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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Jan 1909, p. 5

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is“?! i“ arm: C out o li,! . J _ te 1 I the F at I Help: I" P . your " “if _ ed "H “3' t and ~‘for1d. Al >f_'V . ‘Mr. E. _ '? as sold :1 _ y. Schm . ' riil mon- c..': whule all _ " Those desi "'eefa, in an emu: '7"; to can on " "rt, . , 0-4- j; I. Mr. E. I Shanty, at “mum-rm, . a as sold his 1125 airi' farm to Mt. _.: y. SChM'idL't at a good llxun- and . w -ill 1tt0YP to Wattsrloo and (INN-I" hi: 'ii' whole intention to auctiorwering. J,') Those drsinng their Salts continuum-d ii'? In an eiticiettt Ina-Hurt ttould do well 5' to call on Mr. Shanks. . A: a. ”NIH: " TPtittt.y V a! i. L. m. E s visitor n . Miss I' l.y 1rrtbgo,N-dtttsa cw rr2irs_u'h'i'2u'1mdci1'tr'tm,'.t'c ; Miss Laura Hughes . cronto mvnds [urn Mrs. W. llcimm‘h, returned aILcr a visit her parents, Mr. and Young St. Miss Laura Hughes is'sprnding the day in Turuntu. Miss Lnukanml ol (hwlph was the guest of Mrs. li. V. ngram owl Sunday. Mr. Ul'nu Brick): of Essex paid visit. to his lather over Sunday. ' . Irvine Itricker ot Toronto, C ._ Sunday wiht his parents, Mt, and . L. Brickct. Mr. Elliott of tlarriston,waa . “(Hot " town mu Sunday. Miss C ts m Uuulotivh, we"! {In week with her mourn, at lwt home on Allan sheet. The Nisan: Stuart We”: Friday. Miss Hon-Into Snyder is “siting trttatds in Boston, Mass. Mists Be:cite Dawson leit my. end ot the wed; ior a mat wuh friends nu Cobourg. Mia Mu Martin was the guest ul PM.» ”winds we: Sunday, Mrs. Sager, of (hill, IS Use guest of her duughtrr. Mun J. 1'treluroirt, -lhl Viote] y"Irf. f Toronto if”, 'irt'srsrFs.inr, (“Y "o,t, nut-mad “gliding ' a (m weeks at her 'l.1- sutd Ontario Agrirttuttral "3"?" an (If tr, F., IV 1Vtllson, 1lvmltwk prmincial Wtnict Fair, ""ltit"ty "l?: an"; Flu H tie (led mitt reach ot the r"".ir',i,'",2"2'l'i', _.',',,', firth: PW. w... ' " a " "' - d Riterloo, are a "JIM ' tt ot the fin-(Mme of 9f. Mission C/ll,,', that shun” "up, be "g'1:agd ' mnl of up Methodist (hutch at by intending purchaser! ofa than as Towmo (it: Monday. (arm. . Mr. A. E. Mater o! Nam-kt. Man- a.--.-------"'"""""" um. I'Ml wit-nor u the 11ead or , , , [ANTS PAID WELL. tttq ol TM Mum-i Lite “swam (“K P can" on Monday. 11.. Lhettt, Hut And Power - Kr. Wm. M. Am. ot Alton. Ielet at at cm at m. - MgthER" 9° M- .. (gammy-gs QM)! tam-g" A Mr. A. F. 1icltttyrc was a titstlot in Guelph on Friday. i'i'iillt) you air bong terred w; as you mu he, but 1mm _ ed "sarada" tca. It's thr t and most llvliciuus um t for“. All grocers am it, Sinai Sunny" at his homeP"e table business was traasactvd in the terestr, ol the congregation, itrclud- ik arrangements Mr theic Annual C? cert on St. Patrw2's Day Jiurrh l?__ . Judging by thc very large at- te and drop [turn-st takeu by the in all mum-hrs of thc work at l e inaugural mrvting, " mm an [S in store In: this ‘x'w At the rink Tl"uvlay 1vhile pluylng hockey M. Lorentz was accidentally hit mm the (we with a huckey puck sleainmg a bad gash. The umuhrrs of Um "rvsbytsrian Ladies' Aid society and several visi- tors spent a must enjuyablo after- Boon at me home oi the President, Jidrs. J. H. Weub'dnsutuo Humid. fie Orioles (ll-tram! the Mining. a. c1use game Thursday (Welling by I score at 'd 00 l, Alma Mr. rhmo.tsrmrsn',wa'retuxto. we sum. Phone Ntcitss;Remidence,An “0 ha a F, but appliance. about: hand " rt