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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 Feb 1909, p. 10

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E; . ‘M wax-ii; wAJsr-u! ”nailing: am: my.» hull. Inns and legs, hot none of the “juries are serious. The mun was made up ot seven an. five Mung an. combination baggage and colon- 'rt, dimer and sleeper. All the cars M the nus except the diner and deeper. The tun-on is supposed to bare, been caused by n broken mil. 'ncking crown were rushed lo thr. m with hydraulic jacks. but it Amd, “In and legs, and had his Ir; hinted. Firemen (“anon and Clark mg also severely scalar-d ntum tite Manchu. N,H., Jan. in..-" 12.15 My the British mail smdal, in “use ot Conductor Wm. Crockett, Viki! k". Monctou about 7 "'1'le this morning, with a doubleheader, in wrecked about tour miles east of Campbellton. In the engines' 0158 were Drivers C. Cool of Cant Mlitoex and A. H. F'syers, Moncton; “xenon Thos. Clark and Walter Uar- wu. Mouton. Driver Cool, who was In the engine and wns Mud, while purer Fryers was scaldcd about the Brown as 3 rule keeps trom 150 to 800 boss, bttt he sold on Ill but the " last. fall. Among them were f or ' brood Bows, and 10 or [2 just tit lot mrket. Brown is under a three months' quarantine, during which time he will let be “loved lo have: pig on the Wham-“he outbreak was due. lo the was: tary condition at this pm or not is not stated. The Government have ”mummy been trying to keep the nlair quiet, ostensibly toprevmt I panic. Brown says he done not know how the dogs got the disease. The pens in which the hogs were kept were old and dilapidated look- ing, and the floor was badly decayed. The one in which the outbreak first mile-ted use" is the one nut the road, and separated trom it only by {In bun. It seems that the county authorities have berm complaining ot this pen for worms lime, hem-ans» " did not comply with the regulations :5 to distance trom the highway. In tact, it apparmtly should have been removed It)” he one pew-ttinet ot them. But, the “undo! said that all had to be kill- d. It In quite a loss. tor they were Worth about 8400, but the Govern- mt won't ulue them "at high, and tt I get $200 I'll do well. "But the price ot bogs is up. Items ttro nus use at this time they were only " and 85.50, now they Are " and will be tio before, April. " will mun quite a loss to, sick hogs, mad pronounced it cholera, and " that the whole forty would in" to be destroyed. So on Sutur- dly '0 shot them, and, humping bead in“ 1nd trees ground them, burned “None ot the other hogs were sick," continued Mr. Moore. "Just those in our, low or Mo ot the hop look Rich's“. um; an idea that it tstight to action, I ttotired the De pormm a Ottawa at once. V "W. Moon. the “under, "rivet! let Friday. He opened one of the "Th am Indication I had that until; van "on; wu nbout two was no," b will. “The Govern- ..t hauler, Mr. Moore, had just been here trom Ottawa, and had pro. nounced everything nit right, except an my pen- were too close to the to“. He ordered me to move them: "rd. Fi, Giirbu '7 iiiFTiu'iiJiii; A upon“ who and It the lam, to“ It. Brown In the act oftent- U do" the pm In which the pip u been kept. A short diatom I." vu n pile ot than! bonus u! nate-the gruesome remains at the " hogs which had - destroy-, Mum ottind (but: album: oCttr_upostttdte. _ - an; ant - all no two; kn] unto. o! a mu - db. you. but.» In none have M non-3m. The county in- - m at: t-trttetdo- to to M th. one muons ot lurch" a... at m m a! a. has. at in ”who! terdgg do“ w- idi-co. The moan unlo- o! It. - h (goat-3 the outbreak ad the null, pro-y: anon ed a. do ”than u Dunn, in and»; the l In. “(and will, it is ”at. no "at on gnu ot the - q. Blow) " I mum 6ardeeter by tit'tftltAttl$'l,t,at'i8e "Before I had done nay-thing, how. INTERCOMNAL WRECK Under Quarantine. Dilapidated Pens I. mm- ttte mi Anna-(6.; aTccG. . tt iiii'irchr.))'lht uh. In.“ "t,_, " r: I!