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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 Feb 1909, p. 9

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"sir'" J. letter & Son" _. 'ONS STREET. WATEBIAO. ttMem Phone No: use maid-nee. Art 'r, _ wamunoon had. a: “(nun-MN tn hm.‘ _._ Etiitii; mu. 0 n e l toy-Ne Ten to n numtif ot her Twin- Titr kw: ttrfutttrday atternoott,in ”or at in sister, Mrs. " Simpson, - expec " lo have this week tor It Ionic in Aroatuiskavitie. The kind hole-I was ably assigned by her six- tor, In. Wagon-st in the drawing may. tekittt tue dining room was in My ot Miss A. b'. Snyder, where the “Inna: ot "fteeshtttetttst were 1hltglir, evening. Mrs. Snyder. b Mutual Muck velvet. gown, re- gBtewt the goals with her husband - “are. William sync: and " vSnydet And Mus Ink , Bi - [ ya, “I! mum-u In loot“; , Y", - "" --.N. - - - . It was moved tir Mr. Quantum:- L' ' k mf M. W. 00404 by Mr. Merlot. that all per- _ a, _ "I, sou luring in the corporation ot the L2lP) . 'T, lat-ch- Apo _ tmm and Idling Betd “on to the ' y to" my love the same weight! tree ai', T & tt ol chug: and that more outs“. ot . mu. tMk the corporation be required to my ES' I ' - 5 cents per dun. Ere" _ , 'd DIAL-ll. WAT-um There men.- a larger number od ten- Mi ' g “by no It“: received for tte School, Sever. Ig V. . MP" Hospital and Road roller debenture-.1 '9‘ , " ' The Condor ot Messrs. W. A. Maceeo-i 3g? , BERTAKI" Ue Co. lor 330,025, being the Mam. , ' ' C in mud, It' r,r ti'M=tttgrf"" " a!" Following were ttw tender: ruched CY, _ . for towa debentures:-- _'s"iirr, Alum mum-women: .. It. “I In. lit-mm Snyder enter- - met tttty ot "Mr married m to a turd putty in Iheit bau- wIth-n. Albert mm. Waterloo, TI! _ marriage took [hog Tamil-y A“ at the R. I'. Church at St. _ . ot Mr. Frank Kroctsch bl mvmnents to Miss Rose Huber, of; w“ rg. I ivqmnymuxu mm on wo-, 't9.'d6rrrstsoes "t H My (0111.10, " -tit.isg. Roos Shoe Co. A val seainaa has once every day to ttte the quarter-deck at his ship bmi' tno other is upon it. "Sulada" Taiis in such popular luv-or that my people lee! like saluting a pac- Yetyhcrevcr seen. Wicca“! annual man; of the School Institute a! the Gait " wilt be held in the Metho~ a! F tell At Elmira on Thursday, ta. qua. Rev. R. J. Elliott, chm- uqng tho district will preside. In. IMS.’ "man was the Kos- “of g _ ltnllyggsy and cu- The “tuition or the ladies is called to “Talent Ten under the auspices -sm . Presbyterian I.aoiies' Aid So- T t the home of Mrs. Tttos. O'- . T on Thursday ttttrrnoon at 4 VF The 3 meetings conducted in the 3'an Church the past sov- d‘d week we been largely Attended. "t Wings will be continued this Anyone barirg in their possession 00”” o! the t'hroetiehr-Telegrapb or Pet. 18ttp and Feb. 20th, 1906 kindly - tt& ofticty "dies' gum overshocs, .eg. ti.tts (r, $1.50, i' The J, S. Roos Shoo o. . Imttstrertnen's rubbers 3nd socks at can, at The J. h". Roos Shoe Co. A'special meeting ol the Waterloo 'tret ot Trade was held on Monday In. W. 0. Thompson, ot Mary W, Wntetloo, will receive on the It“ and second Tuesday. pr. g; t. M. mm, ms Misses Moogk entertained a per ot Iriends very pleasantly C will be a talent tea under the of the Presbyterian Ladies Aid y " the residence ot Mr. Thom- D'Donne". John street on Thurs. Mtemoim " 4 o'clock. There wilt all kind) at homemade bread, " m fake, doughnuts and cake ' . I very cordial invitation . to all tho "lends. Tea [to unwed by the hostesses, f’tmcll and Mrs. Thomas, All fin-hm f t the m are ttl an" pun-V I, "N" m Manually derxtruted Are I'm- - 'sma1tfR4, p to act as nurse No rxprritnce lulled. _ Address Box F . Waterloo, nrll a"! being made to secure Hie es 0! Harold Janis at