A rogulal \‘Illlll pcnml lwgllh “Mr Non Moon am thc JIM, ts m-IJI'al Ji/ um 23rd, and exlrmds in thc Jmh l Divided change In “armor irUl up» mar vat-slu'aul by 1hr 21si. vulh Killing ban-uncut and rlourlirwss new conditions tsill adtaucc I'm! ward, resulting In dvriried vunlvr slot rum Friday llu- 23ml, In 'ii'iliiiE iUrtlt, Look “uh omtid, . are Mr so Harms and for oolcnt change to high hammvtu and mm, pushng close on ihe “Mun Mnks of storm In»: Thc rlmnum arr that a "January Thaw“ mayappl‘ar duh in; this period. “llh “In!†llmndrr and lighlmng on and about thr, 25m. '5“ to†will follow, and "rlnn'l mu 'orget it." Don't tail Inn-call what we lay in the rxplunalory introduc~ “on ot than {metals lhnul New . ' Moon on the run-lot and in we. The prowl period in .n a. Hr to verily tht truth of out u. Reports at TN mmle‘ ll mum put: ot tho you by» van-n: on or m:- Hugs-Tho market is [inner and “356 MM“ by at tihf4r,-F.er.h_ and 85.65, led and watered. Steady demand for butcher cows, Good export steers and bulls want- OALTMAREET'8 Gut, Jan. 28th, 1909. What.--,........-... .9'2 Whngnow........... Flour, pox- 100 Ibo... .. Bun,por:on,.........20.00 om......-.-......... AO Short-,porton........24.00 Put.................. .75 Bulay.-.............. .55 1110..--............... .70 Buckwhuc............ 1hrttor,perpmmd-., .27 Egtttoer do:9n........ .28 Toronto, Jan. ".,'.i-1'lte gram Iuat Rots are steady mum: m mun sup plies. 1'ouniry wads ar" bad, and consequently tleiirvrtEs "re ligllt. IO- port trade Is at a MJIlllS‘IH. Lmuxl dealers" quotations are: “hut. (In tario, ho. 2 white "ic u: may No. 2 rod, 9fic Ct Elie; Maui1ottu: spot, Arr. 1 northern $1109; (n “All, No. 2 northern, £11.“; tt £11117; all nut, Nu. 1 "ortheru, $1.151; No. 2 north- urn, $1113 tr “.121, delin‘n-Il at (1117 tario points. Barley, No. 2, 50c $t 57C; No. 3 extra, Mc tt 55C; No. 3, 530 (2: 53c uutsulr. Oats, irptario'No g white, ICC ltr 110 nutmlv; No, 2 mixed; We (a “It outside, ho. I', mm. tern Cana0w, 1230 um Hawk, Ida- ports, Buckwheat, No. 2, 351' It 55,10 unl- side. Rye, nominal; No, 2, 0510\14, MY, Toronto Ireighls, No. l yellow, 672.1- itt. Mic; Vanadium ii.K a: "'3V, Peas, No. 2, MISC 11 “it outside. Flour Manitoba. tirst patents, $5.80; wvotuls $5.30; strung "aims $5.1". Untariu, winter wheat patents, â€In (a $51.73. buyers" sacks, outside. Millivcd -- Bran $311.51) ii $21 per ton in logs outsidv, Shorts. $23 at ".31 in “ugh. t9tockrrs-Good demand, ken steady to tirutvr at S3 good heavy feeders $4 (I H keep, $1.30 tt tttro. Uh! cm» Inlet, Tomato, Jan. um um you to gun was tttttr ttuigttainqd u this mint to- dur, not pnceu. it anything, worn a titth - than yesterday, though, my, not. would] butter. W and [all 0! upon calm WC. alum; today and were sold at - prices trom $5.50 a Crti5. Sheep and iaasbs-T'he deuraud tur links today is steady, but for owes and bucks the demand has Iaileu on and prospects are lor lower prices tor the next week or so. The run was trl loads, with 1,017 head of cattle, Mm sheep all†lambs and " calves and Jim hogs. Butcher-An active demand lor choice butcher cattle and market linu- Eli. -rieied choice butcher cattle bum would trite . " and in straight [M trom " . $4.45. Mitch to“: of good quality In I wand, common not much m detuarrd Good real calves steady. Tho demand tor good butcher rattle was active, and everything oticrmg w this class Was soon picked up at mm prices. The qumu‘ng hum Hm. III R. Hicks' Almanac for 1mm nn llw ura- ther for the Latte: part oi January will hr of tnitrvsi In Tl'll'glaph unwil- 1'rs".