guaranteed. No extra chums to: out of town. and “thoroughly equipped to xiv: mun? sattrtarrtietrs. “In and up-lo-dnle about of iiieuiu ”7"].th John Latter & Son, Ply-lam INALEms. wATtranoo deelreteastusouno that they in now UNDERTAKING- if; fit”. am out "s'"ilt," that-Iguana um: . I'm mm no” I". Benin-h- “mm. Mrs. [Sultan and Miss Bain oi iundas, who have burn the guests of liss Moore, for the past week, Jolt 7edrwsalay for home. Mr. Wimio (ilihhlc ol Toronto te guest ol Waterloo hirmls. Social and Personal l! Letter & Son _ 1Nu.sTturm',wA8rERrAro. Street. Will 14hrlrrtante, of E. I. DEVI", TIIJIMIT. w mantel Water CASK ETS “my vagk and Jun “bums in Uul‘lph m. Nrw Irauttsurtr, is the guest of (our days. tl Human, has at the home oi Mrs. T. Flynn, the Bank pct h III II“: put l ou ,m IS imp SUDDENLY La 1 IN TORON'l‘u whowing was the address present- i m to Mi. uauer.- M. A. Bauer, , My. L. tsuntz's park Brewery, ._. lymhm. Uni; beut trtrr-be cannot allow the pre- sent. opportunity to pass without “an; some exprosvlou to the high _ \oLlnldilull in much you are held by r in: undersigned for the many noble minim-s ot “and and tit-art you have, atuays shown in your close business runuons, with not only the stnll oi “it: tum-u, but mspecially tgitlt its) Agents “hose dealings with the putr-l no lune always own lacilitated iii) _ your sound advice, and good husineas nugmvnt, to which you will allow oz. In my we owe much oi the surf cess in M‘Clluns ot the l‘rmince tut distant from Waterloo, tor no one mil 7 he") that the great prosperity v,,.Llt bus attended the limitless in MAL-n we all take such I. great in~ tstiat, is largely due to your wise and judicious management. As a small gallon of the rstcoin in 'bint'" you are held and as a. pledge lot our Ink-lily to the interests we rit limes". heart, we ask you to ac- opt lrom us this Silver Set. with the assurance that with it are Ptl- I twinned our deep .cspoct tur yotnsvti, :anil our hearty good wishes for the ,llcailth and happiness of yourself nun luuiily wtth many long years in “Inch to. ['njuy the good things Utey will bring to you and than without a Cloud to dun their enioytuertt. Attention is din-elm to thc advt. of Messrs. J. and W ,lmdlnw, Guelph m which their benuhhul and Mgth cullivated lam in Guclph township, whiCh has then in the nnbl'uh-n PON- an" " "w tami" ber uvrr sen-n- Word was received only Edda] morn- ing by Mr. Gen. UlchI-l of the death of his Urother Mt. -l..rnh DRUM aged about Iii years. ile was a bun oi {In Inte MI. s'Si- umu Diem-l ol Mar “Minsky and tune to “Mal-m .Ihuul '.y) “an ago bung engaged ax clerk in lilirku' and tLe',.ers dry gnu-Is Marv " " timc. tie later rernovcrt to Mlllh-mk and with Mr. “INN Brickrr cumin";- ted a gcm-ral slun- " bow-n! wars and later bought on! " husiness in Essex whcre ttwy also rnmlm-Ivd a store. Mr. Dicbvl “ilhdrcw [lulu lho lirnt and went lo Windsnt “Incl" he had since conduclml a dry goods hus- mess. ihe funeral u! the my ML -l.m-h UIchl, ot “ludsm', ttrothcr oi Mr. Ucu. Diebel oi Waterloo ' q place on Tao-day anomnnn. The to- mums Wtle aun't'ycd to Wellesley an Friday and the funeral . place itom the residence of his mother, "var Wellesley PRESTON AND tth'reitt.00 PLAY h TIELGAME I} years, Is outta! for sale. rum." il, to the gruwinx tltr at Guelph, and tttttario Agriculmrul “New and l’rmincial Wtntrrr Fair, txitttim may reach of the linking ‘nwnx ot "mm At the Watcrloo rink Thursday cv- wmg the local