“- II It. n... Lil”! {Hols-um a u and in thin; Mantra In Manitoba. Nu: [he no" spam but and (ht-Ho west at Port on the null train., do: Mr. H, J. new. I ------ Blythe u harder. I 01w; “if. Matteo h Album and I In. 'Int. mt Dr. June- I Hunted It . all u to" an..." an tll Ant-cm 0-- 2'S'g2t --At 12.15, smdal, in Crockett, 7 "'1'le Matters in the tl and (he threw Mam an "on. Mr. Bert "mttttiwdorter, ISM! Ionic. as gnaw!" Ullawn. (hot,, Jan. 27.-lt, in up hound that a dlvhdon of the work of the Railway Commimgott has Men made among ttte members of the board which will mmm- n more MIL dent oversight ol the interests of the sever-l Province below the board. Matters arming in the Produce of Ontario twrt ot Pott Arum: have been placed under ttte nuur zmmcdme control ot the Assistant ”airman, Hr. D'Arcy Son", “Add by June: Whit and Jill). (fl-Hm ls imam tors mum not}? -___ "er'"'".")" in": nu: 'lollowing measures or amendments to the law: Law "term. Assessment Act amendments. Provincial financial ycar to end Oct. 31, instead of Dec. M. Niagara power amendments. Conciliation oi School Acts. Taking truancy work from police and giving it to trustees. Licensing and inspection of moving ‘picturo theaters. Co-operative Association law amendments. Liquor licensu law anwmhttrnis, Ccntralizing ot licensing authority. Additional powers to Railway Board. Sunday street cars in some cities ‘dealt with. ' Reorganization and equipment of Provincial police lorcc. Extension of i’arllanmt Building. in make room for Faimatin "may mint. T. and N. o. Railway Corny nonunion, the "ydro-Etoctrie Commit- j .3..- Tuesday, Feta. 18, will he opening day for the 1809 session of the thtt- aria Legislature. tht the list for legislation Ir:- Ihr LEGISLATIVE aeisiiiiis m comma SESSION The Council considered the question 10-day, and put through a by-law ro- poaling the [armor by-laws, though a number advised delay, doubting the legality of repeal “illlout the sanc- tion of the Legislature. The Council of 1907 had pustd the lay-lam», designating roads, and pro- viding for the raising of $80,000 to be expended thervon in three years, In addition to halt of this amount cun- tributed by the Legislature. Since 1907 the matter has been in 'sbryanve, and at the rtrcet" municipal olmtiuns the question was voted on throughnut the county, a majority ul uwr 4,00” being ttolled against going on with the work. GOOD ROADS BL, It is in evidence before the Railway Commission that Chas. M, May: has uptown! the willingness ol the Grand Trunk Railway to my otushan the coat ol protecting all highway cross- ing: on its system that may bacon- tsidered dangerous. Presumably the railway eomparty's feeling is, howev.. er, that the public should bear its sham oi the cosl. In most ot the in- dividual cases dealt with by the Rail- way Commission the cost ol pron-cw tion is divided. ( This whole question of more "tcient 'roteciion for the public at railway transit!» is we which has hm: dis- cussed in l’uliauneni lor several yours past. A bill at Mr. "Laueaster's on the subject passed the Lower House last session. but was thrown out in the Senate. mm and humid aosormgteata, should Uso which» funds which my be drawn upon tor this pupae. Ask For Institution. They suggest, accordingly, an leg-l, ‘bhu‘on would be valued by the Do- minion Parliament and the Provincial Lawn-Ira tor this warm And the proposal will, nu doubt, be brought him: the House of Commons during the mount nus-ion. 1d M JII. I.-Ih Ind-q M. In a but “It“ but - to tn Mt-tee at lull- vm. In ul- a una- at um I.