Detroit, It Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Con- til2t..etuu"gt it? LOCAL NEWS evening, , """"'T _-iris.) C' "AMI!" m 'e. titatiiiiuer CASE ETS Patrick's Dar, Mark the iii In - ' i hug-Ila,“ - I Jer.. Strrlinx, of Toronto, non-sent- - in. the Toronto Daily World wu pre Vet und mun-sued the Council in 'r-gard to the Council grunting about 160‘ toward., . Writeup of the town, to which two pages ol the Sunday t Mitlon will he devoted. Seven] hun- dud copies ot the edition would also ibe jumish‘d toe circulah'on. No ae- a. ting was taken. , may.» Wm"... vn so Kl. Nieintnmi, that!” ... .. M... “In Amos Wrter .. 'rr .. ... ,._ (e l.02 Gram" & Shaun. (1.tu ,, 2915 Bell Trlcphonc H). rr $rrF .r"b 25.00 A. fl. "at9ttteVPonrd ol "tttttr 30.80 J. Liphardt, "chum taxes tl l 5.25 It. T. Ity., coal. (trPFq bert.. _.. V _.. is." Wnurloo Mutual. Insurance F.'qF' 54.30 ti. , R., l, w, '.er.. 'rr-. iii .tre a: 0. . "was” at: v r, John Show. 'unpj Pt I.“ shrank, m. ..'rq'..- . ... ' t'd . “rm .. no; V , Wu. mun-I "o-,.,....,,.- out Town Treasurer F. H,. Rump! ash-d tot an increase ot $250 in salary. up lured to the Finance Commune. - Rum: Susy“ n-ported that splcm did way!“ ts king undo ttt crush- ing sttrtttrott “we market mqir. The following accounts wens or,-.. Wm. Snider. rlwlrlc light ._.._ 8225.15] Light Coinmission, “not lamps 80.00. Wm. Snider. contract ree.. . .... $89.50. Wm. Bttider,yght, tAxvmber,. FtN 3.05. Wm. Snider. light, Januun‘. .. 1.3.5, Conrad Bum, supplirs .. mer'. . TVV 1.05, (Ir-yum & Shaun, coal .. T __ 3.90 " Detmul, tstone .. _ ... .. .. 150m A. Moth-I, gnu-I - F-N _ .. .. m “farm" & Malta, cud .. . 2.00 H. ”crawl. saving crusher __-F.. sum K. Drum]. an of ember T . 3515 B. Poettlmntt, Mum] ".Nrr_ .___ "F' 7.10 The-,-."' Mun-u- (‘n M .l. "Holman, than” ... .. .,... “In A communication was reccjvcd from the Canadian Municipal Joann-l, and asked thé Council to sutracrme for same. So action was taken. A letter was read front the Cana- dim Cement and Concrete Associa- tion in regard io tt Convention bc- ing heldvin Toronto. Chairman Gro. Suultt ot tho Board of Works was totmhstet,a delegate to attend the convention. The Mayor read the annual report received from the Waterloo Free Li- bury Spam. The Clerk was instruct, ed to write Andrew t'arnegie for an additioet grant ot $2,000 towards making lunhor improvements at the Free Libnry. the Ontario Municipal Association re the Tuwn Pouneit supporting a bill to limit the liability ot the munici- palities in regard to accidents on pub- lie highways. The Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign the petition and forward same to Dr, Ladner, M. " " There was considerable dlscusdon in regard to the butchers" license and a committee was appointed compris- ing .Messrs. Ikutderson, O'Donnell. Wr-ichelrnd the Mayor to draft a new Sydn'w and report at the next meeting. I has”. Valentine and Martin, boot and. shoe mnnudncturers, addressed the COT-til. Mr. Valentine stated Ill-t their present building was tar too and}! to turnish mommodnuon for their irterctrsing business and itnt In addition to the present building must be built at once. He referred to the] many complaints received trom the! residents in the “tinny of the tac- tory, guarding the smoke, and dust nuisancr. " an addition was built to the present factory he nsked that (Impound! endeavor to have these complaints stopped. I Em". Simpson of the Fire tran asked that he be granted a holiday onto a monk! and that n substitute be see- ured at the town's expense. The re- qu_cst was granted. " (vis decided that a special meet- ing of the (‘ouncil be held on Thurs- day evening and that Messrs. Valvu- tine and Martin and the residents in the Vicinity of the tattory be request- ed to be present to discuss the mat- ter, I r. morman Letter nddrcsscd the Candi in regard to having the (LT. ".9193 on King street unused so sag-o! to interfere with the mining in 'tront ot J. Letter a Sons’ lumi- tttte. store. new McBride ndeitied Mr butter G communicate with the Rail- wni Board in regard to the matter. A. Jarvis & C'o. .FF'r_ nonunion Security Co WootH’Wndy Po. '.