-. sheep-Narke b on Lambs slower. g. army the it" UV. OHIO! BRAIN .27 .28 .40 .09 .07 .13 luke irorts 55:0 mu a. my- " l yellow t" w: my and In.†H.344 $3.711 short T94 2fli' 21:03 Aft 25.00 .80 .68 .70 .76 13.00 6.00 .07 .10 .12 .07 "cal a .28 .10 .08 .14 dc Hay per mu.......... 8.00 iBran per ton.......... :Shorupar Don........ Live Hi'g......u...... 6.00 Boot, from. quarters. _ . . .06 Beet, hind quuton.... .71 Chickens.-......._... .25 Ducks...........‘.... 24 Humor per pound...... .24 Eggs per dog. ......... .25 “Snow Apples ..........L00 1yppiess, per bag ........ . lWheac......... Oaw._........_‘ tey-- ... .Poaa...... ....‘ icons------- IFaour........-. i Butter, per lb -- iqus, per dozen ‘Uay per ton.... STRATFORD MARKETS. 8trtvtford, Jan. 28st, 1909. Wheat Btaudardl-.-. .90 Bulay.... _--. ._-__. .43 {Jan (standum . .. ... __ N a oii, per Sag, Lard, per lb...... .... .14 ,10 Ham................. nr .15 Middlings, per ton.... 24.00 Bran................ 20.00 22.00 Potatoes per bug...... .60 .70 Low grade Flour...... 27 00 28.c0 ELHIRA MARKETH _ mum, Jnn.28n, 1909. Flour.................8 2.80 2.80 numb: Flour" . . . _ . 2.80 2.80 Bran ................ 20.00 22.00 Mtddtiaga.-.1.36 on. or 26.00 a ton Short..."....-....... 22.00 24.00 Wheat................ .94 .96 Goo-eWhost.......... .85 1.00 Barter (Mdting)...... .45 .55 Penn t_-.-..--------. .75 .80 oats------; .38 .40 Rpt------., .00 .80 Buokwhout.. ..t. ..-. .55 .72 Corn per on ---.-._. 1.40 1.60 Buy ....-......,-.-. 8.00 10.00 Buttonâ€... --._t_-. .'PA .25 Egg-...... .......... sir .30 LirtrMogsc-- 6-00 6.25 Sheepskin ...... .... .25 .75 Tallow...... ........ A; 05 Erica Apples ........ .04 05 Flour per 100 lbs. .... $2.70 2.90 Bran " 1 10 1.15 handling: " " . . . . 1.30 1.36 Screenings " .. .. 1.20 1.26 When per but... u . .90 Art Bale, " . . . - . _ . .50 .05 Oats " ...... . AO .45 Potato" per ug.-.. .70 .80 Hay per ton....-..... 10.U. 13 00 Wood per can!" ---. _ . 650 7.50 Butter perlb ...â€... .25 .27 Eggs per dozen...... . .28 .30 Winter Apple por Dbl. . . 2.5.) so 3 co 'at, um fall m 'mul snow vlosrug, pun-d cations an- th urlllpulall‘l'h Hum muting lhe Elk! 1n 2?: Ham................ 12 Shoulder: ..-......... I?! Bacon.......... ...... 10 Pontoon per bug..-... .50 occur; bu1 up tlo cumin"! that ilus is a periodic iime “ht-n such phen- "ml-Ha are a hundred to one more pmhahh'. This being true, there art? rosmir, srientirm priuviplcs behind it uurlh mutt-mink: for l limlvléuvmu Slum run I! tras ar snom.f.............. 22.00 Wheat................ .94 GoowWhost........_. .85 Barley (muting) . . . . . _ .45 Penn ---.-..-----.-t. .75 oats------; .38 Rpt---.--., .60 Buokwhout.. ..t. ..-. .55 Corn per on ........ 1.40 Buy ....-......,-... ty00 Buttonâ€... -.._t.