s-""-"'" --- - ,erahrgte,Yartft 1iiiii'i92r'fifgi'it1 III an! "iiilliStrtate2ul'.111t - A “Ind JtiaTiriiiit hunt an. "fa1'kyi't,i4iEi'iiiu"iiiiiir,iii", um M - ' Mt2tl2"f,ttLI' 'to it“; II manhunt. P haul u the llutlord ol Canada, Having had their birth here they but you and expanded then field oi op- eutions until now it embraces all Canada and in some induce: terri- tory even beyond. What their 'ttatt- uco as an advertising lorce m pro- moting the growth at the town has been it would be hard to estimate. largely through their instrumentality Waterloo has become a household Word throughout the length and breadth of the Dominion-a word that " ByBoBymoys with thehighest stan- dnrdl in lilo and tire ilmumnu~ and financial solidity. The poamhillt) oi the renrmal of the largest and strongest of tho local Companies, the Mutual Lite of t'an- ado, owing to the [not that its hush Bess has outgrown its present ollicc building and tho di-mculiy of mun-lug options.at satisfactory tigures on new sites, is a matter ot serious concern to every film-n of Waterloo. The town .yannot allow to per- mit a difference ot a few thousand dollars 'in the price ol a site to be a barrier to retaining an institu- tion with' a business that makcs the erection ot a new hundred thousand dollar once building a necessity. This is a matter that talks for thu- prompt action of the Waterloo Board ot Trade with a view lo uvcrcummg the present difficulty m regard to a suitable site and the natural tendency ot growing institutions to gravitate to the larger centres. The weekly market on Saturday was attended by a large number of farmers and townsIaroplv, dvspite the ttrd-iNet weather. Hutu-r wasin good demand at 25 to 27 wnls Pt'r Ir, and egtis were plentiful at 27 to 30 outs her down Fowl was warm- all! other produce sold at the usual prices. . St. Thomas and ho Iett place on Tucsdav Mr. w, n . town' has horn added in branch as junior. A special "muting of Hm Waterloo Public Scluml Hoard tkits' hrld in the Board of Thule Room un “with; Pr- thing. There was a tvngihy 1liscus lion in regard In llu- building or " ward school, but nu clvlinltv ortion was taken. The schrdulr‘ mulling E rink an huh} (‘ll‘mng follows: S. H. “rich-l " t; skip 10 Trateeloo has lot years, owittg to tho number ol inuurancc cotuptusiets whose head omces are located here been Mr. Sam. Slt'rling who has been with the Mulsun's Bank for sometime has been transferred to lhe branch In St. Thomas Ind ho loll tor that place on Tucsdav Mr. W. Hogg cl " . town' has teen armed lo llw local M. C. Hall Four rinks of Gan mulch 10mm)- ed to Waterloo on “omit! ewmng .uul were defeated by tlu. local curlers!» 23 Show Following arr lbw ".ips' and scores: Waterloo Galt. F. Weeks I' "toomtield J. Ferguson It, Pollock J. It. Snidrl W. "erse J. .L A. Weir J. .hmvmlirltl ship 2l skip T skip 15 skip l E. F. Samara": " M Slum-r skip m sklp 1 Skip D, l'. Kunu “nu by lit-1.1111! trom skip J. J. A, Wvit. Chas Man-wk _ J. Com-d B. B. Mikkel: Ir. M. anym_ ‘7'!) rhh cl thdtertoo nurlrm slug» H try t. P. '4ragrant Inn-LII "on M‘ d ‘l’l' ml Monday in llw m thr “Marin Iranian! . III.“ "ttrs and swung," :_: _ K Waterloo, G THE CANADIAN HARTFORD MOVED TO ST. THOMAS slum Foick U. Hugh-s Doyle I). ('umnnghum skip Dr Colm- A, Burl-In Carthew SCHOOL BOARD MET â€wwwhoh' on WEEKLY MARKET ship l7 slap T.'t CURLING " years, mun; to tho W. I'l" " W " M W ll Haml‘ W, Hart It. It. I Galt. chmmlicld Pollock "erse uh munl‘wlll skip Rh rotim mm". XII-“all “'leun limmls Hamilton Svlumlrl Hunk-,1 m It. Moore A. Kilgmu skip .Imrs io lhe, "sultvd as Mulch-r skip “mm-hr! skip lit-mm skip 13 â€hull skutr II l3 It " In 9 tt To tho Editor 'l'he Board of Trade listened