____ Ontario security Co. ' Fs. A. Stimson Co. .. Blouse Mitchell Co. F . stat: communication. Wtts received trom Norman Lfiter addressed .an "F "a" '16 am v.1» an at Donna; “at?! 'dtill.1i'tllll,' up mum gm m ”9,015,130 29,909.00 29,954.00 M,8M.50 29,321.00 211302.00 39,797.00 ii/,iiiiri/ 3iiih.ikrl, pass- It II “he. tor gnaw. ot mum, mum-oknm‘uouplum‘ my not Jt tttttBet- ot mm In regard to heredity the opinions have chnngod very markrdly in the last century and the din-ct transmis- sion oi tho disease trom parent to child is new not entertained. There is no doubt, however. that the tend- ency to the disease its iaherited, it one ot the parents has a tutu-rout“ law. there is a greater Iikolihond ot tho children to conirnct the disease. However, this takes pinto in the us- ual manner by the introduction ut ’thc germ from without. The mnjor- Sty ot the cast: of tnborculosla msuii trom the inhalation oi the germs, which are present tor instance in the ‘sputum trom n tuberculnr lung. It has born estimated that ii a patient 'errrertorates g ot. in M hours, that ‘sevenl billions ot vat-till have been expelled. Fortunately in the moist state the gums arc easily mulled and disposed oi, but it the sputum be allowed to dry and pnrticlvs inhnlcd with the air, the danger oi lulu-lion is imminent. i think that tho great majority of patients In: can-lean ite; roaming, in. they do not realize that by thr not oi coughinf militant oi gains in the later stages oi the tumble an (aunt, ”will '. f"", lodgenu-nt on the units, pictures,,' tic, ot the mid rooms. in view oi tho obvious 010W. the patient! should at all tints use . cloth} which may be dislnlmted and and main, provided the coat is n consid- eration. as no oiten hum-u to be the use. _ The modes of infection no by in- oculalion, heredity inhalation‘ and in- gestion. ot which the last two are the chief factors in communicating the disease. Inoculation occurs "cctv siottally on the hands of physicians who do post mortem work, and in [hose who wash the clothes ot tuber- culur putients when the pron-r meth- ods ot disitttevtion have not been cm- played. The human race is not alone Sute cepttble. M the domestic animals cattle and swine very frequently are alluded, dogs and cats rarely. Ilere I may he allowed to make a suggrsr lion which I think should be carried out. The majority of towns, includ- fag of course. Waterloo. have no sys- tem of meat, inspection. You are aware that Urge amounts ot treef and pork are annually corttautttd, trut. as we have no meat inspcwtor, the public has no guarantm that the meat is trom healthy animals. A public abattoir should be provided, " whlch the slaughtering should be done, and a qualirsed inspector should he on hand to carefully examine all the organs and the meats intended for sale. Tuberculosis is very prev.