nd . Flotat - _ In quite There died on Sunday, Jan. 2tth, Its. Wm. Kruplel, nu: Emma Kautt- Mn. aged 27 years, A months audAi thys. The remains were interred t the Lutheran cemetery on the I l- towing Wednesday, Rev. Mr. Eiiert oNeiating. Although the weather was very stormy, a large concourse of people attended the Inneral services The relatives ot the deceased have our sincere sympathy. May that Di- vine love which accompanies us through hie and death to the resur- rectioa insole them in their bereave- mint. '. 7! his dwghn 4%“. Moses ied the n _ . ung coul "' lite. , onal- n i I an Mr. Jae B. Hnyti?r. who recently sold Mg, m to Mr. Edw. Snyder, moved ' _ week to the ialm which lie gi trom Mr. Albert Lehner, MI . Ftoiadaie.-As'the steighing was _ In quitspassable last Sawi- itirrtuitstrttrstr Was quite brisk in our _rsiirdse.--h fresh supply of timothy “clover seed has Arrived at Rug- .10 & Sons store. ll you require any colic and examine it. . _ my» Aux-ml“ u kLehtbd l, F _ Bit% MN. J. Gordan teceiverl the the last detpat and with another 1)y.'i'"i'iii:" that ber mm Moms Gardner wwkk practice should he able to sit Jun. at Shula-d. ltr iu rm- win ow”. "rne The were ttt the -e.e itiie at Btrattord vim the GT R W of the tirst hall was 6 ~10 1, f Co., M ("d work.to a car when M" and all Humhurg could do In the ridmteltr . Pullman wt" attached World hull wan io am" once, which - lo W ttaéat it van working at and showed that our boys were the bet- cught Mm helm the much”, in team. . Hockey shut-13: o.W.WA. gum. Miss Edna Unger or Preston visited M mm M lit-lint; at - uncle at sum, Mr. Ind Kn. . nun-mu whit-and rrl'.l%i'l' man-u Int. 'Eoadar, r ‘Q ' lection Results- c.' t the township nominations last the following candidates work 'orrrimsteds-M. L. Weber, J, u. Urn- bach, J. Bird. G; Class and Hy. Brod- becker. All of these retired but Wc- her and Brodhceket. Voting took place on Wednesday, whcn Mr. Weber its elected by 98 majority. The result of the election in ttut vqious polling divisions is as lol- "tt.s:-- 1 Van: 1 2 3 l Weber. (VV 18 33113 as Whaler Ib' " Hi 17 ilajorily for Weber T --. 5m ‘Busscl. the little son of Mr. W. J. Fder, is seriously ill With pneum- his. - Mr. J. G. Hurst attended the t'otttt- ty Council session at Balm this Weddings-A pretty house “ending took place at Mr. Chris. Mayer, when his daughter, Matty wax nmllwd to bit. Moses Bast, Btshup I). Sh'lnnmu .__= -‘-- nun-nu! 1mm He wish tlw Mr. Hy. tt 191'! wt Dummy is .t p t visiting Maul:- Helty In; certainly done West, he s only been thet oe two um is now the ow fine rum :1?) !"" sioch - well lul a magnum ‘ -. 1-,._:..,.I n... Inc-n, . Wat, mugs only been there a year oe two and is now the nwncr M a fhte him 2::‘l 2"" stocked which will well lot a Magnum Cnnlnl-Thc Carnival held at Mr. Chan. Wunder's Rink last satorday night vua grand amass l wry lug: crowd turned out, and w!) so“ cams. representing Fatglartd, Itch-ll. 'Seoutnd, Germany and n “It“ poultry Show, -- " I _, ('nlnvl|£ll.' try ed the nuptial [mm “c wan uw ung couple a long and happy mar- lite. ortal-Mr, Joseph Jantri of n is usiling his luulhorw .md this vicinity al present -- r. Hy. tt “M M Didelmly, Alta.. " p t tuning Maxim Iris-mitt _---. h-n’ wruinlr done well out FLORADALB CONESTOGO BABE“ ll is 7 '29 11--ril 11 29--17i', Quinn”? " Petaonal-utsts Hilly Cornell, who! has but Lately teturued home ttom', “tumult, is at present slaying ttt "rel home ot Mrs Jacob libel od (wire vrlle, Teutperauce