to an mtetvsCog address, ttad by Mt, J. M, Hughes, the retiring l'it-sidciit, at its annual mectog hold last Monday l'H'lllllg. In his addwss he stated Ithat there are sou-ml institutions in town deserving oi special mention, amongst those hung the Waterloo Mu- sical Society, the Howling and Cull- ing I'lubs, Mr. Scagiani's popular stable ot horses, the knoll. â€10“ng ('oinpuny, Mr. Seagram's Distillery and important Insurance Couipanics. Thvre was no mention madc oi the manufacturing interests such as the , Waterloo Manufacturing Company, the large employers oi labor; the Button, ',r'y.rnity.e, Upholstering, Shoe and other intrrvsts with which a Board oi Trade is usually wry closely al- lied. However, much attention was 'paid to the liquor interests. lie stat- ed: "We have the Kuntz Brewing l'o,, making the host liver in Canada, (which through its exvellvnt qualities and popularity has pushed its way into every nook and corner oi this vast Dominion as well as into the, stomachs of hundn-ds oi thousands oi our pcoplc who rrrt'oice to know that there is 3 Waterloo, to lurnish such cordial. and it must not be forgotten also that Mr. Seagram’m distillery is located at Waterloo, which is ship- ping its world renowned goods, Old 'ruttes, White Wheat, oh be Joytut and Elixir of Lilo all over this habit, able world, cvrn to the North Pole, where men rising from their torpor. exclaim, "Great is .Reagram, great is Old Times." These au- thr, sontlml-ntx u! the lrmtmg organ at a urn-ab |mlllical party in Panama. Surely Mr. Hughes teteirtsnctv,t “om vntirvly uncalled tor, and the “nu-r dovs not doubt thaw whom he sought to compliment m this mmm‘tmn would In their mod, rsty ttare |Irrlmrrd to have “one ‘whhoul the rs-president'., tiowcry 1lvtscription of their husim-w Thanking 31m Tm 1.rlr,ut,Ir ‘42.:‘1‘ l You†truly, momma: iii/iii/lr" "tlo""' g REMAIN mlwnnnmo 3:: mesmebmh. Mal-3w position to at“. authoritatively that be an†the Dita-ton ot the Mutual Llle Atw “an. m autumn Conway. not} long and aux- little im lous consideration have decided upon Plans the "and.“ property as the site for and can! their new Head Dillon, and have clus- tu-date ed a bargain tog it. keeping Tho property is a bert he one row prospect taming between six and NW?" awn-s tressive running [low King street back to Paul The u “left, While Its Insular Irom tht up“. In cenlu- of the town may appear to he propcrty obivvttottatrlr, yet' the lllltcluls an can†"tistied tlut the advantages u: tht many " waiter ot ‘unmunny trout tire tirA minding and smoke and the opportunity uln'ouuuny "The liquor trade continues to lose gmuml. In nearly all the muaicipali- ties in 1shich Local Itphon by-laws “no ruled upon on Monday the" de.. vision of the electors was adverse to the liquor interests. Where the har Po undvr the ban it Is io remain No. and it Is to hr- "spellcd trom several 'mtuiopaliiivs in which it now mists. It is knnun tWt a consider- able pcrcentage nl lhnsv “In; support- " thr' bylaws in past 1rlcctions were themselves nut total abstainr'ls. . . . Many an "rnployrt of labor, himselt not a iee-ioiarer, has guru his Vorce to close thc hm and saw his mm mun an inllucuu‘ that was impairing them as workers and making them "nu-[lain as prrnidcrs Traritts who L'JVI' and accept "Pals Iu'lpl‘d lo “in Int Local â€plum hcrauw Hwy [wr- tt‘i‘t‘d it to hr gum] bu thc" 1rusi- Randall Propel-(yin todlstr.uty'ttrriusaL" "i',",',', I' Considered " Ideal Mum-New te'"iiiivii' Outside of Waterloo. where is [Inc iown or city where the President oi its Board of Trade would magnify and land the liquor interests at, the PxlK'0.'u' oi its other largo manulactur mg concerns. Mr. Hughes, I fear, is somewhat behind