- ‘pltui “than with. to tho rotation at att Mm nu- wny can” throughput than. This mm. " in the nature on up” toa my nutrition. Geo. P, 13mham, Muutes oi Rail- tvuyu, mun-ed to the board this weak " the an: lumen-t. Th- lhutuy Counts-mu are at the om that the Minot»: mum at money vhtch it resulted to pm vide tot the rotation at the whhc " thug highway autumn In tug-r than the IIIII‘IQ' compute. alone can be expected to subscribe. Pretumuurty the municipalities would be willing, to bear A patio» ol the apt-sue, but the 'uhurrt'otsunuaiortrrs think that the DIVIDES ITS DUTIES ”F: ,.u-iiiiiii,-Gi'th" 31-191th max-when. R. Would Pay Iran the Provinces of will! Murmur Prod-ca, - Brrturr, ham and “Hi-W by A.c. 1,. " o! Port Auk: In; McLean. with W. s. legislation are the or amendments to WAS REPEALED "td_Briua* can f -eT"_' W WWII“, According to their usual eusmm all retired somewhat late Friday night. The old gentleman 'dept my the law" floor, on which there were aim: sitting and dining rooms, and a “when. The otiser three were quartered on the a solid brick structure. It was the muslin“ of the lamily lo rise law in the winter months. At 8 o'clock bs'a- lurday morning Seth Vansieklo, in do- ing the chores saw naming unusual Stanley, ten-year-old Sun of Athert about his tather's house. At 10.30 Vansickle, while reading an home, no- secnml "out at the house, which was Heed smoke issuing from his grand-, Philip \unsncule, who had been a prosperous [armor for years, resided in Autism Township, one IN a hall miles trom Lyndon, and two and a half milrs Hum Jerseyville. On mw side of his farm lived his bull, Al. bert, while a short distance away on the other side of the mad ivere " suns. SMII and Peter. With him lived his lamily, as above outlined, all vu- gaged In maintaining the farm. The origin at the fur, whim was at first a mystery, has been traced to a ston- in the trout hall. The "pei- tion is that the glowing coals from it tell on the floor, setting lire to the oilcloth and kindling a New which either sutlucated the inmates in their sleep or cut an means at e'teMe, when they endeavored tu leave the building when it became a mass of Mines. Thus tar, however, all theories are based on the supposition and more definite deductions are awaited av the Inquest which will he opened by Coroner Fisher. of Ancaster. i Mother and Three Children Atvamt.': But nnc fortunate circumstance! stands out against the dark back- ground. Mrs. Harry Vansickle with her three children, all ot whom ro- sided at the destroyed homestead,winm absent at the time ut the disaster, being u Trinity, where Mrs. Van- sicklc was visiting her husband's fa- ther, Wesley Vansickle. They return- I ed last night, terribly attected. I - 'ld"f'e""'r'-'"'"'""r'""'FM.lqt. trfr,het'e'rlbtror_iuA a..." erertPt1tiftitieiraFiu"iiiu'Li7k7'd1' 18ytf---uiauuriii; mm "'ltutreteiafttrruikaiiicir-i7iii"ii'.Ti *“mwmdafiahnn . “'OI-.tv¢m _ . ,tfiriiriiirrtirais ii a.“ ' yum-- on tyryetdaiNtuUeiiiaFrr"o%Ti"'TGl MIMI. Fttr.et1'at,irpg.hgEt thttta"tihf,'.eeed hat-wk _ 2gtNttutgr, 'iiCi"y'ia5'iit?. : M watch-h; “OLA!!!” - 'gtraN:Pc,2atit.aiifei::.Eiicii.i; " it public»: - was “In out. Thule-armband“ l tt 'iri!ii'iriti'iffiEit?f: In” 'ltittpr'lttttttnetaitii'i i IV --- l Melina Vansicklr, daughter aged " years. hotueqtead and AUl-known lamily, but ruined wall: and charm Indies. Philip Vansicklc, aged 80 years, re- ‘timl tarmer. The dead: Martin Yunsickle, his son, aged " years 1 "Marry vsuasiale, sun-in-law. agod‘ 30 years. ”Ivan-Ill - ,5. iillllmlr'l%'A"l,,lfa"'l'2% be” 11t.1taptatA-cesfcFiGiiiisitTaia" ' wrm whom- i"" o' the Can-I. was; St' t_s.rwar.ori-tttttii ’8‘”. 1tg,ur,tu'teatreoa2 but. a mud. which (and to - nodyWhhdlyI. “an“ a! Mnldm:~ "1mm lam-Mulch. 5M3 an. [m I"dNt hunt of in TPS; Ttte m ”DOM we: ”www.mlldfld all polled-g may. bur-Won ytet-i?rxsriktoutGidGGifttuTiitu" +9emrypraiqrrt"uairfiui. lone-n ‘ tlmsrmmMrtotwlka%irui. aardv- ltd {unto the Ere: t my In". that! luv-nun“. cautious. in.) unwind!» . myth“). Outsdshthgl ’ud {m l ' _ I“ in“ (at! an#& " Wanna-mm v. ' his!