- tent among the cattle. but I regret to say that we rarely hear that dis- easrd animals are being destroyed. “no or the Vienna dlu-ase. The teachers It that time went. so tar as" to any that every testdrnt either was or had " some time been infected, and I an: in a position to say that the post, mortem examinations which were always made certainly substan- tiated their statements. so mil that the total length ot 8,- 000 placed end to end is but one inch. This is not a disease ot modern times tor it was accurately described cen- turies before the birth at Christ. " ts especially prevahnt in the ov- mt crowded districts ot large cities. From the Hottentot in the south to 'the Esqulmanx in the north, from the an to the Canadian, all we “this: under the favorable cutie-ttttr- m which uttrortuttately occur too [to quently in every part at the Globe. In the health“ city ot Vienna where I had the privilege to do post-PF- ate work some years no, the dis- ease was so prevalent u to merit the Tuberculosis is an lnlactious dis- ease Caused by a germ, the strealled Bacillus ot Tuberculosis. This germ is a very minute vegetable ortputism, I will In: wary you this evening in this brie! address with statistics, which some pram are no doubt Ia- Inlhu with, and I will content my- sell with emphasizing a low lessons from the work already accomplished. " the uterlol which Is in nit-Ice on nil sun cl au room ior the put- 'tmotorist-tooo notlto,ln a very praetieal In); the WHY ot actively 'aqagirtg In the was-re tor the exudation ut tuberculosis. You will note that nanny ot the Em and llluttntions hare been ote um " . result ol the spa-la! work conducted In Europe, notably in Get- my. and that our own country hair', "Hesttly not pnsscd beyond the threshold in this Int/tn. However," that we take Into considuation the‘ bet that (‘nnuln has been engaged Nthtrto utmost uclostvdy with the problems that present manna-hrs in the only stages ot 'keetopttteett and growth to nationhood it " no re-l section to be compelled to acknowl- edge that older countries have led the W” In the present campaign. Cum ll “king an active interest now In the work, and Canada will. Show xesults In this as in other fields ot lnvestigntlon. ON IN tsfi't',' air, but nth: from "iGGiGieii' men! by man at rat. heat an. and plenty of - digested loud. nigh}: at that tune was puma)” uhnp‘n u a tteatih m. bitt since that “R, " in TPd, 2t WWW 9V“. to b 0 I 'tMg,', that” In: Gnu-hunt v. w MPgl, he» ltd WM- crloq - "te I. . out n ttttrod h 1mtra0reetke6-'tsoqtut - "V -___ Vt..-.w......,,, u“: over heated atmosphere, and long hours tend to undermine wry quickly in many instant-cs the health at tin- Wanton. I hntt the subject all too "large tor a short address and I shall Irottclude try offering a low suggestions Jor. the are of a person alllictod with 1itrervuimo. In it nevusary to yend the 'tM4etat to distant parts in ordcr if) obtain the but results? The ans- wer is of course no. When I began the practice of medicine it wan con- sidered quite proper to and or tub-1 etctttosi, patient: to Colorado and NH Mexico. But while, no doubt, some pith-ts “I: cured. still the “MM "an. lint from the Chill" ot mit. the outside air. lot proper com- bustion itt an: stoves and lamps drqrettds, mainly upon the oxygen which Is an vitamins chum-I. in the III we tut-nuke. Open doors and win- dow, add to '0or coal and wood supply, and thereby avoid the doe. tor bills. The oNrxstiorts I have re- terrrt to regarding the homo apply with greater force to many lactory buifdings where the overcrowding, the n”- h-.-) . . Imam 1 was was"! to'lmrh thatulhc in; terest ot the s,hool children was vu- ltsted in . practical way the other a.- --" . A V In the your 1901 Prof. Rub Koch " the British Congress unused a grant deal ot consternation by the statement that as a result ot hi- investigation the difference between the bacilli ot cattle tuberculosis and the bacilli ot human tubervulosis were Will") that one was probably not run- ingious to the other species. Show ’tbnt' memorabte meetittm, a great deal of discussion and work has taken place, with the object 'it clearing any the doubt, hut as yet the ranks are divided and monthly Always will be as long as human nature remains what it is. l thereof, but the tact"rGraiL',Tiiiii' by