the times, yes, a writable Rip Van Winkle it he has not observed the forces at work in England, Canada, and the Cnited States, on some very great. questions. The lollowing from the Mail and Em- pirr of recent date might give a faint idea of the trend of Ihese forces:-- - IT" know ttttst the Mutual Lilo “as rradltwl In Ihis town in the low-Mics, that nt 'surrttottttted thr many dill- cultick hurtling up way In fin rally was, and we know too "ttl, " twin! the Prriod oI It'ssty, Incl- hood year». up. Now In 1mm" that Ute town in which the may “ml-my pun-d In "not: “up has no gnu hm ht “a will." In by. at!!!†lb “It I'M the Editor. A tntrric'ir;M Ollie: Building to unarmed. COMMUNICATIONS 1'ri'l ZEN r I' Hoticy1tolder says: "As a policy- holder and a citizen I think I voice the opinion and desire of a malurit.s ot the policyholders in the town when 1 state that the site should by all means he north of the railway traélt Ill close proximity to the present building which has been eudentl) outgrown." The but is that the mw- gol‘lty oi the policyholders in, Water- loo don't, care "a button" where the Board decides to bulld so long as it lelllains in the town ol its birth. lhey leave the syesitiv location to the good sense of the Directors and int? ther the majorlty of the policyholders m Waterloo think it a Iriet't' oi tut- ptartsuertcesott the [tall ol anyone to set himself up to state when: the building, within certain limits. is not to be located and when it is to be located. Listen to the climax: l'To say that such a location would be too [at up is to imply tint hereto, tore the company has made a Inilure of its business at the old stand, and that a sudden and extrusion would follow a change to the south and east." l’rolound logic. Well! Wall! P0L10YHOLDER N0, 3, 1'olicyhvldcr's comment in bout paper on the proposed sue ol the Mutual Lilc's new building is funny. placing tho banding no that were nil be ample [nub " and mum-o on all aid“. more than comm-Imu- tor any little incotsvetstertce. Asa policy holder and a “turn l think 1 voice the opinion and desire ot a majority oi the policy holders. in the tonn when 1 state that the site allullltl hy all means be north ot the raitway track in close proximity to the present building \iliteh has been evidently outgroun, To say that such a location would be "too lat up" is to imply that heretofore the company has made a lailuro ot ith business at the old stand, and that a sudden great expansion would lot low a mange to the south and east. Do you find that in the larger town; and cities the important tinaneial in stitulions have selected their sites or the outskirts? ls it not the town able rule that the Head ()t'liees an located in the business centre, neat the post; omce and banks, tor very good reasons? 1 am glad lo be able to state that the claims of Waterloo have at last been reeognireil try the Dominion Gor- ernment and that we are assured ol a splendid post omce building at the corner of Duke and King streets III the near future. The good work must, however, nut end here. “ill the Mutual Life. bear in mind the need ol the town and do its share toward improving the business section. II so, the tie that binds the two will be drawn closer and the company will add to its reputation ot being sound on mutual interests and thus be true Plans will be immediately prepared and contract' let tor I: thoroughly - to-dale tite proof (mice bulking in keeping with the present standing and prospects ot this successful and prov petusive Company, . to its name '-'-" - --"". . The company is to be congratulated umu the acquisition of this beautiful property, which will enable the Dir- ectors to complete “hat will be in