Wandvrrts tram and the Weston Juniors plan-ll a good ex- tatntiott ol hmkcy resulting in a tie mm goals each. I'lngvl tor Walcrloo played a good game and the locals' combination plays were also cftective. mlluwmg is thc line-up: Waterloo Preston. ll. Mickus goal Slallsmidt Mchngall point "ranch Eddie Engel cover Show: Ernie Fmgcl ttttire Itiettt A. Mickus 1‘0er Walker Gerhard! “gm Grimm Hottman left Sullivan Hcrcrev--Wiruucr, Prcsion. Mr. Jacob Diebel, Brother _of Postmaster Diebel of Water. too, Passed Awarirucs- m,»- day Morning., H Geo. Ziegler M gnud on hit alf, ' At tire man! we“ cl “that; law-1n; "ctr,, the In.“ 01 no Agency Ill], new 3 M numlkr [too out OI Will - m Mutu- to our": unit MM " [he county “on by the Im- ger, Mr. Alan- uancr h Us Nuthwm1 mamm- with than and Pres-tts um a handsome silver set act-0mm _ ica by u wptwlanve address. Tut-.1 mm out ot gown use Inspected 11'l many improvement“ made during {he “at year, at the Brewery, the plant want; now a moat. up-to-date and Mum-tn ertttiemettt, A sumptuous dunner was also urn-d ul the Alexander House and a wry ttiu05 able tew hours spent. in Ipmn- In .nung and social lutxrwurse. imam-n an": m PM “at: ofKuatarh- A Allau . “mulch-u MI" ardlr. . lluhlncli N h FINE FARM behalf ot tlic Agency W. A. J. w. Todd Shrklhll It. Gttttt, Doers“ Ill A. Wilson Preston. Slallsmidt Branch Show: "will Walker Grimm Sullivan Flmn ry Punting Cotumittaw-" ll ltnhlelt. A, B. Melitide and bi. M. "viitl, Railway Conuutucc--F' S. Kumpt, L. Graytriil, Richard Itoschutatt, C. W. Schledel, J. Chas. Mueller and A. Wcidenhammer. Manuiacturers' t‘ummittee -Lcri G'rarbili, J. ll. Roux, Levi Shim, J. Chas. Mueller, ll. M. Snyder and W. G. Weichel. Auditor-F. S. Kumpt. Messrs. D. Herold and Kuestertuatt were accepted as new members. The question at holding a lmrquet this year was discussed at some length. it. was decided to held a tumult-t provided " suitable outside sneaker can be obtained and the ar- ranging at same was left lo a mm- mittae comprising “wars. IT. tr. Weichct, W. H. Ridden, I n. 10rres, F. S. Kumpf, F. tl. Hughes. and W. S. Naylor. Following is the address given by the retiring President, Mr. J. it. Irughosr- To the Members of the “Merton Board of Trade. Gentlerrtmt:--lt is my pleasure as retiring President, lo make in short review ot the questions which hare engaged the attention of this Board during tho past. year. The Ward has been unfortunate in the loss at two Secret“) ~Treasurers during the year, that at Mr. “intuit. being permanent, let us hope that Mr. Nayior's al.5ence may he but tempuraly. The question of lntcrswltehtng be. tween the It. R. was again brought below the Hallway Commission at Toronto on Nov. Nth last. when utter " "L_. A-..,.' Armor it was decided The vlwtiun of otticvrs u-suchI as tullows:- _ vresident-Thos. Hilliard. Ticc-Pret,v-b'. u. Bricker. Hccy-Treasv-W. S. Nayior. Cuuncir--3. M. Muir, William Cote tad, C. Shaun, J. I'. Aiucllvr, J. H. Webb. F. H, Kumpl, W, L. \Iilliaul, W. ll. mam-u, Richard Roschuruu,M. B. Hughes, A. E. Drvili, F. (L liugte us, A. ll. Stiydcr and C, W. Stink-dd. Finance conuuitive--.f. Ii. “nos, It S. Kunmf and c. 51mm. Pun-1mg Cotumituw--" ll lluhh-II. A. B. McWide and bi. M. Ill-UH, Sir 1Utirid Laurier and w, L. Mac- kcnzic King, ackrtowretige" n-rripk of letter In the enlarging and humming of Wclland 1'itisl. that the Commissioners had no Nris diction under lhc prom-M law. " is lug-3d hummer, {hat an act will he