House-Miss Genie Janam ot Pteston was the guest at tter cousut, 'diss (Ina Janzen olUr- thud Grove last Saturday -Mrtr', Oli- vet Clemens ind her daughter, Mrs. Joe Slander, both of Call. the [onu- " an aunt ul Mrs Abe oberhoitaet, new tguests at the Miller's home last Ttttusda)' -hir. and Mrs Josiah Weir- " ul Human Mills, United “lends here last week --5tr Hy. (iiilibd cel- ehrated his 7ist birthday on Thurs- day, Jan. 28th. lleurty congratula- tiensc--Mrs A Rahn ul Preston visi- ted het aunt, Mrs. G. Wagner at The rim-5 last wtvk,--Mcssrs A. Echer- man and A. llcckiulh ill-cullrd the auction sale oi Mi Isaar Wr-tser of "loouiiugdale last week-Mess Adlme Rain; of Preston visited her grand- Irarentri, Mr. and Mrs, H C, Giustwl. last uvck.--Misrsi Alma Cornrll is again under the iiiiiviilnl IUUI ullm a tow niunlhs' absence during which time she mus engaged in the hunw oi Mr. and Mis. Hricker at Rowvillc --tre are pleased to learn that Miss,1 Alive Webvr “In; was quite ill with la grippe is now on the mend.- Miss' 1'iara Jaur.en of Galt Clothing F'ac- tory is spending her vacation at the home oi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Janzen of Orchard Grove Karm.-Itr. Herman North: tr, ot River Tier Palm, is staying with his brother-in-law, Mr, ll. Scherman tor the winter months-There Wert' no services In Freeport church on Sun- day, 2ith January, owning to thv ill- ncss at the pastor, Rev. Mr. Walker, oi Bloomingdale. Latesl reports say .110 is now on a lair. way to recovery. Notes.-Mr. Wm. tichneller lhas mun-d his [arm implements to his new 1|“an in "advtt.--Mr. H. Sham]. ‘ of Mannheim has liuugln the [Minot Mr. A. S. Henhoelier and will move in the sprinr--WilliamsburE will then boast an aucttotwer J'atronagc is respectfully solicited-Mr. Gordon Lindsay leit ior Itoseville last week wLere hy Will spend no.“ ~~uniinri in agricultural pursuits-Ur. baud Shunt who was on the suck list is irnprovmg siightir--ylr. w, F. “nods and Mr. H. Slacklc returned irom tlw O.A.C. ~inst weck.-'I'he friends oi Mrs. 0. Runs, [mun-fly hi this piaco, Iwill be glad to learn that she lis slightly impuning after itcr upma- tion at the Berlin and Waterloo hos- piti--While cutting ICP last week. Mr. Cr. K. Hagedorn tell into the wa- ter. He had a hard time getting out as there was no one near In Lclp hinil thul he succeeded at last with Um help' ioia Hoard and his ICS' saw. After gelling a change oi clothes he went. quietly back again to his work. Age apparently docs nail lessen pluck. - Mr. Hagedoru is now sufivrirtR mini (Ill/d/ll';-";)".. Sladelhauor is swtcdily llllIlVlllK his stock lo his iarm east oi ihi-ic and is also making 'qum- a low (improvements in the buildings .therv- 's,.om--Don" forget the [lean-r Literary, Iwhicli meets on the lllli. A good I [in-gramme is expound. IN.rsvnul-31r. Fred traush's son who 9 has lll'l'll larnung on an extensive stale l in the Northwest for sovvlal yrarsis I visiting under the parental unit. -- l Mr. George Airted who this year I worked as farm hand for Mr. Josiah l otcrlsol'vzvr loft Thursday for his 1 home In Brighton, England, where I through the death of Iris iathcr and grandfather he has inherited a large estate in lidinhurgli. scotland.