many rcapeets the [lint Head (Miro mummy and grounds potcsessmi by my 'outpauy on the Continent. INSTALLA'HON OF OFFICERS The aunt-annual installation of om- cers ol Germania Lodge took place at the lodge rooms, King street on Thursday availing. The whim: of the but Farmer's m In an Maritime â€when in 'rrittrtq Its, " “W't A _ _ "t won“ a] hulk-M known! Btttedteimtutua.toodttetestot tit-tik-AMD', â€NWT. It ltiA'ltsrA'1'l'dta'rttlt o- Following veto the onions inshllod by Bro. Dykemm, of Gilt, mama Deputy Grand Master. NIL-Fred Cutwlnskl. Vi-Hr. Pruner. 'Arr-Chats. Mooglt, .Er. 'rresa.-E, A. llachncl. IAt.-hi. J. Rona. o.G.-Pour mm. Wtrrden-Fred Schick» Comiuetor-0eo. B. Bctoeidrr. R,B.N.H.--rred Fling. I, R N " --q “arm R.S.v.0.-d. L. Wendell l..S.V.0.-V. Hemmerly. R.B.S.--R. H. Kutt. L.S.S.-A. E. Sanderson. Chatoitt-0. V. lam. 'l'lll') MUTUAL LIFE SHE To the Editor POLICY-HOLDER. who III!!!†A", low by: u m put-ii It. d In All“ mm. , _ In. R. Form oqttq and em but Maui to lama! “at '0- ukabl Via“ to t. and In. L. Bucket. - ---- ___ That splendid 200 acre. hum being lots ll, 15 in the 2nd concession, Disisiott Guelph Tp. The nulldmlgs au- good, stone house, heated with lurnaco, hard and soil water in "xt. cn, bank barn 80xlt0 'with root house ant stables under, llay darn 60x60 wuh horse stable, sheep house and shed Wealth, hog and hen house, dih- in; and implement barns scparnlo llom other buildings. An amp-e sur'- ply ot water pumped by windmill, nevetlallin; spring creek touches one corner at larm. Orchard, garden and a lot ot Mame. Snruce, cw. ham been planted. About 10 acres ot woodland, over 100 acres in grass, "resides the bush, and all in a first- [class condition at fertility. A Hen I desire lu‘thnnk my triemis,"nvigh- bars, and the Order ot Canadian Home Circle, who so generously rend- ered assistance during my late bo- tenement. Mr. o. Wing, ut Prince Rape“, B. C., returned TM) month; we: I vim. at the bone ot ttis “that, Ree. 31.1. Wing. .idriviuer of Kingslun, turmotly ot Waterloo, is the guest nl Mrs. Alfred Snydvr. George street. Mr. Edwin Uingeman ot (sustains. Alta., son ot Mr. John Irogeman of near Waterloo, is spending several months visiting relatives and triends in Waterloo and Homily. This is Mr. Hiugvinan‘s frrst visit, home after an Absence ul nine years. He is looking well and speaks highly ui‘lhc West. TuchtTQn tt mm to their daughter Mrs. Yoder, in Wetst Liberty, Ohio. Mus Hannah magnum l is mum; hiemlti in ton Mr. Homer Zick of Dundas is \‘hil- hug " bis home here. ' Mrs. Wm. McDougall has returned trom 3 visit with Tavistock friends. Miss Mabel Chalctatt has returned trom a short sojourn at Mt. Cie- nut-us, Mtch. . Mr. H. W. Bean, of near New Ham, bung in , winter In Iowa Wanna.) Miss Hamel, a! Ilanowr, who has been spending a kw won-ks with her sister, Mrs. H. oetzel, t-eturned home Wanna-any. . Miss Tena “all. ot ’l'nistock was a guest at the home of Mt. Wm. McDougaIl, Bib street over Sunday. Mr. Fred Snider wasa visitor in Toronto on Saturday. _ Mr. and Mrs. (‘layluu Wells leit Jonday morning tot a salon!“ oi sev- val weeks in Mexico, srcompanied by no best wishes oi hosts of {Heads " mu enjoych and benefieial trip. Messrs. William and Howard Sauna: 1 Philadelphia, are guests at the Dome of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moogk. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Koch ot Tuts- tore, spent Sunday with Waterloo Mounds, Miss Tera may has left tor Tor auto where she will attend Koala» oadies' t‘ullrgo. This is one ot the very testrarms in the county ot erlingwn and is a Sun tum tor grain, grass and mots l It is situated 6 mud trom Guelph, 25 miles from Mosboro, G.T.R., a; like trom Weisenhurg C.r.it., 33 miles trom New Germany and school is , mile [rum lhe house. For terms and particulars apply on the premises or to Jnmes and William Laidlaw. iii, Georg; llurtnp ul Toronto spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Myrilo Beclttet has lemma rum“ visit with friends in Buriiutr canned sad that trttcr the said lath dly ot February AO., Mo9, the an newton will mooted to diMribuic an an“. of (hemmed; among tel was canned thereto, having mum only to autum- at “a: they. It.“ Ilia have now», not that they will trot be liable In “a and: m| dl.teUhrted to Any person or perms ot not. chin they mu not than Mn â€the. DIN n Wile-Icy “In 26th day ot J-r_Agt._1e, I It ...-n.. l -. , stunt-.1, it nu), . i iun'.tatemeht of "the particulars of their claims and tho nnmrc M the Ly“... " _ , ., n" a...“ am.- Mr. and Mrs, Mano S. We?! FAB. Hill "Slti.E i “1" "eh. 0' on - Walton an“: and In: Dunk ot Bum-CU. " mum n the ot Mr. um I", Byron Bechtel, street. Mus. CHARLES K. MOSS CARD OF THAN KS Hannah Bingcmm ot Chicago imam! manta, ' . a m' and. anraer, ll- a. 'th-Nas. «at an - “walnut-pic , (no. .omgqi .1 mu. . d nth mac-til Elana-oo- I, ' " PM mum ALIEN! IICIUU. Autwl March '.--rarm Stock and iopti. menu of Henry Bauer, 2 mile. north of Plattavillo. Fen. 'th-hm and and - mu ltd HI! 8m. ' lulu “that“ ot Ricky m 4 In“. “the“ ot m. Clo-lam. rib. 3.40 as. a [and " 1mm “out, Elan. you. um-Pu- “out In in» - at m I. by. on In“. north/In ot Intuit». Fob. "tb-parm, ma And haplo- nonu ot Gounod Kuphlki, H miles out ot Bro-hm . ' Fob. "ttr-Nr. “and And knob mu ot Geo. law. 4 lane: noun:- west ot St. Claus“: and I miles nonhwut ot Bamberg. b'vt,."1b.-tsate of (arm stock and implements of Albert Bruder, 1 mile northeast of Freeport, near Chicopu- Woollen Mills. Feb. ".-F.arty, Stock and lmpIe-' ments ot owl Ooh]. two miles west f ot Preston, and two miles southwcai' ot Frcoport. March 2.-Fann Moek and implo menu ot Mrs. John K. Snyder, 4 miles south ot Wallaby And 5 Inna north ot am. March 3rd.--Farm stock and irnpur menu; ot J. B. Lichty, a miles welt of Wellesley, lot Mr, conn, on the boundary line. March 4.-Farrn stock And implo- uxenl» at Jacob Hum, one-hull mile can ot St. Agatha and 5 mm. In" of Waterloo. March 1.-Sale ot tarm stock and implements and household eitects of William S'tenttrt,, adjoining tho cor- poration at the Town of Preston. ALEX. AMEN, Auctioneer. Feb. 13-5th and Implements ot John Wanner, on Huron Road, t miles north of New Dundee. Much 10.-6rm Mock and Tmatter: ments ofan Ban. 3 miiee south of New Hamburg. March Ith-Farm stuck and imple- menih ot John C. Shaun, 2 miles southeast, ot Berlin, north "t Preston Road. Feb. 2grd-Wran Stock and Imple- mcnu of A. EUnhoetrer, 2 mil-n - g Sta-abuts an! 5 mile. Ionth of Ber. n. ' I).A.'- ttroy, Auctioneer. Frb. '3t.-Stoek and Implements or lhgilale Noah Bean. near Husvillc. Fob. Nth-Full: stock all implo- meat. at Samuel B. Snider, Jr., ' mile “an ot anloo on an road leading to St. Agatha. March 8.--Farnt stock, implements and real cstale ul Mrs. Jos. Ehrlin, i mile south ot Bumbag and 4 miles east of Welleclcy. ALEX. FRASER. Auctioneer. “N THE MATTER OF HEINRICH} Mbtt, LABUllUR. AND SOPHIA MHTZ, W1DOW.' LATE ur' Tith' TUWNSIIII' "If WOOLWH'II. Ill-2- 1'r'.A.9'.tt. _ Nuliu' is hereby xin'n pulsulnl Io the llovmwl Slalulrx ul Unlariu 1897, 1'hapter I29 and Amending Ads that all sternum: having claims against the estate ol the Raid Helm-ill: Mela or Napkin Metr, dwvnml. are ll'qllill‘d to smd hr post prrmid ot deliver [0.1M undersigned (-xrculor at â€vill- PIN-m PA). on or before the 25th day of Voluntary A, " 1mm, thr nmnrs. mun-um and demlipliuns and n tall slalomcnl. ot the mtrticuUrti