“ walnluzo‘gnl'y gogyoru, H mum You“, "" 40. Buntlonl. Oat., Jan. upwind“) out at the - mm» In: tragedies our mounted as this Vicinity um and“ near the Will-p ut Lynda ”shiny morte ‘Lug, when the homo ot Pump Val- ;mkle. retired and pinup-mu farmer, was destroyed try the devouring clo- lnonls. The dinner Watt complete. not only dating dcstruetion to the house, but chilling way one ot the htttr. um. Mum “the; son, Caught“ Ind ttOtt-ut-raw. Today no- tu'ng remain: at the am substantial -""'-""'r""""'""'. . ; _ 'rd "s' i'r'ii%dii' _tiiN.iiii'fii.C" Ill 8.4.41' Tll t ., t, I, 'lttaiir P.-9.ert_t. w. my: F . "r 1,tltiit4'tet1ttt/i1ppitr! Philie Vanuatu. In! I. qum V“. not " “any VII-bib. - an. 'tttere PM. , _ 'ic ALGiiTik"Ta" THE DEAD London, t)nt., Jan. 29.-At a mod.- _ ing at No. 1 Committee ot the Coun-' cil this afternoon, " wax divided to petition the Legislature to enact such legislature as Will legalize the submit- ting of: Sunday car by-law In this city, provided that before doing so a sa1istactor.v r"arrangernetth ol the tranehise can he made with the Lon- idon Street Railway. I (Maw-a, Jan. 2t.--word has received thet Mackenzie King receivtNt that Madame Kine. ALP. " North Waterloo, is in Madras. Ile will arrive in Shanghai to nth-ml lhe anti-opium mnh'ronw: on; Frhruary. 16th The house and Luau-Ms wrrérwidrlh probably $11,000. The charred bodies were removed to the stable and that of Philip Yan, sickle, to his relatives, where the cur- oner's jury which was mnpanrllml (his morhing si-rf them. The remains of Martin and Molina, who were also sleeping mu ttte upwr story, were likewise [mind in thr basement, but under their own rooms showing that they had not stirred trom their beds, having been hurried down in the collapse ul the t1oors. " wu three o’clock Saturday alter-. noon More the ttre had been sutttt:imtV ly subdued to permit entry to the house. It was then tout-d that, ac- cording lo appearances, the fire had broken out in the hall, whore there I was a large wood stove. It had been l the old tnnn's custom to attend to thin about midnight. The theory is that he did so Friday night and Ion the stove open so that the burning wood got on the Mor. At ilttst the Maze probably grow slowly, but soon at: its way through the floor, so that the stove tell into the cellar. It would appear that Harry Vansickle, on the upper story, was awakened either by the crash or smoke and went downstairs to investigate. plung- ing headlong through the hole in the hallway and tailing to the basement, where his charred body was found lat- er. " L " is notable that be had died ot I sittrotaTRhi in]! in 'e.e-Nettmt found; although this is nut certain. He was only slightly burncd. Ettoris were then directed It killing the rtre,which boon consumed the entire_honsc. Lad- den we" put up to the upper story, wltere three others of the lamily were shying, but there was no response. I MACKENZIE FsCNithY I'ARS IN LONDON mun M. It muti- a.” tatheren6ttetmwe.atot_, D I”‘ when up. - m: tttwld pr um NI Int-I’- no! u - h “munch dad-w. ln-idc new “on and " 'ttssiteNams,b.ttAeaoue da- .1le "om vu It!!! standing. He luau dual, ,rottl iteotdtitrtngoathetraorinth. Sultana! but" lull-g to he dining-room “on "a. l "tt.ttshndtsueui.saeaorttoe. 'qu t8 ' capo. Mn; up Lb pro-Into torn Into dour In dam it to the winder, In! my to I could Bot an it. Other hclp Wu this "on“ unmanned, hut when the - has: the 80m. wan nanny mien out he was dead. mum. “a mommy Dead When Found KING 1N MADHAS r--Wortl has Items NEW TmaEPsaoNrrLitir, 'The Congress ('ommiw-e have upon- rd Mild-art": In In all" huildint In'TomMo with ll. K. Cash-y of New Ymi in chug. um um planning tor M'ngnlu Comm-toner: and qvetat lamina P,tgtg thrmmtr- Ilmen mm (lulu ttom the States. out“: In "eohmieat Bene - and ”Mon M mum» China. . . . Mr, Silas MeBee of New York. a partlculu’ Mend otPreaident Room veit, um his lpokcsman on Severn! mt occasions will speak un "Ill;- nionl 1nd Church Unity." He is the Editor at The C'htrtvhtstot, thr organ ut the Protestant Emmi Church in the United States. several of "use mm who hare recent- ly visited a number of minim new; us Uomtrtirarimtert, tor the Lnymcn‘; Mavemmt. C The Secretaries of ttk Mission Boards ot the United Silks will lw invifrd as Honorary 1'onunissiormrs and a numhcr have aiu'ndy promised to attend. Mr. Robert Ff. Sum at New York, possibly the test known at all American Santana; will be present and is on the schedule In: at least ttiree dilkrent, sixwhcs. Plum- inent Upmert trom Boston, New York and Washington will also be present.