paged timing the present session ot parliament giving to the Commission- ers and! power u shall bring Ontario chartered and lam-um Roads with“ the control ol Hm Domlnlon Communion". when it is hoped that such relic! n has hem nought. tor in”!!! and others my be named. human-Into» we!» state date and that the Board invite. the mr-operation of the Acton, Hespeer, Heston, Berlin, Walt, 'ratcrltro and Straliunl Boards ot Trade in the mullet. A lt'llrl “at: 1ccvircd [rum Martin N. Todd, aclinossledging wmmulucw tion ul this Board, promising lo take up the matter to the B. W. ri. and Lake Huron ity, when in “Mu. tou again. m W141??? tttt Mr. John H. Hancock acknowledged rcccipl of copy ut tawluli m to tyn- tie, thu chatter for Berlin, Waterloo, 11'elfrtsley, Lake Huron Ity Co. attwtt- ded Net us tu bring the sauna.- umh-r Dunn. .1urisdictiun. il A, Stewart, Cornwall, \u‘ult' muting tot a list ot "tanurac1urcts ot kids t.otstt and other inrottuaiion. Secretary James “an of Iltc Guclirh Bond at Tde lorwaulvd a cum ot resolution passed by that “mu-u re the necessity of having improvcd It.» scnger and express corutectton trom new to Geortyrtown tur Alla-mile and Battle districts, which would be a glean: convenience to shippers and the travelling public and also “ml. the [armor service and cunnu'liun al Uwrgclowu be restored at an carts mum oi Trade to the enlarging ~ol “cum Canal. Circular letters were [pit-Wed hum u. N. P, Wallastun 'ter.tustrahan Customs and from the Department ol Nude and Commerce '5“ Ottawa re the extension of Canadian trade abroad. The Department sums the co-operation ot thc Canadian ex- trorters and manufacturers, "ii-ll Media; to M note to sun: on Inch» papyrus - Inf-9 It: in» “on. Duo. P. Graham. Minimum Public Works, Ottawa, wrote aehnowledging receipt ot 1mm e"ctos- mg copy of resolnuon passed Iry me ttooo, Geo. (New, A. E. 1mm. Ru- oolph Henchman, P. S. Kumpt, L. OnyMII, w. U. Weichel, Orphan Lat- nth, Henson Shana. Thus. Millard. R, B. Bum Ind Richard 44-tttwaa, hit. F. S. Kumpt acted as Secretary pro km. TI. sum matting a! tin “who Baud ot Train we“ be“ My - ntil; and was well a“. Tho zo- um; Prelim-t, Mr. J..u. "when mid u addu- in which he reviewed quantum: which tad bun vogutiderat by an Board and “so important mi- ter: which would may use nituiimr during the cousin; you. in. Tttos. Hilliard ‘83 clout-d PretMmtt, Mr, 5. B. Brick“. Vice Ptesideat and Mr. W. s. Nnylot, t%cr-Tross., (or me cunning year. Those present I were.-Meatsrts. J. B. Hughes, A. WNW dettusstmer, r. G. Hughes, J. u; than. mum Prune-”t m mama: Semtt_hrmastsmreoltttirittg PM.“ " Illa. Delivers “in“. ll" Commumcal ion: m In. o,]", f, u». ”an. and (‘ch "om at the south. Joining with. there ism- Ue dotrtrt, but the llIIIl’m Inter- esta ot 10terloo has done mom to advertise the town, thnn " other interest combinrd; " shonld Bot he overlooked, that the Terr large am- otmt distributed yearly by the others and mm of them, one“, m‘ers to the -ertty ot m town. For all the” luau. sunburn, let II he Null, (banal. . We should not forgot; nor should “v cease to rejoice, that we have ' in Waterloo the bead omces of tom int- portant Insurance Companies, whos" policies ptotrst the lives or the lnaIF met, the acronnut, the man down deep in the bowels ot the earth, in search tor gold and silver, as well as the mm who expects to straddle the north pole below the end ot the pre- ach you, All these entrstpruets have "properties to Wm" an rttats on Mulch will be glut"! growled by our enterprising Fire In. Co.'ts who hue already established again-lo: " Ellw- -F-- .., u... Mun. and (‘unc "om at l regret wry much that my" visit to the unite oi the C.l".lf..