-- Mr. Josvph t.awrvuc'e, ot.inoornitwlale,lis4 ‘uow working tor Mr. Oberhultzrr - Mm James “emit-nun and daughter, Mrs. May ”any spent Tuesday with their aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Cleuuos. ut Galt --Miss Susanna. Martin, oi Murristun, is the gut-kt oi hm l’nrh' and Aunt. Mr, and Mrs. Funk Mast, -tjrchardvottC' Briefs-Great inlprtvvit “as mum in thv deirate at the FarrIw1's t'lnh. Preston, Thursday "voting' in mixed [arming both by thost who attended and those nol able tn aitruuC---Mr. David Hay-y IS at present conimed to the house --A number of Mrs. Isaac Ctvruens' irirmds pleasantly surprised hm at Mr home Monday evening. it hung her birthday she was Presented with a shower til lint-n --MiNs Nvllw Clemens ut ttwen Sound arrived homel yesterday to sprnrl a month Visiting} her parents, Mr, and Mrs, hauct‘ltu l menr-.Mr. Rm. Str-ngel has leased his farm lo Mr, Albert Coon. at Dunn for a number at wars. Mr. Strum-i is F wining trom farming and will pur- . chase a hour in town, and continue , in the sand business, lie intends hav- ing an Aurtion Sale in the neariu- ' ture. Gro/l,, New Humhurg. _The local WILLIAMSIsmu. LIMERICK rm! wnndorlnllv aim THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CONDITION who! N.“ aNoteq.-ler. ad In. J. A. mm'Relclurd and - ot Hovluk are mcln‘siting in toi-Mr. w. L. He itre- worth ot Markham was in town that 1tie week soliciting aid tog the "Asaroctdtr' t ot ed Blind" Library ot that plwc. - lor- The special mrviccs held in the U.B. on- church are still being continued, but Mrs. will likely be chm-d shortly. The um“ meetings have been suoceuslul and Jet well attended. l number have made Ld/ 1ecisi?tiof Christ-Mr John and Wet Miss Melinda Goesike ot Norwick are C, visiting In town this week.-Mrs. Juo. mm“ (‘oleman underwent an operation on cel- Tuesday morning. We wish her a “”Is’ speedy recon-w, Ursastrou.» Fuc,--The residence oi Mr. Moses Bagel who lives about a mile west at town, was completely Wed by ammonium!“ mu: last. The the was that discovered by Mrs. Beer who was aroused by the smoke about 2.30 am She aroused Mr. Hater who immediately went up stairs and found that the tiames were in complete possession there. The itoor in tho hired man's room was burning when he got out, but', he managed to get a iew of his _ 'clothes and got down safely Mr. inner who had a rural phone in the Ihouse then called up one or the neigh- bors and told him to arouse the "cighborhootl. A crowd soon gather- ed, but the building was too far gone to save mueh, only a iew [Men‘s of furniture were smear 'Ihe two elut- dren were taken out in their night attire and carried to the barn and afterwards lo one ol the neighbors. The thermometer registered about zero, so we can see the family had a very unpleasant experience, but it was very fultunatc that they got ott as well as they did, without any Latalities. Mr, Barr and lamil5 have the sympathy ot all In the” mistor- tune. Annual Meermg.--The tirst annual meeting of the shareholders at the Farmers' Co-operative Creamery Co., Ltd., was held in Chipman's Hall on) Thursday p in, Jan. 28th, 1909. An excellent 'report was given of the eight months the Company has been m business, and the shareholders show- ed their appreciation of the manage- ment by reinstating the same board or directors. it is the intention oi the Company to establish a new, up-to-date creamer); m the near tn- ture, and the directors are now look- ing for a suitable Site. News Itums.-Mrs. D. K. Dewitt is” on the sick list at prtewnt-Wssa"s. 1 Cr. Hacher1 and II. Schmidt took a 1 drive. to Cannon: on Tuesday.