-. .'PA Egg-...... .......... .26 LirtrMogsc----. .00 SheekainI ...... .... 6.25 Tallow...... ........ A; Dried Apples ........ .04 Ham................ 12 Shoulder: ---..-.----_. I?! Bacon.......... ...... 10 i,'i"rrf.."C..r.U., .15 5991-3wa ...... 3-99 Human ullh In» lim' “H aw Iwm aabnii........-... 'yrsrord-d.-.. ... "tttlet trf “muse lluw “I“ Ow Vulm‘ sou-Iv \uulm 'itortrpt, analuulcl “arm‘s \ull lv-lluw rsvlt slut}: pruwtl Ill due “Illt'l, lull tltrsts will lw what. may he ralltwl normal Thru, at" no apptrrrmt, (3"st fur Mmmmrnal “with†mm“- linnu, smh as are usually to he ox- pected in Hm mid-winter month. Na- tttrally the winter‘s cold rel-chm Nu maximum in January, hm such maxk mum mid is not always nth-dd by Mormy out ot the orlillry. " " t. Mural In." a! otttrntati i. guns. 9.- 9 _'ifg'l'll'rtatlt 'tlt “v alt' ahsnlutclv "an “m nut pron and tlis.1rr,terotrl" mo umlw (If nuns! ti (Elll‘l Mal and mlnu Hull!» 4's thc thshlrbed prnud ' lumzrr “mum. and nan Itrtiody, tollov.rrr, h ham mlrnsity. "iitr. I n- “Ilh no "ther nun-I NEW HAMBURG MARKERS Now Hamburg, Jaa. 28st, 1909 WAT†unn- BERLIN MAttKET8. Berlin, Jun. '.?8st, 1909. ,porlb ---_.--_. pordozen ...._. or ton..-......- per lb...... .... " am thc I _ thc ('33? m thc all. and Jill, o.d null rvlax, the [all astd Lluulhlux now Will [mm-van um! Tor Jan .. " that Ill“ .x to It) mo" prr _., 'rs uttl m .Iln' 'l'lu. rawh- ["11thvi pm ind, mum- much more Mum, in ulnrh wumix a». a ml: llw Inns! smut II of thr. prvsrtst rr “I" hr mmr ' and mid warm " prood III due hr Bltat may he aw no apparent tht $2.70 1 10 1.30 1.20 In Ellh. at 5.76 .75 .80 8.00 9.00 22.00 26.00 6.00 0.10 .00 .0; .7; , .03 .25 .50 .25 .30 '0 00 13.00 .9) .38 .48 T "syrtially mun; muse: man) pm clostug pm the “we aw markvd 80 I 70 _ 80 24 Hm! batom wit) It this .45 .80 13 00 7.59 Mit J.00 .25 1.50 .70 .49 i .55; .85: .15 I25 .12 .60 an 92 .45 .37 .2.) .30 Goo .lunus Snydt‘r. , Mnrshult--ht (hilt, Jan. 22ml, Roht. Marshall, in his mt. year. 1loyil--At Hamill-m, Victoria Ausirn- lia, Imc. 13th, Mrs. John "oyd, of Lorne, ridcst sister of Mrs. Jas Young and Miss MrNaughi of Crolt, 1rwhr--ht East Zt'tl’a, Jan, l."ridt, Pr- 1vr thr, aged “5 youâ€: s'ouyrlcr--Ar Baden, Jan. 1rdh, Ell Fmydvr, sun n! Mr. Amos H. Fury- Mr, aged 'M years, and III months, F'tvwirrf-At (hilt, "an. 22ud, Mr, “and slkutt in hrr 731d war Rink-- A I Wing. 0.9 "rn-Af, ll hen aggravuing combinations of l5- lmnOmlc cum tall ‘m January, thus antagonizing not Menallytn‘ the nut MI Utb8er to mus-nun cold. out l"Pf t31ttrdt tM mm" to“ Costvllo-At Berlin, Jul. lull), to! Mr, and Mrs W. o. 1'ostt'llo, a NHL W.thl-At Savannah, Georgia, .lau. Huh, lo Dr. and Mrs, K. Walll, a tlaughter. sherrilF-At Wintvrbournc, Jun 71h. lo Mr. and Mrs. Wtlliain .Shcrritf, n sou. Bretuwuruu--i" South [-Iaslhupv, Jan, Huh, in Mr. and Mrs, l'vter itreu, "ema", a daughlI-r. tloetr.--Ae 1riutvrnourne, Jan. 21sl, to Mr and Mrs. Cltas. Guru, a daughter. "ttvo-ln Woolwich, Jun. lath, to Mr, and Mrs. .lath Fries, .1 daughter. Muttin--Nvur Ht. Jacobs, Jan. 2151, In Mr, mu! Mrs. Kim") L. Martin, " daughter. Weppler--At Conestugo, .lirtt. 