ol Hmlr l-lnimu um. elm 'tn8rrtr. ,.I u... arm-Hy. it any. new ity them. duly mallard and thnt nth-r (he said th day of February. A. It 1909, the said leer, II" plum-ed to distribute (I: use“ ol the traid accrued um»; I": 1mm; annual thereto having "gun! only to the claims of which het shall "on: have notice, and that hr " but ho liable for the ISIr's so “nth-Ital to any person m prnmm ol'wiolc (“kiln hr ulna" not then have ‘ndlt‘t. A March 30ttr-Farat block and lmplw meats ot Christ. Litwiller. omettait mike 'urrttr.orttt. Agatha and 2| miles south ot Josephus. March M.--Parns Stock and Imple- ments ot Titus S. Kolh, t mile east of Berlin, on road leading from Berlin to Ureslau. H. B. DUERING. Auctioneer. March 12.-Fartu stock and uuple ments ot Christian B. Roth, lot. 1, Con. 3, g mile east ot Bamberg and 3 miles southeast ot St, Clements. SHANTZ BROS., Auctioneers Feb. 'ir-hun stock and imple- ments ot Amos M. Shane, 1 mile west or Mannheim, Matehi-Fara, stock and imple- meals of Ezra. Bauman, 3 miles northwest ot Waterloo. March 11.-Farm stock and imple- ments ot Seth Bitumen about 2 miles south of St. Jacobs and 1 mile west ot St. Jaroba. Hymn. BRICKNBLL, Auctioneer keb. Iftb-itr" lot with barn in elberg at 3 p.m. Fob. 17.-Farm stock and intple- ments of B. F. Shaun, one half mile mile west. ot Mannheim. Feb. I'i.-ararm Stock and Imple- ments of cm Zimmr, I miles out of Bro-Inn. March L-parm Stock and [mph- menu of thelstr J00. R. Bchcckono. u mile- Iouunot Ella-ville. buiu'd Woolwich an. 25th day ot upâ€; A.0. 1m. . . Notice to "Creditors “my" Axmytpg. Estate, House and the village ot Heid- 2k Full Assortment si Newest Patterns Wo no ofreriutrjrge number ot ladies' (but. in buck sod eolorrd Atl" terlty pll 13-9an from 7.60, leioo' tUte black coata in loose. tremi and tight fitting worth 10.00 to 812 60 for 87.50. . Children's Goats Children'l Thur- in pret ty colon of brown. navy. red and black minutes 5! 99 In" price 2.00. ago, 3.00, 3.50 to clothe wo h II the , 8.50 to 'Gll'l tl') $5.00. ' , and â€we“ and our price. an gem d,'gc,""dr,'ttur."i'lti 'ir/UT light. Special " are, (in , Ctr, ttt " _pechl at us, 819. 822 and Ft6. ' 81.0). First Shipment of Spring Staples now in stock. _ T Ashton's Prints .' Crum's Prints Denims Cottonades Ginghams Sheetings Towelling Shaker, Flannels Ducks l Drills -, DO YOU KNOW? That we are selling all our Winter goats; for Women and Children at most rework- able reductions. If we looked at immediate results we might feel that we no rally foolish to sell the splendid garments " a "serrifUs, tmt '0 In closing our eyes to cost and value and away they go, for thin‘ in I an re with new goods tor every action. Homeric Out: at 85.00 I Fun! Fun! _ S. B. BRICKER & co. Berlin, January 25 90tt. PURSUANT to the Act of Incarnation notice in herd Ihnt the 39th Annual Meeting of k " one o'clock p, In, for the purpose of fetching "qtoetn, and†Directors, and (yam-cunt; such other WM. " my I). “build. " _ Policyholdon no cordidly Invited to attend the Annual In“. and the pm in " tttiff AnnualMeeting 81250 Coat: for 81.50 Thursday, March Bth, 1909 LANG BROS. a GO.. Boriitt." __ C. Fur collar Mate Lang Bros. a Go., will tie held a it. Head Ollie: in Waterloo, Ont-HR†Corner King and Erb Streets, Waterloo, Ont. staples. ". L; GEO. wuss: "Cull And In the". they In mm ' and newest. and our price. are '.."ror" " We are now showing quit. A ale. Jock of new dress goal- for and... suits and drone. of all kinds. _ . Now in. good time to buy Fwy-I. Io mover what kind you need. In‘t'. m the choice and priest a! nwny m Scarf: at 4 oo, 5.0). 7.60 to 010.0). “all. " am 6.50, 7.00 Ind "0.â€. Conu- " 6.60. 7.50 and “0.00. '; New on» can“