\. at Town- lo last week did not result. as q had “meted it would. It appears that wlttirt spei0c rating mum: into emu that the sur-charge oia ball or one yer cult. on mercantile stocks and b'ui1dings around the square w." Cis- continued each place being rated on its. individual merits.. Then again we have the Kuntz Brewing Cu, making the "host beer in Canada," which through its excellent qualities, and popularity,has pushed its way, info every nook and corner oi this tr.s,'t Dominion as wetl as into the stomachs of hundreds. of thousands ot out people who rejoice lo know that them is G' Waterloo, to furnish such cordial, And, don't you lumen that Mr. Seagram‘s distillery is located at Wa- terloo, which is shipping its world renowned goods, "Old Times," "White Wheat" "Oh be Joylul" and "Elexir ot Lite" a)! over. the habitable world, own to the Nurul Pole, where men {isms trom their carpet, oxdnim, great is Smgram, great is “old hm cs." We ham also, our Bowling and Curr ing Clubs, which through their mu:- cetsstut Mum-moms, bring hundreds ot visitors to town, thus making Wa.. terloo laminar to every Bowler, Curl- rr um! thci1' iriemhi, lhruughvut Can, 3th and the huatcs. The question ot permanent streets and roads throughout our town, has been discussed for several years past, but it is only within the past few months that the question has taken anything like dotinite shape. It " understood that the Council is about lo take advantage of the thsrerm. ment's otha' by joining the County in building permanent roads and streets, mrcring King street from the Berlin corporation limit to the northerly limits of Waterloo and from Wilmot Township line to the easterly limit ot Erh slim-l. It is we umierstand,the intention to build a macadam pave- merit which seems to be the only my lution ut this dimcult question or yroblcm and it the right kind ot ma- terial onlyis used,allowing no lime or sand stu- l‘ lo De put down, there 5001:3130 Ir every reason to [col that a good and permanent road may be sauna" within reasonable cost' lo the t, .m, the Government [laying one [him of the cost. l There are suvcral insulumms in 1mm downing ot special menliun: The Waterloo Musical Society's “and living one; The Waterloo Band is ad- "titediy a strong and excellent: or- ganizatiun, thing its lull share to- wards adscrtisintt our good town, not, only from a commercial standpoint, hut also tor the artistic and totinmg in- tiuencv. which it exercises upon the whole community; this is unc of tho institutions deserving of the full 'sup- port of our citizens. Then, by no mean: the least, "e have m. Seagram's excellent and Po- uhu' stable ot horses, which has dune more, without doubt, to pupularim the NM than any other iactor ol" industry, not only in Canada hut throughout. tho States as well. Ne muut lmpothm quotin- idols the town an». you is that ot Slum- eat power, toe hummus; and lighting who]: will humid the lull tuna». u! out mu. new went: to be some doubt and uncer- tainty, in may ot up unm- who haw “mulled tor power as to just. what the counsel was. and the lla- may imposed upon the municipal- ties. This is in our judgment the most imputtant quvstlon (We: brought betote the Council of this town " without cheap power in