15â€), in Mr. and Mrs, Frcd Weplutr, a daughter. _ uurtite-At Yaitou, Jun. )th, to Mi. and Mrs. It. ll. Martin, a mm. Wvttdliug-ht Merlin, Jan. llth, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert “mulling, a daughter. Sully-ht St. Jacobs, Jan. luth, to Mr, and Mrs. U. Sully. a daugh- ter, Ilumac,her--At Berlin, Jan. Grd, to Mr. and Mrs. D. c.. Iramaclwr, a llunghlrr. orr--At Cltatl'anogua, Tenn.. lo Mi, and Mrs. Wm. T. Orr, a sun. F t h, The izllll Mrs. Sn; 'ivr--iNt, H SHE PLAYEI "tt90ttBY." Gvorgwt1'-Kowalski--At. Ih‘rlin, Jan. 1111: ueorgieit' to Irary ls rwalski, hulll of Brain. . v K "rdder-yieDonatd-A t Berlin. J t. ft. Hill. John Kidder, to Mar} Mc- Donald, both of Berlin. Ilatwk--Thomson--At Nanton, Rusk. Pic. il0th, Waltrr G. Hawk, to liary "cairn-o Thomson, iortnerly oi (MIL tini/e-Irv/uit-_-At um. Jan. milk, by “my J. D. Mlacltlan, Alvin mum-r u! Lashburn, Sash, iornter- ly uf Berlin. to Muriel Meisner, of Galt. 1lieronimus-Mvyersr--At Now “any burg. Jun. 18th, by RH: W. J. Ya- Kt'r. Sulnuvl Ilioruninws m Louise Meyers, both oi Crosshill. stewari--Nairn-At Winteruourrte, Jun. 13th, by km; A. M. Hamilton Joanna. Iâ€; “I no old; but": cl In. - In“. To- routo. ploy“ “My" km stool WM“ “bacon. all In athrid to so who but In: In: mother Would whit Mr. at: Wm about the “new .u night, and was Sound by tho police iy ch north; in ro- wuue to I plan] “up that but Four Owen Sound'mm were senten- ced last Saturday to six months' imprisonment, with hard labor tor poultry stealing. ogtam--Af, Mum-y Plums. Nta ' {an mm mourn “gum Burial took Irlams in Merfin fmt, Mosrs--At. thmTori, Jan. 2hrt, Chan Muss. aged " yum. H. L. lluworth is in town repre- senting the Cnnndian Free. Library tur the blind, Markham, Ontario. He will be pleased to visit th; blirul at. their homes to make their library known to them and to interest. tire public in their "orts. The ihrttttt" iou has made boots tor the blind post tree, which enables them to distribute their books owe: all Canada. The Province maintains a school at Bum- lord [or Mimi children, but this is the uuly organized tfrat to help the adult blind. STOLB POULTRY Ill: tin: sent out: Her mother thought the on had has Manned. LIURARY FOR BLIND tewari-Nairn-At Winterfrourrte, Jun. 13th, by km; A. M. Hamilton John A. Stewart, of Elston, Sask, to Vida Jean, eldest daughter oi Dr. Nairn. of lk-rlin. "cnrioti-At Ncu Maps SrlnnuH. â€run \llvndv-Il mnmhw and l; I ouard-tt, G.tit ll IIn“ anl --At tttttcy-tif new. ii il -ht Duhlm. UM ssey, broth†nl l , Lislowt'l MARRIAGES Splucr (hint: Alta trlorv, infant sun of (Enos, and 3 days "ar t'onestogo, lo Hull" DEATHS. IIR‘HIS. "tf, Jan "th and Mum! RH " Hamming relict u! ‘l aged til , Ian tan, 21st varl, f , Jan {alph Ith Ian. lllh "" 'a " "nhl 19th Jan Ilvr M r Late In the Mahler of the Esau of Henry " Schmidt, km or the Town ot Wuhan-loo. in the County ot Wnorloo. Farmer. Deco-sod. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ill per sons bavtrttr claims tttyt the auto of the said Ben? D. Schmi t, who dud on or About the 20th my of damn-y A. D. 1908. are reqnib ad to and tr, post prep-id ordtt1ieqtr to the Itttt domino-1|. “moors of the Eertato of the aid Deemed. on or More the 15th any unfoun- ary. 1909, than amen. uddreue: And I mu statement» rt the thinning of their cum! ot and the nature Phi', security I!