far the greater part is still to do, I ._.,A _. _ - ' n u- Iomerly hen tho prim intestinal (Illuminati: pinyin - hiiiG tt-tly in mm ted children ' was duo to the mention ,0! the germ by mu ot the load. As the ite _ tutu uni children use [morally [no on cow's milk, and As “any point ed out. the cm" as wry -titrte to ttttre-toats, the lunch” Wu ttnb unt. However the but “thorium lodgy trtate that the kaolin] torm is more "squeal in children, begun» thy intestine its more susceptible u this use. and that the pulmonary Iona with which you It. most tortthar, isorbre frequent in the mum, in whom (he lungs are tttehtore sun- commie. u _ ,_.-.. .9 I-le‘n- II||IIA is due for the advantages already (gained by the dissemination of the truths established and the practieal results attained trmn the application [Lu--0: L _ "* - , Having mus imperhxtly touched up- on the fringe ot the qurstion. I come now to the important part ot what to do in our endeavor to stop 1hr inroads of the ttiseec,e. We must nut Forgot to give credit to “In-2. "rcdit L. A“, I _. - ti, an , 5.7m; 'li/tul uhuu not bend i a fresh ieve that ttot only Choice Old Cheese. ORANBERRIEB I In. for no. . _ -_ r'-""“"D to the great problem, Tuberculosis and its prevention, but! sincerely hope tint the addresses you have lee from this plutlorm this week, titled by the Iplendid exhibits which when speak louder than words, may have imbued the hearers with an interest and a practical sympathy which will endure and multiply, and that. we in our time may see the day when the dreaded tuberculosis t will have been robbed ol its terrors and the wortuuy records into made " clear that it has been forced by the united dials of the.people lo giro up thu premier position among the causes ol death, uhich it aeturcly oc- cupies May. In the [utthcuncc of um, object you .re urged to persistently punch the gospel of good wholesome Mod, wushino whenever Ivailnhle and 111'le air night Ind any. I have touched ver/tak/r upon some ot tho salient wing: painful“ is impossible when such practices are resorted to. It is nwcssary ot course to protect the patient, hut tor this purpose we have a wide tango ot fabrics, without resorting to the sacritice of our domestic pets. , Below closing I wish to can your intention to another practice which is quite common in the case of those who suspect lung ttoublc. l ruler lo the chest protectors of many varieties including the skins ot animals. Quite recently a child ot " months was brought to my omce sunning "on; chronic disease ot the chest, which seemed to have resisted the lot-mu attempts " “oatmeal. Below a careful examination could be made, it was messary to remove the skin ot a cat. at such a size that it con- siderably overlapped and thereture l was providing a double probection. As you are aware. the skin has an‘ important [auction to perform, which Tlw death occurred at Natchez on Wednesday, Februaty an]; of Lornv, infant} sun ot Mr. and Mrs. A. S Shwmmkor. aged ll Inunlhs.:tml " days. The lunvtal will Cake praceo" Friday, Feltruury 51h at LIN; o'c1ock trom rite residence at Natchez In East End Menuhin: church and cem- etery, Berlin. tor burial. The par- ants have Hte, sympathy ul many friends in their bcrevetttcnt. Ila Inn New eton cottage or tent should be Pio- vidcd whetyTer possible, The "'uu-rttotttlsly meeting of the Twin” Literary and Dunning Sadr!) Was held at the home ut Mr. M. F,lurs:.r near lireslau on Tuesday evening. The debate “Resolved that the Inventor is of greater benefit to mankind Hun the Reformer" resulted 1n Favor of the speakers tor the athrruative. The tlc- trate was close, but the judges amt considerable discussion gaw the dren- ion in. Favor ot the ahirtuativv. la 1' the amrmatives, Mr. M. Shanta and W. Shanta; Negative, Mr. I. B. Writer and Mr. L. Bruegennm. - __.