companion With other town, who hue clump pom-x humming 01 Wawgloo “hum. hope to hold Its present mmulactur- crs and needless to say unmet incense its industrial output. On the other band, if we secure cheap electrical power, which scans to be with our teach, there is no mason why Water- loo should not go ahead and prosper. when or consider the ahundance ot loyal and ethciettt labour which We possess, the outlook is Tery encour‘ aging indeed. lbw an the (lover-nut. will this, ioisrertcr abtsiMtag, that will do egedit to the wu and nu " oe you ovum to our emu-n. J, B. HUGHES h rtstttrtq " a my” Friday to a large number of hr! Twin City friends, who enjoyed in the lull the pleasant hours always as- sured at entertainments in “is hospi- table home. Mrs. “legend. renewed he: guests in the drawing room.where she wais assisted by her mother, Mrs. J. B. Snider, Mrs. Simpson, and Mrs. M. S. Hanna, who also added a warm welcome. The hindsomc home wns ablaze with [1ng and gay with decorations ot the sluice“ plants and Bowers, which whit (to excellent mu- sic provided try an Othestre, mauet the occasion an unusually bright wd' cheery one. Tea was saved in thr, dining room and consexvnory, WINK; the guests were made nest ComtoF table, and their wants well looked at] ter by Mrs. J. M. Scully and Mrs, lluby, assisted by a number "t charming young ladies. a happy 0“ch on Saturday altetnwu the amnion tring a China wedding to commemorate the Myth war " their marriage. Over 100 guests were in aitettdangr. Music was tttr- nllhed by (he Nonvmc orchestn and “Tho BirFour QuaneUe" and the hours warn very pk‘mqn'ly [Masai in various (owns " entertaittrttrrtt Sanchez apprnerleto to the occasion were In“. by no..- L. 1' "MW It. Wicker»), S. All-char nnd Chas. Blnn ma Ill. Fart Neumryor also acknowledged “a “when of Humv "can toe their remembrance-s ot thr, man. and “a my hundmmc mm The inaugural tnecting ot the Wat- orloo Public School Board was held on Wednesday evening. all members being present except. J. C. Mtsetter. The otticers and chairmen ot the tap ions committees were appointed as tolluwss-. t'haitman--Dr. u. T. Noecker, Sccy. Treas.--A. E. Devitt. Property and Building cotruniuoo-- L. Feich, chairman, and all mcm~ bets. Inaugural Meeting Held.-Dr. Noecker, Chairman and A. ti. Devin. Secr.-Treaa. There was considqahlo discussion coacerniog the new ward schml which is to be erected in the South Ward, and Mr. Chas. Rhos]: was un- gaged as arebitect. Mrs. George Wegenust, was the hostess Ola. delightful "its 'Pe" Among than men: were Mr. and, Mrs. Juda- R-ret and lumin, Mr. Ind In. Jo» Harris, Mr. nnd Mme Bum Run", to. and In. 1.e- vl Grarettl, It. and In. Adan Wag-v not, In. um, Mr. Nor-an "om-i In”, W. ud I”. mm. Mr. It.dl In. Bee, Ill: ”an Man, I...“ 'tset. M” In LEE: The home ot Mr. and Mrs, Funk Neumcyer, Roacvillc, wag tbs m " Representative Library Board _ Bert). B. Playford. Auditors-C. A. Ilnchnel and (‘ I luehnergard. It wasuieeided to hold the meeting tho last. Tuesday in the month. Finance uatumittee-J. A. Harper chairman; C. W. Schiedol and C. A Woellcr. _ WATERLOO PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD Management Committee-Wm. Con- rad, chairman; C. J. Mueller and C. A. 11'oeiler, ed. The lactmy‘x equipment is ttmroitruPtoiauaraito um machinery has been installed which makes it 0130 ot the best Inctorles ot its kind in the, Dominion. Duspiw the business depression ot tho past year the induslry has