†. held " them duly "rittetd, and that the adj "tat the ExocllWI'l will wound to dutettmto the "tteta, at th. um DOM nmanu the was: entitled thereto blving nrud only to the clam of wttich thor.tttlh! tyy,t..leey2otjots, It?! (at i. "Br. _ iiri'iiii'i'iriTi'ua W . cat-mg:- a 3L ttihi ttiiiai [ F to Hr. Illa-M Tn. WW mun . A-trn.' ' _ ot Rum um: all eight thet-ad _ downs. Anon have but but an» A“ C - mm, m it is expected um they s-iiau'W. I! - wiilbeabotttut.tsattte. F 'WNWVICIDDOIIIDO vmc puma PAID WELL. ' =)'28tt,Mrfg,'ueT. The Light, Heat a; Power It,',,'.',):, tdthT. TIP"""'""" - mom ut the City $1.. In why-h its owned try the city, paid a! "hTAlthtfltg'" During the year there were 264 cases before Magistrate Saunders oi Guelph with 208 convictions; 31 were criminal cases, 4 were bound over and in three can: amt; mm mm __- A snow plow for civic purposes is being sent to the Branllord city loverseer's department this week from Stanford. says the Expositor, and il satsrasrtory two plows will be or- dered. The mm. Hut and Pout Deput- uwut of the City d " Mu whit 1: oil“ by the city, paid . Moo ot man than no.“ lot ttto year. The water wprks, which is aim the property ot the city, paid t Ittoiit ut $10,000 tor the he". Shorthorns For Sale REFUSING ORDERS I/i VIC SNOW FLOWS machinery and equipment tested a second time on Two young bulls and a few haiku] for sale an masouablc prices. Choice uninmls with good pedigree. E, w. \YILLSON. - _ Printed notion containing further informa- tion a! to cond.tlons at proposed Conn-ct may be seen Ind blank forms (mi-Tender. an! be ob- tntned at the Poet 0mm ot CRUISER" L. W V“! RLOO and INTERMEDIATE POINTS and tbr um Qmm of the Post om mm: It. LONDO 5n. 0. C. ANDERSON, thmetruturhdernt. Mr. Cecil B. Smith, Chic! Cngineo of the construction of the 1lovertuuent power transmisto.ot1 line, stated yes- terday, that the first consignment of telephone poles lo operate along the system had been shipped. The new SEALED TENDERS nddnumd lo the Pow- muwr GenerM. wtit be received at Ottawa utttii Noon. on Friday. the Wth Febrnu-y, 1009 tor the convey-nan of His Maia-W's Mum, on a mowed Contact for four [out six “was W, weak etch way between 91108311th and ATERLOD {rou- thet Postman! Omen]: via-WW, .. A . . _ -. . - Tur: FIRST SHIPMENT Post one. 'Jntit'tpfi, Mait Sérvioe Brunch, ouyre,lrth nanny MML The “wanton Steel & Iron Com- pnny has rem-ed tn order for twenty canal steel angle iron and spikes (or one of the um roads in the north- west. l BUSY YEAR Box M Baden on. Mth.." Waterloo thls 2Ut In, 51.1mm: KAI FUNK 51ml Mrul- ClI.rNT's Rubin-II Jud m fit yum shun fllessiaaer's 4-lmo Notice to Creditors Wotum at V . “Rumours in 's.tine Men's fvlt Show, Inu- In tlwr mud, mu: m and lu-rl. mg $2 " Wormm's in sums at “unwn's fancy slippers TPr,. 