- The , Public Sale oi farm stoek and imple- l manta owned by Mr. A. Knecutet was' . largely attended Prices realilcd 1 were exceptionally good)“. bi. J. Shautz ably wielded the hammer. - Messrs, .l. Heimpet and H. Herner. are spending a low days in llaldimarid timatr-Runtor has it that wedding bells will not!“ be ringing. More anon.--Arl tmco0rmed report is cir- culated that one oi our Valuable loam properties is soon to change owner- ship.-hir. A. Hotimatt will inch his household chews on the iarm of Mr. D. Kncchlel where he has been engag- ed for the gear. Address and Presentatiotc--Or1 the evening of Jan. 30th a number of the tr ends of Mr. and Mrs. Allan knechtxel pleasantly surprised them at their home below their departure for their new home in llaldimaiid Coun- ty. Re regret to see Mr. and Mrs. Knechtcl leave out midse as they have made a. host of friends since they came to our neighborhood, t Following is the address.- Dear Friends-We a number oi 'r your lriends and neighbors, have this . evening assembled in your home cu") , tie to enjoy a lew hours oi social in- l tricourse 1sitlt you and to il‘iSllll' you . oi the high rvspect in which you are , held in this community. We hare . learned with iegri-l that you purpose ' moving away lion; this neighhnihood ina ten: days' illllc. Whilst you rc- l sided in our midst you endeared your- selitvi lo all by your good qualiiws i of limit and mind You have proved I} yourselves agreeable neig,hhors and . warm friends. Wtwnevcr a call was made "pun . you m mm- of weed you kindly and ' promptly answered n and rendered ', such help as was in your, power In l give. In social life we always found . yuu willing and ready to advance the i lint interests ul thosv,willt whom you assocmlt-d cvett whl'n ll had to hr done at. much personal sacrlln'c. We cannot permit you to leave us with- out maniicsting in some tangible form our "stern tor yuu and we therefore kindly ask you to accept these 'thairs and Purse, as a taken at our frierulship, not an account at their mtnnstr value. but nan mark ot adtrctiotx entertainrnt By us tuwuds ymorseh‘eu and your (-hildrm. When you an- t.ired by rramm of your daily tolls may you find sweet rent in these rnnnn and ma, [null Ilunuu) “in“ #t vert to iris community where we! know that you spent many happy) days. Any time you return Fe will hid you a hcaris wrluvmr, May the blowing at hravrtt rest - you and your lamn In your new home. "t., _. manual i s" , .. ..','. an; ....‘;s. ' . ""', r""? 4;? vmxcnwmm run uuy_ctu. mo. up I. l _ '""""""N "tt ttttttN" (h GREAT - Signed, l, Poll, _ C. Howe-Hum nu omen. Pemmsal.-Mian w v. Aw“. u the was! cl In“. w tt.ir qreu.-Miiss [nu Bottmidt ot Bulb, “ninth: trio-d, Mrs. Lauretto Hos- teuer laziest-alt. Went-I "rod-', mm. vu- tttgal-tt WHO: to Lon- don luv. -d.--Mus Hilda Kinda-I ot Can I- whiting relative: in town. - Ree. Wm. Yuger, 1mm: ol the Et-- angelic“ Church, is taking a mm ot revival services " Wilma! Centre. i-Mrii. Dame! let sulta- pwe, is visiting he “Answer. Mrs. l-lnnl bonnet . Pom of shtAetspeate, viait t town (in Momisy,-Miss Minn Ber, oiHe briagvilte, ls Visiting Is In town --Mr E, It. Bier, ot Bank of Haunlmn sun, Ber 1spcnl Sun- day at Ls name here. little daugh- ter ha.» come to gla l the humc I)! Mr and Mrs Wm. l' lbwh-Mr. J Memorial wrvirm in hottot of Arch- Irishop chalmnn were ln'l-l m Stu Georgv's Church last s'urtdar--Mr. J. s. Hamilton of llmnliuul and Mr McDonugh oi Cobourg won- Tr.; inns lo our Idwn last wvek --1ltss Bertha Plan and Miss Filodn Kalb- llcisch are on the siek list.