-.-v~- J.H" The ternary was instructed to ask tor tenders for the renting ot the sewer farm. C'. Moogk, engineer Conrad Bros. P, Bergman Liphurdt Bros Bechlels’ Limlu-d It was tuourd by Mr, Kaulnun and seconds by Mr. Shaun, that Hr. W. L. Hilliard Le chairman " tite coutmissi1m tor the you 1909. Mr. F. S. Kumpt was reappointed secretary fur the ensuing year. The [olluwing accotmts were ptuiti- .4! The inaugural sesorion ot the Sewn-r Commission was held on Saturday autumn. There were present Messrs W. L. Hilliard, .l. Kauhuan, llcubm sham: and the Mayor. w uteruoon " 2 o'clock [mm the Wilden“ to Mount Hope cemetery. Th Mum will he was“. The tuneraCGi," dtatterttooet u a Th W): M! I. I... fault. Ah- Kuu. Ino- bhn a W. JC- t5artttan, "" " I“. About I nu In In wa- ll!“ I mu- lkh It. “a. to an: W 0:50 thug: Yay', ton in In]. ' and“ to out“ fl. u ”an oi use. He Int red“ " Btmttord and later mud to Waterloo when he Mud lot “out Ill you). ll. "b-tttly and to Lake “no. One. About a you no the my rammed to Waterloo when to bu since resided, In 1181 In Watt named to Mira Germ-I. “lighter ot Mr. Juliun Oer. m-I, who together with three moms and one dutch!“ wtvlve.!iAxxmtsed is also survived by two brothers who aside In German. attd I sister 1 Te-e 1 aideqtt at Strntlord. l The sewn cotuiiirsiiiriuair INTERESTING DEBATE. men on wannasbn “If?” I I .7. “- m a tuAa.e,_gittr3maii' Mr. held on Satur- 280“ M.ttti 25mm III tio u view to giving our custonwm l what they want and the best vul- no for (heir money procuruble. For Quality and Prieo we stand pre- emiaGt. That's what you will find. Our Shoes There is nuns of the :luck olemctscysbout the show. however -n0tMy. Tho luarkltn have been ransacked frr the best there is to be had, and selections made with .mumus (ttff'""""',, THE it, g NEAL. M. . . THE R. d. NEAL M. Wmhuo toolbar propoaltlort to mike to you lo-doy and on in which you should 5. equally inure-ted. " bu reluonoo to luau. Believing tho: the prloo hm touched bottom we boon!“ “no. which bolero we noon: mo. Lllo I“ the roll of cm (mo-nu, in: tho but gum and we are mating it for can or Undo. Sugar la a Mulohold actually and we propou giving you nob . pile. nm )on cm lay in I supply. We are going to move the who.“ ot trade And (ho ovuyono a chums. Only one con- 'ith-att or trade. "tar to be mad whoa patch-curl. 11:» II In opportunity to MI to an In on the ground mtor. I one some lined mm Ind Dunn, madam] We mun»: in". no: In" per ml: 85o. A few week- ego the R. J. Neal Cd. naked you to buy Rod Clover n e epoch] prker-06 00. At um who we sold all we bed. The cttntidtrm you plated in In In not mlnplued for ttrat “the crude of clover la not”: to day $7 50. You bought mm. , Another fhysilia 37 lo Jr! Interest é WATERLOO an ZIN N 'S SHOE STORE Spring Goods Coming into Stock A LUCKY mm PLATTSVILLt: A ND A YR A Special Offer SUGAR nu son or coon “on. Malmn's Box Culf but; wool lined, reg. 1.75 for 1.as Ill, A. 1iitkI Men's Felt Cone. Wousen's Felt Dong. Faxed In!" rug. 1,50 for __. $1.20. Kin no a is; 3391.- of In: lit lo money will do. We have plmd on “to " our M and Wool Llnod Footwear at m Ihut It. sure to turn nook low 'M‘. We prefer doing this New» It - our “on elm. . l So if you Inn: to be mod wt'tr ttlee . "rm than " unheard of price-.111“. we no III-the trtidet of winter. can. aim; and allure tom. of we good thing. hr 11:: It monoy. 7 . Women's Felt Conga. reg. I no for . - TBd Women's Felt Dong.,Foxcd "rl, regular 1.75 for 1.45 Women's Felt 25 for - Waterloo, Ont. GREAT . _-r', SALE OF l WINTER l nmilliill , reg 'P5 for ON TA RIO- 'ong._. leg. ttBo .v, 7. “TL. 956 - O

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