50c and mn- ht rug, 50f and mu- ht .. Mvows (a ('hlhl's slippers reg 33(- an" 151- ot “mum's " .lmxvy (Hurt shot", truiton and Duck)" rrg tt AC; at' I “any rubbers all an" reduced pun-r The Have Mr only the grnrrine tannins uttering tu clear out goods. Chraritig ol prices; 11ml must TEMP" WI. " you are m nccd uf such. Mum's "ll fclt lace shops It†Sulr and her], lil- mira's and Rmupr'l's lust ma.ke, “-112 In Mrn's solo Winter Footwear tl (a) 5r'rrir',"3r'i,'re"f: " . ',t't'ry, e/ Mall contract .; &,t CT ._ ... 7: ' (ii'.; a; "s, aka -. 'tro-p-ducts,,;.)).)?,!-::'. xt 7 "sEtHTitiifdtrsiibr"iT,L' mum BATZ )risseutoer, are m m-ml of surh. all fclt law slums SHIV AMI her], I'LL s and Rumpol's "rake, â€5‘33 In at “,5" uml‘l.26 'i In iam" l‘vg. attr2.5to .8l.|5 rvlt Slums, Ivatltvt 4m! luvl, rug H 50 35 miles west dt Berlin, Box 706. Berlin P.0 if " mung at a Irw of we are Winter The new will all be its arrival. t.TS I .00 I .45 'lt', , The undersigned offers for sale his farm ','t'et,Pcf a 101 am: in the 2,Tr,t,t of ellenley. con. ll. Lot 9 east sec ion, situated about. 2 miles south-eat. of Linwood. On the farm is a good brick house and bank barn and implement shed. The toil In of a clay loam. 85 acres are undercultivw tion, , acres bush and 6 acne- Down in fall wheat. Fall ploughing nearly (lone. nevvr failing ogring creek runn- ing through farm] arms much-bio For further particulurl apply to George W. Lichty. - _ _ Con. Kim AND Bcorr STE. BERLIN wan“. 2i"gW,teg tl was. muted one hut mile View; 0 2rlt',c, Also Ihr, of â€admin: Ind who my 1: ya-soods a one with amoral. human. 34: (not and driv- ing an bud and no“, water and running I ring. lendld tum for mark“ “mulling. 13., was. Apply to . The beat. on the market Manama; (HI A. L. Fischer Any par-on thinking of burns A km in the “ham Peat unu- u would do well to write mind upon noel t of their letter we will mail lgun free of charge, one of our latest printed lick of (am- for we. which contain. some three hundred unchmln. dnlry. rum. trneden and cunning factory gums“ “an. at no“ "non-b we... WHY Elm: Cull dad no Ill n: write no for A good tum. 5nd [at it on the “In: of “no payment... A ',ll"'lh1 deal. low prices. and no tops, on, to buy. may to â€y. VETERINARY SPECIALTIES Free! mom-ammo“. W. make it dud may for you to [at them-n. MFtt SOLE AGENT IN BERLIN, Farm for Sale Farm for Sale Stock remedies of AUG dirr VONDBAU. 'Linwood. Ont. Free! I'll“ "utNTEtk High.†ttmrketpeuetd. Wm†nomad Monday Next lhlplltn' Feb. 8 th. " you "at your - properly con- ducted, "new Tdophouo m DAVID RUDY, Tarmac: CM. 38-tt. SHIPPING MES WANTED IN BABEN B. RUDY Auctlonoor I iiouwr' 50 in; rarevsosis to Iheviltage of Caisborville; somit, house: fairly good barn; well iencediwell watered. Price 81.700. T; I 1 100 acre farm; practically newirame house; common hams; It: I acres a bush; about five miles lromthc village ot Cuboro; lb grail l gain; very easy terms. Price tt300. A 140 acre farm with a large :lwuse, cellar under the kitchen; arrange woodlhed; lairly good new drilled well; one mile trom 1lievillageia snap " $4100. The window! ll prawn! to do an kind- of Carpenter sud cork-clin- work in um country and towns. Plum sud swine-(Iona drawn up on short. noun. Kahuna nho tur. nlshed cr pnlnunz and mum: wart. LOUN HOLLIS. Page ot residence. (memo. Ont. Situated in'thc lor of 22r,"d',trt - "" h“. Pe" comprining i acre o land on whic ( is a u storey frame [10119524 x m feet, Now u the time to buy. Milly}! nearly new, and bun 3lt x .3t feet. nmr- "am“... proving up. I u" 'sy new. All kinds of fruit trees and choice farms, "m Bttd i an“ - berry hushea’ and good well on pm mining new town. on c If}. and T. pecW. Terms reasonable. Apply to Pm“. P iuirni, 'Wert , JOHN ll 'dYdirs o wr donu- was". Club will buy 032nm our: urg, tit. at. Don't ml. thu. Catt or III Phone ot "nuance. 