-- Tlir ci- tirtms of how Hamburg cunlvmnlnu- organizing a “Mom! at Trade" a meeting for that purpusv will he called in the near iuturv.-Nr. Harry "kck, goalkeeper, ot the Hamburg Illoclmy team met with a very serious accident at the [News Works last week. He was badly burnt-d oour) tbe iace-Mrs, (Ron) Pieiiier's ai- tended the funeral of het sister, Mrs. Kay, in Flt-velar"! this wvelt.- Miss May (Emil is spending the week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Heart. WiIruot.--Or. Wm. Slcrling of Waterloo was a VI»- itor to our town this week. Annual Mveting--The \llar Guild”! SI. Georges Church held thvir annual meeting at the horny ul Mrs. ll. A. Ernst on Tuesday awning. The lul- lowing otticers wu’u vlected lor the awning year:-- I president-Mrs. J. R. Fvirk Vice-Pres-Mrs, ll. T. Winn, I s'ecretary--Mts W. ll. F,utiwiiand. Treasurer-Miss May Vtimcc. Interest ing Luv! ure,-Tlte lot-l uro given in the Mrlhmlisl church last Friday ism-lung hy the [int Mr. lila non of Waterloo on “Mountain, Val- ley and Gorge" was vrly much appre iciated by those who wvre privilrgml to hear ii. Owing lo the. inch-money ot.the weather the attendance wax nut what it would otherwtse have New The Male Quaneltv hum the linin- geliml Church, rumpus“! of Messrs. 11testetler, Kavlrhcl, l mlmch and Schiller. sang wi'h grout occeptaurv, as did also Mt. and Mrs. .I, M. Smith. I lion Fgpie1.--Trse. Enlluwinp, rinksl hafe entered tor the gu'at Hon Spiel“ Piattsviile Ii links. I "right 5 rinks Drumhn 2 rinks. Ayr 1 rink. Galt, 2 rinks. Um-Iph (Royal) 2 rinks I Guelph (1 Mom 2 nuks Waterloo, 3 titskri. Shallnnl, l rink. _ llamhurg, l rinks, Two rinks from our Iown composed of -It, T, “Inn, skip, J. "an, "T, Wanna. M, ftovttevr " Iu-mskl, skur, J. ll Fvick, All-v Fraser, .1 “Minx Prayed against l‘lutlsvillv I)“ Mondav anvrnonn Tim score resulted lin 51-25 in favor of Plattsvlllv. l " tsr-Aoi"" 1,eiuivu, llmuShm maker, Stella Shunm, Lnlie Wit IV Sr.-Hrrlm‘l "rischou. Mary Swarm, Peatl Wanklyn. bhThemia Shot-malt" IV Jr.-l|arr_v "our, ()ralla Lrh- IV non Witmer m Jr,--Getttrva Wanklyn Strum, Irene Shmmnkor. me r "iase. Belinda Gustuwrd 7 Fi V-iii- Culligan, Nora "use, J. llnIIman. Mntybel Shoe- maker, M -- TFir I, - Morvine Shnnlz, Mule "use, Ver. Jon“. ___ S('H(K)l. REPORT FOR NO ', WhTF.RLtht, F'ttil JAN! ARV in si-Clara Mailman, Willem ir Jr.-Vrrley 1tillotrtner, Melvin t in; he I Dorset . visit r. Minni n "siting I: Bier. of m. Ber M m' hue, * " to glad i III W. M. MURRAY, Teu'het "mild! to Lundun e Bank ol jlpclll Sun- little daugh- the houn- ot' Ill Olive Sevaral Towns and Villas: Ihnmtttt.Ltyyi the Coast In! M’ ' _, Iona ig Partially Su merged Mu Great Tidal Wave. 1 ”A 23 t' ENTREV I LLB SC! IOOI. It I‘II'URT mu, 1.x (Irina Latmh Sr, 1iC--Etina Carey, Charlie Mihm (imdon Brick-w”, .lnhmm- Burgv1z, Roy Karcher, Olive Mattes, Itoy hir'sel, Hisrves Moss. or, iH.--F'aiwiu Frick, Laurie Shaun, F.lla Tlualer, Mary Prick. Lu- nude: Orttuan, l.ili.m Laisch, Clayton Moss, Wesley Michel. London, "n, Mr-A special to: patch received rm. tronISu Sciatica, Spun. slyl mt a tumble a) quake has devuutrd maven] towns and villus! In south udlsouthcutem spun, [ , ' c." A tidal wave partially submerged the cont an: Barcelona, ad . smut latitude " Cantu. ‘II 'iaiii.i Just opposite Gibraltar. buried the village ot Roman and uveul hundred Inhabitants. _ _ 1' _ t ' . '.. A despatch Iron: Tums: says tut Btu-elon:hn been pvérwhclmed by a lid" wave. Tho Ion d by”. unknown. Subterrunrnn luanngs preceded the thin! wave, causiug a teartut Dunc among tin mph, atrrai SI H.