Sutter- ed no setback, in tact during the past two months it was necessary to work overtime In order to till the orders received and it is the intention to build in aduluon to the “may to provide the necessary accommodation, so rapidly has the businem iacreased. who“ nullity would prove of very marked assistance in the conduct or the business. Possessing sound busi- ness senso and absolute integrity Mr. Martin should prove a very valuable acquisition. T'te be“ a! II. by. "thet. and on his If“ an. a “a. “his a M. all In Min to a.“ at: to In I. of Val.“- gal lam, Mt. «but but... no in he can. u. but -eted with the M. In: . "rtaer. Till W, which in to be who! a“ Wntorloo'u we“ DIWVO luau)“, has since “In when: ot Mr. “up“... into tlto business all you» Mo been Aim-Ida with muted success and his npidly mores-Id no that today it m s coupleuous gePrmerttativo ot Warn ioo's my ttotuistuig iadutstrterr. sum-g with only c low lands it has by skim] management and (no business ability or its 'ptoprletors, steadily lowed mad and at present. shout one hundred hands are unwor- This speaks volumes for the quali- ties ot the products turned out show- ing that their goods give general satistacbion. By the entry ot Mr. Martin itsto partnegship tA?. tiny gains a 39mm With them two gentlemen in charge of this ever growing busineSs wa we dict for it a still more promising lu- ture and a larger share ot prosperity than has attended it in the past. gifd'u'tl'l1X'tu1" DELIGHTELL “AT HOME" CHINA WEDDING and; Mr, Mrs. I That's what you will had. oTf, Shoes There is none of the Huck olementjabout the shoes, hoirever C-none. The markets have been ‘mnucked forthe best there is to _ be bad, and selections made with a view to givipg our.euatomem what they want and the beat val- no for their money procumble. For (bulky and Price we stand pre- eminent. “Cone o'clock p, mo: the purpose of receiving "pom. do“ Directon, and haunting such other luminous u may be nomad. . Polierholda" are cordially invited to attend the Annual - and coke port in its proceedings PURSUANT to the Act of Incorporation notice in {hereby given that the 39th Annual Meeting of Aer"'" ~0an to exchange a hum can town trrotmrty plan oall m write to 357 Vietoritt St., nun“, Hull Wtf. Annual Meeting Mr John ”(momm- MI Tao-day - for Toronto, where Iw will nth-no the Annual thntvertuott of the lulu- nattonal Custom C'tttslarrs' Assorisiiott ot Alumina, which is tn smash" this Waterloo, J mum-y 27th, 1909. 4-5t Iiu t'lnnhvl Utaybitt Mum"! mu My mm . vim in 11.1mm“, - - I” h mum 51m- Thumda’March ath, 1909 WATERLOO ZIN N 'S SHOE STORE A LUCKY FIND will be held " in Head Ottice in Watsrfoo, thstario,on REE} mausoleum“ Matron's Box Calf bat, wool lined, reg. 1.75 for , AB Wohnveplmdonuh Illa-t PF and Wool [And Poona: " - ttrest-tr-m- I. on; W. prom- doing this beau. tt lap our stock clan. 8oifrtturrartttot" “with - rum thou n “hand a! Ida-mill.- wc In in the with: at that, __ along and dim can. ot ttre m Halli;- ttrr little, non-y. Ben not low unple- etnttt" I ma. mom! will do. Women's Felt Don . Fox hal., reg. 1,50 for - £1.2{ Women's Felt Dong.,Foxid tral, regular 1.rrfor , _45 Men's Felt Cong., reg [fiftie- N. l lick I? GEO. WRGENAS'r, MANAGER. Women's Felt Ca L00 for . - Women's Felt Cong., reg. 25 for - - 95¢ Chol CRANBERR Waterloo: ons Illa. [use 0M 50 p11” A SALE (ll! 4:3 WINTER "'_1. n illl%ilillr, , Ibo. ONTARIO- 93c

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