‘ and one ol the interesting Matures or, the Congress will be the report trom) Sessions wlll be held for me days in Massey "all and strong denomina- tional conferences will be held vat-ll anrrnoort with other conformers tur women. college station“, Sun-lay School workers and others. Tu mu. d'm Bett Tum iiiqyriiiiiuGe"i'llTl'rl Much attention ls belng given by the Churchmen of Glands to a Nation.. I] Missionary Congress lo be held under the leadership of the Laymcn's Missionary Movement in Toronto,, March 313L141 April “h. The N'eirt, Ctthollc churches of tho entire Dum- inion are entering most heartily min the prepnntions For the 1'outeretwe which will give Canada the 1matrrship among lhe Christian nations ot the world in the adoption ula National Missionary Policy. tot in a hurry. NATIONAL MISSIONARY CON- . GRESS. ed against them treday in the 'high courf by Judge Anglin. Tht/company installed an elevator in the Alumn- dria Hotel in IN?, but did nut rm.isu the contract within the lime specified in the contract, and dispute arose Irv- er the question ot whether or not it was in running order, 'workmen who came to repair it let the case [all and another had to be put in. Mr. Nolwn D. Porter had paid $1,200 on it; he was allowed $1.990 back and two months rent of the hotel and P-l tra Cyst of installing a new elem“ Ottawa, Jan. '28.--rhe Parkin Elev valor Company ot Irespeler had " judgment of 83,509 and costs rogislor- JUDGMENT AGAINST . ummunmuu-Uu a. tratLt'rt1'teL'tee't,t " It Iva-ltd bug-um.» 'tle-ttttet-riot/ju-ok- Swan): Scott added that his reso- tution Imam two-thirds ot the, Senate would be elected. He ldoked Iipon it as necessary and to the conitinuuf ex- istence of the Um House. i The term which a Senator may be elected or appointed is limited to eight years. To equalize the standing ot political parties in the Senate on the mention Ola change ot Govern- ment the incoming administration my appoint an tdditional numbcrol Senntors, not exceeding nine, not more than one iron and: provlm.and no more appointments, shall he made for that province until a second ca- cancy has Iriscn. thus reverting to the original number allotted. Commons Asked to Join Petition. _ The Commons is asked to concur in the proposed changes, and a.ioittt ad- dress or the Senate and Commons adopted, praying that the British North America Act te so amended. I ' will. It My.” tho Saute 'luo clout and with the ”land f can" tony noun-eat a ".Boq- , :51. "would: oi Wllllon in 'tthanHilph-il toduvldo Olhrio and Quebec, and into " doc-i toeat (ll-mm toe ”trunnion in u:- Um: "out, Non Scam all i New Brunswick into level out and Place "Edtrard hunt into ttro, Fur the want, linm;"m and All!“ would hare three each and British Columbh two, all tor election 0! candidates tttr rqtresenta- tion in Senate. Present Members Pruridid For. A manhu- ot the existing Sena“: shall be allotlcql to each district, and vacation aritfuq in the rerrreettati_oat, of that distrieU shall be fitted by its {electors untitled to vote tor members ot Common. . Compulsory voting tsu0.apptr. The remaining Seniors noi allot- ed to any constituency shall be clags- ed as Senators tor some particular province at large, and any vacancies arising in that class shall be tilted by l :ppointment as at present. _ in" W. __ it tttviii-Gia au “a" “on All " u M. tymntoetioott 01th " m“... which, n w duct. to.