-Lortse llnckm-IL John My. ”all, Lily May ",lttcla'rt, Melvin yhtider, Laura Bury-11.. Rankin How- mm, Ada Schwinn", Hamill Wank- 1m Tanasa, whence mules the lepml ot a great tidal ware Jiurceu,ms, As Nteen miles Mutant Iron “I mm any. Dutchm- n um mm Jaw any in mm, eittttAed an» Wan-an, iauwa,outatas, palt of the country. It has I populutiun of 450,000. 1 Murcia, where the shock Is also reported to heme been felt, 1s m southeastern Spain, . short distant” itte land from thc Mvditerrattean coast. The meagre advices thus far rel-rived indicate that [he eartrquaL, 'wu .lr. Ir-Geneva Mihm, HarryBur- 111-11. Milton Moss, llildah Sclrartmatt, Salnnm Maites, Hvrtrie Moss, Marry Thaler, Harold Snider, Lovina llam- pronienades and in the buildings or the city, . x News trout Malaga says that many nausea Were damaged in the town of Tatum, Ind several villa- " the province ol Murcia Thaler mar. Fr. Part il.-Hamttel Humphrey. Victor Brickm-IL Hvrhie Feick, Lena Firh, Eda Alleldl, Edward Meisel, Al- bert Mil-Ml, Willie Mammal: Jr. Pt. IL--lrvin Moss, Verna Tltai" Pr, Ma Hy Buss, liarerwe Wtrher. Id')"),".',",',': Hammar. Class 1t.--Kathaleen Ebel, 1'larerwe Class A.-Hulu-rl Tivaler, EarlSt-h- arnlan, Milton Prick, Lilian Burgh, Edmund Mattes, Irvin Schmidt, Her- man Schmidt, Roy Mittar. _ l Fl, Hinge-man, Principal. ll. Reseloh, Assistant. Ielt along the entire Mediterranean coast Jr. IV.-Watter 1tar'fr, Augml Jan- IIn. Lirwoin Thalvr, ('lmllu' Kissncr, tion "ippvl, Willie Mmm, Harvey Milton Schafl'. Jr. IW-Verma Rothaiermel, Her- bert Strobe]. Herbert Maser. Mr. m- Violet Hat-t1. Clarence Stall. Martha Rudy, Sebastien Mos- er, Percy Snyder, Meta Klaehn, Edna Bechtel. Jr. HL-Martha Belle Willson, Eva Harlock, Reinhold Fischer, Vernon Unlock, Lizzie Bechtel. Sr. IL-Irene Shrhcl, David Black, Rachel Rudy, Clara Kesselring, Eileen Yolmer, Sarah Rum, Iltmry .Klachn. Jr. Il...--)) kttntr, Clayton Barn. Cecelia Moser, Aron Mnyder. Pt, If,-Aumv Slrchrl. Nettie mth- tel, Omar Rudy, ll'cno Kcssclring. Percy Itarlock. - ii. I.--F',ilPrn Moser, Clittord Strhei- lt-lc, equal; Yuma Schciiclc, Harold Itothaermel. _ _ REPORT FOR SCIHK‘L, NIL 8 WI'rERMK). PFA' L'IJAH POSITION Tavistock is in the regular position ot having a New, with no council lu1 sit in, A communication was read Hum the Government, stating that' they were waiving tor proper stops lo be taken by the counlirs of Oxford and Pcrth Inrlnn- the newly incorpor- ated village is placed in either tunn- ty. Hum councils arc now sitting and the new of Tavistock is nut mull- wl In sir in either. What Mops li- main lo ho taken by the Oxford cunn- cil are not yet known. Fir. Iv.--Jaeoh Rudy, Ida Bechtel, 'pno'racmn iron unn- Ens, ()Hawa, PM). '2.--Mo, Sva- ley, the Liberal nwmber tor Wrnlworih. will move tor mo". pmtwtmn for the stock Iaisns and "ricuitutitits. He gives notice at the following proposed resolution: "That m the opinion nl this House as long in“ the Cana- dian mm "ords incidentally on otherwise a considerable degree at protection to manu- tacturers, somt- proirrtion may [silly and properly he "ordmi tn Vanadium aglu'ullmu. n and stock "infers upon hogs, hog products, marden vrgoiables Ind sttch other items as it may app“: possible to protect with adv-Mug:- to the an. mum»? and Wuhan! undue mury to the Van-dim con- GRAVE E. WING. Teacher PLACE IN S1 Ef £190; 1 Gordon-At Galt, Jan, 37th. to Mr. and Mrs. If. J). Gordon, (Bee Es- tella EM). a son. Yoder-At West Lrbetty, Ohio, Jan. , 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Yoder', (nee Miss Weber), a son. I (s2flu'JiC-ll)it't Hespvler, Jan. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mchatrmtturg, l a son, t Frey-ht Elmira. Jan High, to Mr, l and Mrs, Solomon H. F'rvy, a sort. 1rital0aurn-in Woolwich, Jan, 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stahlbaum. l, a daughter. I Piati--At Elmira, Jan, 26th, to Mr. ' and Mrs. George Half, a son. tivars-At Welland, Jan. 21st, to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Scan. . daughter. tshaermund--At Elmira, Jan. Mth, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schrnaer-l, muntl, a son. Allcrnang-At Elmira. Jan. 23rd, In Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Arlemtutg, a, daughter. "autsersrer-At Berlin, Jan. 24th, to Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Dauherger, a sun Thater-At Berlin. Jan. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. David Thaler, a daughtr'rz titbach.-At New Hamburg, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Umbach a daughter. . HomrTer--At Bresiau, to Mr. and Mis. Wm. Homeyer, a son- Umtmau-Urstadt-At Wain loo, Jan. 'lth, by Rev. M. L. Wing, Nelson I Hoffman of Brrlin to Christina Ur- Istadt ol Waterloo. l . ova-r" Rinschenat-uPowers, - AI Sink-ll. i Louisiana, Jan. lith, B. J. Pinsch- l that. formerly ot New Hamburg, to I Mattie Powrrs, of Slide". (Martin--Gingerich- M the home of the bride's parents, near Floradale, I Jan. Zlith, Mr. Noah Martin, ot i Peel, to Miss Salome Gingrich, l daughtrr of Mr. and 3hs. Isaac 1 Gingrich. uast-Maytr--Ai Baden, Fob, by l Bishop ll. Stuntman, Matty, daugh- ter of Christ. Mayer, to Moses Bast. f,"chlhrel-FrcholL--At Moncton, Jan.) 26th, Norman Hchlegel, oi 11am- berg, to Katie Soho", nl Moncton. I 1hrens-Heller- It Iii-rlin, Jan 20, Fred Ahrens in t'lata Heller, both - of Berlin. ' Hoitranan--wilkie-- At Berlin, Jam 20111, ('. Ilollr.man, to Lizzie Wilkie, - both of Berlin. l F,tautfer-- treirker- M SchaslopoL Jan. 23rd, Jacob Stallion, of "len- ' brim. lo Nora Weickurr, of South 1 Easthopc. Dormer-At Allsa Craig. Jan. 31st, Mrs. Danni-r. mother of It. J. Dor- i met, of Harm. fs'trome--At Mminta, Jan. 26th, Mar- garet l'lern F11tome, wile ot Rm. Shame, aged ll wars, 2 months and 5 days. 1 Krantz-- At Waterloo, Jan. '.Yith. Adam Kraut, son-in-uw of Mr. Jul- ius (lvrman. agrd 50 years, tt'Wins--h1 DI-tmlt, Huh, Jan. 11:1, ltr. Thos, J, Collins, formerly hand, the late Noah Baum“. aged 2'.', years', l month and 9 dun. oi ttpar "cspeler. . kisehei--At Baden, Jan 23rk Mrs. I Caroline Kischrl. aged at years. Wayper-ht Hespvit'r. Jan Mth, Mrs, , J, Wayper, in her ti5th year. 1Iendruyurn-At Hespeier, Jan, 28th, Ethel, daughlm of Mr, and Mis, Frank Henderson. and II pars B'ehrr--. Near Brvslau. Jan. p., I Bishop Elias “Thor. aged 71 )1 I and II months. ICb.v--At Hamilton, Jam man Shy, of Berlin, in year. Dormer-At Allsa Craig. Mrs. Danni-r. mother ot met, of Herhn. fs'trome--At Mminta, Jan Kniptrsl-- At Floradale, Jan. Card, Emma, wif" of Wm. Kniplrl, aged' 26 yours, h' months and 5 days. Musoielman--At Pine Ridge, Alta. Jan. lath, wile oi Dilmlll Mushrl- tttnn, aged 55 yum. ' Iuumats-tn Woolwich Tp., Jul 23, Hannah Human, datum)" 1}! Mrs. Jonas Martin And twr former hus- hund, and 22 wars, 1 month and TI dam. "unter-ht Elma. Jan, IMh John Hnnm. welt known in iuiirii; TI), and 77 wars. F'isber-AI (an, Jan, 25th, lira .hs