378mm. CAN BO RO. We havea number ot very atuac-tive farms tight closu to the vi . or Canboro. Thesty farms art allclay loam. Our country in well ted tor the raising of all kinds oflruits. it . During the last two weeks we havesold over 1100 acres ot had in I vicinity. We have alwaysa largenuuther of farms for uh. but it impossible to advertise them all.Parties interested in any of our "rrtt. positions and wishing to see the com-try [or themselws would do mil to notify us and we will be pleased tomcat. them at the station at Cupsâ€. For lurther irttormatitrn apply to k Another 150 Acres; irame house unsame; common barn; between 31 10 acres at good bush; right close toschool; about a mile “on the Iago of Autumn; also a trreuPr-tein at 83300. Another 100 acre farm with athreothousiind dollar brick house- do: barns; about 8 or 9 acres ot goodbush; right close to school, 'in township; about three and a hall mil-es trom Caotteld station- and? and a hall miles trom Canbom. Tltisproperty can be Giiiiik b _ ; Vi00.00 down. Price $3700.00. .7 A 100 acre farm with a large frame barn; shed; drive house: r"c-r, house; these buildings are all ncw;'10 acres ot bush; iiir, _ ' splendid; this tarm is in Senecatuuhship. Price $810 rr" 50 acres Ectween Canbuxo and Cam-lieu], close' to the main mon buildings; 4 acres of good bush lay of thB.ltutd very bought by paying $300 gown. l’ri9e3!350.00._ "Anoois 100 age tam. right. cluseto the -vinage of Canoe} [tame house; common hams; drillcdwell, with power Welt I , acres ot good busty Price $3000. A good bargain, 150 acre tarm mSeneca township about three miles ifom the village of Cannon» and laurmilec ham th. village of Caulk“; good frame house; common barnagdrilled well; 20 acres ot good b ; also a tlowing spring on this 1trm.?'yr quick, sale $3ttt0. r" “WWW M W“ Hayrntt on" over the Innin- m of Auctioneer formerly can Med on tir, my label- the late Jooaph I chm I am menu-ed to condo“ can In any sort of Winn-loo. Wellington in Peet Property For Sale NOTICE " BUILDERS [Amused Auctioneer JOHN HILL REAL ESTA‘ Watch this Add: Jlamil Lands! 100 acres in dairying locum. Och " man muemmt. mp building» well - arranged, 5 acres bush, man at"; - moo. - c', s'g 31200 wail buy a home in Wal with .1] com’onlene- and II good locntlon. arrt'mrtotoatttmgoodrttrsrt “I town pmpertr, tt 81550 New house in North Wald. 7 room: and facepuoa hall, lot "BIN And V tut 01 0M3. Prom“. “Ned (no. Gum-m 01. Bell Ennis. -trait 50, acre farm, all clear, weft Improvi ed land adapted to â€new; oefru" convenient to church and whoa], good buildings, term: easy $3,000. _ . Dogma iiaiiT,'gt."iriG" Extra laying shun. " " TB. BIEH‘ Alt clam at human unmi- an 66.U Flex' Jurmsd “who?! BEA Real Estate For Sale ON Tauo