“ not lit-n the m; Scuba or pe-tirq ot Wu- “OI from a. unai- when. It BESPELER Film Veterinary Preparations for .. Horses, Cattle Sheep and Swine t Tubdrcsvsis Caused being 131 per hundréd l population. Only in Noverntier, December, Jan- uary, and February was the number at births less than Iout thousand. . (xx-arr“! in August; ini'iic L1v,i/s in October. . New Toronto had a birth rale of 55.'t being the largest in any town over 5,000. Deaths from cancer lula‘llud Litt, being about 200 more than the' pun vious year. The total number of deaths was 32,- 782; the largest em recorded in the Prrrisx. The average birthrale [or the last ten year: was 2115. There were 593 pairs of twins and life sets of triplets. The birth' rate_per thousand Awas 23.3, a decrease of b.S. Ot the told number of deaths, 17- 656 werd male and 15,921 lemalcs. In New Ontario the birth rate is [nearly twice as large as in Old. Toronto's birth rate-was 26.8, tttar- riage rate 131', and death rate 17.4. There were registered 51,710-hirlhs 19,818 marriages and-32,782 deal'hs. or the 33,783 deaths nearly one- third were under five years of age. Malaria ax a cause of death is ra- pidiy ou the (In-hm; é'ausing only me. “ There were 106.1 males born lo er- ery 100 females. The lowest death rate was in Pa!- ry Sound It.istrict, 5.t. The maul me “gum 'per was. and. Glam from the Latest R poet on Health ot the Pro. of those ovcr'so -Aere were 3,706 deaths. . . Rural homes' haw larger ""e thnn the cum. The estimated Aituati,, was.2.2t " 110. _ P The largest marlqh’ty in (he s. K. & T. t. Win A Fwd agent required in each district who have so e control of the local trade. See future advertisements. Am! the dom-nrl ie av" ink-mains. “I " l" comprises 6 scientific compounds of (he highest grade of quality. ' '. The. Imt‘ancdign ia,ecttttlttit . modem milk, "ry). the M: ial, " _ milieu, all combine touigevfuv“ 'is. vrculusis caused 2,0tl deaths 131 per hundréd thousand ul the FACTS AND FIGURES those baking qualities which i',ii1jii'ii, / the choke ofdrtitrimirsating _. It!' iifi, _ everywhere.' . Give ‘Royal' HSWGHQ‘, fair trial and you Will negro!" go hu‘to other brands. Your gro"ckwiI1 get ii " for you if you insist. s", . . . .. l ., I, "a) Royal 'lWtiehtrrer/rrt,,Irr,:rr. , 'r. Packetslsojd lastlyear. 'q a9pi1v1tIrtrtmoiumtteditreat. "OxOllU' 1,000,000 r i ti cs Toronto, 23.6. Tr. Thirty per Niat.mt 'deaths from trt- phoid occurred in eites or. to!!! 'ot . over 5,000 where there are whitewa- ter supplies, the, other " ter my; being in distriet, supplied by wet! as! spud; water. , 7 In [Migrants the Methodist .Chlu'cll rams the list with "." um tides and groom to its credit. Presbyterians are next with 8.0”, thea Episcopalians, 8.083; MI CathoXes, 0.161; Banish, 2,M8;W therans, 1,131; Conwmm, 387. a Nipisaing heads, the~poll in rate, having 53.7 per Mtmtgagg& em are Thunder Bag, MM; 135 and rum". 37.9; Party 8 ...u- v. “mun. any; ram tS0MtQ 32.2; Muskolm 30.7; York, Mimi? Toronto, 23.6. t. There should be enough WWI, around, even " 911mm! "'0th there were 20‘5” boy babies both, in the , year, compared to 25,082 .11 babies. _ C Out on. total ot 1,343 " in Essex '69 per cent: were _ - Sur, and both the bride a were Americans in so per ol the cases. . _ _ or Quakers " won mutied.rl'ldl- eating that some Outta! and sicmeono who was not Lse, Then there were “so In T' . As to percentages in martian the score was: Methodists, 31.0; Pru- brteriamr, 30.3; Episcopalian IM; Roman Catholics, 15.5. _ March seems to he the most pom- tur months tor hints. there he“. Cr 646 in that month, August bolas-en with 4,642. Ot the total deaths, 1,538 were mu births, 8.13157- were under one yak. 1.483 were‘undcr five, and 8,029 were 70 or over. and atom incim minim-3g trtrrdree'-rrbire mung.“ not 1,000, nine “mu Toronto in] 'tmrtr-tttrm, Hm Hm "tWi, ', Compredwma pm tair, 'ro n- 3 decrease at m girth: "Itt Plums!”- and m hem-e at I, " dentin, ’ . . . 2rt"1"/,'lit,',ln 'tples,','" Tty, Qtumtr and ttot mm I 156 . 1.34.! " .- were - tide . N , not Ad the on!!! boys _., met towns: 11g; y babies boa in to 15,032 qlrt poll in ms It

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