Hither. and " yours. PT'gie,! FYertrort, Jan 23, Mary I J, Want-r, nod to you". . MARRIAGES BIRTHS DEATHS 2021., Htu- his Mth 23t d. y'Pars WELLESLEY TP. (SOUR tlt. The muttictpal Couttcil ol the Itett ship of Wellcnley met 'W ' $i)" . adjournment at the Towmhlp Hatr, A Crossbill, Monday Feb. m, 1m tt ‘ the hour of IO o'clock in the lore- mum The board was in lull‘ atuy+ ance, A. B. Robertson the new pre- siding. The minutes of the January session were mml and contyrmed. Communi- cations, bills and accounts wére ro- ceived and then read. Among thvse being a pixtular iron) J. “was Robertson, asking- this muni- cipality iota grant lowitds their hnspit..l "rr sick children at TOIOIF to. This Cuuncil having observed that during; rceent years many ot our neighboring municipalities have now trihuted towards sustaining this ia- stitution decided to contribute a. small sum rtkcwise-whereupon it was nun-u] by W. Hastings, seconded by It. Lintick, that this Council do grant the sum nl $5 to J. Ross Rob- ertson for the support' of the sick chil- Pren of said institution. ' CarriM. Sill'l’p Killed by Dog orbogs. , After taking the, 9'!le re, the killing of sheep by a dog or dogs. , it was moved by It. Linllck, secopdodlsy w. Hastings, (in: the slum ut. my he paid to A. Smith a. ammunition for 2 sheep killed ttr [dog o: dqtts and that the rot-v0 issue in order tot said amount. Carried. 7 . 1 Hy-law, re we Amended Banner Drain-By-law. - F a... - I T' _ Moved by A. P. Dammclet, uncured by W. Hastings, that bphw No - to amend the Brenna-pram hy-Iaw be now read a first and second time. Carried. , . Moved by A. P. Dammeien, msasd-. ed by J. Reidcl, that, the tir0owstqr aiounts be paid and that the rem: issue bis orders in payment of am- ounts as follows, viz,-- _ . Jac Ran, rep. bridge ”50 John K. Meyer, trons, PAr. St. Clements statute labor refund- ed 3.00 ”lax. Reid, treasurer, Mornington Tp, for work on townline ' P 6.91 A. McBride, m Maclteth and tWI- I lesley 1p _ 20.00 N, Slickluy. gravel to path matr- ter . 2.20 Jocl .lalntzi, gravel to pammas- tor 4.70 w, J. "eggs, lo tNulancc his rol139.94 J. Lorentz to balance his toll 22.“ J, Lon-nu, salary as culleclor oi the Pastertt tweiion ' 74.00 The Mlmk'llul World tor t sub- . sci iptious . 5.00 John F'leitntrger, dogtax rclundcll UNI Carried The 1'ounril then went into Com- mitln- oi ihe Whole on Ilyltw . NO. I.” Un‘mmlmu by w Hastings and Rr-idrl, A, B. Robertson was made t'httirtttprt " said committee. Alter mmthering and fiilitttt in the necessary dates at said bylaw eotnmittie ,re- sumed m "pen mum-IL Whereup9nlt was moved by W Hairtintttr, seconded hy R, Lintirh that By-law No. qt? as now MINI in hr trad a thire time and passed tinned, _ ‘ Mosed by J. Ill-idol, seconded by l. P Dammrirr, that the Township lroasurvr is horvby instructed toctti- Ivct In all urn-an: of inereat on not- vs and manages relating to tttttttici- pal Luan- Fund or "tttet {Muslim mono-s Carried. Mun-d by J. vallrl. ,eeottded by W Hastings that lhln Council do now adjourn to mod I’M " “I Council Chamber, crosahill, the ttrat Monday m March at the haunol " ro'rlock a m. St Clements, Feb, 2, MM Shoemaker -0n “foam“ tleb, m. Lorne. inlanf mu of in t“ In. A, s Shcwmlku, smut. “a months and I up. ' l , an tion ed Ft retain, statute Tom] srcruiien, caectot's sal- [ tor tlre S 5 of the west sec- PHTF!" p ul‘Hl'MUFD DEATH . 32.00 labor relund- tlr? Tp. ’Clcrk. $209.89 1.00 in V

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